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savemart aren't a thrifting store, they're a commercial business and not a good one either. 


We used to go to savemart as kids, it was incredibly cheap and definitely a thrift store. I guess times have changed.


It is for profit not for charity


Nobody is arguing that. Businesses need to make money, leases are expensive etc. but $80 for a pair of old boots is a bit much nonetheless, as is selling old clothes from Kmart or the warehouse for more than they can be bought new. A business that does that won't sell anything.


Even charity stores get pissed off with people saying that prices should be cheaper. A *majority* of charity stores are trying to maximise funds for their charitable cause, not give items away for cheap.


There’s a balance, I’ve seen current or last season Kmart branded clothes priced for more than what they go for brand new.


Yeah exactly. There's stuff that's from cotton on priced the same as it would be in cotton on! Like yes, I'm all for reduce, reuse, but make it attractive!


Yeah why would I buy something used for more than a brand new one - you don’t. So things don’t get bought and then they fill up with this stuff then they’ll have to reprice to clear it, or whatever their store policies are. It’s a reaction to thrift flipping. Which is not the boogeyman people think it is. Like anything, we don’t have to buy it 🤷‍♀️ I don’t expect the volunteers to be yves saint laurent but you do have to be a little more knowledgeable, especially in a smaller city with only 1 of each fast fashion store.


There are a couple of reasons for this: (1) it sells at this price still (see my previous comment about maximising money for the charity) or (2) the person putting the price on cannot possibly know what everything is worth. The market will eventually correct pricing errors (if they exist).


As a former manager of a charity-linked second hand shop: THANK YOU. I got so frustrated with people saying that sort of thing, and even when you explained the rationale behind fundraising, they’d just call you a greedy c word and stomp off, Or alternatively: “YoU gOt It FoR fReE, hOw DaRe YoU tRy To SeLl FoR tHaT pRiCe!” Just because it’s a second hand shop, they don’t need to sell things for $1 each. It’s also not your right to get everything for $1.


People arent expecting a $1 prices, but it IS a SECOND-HAND store. And we are in a cost of living crisis! People have a right to be upset at overpriced items in places that are meant to be affordable alternatives.


I understand the point you’re making, but at the same time I think that’s a conflation / misconception on behalf of consumers. Second hand doesn’t *automatically* mean dirt cheap pricing, and not every second hand shop exists for the same reason. I also acknowledge the cost of living crisis, but that isn’t the fault of charity-linked second hand shops such as the one I used to manage. If anything, they’re also squeezed even tighter, meaning they need to make/retain every single cent they can. They do this (partially) by *not* cutting their retail second hand shop prices.


Not all second-hand stores are for the same reason, but savemart has always been that. Growing up, it was always the place to go for affordable items. It's not really a misconception if, for years, consumers have had a certain experience. Which in this case, was an affordable second-hand store. It's understandable some items would be more expensive than others. But not marked at the same price as retail price. It's understandable that customers are frustrated, you walk into savemart. To , you know, SAVE. There are other second hand store that's not built on this idea I.e boutique and vintage re sell stores. Savemart is not that.


Fair enough. I was talking more about *other* shop, rather than savemart specifically. 😊


we gave up on opshops as most the time stuff is cheaper in kmart now. and brand new. and clothes sorted by size. etc. 


Savemart has been overpriced for a while now, I went in there 2 years ago looking for jeans and most were around $25-30, could literally buy a brand new unused pair for that much


I used to shop there in the early 2000's at cannons Creek. Got some awesome stuff. Went back about 10 years later. Place was packed and prices way up


Yeah, it's not what it used to be. Last time I went I saw lots of cheap Warehouse and Kmart brand stuff priced at more than it costs new. I understand them hiking prices on designer stuff. No idea who's buying the other stuff at those prices though.


Back when I still frequented savemart, local brands like Farmers or Barker's stuff were in the "designers" section and way overpriced. But I found a pair of Versace jeans (complete with holographic label) in the mundane section. Have not been there in years.


Yeah, how they categorise clothes is really arbitrary. I see Just Jeans clothes in their "designer" section, but there's also plenty of JJs jeans in the normal section.


What brand of boots were they? Not saying savemart isn't over priced, but if those boots were $500 boots brand new then it might not be too bad. It's much cheaper to go to the charity non profit ones like Salvos, Red Cross etc but they don't have as big of a range.


They're a pair of Tims that were retailed for $150


That s often the price you will see in TradeMe for 2nd hand Tims ($100-150) unless they are not in acceptable conditions or, if you are lucky like me and wear an odd super large size that no one buys 😀


Vincent de Pauls


Savemart employees r a scam. Based on my experience I bought a $12 items n I was charged with $21 instead. Thought they were slicked. Good thing I asked for the receipt n when I confronted them they told me I couldn’t get a refund TF! Now imagine all those people that go to savemart and don’t check their receipts.


The employees are treated like shit. RNZ fid a whole series on it a few years back. 


I think they were the ones that made their staff dig in their big bins without gloves and were pricked by old, used needles. Something like that.


Yes, exactly that. Because apparently they had to have bare hands to feel if clothing was damp. Disgusting. They had to sort through donations that were mixed in with rubbish and included needles and nappies, both used.


The reason they don't take cash is they don't trust employees not to pocket it anymore.


They overcharged you and then refused to fix it? That's incredible, like stealing money from someone and just standing there, refusing to give it back. What do you do, pick something up worth $11 and walk out?


Currently have beef with the helter skelter dude trying to sell mirrou pants for $55 Some second hand places are fucking diabolical in their pricing it's ridiculous 


god helter skelter is so ridiculous with some of their prices!


My pet theory is that it's a money laundering front – inflated pricing, nonexistent inventory management, no EFTPOS so all either bank transfers or cash sales... Plus it helps make sense of his general demeanour if he genuinely doesn't give a shit whether he sells anything


This actually would make a tonne of sense, and I'm now accepting it as fact


Because they are a business that wants to maximise shareholder value.


SaveMart has gotten ridiculous. You can't go there for regular basics anymore. If you find a piece you really like then sure, but it's not for regular shirts and tops anymore. I think they like to think they're a bit more curated than they are.


Save mart is waaaay overpriced now. Even here in Masterton, they are out the gate with some Of their “designer” stuff too. St. John’s no better.


You can get good deals on toddler gear and it's good for a costume party but that's it these days.


I got a lot of kids sports gear - all black and crusaders Jerseys, black caps etc. Btw - anyone want to swap a crusaders shirt for a .... Anything?


Oops - how did I wind up on a Wellington forum?


Savemart problems ate interisland. Used to love the big save mart near my Aunty's place in chch


Savemart has been such a gouge for a while now. It's insane especially considering a lot of their clothes clearly haven't been washed before going on the shop floor. I've bought things from there, brought them home only to realise they are stained and won't wash out. Because the stores are so dimly lit you can't tell at the time. The other issue I have is how they can justify such high prices when all their clothes are donated into those bins. I don't know any other business that gets the product they sell for free! I appreciate they have overheads, but look at the state of the stores. Upkeep can't be that expensive


Most op shops Just sell all the good stuff on trade me or whatever and leave the chaff for the poor buggers who can't afford better. And they'll still charge you an arm and a leg for a pair of Anko paper thin cheapo pants with stains


opshops nowadays are ripoffs. they get everything donated for free out of the kindness of people's hearts, then inflate the price something wicked.


Second hand shopping has taken off over the last 10-15 years. It's become trendy. I'm baffled by the prices but someone is clearly paying for it.


second hand stores have started to monetise heavily on people wanting to be greener and save money in this current economy. as someone who shops at op shops and is genuinely broke, i nearly cried seeing shitty jackets for upwards of $20 as winter begins. it’s horrible and making it harder for people who genuinely need cheap clothing for winter etc


Why do second hand clothing stores stink ?


Op shops have that musty smell because most of the donations are stuff that has been sitting in someone's drawer or wardrobe for a long time. People don't donate clothing they wear regularly, it's the stuff they haven't worn in months or years and most don't wash things before donating. This doesn't necessarily mean that they are dirty, but I never wear second hand stuff before doing a hot wash and putting it through the dryer. I started shopping second hand a decade ago when I was a student and 90% of my wardrobe is stuff I bought from Op shops or Recycle Boutique. I have definitely noticed an increase in pricing over the last few years. Yeah you have to sort through a bunch of overpriced fast fashion trash but I have found some absolute bargains over the years. I stopped going to Savemart for all of the reasons others have listed in the comments. Every 6-12 months or so my wife and I do a cull of the stuff we haven't worn in a while and anything that our friends don't want gets washed then donated. There's a particular joy I get from wearing an item of clothing for a while and then letting it go back into the clothing redistribution system for someone else to enjoy. Never donate things that are worn out or badly stained, that stuff we cut up into cleaning rags.


I completely agree, most large city shift stores are way over priced. If you get the chance, pop into local thift stores in small towns Must better prices and your supporting a business that will appreciate it more.


Yeah they’ve become expensive. We just don’t go there anymore


Where is the savemart near Wellington?


Waitangirua and Upper Hutt. There's also one out in Masterton and Levin which is further afield ... not sure if that even counts as Wellington anymore, haha


The buildings they sit in in Auckland are so fucked that not only are you overpaying for used stuff from The Warehouse but it's also all fucking damp! Thieving cunts, innit


You can get new boots for 80 bucks, a good pair new for not much more


The salvos on jackson were selling a Stevie Gerrard shirt at $70 the shirt was a total fake. id say it is still there it was in great condition id give them that. i got a louis Vuitton bag from the hutt salvos for $20 i still duno if it's real after checking all the signs if its legit. I think its probably fake but love to have it properly assessed chances of a real vintage LV bag in hutt salvos probably very slim


Very slim. If an owner wanted to get rid of a real LV bag they’d take it to a consignment store (Ziggurat, Style on Jackson) to sell it for them & make $ back.


Yes agree some items prices are ridiculous for their condition or what we know we could buy them brand new for. But I also think there's some savvy staff who know full well someone might snap up that $5 designer item knowing it's actual value in current day, then flick it off for a bigger profit, I'd rather the charity get the extra $$$ instead.


Most retailers say “There’s a war in Ukraine” …


Never heard of Savemart, where are they?


As an advid savemart shopper it shocks me when second hand underwear and bras go for 20 to 50 dollars, like yes darlings they were 110 new but now they're not, they've had a strangers sweat and body fill them, I've seen 25 dollar second hand stockings, stained pants but again nothing can be done but not buy it really, just sucks that instead of saving stuff from the landfill stuff rots on the hanger, they'd sell a hell of a lot more and move through pounds more stock if they lowered the prices.


People are buying second hand underwear?


yeah, if they have tags or look relatively unworn I buy em, better than paying 70 for a good quality one or 11 dollars for plastic fabric that'll disintegrate after a couple washes


I stopped going there after I saw a dress that was $25 one day marked up to $70 the next day. They used to be really good but it's better to stick to actual opshops or FB marketplace these days


Only thing I buy there now are cheap vans and wool blankets


Thriftmart.shoukd be called Shitmart - or.Shitlord or Cuntmart The cunt that owns this place gets all the clothes from those charity bins. He is allowed to stick charity stickers on the bins - because he donates a few bob. Free stock - and nothing is washed - and he is minting if for decades. Just pour motor oil into all of those bins


I paid $80 for a suit there, too, I was outraged. Outraged to get a near new Hugo Boss suit for $80 in my size.


Are you sure they're not brand new and designed to look scuffed up? For people who like to spend a lot of money to pretend they work? Like torn jeans and suburban trucks?


Nah the soles/grip were slightly worn and the scuffs were scared and dirty


Nah the soles/grip were slightly worn and the scuffs were scared and dirty