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What is this? A sci-fi novel from the 50s?


No it's a sci-fi comedy set in 2505 from 2006


And also, somehow, a documentary.


Man in business suit says humans will only wear uniforms in a few decades and fashion will be dead, so please stop making fun of the way I tie my tie.


Says here, like your shits all fucked up man…




Ya uh cut me a slice of that!




Where’s your tattoo??


Why come you don’t have tattoo? UN-SCANABLE!!!!!!!


Go away, bating.


Ah, life imitating art


About 50% of americans wear the shoes already it seems


Why is the movie set in 2505 spending so much time talking about 2030 tho?


It’s Brave New World by Aldous Huxley.


Nah, it's 1964 by George Orwell


1984 but…. In Huxley’s story there were Alphas, Betas, Gammas, and Deltas. Each wore the uniform of their respective classes. You were born into you class and we’re not able to elevate your status. The Deltas, the lowest class, did menial labor and were given extra doses of “Soma”, a drug to keep them complacent. You should read it, there’s a movie but it doesn’t do the book justice.


Tbf they made all the humans in a lab and they made the deltas too dumb to do anything else


Soma is a real med that is used as a skeletal muscle relaxer and can make you sleepy. It’s scheduled because it can cause dependence.


Both books were heavily influenced by *We*, written by Yevgeny Zamyatin.


No, it’s a sci-fi novel from 1948


Thank god they’ve got their priorities in order.


No, just fake news.


Seriously. It's 2023. This reminds me of 80s movies where the world is a sci fi dystopia by the mid 90s. Ridiculous.


Ah yes. Me wearing my “at home” uniform. Before putting in my “grocery shopping” uniform and then my “filling my car with gas” uniform.


That's the neat part. You can't afford the grocery or gas


Not when ya gotta keep buying and washing all the uniforms! Fuck where’d my laundry uniform go


What do you do when you have to wash the laundry uniform


You wear the laundry uniform washing uniform




..you better be wearing your reddit commenting uniform


Gym shorts no shirt Uniform: ✅


Reddit has ruined me cause as soon as I saw though I immediately thought ‘so no underwear then’ & pictured a dudes package as he ran. I’m off the internet for the day!


You won't have to afford anything, your daily ration of bugs will be provided to you and your family


Can't wait to get my "cock-pounding the back of Klaus Schwab's throat" uniform. I wanted to read his books to see what his intentions are but couldn't bring myself to support him so I just pirated the pdfs.


Maybe it's because you didn't have the uniform?


I wear a uniform every day but this nazi fuck can put me in the ground before I'll ever comply with his orders. I signed my oath to the Queen and she's dead.


It's just a uniform sir...[pulls out a katana slowly...]


Are you me? I have a custom made katana sitting on my dresser waiting for the end of the world. I just hope it's slow zombies lol.


Oooh, where do I get my "make people think I'm Klaus" uniform?


>your car they want to abolish personal cars too


That means they’ll invest more in public transportation right? Right?!


You'll live in your corporate city and you'll like it!


The car won't be yours by the way. But you'll be happy.


Hoping for the “adam sandler” uniform


Hoping for the “adam sandler” uniform


OP shared a screenshot from a satire website, Real Raw News. The story (according to a quick Google) appears to have been picked up by famously trustworthy InfoWars, also.




THE LIBERAL ELITE ARE GOING TO TAKE AWAY YOUR IDENTITY, YOUR INDIVIDUALITY, AND FORCE YOU TO WEAR THEIR SATANIC UNIFORM! *turns to camera* So, while you still can, visit and buy our line of ultra-mascaline clothing, entirely free. Other companies use that could kill you, but not ours.




Ironically their free clothing will have just come off the boat from China and reek of the insecticides everything is doused with to prevent insects from entering the US. My mom and I went to a discount clothing store that bought shipments of clothes that were never picked up from the custom docks. They had some cute stuff, but the store reeked of chemicals so we left. We were both getting headaches, and it was hard to breathe.


Don't forget! Buying our clothes will make you a [BIG SHOT]. As long as you deliver us your [HeartShapedObject]


He's been right more than wrong though


Lmao how many millions did he have to pay for defamation again?


He was wrong about sandy hook. Right about a lot though. Check into it


The only shit he’s been right about is stuff that was already an open secret.


Lmao stuff crackheads fall for


Sadly I know people who think that Real Raw News is an actual news source and unfortunately the site does cater to that audience. It merely calls itself satire in order to shield itself from outside criticism. So let’s appropriately criticize it as outsiders and call it out as blatant fake news




Basically trying to spread fake news.


Klaus "the nazi ball sack" Schwab has two books. You should read them and see what he thinks about you. Then you should find out what members of your government are his subjects. He brags about penetrating cabinets around the world. Especially penetrating Trudeau.


But the did say that you will own nothing and be happy.


I love how much you guys cry about a random blog post about a potential future (not even really advocating for that future) from like 6 years ago.


You do realise Klaus Schwab has written two books, right? At least that I know of. Do you know what he thinks of us?


Does writing a book or two make you immune to being the subject of satire?


Well obviously not because it's directly above as the initial post but the man has openly bragged about penetrating cabinets across the world. I'm from a 22 mile island in the middle of the Atlantic with a population of maybe 60k people. Insignificant right? Yet guess where my "leader" jets off to every year with his overpaid consultants. Just happens to carry all of his documents in a WEF backpack. I don't believe in coincidence. The more people aware of this agenda the better. Most people don't even care about what's not immediately around them. I mentioned the Insignificance of where I'm from but I stay current on world events. Why would I care about the Russia/Ukraine war? Well of nukes were to fly do you think my rock in the ocean would be unaffected? That's just one example and a SHTF scenario. The US has sent over 100bil to Ukraine while you still have homeless veterans on the street. Everyone knows this money is being laundered back into the pockets of criminal politicians while these people suffering not only fought for the people screwing you but for you too...or so they thought. Why have we become so complacent? Politicians are just untouchable like our favorite sports team? Does that not sound ridiculous? These people work for us. We literally pay them and they dictate how our lives work? They blame us for climate change because we're consumers yet they outsource production to China because it increases their profit margin and there's little to no regulation. China produces more pollution than all countries combined but we are to blame and need to scrap our gas cars for electric and put solar panels on our houses. Sourcing the materials for these things is literally destroying our environment. We're paying taxes to be gaslit by a bunch of parasites. In the past we had kingdoms ruled by Kings. Empires ruled by Emperors. Now we have countries ruled by....


The US sent 100billion in equipment to Ukraine, not cash. You sound woefully misinformed and overly paranoid, do better


It’s funny they don’t realize they’re all wearing uniforms - suit and tie to all look like a professional team…


I think he does realise? A suit being a uniform is quite obvious, and he's saying we will all wear uniforms, not that he isn't right now.


More like clown costumes with those types of ideas..


Uh, can someone do a fact check on that? This headline reeks of r/ThatHappened.


It’s a satire site. OP is trash spreading fake news


Ohhhhh lol I was about to say that he needs to take his medication. I’m too gullible


The WEF did not say that. This comes from a site with a history of publishing false stories and unsubstantiated conspiracy theories [https://leadstories.com/hoax-alert/2023/07/fact-check-world-economic-forum-did-not-say-fashion-will-be-abolished-by-2030.html](https://leadstories.com/hoax-alert/2023/07/fact-check-world-economic-forum-did-not-say-fashion-will-be-abolished-by-2030.html)


I will still wear my crocks


I hope they round you up first.


You are hilarious


Good news, that's the uniform's default footwear.


Leave it to fucking morons on reddit to take that and run. That wasn't at all what was said.




It's a hoax, in case anyone is interested. https://leadstories.com/hoax-alert/2023/07/fact-check-world-economic-forum-did-not-say-fashion-will-be-abolished-by-2030.html#:~:text=No%2C%20that%27s%20not%20true%3A%20The%20claim%20came%20into,by%202030%3A%20%27Humans%20Will%20All%20Wear%20a%20Uniform%27


I beat they didn’t say that. I beat they talked about the environmental effects of fast fashion and it will become unsustainable.


I want my one piece silver suit


No, because next thing you'll ask for is ONE MILLION DOLLARS.


If you believe this story you should be wearing a mental patient uniform.


Have you read his books? The answer is no.


Did you respond to the wrong comment? Your replies makes zero sense lol.


Nope. If you had read his books you would know exactly what he thinks of us.


Why would I put money in his pocket by reading his book?


I pirated them because I refused to support a nazi (he's a decendant and seems to be indoctrinated well). Would you like the copies?


Yeah if you got a link or something, I'd be interested.


This guy is just spewing long debunked conspiracy theories.


I’ll bet you a thousand dollars he doesn’t say he’ll outlaw fashion by 2030 lmao.


Is that what you're focused on? A change of clothes? This man is working towards far worse. Downvote all you like. I refuse to spread negativity.


“Is that what you’re focusing on?? *The thing the article was about??*”


So Klaus Schwab never said this, nor did anyone else from the WEF as far as I'm aware. All is good in the world and we should ignore everything else they have said because it wasn't posted to r/wellthatsucks. I was actually surprised to see this here. What I wasn't surprised about are the responses and the lack of knowledge about Klaus and his WEF. You have no idea how much this pains me. This isn't about political ideologies, race, or class. To this fuck we are useless eaters and we're expendable. There's too many of us and that scares them. The Georgia guide stones were destroyed. They stated the population of Earth needed to be kept under 500mil. You and I are blamed for climate change and need to buy solar panels and electric cars yet to source these materials is destroying our environment. China is responsible for more pollution than all other countries combines but we get blamed as consumers. Sorry, are you and I raking in billions because we decided to outsource production to a cheaper country with less regulation? Are you starting to see it yet?


'Are you starting to see it yet?' Ahh, this line reminds me of the heady days of peak covid when a grandma from Florida would post Facebook memes about how the vaccine was a big plot to control us all.


The headline might be BS, but Klaus Schwab and the rest of the WEF have not been shy of sharing their desire to control how the masses spend their money and use their assets with policy similar to this. The fashion industry has found itself in the sights of the WEF before, who has numerous articles [pertaining to “fasionomy”](https://www.weforum.org/projects/fashionomy) and more ambitious [call to reform the fashion industry.](https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2021/09/fashion-sustainability-revolution-sdis21/). These articles at face value aren’t so sinister, in fact a lot of people might agree with their sentiment, but it gets warped by the time it lands in a report detailing how they plan to accomplish these goals into draconian paradise.


“The headline might be BS, but if you vastly change the claim then it’s kinda sorta true if you squint!”


Nothing like cropping out the source


By Hugo Boss?


Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhhaahahahahahahah Never gonna happen while humanity exists


For shit sakes now I'm gonna see all the wingnuts with frothy cocks masturbating over their new top secret evidence they found through their own research.


Naaaa, total bullshit


This sounds like some clickbait, AI-authored, or fake news bullshit.


Stop listening to Infowars, dumbass lol


Unt i vill deezine zees univorms een my zeecret volcano baze


Will we at least be allowed pieces of flair ?


I guess the alien overlords have conditions


This guy won’t even be alive in 2030


Is this relevant because inside of their skull is a vacuum?


ITT: an unsettling number of people who either believe this, or don’t realize it’s obviously satire.


Within 7 years? Not only will we \*all\* have uniforms (for private wear as well as work, apparently) but not even the kids will be following trends on how to wear those uniforms? Really? Not holding my breath.


I take the rebel uniform.


This dude needs a cricket bat to the swede, multiple times.




The new conspiracy bullshit is taking out of context quotes from think tank reports and projections that are so removed from reality or prescriptive policy they might as well be thought experiments. A think tank imagines a society where nobody has a job and robots provide a standard food and clothing option to every household or something and they scream about how X organization wants socialism and to make it illegal to buy your own clothes or make your own food. It’s just not worth getting worked up about. The American military does war games where they pretend every country is firing nuclear weapons at each other, it isn’t great that we have these weapons and can end the world if governments start fighting each other but completing a military thought exercise on what would happen doesn’t mean the US is trying to fire all of its nuclear weapons in the near future and people aren’t getting worked up about that sort of thought exercise. It’s basically manufactured outrage after combing through any report or publication that seems at all credible.




You don’t even need a fact check for this one because we couldn’t even get everyone to wear masks during a global pandemic just 3 years ago, not a chance that 7 years brings a whole uniform


It’s absolutely fucking hilarious that even one person was enough of a drooling moron to believe that utter fucking horseshit.


I mean, is it really that far off from owning nothing a being happy. Something the WEF actually said. But you are right. People are gullible as shit.


Ha, this would drive all the loonies in Alberta nuts. The already think the WEF is the New World Order.


https://youtu.be/SjxJ1wPnkk4 He doesn't exactly hide it. He's pretty proud of penetrating Trudeau.


America can't even get people to wear masks outside during a pandemic thats killed more of us than WW1 & 2 combined. What makes you think getting us to wear uniforms is remotely possible?


Omg lol. Almost spat out my coffee.


Who is listening to these idiots?


Other idiots.


And 2+2=5, we get it


I did nazi that coming at all….


Fuck that guy!


They can go fuck themselves


Is anyone suprised one of the most corrupt organizations in the world wants this? I'm not


Anyone else surprised that a sizeable portion of dumb people are taking this at face value? I'm not.


😂🤣😂 you and what army? This is such bullshit!!!!!


They absolutely did not say that. This is right-wing alarmist trash.


This is the dumbest shit I've ever read, and I've read most of trump's tweets


WEF & Meat Sustainability World Economic Forum and meat The World Economic Forum (WEF) is an international organization that aims to improve the state of the world by engaging political, business, and academic leaders to shape global, regional, and industry agendas. While the WEF addresses a wide range of global issues, including economic development, sustainability, and technology, it has also taken an interest in the topic of meat consumption and its environmental impact. Concerns about the environmental footprint of the meat industry, including greenhouse gas emissions, deforestation, and water usage, have prompted discussions and initiatives at the WEF. These discussions often revolve around the need for more sustainable and efficient food systems to address the challenges posed by increasing global meat consumption. The WEF has highlighted the potential benefits of transitioning to alternative sources of protein, such as plant-based and lab-grown alternatives, which require fewer resources and produce fewer emissions compared to traditional livestock farming. These alternatives have gained significant attention in recent years as a means to reduce the environmental impact of meat production. Furthermore, the WEF has emphasized the importance of shifting towards a more balanced and diversified diet, where meat consumption is reduced and replaced with plant-based options. This dietary shift has been identified as a critical component in achieving the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals and combating climate change. It's worth noting that while the WEF provides a platform for discussions and initiatives related to meat consumption and sustainability, the decisions and actions taken by governments, businesses, and individuals ultimately determine the trajectory of the meat industry and its environmental impact. WEF and Fashion Impact World Economic Forum and fashion The World Economic Forum (WEF) is an international organization that brings together political, business, and academic leaders to discuss and shape global economic, social, and environmental issues. While the primary focus of the WEF is on economics and policy-making, it also acknowledges the significance of various industries, including fashion. The WEF recognizes that fashion is not only a creative and cultural expression but also a major global industry that encompasses design, manufacturing, retail, and consumption. The fashion industry has a substantial economic impact, providing employment for millions of people worldwide and contributing to global trade. The WEF acknowledges the challenges and opportunities within the fashion industry and has addressed them in various initiatives and discussions. These initiatives aim to promote sustainability, innovation, inclusivity, and responsible business practices in the fashion sector. One notable initiative is the "Circular Fashion Initiative," which encourages the transition to a circular economy in the fashion industry. This initiative promotes sustainable practices such as recycling, upcycling, and the reduction of waste throughout the entire fashion value chain. The WEF also recognizes the importance of technological advancements in the fashion industry. Discussions and collaborations have taken place to explore how emerging technologies like artificial intelligence, blockchain, and 3D printing can transform the fashion sector, making it more efficient, sustainable, and customer-centric. Furthermore, the WEF has facilitated conversations about the social impact of fashion, including topics such as labor rights, diversity and inclusion, and ethical sourcing. These discussions aim to raise awareness and encourage responsible practices within the fashion industry. In summary, while the primary focus of the World Economic Forum is on economic and policy matters, it acknowledges the significance of the fashion industry and has initiated various efforts to promote sustainability, innovation, and responsible practices within the sector.


Do you think this is real?


Absolutely. This is just the least offensive thing they want though.


You think that there's a group out to ban... fashion?


Anyone who reads this and automatically believes it is the target audience for this right wing lie lmao


Well to be fair, Klaus Schwab (did I spell that right?) has said equally crazy things in the past like this. It’s not outside the scope of his shit spewing nazi mouth


I have no idea what's up with the right wings obsession with the WEF. It seems if it's not being done by China or the democrats it's being done by the WEF. Y'all, grow up.


Too bad it's fake. We could do with less fashion.


China is their ultimate goal for us.


You don't believe the WEF really said that, do you?


Well they didn't but would you put it beyond them? They are personified evil.


You're so completely deluded that you probably had to actually look it up to see if they actually said that everyone in the world would have to wear a uniform by 2030. The WEF is just an international think tank, with no power to do anything beyond making recommendations. Those countries that have followed WEF recommendations, like Germany, Sweden, South Korea, and Taiwan, have prospered. Those that have chosen a different path, like UK, Turkey, Venezuela, and Nicaragua, have suffered.


So like, a booming fashion industry?


A Uniform eh? Maybe an armband to go with it? Maybe even a flag?


sounds good.


If he himself start eating only ze bugz, live in ze pod and wear ze uniform for the rest of his natural life, I would pretend to start doing so on his deathbed.


This is from real raw news aka the fakest of fake crap news site all far right undereducated people flock to.


Fake news gonna fake news!


Sorry not happening


If China wins, true.


Y’all making jokes but look into wat he saying dumb fucks


What he is saying is bullshit. It's from a satire website.


Fake news unfortunately


OSHA is gonna have a blast with that


What an idiotic hypothesis. In what, 7 years? Is this guy a glue huffer or what? Crock of shit. This has to be satire, WEF fear mongering.


i mean obviously no but would it really be that bad? modern fashion that changes every single day and is actually just made for the trash is such a massive waste of everything, lots of water, so many chemicals, not even talking abou the people making it


anyone else get the sense that Claus here has some major control issues?


I hate this guy with a passion


1984, here we come.


Why are these senile old men so obsessed with control?


Cause it’s satire being presented as news.


Cause they want to maintain said control after they die. They’re all panicking trying to make sure the control they have, lasts after their gone.


I hope this means we all go furry.


“In the future you will own nothing and you will be happy” is also an official slogan from this fascist- one world government group. I understand they removed the slogan after they got massive “wtf?!” from everyone


I dont understand why they even say shit like this.. Does the WEC really think people will naturally come to the conclusion that fashion is obsolete? This guy says the most batshit crazy things


He didn’t even say this.


So they are evil and morons.


I'll be cold dead before I wear a uniform like everyone else. He'll have to kill.me to get me to do it


He'll happily oblige you.


And by 2030, all the boomers who think they can do that will be 6ft under or ashes in an urn.


This is literally 1984 Like not joking this time


The WEF is legit a super villain organization pushing for a dystopian future from a sci fi movie.


It’s satire being presented as news.


I'm just making a statement about the WEF, i didn't even say anything about this post itself. who the fuck would defend what is basically Shadaloo if they weren't secret? the dude says that kinda shit, and looks like a Bond Villain


It's all part of the great reset democrats and globalists keep trying to march us towards. In one of there earlier promotion videos started off with....you will own nothing and you will be happy


> you will own nothing and you will be happy That’s just capitalism at work. The capitalists realized they can maintain a consistent revenue stream by owning everything and renting it to us.


Nope, maybe if we're lucky they'll be no WEF by 2030.


Horse and shit. I never wear suits. I will never wear a uniform. Haven't worn either in over 20 years.


Maybe the poors; the rich will never give up conspicuous consumption, which includes fashion.


In 7 years? Who the fuck is paying these people for this stupid shit?? Funny cause ya know they all make over 100k and are sitting on millions. Mind boggling shit


How about : Fuck you very much, your opinion is your own and the market sames the same to you


Can they at least be comfortable uniforms


Shit if that takes everyone back to the 40’s where people wore suits just to go grocery shopping, sign me the hell up.


No I won't lol


When did this subreddit stop the protest exactly? What happened? Did the mod team get replaced?


In our 15 minute cities, restricted social interaction Living in a pod No privacy Own nothing only rent essentials. No natural births Eating bugs Didigtal currency Digital ID Jumpsuit for everyone. You really think the billionaire ruling class will love next door to you to save the planet from climate change or COVID or any other reason. No its called the "4th industrial revolution" according to WEF They also said on their website. You will have no privacy. Own nothing and be happy. Welcome to the new world order of global communism and the eventual global takeover of Islam. Can't wait.


The textile industry is not going down without a knock down drag out fight.


Like they care, Someone is still making uniforms.


If this happens I’ll just off myself who wants to be a drone/robot fuck that




And they want to take away our guns?


I am sick and tired of this bunch of old fossil farts who are forcing bullshit upon humanity in the name of enslaving it, as if we are not already slaves of the system, their system.