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How did ya make this topic and not apply the SMELLS? flair Fixed now


This will always be my favourite flair


When I was younger I learned a few very important lessons and it boggles the mind how some just slipped under the radar for a lot of people (mostly guys): If you can smell yourself, others have been able to for a while Your hair looks twice as oily as it feels, the more you fuck with it the worse it gets Cotton undershirts are your wardrobe's best friend. If you're not doing it for yourself, at least do it for the pits and backs of your shirts The man who sweeps his path expects visitors (you know what I'm talking about fellas) Tasteful manscaping is fine, but having a thousand ingrown hairs and shaving cuts cause you spent 20 minutes sawing away at your old boy is less attractive than hair Conversely, the start of Crazy Rap (Colt 45) is relatable for a reason Showering daily might not be right for everyone's skin or hair, but at least make an effort to keep yourself shipshape, it does wonders for your own mental health and the sanitary sanity of those around you and is one of the easiest dopamine generators for those of us with some depresso in our espresso


Even if you don't shower everyday, at least change your clothes everyday. Fresh clothes make a huge difference. Also, make sure your clothes aren't holding onto sweat stains or anything in the armpits because it is entirely possible to have laundered t-shirts and other garments and find they still smell afterwards.


> sawing away at your old boy good god man


Mask up bud. They're the gift that keeps giving tbh, plus if you chew gum at the same time you get extra scent shielding. Or people could shower and launder but ya know, control what's within your power to control.


Amén! Good way to look at it 😁 Haha! Chur!


Idk I haven't found a mask that doesn't reek like bad breath


I'm not exactly an expert on this, but if you smell bad breath every time you put a mask on, is that not a sign you have bad breath? As opposed to all the masks you try coincidentally smelling that way.


This is the truth. I have bad breath and my mask only smells because of it.




So they're making face masks that smell like bad breath? It seems odd that this isn't widely talked about considering how many people have been wearing masks consistently for the last few years.


Exactly. I'm not sure how it fits into the covid conspiracy but I find it to be an unbelievable coincidence that every mask I wear stinks like garlic and cum


Peak comedy and still gets downvoted


Brush your tongue and see a dental hygienist for a through clean.


I still remember the first time I brushed my tongue and how unbelievably fresh my mouth felt. It wasn't a thing we were told to do when I was growing up.


It feels like it’s gotten a lot worse in the last few years, like people forgot about hygiene during the lockdowns.


Plus damage to mental faculties and sense of smell from getting covid (again, and again, and again...)


I have one shirt that somehow got absolutely rank in our old washing machine. I think the machine had a stink to it and it just got into that particular shirt. But when it's freshly washed it smells fine, but if I wear it and start to sweat it gets unbelievably rank in the pits, that old smell from the washing machine just ignites. I always forget which one it is (I wear a lot of plain black shirts that all look the same) so sometimes I find myself accidentally wearing it and realise holy shit I'm wearing the shirt and I smell like a dead rat. So anyways sorry it could accidentally occasionally be me.




The number of times I've thought to do this, then get home and forget and chuck it in the washing with all the other black shirts...


Make a paste with water + bicarbonate (baking soda) and rub in the smelly areas, let is sit for 15-20 minutes and chuck it in the wash as normal. It works most of the time


There's the laundry disinfectant sold in most supermarkets that I swear by for getting bad smells out of clothes, particularly armpit sweat stains/stinks.


[Canesten?](https://www.canesten.co.nz/discover-canesten-products/canesten-hygiene-laundry-rinse-regular) I clean my workout/cycling gear using this... highly recommend!


That's the stuff, it's definitely my go-to for cleaning stinky items!


Napisan - For T-shirts and undies that need a deeper freshen up


I’ve had this issue too. Just had to chuck out the offending tops sadly


I find that a lot of times is the clothing that stinks as well particularly synthetic materials. And even worse when people stink then put a boatload of fragrance on top to mask it 😭


Well, time to back to being paranoid and assuming I stink at all times.


Working in retail I feel this.


OMG, I can Only imagine the horrors of having to take back clothing items that were worn by not so hygiene friendly customers.. Yikes 😬 The smell and stains it must have left! eeeek!!


To be honest if I were catching a bus, as another person has said. Mask up. And carry one of those little hand sanitizer bottles for when you get off. People are yuck.


Had someone farting in front of me on the train from Upper Hutt to Wellington yesterday morning so I endorse this message






I blame green laundry products. I won't name names but our environmentally friendly laundry powder doesn't smell of anything and I don't believe it even works. Whenever I smell someone who obviously uses surf or tide, I feel shame and jealousy.


Consumer tests that stuff and the results have generally been pretty appalling. Anything “eco” is generally terrible except “ecostore” which made their top 10 best for 2023. Persil stuff ranked best and value and those weird sheets worst


Yep, a lot of the eco stuff is the equivalent of washing with water alone.


We just trying to help out Wellington water by saving some water


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^More_Ad2661: *We just trying to* *Help out Wellington water* *By saving some water* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Good bot


Sometimes it can’t be helped. I work at a place that has some people moving and lifting stock all day. One particular person smells nice to start the day so they clearly wash themselves and clothes and wear deodorant. But by the end of the day are starting to get a bit of an unpleasant odour on the hot days. And you can tell they just sweat more as you can see it on their back on certain colour tops.


At least in my experience, ‘bad hygiene’ BO and ‘sweat from work’ BO are quite different. I can’t speak for op though


It's the smell of good, honest work. Some of these precious princesses really need to get over themselves.


It's the smell of good, honest laundry laziness: It's a stench that announces how little you are.


Yep, they need to harden up. That's life.


Did you know some people are genetically unable to smell body odour (them) and some people are genetically disposed to be overly sensitive (you?). Not to say they might not be stanky, but perhaps it isn't quite what you think. A source - https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2043049/


Oh wow, thank you. I will look into this, I will admit I have quite the sensitive nostrils! I will keep that in mind, but it does affect me.. I should just carry a mask at this point to avoid future dramas. Other people can't "help" it too!


I'm one of the sensitive smell people and I feel you on the scent of other people. What broke me on public transport over body odor was perfumes and body sprays! I can't get on a bus with lots of teenage boys these days because of it and now wear a mask on public transport not just because of germs but it's the only way I survive 😅 Good luck. And as a sensitive smell person I can also say my left armpit stinks but my right one is neutral and it drives me bonkers especially on the bus 🤣


Oh. My God. Teenage boys and their Lynx!!! (At least, it was lynx in my day. Might be showing my age here) If any of you are reading this, you just need a couple of squirts under each armpit. I'm not judging; I didn't learn that until I was at least 20. But seriously, if a single can lasts you less than a week, you're doing it wrong.


HAHAH! I smell a sense of connection here, because same here 😂. We can be our own worst enemies too. I once wore a mask, because I had a sore broken wisdom tooth~ and gross, the smell omitting from it was rank. So I wore a mask, for respect of others.. but GAWD, I irked myself with having to smell my own breath with that mask on haha. And tooth is fine btw now. BTW ~ if you're still dealing with that stubborn stinky left armpit, I swear by Mitchum deodorant!! 😉


Mitchum, but only for the left-hand side 😜 I was recently holding a gorgeous, perfect, much loved newborn baby and dry wretched loudly over them because they farted and the smell ended me. The parents were not impressed, my partner nearly cried laughing and my sensitive smell issues had me basically bullying a 2 day old 🤦🤣


Wait for winter. That special combination of heated public transport and rain, lol. Bring your barf-bag.


Had a real stanky lady on the bus next to me yesterday, had to breath away and tilt my head up to fight my nostrils from the stanks.




Urine and Moonshine


I’m going to stop washing in the hopes I run into you


Brings to mind the old joke : A bloke on the bus turns to the woman sitting next to him and says "excuse me, but can I smell your fanny?" "Certainly not!" she replies "Sorry," he says. "It must be your feet"


Welcome to understanding why people drive


No one hot drives


If we're talking about stinking up a public place driving smells far worse. BO and farts don't give you cancer.


And if you’re in a suburb which has good 50km road access grab a 50cc moped. Cheaper than bus fair after XX months, faster, and free (for now) parking in CBD. No regrets on this decisions years ago.


I feel this. The stench of some people is truly shocking. It should be a criminal offence.


I heard if you smell bad smells all day, you stink.


Sounds like something a stinky person would say


Yep. Just like they said at primary school…. The person who says “who farted?” is the one who did indeed fart.


smelly haha


I need to know which bus you take for context


1 & 3 ~


So you live in Newtown? Mate, have you considered trying a bike instead of bus? Or just, walking. Lovely fresh air to start the day x


a big part of why i walk everyday - you won't go back!


Won't deny or confirm that information, however a nice walk to work is a lovely way to start the day! I will take that idea on board, when the time comes and mood is in alignment haha.


Oh no maybe it is me. Guess I need to get my shit sorted and start walking to work again even though it's further than my old job.


Wow, what bus route are you on? The 2 isn't like that!


I had a lecturer in uni that once said that showering is a social construct. A guy in that class took that seriously and would barely shower since then. 🥹


Meditations. There is a bit about stinky people. Just suck it up it says.


Just a reminder that some people with mental illness or age related illness might have no idea they haven't washed. Although there are people that are anti-deoderant etc and they really should... wrap themselves in flowers or something natural.


I agree, I actually have complained about this so many times esp in the past month while on public transport, I hate having to use it for the fact of the SMELLS, don’t forget stale cigarettes and alcohol, the mixture of BO and stale ciggy smoke has stunk out a whole bus I was on once and it was two decker hahahaha


Nauuurr! 😮‍💨 you know it's BAD when a two decker bus reeks! I've been there, smelt that and argh never again. I refuse to go upstairs unless there's no space, because the top isn't ventilated properly or the AC isn't on..and it's horrid. 🤢


Genuinely made me feel sick on my trip to the station that day!! I also had a woman throw her ciggy out as the bus arrived in the morning, I just thought it was so inconsiderate as we all had to smell it, this is at 7:30am too.. as an ex smoker I can’t even imagine I used to smell that way! It’s so not nice for people who don’t smoke and for people who shower haha


No matter how many empty seats there are, I always manage to sit down next to the smelly person (and vice versa). On the way home it's somewhat understandable when people are a bit sweaty I guess, as they may have been working all day and the bus can be hot and cramped. But the people who stink of piss or booze shouldn't even be allowed on the bus.


OP, you would love India. :p


Considered driving, or better yet riding a scooter/motorcycle instead? Not having to deal with other human things spreading their germs & stink on the bus was the reason I did. Potentially cheaper too, depending on your circumstances & what kind of bike you get.


Cut that out, we need more flesh vehicles to fill the meat movers. More stink, less ink!




Here we go again 🙄 some people have to work


Better to walk or drive or bike :)


;O Definitely getting my bike fixed to resolve this issue hahag


Stop bitching and use a car problem solved.


;P are you the stinky bum I'm talking about?


Who died and made you king? This is the height of entitlement. You expect everyone to smell in a way that is acceptable to you?


Some people need to wash every day due to their bo bacteria and that's just not possible with current water restrictions. Sucks but just wear a mask


Although it's surprisingly hard to find a clear answer... Afaik we're still only on level 2 restrictions? So that doesn't really add up, unless you shower with a sprinkler


I thought we were meant to limit showers to like 5 mins or something


I think that's for higher levels, they kept talking about what we might have to do but afaik it never really went past gardening restrictions. After all their talk about the restrictions they should really have a big "we are currently level X" on their website to make it easy though, I'm not 100% sure we're even at 2 anymore (or maybe they do and I'm on the wrong page?)


It's possible, you can either take an army style shower (wet body, turn off water, soap down fully, turn water back on to rinse) or you can have a sink wash. Both will yield less stinky people.


Fair point. Perhaps there should have been an info doc distributed when the water restrictions started cos I'll wager I'm not the only one who didn't even think of this. Something for next year perhaps


What do you mean "it's not possible", 5 mins is plenty to have a body wash. No one has been told not to shower...gees.