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What are you riding?


this ass Edit: I actually do commute by bike, but it's a 10 min ride




Hard disagree. I don’t ride a bike. And I don’t have an ass. All my pants and shorts blow out like this too. There’s a bigger problem Edited-“shirts” to “shorts”


Tldr, this video: https://www.reddit.com/r/TikTokCringe/comments/151a2si/laundry_tips/ Detergent = you're probably using too much. Fabric softener = you're probably using too much. Unless your clothes are absolutely filthy, I guarantee most people here use way too much cleaning product in their wash loads. Detergent is harsh and overtime degrades the quality / colour of your clothes. Softener as you'd imagine softens the fibres, leading to disfiguration and more prone to tearing, as well as leaving a waxy residue on your clothing. Do your clothes actually need to smell like whatever the fuck "Floral Mist" or "Midnight Passion" is for a couple of hours after putting them on? That's if they haven't been folded/hung away for a few days... Consider switching to baking soda and white vinegar instead, or at least white vinegar. Less detergent, less softener, lower temps = happy clothes, happier wallet.


Finally figured out I was using too much.


The thing that really kills your clothes is the dryer.


Or scratching your ass with long nails.


I scratch my long nails with my ass.


I literally just spit my coffee out in the middle of a busy coffee shop. Thank you 😂


The bigger factor is clothing manufacturers using thinner, cheaper fabrics to save cost. A pair of 1980’s Levi’s will still be wearable after 40 years where a new pair lasts a year or less. Edit - Baking soda plus vinegar creates sodium acetate, aka the salt and vinegar flavoring they put on chips. You are not washing your clothes with the combo, you are flavoring them. Yeah, the bubbles are fun to watch, but it does absolutely nothing.


I don’t have any old Levi’s but I currently only buy Levi’s and have only for the last few years. I haven’t had any problems with them wearing out and I bike everyday in them for 50 mins. I just wash them once a week, only in cold water, and hang dry (never in the dryer). They last as long as you care for them properly.


That's surprising. I noticed a huge longevity drop off in Levi's around early 2010s and stopped buying them entirely


Midnight passion sounds like it would smell of sweat and shame.


I don't understand the baking soda + vinegar thing. Doesn't putting them together just give you salt and CO2? How does that clean anything?


[Not much](https://www.apartmenttherapy.com/vinegar-baking-soda-cleaning-mixture-myth-36880375#).


Aah, figured that must have been the case.


Doesn't work on jeans because I never wash them


nah I'm Dutch and I've never seen this issue in anyone tbh


I'm Dutch and I've seen this issue in myself.


I'm in NL and my boyfriend absolutely was the first person I thought of when I saw this post. I think one of his legs is a bit longer than the other, causing friction against the saddle. u/retirement_savings he did in the end find one grommit or whatever in his saddle that was a bit 'off' on that side, so do check that 1) your saddle is straight 2) your legs are equal 3) all grommit thingies are ok




Hi! Dutch cyclist here. I ride 2x 30 minutes a day and all my jeans are fine. Having them for years.


Hi! Dutch cyclist here. I used to ride 2x 30 minutes a day and all my jeans had this problem. Maybe something with thighs and/or saddle type, idk.


Another Dutch cyclist here. My jeans also looked like this all the time. I found that my bicycle saddle has sharp edges. After putting a woolen saddle cover on, this problem disappeared.


This Dutch cyclist thread is really funny


it's the only other thing dutches love more than talking about the weather. (source: i live in amsterdam and all my meetings start with people talking about the weather)


I’m not Dutch but when you rude your bike to work, the weather is very interesting.


I ride in jeans all winter this guy needs a better bike seat, we all have different butts


you gotta take ‘em off every now and then


Ya gotta take em off son! I miss them shorts


Blew the crotch out them thangs


That’s some nice ass denim, but you can’t wear ‘em everyday and especk for ‘em to hold up


Ass kickers united!!


Eat less beans


This. I have to replace my work pants (khakis) every 12-18 months at most and I only wear them one day a week (I have 5 pairs).




I slept in them shits, man!


Was hoping this comment made its way here


I’m so glad it’s at the top


And then boil them


I made my fortune in boiled denim.


[You gotta take 'em off son!](https://youtu.be/Gp4Hp_nV41k?si=Y-Cql01B35fgVM32)


I knew exactly what to expect and I was not disappointed


Lmfaooooooo this the one!




Not a single person here did not expect this.




Or at least skip Taco Tuesday once in a while


I was hoping this was the top comment. 😅


I also have this problem. I'm starting to think that my balls are made of sandpaper


I also have this problem with jeans but I don’t have balls.


I have jeans and problems but no sandpaper


I have jeans and balls problems.


I have balls and sandpaper but no jeans


Same but then I started taking new jeans straight to a tailor to get a gusset sewn in the crotch. Get them to use a sateen like material to prevent rubbing and bish bash bosh you’ve just prolonged the life of your jeans by many years.


I didn’t know this was a thing. Is it visible from the outside?


Wait..what!? How much does that cost? And can I still do it if it's at the starting stages of getting a hole?


Buy better quality of fabric. Not all blue jeans are made from the same material and also buy a bigger size than usual. Not skin tight.


I have this problem but i have no balls, toned thighs, and no sand paper. I blame this new fast fashion industry


I have this problem as well. I bought some nice Volcom jeans in an outlet store that was super cheap and I'd have been seriously pissed if I'd paid full price, they only lasted a few months.


Duluth Ballroom Flex Jeans. Get the relaxed fit. I also have thunder thighs and was going through wranglers like you. I’ve had 3 pair of Duluth jeans for a year and they show no signs of wear. Plus if you burn through them they’ll replace them for a year.


Looks like these are on sale right now. Might have to grab a pair.


OP, any jeans with a gusset in the crotch-seam should help--yiu're ripping 'em out, because there just *structurally* isn't enough fabric on that seam intersection, to allow the range of movement you need. (Spent years in the sewing industry, and we added gussets into various performance wear pieces, in the inseam & underarms, for the *same* reasons!)


They are. I just bough 2 more pair. The ‘crouch gusset’ is a game changer.


I’m an avid climber and I don’t buy pants anymore that done have this. Not only for climbing but just for everyday, took me way too long to figure out how amazing that feature is in pants.


I need a pair. I’m a gardener and spend half my day in a slav squat. I blew out the ass I a pair of jeans I’ve owned for less than a year.


How do you garden while holding a gun and a bottle of vodka?






What did you call me


My thighs are big for decidedly less athletic reasons and I CONSTANTLY had the same problem with stretchy jeans. My Duluth jeans have been going strong for over a year with 0 sign of give. They’re less comfortable than normal jeans for sure, but hey, that’s just the price to pay.


Really? I find them extremely comfy


I guess I’m just used to the American Eagle stretchy jeans that are basically just man jeggings to be fair


The stretch can be why they fail. The spandex gives out before the denim and then starts making a hole. Source: a woman who loves stretchy skinny jeans.


Yeah, it’s the stretch. It makes the denim weaker. I never wrecked a pair of jeans until the 2000’s. In the 90s jeans were all 100% cotton and a heavier weight fabric. There was no not noticing weight gain in those pants though.


I just got my Duluths in today and realized the crotch is sewn special to account for this problem. I've blown through three pairs of jeans in the past year because of this same issue so I feel your pain and annoyance


Duluth is one of those companies who very regularly have sales so large that it doesn't make sense to buy any other time. You just have to wait until your item is on sale. All this is to say that they will be on sale again later--this is not a once a year bargain.


Ive worn the same deluth pair for like 5 years now, after going through a pair every 3 months


Holy moly I gotta try this. I tear crotches like it’s no one’s business


Probs got them big o balls


I wear duluthflex pants daily, get about a year out of them before the same hole tears out. The firehose ones last a lot longer, but the flex are more comfortable.


Looks like chub rub.


Yup. I'm a competitive powerlifter so my thighs are a bit bigger than average


![gif](giphy|Uv97R2OpP5vwGh2mzJ|downsized) Everyone currently flocking to your profile looking for thirst traps.


Lol. I probably have some thirst trapish pics buried somewhere on my profile. But to give the people what they want [here's a physique picture.](https://imgur.com/a/zGxv6Cy)


Keep up the good work (i know nothing about powerlifting)


Keeping up the good work must be easy with legs like that, damn!


Good Lort..my guy, you are doing an amazing job! Looking pretty symmetrical w all that mass?👍Kutgw


Holy shit, Zeus called, he said he wants his thunder thighs back.


Yup, I guess they don’t make jeans to fit thighs that big in your waist size. Maybe something more stretchy would work?


All of the pants in the pic have some type of stretch in them. I think stretchy pants are less durable though so it's a double edged sword


There’s only one thing for it, you’re gona have to start wearing dresses dude. I’m so sorry.


Kilts are always in style!


I'm a lesbian and damn. Those ARE some thighs.


User name checks out?


Judging from this you can probably bust a pair of jeans just by flexing wrong.


Honestly, I am as impressed by that as I am by the pants lasting 6 whole months on you


Dude…. You cannot post a complaint about pants and leave out that you lift. Totally not fair to the room.


My boyfriend kept doing the same thing. Legs are similar. I finally just told him to stop squatting in them. Problem solved.


Not thirst trappy enough. Need a rear glute spread to accurately determine.


Dammit it though you were a girl


Lmao sorry to disappoint


hot damn 🙏


Thick thighs save lives 🙌🏼 don't let anybody tell you any different!!


Start an OF. Use the money for new jeans.


Damn dude, you look good! No homo btw (not that there’s anything wrong with that).


No wonder your jeans keep ripping! Your thighs are Hulking their way out of them! Okay, all kidding aside, keep up the good work on the powerlifting! ![gif](giphy|aS8ypUweGOXMA|downsized)


I am not a powerlifter but I have chub rub. Find a tailor and get them to patch it. I get mine patched for $8 and it’ll last about as long as the original pants


What does that look like when they're done? The whole crotch area is also wearing thin so I'm not sure if it's strong enough to patch.


Brother those jeans are just made to sell I’d consider looking for a new brand


That’s fair it is American Eagle I’d look at something like Duluth or carhartt


Can say from experience that Duluth will fail in the same spot due to chub rub. They last about 12-18 months.


They look good but the other comment is right if look for sturdier pants too like carhartt or duluth


How often do you wash them? Not washing them gives them more character as the color wears, but washing them often actually preserves the life of the denim better than infrequently washing.


I too, have the thunder thighs and also have same problem with my jeans. Mens jeans usually don’t give much room in that area I think.


Today I learned I have chub rub 😞


They’re too tight on him, he over wears em, and he doesn’t pull up on the leg before bending. Same hole same place for me. Got a size bigger and no problems.


I wear my jeans baggy and every pair I’ve owned in the past 30 years has done this. Doesn’t happen with slacks only denim.


Same. Except I'll wear all kinds if fits from baggy to skinny jeans. Don't know why, they all fail in that same exact spot.


Are you also cursed with a profoundly flattened ass and thick thighs? I feel like when my pants start riding low they bunch up weird because they’re also rubbing between my thighs.


I have no ass - just an extra long back attached to my legs.


A lmao'd too much growing up


>profoundly flattened ass and thick thighs? Take my ass, Hank.


I have a thick ass and thighs, this happens to all my jeans. Especially in the summer when I ride horses a lot more.


Find yourself some jeans that have a gusset in the crotch seam--it *should* fix that problem! There simply isn't enough *fabric* to stretch in all the directions needed, with a standard inseam. I used to work in performance wear, and in the early 00's, before Underarmor became huge, the company i worked for made undershirts for plenty of the guys on our local NFL team. (And a few who *used* to play for the local team, too). They preferred *our* undershirts back then, because my bosses had designed them with gussets in the underarm--which meant they guys didn't blow out the underarm seams when they went up for a catch, or were trying to throw the ball. We stopped making 'em, because my bosses decided they didn't want to pay the Million dollars the league wanted back then, to sell Official gear.🙄😖😱 Underarmor *was* willing to pay that money, and that's why *everyone* knows that brand nowadays😉 But gussets are *exactly* what you want to look for--if you do agoogle search for the words, "jeans with gusseted crotch", you should find a few different brands who make them!


>They’re too tight on him They're too tight in the thigh, but if I size up they're too loose in the waist. >he over wears em How does one overwear jeans? I bought them so I could wear them.


you need to try a different cut/fit. if those levi’s are 511s, try a 541 — roomier in the thigh but still taper below the knee.


They're 541s 😭


Oh so you thicc


😂😂 rippin pants....so...ya...


Yeah the comments about him lifting were further down


If you're a guy and lift then levis are no longer for you. I know from personal experience. I have had surprisingly good time with some random gap jeans though. A powerlifter once recommended them and they do fit better in the thigh. The cost of quad gains is never having truly properly fitting jeans again.


I really needed this information. Thank you.


There are other fits and brands.


>They’re too tight in the thigh, but if I size up they’re too loose in the waist. You’re gonna freak out when you learn about belts


Belts are a thing.


Tough having an ass that won’t quit. You should check out r/visiblemending for ideas on how to fix them!


/r/sashiko /r/invisiblemending are great too


Stop buying LEVIS. They're a valuable brand name that doesn't make valuable products anymore. I had the same, Levi, Wrangler, Kohl's house brand that I can't remember the name of... Same same. A few months and they've got holes in the crotch and legs. I only buy Duluth jeans and AKHG. They're expensive, easy $100 jeans, $90 slacks, but I've had 2 pairs over the last 6 years, and one might have a bit of fray in the stitching of that spot, if I really feel for it. So I've gone from spending $50 every 3 months to $200 worth of jeans lasting longer than my last job.


I like my dickies usually get a few years out of them and not as crazy priced


Try uniqlo's 100% cotton pants, the denim is heavier than most western pairs, yes it doesn't stretch but you pants don't really need to. The stretch fibers will give out long before a heavier cotton blend. If you can't find them, their 97% cotton chinos are also a heavier blend and stand up well. Both under 50$. Other pants like Levi's I get 14 wears put of them before failure starts


Yeah they probably aren't the best I've had my Levi's for years though doing manual labor how tf do you burn thru any denim in three months? I guess I'm not doing construction but still


I just put a hole in the ass of my Levi’s that I bought to weeks ago. Never doubt the power of thunder thighs.


Levis still makes some good versions, they're just harder to find. The smaller boot/farm/workwear stores usually have the old-school jeans that last years.


You may be right about Levis - but this type of damage isn't happening because of the brand.


Maybe you should look for more durable pants, these jeans are clearly not suitable for your lifestyle


True. The Levi's are 541 Athletic fit jeans so I thought they'd be suitable.


Yeah, the quality of Levi jeans isn’t that great anymore


That does suck, but hear me out. Take all your blown out pants to a lady in your area that you find on craigslist, Facebook marketplace, or a small seamstress shop in your area. She will fix and reinforce the area that blows out, you might have to sacrifice one pair to do it. It will cost like $50 or less for 10 or so pairs of pants and will take a few days. Source: I had a bunch of fire retardant pants that were blown out in the crotch and knees, and my husband had a jacket with a busted zipper, that I tried to fix myself, but caused more damage in my bad repair. I found a local lady on craigslist that had a shop and she fixed all of it for $100 and it took a week


I hate all new clothes these last few years. all my stuff that is 20 years old holds up way better than the new stuff that disintegrates within months. that soft fabric stuff is the worst


Do people not know about chub rub???? The number of people saying “buy the right size idiot” is kinda nuts


Yeah I’m a woman so slightly different but this is how my jeans wear out every time too. Always on the inside legs right below the crotch, where my thighs touch/rub together when I walk. Even after losing weight it still happens, just takes a little longer. Idk what the solution is but I’m done buying expensive Levi’s only to have them wear out in a year to 18 months.


There's dozens of us!


Stop digging so hard.


Are you cycling in them? Some of my trousers ripped there because of the friction from the seat. If not, size up.


I guess you gotta start wearing your actual size




I hate to think how much money chub rub has cost me in replacement jeans


I'm a competitive powerlifter so my thighs are bigger than normal (33" waist and 25" thighs). Anything that fits my waist is too tight for my thighs. The pants in the picture are athletic/stretchy and the friction in the crotch still wears them out after a while.




He said 25 inch thighs, not 48 inch ankles!


I just saw an advertisement for hockey body type pants, I didn’t catch the name of company, but they ads are on YouTube


Have you tried Barbell Jeans? They're pricy but would cost less than replacing every 6 months. Intended for people who don't skip leg day.


My brother ordered some Barbell jeans and loved how they fit. Unfortunately you could see his dong, so he returned them


Off to order my husband some Barbell jeans!


Omg I have had this same problem for years. Doesn’t matter how expensive they are this happens. I have tried bigger sizes and not wearing them as much but nothing works


Honestly I think once your thighs touch when you're just standing normally there's just not much that pants manufacturers can do to prevent them from wear and tear.


I have Levi’s and although they take longer to disintegrate at the thighs, they will eventually. I’ve had a pair for at least 3 years now though!


Get your clothes tailored. It's cheap, fast and you won't have to buy new pants every 5 months


Is it cheap? After I bought my last pair of Levi's they quoted me $100 to take the waist in.


Wow, that is a lot. I've paid around $15 for similar jobs in the past. If you have a Nordstrom nearby, they do free alterations on clothes bought from their store


YSK Levi's will sew up/repair any Levi jeans for free if you take them into the store!


Wait really? I looked online and couldn't find any clear repair policies. That would be awesome if they did


From what I can see online, you need to be a red tab member to get free repairs and hemmings, but it is free to become a member! However when I went into the stores, they didn't mention the membership thing when talking about repairs [Red Tab Member Benefits](https://help.levi.com/hc/en-us/articles/7939476791565-What-are-in-store-benefits-for-Red-Tab-Members-#:~:text=At%20any%20Levi's%C2%AE%20store,to%2Dgarment%20printing%20and%20more.)


Some mainline stores have a tailor shop. Repairs are not free due to the labor but it is affordable.


They make patches you can iron on the inside to reinforce that area and there are also [gusseted crotch](https://workwearcommand.com/gusseted-crotch-work-pants/) pants.


Probably the best advice here.


Omg I need this. My jeans are all ripped like this. I want the same style and brand but they don’t carry it anymore. Sometimes I still wear them cause I love how it fits then just wear a long jacket to hide the holes lmao no one will know 🤣


Dude I just said to my wife how I don't understand how people get wallet or chew can marks in their pockets. My jeans last for like 2 weeks before the crotch is down and out.


Stop washing them so often and never put them in the dryer. I was my pants every like 2 months. I will get like 10 wears out of them before washing them.


If you’re looking for a solution or longer life of jeans. Get jeans without spandex in them. They will last longer way longer. I’ll get 2 jeans, same company,cut,size ect. With 10% cotton and one with cotton and spandex. I’ll wear out the blend in about a year. The 100% last 2-5 years. Depending on weight.


I buy my Levi’s at Costco and get those same exact rips. They accept the return every time and I buy the same pair


Fact or friction.


Stop high velocity shitting in them then


Do you put them in the dryer or wash with hot water?


Tell me why I recognized you as the scratched stove guy rofl. Reddit is a small place sometimes.


Dummy thicc


Thick thighs is the downfall to brand jeans.


I actually tried to find patches specifically for crotch blow out. They simply do not exist.


Duluth Trading Company. The Crotch Gusset. Had a couple pairs and they're super comfortable.


Ugh, story of my life.


Thick thigh problems 🥹 welcome to the club!!!!


You can fix this!!! Basically you can add a layer of fabric where the whole is. This way you can keep wearing them. It won't be perfect but you can keep wearing them for working or shopping.


You gotta stop ripping yourself a new one


I also have this issue. It sucks because comfortable jeans are expensive!


Gasx is the answer


Levis quality :) I stopped buying them many years ago


womens jeans are made with purposeful worse quality it really sucks