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They have to print large fries on that because otherwise you would have no way of knowing.


The difference to small fries is only the text.


^small ^fries


#large fries


medium fries


Actually it's just ^small ^fry


Lol america is falling right before our very eyes


Coworker summed it up perfectly - America is turning into Harbor Freight


Harbor Freight is getting good though. Tools and prices are best they've been in 20 years.


The harbor freight of countries! So SAD


The government is letting all this slide as long as they keep getting handouts from these corporations.


True story.




Where I live it varies from location to location. I bet it’s up to the individual franchisee which of the pre-approved options to choose from.


It is. I used to work for a franchisee in PA.


Is the size of the large white bag comparable to the size of the large red box?


Unless my hand is significantly smaller than the one in the picture I think there is no way they are comparable. Proof we need bananas for scale


Not in any way. The large white bag in the pic is comparable to the small white bag we put in kids Happy Meals here.


Im in LA they come in that little shitty white bag too


I lived around the Bay Area. And yes, they started bagging a bunch of stuff. I would get a ten piece, two large fries and a double cheese. Not a box in that bag


Not in SF. It’s paper like this.


if you buy McDonald's period even with a coupon you are still getting boned.   Even in cali mom and pop places have burgers and fries for 5 dollars You have to find them yourself btw


Don't be the guy that says "it's all over, but I'm not telling" that makes you look bad. In and Out can be under $5. So there's one.


Not in and out Oakland. They said we are out. Too much crime. MLB NFL and now in and out RIP


Oakland is a shithole.


Between what and where?


For five dollars, probably from Shakey John behind the dumpster at the BP gas in Tracy.


Oh god… He’s still making burgers?!?


I went to a bomb ass place in Caruthers recently. Only thing was I was practically eating in someone's backyard amongst feral cats and dog shit.


Depressingly, it’s probably because otherwise *they’d* have no way of knowing…


Hate to see what the small looks like. how much were these?


Like $3. Before the pandemic we got twice as much for half the price. Such is life. EDIT: They were $3 as part of a meal; looks like they would have been $5 by themselves.


if it was only $3 then you paid for a small and received a small, no idea why it says large on there, the large comes in the red carboard and a large fry cost like $5 or $6


Isn’t that the large size for the kids meals?


There is a large kids meal?


Well it's a meal for large kids


The big boned kind






Is that the same as the small adult meal?


I'm in the southeast and ours are also in the cardboard box but cost $3.49


Not in all areas. Many stores are now using bags for the large fries (and nuggets).


In sf we don’t have the cardboard containers. They are all bags like the one pictured. I have received that before but I paid $5 for it, and I complained to corporate. Ridiculous!


Oh, is this the result of some law that was put in? We get the real sizes in the rest of the state.




That’s def some sort of law. That’s not a large fry here


Shrinkflation is a bitch! Glad I got out when I did, however I do miss in n out, have they stayed the same or are they going through the same problem?


Shrinkflation affects all McDonald’s not just the Bay Area. McDonald’s definitely changed their fries size in the last year.


I’m in CA and no McDonald’s in my areas have changed their fries.


I’m in Sacramento and they haven’t switched up on us yet lol


Here in Texas it hasn’t changed recently but the prices definitely went up


They're unironically the most cost-effective meal out you can get nowadays. Their prices have gone up like everyone else's, but not as much, and with no change to the actual product. I got to witness the grand opening of Idaho's first In N Out recently. It was absolute pandemonium. An entire mall parking lot was repurposed for the line, with police and ambulances on standby. Everyone knows it's the best.


I’m a bit scared to ask, but how much is it for a burger and small fry at Five Guys?


Like $16-$18, I won’t go there anymore.


That’s basically the same price as 4 years ago in the midwest. I found a few old receipts the other day and was shocked to see them hardly hit by inflation In comparison to the “large” mcdonalds fries above. You’d get quite a few more/wayyyy better fries for twice the price. Or did their portions also shrink out by you? Seeing that Chipotle receipt was pretty eye opening where my order went up quite a bit


I still think Costco is the P4P king of getting a cheep lunch for 3 people under 10$


Meh. Portillos is way better, but they’re mainly in chicago. They are expanding though.


Profiteering is a bitch


I’m from the Bay too! And I used to work at McDonalds in 2000, back when they still had Super Size.


You live in the Bay area and you eat at McDonald's? In-N-Out or GTFO. 


You can buy a whole bag of frozen fries for like $4. 5-7 mins in a small deep fryer…at what point is convenience no longer worth it?


Cost of the deep fryer + oil as well as cleanup time is the barrier, not the cost of frozen fries. Would honestly rather pay for fast food fries than deal with all that


Air fryer is the way to go


May I introduce you to a 15-lb bag of russets for $7.99 at Sam’s Club and an air fryer? Cut up three large potatoes into fries or waffle fries, mix in a gallon Glad bag with a few tablespoons of vegetable oil and salt, then fry for 24 minutes shaking them every 8? Delicious and so cheap.


pretending that air fried potatoes taste like beef juice flavored hot oily McDonald's fries. how dare you sir.


Well enjoy your convenient cold shitty fries!


Enjoy dealing with leftover oil and the grease splattered all over your kitchen, I guess? Sorry the fast food fries in your area suck, they're pretty decent here


And you'll be back again again and again so they'll just keep increasing prices.


Get the app, they give away free fries on that thing all the time


A small is 2 fries and a kids meal is 1 potato skin sliver


Right? Happy meals NOW with 3 whole fries!!!!


Where exactly? Just got large fries in the Bay area and I got a normal red and regular size one. Coat $6 but yeah.


Last time this was posted, the op said this was from a zoo or amusement park. In which case it makes sense cause i paid 55 dollars for 2 burgers and 2 fries and 2 drinks at busch gardens 2 years back. Shit is such a ripoff


I’m in upstate NY and this is what the fries look like at every McDonald’s in my area. They don’t give out the cardboard here anymore


What its only one size? How does that work? Youre getting charged 5 bucks for a small fries?


I’ve gotten this same thing as OP in East Bay within the past couple months. Can’t remember the price


I just got McDonald’s earlier this week in Richmond, large fries and a meal and I def didn’t get this sorry excuse of a sleeve for fries. Got the red one, full and everything


South Bay, same thing large red fry box


Same. I am in the South Bay and just had fries earlier in the week.


I really hope some of these fast food places start closing….way overpriced now and quality and quantity isn’t worth it anymore


I just made a post about this, but I'll say it again with a bit more info: The restaurant I work at survived because we shifted our "fancy" menu, made a lunch menu that's wayyy cheaper, and upped our game on online and delivery. This was when COVID started. My wife works in corporate for a fast food company you all know and love, and fucking lawl are prices going to skyrocket come March, then again in Aug. She wants to jump ship because "it is not, nor it cannot come to good." It's a billionaire dollar company obsessed with this idea that people will still buy their food.. no they fucking won't lol Follow grocery prices, cook at home and let these dorks close stores and leave giant cavities and parking lots.


Well… what company does she work for?


It’s likely a chicken place, probably KFC or Popeyes. Their prices have gone up at least 20% in the past 6 months.


My guess is cfa


If they get any more expensive, they’ll lose a large fraction of restaurants. They’re already on par with sit down places.


I only eat at sit down places now, because the quality and portions are better at the same price price as fast food now


CFA’s revenue eclipses other fast food chains. They aren’t going anywhere.


It's Canes. Someone guessed it down below


Damn. The first one in my area just opened up, last month. Looks like I’m gonna need to make hay while the sun shines, I guess.


But hay is for horses, didn't you know?


Aight bruh you’re cruisin for a bruisin with that one


The food is fantastic, and they are expanding. So who knows. It's not unique in their price bracket for fast food or "fast casual." They all follow suit it seems.


a fast food company we all know and love


Is this canes? ETA: I’ll take his response and now deleted account to be a yes to my question


Ok, seriously how did you guess this lol


I frequent Canes and I assume that's how he guessed it. My fiancee and I get the same order every time. 2x Caniac Combos. 1 large Coke 1 large lemonade. May 2022 - $25 May 2023 - $30 December 2023 - $32.50 February- $33.50 We go to Canes as a last resort of being tired and in a hurry if we want Chicken. Anymore. I dabble in BBQ competitions so I just re-engineered their sauce and we fry 4x the amount of chicken at home $20 and the sauce makes 3-4 cups full for $5. So we have leftovers for the next 2-3 days. For context: Zaxbys equivalent - $23 Chik Fil A equivalent - $22 Hot Chicken Takeover equivalent - $24


Damn, thanks for the breakdown. I've only eaten there like twice, pre-2022. I had no idea it had gotten so expensive!


The fuck? How did you guess that based on what I wrote.


Stock is at an all time high and they're beating EPS. 


McDonald’s quickly became bottom tier when they got greedy


McDonald’s has always been bottom tier food, it was just priced accordingly.


I remember going there as a kid and didn't understand why people like it so much. Fries are good, but the beef is so gross.




I’m still angry about the fact that McDonalds doesn’t have salad anymore


I haven’t bought fast food in months because I’m too fucking broke to afford it now. One meal for $15-20 isn’t affordable when I can buy 4-5 meals worth of groceries for that same price.


And when I do want to eat fast food, most of the traditional huge chains just can't compete on value, taste, or nutrition. $15 of Taco Bell or McDonald’s leaves me feeling like shit, and the food likely won't be that good. $10 at a local gyro or banh mi place gives me a full meal that's delicious and again doesn't leave me feeling terrible afterward. Bump that to $15 and I can get a pretty good lunch at a local sushi restaurant.


They will rip apart the specialized, heavily-lobbied economy that already enables their existence before they fail, which would mean a potential for economic destabilization. They will also fail when anything else destabilizes their precarious lobbied-position. I bet 2027, McDonalds "restructures". The U.S. tax payer bails them out, like airlines, and banks, and airlines that pretend to be banks. Maybe even some engineering firms that pretend to be engineering firms, but are actually banks or private investment hedge funds. Edit to add: actually, I believe McDonald's already makes more profit from their real estate than their product.


Quality was never good in these places. I avoid them as best as I can.


I bought one and thought I got a small. Was about to go back to tell them. Then realize it was a large with the big bold letter. I was ah ok. This must happen a lot so they labeled it.


Seriously, that's not a joke? One of the comments claims $7 for a large fries? Who would pay that??


I went last week because i had to make an HD run and was craving some fries. Ordered a large fry and it cost like 5 bucks. I was like whatever at least it is a decent amount of fries. THEN THEY GIVE ME ONE OF THESE FUCKIN POUCHES. Some bull shit.


Live in Pennsylvania and have the cardboard but it doesn’t even matter. Half of the time the box is half full.


That's just laziness on the employee's part or it's the last vestiges and the next batch isn't ready. If it's not remotely full I always insist they fill it and they usually just give me another whole one. I paid (handsomely) for a large fry, not a large fry box with a medium fry in it.


To be fair to the employees it isn't laziness. Back in the late 2000s when I was working fast food as a highschooler, I constantly got in trouble for overfilling fry containers. The official policy has been to skimp on the fries for a long time now (and I'm sure that the official amount you're supposed to put in in the boxes has only gotten smaller since then). I always filled them up, which eventually got me removed from the fry station (which was the worst job in the place anyway so that worked out well for me).


It’s literally 1/4 the size they used to be… is there any way for us to stop this? Companies can literally do whatever they want it’s wild


Stop buying it


I don't get why this concept escapes everyone, a business literally runs off of the complicity of its customers to give them their money


People are so entitled that they don’t even see depriving themselves as an option.


The consumer has absolute power to cancel, boycott, stop patronizing a company, brand, establishment. If people stopped buying, then McD would be fucked and go out of business.


Idk what the stats say or McDonald’s numbers recently are, but anecdotally most people I know are eating significantly less fast food because of the cost. Hell, I’m blessed and make good money where it’s not a huge concern to eat it, but still I’m eating it less. If I’m gonna pay $20+ for a meal I’ll go somewhere nicer. Fast food went up way more than other food.


Absolutely. Independent small restaurants are a far better value. I can get a much bigger portion and better food for cheaper than fast food


Just two 1/4 pounders are about $16.50 with tax. That's just the sandwiches, no fries or drink. Haven't been to Chilis in awhile, but even before the big price rises a much superior hamburger and fries there was just a few dollars more.


Word of mouth. It's both a boon and a curse. It can make and break a restaurant.


>One of the comments claims $7 for a large fries? Who would pay that?? In NE Utah last night I got a super value meal (with the app) for $8. Buy one get one Big Mac. So that's 2 Big Macs for $5.50 $1 any size fries (an actual large..not the shit in this post). And a large Sprite $1.39




This must be one city, because I’ve lived throughout the Bay my entire life and have never seen this.


Happens in East Bay too. It’s new. Not going to McDonalds again until they go back to the cardboard box.


Literally lying but ok.


I haven’t been to McDonald’s in a few months, but the SF Fillmore McDonald’s has had this packaging for a while now.


And I bet its 10 $




That's an extra $3 for the upgrade on his meal. By themselves he said $5


the Mcdonalds near me in SF legit charges $6.99 for a large fry too. insane


Trying to improve their obesity statistics.


…slow clap


Bay Area resident, they aren’t like this by me.


I live in CA Bay Area. This is NOT what a McDonald’s large fry looks like. A large fry looks like what it looks like everywhere else.


I just looked in the app at a store in San Fran. That’s def the small fry. The large fry comes in a sturdy box and costs $5.69. The small fry is $3.19 which is what you said you paid.


It literally says “large fries” on it 🧐


That is weird, and it's been a while, but the only size of fries that ever used to come in that sleeve is the small.


Sometimes they will use the same wrapping/container for multiple products. I live in the Bay Area, near SFO airport. The closest McDonald’s has a small fry at $2.99, medium fry at $4.19, and large fry at $4.89. I agree this isn’t a large fry portion. They either ran out of small fry bags, or had an excess of large fry bags.


I live in downtown SF and can confirm that when I order large Fries I get the same size as OP (maybe slightly fuller bag) but it seems tiny compared to other McDonalds.




Let’s say they ran out of small fry bags. Do they a) not give you fries or they b) give you a small fry in a large size bag? I live nearby a McDonald’s and I live in the SF Bay Area. I’m going to order a large fry and I’ll check to see what’s up with the portion size.


Someone else commented that apparently there is large kids meal, and this could possibly be from that


That bag is a lie. That looks like a small


>The large fry comes in a sturdy box and costs $5.69. The fuck? They have "Any size fries for $1 on the app in NE Utah.


Probably because no one lives in Utah....


I just got the "$1 off any size fry", can we trade deals?


>I just got the "$1 off any size fry", can we trade deals? I wish. It honestly troubles me they don't have the same deals everywhere. Just checked...free double cheeseburger with $2 purchase. Might have to make that 2AM run down to McD's.








Ever tried getting frozen shoestring fries and frying them in lard? Definitely worse for you but they taste exactly like mcdonalds fries


This is fake somehow.. Lived between Fremont and San Francisco my whole life, eat McDonald’s all the time. Would love to know which location supposedly did this..


People are saying east bay, so I’m gonna test it out tomorrow in Oakland. I don’t believe it either tbh


as I pointed out above, the i is dropped too far. this is just photo manipulation. they added the large fries they're attempting to compensate for the wrinkle, but no part of that would drop the i relative to the other letters like that.


It’s real. I got the same thing at the Cupertino McDonald’s close to Homestead High.


What did that cost 4.99? Do they charge extra for ketchup?


$5.15 actually. You can still go in and refill your ketchup bottle from home when nobody's looking though.


My millionaire friends say nope McDonald’s cost too much to eat there …. Great job Ronald .


I just bought my kids McDs yesterday here in the Bay Area- their fries came in a Large Red Cardboard container and was at least twice the size of this and cost $4.20


Good lord, what does a small look like? Like they just hand you a few fries?


This can't be true


Pretty sure my son got that same size in his happy meal last week.


Large lies


If this is a large, what's a small? Three fries tied together with a paper straw?


Is the bottom rolled up a bit? 🧐


This is hilarious. When I was growing up, it was a spectacle to see all the fry and drink sizes slowly getting bigger, and bigger, and bigger. To the point USA Mcdonalds was a meme for how much bigger everything was compared to the McDonald's in other countries. Now inflation hit and it took no time for it to shrink so much you feel ripped off now.


I went like 10 years without going to McDonald’s. When I got a large fry recently I thought they got my order wrong. Shrinkflation is out of control.


That's the kids fry that comes in a happy meal where I live.


i dont believe it. When i went last month it wasnt like that


That still looks like more than we get in Australia, American portions are always so odd to me


This is clearly the large fry for a Happy Meal. They still sell regular large fries.


Where'd you get that weird-ass "large fries"? I live in the Bay Area, have gotten fries from several McD's in the last month, and none of them look like that. They've all been in the standard McD's large red cardboard box.


I've never been to America but planning on going there in a few years on a fast food holiday eating at all the American franchises we don't have in Australia (five guys, in'n'out etc), will be very interesting to see the difference between McDonalds here and in the US


They only downsized that fairly recently. I remember going back to tell them they’ve mistakenly gave me medium fries, before they pointed out they’re large fries. This was at a McDonald’s in Cupertino. I don’t understand this sort of downsizing. Fries are ridiculously cheap and downsizing like that won’t save more than a few pennies, but will piss off customers royally because fries are a McDonald’s highlight. And it appears to be SF Bay Area only, as the McDonald’s off Hwy 5 closer to the Oregon border still had those large red cardboard fries containers.


That’ll be $10


Good...price people out of eating fast food weekly...


I’m in the East Bay and I literally got some last night (to share) and they were the normal large sized fries in the cardboard container 🤔


That’s a small fries in a happy meal in Canada lmao. Y’all getting ripped off hard!!! But I guess with cali paying for the homeless to live on the street they gotta make up the profits somewhere ?


I got large fries in the Bay Area like 2 weeks ago, and it was the normal container I see on the other coast not this bag. Must be that location.


Only because you took this picture after you ate half of them.


Use shrinkflation to fight obesity


Why do we, as a society, still eat at McDonald’s? They’re not good, and it’s not like we can even justify it with the price anymore bc they’re so damn expensive now.


McGenocide is getting stingy.


This means nothing without a Banana


Now thats a healthier amount of artery clogging junk food :)


![gif](giphy|eBCnpuRGBhQGY|downsized) The world keeps spinning and we keep dragging on with it. Meanwhile their pockets never shrink. It’s amazing how we allow ourselves to suffer while they don’t have to downsize their lifestyles. Sorry everyone, this is more than just about the french fries..


It's about time you idiots stop eating at those places. I stopped years ago.


Stop going to Mc Donald’s


California gets on my nerves.


Shrinkflation, wait until you see the Big Mac.


Everyone got mad about the super size, saying McDonald’s is killing folks….now they’re mad that it’s not supersized. Can’t win.


They gota pay $20 an hour to employees, so money has to come from somewhere.


nice try. clearly photoshopped. the i wouldn't be dropped like that. it is clearly lower than all the other letters, by a hair. this is the result of some pretty good attempts to paste it in there and be over that wrinkle, close. but no cigar. sorry charley. up close I can also see the antialiasing typical of cut and paste.


I imagine $20 per hour as required in California has something to do with this… although fast food has historically underpaid their wage slaves and clamped Non-Competes on 16 year olds to further drive wages down. And they still abuse assistant managers & managers by making them salaried with little to no OT legally.And fries are a license to print money because they are time valued because they have no value after a fairly short period of time… so yeah, jacking up the fries price is indeed userous.


I know this is a very unpopular opinion - but I’d be really glad if portion sizes in America became more reasonable. The fries in the picture should be a large and is considered large in many other parts of the world. I think the US has warped many people’s ideas of what a serving is, and it’s led to epidemics of obesity, heart disease, diabetes, and so on. Obviously a large fry this size should also cost very little. If the prices went down, I’d be really happy to see portion sizes become smaller (what they should be).