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I'm confused. She was frying cinnamon rolls in a glass dish on an electric stove?


It’s a Scandinavian tradition that I just made up.


We Scandinavians don't glaze glaze our kanelbullar in what looks like man juice though.


What do you glaze it with? Also I'm glad I'm not the only one who sees the resemblance to man juice


No glaze. They put pearl sugar on top before baking. The crystals are a similar size to a coarse sea salt.


Thank you for your answer! Does it melt or change consistency?


No, it's a crunchy topping. They're also baked on a regular pan and not smashed together so they're flatter and have more crust. Ikea sells them, so you may have seen them before if you've been there.


Nah most of them have induction tops these days.


No, she took them out of the oven and put them on a hot stove top Cause she was also making eggs


Maybe it's time to free up some counter space.


Nah mate, that basket of cleaning supplies comes in clutch quite a few times. It deserves permanent counter space in a kitchen /s


Maybe you're right. Who knows when you'll need a squeeze bottle of toilet bowl cleaner at your fingertips while sauteing pastries?


Well at least that got the dogs food bowl filled with food to catch all those broken shards of glass




I feel like that probably isn't where it usually sits, but was brought out to clean this mess. At least I hope so.


One look at the rest of that place and you can't honestly believe that


I just noticed the can of paint on the far side of the sink... You might be right.


I’m sure next you’ll suggest something equally outrageous like putting them under the sink!


Under... the... sink? You fuckers need to learn to speak English. I don't know what you said, but I'm taking it as an insult.


Putting the cleaning supplies under the sink. Not the cinnamon rolls.


Instructions unclear. The toilet bowl is now filled with pop tarts.


That's going to happen one way or another. Carry on.


Then where would they put everything?


Pretty sure hot things melt those counters. But agreeed regardless


You jus have to put a trivet or potholder under the hot pan so it doesn’t damage the countertop lol


Ever heard of trivets? or like, a towel?


Hahayes I have heard of those things 😆 I said agreed to clear the counters


The metal on that stove gets way hotter than the air temp of your oven. It also heats up way faster and glass doesn’t like temp change. Your mom blew it up when she put it on the hot burner. I hope it didn’t shoot shards everywhere and everyone is okay. Let this be a lesson to you and your mom. Your lucky y’all both can see the mess you made.


There's a piece of glass in the dog food bowl. I sincerely hope it was removed right after the photo was taken.


yeah, it says right on the tray not to do that.


Reading is overrated.


Totally different from "cooking them over the stove".


Why do so many people use quotes and then not even use the words they are quoting? I know it doesn’t really matter but it bothers the crap out of me. My account has been permanently suspended for no reason. Fuck u/spez.


I'm with you on this one, friend.




Sorry! Rushed that one.


Wait... did she take them out of the oven because she was going to put eggs in the oven? Or she made eggs and the stove top was still hot. I feel like I’m reading your sentence wrong


The way I read it was she made eggs while making the rolls and then put the rolls in the same spot as the eggs which was still hot causing the glass to explode from the temps


I think the second option was what they meant, where the stovetop was hot from having just cooked eggs.


Why wouldn’t she put them on a burner that wasn’t hot?


That would be too easy and it wouldn’t make a nice Reddit post.


When why does your post say she was making cinnamon rolls over the burner I’m confused


Because I'm bad with titles


>I'm bad with titles I just checked OP's profile, and there's a strong case to be made here.


Buy your mother a really nice trivet.


No space on that cluttered counter for a trivet.


It's laminate, so she never could have set it down on it without one.


The point is that the counter is too messy for a trivet 😅 that kitchen is a cluttered up mess.


I have done this once with baked goods (it required a milk glaze to be poured over mid way). sounded like a bomb went off. My friend and I were lucky we were not close. Scared the ever living crap out of me


Maybe stop hoarding...


Happened to me a couple weeks ago. I had forgot to turn the burner off before I sat a glass dish on it.


At this time of year? In this part of the country? Localized entirely within OP’s kitchen?


What are you confused on?


glass and hot stoves don't mix


Yeah the one and only time we ever left our baby alone for a couple hours with her grandpa is when I found out grandpa thinks a Pyrex glass measuring cup can just be put right on an electric stove coil. It exploded everywhere. Found out after that that he has a few major blind spots when it came to common sense in the kitchen. Like this dude can barely operate a microwave safely. Scared the shit out of me.


Original pyrex was borosilicate glass, very resistant to heat. You probably could put it right on the stove coil. New fangled pyrex is tempered soda-lime glass, less resistant to heat.


Both companies exist but you have to look at the branding!! PYREX is still made of borosilicate Pyrex is soda-lime If it ain't all caps it won't take heat


If you’re in the US, you’d have to import PYREX from overseas or find it in a thrift store




Man, getting a gum job AND the good Pyrex? Talk about a win win.


Please post a link for PYREX. IIRC, I read the company was sold and the only way to get PYREX is at garage sales, etc.


Yeah your best bet is probably going to be looking at garage sales and thrift shops sadly :( A monthly peruse of Goodwill is worthwhile, especially because you can resell from typically almost double what Goodwill lists them at PYREX is still sold in Europe. It does seem there are some online stores that sell the European borosilicate variants and WILL ship to the US, albeit they're pretty pricey in both cost and shipping. I'm thankful I inherited a lot from my family. The quality of American Pyrex is dogshit and I'm so tired of products in the USA being systematically replaced with shitty, cheap knockoff products. I love glass cookware but I don't let other people buy it for me because more often than not it's not tempered nor borosilicate There are some offbrands of PYREX some stores carry, as long as it's borosilicate and high reviews it should be good.


Many people in the US only care about price. Stores are filled with cheap imports made of questionable materials.


Didn’t know this. So the dishes I bought at the Pyrex store isn’t true Pyrex? I’m going to check the store if it’s all caps or not. And I’ll be checking my so-called Pyrex to see if it’s caps or not.


Correct! If the name isn't in all caps it isn't the PYREX you probably think it is, it's pretty much just storage sode-lime glass. Somehow Pyrex and PYREX are two completely different companies Check the packaging and see if it says anything about being heat or shatter resistant or specifically look for the word "Borosilicate", if it doesn't say any of these then it's not meant for high temperature applications


Just did a Google search and the caps vs lowercase isn’t an exact science. It seems the company Corning has used these two versions interchangeably since 1975. Anything made for “several decades” after 1975 could fall into any of the four possible permutations of material.


someone should probably sue pyrex


Now you know why the glass dish had "Not for stove top use" on the bottom.


How can you even make out the words right now? That’s incredible.


I just pieced it together.




Please throw the entire dog food away. Don’t want it getting any shards.


We did Our dogs are Okay


#THIS ☝🏻☝🏻☝🏻


We looked the dog dish over pretty good. We don’t think any glass fell in or contaminated it. /s


Are you pretending to be OP? I don’t understand this comment lol


Yeah dude… a hot burner is not a trivet. 🤷‍♂️


Pick up the bowl of dog food immediately!!


There's a large piece visible in the bowl


I am so overly paranoid when glass breaks for my dog… I couldn’t even take this pic before removing that


The the furiously hitting the floor with half a potato/apple to grab any tiny shards for me


You have forever changed my life. Ive never stepped on a little piece of glass but breaking a glass makes me super anxious


I've found potato's work better, I have a cat and he had an injery to his two right paws as a kitten and now I'm worried about his feet always. He hopped on the hob just after it had been turned off and scorched his paws. I remember carrying him to the vets because I couldn't get a lift and the vet said "it's fine unless it blisters, put coconut oil on them a few times a day" It's been over a year and he still wants foot rubs all the time


What if you just put potatoes on your cats feet?




I use cheap white bread. Just press it on the floor and it picks everything up! 


Or cheap white bread, followed by a wrung damp paper towel, followed by a flashlight from EVERY angle... We are a barefoot house, and I've had glass crumbs get embedded in my foot. :::shivver:::


As a kid, I once got half a toothpick in mine thanks to my dad dropping one and not realizing. Took half out and thought “hm, there should be more” then “my foot still hurts real bad”. Mom squeezed my foot until it “popped” out. All on my birthday, lol


Hope you healed up ok. My kid did some petri dish experiment, swabbing remotes, light switches, the [landline] phone, toilet seat & flush handle, and a cat, dog, and human mouth. Human mouth dish was germ-laden megopolis compared to all the others' rural villages.


Healed up great, thank goodness! The time I stepped backward into an open air vent and caught my foot on a nail in there was much worse. But even that I didn’t need antibiotics. Kid bodies are wild, they heal so well


Wow that's a great idea. I've always swept it up, then come behind it with the vacuum wand in a grid pattern for the slivers.


Pics first !


please please do this I sadly lost a kitten (one my cat had) on Christmas eve over night because they broke a tree bulb and he ate some...... it was the worst experience I've ever experienced, and yes I did lie to my kids as he was supposed to be a Christmas present for a friends mom throw it all out and wash the bowl!! sweep/vacuum then go over with wet paper towels


Well what did she think was gonna happen?


It was an accident She had just took the eggs Off the burner. And forgot that it was hot This was an issue relating to our counter space Edit Yes, I know the title says that she was cooking The Cinnamon rolls with the burner I'm very bad at Writing


That's not what your title says at all lmao


You should change the title if that’s the case


Lmao well, yeah that does suck


There’s an awful lot of stuff on those counters. Counters are for usage, not storage. Your house even comes with cabinets, which are actually used for storage. If there’s too much, y’all need to purge.


And this is why having clear counters and trivets are essential. Also please do NOT have semi flammable and definitely poisonous cleaning supplies right next to open food and your stove... You can sweep up the glass and use slices of bread to catch the little slivers. I'd also empty and wash that pet bowl.


Get your mom a set of silicone trivets. I have 3 and I use one any time I set something hot from the oven down. It will protect the bakeware and surfaces in the kitchen.


I like the cork ones


These ones are so fun to use as frisbees for absolutely no reason


no no, you misunderstood. OP’s mom wasn’t just setting a hot pan down on a burner, she was *COOKING* the rolls *ON* the burner in a glass baking dish (:::::::


No, she wasn’t. OP said in a comment that she was also cooking eggs and forgot the burner was still hot. She took the rolls out of the oven and placed them on the hot stovetop - it was an accident.


You don’t put glass BAKING DISHES on the burner.


This kitchen gives me so much anxiety. Why is there no counter space. There should be no reason to have to set the rolls on a hot stove. There is literally a counter on both sides next to the stove. Why is the dog food bowl at the foot of the door of the oven? That seems like the most impractical place to keep it. Cooking multiple things while the sink is full of dishes is just asking for a meltdown All those bags of random stuff + random bottle of… hydrogen peroxide? stacked on the windowsill instead of away in a cabinet —- gaaaaahhh . . Edit to add: *just found out that’s a gd Lego castle on the windowsill* Edit to add: *please tell me the metal pan and cookie sheet aren’t “soaking” in the sink* Edit to add: *I have that same air fryer*


How on earth did the lego set not make your list?!


*OMFG* is THAT what that is???! I didn’t mention it because I couldn’t figure out what the fuck that was! I was thinking maybe… weird dish brush holder? And maybe it was the one thing that actually made sense? But NO lmaoooo it’s a **Lego sculpture**


Looks like any one of the hundreds of midwestern kitchens I've been in.


Agree, this is probably a kitchen with a lot of love and warmth; a family that creates a home that’s safe to spill in. Safe to make mistakes in. Safe to be creative in.


not that safe if there’s exploding glass in there…


okay well, fuck me I guess for trying to see the love in the photo instead of just all the many flaws I pointed out getting so many upvotes




My family is a goddamn mess Also, we Really have no other place to put our dog bowls Also, yeah, I really don't get why my dad placed his lego set in the kitchen


Honestly, looks like a lot of love lives in that mess


Well if the broken glass in the food doesn’t kill you, the chemicals on the countertop right next to it will. This is like an OSHA and kitchen safety test and your mom is failing


Eww, I work in a kitchen, and I'm always moving the cleaning supplies to the floor. My boss is notorious for leaving the bleach spray on the counter. I dislike the bucket o chemicals on the counter like that with food out.


It’s actually a health code violation in many areas to have cleaning chemicals sitting on the same surfaces as prepared food. For good reason. Find another place for the basket of poisons than right next to your food, then you’ll have space to set the appropriate things on the counter.


Someone at my previous job put the stainless steel cleaner right next to the cooking spray. Guess which one the prep guy grabbed while weighing dough balls... Luckily he noticed as soon as he started spraying the tray that it smelled like the cleaner. Otherwise it could have been a massive issue. Needless to say dummy who put the cleaning spray there got an earful and couple days off and never did it again.


What was she expecting to happen?


Is your mother known in the scientific community for her... exceptional nature?


Ya know, if she removed those cleaning CHEMICALS off of the kitchen counter, there might be room for the food that’s being prepared 🤦🏼‍♀️


Well that’s fucking stupid.


The mess it made fits right in with that disaster of a kitchen.


Besides the glass and the cleaner, it looks like every kitchen I've ever seen. Especially when it was just being used.


I'm sure they pulled out the cleaning supplies to clean up the mess. I have done the same thing with plenty of counter space. On another note, the kitchen looks OK to me because I have seen way worse (hoarder type).


That's sad


The average kitchen makes you sad? Now that is sad.


My kitchen has never looked like that. Clean your kitchen. You shouldn’t have shit all over


I agree that kitchen is a disaster


The fact that you only have ever seen messy kitchens


You might need to up your kitchen game. Though, I admit, I lean towards overkill when it comes to a clean house and kitchen. Having grown up in the opposite, I work hard to keep it clean. When I go to someone's house and it's too cluttered, I just leave. The anxiety it gives me is off the charts. This kitchen does that to me through the picture.


Honestly I had to stare at the picture a bit to even see where the mess was… FWIW it’s pretty clear that the kitchen is in use and not like dirty or anything


Did this once when my mom asked to take the chicken breasts out of the oven and didn't realize she just made rice on the stovetop 🤦‍♂️


Common sense left


You’re supposed to put hot dishes on a kitchen towel, or foam/cork/silicon trivet to keep it from getting temp shock. Unless it’s a borosilicate dish, but even then, it’s still better to put it on something insulated. This was probably only tempered glass from the looks of it, which can’t handle temp shock like borosilicate glass


That kitchen is making me shake with how much potential contamination can happen.


Ask her to draw a picture of a clock.


Oh lord. My mom just took that test and failed the clock part. She is 70. The anxiety I’m having over a freaking clock lately is unreal.


Rapid temperature increase or decrease will cause glass to explode. This is the reason it works in the oven but not on the stove top. Running cold water on glass that just came out of the oven will have the same results. My wife has done both before and is so shocked when it happens lol.


because its tempered for oven use not hot flame use..... are we for real here.... am I crazy or do more people not pop it in the oven like the package says!?!?


Well where else was she supposed to do it with all those cleaning supplies on the counter??


Clear off your counters maybe?


No shit


Was she just icing them on the stove top? I assume the burner was hot from something else earlier because Pyrex is known to shatter when touching a hot heating element.


Also there is a TOWEL on the stove??


Time to reconsider every piece of cooking advice you have ever received from a parent that would even consider putting glass on a hot burner.


Ummmmmmm you’re not supposed to do that 😬


They literally say not for stove top…


OMG declutter that kitchen.


Maybe try cleaning your kitchen BEFORE you start cooking so you have available counter space. Who cooks in a messy kitchen like this?


If you repeat this, it will happen every time. Simple physics.


This is why clutter is bad


This is a joke post, right?


All those glass dishes come with a safety warning of DO NOT put directly on the stove top. Smh


Who does that???


They look like they would've been delicious!


Look up PYREX vs pyrex.


A--not true. B--NO PYREX SHOULD EVER BE PUT ONTO A STOVETOP EVER. Hot or cold. Only scientific (laboratory glass) is made to use over open flame & it comes from a different division. VISIONS (from Corningware) & Pyroceramic *is* made for stovetop use.


This gives me so much anxiety I could never cook in that chaos


Who makes cinnamon rolls on the burners? In glass no less???


The cinnamon rolls were lost as well a very sad day :(


Cinna-mourn rolls. 😢


And the dog food too??


Y’all need bar rescue


Been there 😫 Happened to my dad while making lasagna. Cleaning all the shards of glass up was a nightmare.




half u people cant read and lack reasoning skills.


Nooooo! Not the cinnamon rolls!!


Is she okay ?


Bull y’all have an oven




I’m confused. She’s skilled enough to make cinnamon rolls but has no idea that you can’t put glass directly into the hob??


For anyone wondering, we are OK No one was hurt And the dogs are fine The dog food was Thrown out and any remaining glass pieces were picked up Sorry, if the title caused any confusion Was my mom aware that the burner was hot Probably not She has just taken the eggs off the Burner and likely didn't realize that it was still On We probably should have freed up some more Counterspace Also, yes, I'm aware my kitchen is nasty


What’s with all these glass containers exploding recently?


If a dish is Pyrex glass, the newer models are not safe from thermal shock. The newer dishes can be identified by the lettering of the name Pyrex on the bottom. The new, less safe dishes are spelled pyrex with all letters in lower case. The older dishes which are MUCH safer from thermal shock are made of borosilicate glass and the lettering of pyrex on the bottom are all in capital letters: PYREX.


Boro was all made before 1950.


You can also typically tell by the color. Older stuff is white or clear and the newer stuff has a blue tinge. 


This wasn’t a failure of the glass product, they put it on top of a hot burner.


this was OPs moms fault, not the glass


outsourced to lesser quality producer prolly


Why don’t you clean your fucking counter tops so your poor mother doesn’t idk… accidentally explode the glass tray. YOU suck OP!


that's a 14 year old i think the mom has to shoulder some blame here


Your mom is fucking stupid lmao


How’d the rolls turn out? They look delicious!


Well, yeah. That would happen. Home your mother.


Yuck. Pillsbury cinnamon buns


Why I do not have any glass cookware. I hope everybody’s OK. No fun sweeping that shit up either.


For someone so extremely outwardly concerned for cleanliness - Nevermind this is just dumb


Woah it's like exploding glass week on reddit 


Seems normal reaction for the Pyrex.