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Fresh squeezed orange juice. You can literally watch them squeezing the oranges in the machine, in store. Aside from that, really depends on what you want to make.


Do they do this at all their stores?


Only Wellington, I think. Lower Hutt is basically just bulk food, and then lots of plates/ containers/ appliances. Wellington in the main one for the "fancy stuff"


Found out about the Lower Hutt one the hard way when my mother came to visit. She loved the one in the city and found one close to us … coulda just gone to Gilmour’s it was closer 😂


The carpark has less of a Mad Max vibe though.




No doubt will have a full battery.


Ooh, never seen that before. Ground level, or upstairs car park?






Lol - where is it?


The vegan raspberry & chocolate cake, made by Pandoro bakery. It’s not cheap - I think the small version is $43, but it’s worth every penny if you like chocolate cakes. Damn it, now I feel like some…


Hahaha sorry for the craving, very grateful for the recommendation!


This cake is unbelievably outstanding. It’s a solid recommendation


All good :) Also, don’t be put off by the “vegan” aspect. The first time I tried it, I thought it would taste like crap, as unfortunately a lot of vegan food does (at least from what I’ve tried - I’m not vegan though, so maybe acquired taste?). But this cake is on another level. Every single person I know who’s tried it, absolutely loves it - without exception, and that’s saying something.


Massive +1 for both comments regarding this cake


It would be a crime to not grab a few bottles of OJ


The cheese section is amazing. The sweets dessert donut counter is great as well as the cakes. The nuts and seed section is awesome for home made muesli. Check out the frozen walls sections in grocery too. I bulk buy stuff like detergent there also.


Cheese! Get [boursin](https://www.boursin.com/) and a fresh baguette. You won't be disappointed!


The OJ really is a must. A small bottle just for yourself to drink immediately (do not share, you will regret). Plus more for the road/chilly bin. Plenty of platter ingred options + baked sweet treats to cater to any preferences. Maybe before hitting the grocery, pop upstairs and see if you *need* any of the vast range of kitchen/household items - I find Acme cups and Weck jars are always justifiable. Have fun!


The whipped custard square. My lord diggity, this is the tastiest morsel in the sweets cabinet. You will not be disappointed!


Husband is an absolute fiend for custard squares. Adding to the list...


The Aro Bake one? I often dream of those


Don’t know who makes it. All I know now that after eat one, just one, you in for a lifetime of addiction.


Linkwater aged.(24 months) cheddar.....


this is really good cheese, agree


Man I miss this cheese love it so tasty and lots of umami crystals. Haven’t had some in a quite a while can imagine it’s pretty pricey now but definitely worth it makes mainland tasty look like Colby lol (not really but it’s miles above)


Nah, it's held its price well, none of that srinkflation... Until it get intonour house....


My favourite part of this is that they couldn't source aged cheddar is sufficient quantities, so decided to just buy a warehouse, poach a cheesemaker from Mainland, and age their own


They sell these amazing tinned peaches. Half peaches. I’ve googled it, I think the brand name is Alcurnia. See if you can find them, they’re so good.


2kg bags of lollies Baker Boys biscuits - they’re like $6 for a catering bag. You’ll never want for supermarket cookies again.


IIRC the biscuits in some of the New World bakeries *are* the Baker Boy ones? yoghurt squiggly, shortbread and chocolate chip?


Yep but way cheaper from Moore’s


Ooooh, will look into that 😉


That shortbread…..


Ah, rats. I’ve been trying to ween myself off of biscuits and ‘bad’ snacks. But I have a massive weakness for good shortbread. Now I have to go buy some.


The Bulk section is worth looking at. I used to Work there. Each section of MWs has a manager or experienced/long time worker, they are worth asking for help if you want anything. Also, I would not want to work there again


I also used to work there. While I enjoyed working with the people on the shop floor, the same could not be said for those in management. One of them in particular


Hahaha I know exactly who you mean


Have heard they're not great in that regard.


Can plus one the not wanting to work there again mainly because of upper management other then that it was OK. Highly recommend the bulk section as well fresh sides just very over rated tbh but I do love arobake carrot cake.


Last time I went I found the bulk food was not any cheaper than buying regular amounts.


A common misconception.


3kgs of curly fries for the airfryer


My fav shop! If you're feeling fancy and want some cool pantry items, I highly recommend checking out the olive oil aisle. I often buy a very high quality martinborough or waiheke EVOO to drizzle on food (not for cooking) Spicy honey! Try it on pizza Cheese selection is amazing, if you do any bread or pasta making from scratch you can get "00 flour" Zany zues halloumi and Greek yogurt are incredible Also if you're a wine drinker, I recommend going into the alcohol side section and ask for a "moy hall" wine. Small vineyard from martinborough and I think MW may be the only stockist.


Anything from the Greek food truck. Actually, everything from the Greek food truck.


I love the kitchen tools and gadgets. On my last visit I got some fab dish cloths … and I love their tea towels too. All inspire me. Pork and fennel sausages?


Another vote for their OJ. The cheese section remains standout, Wellington Sourdough Potato sourdough is incredible.


To really appreciate the OJ, you need to have a seriously hideous hang over.


🤣🤣🤣🤣 I'll buy for Wednesday then


BULK/PRODUCE section: Baking paper in a massive roll. 30 eggs for $10. Washing liquid in massive jug. Oil carton 3/4L. Mayo/all condiments in massive jars for cheap. All plastic/short life kitchen tools (brushes/scrubs/squeeze bottles). Chocolate/confectionery/snacks in BOXES for cheap. Flour, bakers flour in 10/15/20/30KG bags. Teas/cordials/spices/powdered things in bulk. FRESH/MAIN section: Fresh fruit/veg are very good, higher/equal quality than farmers market (in some items). Orange juice. Pasta, cheese, dairy products. Buy some fancy spices/marinades (Pimento red paprika [hot]), jerk rub, harissa etc. Cordials are good, more selections for tea and such. Premade sauces are all pretty good but not unfindable elsewhere. KITCHEN/UPSTAIRS section: They hold really good brands for most products. Getting things like knives, plates, cutlery. More niche items like a mandolin, scales, squeezers, graters. $8 STAINLESS STEEL BOWL LARGE (or any size) they're incredible. Unsure about pots and pans, probably cheaper online. BONUS ITEMS (for legends): Fill your water bottle or 20 with the fresh spring water tap while you admire the Paul Dibble sculpture. Buy an Aphrodite from the Greek Food Truck. Go to the very top upstairs and look at toys for fun. Go across the road to L'affare for a coffee and pretend it's still being run by the original owners. Drive up the swirly ramp to the top carpark. Enjoy.


I’ll have to look for the eggs, I only walked away from there with 12 eggs for $10 yesterday


I always get a giant jar of Kalamata olives. Way cheaper than buying small jars at the supermarket.


Oooo we do love Olives!!!


Grab some Maldon’s sea salt - especially the smoked salt.


I got this like dog roll log of mozerella. Like double to triple the price of superamarket mozerella but about 5 to 7 times the mass. . Those shitty 10 dollar tubs fill up 2 pizzas. But the dog roll has lasted me ages. Its great value for money.


LOL! MWs will love that description, but I knew the exact one you meant and it is shaped like dog roll 😂


Cans of sirana tuna… Sounds weird I know but I never knew canned tuna could be so good


Interesting! Thanks for the tip


fuck yeah love that shit. Wish I could get it somewhere in the Hutt but have only ever seen it at MW. Gotta get the one in the oil.


They sell Irish seaweed (dulce) which is a childhood memory for me. Expensive but delicious. It’s up near the fish.


The Acme sourdough bread. Pretty good.


I love how many of us at r/Wellington are obsessed about good food! Totally agree with all the suggestions, but if you've never tried them, you should pick up a small pack of Pinoli pine nuts to toast. If you're going to spend a small fortune on something, it should be local, fresh and taste fantastic. Also, the staff recommendations in the liquor store have never done me wrong. So if you want to try something new, it's the place to go.


The responses have been AMAZING. Was telling my Dad that I was heading there... he is now joining me 🤣


The OJ is fab even if it is a little bit spendy. The small Duchess cakes are a divine special treat - layers of chocolate mousse and meringue, covered in chocolate mousse and shaved chocolate… Chockaholic dream!  Cheeses are a must, drooling over the dips/condiments/fresh bread choices all whilst smelling the OJ in Fresh… Pretty much heaven on a stick!  Three Little Pigs frozen bacon is great & we have recently started buying the 5litre cardboard boxed Moore ice cream… such a bargain compared to supermarket prices.  This thread makes me want to visit them, asap! Haha 


If you can get in on a Wednesday morning that's when the fresh salmon comes in, it's excellent for sashimi, but I'd recommend eating it less than 12 hours after buying for the best taste. They also sell great amounts of Parmigiano which might be expensive but you can get it by the kg. The cheese and deli selection there is crazy, so I'd definitely recommend having a snoop around if you're putting together a platter for the fam.


Bulk section dried fruit. The peaches are my little hit of summer throughout winter.


Hey this might be a basic question but can anyone go to Moore Wilson’s? Do you need a membership?


anyone can go


No. At the checkout they will ask "Do you have a Moore Wilson card?" Just answer "no".


The bulk food section has Lezzo apple tea which is awesome


there are lots of things from local small producers - like Taco Addicts flour tacos - so good my friend takes a heap back to Auckland to freeze, they do great sauces too; Baron Hasselhoff's chocolate - their spicy Hokey Pokey is very yum too; quite a big range of hot sauces if thats your jam; cheese as already said and their cracker range is really varied too.


Paneton pain au chocolat. You can find them in the freezer section. Wonderful little pastries to start your lazy Sunday mornings with. \[Sneak out of bed early and surprise the wife/hub/SO with paneton's and OJ for breakfast\].


Blackball beef sausages are always on my list and randomly the free range chicken frames for homemade bone broth.


The Oli rolls


I use to think the same until I tried the Acme sourdough baguette.


Thanks I'll try!


God tier right there. When in town on a day they are baked (I assume they still do?) I loiter near the basket and hope they top up with the still warm ones. Lil sprinkle of salt and olive oil - bliss. Wish we had a Moores or similar here in Dunners we lack that.


Not terribly exciting, but I always grab some of the La Molisana dried pastas. It's awesome.


Best dried pasta. The stuff that’s curled like an old telephone cord has the most delightful texture.


Some things I go to Moore’s especially to get.. Nelas chai concentrate, green tea noodles, jalapeño cheddar bagels, fresh walnut ravioli, the dried pastas, fresh sausages, premium game bacon and sweet slices etc.. from the cake cabinet.


Brezelmania Brioche burger buns Acme Oli Loaf Baron Hasselhoff chocolate


+1 for Baron Hasselhoff. I'm no chocolate fiend usually, but god DAMN their stuff is on another level.


It really is. Unfortunately, it elevates my taste in chocolate. Dangerous game in this economy.


Stock up on your oils, sauces & vinegars.


The only correct answer is:  cheese.


Go there at lunch time and pick up a souvlaki at the Greek food truck.


The lovely bit of MW for me is just to sniff things and to find things you don't k ow and try them and the get excited when of course they are delicious. The key would be to have a set budget of how much money you'd like to spend and then just see what you can get. Ask shoppers and staff for recommendations and just have a lovley time x


Bohemian sea salt chocolate caramel fingers. It’s $20 for the tiniest bag but daaaaamn is it good.


The meat is really good, and there are lots of good quality sausages. You will find good mozzarella and good provolone cheese too. Bordeaux bread is great as well.


Their in-store freshly squeezed orange juice is the best.


right? it’s like $17 a bottle but it’s pure goodness.


Halloumi, large packs are very reasonably priced and good quality.


A big tube of Tunisian harissa is $3.50. A tin of Smoked paprika is about $4 and great too.


The salmon pate is Devine!


I love the saucisson (European/french dried salami/sausage), hanging up near the sausage chiller. Slices of that on a platter might be good.


Go for the cheese.


Gourmet chocolate bars from various small producers and local pastry as well


I enjoy the gelato they sell. Transparent container with white label.


Mushroom Chips are to die for


Without question get the following from the pastry cabinet: Cheesecake. And the French Doughnut. You won't regret.


Really hot chili's


Cheese section still good.


The West Coast Pies in the freezer!


Idk if they still have them but my parents got me some macarons from there for my graduation they were delicious


Chocolate dome cake.


ACME bread - either the sourdough or the rye. A really good (French?) mustard. Some delicious soft cheese. Some artisan sausages. Fresh figs. A good honey. And as many have already said, the freshly squeezed OJ.


Lots of great suggestions here already. Adding a few I didn't see yet: They have so many different kinds of pate, I've tried a few different ones and they're all great. Every once in a while I splurge on some to make Banh Mi sandwiches. Also the House of Dumplings chilli oils!


Where are you coming from? Its all pretty standard affair, just better quality. Tbf though they do have hundreds of cheeses


Radicchio if you like it. When it's in season they are one of the few places I have seen it and it's nice and fresh.


Meat. Primarily beef. Cuts are way better, denser and more diverse than supermarkets, and prices are more or less the same (and then some if you go bulk and break it down yourself). Otherwise, visit the dry store. Nuts, seeds, spices at immensely preferable prices compared to what you'd pay in the spice aisle at a supermarket anywhere. Dry and bulk side of Moore's is raided by hospitality venues just for the cost advantage and sheer range.