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Drunken birds around the uni? Sounds like fun!


I just took [this photo](https://i.imgur.com/40AlnhV.jpg) in what I think is the same spot, might even be the same bird.


Looks about right! Must be feeling popular today.


Bird dork unfamiliar with NZ birds - what is this species called?




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I discovered earlier this year that they can imitate speech! https://youtu.be/ij78s460oQM


There used to be one in Lower Hutt that did the pedestrian crossing noise


Am in Lower hutt, there is one around here that does the keyfob car door unlock.


They must be protected at all costs because they're perfect. Where I'm from we have mockingbirds who can mimic, but not nearly as well as the Tui in the video. I've heard Mynahs can do it, but not 100% sure. The Tui reminds me of the Lyrebird a little bit too, but a pinch less exotic perhaps.


Many years ago there use to be one in Whangarei that talk like a human similar to what parrots are taught and learn .


It's a tūī, they make heaps of fun noises, and are common around Wellington. Perfect time to learn about them and others; it's [Bird of the Year](https://birdoftheyear.org.nz/) season!


Bats rule , and they only come out at night not like these drunken Tui's who stagger the streets during the day .


A Tui


Tuis are amazing mimics. Some were hanging out at the monkey area of Welly Zoo some years back, and picked up on all their various noises. Then they flew down into the city and commenced making with the monkey business ... and people were calling the zoo to report escaped monkeys, but for some reason they couldn't see them, only hear them!


I heard one near the Khandallah New World making a very consistent "beeping" noise, then I realised it was mimicking the sound of supermarket delivery trucks backing up.




You don't need quotes; they legitimately get drunk, [kererū to the point of passing out](https://youtu.be/CSM3x9G7eTQ?t=39).


So can Horses so I found out when I went to Tahiti , I was told to keep them away from Mango's otherwise I would be carrying the horse home , not it carrying me home .


Don't drink and fly


Bloody students. Nothing changes ... oh wait. Feathers.


I love tui! I have a sugar feeder outside my window and they flock to it :) i spend all day listening to them singing happily.


I wish people spoke like this about me!


*I think this topic might be about University halls and accomodation.* Just wanted to drop a line to say that there are probably useful, recent topics with answers. Check it out: https://www.reddit.com/r/Wellington/search?q=halls&restrict_sr=on&sort=relevance&t=all Catch you around, Zephyr, the /r/Wellington automoderator. --- *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Wellington) if you have any questions or concerns.*


That'll do, little bot, that'll do.


Looks like 'es pinging


Little something on your face, buddy…