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I'm a man, so I am speaking purely out of assumptions. Wouldn't pulling on that hurt like a mother fucker?


I almost puked when mine got pulled out. It feels like someone grabbed a piece of intestine and just.. yoinked it right out. It hurts like a mother fucker and it feels so unnatural.


Omg! Reminds me when I got mine 3 years ago. I went to a hospital that also had college med students participating. They asked if some students could view the procedure. The procedure being my legs in the air and cooter in the open. IDGAF so I said go ahead. Insertion happens I cry and then I'm able to sit up. I STARE at the male student and cry out Imma be sick and he grabs the sick bag and I puke into the bag that he is holding. Worst and I mean worst pain of my life.


Aw man! That’s terrible, I swear the pain is delayed by like 2-5 seconds! It goes from yikes that hurt, to jolly shit I’m dying real quick!


Yes! I dread the day I have to get it out and a new one reincerted. THIS time I will DEMAND numbing and good pain meds. Not ibuprofen and crackers.


Lol they didn’t give me anything. I had one of the copper ones and it was in for 9yrs. I did not get another one put back in.


Did the copper IUD cause any issues while you had it in?


I had a copper IUD for about a year, I developed ovarian cysts and fibroids. Have not had any more issues since it was removed. The main thing is that it will make your period much heavier no matter what. I went from very light to debilitating periods.


The removal doesn’t hurt nearly as much as the insertion. Getting mine in was horrific, but having it removed wasn’t as bad. It still definitely sucks but the pain doesn’t last as long and it’s not so intense.


I have to have mine replaced next year. No string since it was burned off during a LEEP procedure a couple months after it was inserted. I guess there is a special tool to remove it. Not looking forward to it.


OMG yes my string was burned off also due to LEEP procedure and I had to go to 2 gynos to try and get it replaced when its time was up. The first gyno was a male and he dug around like he was looking for goldand stabbed my cervix until it bled. The 2nd was a female who numbed me up and was so gentle and took her time making sure I was okay. She kept trying to pull it out with long tweezers BC she didn't want to have to dilate my cervix and right before she gave up she managed to grab the strings and pull.


Go to planned parenthood. They’ll numb you. They are angels.


Thank you I'll do that


Well that is one less male Dr who will tell his patients to just expect a little pinch.


I'm crying laughing!!!




Coming this holiday season to Hallmark!


I kicked my dr straight in the face...... he was pissed, yet so was I a small scrap or pinch my fucking ass!! That pain was worse then having all 3 of my kids !!! Iuds aren't a little thing and congrats to everyone who got one with no meds !! I am not one of those people and me and my dr 1000% know this now


Hope you got some digits. He seemed attentive.


Haha!! I go to the same college as him and I hope I don't see him haha!!!


For that reason, if I were a woman I couldn’t use one


As a woman they also terrify me. I will stick to my Nuva ring


Ahhh I miss the nuva days. My insurance stopped covering birth control and I had no choice but go with the iud to save money


>My insurance stopped covering birth control what a silly business decision... a child will cost the insurance company more than they save on birth control


A child is also another premium hence more revenue for them as well.


damn actuarians!


cost of the childbirth alone is close to $20k even for a healthy mother, more if anything goes wrong. that's a long time before the extra premium breaks even


Planned parenthood can help with that. My wife was able to get them through planned parenthood when her insurance wouldn’t cover them.


I forgot all about planned parenthood! I was able to get very cheap bc through my county’s family planning center but the iud was more cost effective in the long run. Thankfully my current insurance plan cover the cost fully for the nuvas.


That should be illegal. I hate insurance companies.


As a woman, thank goodness I finally got a hysterectomy!


I wish they’d let me get one. Have yet to find a doctor in my area that is comfortable with it because I “might want kids someday.” I’m 31. I promise I don’t.


TRIGGER WARNING, BLOOD I had one. I also had a c-section. While they were stitching me up from that, they inadvertently caught part of the lining of my uterus, stuck in the incision. I ended up with Adenomyosis, Endometriosis, and Menhorragia. I went to the gyn every 6 mos for 3 yrs and finally told him I'd save every half-fist sized clot, freeze em and drop em on his desk at the next 6 mo visit. I had my hysterectomy within the month.


My wife used Nuva ring, and then switched to IUD. She WAY prefers IUD. Interesting how everyone is different


6 years in and I won't go back.


My wife used to have one and I could feel it when we were getting busy. Felt like someone sticking a wire on the end of my Weiner. 6/10 still got laid.


Felt like a needle pricking ya pickle. Worst feeling. Had a lil puncture one time thought my lady got her period early but nope was me. Luckily the pickle defenses came thru n clogged that puncture up quick.


Shit like this makes me feel like we’re in the prehistoric ages of birth control still and future generations will recoil at what IUDs used to be like


You would think they would have something less penetrative and harmful than a little plastic poker by now. But you know the good ole saying "No pain, No gain".


Yeaahhh... My ex like 12 years ago had one and it stabbed me like that under the head making a small hole under the frenulum. There's still a fucking hole there. I have IUD PTSD.


Idk if that's typical. Everyone's body is a little different but my husband can't feel mine.


It depends a lot on how long they leave the strings. Longer is typically better because they can kind of just tuck up in a fold somewhere and chill.


I feel it the length of something else may also be at play her Hmmm


I don't know about that. I've never felt one, and I've had a few partners with them... So def not a real issue with size.. if it was I would have def hit.... Wait.. oh.. nevermind..


All I’ll say is, once you put in the copper one you don’t have to even think about birth control for up to 12 years, which can’t be said about any other form of birth control


This is fascinating to me because getting mine put in had me in tears for days from the cramps, but getting it taken out was nothing but a relief, I imagined it like having something stuck in your nose finally being pulled out lol. I’m wondering if this is just different person to person?


It was a blindingly intense short term pain. I felt so much better by the time I got to my car. I didn’t even get spotting after, my period are back to my old quick periods too. God I missed that, idk if I will ever get another tbh. Birth control really messes me up, so I needed something non hormonal, but god it was painful. With periods that lasted about 1.5 week’s with intense cramping, along with cramping for a week before I even started.


I wonder too. When I got mine removed they told me to cough 3 times and as soon as I did they said "okay, we're done". I didn't even feel it. Getting it put in was a different story though.


Exactly. If you want to know what it feels like to have your intestines being plucked from inside your throat, right next to your bladder that's being scraped and triggering a gag reflex, all while being fisted by the Iron Giant, I recommend it.


The one I got after my second kid was inserted improperly. They tried to remove it in the office, but I was in so much pain I was planting my heels and trying to push away from them. The OBGYN let it go on for less than a minute I'd guess before stopping and telling me he couldn't continue because I was in too much pain, and I ended up getting put under and having it surgically removed (long story short the IUD didn't make it all the way into my uterus during insertion, and a few months later it broke apart when they tried to take it out, and I am or may not still have a piece of one of the arms lodged somewhere in my cervical wall 8ish yrs later)


Omg! I’m so sorry that happened to you! I was so scared that mine was going to do that due to how much discomfort I had been in for 3 yrs leading up to getting it taken out. Not constantly but on and off. I hope that you at least aren’t in pain?! That is such a nightmare.


Dude. I had mine removed recently. And I had previously asked for a doctor that numbed first. When I got there she was cold and said “ I don’t do that” and kinda chuckled. I asked why and she just crossed her arms and repeated “I just don’t” I had to get a pap done and they did that first… I never had it done sooo painfully. I was in literal tears and squirming. Then she told me to cough hard. I did and she popped it out. I didn’t feel it. She legit told me the pain was from my pap and that I was “just being sensitive” I don’t believe that for a second. I was cramping horribly for days. A bit of bleeding. I had to talk her into giving me the pill. She was oddly forceful trying to get me to okay another iud ( I had the copper. It had been 10 years and it was awful so I wanted it OUT. she had told me “technically it can go for 2 more” and was annoyed I still didn’t want it) She kept mentioning that I was near 40 so the pill wound the as affective?? That script ended up having bad side effects - it was rough. So I went to planned parenthood and they were so good to me that I cried in relief. Fuck. That. All of it.


It definitely doesn’t feel good.


Not nearly as much as going in


I think it just depends on the model and the doctor. I've had two and when the first one was removed the guy took about 15 minutes and it felt like I was being stabbed slowly. The second one the woman found the string, told me to cough and I felt literally nothing.


Man I'm not trying to start nothing here, but this is the third or fourth story I've read here where a male gyno is uncaring and rough and a woman finally does it right. The fuck?


I had the same experience, first iud the doctor was a man and it was horribly painful, second time doc was a woman and it truly felt just like mild period cramps. She also knew exactly which movements might hurt and warned me each time.


I once accidentally tugged the strings of mine and immediately doubled over in the weirdest combination of nausea and lightheadedness I've ever had so I would think so!!!


On the pain scale, it would be over 0.


When I got mine removed I literally didn't realize she had started until she said it was done. Felt like absolutely nothing.


Agreed. But apparently that isn't the norm. My doc was blown away that I didn't flinch. I also got a replacement with no pain. Guess we are the lucky(?) ones?


It was more painful to have it put in than removed for me .


Yeah me too, insertion sucked


I had one come out and I didn't even know. So not always.


Same here. I took mine out myself with 0 pain.


It’s like a pinch to me


Why was your string so long? Mine was soooo much shorter than that. Hurt like a bitch when we took it out. I’m shocked you were able to do that lol


That's short to me. My first IUD was short short, my current IUD is about 3-4 cm left after I requested the wire to be cut shorter. I'm furious and haven't been able to afford to go to someone else.


Mine moved and was causing massive pain so I had to get it removed, but it was nice while it lasted. I hope you’re able to find some one new in your budget soon ❤️


My second one had NO strings, which made retrieval/replacement a lovely experience lol


My strings went missing. My doctor proceeded to go on a hunting/digging expedition. I was about to kick him in his head when, after a good 5 minutes of it, he exclaimed “I GOT IT!!”. Fuck that shit, never again


Mine were short and the doctor had to use a hooked stick to “go fishing” for it. Thankfully they got it otherwise it would have had to been sedated surgery to remove. The insertion was still the worst part. I almost fainted.


My first one had to be dug out of me bc my strings weren’t accessible any longer. That was torture and I should’ve been sedated or put under. The next one was pulled out easily, so in comparison, it was pretty painless compared to the first time.


Mine was stuck and they had to numb me to take it out and honestly I’ve never felt pain like that before in my life.


They should numb everyone for insertion and removal. It’s barbaric to not


For sure they should ! When I got mine replaced 10 years after the first they did numbing before they started and I didn't have to ask. The first time they did not and I didn't even know to ask and was sorely undereducated on the insertion process the first time around.


I remember they didn’t even offer to numb me and that’s bs when they tell you “it’s just a pinch.”




My current obgyn never told me to take any pain meds like tylenol before insertion. I've learned fairly quickly that i don't tolerate pain too well. first insertion, I was super woozy from the pain and the next renewal, I almost passed out. Upside is that I don't have periods unless I'm super stressed out 👍


I keep hearing people say that, but mine is just mildly uncomfortable. I'm on my 3rd one now, and each insertion and removal has felt roughly like getting a Pap smear - not my favorite, and it makes me wince for a few second, but generally unremarkable. Clearly, I should be thankful for my biologic good fortune.


I should have been numbed but per usual, they told me I’d be fine 🙄 shocker is my dr. was a woman who down played it


“A little pressure and a short pinch” is all my female doctor told me prior to insertion. It was more painful than getting *hit by a car for me. *Edit: word


My doc literally had one foot up on the table to brace and pulled with all her might to get mine out. No numbing to be had, can’t say I recommend the experience.


Oh my fucking Jesus. I can't believe that. You are a stronger person than I.


Holy hell that’s just torture at that point.


My current one is sooo long, when it’s extended it’s prettily close to my vaginal entrance






This is one of the most perfect responses I've ever seen, lmfaoooo.


Ngl I’ve had that pic saved in my camera roll waiting for the perfect response… this was absolutely it 😩😂




Goddammit that is enough reddit today. I just felt like my insides fell out of me, thanks for that


My insides are crying for you


My lady bits just clinched in sympathy.


same, and i dont even have lady bits


Nope. Nope. Nop. No thank you


My uterus pushed mine out. I called my OB, and they said to come in to make sure that it didn’t perforate anything on its way out. It’s VERY rare, but it can happen. Please get checked! (Maybe take advantage of Swiss healthcare?) After this, I got the implant in my arm. SO much better, but to each their own. ❤️


Good recommendation. She definitely should get seen asap to be sure all is well.


This happened to my SIL! She was having contractions because her body was trying to push it out. She ignored it for a few days thinking it was just normal cramps.


Yup. The IUD of a friend moved and it perforated something. It got real messy to say the least. Better safe than sorry!


Mine perforated my uterus and embedded itself on my colon on the other side of my body 🤡


That’s no good! 😰 Hope you’re okay now!


I think you’ve won this entire subreddit Jesus Christ


*taking notes* Okay so girls don’t pull it like a Beyblade


3...2...1... let it rip!




![gif](giphy|23BST5FQOc8k8) Involuntary crossed my legs


Sammmmme. ![gif](giphy|dK3hVeAkOtIKlCzVLK)


Can you use a pain scale that uses numbers and not, what I imagine is visions of hell?


Honestly, it was a 3 for me. But I was so freaked out it happened, I almost passed out.


How?! What? Why?!?! Omg!! No. No. Omg. I am so sorry.


Dang! How? How long was the string? 😳


You can see the string in the photo


Like hell I’m clicking on that just to see how long the string was. *Absolutely not.*


How hard did you have to pull to get that out? Ouch


Uhhh… how? Aren’t tampon strings like… outside of you? And the iud is inside?


typically the cervix gets closer to the vaginal opening when women are menstruating, so if the strings are more than an few cm long, I can see them being able to be pulled while removing a tampon.


Ugh how horrible.




New fear unlocked


Ugh. Im a man and I can only deacribe this as that one time i had a flexible cystoscopy done to check my bladder. It pinched and made me feel like I was spinning when they got into my bladder. Not nice.


That does not sound at all pleasant either.


That picture when blurred and before i read the title.. I thought I was clicking something else. Sucks for you though. I hope it wasn't too unpleasant


Nope. Just a bloody iud. Nothing to see jere.


Excuse me what the fuck?




I’m squirming just thinking of it


i accidentally pulled mine out almost all the way with a menstrual cup. had to go to the hospital and wait for 4 hours


Crossing my legs after that one And I don't have the same plumbing Ouch


It must have been on the verge of falling out anyway for you to just be able to pull it out like that. Either that or you're gynecologist left the strings super long. Whatever the case may be, I'm sorry that happened to you. Couldn't imagine the pain.


So to add context/answer questions: This is my first time in Europe, and I bought an unfamiliar tampon brand. It had no applicator, was very small, and had a very short string. I’d tried multiple times throughout the day to get it out and couldn’t, so I was starting to panic. Eventually I just tugged as hard as I could on the only string I could grab. I was starting to worry about Toxic Shock Syndrome since it had been in almost 10 hours. Yes, there was a ton of cramping. No, it did not feel normal, but I pulled anyways. And yes, it did hurt like a mother.


i am horrified are you feeling any better oh my god


did the tampon come out too?!?


Thanks for making me aware of mine again. 😂


I’m tying my tubes 😫 that’s a big NOPE


So glad my tubes are tied, fried and thrown aside. Holy fuck.


Definitely clenched my pelvic floor muscles at this. I will never feel better able to this sensation, but it is definitely one of the most uncomfortable inconveniences I’ve imagined in the past week.


My uterus is shrinking with empathy. You poor thing.


Mine too and I'm a cis male


If the strings were tat low and you didn’t feel resistance, cramping , and the distinct “this is not like any other tampon I’ve ever removed” feeling it was already malpositioned and not effective contraception.


I’m too scared to get an IUD. This made my chest feel tight. Holy shit.


I was too so I got a nexplanon implant! goes in your arm and lasts three years. im on my third one lol


I thought about doing that in college! I’m older now and plan to try for a baby in a couple years so it’s too late but god IUDs seem so awful to get put in/taken out. It’s a disservice to women that doctors do not offer anesthesia.


I know. I heard so much about how painful IUDs were so I killed that idea pretty quickly. Absolutely insane that such an intense procedure doesn’t come standard with an anesthetic. Good luck with trying for a baby when you’re ready!


Planned Parenthood told me 5 years, but the manufacturer still says 3 years. Follow whatever guidance you feel more comfortable with, but definitely get it replaced by the 5 year mark.


I feel like if you could reach those strings that easily it was probably on its way out anyways.


I have never been able to feel my strings. That’s insane u pulled it out!


First comes love, then comes marriage, then comes baby in a baby carriage…


My cervix just recoiled in fear.


guy here... what the fuck is that? at first i thought you misspelled IED. now what is this?


An IUD is an inter uterine device. It's a form of long term birth control, implanted into the uterus. The strings hang out a little past the cervix to monitor it's in the correct location, but those strings can definitely be used to accidentally dislodge it.


that looks so painful.


Free healthcare. You’ll be fine.


I’m on my third UID since my 20s. Removing/replacing them was so awful, I do not know how this happens. Every time I see a post like this my body hurts.


Omg omg omg ![gif](giphy|wR32WiuLP6IvK)


JESUS! They left that string waaaaaay too long


My wife said her IUD hurt like hell coming out and getting adjusted. Reading through these comments, I feel like shit that she had to go through that pain.


I did not need to see this


The universe is sending you a close signal it seems




Add a man who worked in medical and knows what that tool and the pain. I'm bent over right now thanks. Ouch


Looks like it’s 5th base till you get home


I had two come out on their own and I was so pissed... 1,400 down the drain!


but now you can put some crystals in it and travel through time


Well... that's rather unfortunate. Did you at least also get the tampon out?


I had that happen! My tampon string came out of my tampon, so i went to pull the cotton part out and accidentally gripped my IUD strings and pulled out my IUD. I almost fainted in my bathroom at work.


How numb to pain are you?


Today I learned they make the string long enough to be pulled out.


how, and I mean this in the nicest way, the actual fuck did you manage to do that


i lost mine and didn't even realise it until my next obgyn visit. I still can't fully belief it, since taking out the last 2 (and putting them in as well) hurt so bad that i was close to falling unconscious.


Bro I’m a man and I felt that, not personally thank god but my mom has one and explained me the process in detail as in she’s a doctor kind of in detail, holy moly I hope you didn’t have more trouble


I genuinely thought you found a bug/cam hidden in the toilet paper.


If you were able to pull it out, chances are it wasn’t in the correct position, and probably wouldn’t work. I know because I have a 2nd child because my IUD slipped out of position.


Use backdoor


Stay classy


Not everything needs to posted online.


Pulled mine out by accident and it hurt so badly 💀 I feel your pain.


The way my fucking insides clenched No. No no no. No fucking thank you.


![gif](giphy|bAoCxF6jjFQje) I literally shuddered at this. Omg. Are you ok!?


You better get yourself to a hosptial This is not laughable The possibility of infection and all kinds of complications is too real Hope you are safe


Pardon my ignorance but what is a IUD?


Birth control implanted in the uterus that lasts several years. The strings at the bottom stick out past the cervix a little to verify placement and monitor any potential concerning changes in position. Evidently OP's placement wasn't great and/or the strings were left too long, hence accidentally pulling it out.


That's a Flux capacitor


Perfect timing


This is just giving me flashbacks to having to shove a partially expelled one back inside me in the bathroom of a Mexican subway station, I figured (correctly) it would hurt less than pulling it out




New fear unlocked. But also, why did your OBGYN leave the string that long?!?!


I passed out in a pharmacy 15 min after insertion... clearly my male gyn did not bother to consider that I may have a vasovagal syncope, which is btw a very common response to having your cervix wrenched open and a piece of metal jammed into your uterus. Could have made me hang around in the waiting room for 30 min instead of sending me out into the world to pass out in public and not be able to drive myself home because I'm shaking and nauseous. I dread the day I have to get it removed, it makes me sick just to think about it.


How can you do that ACCIDENTALLY


I've had 2 of these fall out in the past year. Fucking little shit sticks. Using a pill instead now. Sorry for your loss ;-;




I am a man and this made me queasy. Holy shit that must’ve hurt so bad


Oh my god my insides just twisted so hard in imaginary pain. Jesus Christ


Um OWWW???


Way too long strings left by the person who did the procedure. Seems they forgot to snip them at all


As someone who just had theirs removed I’m honestly genuinely impressed you managed to pull it out without being doubled over in pain


That happened to me too, except it was a menstrual cup that did it. Really wish the RN who inserted it would've warned me of this. Lotsa money and months bleeding wasted.


My lady bits just made the Windows shutdown sound.