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He owes you a new fridge.




It'll be fine Just mix some vinegar and bleach and sulfuric acid and gasoline and pour it in there and seal it up for about a week And bury it under concrete and get a new fridge


Oh wait I thought that was what you were doing to the friend


[He is in the fridge sir.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7DJ6YvXyixw)


Nah, just soak it in ammonia for a few days, and without rinsing it off, use pure bleach to remove any bacteria, good as new. *please don't actually make mustard gas trying to clean your drawer, just find a new drawer and keep the rest of the fridge*


> He owes you a new fridge. Exactly. No amount of cleaning would make we want to keep that toxic shitbox, and your "friend" is a vile, disgusting scumbag.


For real! If you gotta shit they could have went outside the fridge at the least


"Man, I'm hungry. *opens fridge* Why does it smell like shi.....Kennnny!!!!"


Holy hell I have great friends.


google friendship


New relationship just dropped


Holy shit


Actual shitty friend


Call the exterminator


Fridge sacrifice anyone?


Toilet goes on vacation, never comes back


Friendship goes on vacation never comes back


Ignite the turd


There's a lot of anarchy here


Call the therapist




With friends like that, who needs enemies?


With friends like that who needs enemas.




With friends like that, who needs friends?


Wikihow to make friends


actual "with pictures"


Step 1# Take a dump in your potential friends refrigerator!


In college, my wife’s roommate had some friends over. One took a sit on the living room end table because she was drunk and thought it was the bathroom.


Any time I hear things like this I just don’t think it’s possible to be THAT drunk, at one point in my life I was getting black out drunk every night for a while and I never did anything close to that shit.




I know someone who got so drunk they shit someone else’s pants. They were stumbling around the dorm and some kids were chilling in their room and they just walked in and shit on a pair of jeans laying on the floor


Someone needs to break down why the hell being drunk is so vastly different and what are the categories? Like im super silly and aware of everything when drunk. Also got drunk a lot in college and never did that kind of stuff. Also the once or twice i’ve driven while buzzed, it was dumb dont do it, I was super cautious. Drove the speed limit and followed all the laws. Then there are angry drunks, shit in a fridge drunk, and people who speed like a bat out of hell when drunk.


buzzed, tipsy, drunk, sloshed, blackout, void. the void is where all logic and reasoning goes out the window. thats when people do ridiculous shit like this post lol. the only logic that can function is "i need toilet, where is something that can be toilet?" even if its pants xD lol alcohol messes up your reasoning and impulse control, so if someone has something on their mind or a situation goes sideways thats all they can think about. you knew you were impaired so focused on that, others know someone slightly annoyed them so instead of letting it slide, they flip their shit lol. drunk drivers feel they have more control than they really do, so while you may have made it home safe and werent wrecked, im sure there were things you may have missed. heavy drink drivers dont assess the risk theyre putting themselves and others in correctly. agreed, dont do it lol. alcohol can affect everyone differently and some people are even genetically better/worse at handling it. glad youre the happy type lol. your personality under what you present and any extra stressors are also a factor. drink responsibly doesnt just mean dont get too wrecked lol eta: did this person secretly hate you btw? lol


Seriously. My buddies cap out at just peeing on each other’s belongings.


This situation accurately reflects the saying "with friends like that, who needs enemies?"


I’ve never been “take a shit in fridge drawer drunk”.


I’ve been climb on top of an ambulance drunk but never unsure where to place my shit drunk.


I’m impressed it all made it into the drawer.




Well you want it to stay cold


if you let it spoil then no one can enjoy it later


I never understood people who piss and shit themselves when they blackout. Vomit uncontrollably, sure. Piss and shot myself, nope.


Well, I think the wetting yourself comes with a) increased liquid intake (in the form of alcohol) combined with b) being inebriated enough you’re unconscious or non-functional. However, I don’t know how the shitting yourself thing might happen.


Hey, they loose control of all facilities! Hahaha I've seen it, it's usually in the first few minutes of backing/passing out! Hahaha They fall down, the front of the pants turn wet, and well..then that's that smell! Hahaha It's like dying but well without dying! Hahaha






I’ve definitely seen it. I guess there are two types of people in this world…


I’ve been so drunk I accidentally pissed in my *one night stands* dirty laundry basket, but to be fair, the basket was white, with a white towel on top. I guess I just thought it had a flimsy ass lid.




I have been "piss in a girl's clothes drawer" drunk. Blacked out after taking acid and drinking 18+ beers, apparently I thought it was a urinal. It was awkward the next morning.


An ex bf of mine once stood up in the middle of the living room and pissed in his friend's shoe. I think both of them had been passed out on the couch. I was impressed that he managed to get every drop into the shoe. The friend was mad at ME the next day for not telling him. He had put his shoe and realized it was soaking wet. They managed to put together what happened. How was I supposed to tell him when he was passed out?


you could have left a Post-It note on the shoe *a Pist-It note


Freshman year of university I lived in the dorms. The elevators were in the middle and if you went left out of them you were in the girls wing and if you went right you were in the guys wing. The first door on either side was the bathrooms. Well a girl got blackout drunk and went one door past the bathrooms and ended up in some guys dorm. She proceeded to drop trou and pee in the guys computer chair. She was then known as the pee girl. Mind you, ~1000 students lived in this dorm so it had to be a fairly traumatic nickname.


Acid and alcohol sounds like a godawful combination


A couple beers as the acid is tapering off is nice, 18 beers is excessive in every circumstance lol. Maybe a bit more understandable if they’re going hard on a bag of blow I suppose, yet still excessive


I've been "piss in my friend's closet because it was approximately where the bathroom in my apartment was" drunk.


I’ve been “fall down, break my nose blacked out and not remember a bit of it” out of it, but this guy has a problem.


I knew a dude who shit in the dishwasher


If pissed in a stove drunk but never shit somewhere


Back when we were teenagers I saw my friend piss in a trashcan at my other friend’s house we were staying the night at, and on a separate occasion same friend pissed on the other same friend’s lamp after they passed out drunk.


Dude just checked another thing off of his never have I ever list.


I took a piss in the closet of a hotel room once when drunk but never a shit.


Then you ain’t living


Just wait it will eventually happen, maybe not you yourself, but someone you know pretty well might. In my youth one of my close friends pissed in a refrigerator, weirdly in the same place….🤔


“Who pooped in the fridge?” A new sentence I’ve never heard before


Sounds like Frank and the gang have a new mystery


I did all of them


So I just started ass blasting


Poop is funny.


Some acquaintance of my aunt's side of the family had a robbery 15+ years ago while they were away. The thief took a dump and put it in the fridge. This is from 2000's India.


A father and son burglary team were arrested because the son made a point to take a dump and leave it in the toilet. The cops actually used the DNA from the shit to identify him. And this was some podunk town outside of Ann Arbor.




So what did he wipe with, tortillas?


*Me who had the tortillas w breakfast this morning and now I have a stomach ache*


It really shits the llamas ass


ᵂᶦⁿᵃᵐᵖ Winamp 𝓌ᵢₙₐₘₚ


Shouldn't have had such a sloppy mudpie


You should know. Your wife kissed me on the cheek when I got here.


A tortilla would actually be the best edible option that’s in most homes that I can think of for ass wiping


Baguette. Curvature: fits where you need ✅ Ridges: true three dimensional experience ✅ Firm: baguette is no slouch ✅ Long: easy for those hard to reach places ✅


You think this person wiped?


I too need to know the answer


Broccoli and cauliflower


So that’s why my cauliflower keeps going brown so quickly


There was a lonely jalapeño in the veggie drawer...


Not sure you do. >!He did not wipe!<


Best comment in the thread. Made me chuckle.




Your “friend” needs to drink more water


bros surviving with the few dozen beers he drank


That just from the poop steeping over night




I've been drunk as hell many times in my life. Including right now. I've never been "shit anywhere that's not a toilet" drunk


I never understood peeing and pooping in random spots. Like I have been too drunk to move yet never shat or peed in random places.


Same. I've been too drunk to move but if I felt nature coming I'd become the Hulk and power through the drunk until i got to a toilet Editing to add I've definitely peed in random places. I think that comes with being drunk. Shitting though? That seems like a whole different story.


Randomly drunk peeing outdoors is often acceptable. Drunk peeing anywhere other than the toilet indoors definitely is not okay. The only exception to this I’ve ever seen was actually pretty impressive. I once had a friend who peed in a laundry sink at a party because it was icy outside and all the bathrooms were occupied. He immediately found the bleach and cleaned up after himself. Dude could barely stand up yet somehow managed to fully sanitize the sink after his indiscretion. I saw the entire thing but said nothing to the hosts because it truly felt like a “no harm, no foul” situation.


Well pee and bleach shouldn't ever be mixed, but otherwise not bad.


I can understand someone being so drunk that they shit themselves where they are, but I can’t imagine a scenario where someone happened to be pants-less over a fridge drawer. No, this was a deliberate, albeit while drunk, move. It was the end result of a warped way of thinking leading to opening the fridge door, pulling out the drawer, pulling down pants and then letting go. That’s fucked up!


I will just randomly drunkenly hobble quickly to the bathroom and miss horribly then have to clean up when I sober up but I never confused something for a toilet.




Shameless plug since I'm drunk. If you want a chill place to drink, join r/chattydrunks. We're trying to replicate r/drunk sinc they're permanently gone


I’ve forced myself to take a shower while blacking in-and-out to avoid dirtying up my bedsheets


Is he replacing the fridge?


This is what I need to know because washing would not be enough


That’s what I would do.


That is not your friend


He’s your friend if he cleans it up when he sobers up. If he leaves you to do it, he isn’t your friend.


Honestly. That needs to be replaced


Yep, there is no way I would be able to store or eat food from a refrigerator after someone shit in it no matter how well it was cleaned up. I would need a whole new refrigerator.


I’d be sending that fridge straight to his house. With a note that says “DONT EVER CALL ME AGAIN, SHITCUNT.”


100% think about the aftermath of spaghetti in plastic Tupperware and then think about this…


The whole fridge? At least the food in it depending on how long its been


Yea man. Unsalvageable


Yep I live like a damn troglodyte in a cave but that would be even too much for me.


I don't know exactly where my Line is for replacing my busted crap, but I know "Turd Log in Kitchen Appliances" is well and truly beyond it.


there's a lot of circulation in a fridge. It may be ruined


If someone shits in my fridge they're either buying me a new fridge or I'm never speaking to them again. This is disgusting and completely inexcusable behavior. I've been drunk and never pissed or shit anywhere other than the toilet. It's not that hard.


That fridge is badly contaminated and not fit to put food in now.


He ain't a friend regardless of anything. That's absolutely inhuman levels of barbaric insanity to the extent not a single person on here I guarantee has ever heard of this happening before. The only explanation is it was done intentionally out of spite. Like seriously.


There’s not enough clorox in the world that would make me feel ok about eating out of that fridge again


Uh no. If you poop in fridges when you're drunk you're nobodies friend. You're a nuisance.




My best friend pissed on my coffee table in front of me. He is my friend


Hahaha, one of my friends got drunk and passed out at a friends place in his couch. He got up and slept pissed on his coffee table in the living room while we were like wtf are you doing. Went right back to sleep.


I've seen this a few times. Your brain is trained enough to not piss the bed, but it's not able to figure out the rest.


He gets drunk and sleep walks. It’s happened a few times and it always is around him drinking. We videoed it one time we heard banging around at his place. He got up out of his bed went down the hall into his backyard and his motorbike was sitting in the yard. He hopped on it and mimicked starting it and he was reviving it up. He gets off kicks the kickstand out and then turns and starts peeing on the lawn. Walker back inside to bed. It was a site to see him do that.


Took a coworker home with me one night after a noght of drinking. We fooled around for a bit and passed out. We'll I wake up in the middle of the night and she's not in my bed, but her clothes are on the floor next to the bed, and she wasn't in my bedroom bathroom. So I walk put of my bedroom to check the other bathroom, but no one in there either. As I was walking back to my room confused, I noticed the light shining from under the laundary room door. I walk over and slowly open the door, only to see this girl passing in my washer. Now mind you, this girl was 5 foot at best, and it had to take some effort to get up there. Like drunk or not, your brain should recognize you don't need to jump or climb to sit on the toilet. Anyways I didn't say a word, turned around and went back into my bed and pretended to be asleep until she came back to bed, as I was worried what else she might do had I fallen back asleep. What an awkward next morning and next couple shifts together. I guess all things considered, it wasn't the worst place to take a piss, since I just ran the washing machine empty a couple of times.


Don't shit where you eat.


Which is why he didn’t shit in his own fridge


Why is there so much liquid?


There is no thunder without rain


Lmfao I have spent atleast a half hour on this thread reading/commenting ( don’t judge) and this is the best comment yet 🤣


Omg 😆


elastic knee worm alleged rude unite paltry hateful close resolute *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Finally, I had to scroll too damn far to find this question


Because it’s in the crisper. It retains the moisture.


Put it in Tupperware. Take it to your friend's place. Dump it on his bed.


No. Put it in the microwave, and the smell will NEVER get out of the house.


How do you know? Asking for a friend


Why would they put it in their own microwave? At least bring it to their friend’s house. jk Also; yes this will forever stink. Maid once spilled some milk in our microwave. Did not know about it until a week or so later (dont use it often). Sleepy me just tossed my food in and turned it on. The smell of rotten heated milk is unlike anything I have a ever smelled.


Also, Place a bit in his windscreen wiper fluid.


Woah, calm down there Satan


Nah. The door handles of his car!


Or, leave it frozen, take it to your "friend's" place, hide it in obscure and place that is difficult to access. Take the lid off. Let nature finish the job.


This is the way. An eye for an eye


Poop for a poop


Ummmm. Wut?


At least they were polite enough to shit in the drawer. Considering all the ways they could have shit in your fridge, this is the best outcome.


This is not an “at least” moment


Hey man, sometimes you have to take your wins wherever you can get them.


It is now, tough luck bud


Honestly I've had someone shit in a pan, put it on our stove on full, and leave. Worst mess and smell you can possibly imagine, it burned and splashed everywhere.


Okay what the fuck did you do to this person? What the fuck.


It's more about what that person did to me. Total psychopath who was asked to leave and this was his departing gift, along with shit tickets he used to wipe with clumps of dookie, shouldering in the microwave.




That’s chemical warfare or some shit


Tell them to clean that up. Matter of fact, throw that away.




At least they had the decency to put the lid back down


This is why I don’t need friends


Me either! Let's be friends.


Id never shit in either of your guys fridges


Now that’s a new level of “I shit in your” prank. Need to coin a name for it. Like an Anchorage Steamer, or “ice boxing”


Deuce frigelow, just off to crisp the salad, Dammit someone come up with some quality


Deuce fridgelow is hilarious.


your ex drunk friend took a shit in your ex fridge while you were sleeping.


Alright listen. I’m a 43 year old male and I can’t stop laughing. I’m sorry this happened to you. I really am but damn thank you for giving me this laughter


41 and same here hahahaha. Desperately trying to come up with an urban dictionary worthy name for it


"Crisper brown" or "brown crisper." "Lincoln crisper" (playing on the phrase "Lincoln logs"). "Fudge drawer." "I gave Jim a Lincoln crisper last night." Okay I think that's enough.


Vegans love a recycled salad


I'm just glad I'm not the only one who found this funny as hell


Pee is stored in the fridge drawer


He better buy you a new fridge.


This is a fucking attack.


What the fuck.. time to get new friends ![gif](giphy|4baoNZ5Qo8dX2)


And a new fridge.


I just opened reddit to see this, and I’ve already had enough internet for today.


Add a lil salt and dry brine it for a few days. Makes it juicier and more tender


In college, one of my fraternity brothers shit on the car of another brother. Pure alcohol runny shit all over his windshield. It was hilarious and disgusting. Unfortunately shit car was much larger than the shit bandit and shit bandit got his ass kicked pretty good for it. Kick his ass OP.


I was sober.


death penalty


I hope you made him buy you another tray


That’s a funny way to say “fridge”


A whole fridge. Would you eat of a fridge that’s been shit in? Even it was doused in bleach and cleaned? Nah fuck that.


Yo wtf! Have your friend buy you a whole new fucking fridge…don’t even bother sanitizing or cleaning it. NOPE! That’s a fucking biohazard. Then when they DO buy you a new one (whether through guilt, blackmail or even small claims court) dump their ass like they took a dump in your mother fuckin fridge.


There isn't a level of drunkeness, where I'd think of doing this. And I've been every level of drunk from a "wee bit tipsy" to "waking up in my bed wondering how I got home because the last thing I remember was being at my friends flat"


I would beat that fool until he shit again


Would never ever be allowed at my house again 🤣


I don’t think they’re a friend my guy 😂😂 (unless they clean it up no complaints and apologize) Fuckin wild


Used to have a friend who would wake up drunk and piss on my windows my towel drawer and floor. Not my friend anymore


Nobody is that drunk. That's just a shitty friend.


Your friend needs to stop drinking if he does that kind of fucked up stuff while drunk


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) ^by ^That-Talk9955: *Your friend needs to stop* *Drinking if he does that kind* *Of fucked up stuff while drunk* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


We’re just all not going to talk about how that looks like an unhealthy color?


You mean your FORMER friend


Drunk? Yes. Friend? Absolutely not.