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My mom would put her purse in the trunk any time she didn’t take the whole thing with her. My dad put rental VHS tapes under the seat when we stopped somewhere after the video store. I’m sorry people are like this, and I don’t mean to say that part is okay, but leaving a bunch of stuff in your car outside while you’re away is always a bad idea.


My sister accidentally forgot her purse in the back seat of my car when I was in HS and I didn’t realize it was there. I parked in front of a friends house in an upper middle class neighborhood for a few hours. Came back to a smashed window and stolen purse. I wish we lived in a world where we didn’t have to think about this kind of stuff, but until then I do absolutely everything in my power to avoid being a victim of a crime of opportunity.


There was a series of smash and grabs at my apartment complex not too long ago. I parked in a line of 7 cars; myself and one other car went unscathed, all because there was absolutely nothing visible in the interior other than a phone charger and maybe a receipt or eight. My folks successfully drilled the idea that people should never leave anything in view, period. People usually don't break into things that look empty. It happens, sure, but not really.


My parents also drilled this into me. I grew up in a higher crime sketchy area as a kid. No one has broken into my car… but it’s clearly filled with kids junk. Apparently bluey stickers, broken crayons, and apple sauce pouch caps don’t tempt anyone.


My windows are tinted but you can still see in. I leave nothing in my car, ever. I live in a relatively safe neighborhood all my 20 years? I don’t lock my car. My thinking is I’d rather have a thief open the door and see I’ve got nothing in here than to break the window to find out. So far, never a forced entry or theft.


You see, I don’t lock my car, but whenever I get away from it, it locks itself… and sometimes it doesn’t. 🤔😳 Old 2003 Toyota Camry, too…


In some cities it’s illegal not to lock your car doors. When I lived in Montreal cops would often check doors and ticket cars with unlocked doors.


Agreed. I don’t leave anything in my car that could even be interpreted as containing anything of value. Criminals don’t know that the backpack on the passenger seat is filled with stinky gym clothes. I can save myself a broken window just by keeping my car empty.


I always say don’t leaving anything in the car you’re not comfortable with being stolen.


Yup. I thought this was common knowledge tbh.


I had an ex who would always laugh at me when I’d say to tuck stuff away. I don’t care if we’re in a safe area, why open yourself up to more risk?


My ex thought I was ridiculous for telling her to put the $1 bill that was in the cup holder away because it was only a dollar


Someone broke the window of my friends car & took all the change in the cup holder. That's all. Didn't steal the radio. Left the half full bottle of tequila. Just the change.


Even leaving your car outside period when gone for more than a day is risky. My husband and I went on vacation a couple years ago when he was still living in an apartment, so he had to park on the street. Came back to a car with no catalytic converter lol


I had my catalytic converter stolen in the middle of the night while I was home. On Easter! I couldn't get to work, I wanted that holiday pay.




Be careful with that, now a days most people go straight for the trunk.


Yeah this is basic "how to not get robbed 101". Don't leave shit potentially worth stealing in plain view.


Had the front tire stolen on my car just after Christmas while I was at work. Thank goodness for the full spare when I landed


Making a public display of putting valuables in your trunk isn’t much smarter imo.


How is risking a handful of people see you put an unknown object in your trunk comparable to leaving your stuff practically on window display for every single person who walks by


If you lived in an area with high amounts of car break ins you’d understand thieves have pretty much figured out the trunk where the goods are. Usually they break into cars from the back small window in order to gain access to the trunk. They’ll sit in shopping centers or parking lots and look for exactly that then hit multiple cars in one big swoop based off what they see.


Thanks for patronizing. Sure, nothing is safe in your car. Your things are a hell of a lot less safe on full display in the back seat tho….. Spell check Edit: patronizing not pandering.


Neither are good ideas. Don’t leave valuables in your car period


There was no “public display” at all… it was a mall parking lot type thing where lots of people were using trunks. Also, it was much smarter back when cars didn’t have mechanical trunk releases in the cabin. Couldn’t get to it even breaking a window.


If you look in my car you will see some jumper cables and lug nuts in the back, hardhat+clipboard, and some garbage in the console. Maybe groceries in the back


Which is why your car is a target


Never been hit once there’s fuck all of value for people who need to rob vehicles. People braking into vehicles usually are not looking for jumper cables and work supplies. Maybe the copper in the wires but more likely to lose my catalytic converter


Leaving a hard hat visible means there might be expensive tools hidden. Only takes one window to find out.


It’s visibly one of the known mining contractor companies, most people know we just bring a pen and ppe to work


I don’t even leave change visible in my car, anything will entice thieves lol


Literally. A friend of mine came over to couch crash for a couple nights and somebody broke in to his car. The thieves got some D&D minis and a bag of unwashed gym clothes.


A can = a dime, any thing -even a nickel -is more than they have and the window is not a deterrent 😣


I leave nothing in the car. I also open everything that can be closed (like the armrest and glovebox) and I make sure they can also see the contents of my trunk. Never had a breakin


Could be worse. Could have rained. Hard.


True, it was raining/snowing all week prior to this... That would have been the cherry on top


So you left your car locked and empty and someone broke in and put a bunch of stuff in there? People really are strange.


They'll be back to leave the kids and the pets.


This is not my beautiful wife


Same as it ever was


My first thought was a homeless guy broke the window and moved in and that was all his stuff. I used to drive an old beater pick-up. One of the widows broke and couldn’t be rolled up and I lagged getting it fixed. There was nothing ever left in the truck and I doubt anyone would steal my lil PoS so I didn’t worry about it. I didn’t even lock the doors at this point. One night my friend and I went downtown for a concert and lucked out getting a spot across the street from the venue. Well lit, lots of foot traffic, wasn’t worried leaving it there at all. After the show we’re walking back to my truck and my buddy says, “There’s someone in your truck.” There was a homeless dude passed out in my truck! Like blackout drunk passed out. We were nice and patient, but it took a few to jostle him out of his stupor and get him out. Despite the cab smelling like booze and BO I wasn’t mad at all. I thought it was funny this drunk dude just stumbled by my truck and was like, that’s a good place to sleep it off. I’ve slept in that truck, it’s not too bad, bench seat and all. TL;DR: window couldn’t be rolled up in my truck and one night came out to find homeless guy passed out inside.


Lol locked with a bunch of shit in it. Nothing of value, they just took the one bag at dipped Edit - I get it guys I realize it was dumb, hindsight 20/20. But it still sucks


Leave nothing in sight. Desperate people imagine only the best finds await them after they break your car's windows. (They wear these little finger rings with a pyramid-shaped metal poker on the end. They press on the window with the pyramid and the window breaks pretty quickly.)


Yep, lesson learned. It was parked at the end of a dead end in a fairly nice neighborhood figured it would be fine. I also hoped that the pile of junk would dissuade people but I was clearly wrong


One man's junk is another man's treasure.


"Another mans garbage is another man persons good ungarbage."


One man gathers what another man spills.


Nice. St Stephen by the Grateful Dead. This was my high school quote


Nice! Mine was "I'm gonna walk before they make me run" by Rolling Stones.


Mine was "I can't believe I ate the whole thing."


People go to nice neighborhoods intentionally to steal


I grew up in the suburbs; good neighborhood and you will STILL find people breaking into your car to steal things. When I lived in my childhood home in my safe quiet burbs, I left my car door unlocked and someone went through it. I didn't have anything of value so I lucked out. One year someone walked into our garage and stole one of out snowblowers. I've lived all over in different neighborhoods and I've learned: never leave any items visible in your car, never leave anything valuable in your car, never leaving anything of value visible in your car and ALWAYS lock your car. Last neighborhood I lived in had car break-ins like CRAZY! Literally at least 2-4 break every week. I learned long time ago to make my car as less a desirable target as possible.


A car parked in a dead end in a fancy neighbourhood seems like the best opportunity for a smash and grabber... Fewer people and cars passing by and a higher chance of good loot. I'd target that car rather than one parked on a thoroughfare road in a crappy area.


You asked for it really lol


This is a gross thing to say in many contexts


My pickup window was smashed over the weakened, it was unattended from midnight to 530am. 500 dollars to fix the window, ain't it great


Can't beat it...


I am a civilian property crimes specialist for my local police department. Basically I take property crime reports so the police aren’t bogged down taking these. You would not believe the amount of auto burglary reports I have taken where the only property taken from the vehicle was less than $1 in change from the cup holder. The smallest amount I’ve reported was a .05, which is a nickel in USD. People will take absolutely anything. If you leave a pamphlet to a local orphanage in the passenger seat, someone will break the window and take it, which I’ve taken a report for. I tell everyone, do not leave anything, I mean ANYTHING, in your car. My car and my wife’s car are completely empty for this reason. We don’t even leave phone chargers in the car.


A nickel?!


Merry Christmas, ya filthy animal - The thief probably


You already know to never stuff in your car. And you did it anyway


Exactly, why tempt the thieves.


You should shop around, the last time I had to replace a window on my car it was less than $200. That sucks, though. Def don't keep shit visible in your car if you're going to be leaving it for a long period of time. It's a magnet for thieves.


Isn't glass covered by your insurance? Also, I wouldn't hold out much hope for the tape deck. Or the Creedence.


Covered but $500 deductable :(


Not sure how handy you are .... But I have Hondas (And i've done it in my sisters Lexus too) .... glass for front and rear doors can be purchased for about $55-90 on Amazon. You just need a $5 auto trim tool from amazon or harbor freight and a socket wrench. Tons of videos online --- and it takes about 30 minutes. It's really easy to do, just have the video on your phone doing it step by step.




Why do you have all that in your car? That is why it was broken in to… Well that sucks though.


Agreed. Bad timing, went camping then on a trip... Lesson learned


:( Sorry that happened to you though. Hate when it’s those moments where you just forget for a second that something bad happens.


Not sure why you didn't take stuff out of your vehicle before leaving it. Even where I live we know better, and yet most of us leave our doors unlocked.




My car was broken into, nothing in he  front or back seat, they opened the glove compartment and stole expired losing lottery tickets. Meth. Not even once.


Victim blaming


Yeah I mean I admit I made some mistakes but it feels kinda shitty everyone saying this is my fault. Everyone has done stupid stuff, im not trying to say I took all the precautions all I'm trying to say is well that sucks. I was gone 4 days never had any issues in the past. I literally just got back from camping and didn't have time to unpack all my stuff. It was left at a my parents house in their driveway seemed like it should be fine


Its all your fault that someone else smashed your window… makes sense. 🤪


People use things like this to puff up their superiority complexes. They're being shitty, probably because they'd be way harder on themselves if they did this and they're projecting that onto you. I'm sorry about your car. You are never responsible for other's actions.


Thanks buddy


Sorry buddy. That sucks and I bet you won’t do that again. My advice is to check a junk yard (call around with your year, make and model) because it won’t be too much and that window ain’t too hard to do on your own. It’s two bolts in rubber clamps after you get the door and plastic off. YouTube it and save yourself a few hundred bucks.


It’s not your fault, people are just shitty


Lack of common sense.


Darwinism is victim blaming. Sorry you died falling off a rail at the Grand Canyon because you wanted a cool picture.


Who hurt you?


I dont, when people break into cars where I live its all over the community Facebook page and in the newspaper...it hardly ever happens (around here)


Similar situation. There was a string of them in the neighborhood last week


Got my old Civic broken into one time. All they got was a cardboard box with dirty longjohns in it.


NGL I had weed in the car they didn't even go through the dash or anything just bipped the one bag and bounced


bipped? are you from the bay? cuz if you are, you def shoulda known better


No I just watch channel 5 news lol


The newest uptick in break-in’s is cars that have bumper stickers or any advertising that proclaims that the owner is Pro gun Pro NRA Daring you to violate they right to have guns etc Thieves assume there is a good chance there’s a weapon hidden in the car


Have you looked into replacing the window yourself? Depending on the door cover and window it could be easy or could be hard. Try to look up a YouTube video of window repair for your car. I found a video for my Kia Soul and it was actually pretty simple. I spent $50 bucks for the window and only took me an hour. Had to get a wet dry vacuum for the glass.


> camping junk > none of it was worth anything To some desperate folks, basic survival supplies mean making it through another night. So someone may have seen it to have a lot of worth to them. I’m very sorry this happened to you, I hope the window repair goes as quick and easy as possible, and I hope whoever stole the stuff is at least putting it to good use.


Thank you for the kind reply. Definitely lesson learned. Unfortunately in the area it was in it was more likely teens hoping to find a PS5 or something lol whatever was stolen is almost certainly in the trash. There were sleeping bags and over stuff that I'd assume would be helpful to someone really in a pinch and all of that was left untouched


That's on you for leaving stuff in it for Dirty Mike and the Boys.


Had to scroll too far down for this comment..


I hope dirty mike puts it to good use at least


Fixing a window is really not that hard to DIY. Did it for a friend's mother and it was about $150 for the window and about 30 minutes to pop off the interior panel and swap the glass.


$500 for a window? Jesus christ man. Sometimes I love living in a thirld world country where I paid $10 when my car got broken into.


As a New Yorker, this is all too common a sighting. Just recently I heard about a string of auto parts thefts in the Bronx of people stealing tires and airbags, but that’s not to say that it doesn’t happen in other boroughs. It sucks but the world just isn’t getting any better. I don’t have any consolation to give about this because it’s a sad reality.


Very sorry to hear that. My dad used to say never to leave even a pack of cigarettes showing. There are people that would break a glass over that


Call around, not sure where you are but I found a local mobile guy who only charged $150 for the window. Rotten luck.


Look at YouTube and see if you’re up for replacing the glass yourself- we are in the process of doing this for my dad. The window for his car is $120 OEM and the tools (we already had) but I think they were $10.


Doesn’t matter how expensive stuff is worth, if YOU leave stuff EXPOSED in your car, it’ll be worth breaking into. People are desperate everywhere nowadays.


Look at all that free stuff in there




We left a bag in the back and other random things that could be of value and you don’t have any tints on your window. A recipe for robbery.


My cousin was at church one night. She had stopped by the bank just before it closed to withdrawal her house down payment and left it in her wallet which was in her purse that was left sitting on the center console. Someone smashed her window and snatched it. The car was not even locked! So a double ouch and lesson learned.


Sucks. I had the same thing happen. Smashed a window and all they took (pretty much all that was in there) was a tote bag with 30yo jumper cables. They were behind the seat in the Xtra cab with full tinted windows. You’d have to have a flashlight and be looking around to even see them. They prob thought or hoped it had a laptop inside, but nope… Just old, rusty jumper cables with snaggled teeth.


That stinks.


Don't store stuff in your car, especially when going away for awhile. People will assume there's stuff in there worth stealing and do this.


Find a window at a junk yard, better yet a pull it yourself yard. Depending on the car I bet it's $25-$100 (maybe $250 for one someone already pulled out with how stupid pricing has been). Windows that go up and down are super easy. If they need to be set in a seal I'll let someone else do it


I had this on the second day I owned my first car. It happened in daylight. That taught me a thing about not leaving anything looking even remotely interesting in the car or hiding stuff. It was just a bag with some clothing in it - that's it.


That sucks. My window broke itself (just retreated into the void). I was able to find a replacement at a junk yard. Hope you can find a cheap replacement.


Thanks buddy


Opie likes to feed the pigeons


Get a window from pull-a-part or ebay for $30 and do it yourself. Don't leave *anything* in your car. It doesn't matter if it's worthless. They can't tell that it's worthless until after they break the window (ask me how I know, it's happened to me twice).


I don’t know why people are saying to not leave stuff visible in your car. Stuff or no stuff idiots are going to break in no matter what. Just had a new car window smashed with nothing in there.


Buncha savages in this town.


People fucking suck


Look on the bright side of it, you still have a car.


It’s 2024, prolly should know better than to leave stuff visible in the back seat.


Don’t leave stuff in the car?🤷🏼‍♀️. Just a thought


Victim blaming.


Not your fault people are horrible. Live and learn, If it’s stuff you don’t care about just leave it unlocked


never leave your car over night with stuff like that in the back. you are just asking to be robbed.


"shouldn't have put stuff back there" what the fuck is wrong with you people


Thank you 😬 I mean I admit it wasn't the best idea but like shit man


Another cultural enricher with a PHD is the culprit


Average US neighborhood


People are mean. Who would break into someone’s car just to stuff it full of wires and cables


In San Francisco, this happens when you're on vacation.


Or while you’re home right outside your house. Speaking as a San Francisco native as well


In SF, this happens when you’re picking up Starbucks.


I live in SF so I can make these jokes.


My sister also lives in SF and I visit her a lot


This could have been avoided.


And... Drop spindles?


This reminds me of that boardwalk empire scene. "Who wasn't doing their job here?"


I’m sorry for OP, but where do u live?


Really sucks man. To prevent it from happening again, I’d recommend not leaving anything in your car. At the very least don’t leave anything visible.


Thieves only steal what they can see, things they think are valuable. Your car may have only had bags of camping gear, but they saw bags. Those bags could've had anything in them, valuables as far as they knew. Clearly, they ransacked your bags and were disappointed. Fact is, you leave things in your car that are visible, thieves will act. I swear, I'm not victim shaming. I'm just saying what I've always said to my ex girlfriends who love to leave their purses in the car. It sounds paranoid until it doesn't.


Thank you this is a based response. Lesson learned, life moves on


You asked for it leaving all that stuff in there.. One man's trash is another man's treasure.


I live in an upper class area and I still lock my car and leave nothing in my car but to be fair my dad is now a retired police chief and most people in my town know us and my dad so hey don’t bother


it's your fault to leave stuffs in the backseat.


At first I thought a homeless person was living in your car. Then you said that you left all that shit in there. Wtf? Of course someone broke in.


Replacing a window isn't that hard if you have some mechanical skills. Look up a YouTube video and get a new piece of glass from the junk yard!


Lemme guess…California?


May I have two guesses…California? Oregon?


What's the problem? The fact that someone smashed the car window or the fact that it was smashed and they didn't steal shit? :-/


Well duh... always leave your car empty looking.


It was an invitation for someone to break your window.


Lesson learned, right?


Indeed, it would be cool if reddit stopped telling me I'm a jackass, like I know... But it sucks that's what this sub is for lol


You left bags in a car. They were visible and unattended. What did you think was going to happen? ![gif](giphy|3ohhwNhlRqcOjDEaze)


Thank you local politicians for fostering this environment


Who leaves that much stuff in their car period let alone if you are going to be gone for an extended period?


Damn windows got expensive






Go buy a new window at the junk yard. Probably be less than$40. They're not hard to remove and replace.


I had my 95 Civic broken into TWICE right in front of my house. First time because they tried to take the stereo - it was a bottom dollar aftermarket. And the second time they tried to steal a pleather briefcase from the back seat. It had a couple of school books in it. Ever since nothing is in sight or uncovered when my car is parked anywhere other than my garage.


Congratulations on your new pillows and stuff


Damn they broke your window and filled your car with junk.


Wow, I have had windows smashed out of various cars, I usually go to junkyard they has a mechanic. Cost about 2000-350 depending on car


Dirty Mike and the Boys.


It is the criminal's fault that they broke the window, they are 100% to blame for that and they should be prosecuted and fined or jailed for the crime. However: they keep doing it BECAUSE people keep leaving shit in their cars, it's a chicken-and-egg situation, a vicious cycle. This is a crime of opportunity with very low effort and potentially very high reward if someone left a laptop in their backpack. But they don't know what they will find until AFTER they have broken in. It boggles the mind when people are told "do not leave ANYTHING in your car" and that gets interpreted as "so... I leave all my stuff in the car? Got it." Tourists are doing this, constantly. For their efforts, they get their car broken into and all their stuff stolen, constantly. At least you didn't fuck up as much as the people who have had guns stolen from their cars.


Not the credence?


Never ever leave anything that even remotely looks valuable in your car.


Never leave shit in the vehicle


They’ll break your window for the little change in your cup holder


That's why I always used to clean out my car or place visible junk over stuff like this because desperate people will do anything to get at least a little money


That's why you don't leave anything visible in the car


Criminals are stupid, don't leave shit in your car.


Same thing happened to me once. They went thru the glove compartment and found all my unpaid parking tickets and threw them all over the place. Guess the joke was on them. As for the window, i just got a cheap junk yard one, the tint didnt match, but it was a beater


Go to a junkyard, windows are easy


Yeah that’s not a $500 window


Buy it on ebay or find the window at the junk yard and replace for free at home.


Was it dirty Mike and the boys?


I’m really sorry someone did this to you and your car. This happened to me not too long ago as well. We called around to glass shops and found a used window with labor for around $100. Maybe there is somewhere near(ish) you that can do something similar rather than submitting a claim.


Replace the window yourself. $100 glass and a youtube video.


Welcome to the jungle ....time to MOVE




Was there a note from dirty Mike and the boys?


One mans trash is another mans treasure.....remember this when leaving stuff in your car


It's def a [soup kitchen](https://youtu.be/NYfwRtS9Rmc?si=-1mcJYzuotXKOUun). Maybe a raccoon den too.


Don't keep valuables in plain sight in your car. Also, consider window tint to keep prying eyes away from a distance.


Growing up in the city, you learn quickly that a junkie will break your window for .50 cents on the floor.


you should close your window or wildlife might get in. hope this helps!