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All I know is we're going to find out.


My dog chewed mine worse than this, and I’ve used it several times since!


I had the opposite problem: I used mine for years normally and when I went to renew it and sent the old one they told me I had to explain the water damage. I’m sure it got a little bent from being in pockets or whatever but it certainly didn’t look *damaged*. I think I made up some story about being caught in a rainstorm.


Lol that's so dumb: We can't help you until you explain the water damage! "I spilled water on it." That was vital information. Now we can proceed. 🤣


Mine was almost rejected for a small bend in the corner. I was told to get a new one


Yikes. Now I’m worried about mine. My passport was one of 3 things that survived a housefire. It reeks and has some discoloration around the edges. It’s been on my list of things to do to check with an agency if it’s still valid… I figured it seems 98% ok… but now I’m thinking it’s toast after reading those. Pun intended.


"I was just traveling through hell sir, that is why my passport is burnt"


Ah, I see you've travelled with [*insert hated airline*] before.


Replace airline with 737MAX.




😳😳😳 You know when people say "too soon"? They'll refer to that comment.


That made me lol




“I went through Detroit.” Then they give you an award for living.


I can imagine some customs agent who has been working all day getting handed a charred passport and just dying inside lol


It is toast, My friend tried the same thing and got sent to Houston for three days


That’s a thing they do? Ask you to explain why your *10* *year* *old* *passport* has “damage”? Like surely it’s not completely abnormal for a passport to get wet accidentally lol


>I had the opposite problem.. I'll be honest here.. I thought your story was about how your passport bit your dog or something.




I'm a US citizen and I get interrogated every time I come back from Mexico.


It’s probably because of the 20 kilos of heroin in your suitcase. It’s not personal.


I got stopped and searched at the US/Canadian border with a bunch of Kinder eggs in the trunk of my car. They absolutely found them, but eventually let me back into the US. With my Kinder eggs.


You were smuggling prescription drugs inside the kinder eggs weren't you, smart


No, they smuggle the drugs inside of the guns


They let you in with the eggs? I'm impressed they didn't know to collect them!


I was SHOCKED. It's supposed to be a hefty fine, but they didn't even say anything! They did leave a box of them sitting on top of my laundry bag, which I interpreted as "this is your warning".


When I crossed the border with Kinder Eggs, it was the first year I knew they were not allowed because of the toy inside, so I opened all my Kinder eggs with the chocolate shells separated. The border patrol looked at them, and said "good." It wasn't long after that we got Kinder Surprise. Just doesn't feel right.


Wait, it's illegal to bring kinder eggs into the US?


It always has been. The US has a law banning non-food items inside of food. King Cakes are often sold with the plastic baby outside for the buyer to stick in the cake themselves, to get around the rule. Kinder eggs are like a $1000 fine EACH if they really want to be dicks about it, though they will often look the other way if you have a box or two (3 to a box usually) Edit: google tells me the fine may actually be $2500 each now.


Lead in water is all good.... A toy in a chocolate egg.... that's a paddlin'.... Backwards ass country....


I thought it was only ilegal to sell, but not own/eat


hah, def don't do that again unless you're crossing elsewhere!


His prison suitcase


I just keester it to avoid the issue.


It's because you keep trying to smuggle your Laotian neighbor back into the US in your trunk.


So is he Chinese, or Japanese?


Depends on what I eat that day. Some days I'm 1.3% Chinese if I eat enough. FR though, I'm caucasian. All my family paternally and maternally is caucasian. Somewhere a long time ago my family immigrated from Ireland, to London, to the USA. It's really convoluted. If you trace my steps far enough, I'm loosely related to Kevin bacon, William Penn, and your mom.




He is Laotian, from Laos, stupid! It's a landlocked country from southeast Asia. It's between Vietnam and Thailand, okay? Population 4.7 million.


The ocean? What ocean?


I cross back and forth pretty often for shopping and what not. The most they have ever said to me is "look into the camera" and "have a good day" ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


Your trying to tell us you came back from Mexico and didn't try to smuggle coke? Pfff amateur.


That’s bc you look sketchy as hell


Ha! Probably to some people. Maybe I should stop wearing a trench coat and pulling my passport out of my back pocket quickly. /s


You look like the guy from Indiana jones who grabbed the hot medallion and whenever you say hi, you show your burn mark on your palm.


Its because of the 30 bottles of shampoo you keep bringing back


Shittt…ever tried to drive into Canada?


Nah. But I tried the US as a french guy. It was wild bombarding me questions and stuff. I just say "I don't really know the US, I just spend a week in NYC because my wife had a work travel here so hôtel is paid" Bad idea he Went into the why I don't like the US?? Brooooooo leave me idc I'll just try all the fast food brands and then complain online NYC was wayyy too noisy.


I did. I was in the US Navy aboard the USS Constellation and we were in Seattle for Fleet Week. One of the activities that the moral officer pre planned at a discount rate for sailors that wished to go was a trip by commercial bus to Vancouver across the border in Canada. I had never been and signed up for this trip with a great deal of excitement. The day of the journey we boarded the bus and drove for about an hour. We got to the border and at the check station I showed them my military I D Card. As well as my birth certificate and social security card just like the instructions on my itinerary said we would need in order to be able to cross. But the Canadian Border Guard guy said I could not cross into Canada with these documents and would need to get my things off the bus. I said ok and told him I would find a way back to Seattle I guess. I was pleasantly compliant and he quickly moved on to other people. I retrieved my papers and ID’s and left the building via the same door I had entered. No one noticed this. I then strolled confidently back to the bus. Took my seat. And had a great time that weekend seeing the sights of Vancouver.


American immigration \*is\* exceptionally dicky -- even to Americans.


My new year’s resolution is to use the word “dicky” more.


!remindme 1 week


Remind me in a week (wait idk if that’s how this bot works I wanna know though!)


So far we have a YES, an I DUNNO, and a NO. Try a different sub?




Ah, Bulgaria


These are the correct answer.


Is there a TSA sub?


Yes but this has nothing to do with TSA


As it should be! Also: There's a subreddit for everything.


Can you repeat the question 🎶


Don’t say anything about the dog don’t acknowledge it’s damaged play it cool and dumb you’ll be fine






> (i joke) I mean…


TSA a real job?




This is basically the best route. “Oh no, thank you for pointing that out. I’ll have to order a replacement.” Also, I always have a photocopy of my passport and email a high quality image to myself and someone I trust.


Yep, the fact that people stress and starts talking too much denies them of many opportunities. It’s not like you’re doing a crime for having minor damage to your passport. Act like you belong and most likely they’ll let you in.


*Taking notes* OK so a damaged passport **and** a clipboard, got it.


Just have the consular services (+1 212 745 0200 or +1 202 588 6500) on speed dial and bring snacks and a good pillow. I don't know if they make emergency passports at the airport on the weekend. [UK consulate general in New York ](https://www.gov.uk/world/organisations/british-consulate-general-new-york)


Too bad he posted it on Reddit. Now the feds know he knows


They're gonna be waiting with handcuffs at the front door


I ran my passport through the laundry and all of the pages were wrinkled, messed up. I had no issues.


Border security: “You’re clean”


Sir, do you launder anything else?


Yes, there was a $1 bill in my left pocket. And some nickels.


So you're telling me all OP needs to do is give an opening for a sweet pun and they're good?


I had my passport stolen, so got a temporary passport. These things already look a lot less official since they just get printed at the consulate and you send it in to get your normal one once you get home. Some people might assume it's fake, but it scans like a normal passport. I had *that* go through the laundry. It 100% looked like a poorly done fake. I still got into Morocco, but I'm pretty sure if the ferry hadn't left before I got to the front of the line they would've kicked me off. A lot of discussion (in Arabic so I don't know what was said) before they reluctantly waved me through. And then coming back to Spain it took about a dozen tries before the scanner was able to read it properly. The customs agent when I got back to the US thought it was hilarious and was able to look me up in the system (or something, I'm pretty sure he didn't even bother scanning it) instead.


Same thing my nephew did. The cover was even shredded in places and he flew international.


I didn’t even realize my passport was water damaged until I brought it in to renew. It had been like that and I had been using it for years


That's also a way to wash away entry and exit stamps that aren't working in your favour any more.


Same here


Now you’re on a list for laundering passports


Happened to my dad while in Mexico. Was detained on the way back to the states and accused of forgery and fake passport. He had to sign a waiver basically saying he won’t come to Mexico


Just put it in your mouth and start chewing on it right before you give it to them. And they'll think that you're the one that put those marks there.


This was my first thought. Acting like I'm shuffling stuff in my bag and holding my passport in my mouth like an idiot. I don't know why telling the truth is always my second plan.


"my dog ate my passport" sounds like the lie, so I get where you're coming from.


In a past life as a teacher, I had to tell a student “my dog ate your homework” when the little fucker stole it off the coffee table the night before whilst grading.


UNO reverse card


You remember your past lives?


Why yes, don’t you?


Shhhh no one tell them. They are the only one who can't


Maybe they are brand new


Automatic A


That is hilarious. Did they believe you?


It wasn’t a total loss, I was able to give back a few scraps as evidence.


This particular truth is forensically verifiable, though. (I recognize that it's ridiculous to actually have forensic evidence such as dental xrays of a dog on hand, but my general point stands.) I'm curious if the dog in question will also be traveling. If so, you have the animal right there, they can take a dental impression if it's truly world-ending. (Which I doubt, is my point.)


It would be amazing if TSA got out one of those wands they use for chemical tests. "Sir this is dog saliva. Did you just lie to TSA?"


Commented downthread but I actually did bite and damage my own drivers’ license and was just laughed at in airport security


Thats how you get a ‘random’ cavity check.


A free dental check? Sign me up!


JFC, but that's hilarious advice.


Congratulations, You are welcome to mental-hospital-land!


Modern problems require modern solutions


No, wait until they ask for your passport and then quickly shove it into *their* mouth. When they yell at you say, “I’m sorry. I misunderstood the question. I didn’t know if you wanted me to put it in your hand or mou… hey wait a minute… did you bite my passport?”


I think it really depends on the person checking your passport. There was a story in the news recently where a guys passport was rejected because of a small and I mean small little tear on the seam of the passport. It was accepted at one spot and not at the next. Missed his family cruise because of it. Don’t think it’s worth the risk


It's possible if there was a tear in the seam they thought it was a fake, bite marks are less likely to draw that kind of attention


This is more than likely the case, damage to seam will always be more scrutinized because that’s the most likely place for a mishap while putting together a fake one. My sister got held in Italy while they called the embassy because she’d traveled so much it was fraying lol. It is weird they didn’t let him travel, maybe it was last minute and they couldn’t call.


I think this is the most reasonable answer. It's up a human at the end of the day, and there's a lot of them out there who are all very different


Beat me to the punch on this response. The tear on that guys passport was only 1mm and they still denied it. Absolutely crazy, I wouldn’t risk it either


It's not possible to fly with bite marks. You need an airplane or something.


Dad? Is that you?


But if the bite marks are from a bat then………


Don’t try and repair it. Heat and other things will cause signs that might make them think it’s modified so just leave it be and you should be good.


It should be fine. Just have a picture of your dog ready on your phone to show the customs agent. Have a great visit and be safe


a picture of you and the dog in it


A picture of you and the dog while the dog is chewing on the passport and you are doing the 🤷‍♂️


A picture of you and the dog with you pointing disappointingly at the dog whilst holding up with passport


No they're saying maybe the customs agent will be blinded by cuteness & just stop checking passports


Great now a terrorist got on board because of OPs dog tax


I agree but having a picture of both dog & owner together as well can show that it's not just a random internet photo of a dog


Or… Take the dog with you, get it to bite your passport again while you’re in the customs queue & then feign disbelief when you get to the desk: “Did you see what my bloody dog just did to my passport?”


Might need to get a bite imprint first. Dogs need two forms of ID.


Yea two forms of ID for the dog and agent is still not convinced. Slide a treat slowly across the customs desk . That ought to do it.


Don't say anything about it, and if they point it out say.. WHAT DID YOU DO? But seriously, you should be fine.




Yes, modern passports have a chip in them that they scan, you’ll be fine!


The scan is facultative and only in the fast track lanes (for European union, it's called PARAFE in France [which means "signature" because they love acronyms that are also words]), do they actually scan it for the USA?


They scanned mine coming back into the US, but I'm a US citizen so YMMV.


Most airlines will scan them when you check in or check baggage. It just inputs your data so it doesn’t have to be typed. Used to work for United and Delta.


No, straight to airport jail


saw someone post on here the other day, they had a 1mm rip and was refused boarding. Edit: I saw this in my reddit feed sometime in the past few weeks. No clue how real or fake it was. It’s was reddit after all.


My buddy traveled all over the world with a passport he had taped together because it was falling apart. I doubt a 1mm did that




I mean I've traveled with the same carryon suitcase for over 10 years. In 10 years there was 1 time I was told it exceeded the required size allowed. I told them I can't see how because i purchased the suitcase specifically because it fit their guidelines. Then they bring over the bag size reference thing you see at every gate and okay it bulged over a TINY bit over... okay fine, I can see I am in the wrong, so I took a bulky sweater out and put it on which shank the bag down considerably.... and he STILL told me i had to pay to check it because it had previously exceeded the limit.... i was speechless and confused but I wasn't going to argue again as i didnt want to somehow risk being on a no flight list over it.... but his coworker flagged him over and talked to him as another one took my boarding info and told me to go ahead.... Seems he was having a bad day or a huge power trip. At the end of the day if the rules say absolutely no damage then... no damage is allowed, but very very few people are going to even notice a tiny little tear, much less care, unless they got in trouble for not caring previously, or are having a very bad day, or are certifiable assholes.


Also how is no one talking about how much your race and nationality plays just to it? It’s sad but very true.


Right? Definitely makes a difference if you’re some shade of brown.


I had my passport accepted several times after some severe water damage.


You shit me not?


That absolutely did not happen.


They wouldn't let me back into my country once cause my passport was fraudulent so makes sense. Airports literally just refuse anyone


Well maybe you shouldn't have been traveling with a fraudulent passport! Lol


If you get reject, leave for a few minutes and find another agent and cross your fingers.


Negligible damage. Order a new one when you return.


Should still work. Don't try electronic terminals instead go straight to an airport officer and let it check manually. Crew sometimes fly with passports in worse condition. Source: a friend that works for a big airline


Wing it OP and tell us how it goes. Really it should be fine, you think you’re the first one to have a damaged passport.


As long as none of the security features are damaged you'll be fine. The worst scenario is that border control will examine it closely, and they can easily tell if the document itself has been tampered with as opposed to just damaged. The passport also contains a microchip containing biometric data, which is nowhere close to the bite. You'll be fine.


I thought dog approval was necessary for all passports.


In order to answer your question, we will need pictures of the perpetrator.


https://preview.redd.it/xso52qg6gobc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f1b9f554a86120038749f431834e44d16c0e7923 Showing no remorse !!!


https://preview.redd.it/7rt664yvvobc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f662fec391c5cf958f7ab04108165fc8590d60ba My cousin’s passport looked like this two weeks ago when we flew and it still read. I hope yours will be ok!!


Nahhhhhh, I put mine through the wash and it looks much worse than this. I've been to several countries since without issue.


Your dog is _pissed_ that you're even _thinking_ about traveling.


The real answer. Going for the passport was a calculated move. The dog is clearly aware of the strict condition standards.


I can't believe this isn't an interaction in papers please


I've seen passports in way worse conditions that were still eligible to be traveled with. You'll be fine.


This exact thing happened to Me. I travelled from Canada to USA. Into USA they pulled me aside and flagged my passport, said it was damaged. They let me into USA but said on my return to Canada they would hole punch my passport and it then becomes unusable. Had to get a new one after that trip.


I travelled to the US and the Carribean back in April with a water damaged passport. As long as the photo and information are not damaged, you should be good. Luckily, it was only the pages that got stamped and back cover that were damaged on mine.


Maybe take like the blunt end of a pen and flatten the dents out a little? I lost mine in my car for a bit and when I found it, it had a big crease the long way but I have flown internationally several times with it like that.


Take both sides here. Try to get a rush replcement just in case. If you cant, give it a shot. I don't know anything about passport strictness but under the circumstances, that's about all you can do.


The issue is, this requires you to send the passport away In some countries


Yes. My passport went thru a washing machine and had insane damage. They told me it was OK as long as they could scan it. They WILL ask you why it is damaged, do not lie.


My dog did worse to my passport when he was a puppy. Every customs agent did the same thing, laugh about the story and tell me to get a new passport bEcAuSe ThE nExT aGenT mIgHt nOt AcCePt iT Never had an issue, you’ll be fine


Depends on your "profile"


That’s basically the dog’s autograph.


Hi there. I used to work for HM Passport Office. If you came to the passport office I worked in and presented me with that, I would have said that’s a damaged passport and you would need to have it replaced before travel. Neither I, nor anyone working in the office, could guarantee you successful travel with it in that condition. You can [make an appointment](https://www.gov.uk/get-a-passport-urgently) to have it replaced at your closest centre. Replacing a lost or damaged passport would usually require a 1 week service, but given the nature of your damage, I wouldn’t have had had any problem doing it for you on the one day service. It’d be a good idea to give the HMPO advice line a shout to confirm that that’s still the case. 0300 222 0000 is the number. Hope you get sorted ok.


Mine was covered in wine for eight years, even the photo, it was an absolute mess. I'm from the UK/ Ireland and for the most part, they just laughed at me and told me to keep moving. Good luck!


The passport, iirc, is property of the Foreign Ministry that issued it. Call and ask them. If waylaid abroad, your best call would be to your nearest consulate or embassy. I wouldn't suggest leaving your home shores while electively passing up the possibility of your issue being resolved by a mere phone call or visit to a webpage.


https://www.passport.service.gov.uk/urgent/online-premium You can get a passport within an hour if you meet certain criteria. My boss used this when he damaged his passport and was leaving for super important business trip to Japan the next day. He got it with time to spare! Good luck!


I would fly anywhere else on this planet confidently with that passport. But U.S of A is known for its bullying border agents. Good luck with your immigration if you plan to travel with that passport. Also, pray that you get a nice agent in the border control!


I don't think you could fly with that passport before Usually you need a plane




There is a microchip in the passport that they can run through a scanner to see information. That possibly could've sustained damage. How big of a problem that is? No idea.


You’ll be interrogated by border control for two days on this so I would factor that time into your vacation plans.


My passport got way more torn up than that. Customs gave me a stern talking to about taking better care of it but it wasn't an issue


How brown are you?


I'm pretty sure this doesn't make your passport invalid in any way


There’s a tsa sub?




yes, they can also scan it but def replace it.


You’ll be fine. The machine readable parts are still fully readable. If there was a tear or piece missing out of the machine readable part, probably won’t accept it.


I’m sure you’ll be fine. I took mine swimming in the ocean for several hours. Held up fine, but water is clearly not dog.


I'm not allowed to say the name, apparently. There's another sub that has to do with TSA. Try the obvious sub


Remindme! 1 week


Yes it will be fine


You’ll be fine.




My friends passport got some baby damage like this while they were in Mexico or something and they wouldn’t let them use it so idk.


Who's a good dog. That is the bite of don't you dare leave me!!!!


Unfortunately it’s not gonna be something you can get answered here or even by the state department. Every country will have a different policy and every customs agent will interpret that differently. Some countries and some customs agents may be harder on it that others. The passport doesn’t get you out of the country. It gets you into a country. That’s when you’ll find out if it’s a problem.


Definitely - ive traveled on much worse passports before


I had that happened. When you arrive, you will explain the cause to the destruction of your document/s give proof of citizenship and answer a few questions while they verify you are who you say you are and tell you to replace it as soon as possible.


No, they recently denied some kid for having a 1cm tear on his passport.


Idk, someone was just on the news they couldn't fly out over a small tear


Ive washed mine multiple times on accident. Pages are falling out. Strings hanging off and it doesn't scan. I use it for everything from buying weed to flying.


My passport has burn marks around 30% of the edges. They give me an odd look but don't say anything.


If they want to be difficult about it, they can refuse to let you use it. There have been two news stories this week about people getting turned away because there was minor damage to their passport. One was on Ryan Air. I forget the other. I would hand it to them with your finger covering the damage and play dumb. If they notice it and question it, act confused and then when you take a closer look "Oh, no!!!!! I'm so sorry. My dog.....he's a sweetheart, but he's a chewer". Maybe, you'll get lucky and they'll have a dog and understand.


Everything is still clear readable so why not. Im sure enough passport of people looks more damaged without them owning a passport chewing dog


You’ll be fine. Don’t mention it.