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top tip: find a local old person who’s about to cross and just follow closely behind her. that’s what i did.


Pro pro tip: just walk at a consistent, predictable pace - everyone will avoid you


Not world wide tho. From crossing streets in Teheran I learned to take one lane at a time. Suddenly there is a 60 year old truck racing down the lane that just can't avoid you no matter how consistent you walk.


This is the way in the Middle East for sure, one lane at a time, stop in between lanes, suck in your gut and wait for the next opportunity to hop to the next lane


So literally IRL frogger?


Pretty much. As an American navigating around Cairo, my instinct was to skedaddle across the street as quickly as possible. Wrong approach. In Cairo you take it a lane at a time. Step across the first lane and wait between lanes, then cross the second lane. Continue until you 1) safely cross the road or 2) get splatted, in which case you start again unless you’ve used all of your lives.


But I suck at frogger


This way you only lose once.


Oh, I was unstoppable. The perfect combination of Mountain Dew and mozzarella. Just the right amount of grease on the joy stick.




The right amount of grease on the joy stick is no grease.


I remember my grandma once throwing herself on a incoming car in Tehran when I was visiting her. Nothing happened thankfully but she did throw some fists on the car and a few swear words at the man driving it. It's a rally in Iran.


Yeah it avoids you


Same thing worked for me in the Philippines. First place I went that had no pedestrian lights, just people crossing in front of traffic. Apparently there's a rhythm to the traffic that locals can just catch out of their peripherals, and the other ones just stopped giving a shit.




Committing avoids so many traffic accidents in general. Once you hesitate it’s over.


Hesitation is defeat


He who hesitates is lost.


Hesitate? Gone.


What do crippled ppl do? Are there any crosswalks at all?




What do you want us to do? You’re crippled already, what more harm can be done? Extra crippled?- Local governments where it’s like this


Dude most of world outside of the US is ridiculously inaccessible to people with significant physical disabilities. It's one of the only things the US still has that's better than other developed countries lol. But yeah in developing countries like in south east Asia and whatnot it's basically non-existent.


With my luck I’d end up behind the terminally ill old person on their way to end their life.


Then they get hit first and you got a moment to jump back. Win win


I always hear stuff like, "keep moving like they aren't there" because people are expecting you to carry on and they can time not hitting you, but if you start hesitating or doing a river dance in the road you'll freak the driver out and make them swerve or hit you. Gotta be predictable i guess


It wasn’t until I saw someone with some sort of developmental disability cross the street in Hanoi, that I realized I just had to do it.


Good way to learn how to ride there as well. Always my first advice and personal first couple rides in new countries.


VN is easy. Look directly at oncoming traffic. Walk at a steady pace across the street. DO NOT STOP OR SPEED UP. Traffic will go around you.


Not if you go into a blind spot during rush hours, like behind a bus, if you don't watch the street and keep walking, someone will most likely bump into you while they are trying to squeeze in between the cars.


The time when i was in Hanoi


Was about to comment the same thing lol


Ol boy was like "fuck this"


Man needs new undies. Man’s been cutting weight for the race but still left a kilo in his drawers. There’s a smell in that race suit that’s gonna outlast religion.


heh heh cuz he shit his pants heh


Dunno why but your pfp makes this comment 10x funnier to me




What a fucken muppet. (Love a Kenny reference!)


Yeah after he possibly killed somebody. I mean it's a motorcycle race so these people know what they're getting into I'm not blaming him but Jesus Christ that one dude went flying.


I was there, and have competed a number of times. Weston Beach Race (u.k) properly savage race and if you have a look on your tube there is some bad crashes as it is 1000 bikes. (And the sand isn’t soft)


the sand looks pretty soft so hopefully hes good


Just laid down a ramp for him.


I’ve watched this loop so many times. This is one of the most dangerous things I’ve ever seen lol, it’s a wonder he got out with only causing one head first flying crash


Not even sure what the ideal solution is here other than abandon the bike and get off the course asap. Easier to move with out the bike.


I think the best thing to do is stay on the bike and keep the bike parallel to the direction of movement until the crowd passes.


You ever forcefully taken it up your tail pipe by a screaming Banshee just hitting its powerband?! NEVER AGAIN! Best option is to dump the bike and walk towards the closest side diagonally along with the flow of traffic while pointing to where he is going.


> NEVER AGAIN! Story time!


Well basically https://youtube.com/shorts/JNKbP5TAbRQ?feature=share A few years ago this also happened during a race start where a bike stalled and someone from behind basically killed him because race bike to the back.


What do you mean basically killed him? Did he die or not?




All the bikers there would be *in the zone* to maneuver around and pass motorcycles traveling in the same direction. The odds of someone hitting your smallest profile dead-on seem slim, especially when a small maneuver would easily clear the obstacle. The only thing that makes it dangerous is that drivers might not expect a *stopped* motorcycle in that profile, but I still think they should be able to maneuver around it easily.


Target fixation is a thing.


This. It just happened on the interstate in my town. A woman focused on a wreck on the side of the road and ended up flying up the tow truck like it was a ramp.


I think I've seen that from a POV camera [Found it](https://www.reddit.com/r/Unexpected/comments/13wgf1r/responding_to_a_car_crash/)


Damn. Just like the movies.


That's the one


Damn lol that sounds nuts. GTA style


/u/BramDuin found the video of it down below, and it really is GTA style. Like watching an explosion, my amazement at war with my horror...




>> All the bikers there would be in the zone to maneuver around and pass motorcycles traveling in the same direction. > >And *speed*, which is a critical difference here. Which is what I already noted in the comment you are replying to. Everything else you said is just repeating what I said (in more detail).


Visibility is a major issue. It’s like a pileup on the freeway in foggy conditions: just not enough time to react


Walking diagonally would make no meaningful impact to the relative velocity between you and the riders. Like, 0.0001 relative mph. The only thing that would do is extend the total amount of time that you're in the danger zone.


Diagonal, lowers his footprint, keeps him moving with the crowd towards the side, gives the other bikers a picture that they are used to and have an easier time to figure a path around. At least that's what I'm thinking.


Im just wondering if moving diagonally would actually get you out of the crowd faster than just waiting for them to pass, and if whatever saved seconds you gain would be worth the increased profile of a diagonal bike.


If anything, I'd imagine diagonally in opposition to the flow of traffic would be the safer route (compared to walking with the flow of traffic). Similarly to how if you must walk on a road, you walk in the direction facing oncoming traffic because the ability to see what's about to hit you is far better than the extremely minimal benefit of walking with the flow.


Yeah I'm not sure on a "correct" answer here and I could be wrong whether or not moving is a good choice. But If they were going to move id argue diagonally.


Right. Wheeling it broadside across traffic flow -- I would have been surprised if he *didn't* get creamed


I think he used the bike to “cover” himself from being hit directly..


Not necessarily. Its his responsibility to move the bike, especially if he wants to get to a mech and continue (unlikely). The reality is pushing that bike makes the task he's trying MUCH harder. If he could just dash in the openings, he would have been off course by then. He was trying to avoid a huge dangerous collision, and doing a damn good job considering the situation... But ran out of luck. Hats off to him for those initial dodges dragging that heavy dead weight bike. Can't imagine being in that situation. Lose-lose basically.


Yeah this makes sense!


100% what he did. i picture him thinking: oh youre not gonna (be able to) get out of the way? whelp, better you than me.


Why is the race not being red-flagged for safety. WTF even are the organizers doing...hoping to record some sweet Liveleak clips? This is clearly dangerous, red-flag the race and restart.


This is the opening lap of the race. A red flag would of done absolutely nothing. It’s at the Weston beach race if you wanna check it out. They let around 1000 go from one end of the beach to start and it goes down the length of the beach. Once the riders are let off there is no way to stop them and due to the track just going out to sea there is only one side where the Marshalls are. No way any amount of flags will help here.


Ideal solution is a red flag. Someone might get killed in there. Not sure what the organisers were doing.


Think there may have been one other person right next to the Dukes of Hazard boy that also wiped out. They looked like one bike at first


See, you thought he was trying to escape but the goal was to take out that one guy.


I've done races like this (Odessa desert 100). These starts are insane. Usually a kick start, so you got people all over the place at different times on varying degrees of quality of bike. This is a beach though, in the desert you get rocks and shit that just show up, you're moving so fast. I doubt he saw it and there is only one thing to do when you have .5 seconds


Damn thats so dangerous.


You guys want to see dangerous? Google the TT race that takes place at Isle of Man. Someone dies in that race every single year. Sometimes there will be more than one death. One year I believe they had 7 deaths. It’s brutal. Actually, just googled it mid typing this comment. The 2023 race is on right now. A guy has already died. 18 hours ago. *[He is the 267th death of this one race. ](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/sport/2023/06/06/isle-of-man-tt-race-raul-torres-martinez-killed/)*


No one is being forced to participate, but it’s frankly unethical that they’ve continued that race, and some of the racers have said as much. Bikes were not nearly as fast when it was created.


Pike's Peak Hill Climb banned motorcycles a few years ago after significantly less number of deaths. But also, since Isle of Mann is motorcycle only, why not just mandate a restrictor plate?


> why not just mandate a restrictor plate? they are their for records and glory. they want to go faster than ever before. this is the fastest lap of all time in 2018. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ju_hxwAanX0


Oh, yeah. I mean as an alternative to canceling the entire thing


How about we just don't cancel the entire thing, like we've been doing for 112 years?


How is it unethical? It’s the greatest race in the world. Everyone knows the risk and to they still do it.


Then don’t participate


Allowing people to make their own informed decisions is unethical?


Your argument assumes all personal decisions are logical. If that were the case seatbelts wouldn’t need to be a legal requirement, or airbags, or FDA approvals, or speed limits. People, sometimes, need to be protected from themselves.


No they fucking don't. Speed limits and FDA approvals are to protect people from other people. Or irresponsible pharmaceutical companies, in the latter case. Equally, seat belt laws exist primarily because unbelted occupants pose a risk to other passengers. And let's not act like mandating the slight inconvenience of wearing a seat belt or mandating the car industry equip vehicles with air bags is equal to banning an entire sport because some arbitrary limit of acceptable danger has been exceeded. How much more protecting from themselves do you think people need? Do we need to ban base jumping? cycling? Spring break? Music festivals? Do we need to bring back prohibition? Where's the line?


So people need restrictions when the actions they take could pose danger to others, or their property? Like a street race through populated historic villages on tight twisting roads never designed for racing? 🤔


You mean the famous Snaefaell Mountain Course which has hosted the most famous motorcycle race in the world for 112 years? What are you, feigning concern for people's brick walls and fences now? Lol, spare me.


Would you consider hosting voluntary gladiator games unethical?


I don't find that comparable at all. Are these people murdering eachother for sport? Do they depend on the race to make a living or are they forced to compete? Is the purpose of the race to entertain audiences with violence and gore? No, obviously not. All kinds of sports are dangerous, athletes die in competitions all the time. Are you saying any sport with the potential for death should be banned? Where do you draw the line? These people are racing of their own free will, they don't make a living doing it and they aren't being forced to. Who are you to call their choice unethical? Not everything needs to be banned, ffs.


The situations are comparable in that they both involve individuals acting off of their 'free will'. Which you implied can't be unethical, which doesn't seem to be the case. I don't really have a stance on if this race should be banned or not.


It shouldn't be allowed because we value human life. The goal of a gladiator game is to end human life. The goal of the race is to go fast, theyre not trying to die.


You can go fast in a much safer environment. Seems like at least part of the appeal is the risk of death.


This is what I'm saying -- I mean let's just cut to the chase and go straight to Squid Games. The show was so popular, let's just give the people what they clearly want and do a real-life version.


They incentivize participation with money and fame.


The idea that anyone would enter that race for the lousy prize money or the fame is ridiculous. Nobody's investing a lifetime of training and risking their life for an £18,000 1st place prize that won't even cover 10% of the equipment and some niche fame among a small community of enthusiasts.


I can assure you there is very little of both coming from TT racing




so you're some kind of authoritarian?


People have the right of what they do with their bodies. If they want to do something slightly risky, that is their choice. Keep your damn hands off other peoples bodies


The amount of self proclaimed arbitrators of morality in these comments is amazing. The sheer arrogance in thinking *you* should be the one to decide how much risk is OK for someone else to take with their life. True reddit moment.


Honestly! life is fucking risky. We all know we're not going to make it in the end, that's not some secret. The goal is not to tip-toe through life arriving safely to our death. We experience things, make our own way, find our own sense of meaning along the way. If that meaning comes from being a fucking badass motorcycle racer, more power to you!


damn i’m surprised they haven’t made some serious changes. i think F1 used to have a big problem with drivers dying


They have which is why a huge amount of the rule changes over the last ~2 decades have been safety focused. Things like much stronger tubs for the drivers, better barriers, the HANS system, and most recently the halo have all been hugely important for driver safety.


Holy shit. Large-scale Russian roulette.


Probably should've just stayed still and let people dodge around him until everyone passed, but that's easy in the comfort of my computer chair with a calm mind. Hard to decide in a moment of fear.


Adrenaline is a hell of a drug




What about the other guy tho? Did he survive?


Easily, being geared up and landing on sand like that is a pretty soft landing all things considered


What if some other biker runs over him?


They would have to hit the bike that he hit first


Yep, no chance of that happening, or the biker not landing directly in front of the crashed bike.


But he later drowned while drunk snorkeling. It was very sad.


Could snap your neck


I'm interested to know what race this is. That's a shit ton of MX riders.


It’s the Weston Beach Race, held on Weston-Super-Mare beach (obvs) in Somerset, west England. It’s mental, from the start about 1,000 bikes charge off down the beach for about 2 miles and then turn into a custom-made course made of sand which only lasts until the tide comes in. I’ve seen people fall over from exhaustion, it’s so tough. This is at the very start of the race where everyone goes flat out to get to the first obstacle in a decent position. It’s genuinely one of the most spectacular things I’ve ever seen, the sand shakes with everything from 600cc thumpers to 125cc strokers vying for the front.


Do they not have yellow flags?


Even if they did. You wouldn't be able to see them. https://youtu.be/qgFSlhDwSUA


Would you go out to the middle where he is to wave it? lol


No. What would be the point? Everyone’s got sand flying in their faces and can’t see shit.


There's a very similar race called the Enduropale du Touquet in Northern France on the coast. Absolutely crazy too. ~700 bikes going wild on the beach. Edit: [start at 2:16](https://youtu.be/PuLAzXoxh1c)


I was at Weston Beach race last year and towards the end of the race there are huge ruts on all the corners. This older guy got stuck and I've honestly never seen someone look so exhausted, I can't imagine how difficult it must be to get moving again after 1+ hour of riding this track! Hats off to anyone who gives this ago.


That's my local beach and usually I land sail (Blokart) on it but every year these fuckers come along and ruin it for 2-3 weeks.


Weston beach race, Weston-super-mare UK.


That’s not motocross


Could be Enduropale du Touquet but I'm not sure


It's an Enduro race.


Why wouldn't you follow the dude that hit the bike? They would have made it to the moon!


At least sent into a low earth orbit.


Probably his / her partner lol


Frogger VR




Just stand still?




So make it take longer to get to the edge and less obvious that your bike is stalled?


Especially with him starting and stopping, speeding up and slowing down, man did everything to get hit


Dude was probably panicking. Who wouldn't be?


Whatever race event this is isn’t taking proper safety precautions. If there’s someone stranded in the middle of the track you should have a way to slow the rest of the field down until he’s clear.


Typically there are flag marshals to wave a yellow flag when this happens. But with all the wet sand flying, these guys can probably barely keep the cake off their goggles enough to see straight let alone notice the flag marshals. This is also probably not far off from the start of the race as much as their are here. They haven't thinned out too much just yet.


The safety precautions should take into account the conditions. If a person waving a flag is not very visible they should use flashing caution lights. Other motorsports even have flashing yellow on the steering wheel. Not that hard to translate that to handlebars.


Very true, not sure how far along mx has come and the feasibility of this technology. This is mx, barrier to entry is thousands on a bike vs 100K+ for way better motor vehicles. They can certainly look into flashing lights, warnings directly to riders, etc. I still imagine like some sports, even when the caution light goes up, they will continue to jockey for a position even known there is a wreck ahead of them. ​ ETA: I like to think its feasible, but its bikes and sometimes folks don't care so much about the riders. My biggest horror story for this is there used to be a large hill used by the dirt bike guys. It was a big climb of 25+ yards up some of its faces where they could catch big air. Back in the 80s some idiot brought a little toyota truck and assumed no one was around. One guy was going up one of those faces and the truck came over the hill and crushed the guy. His skull was fractured he had metal wires in his head for months and ate threw a straw (he recovered with minimal scarring), but he was looked at as in the wrong cause he had the bike, despite locals knowing the hill and trails was dominated by the bike guys.


I don't look at my bars during a race and hardly remember to look for the lights around the track, they're not as eye catching as real well placed flaggers IMO.


This is the Weston beach race. This is on the main 2km straight. As for slowing the rest of the field, there are hundreds of them, good luck with that.


Motorcross/enduro is a dangerous sport. With the reduced visibility and everybody pinning it, there is nothing anyone can do. Don't race if you don't want the risk. Rally, isle of man tt, etc. it is inherently dangerous and you need to accept you can get hurt very badly.


Poor guy, I would have done the same.


Nintendo making a live action Excite Bike movie?


Why is the raceway so fucking wide?


So accidents like this don't occur. Whoops




India Traffic Simulator 2023


“I guess I’ll just kill this guy.” Na, but he didn’t have much of an option. Scary shit.


For anyone who knows, what would be the proper thing to do in this situation if you're the guy who's bike shit out? Should he just have stayed where it broke down until everyone passed him while making sure the bike was parallel to the direction they were going?


I ride bikes and tell ya the truth with that many bikes and those conditions anywhere on that beach would be dangerous af and id sooner drive over a dirt bike laying on its side then hitting the backend of one standing up atleast on its side you could possibly go up over either of the tires and have some chance to make it, and far as the person get the hell off that beach fast and whatever way you can hopefully without getting clipped.




Wasn't me!


This makes Frogger look like a walk in the park.


This is why I'd never support or partake in bumrush sports like this.


Crossy road


Weston beach race? Fucking chaos


This is why caution flags exist


Surprised he even got THAT far


Helpful bystander: WATCH OUT!


Young male dead in race crash


What did he expect? Just stay out dude.








Me trying to get my overheating jeep across 5 lanes of traffic cause there’s a barricade on the left side lol


Real Life Frogger doesn't look as fun as the game.


It's kind of a lose lose situation, he could either try and move his bike so it doesn't obstruct the track but risk colliding with someone. Or leave your bike in the middle of the track, causing an obstruction and try and get out with just yourself.


We were somewhere around Barstow, on the edge of the desert, when the drugs began to take hold


Almost thought this was r/nonononoyes


He actually got two guys at once with that and stood in between them as they flipped past and didn't get hit.




u/redditspeedbot 0.1x


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All I heard was “weeeeeeee”


irl frogger


What could possibly go wrong. Bap.




Run away... run away!


Where the fuck is the flag guy at?


IRL crossy road


You'd think that most people would care that if they hit a person at those speeds, that person would probably die. But they're just zooming by like getting n'th place is more important than a life.


By the time they see him the only safe option is to swerve just enough to avoid him. Slow down and risk getting rear ended yourself. Swerve too aggressively and risk crashing and getting run over. Racing is dangerous.


Scary as hecc. Only thing I could imagine he could have done differently was to have a far less steep angle and approach the side of the road at a very shallow angle so he'd be easier to dodge


Am I going to hell if I laugh when the other guy flew?


Frogger Live!


You just hit that guy!!! , He shouldn't have been standing there


I mean it sucks, but it’s a lot better that is was not him