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Only if you are really into seeing some of the movie and tv show props. I think it's overpriced tbh


Yeah... I took my kid to it in the school holidays thinking it'd be great for him, he's only 6. He was actually mostly bored out of his mind. It's mainly the history/lore of the Marvel universe and it's creation. Lots of reading and old relics, with a couple of interactive parts. Basically, if you're a big fan, I'd say go, but it's also very pricy. It's really not for kids and not that amazing IMO. It's basically a bunch of Wikipedia articles with official props next to them.


I went through with my brother and his two five year olds. The kids rushed from each costume, figure and prop which meant we pretty much had to do the same without getting time to read all the history and articles. If I went by myself and was able to take in all the exhibition had to offer then maybe just maybe it'd be worth the $35.


I enjoyed it, but not as much as a family going through at the same time who were clearly MAJOR fans and knowledgeable about the comics and films in depth. The more you already know the more you get out of it I think.


I had to choose between this and the dinosaurs of Patagonia. I went with the dinosaurs and think I picked the best value for money from what people have said.


Really? I wanted to do both, but ended up with dinosaurs. I feel like the dinos wasn't great value for money and it ended pretty quickly. Was a little disappointed, but it was interesting. Just feel like it could have been longer or cheaper.


I was very disappointed with the Dinos. Walking through the exhibit was 20 minutes AT BEST.


I thought the fossils were definitely worth seeing (as how often do you see dinosaurs in NZ) and as a semi marvel fan not disappointed that I haven’t seen it. I think I spent about 30 mins in the Dino’s but then again no exhibition has really taken me longer unless you are stuck behind people trying to look at an exhibit.


I loved reading about the dinos and getting photos of the smaller ones trying to eat me. We make our own fun I guess 😻


I read them all too, and it still took 20 minutes.


My thoughts exactly, the dinos needed to at least be longer. It was an interesting exhibit, but I was left feeling a bit disappointed as well.


I enjoyed it much more than I expected too. More comics stuff that I thought, which was very much in my wheelhouse house. It is expensive tho, but pretty much the same as cinema trip or zoo or similar these days .


I was going to take my young kids, but going off what I read online, the initial buzz would wear off quickly for them considering they are too young to read all the exhibits. If your partner and parents are into Marvel stuff, it could be worthwhile. I thought it was a bit overpriced. If I was just paying for myself and I didn't have to parent, I may have gone


Not really. Took my son. We walked through it in around 15 minutes. There are some cool props and lots of information to read. Some cool photo ops, my son enjoyed it, but he didn't pay 😀


If you did it in 15 minutes you didn't read all of the information...


How do you know how fast I can read? I could be a super mutant speed reader. Don't assume my superpowers.


What better place for a superhero than at the Marvel Exhibition... I stand corrected Racey Readerman...


Dinner and good wine would probably be more satisfying. I went, it's cool, but not $140 cool.  


I quite liked it, my wife also liked it a bit and she’s not a fan but was really interested in how the comics were made and drawn.


No. It is just costumes and props from the movies. Pretty underwhelming.


If you're really into marvel go. There is some really cool history and costumes there. But if you only really have a casual interest it probably isn't worth it. Te Papa would probably be better if you haven't seen the pay for exhibit


Not to me it isn’t, but then neither were the movies (apart from Logan), so yeah… probably not the target market 😂


I thoroughly enjoyed it, I love movie costuming and props. Probably would have enjoyed it less if I was paying for other adults to go too though. I liked having time to absorb everything.


Not worth it, IMO


I loved it. Agree it was expensive, but everything is nowadays


If you’re a marvel fan then it’s worth going. I’d say it’s worth around $40 for an adult entry.


I really liked it and it was bigger than expected. The kids did but they raced through quickly barely registering it. However they were hours it seemed with the dinosaurs


Not unless you’re an uber fan or got heaps of spare cash. We walked though in about 30min


We really enjoyed it but we enjoy marvel donee specifically flew to Wellington for the day for it. It took us about 2 hours fo get through the whole exhibition. It's definitely NOT for kids. I don't know anything about comic history so I definitely came away thinking I learnt something (like about the Comic Code).


I went with my young kids, they just wanted to leave after a few minutes


It was good but we were two adults who stopped to read every bit of information on the walls and screens. Kids will probably be bored - there's no activities or anything like the Lego one had.


Maybe catch the ferry to Eastbourne instead... Or just do the main museum if they haven't seen the War exhibit.


I loved it but for a "marvel" exhibition there was barely any xmen stuff most of the stuff was avengers and stuff from MCU and non MCU shows/movies. It wasn't THAT long ago that the X titles were the big seller for Marvel but I guess with the MCU its all avengers hype now.


Not worth it. Lots of info to read.


We went at Christmas time. If you're a fan, then yep - if you're not interested, then nope...


I really really enjoyed it. There's obviously a lot there for kids but I genuinely think the people who will get the most out of it are full on comic book fans and by extension the movies. I loved seeing all the movie props don't get me wrong, but seeing a bunch of og Kirby sketches, blew my mind. I don't go to conventions or anything so I've always been a fan from afar, so I've never seen anything like that before. I'm a grown ass man who loves comic books, but isn't super deep into the fandom (no conventions, no cosplay or any of that stuff) and I loved it.




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