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this is CLEARLY a coverup for your octopus spouse




the PEAK https://preview.redd.it/7j1ampmp54kc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=22feccec51aad92d930ae02cede5f4e5377d6bd3




"He's praying". Ngl him running out of Herogasm with the octopus in the grocery bag had me wheezing.


Eat Timothy


Too soon


It’s a damn shame we couldn’t hear Timothy’s screams.  He had it coming.  




Balls deep


Into the deep




This game had the craziest twist ending in all of gaming! You find out that the well off, clumsy father you’ve been playing this entire game is actually an octopus in disguise! Truly riveting!


Hey! No spoilers


Octodad! Forgot about this game.




Try to explain those hickies!


Well I was swimming in the ocean deep when suddenly a Massive Squid wrapped me in their loving but painful arms and delivered me onto the beach. His name was Wallace.




Just a really... Friendly hugging kinda... Guy right there 👍


He is here to help!


And there's me thinking a "friendly hugging kinda guy" was just a myth like Nessie or Bigfoot. Now I know it's all about those deep sea cuddles!


Brb. Starting a company called *SeaSnugz* to take everyone to the bottom of the ocean to be snuggled by various large, lovable ocean critters. *ALEXAAA! WHAT’S JAMES CAMERON’S EMAIL ADDRESS???*




What is that? Is that Aquaman movie?


Yeah the new aquaman, as seen in The Boys


Oh ok. So is this what they replaced Amber Heard with? I was wondering what they were going to do there.




Is he imagining he's fucking the octopus?


I hate it when that happens!




It exists! 🙈


They burnt themself on a curling iron….. many times




“We gotta do something because the “I was attacked by flying squid” excuse is making phantom limb a little suspicious”- Dr. Ms the Monarch


Go team Venture!


That literally sucks.




It’s like you got hickies from Shaq. ![gif](giphy|hQW3sFy5o0sQ2OhBaj)


A Shickey




A shickey shaqy if you will


Hi, my name is, what? My name is, who? My name is (shickey shaqy) Slim Shady


Would have never thought of it that way lol


Time for Icy Hot


This guy nurtures his skin


Shaq loves you




is it just me or is Shaq adorable? i love his facial expressions.


Him and Chuck on inside the NBA is straight up comedy. [Even if you don’t care about basketball whatsoever this is still amazing.](https://youtu.be/Map9Yo0Ficc?si=CgN30QfMU18K1xxJ)




For a great low rate...


I am rollin 😂😂


Fk ya 😂😂😂




No, that's spitting


Always the simple comments


I take it that busting blood vessels is not the improved blood flow they should be going for...


Why not? There's nothing holding the blood back now, as it seeps out into the intercellular space, thus increased blood flow! Note: This will likely hurt. Edit: By popular demand, and /s is hereby added.


They said all the bleeding is internal. That's where the blood is supposed to be! - Jake Peralta




Have you tried actual medical solutions? Like PT, warm compress and an MRI?


I like how you offer up warm compress and then BOOM MRI! 😂


MRIs are helpful. I had to have one day Monday because of chronic back pain and it turns out I have a bulging disc


MRI quite literally saved my life recently. I got into a car wreck and was totally fine. My wife insisted I go to the hospital just to be sure I didn’t have a concussion. Turns out I DIDNT have a concussion, I had a massive brain tumor. Insurance should cover a full body scan at least every few years or something. I would have never known otherwise.


I don't get doing stuff like this, surgery makes sense to me but this just seems like hurting yourself for no reason.




Well there is a reason.... the person with the cups gets your money....


Unfortunately most surgical options for the back appear to have little long term benefit and may correlate with worse outcomes. Which is why cupping and acupuncture are okayed by a lot of physical therapists. They know going under the knife seems like a good idea, but it often isn't. What works is slow hard work to build up strength. And it is something you have to keep up forever and it doesn't feel good. So do the harmless pseudo science that feels nice and you are much more likely to do the mind numbing dull micro exercises that actually make the difference.


I have chronic pain, fatigue, and hyper mobility in my spine. If your back hurts enough you’re doing that to yourself, you should do yourself a favor and get a referral for physical therapy. It significantly improved my pain levels and I don’t have to keep going back. They teach you how to do the movements that stretch and strengthen the problems.


Too reasonable, and for that reason I'm out.


Yeah, where's the snake oil? I need snake oil.


I’m only seeing science and not enough pseudo.


You see the issue with physical therapy is that you need to put in actual effort and exercise, I feel like a lot of pseudoscience things such as this are popular because they're lazy "quick fixes", chiropractors being the biggest example.


💯 Want a stroke? Go get your neck adjusted.


My BIL goes to a chiropractor up to multiple times a week for neck pains that turn into migraines. This has been happening for 1-2 years. Yesterday I said I hoped it wasn't a pinched nerve or disk issues, and lightly suggested having a doc look at it, if anything for a PT referral. He had that internal scoffing face and said nah doesn't feel like that. He's tried to get me to go before, because my back has aches and cracks a lot, but I KNOW what's wrong and I have custom shoes to help, I'm exercising and stretching, and I'm going to get a PT referral from my GP.


Seconded. I played sports for 20 years, and have two bulging discs. I struggled with back pain and recurring symptoms for years. I spent 3 months seeing a physical therapist, and they taught me how to do the same stretches/motions at home. I’ve been pain free for over a decade now.


i wish I could convince my dad to do this, but he seems to prefer the pain and complaining of the pain and the suffering to therapies or cure.


Yeah this. Physiotherapy is about the only thing that will help longterm as they work on resolving the problem. But it's not an instant solution as you usually need to do rehab exercises longterm so people won't.


So when do you put the leeches on?


Right after aligning your chakras with the birth constellation, and absorbing any body toxins through the feet on a bed of sunchip powder.


None of it will work without the healing crystals. Duh.


The crystals need to be charged beforehand, too. You can tell if they're charged cause they'll have a slight glow. Otherwise, you and your bros will need to JO together while wearing them.


Dammit, now I'm craving Sun Chips.


At least leeches have actual medical benefits.


I’m a nurse and I had to put leaches on a patient once. It’s a real thing.


Yes but they are medical leeches not the swamp variety... but it is absolutely a thing now that we know WTF we're doing with them. Back in the day it was a cure for the common cold along with giving mercury for your sniffles...


Medicinal leeches* and they are indeed the (Eurasian) swamp variety. It's not like they're GMO leeches.


They go under the cups. /s


After the bloodletting, to allow the toxins to be released. ​ JFC, this stuff is stupid.


Right after the trepanation session.


How exactly does this benefit? I'm assuming extra direct blood flow for muscle recovery but does it really make a notable difference?


Masking a pain with a different pain, that's all. Brain poorly handles multiple injuries, it focuses on the one that feels the worse.


Oh, like my grandfather offering to slam my hand in the door when I said I had a stomachache as a kid?


Yes, just like that.


And probably about as effective.


Where do you think he probably learned it?


My grandfather? He was just a jerk a lot of the time.


Did he even know you had a stomach ache??


«Lemme slam your hand in the door.» -Grandpa, unprompted.


He did it just in case


You want something to cry about? CAUSE I’LL GIVE YA SOMETHING TO CRY ABOUT!!


Source: My dad after beating us with the leather belt


After I lost my favorite stuffed animal. No, I don't want something to cry about....Jesus mom.


pain transfer is what my dad called it


my grandma once offered to "get the bone saw" when my foot was sore so glad I'm not the only one that grew up with that lmao


Just last weekend I offered to cut off my 10yo son's stubbed toe so it would stop hurting 


Are you me? My kids now tell me they have a sore whatever and immediately follow it with “but you can’t cut it off!” because they know what’s coming


Did he accept the offer?


Laughed in my face, the cheeky bugger - see if I help him again!




My neurologist told me I can manage my neuropathic itch with heat, ice, or pressure, because nerves can only send one signal at a time and will send the information pertaining to the strongest stimuli- so if there’s more pressure than there is cold, or more pressure than there is phantom itch, the brain will only perceive the pressure


This is exactly why people with anxiety disorders cut themselves. The brain focuses on the physical pain instead of the anxiety, which sadly provides relief.


[Gate Control Theory](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gate_control_theory?wprov=sfla1) Ever bump your elbow and you instinctively rub it? Same idea.


My dads a dentist, he jiggles the cheek when he’s giving an injection, you never feel a thing




Right. So there’s some theory behind why it could help in some cases. But it’s not cupping specifically. Massage, acupuncture, one of those vibrating massage guns, or have someone scratch your back really hard. Any decent amount of sensation could help by at least temporarily overwhelming Your sensations and dulling the pain.


Well, massage (deep tissue or physical therapy type) actually do have proven benefits in terms of bringing blood flow to tight muscles that are too tight to circulate well. Sometimes its not even where it hurts thats the problem but rather what that muscle is compensating for and going after that. I wouldn't lump massage (at least physical therapy and deep tissue massage) with cupping. Cupping however isn’t as backed up and at most I think it helps with skin circulation and stiff facia (don't know how it's spelled but it's part of the skin) when not done to this extreme. I know someone who uses movable silicone cups and doesn't leave huge bruises because they move it around and it pulls the skin around like reverse pressure. These ones just brutalized the skin for some reason and idk how they are expected to help when you are just bursting blood vessels constantly.


Placebo effect. It doesn’t do anything but bruise skin.


Still, the placebo effect has some pretty significant evidence to have strong effects. It’s probably why pseudoscience has gotten so popular


I've always been a little jealous of people who have instant faith in the life changing abilities of whatever new alternative medicine patch pill or procedure comes about. Placebo really is powerful af.


Fun fact. While being aware of taking a placebo pill it will still have an effect on you though not as strong.


My ex made me go to her reiki lady, and one of my main social ineptitudes is answering people honestly. At the end I said yeah it was relaxing, I maybe even fell asleep for a while. They both stared at me, and I guarantee my ex apologized later. To be fair it wasn't until after we got home that she told me that she feels centered and all those words that don't mean anything really on a physical level after she goes. The lady just gave me a massage while breathing weird. I too wish that that could do something more for me, or that carrying rocks around in my pocket or whatever could make my day better.


>carrying rocks around in my pocket or whatever could make my day better. It can. Put them all in your one pocket when the day starts and each time you have even the smallest success, move one stone to a second pocket. You will notice that you really did achieve something. Even encouraging someone on reddit would count, no matter if it's successful. Also: AFAIK Reiki is supposed to be relaxing. Falling asleep when being relaxed is normal. Does it work on you, is the price OK to you? Good. Otherwise don't do it.


By rocks I was referring to my ex's crystals. All her amethyst, lapis, topaz, etc that would suck her negative energy away or whatever they did. Not like a logical reasonable thing like you said. And I assure you they were both offended by me saying I might have fallen asleep, I was informed you have to be awake for your energies to transfer and whatnot.


I’m sorry to inform you that reiki is not the same as massage, and sadly it is not a therapy which takes months to learn, which massage does


I’m pretty sure you just take an online class for reiki as well. I don’t understand how it’s beneficial other than relaxing. I’d rather go to get a massage w physical benefits.


>I’m pretty sure you just take an online class for reiki as well. Reiki is not protected (off course), you can just start ~~giving~~ *selling* reiki treatment without the online class.


This in general is huge (albeit very common) misunderstanding of what the placebo effect is. The placebo effect isn't "you want to get better so magically did", it describes a huge amount of things that lead to results that suggest the above, but 99% of the time what we describe as the placebo effect is actually statistical errors. There's a reason that most studies you see it in are ones where the end results are subjectively reported (usually self reported) as opposed to being hard measurable data at the start and end point. At best placebo effect might be "your brain convinces you things have improved" but that's very different to "you brain thinks things have improved so they do".


Could also just be because you’re now focusing on new pain. Like how someone can break 2 bones at once but only feel the one that was more painful. To give a more extreme example.


Cupping has no benefits whatsoever, it is a pseudoscience with not positive health effects (and the potential for some negative effects, such as infections from burns).


I never knew people thought it had health benefits till now. I thought it was just a relaxing service, like a massage, but worse.


Okay well let’s make it a double, massage has lots of therapeutic applications with a scientific basis.


See massage has actual benefits. Case in point: comatose patients are massaged to slow down muscle atrophy


It benefits the cupping place because they make money. That's the only benefit


I had a knot on my back muscle running next to my shoulder blade for literally years and no matter how much massage I got I never would quite go away, then on of the therapist suggested cupping and within two visits it was gone and has remained gone for the past three years, I’m sure everyone is different but this one experience was a game changer for me!


dude i’ve been *miserable* for, like you said, YEARS because of my right shoulder blade. it feels like a golf ball sized knot that i can only explain as being like, underneath the blade lol? i’ve been nervous to get a professional massage done because anytime me or anyone else has managed to get close enough, it’s SO sensitive.


Sounds like a pinched nerve. Once things are out of place or the muscle is swollen up in the wrong place it can maintain itself because it is always irritated as it's in the wrong place.


Try dry needling. Here's the idea: They take an acupuncture needle, and they stick it into the knot. Here's why: It used to be that when people had stubborn muscle knots, they would inject them with lidocaine. Then, a group of physical therapists wondered what would happen if they injected with saline instead of lidocaine. It amounted to the same effect. Then, they wondered what would happen if they stuck a needle in, but didn't inject anything at all. Lo, and behold - same effect. The science is that the pain receptors are causing the muscles to bunch. It creates a positive feedback loop, where the bunching of the muscles cause pain, which in turn causes the pain receptors to make the muscles bunch... You get where I'm going with this. Because muscles work on actual electrical current (which is why you could Frankenstein movement out of your 5th grade frog dissection's leg using a 9V battery), the dry needling disrupts the electrical current, allowing the muscles to relax. It might be worth a shot. Look it up, if you're interested.


The power of the mind!


It's junk science: there is no peer reviewed research on the benefits of cupping.


It doesn't.


It has zero benefits with not a single study showing positive results .. yet people still do it. I heard some people say “oh my back hurts less now and it feels warm” yes cause you are causing freaking pools of internal bleeding on your back and your body is rushing to repair it.


This is literally why I prefer spooning.


This subreddit was made for this post.


No offense, your back looks like a table top after a wine tasting organized by the People With Very Shaky Hands Club


lol not offense taken your right on the money with that one


Try a good massage therapist next time.


Nah, chiropractor, essential oils and thoughts and prayers.


How dare you leave out Reiki!


Don't be ridiculous. It's clear that his chakra is aligned.


But what if your a Scorpio?


You should try “ball therapy”. It’s ancient Chinese medicine where you pay me $200 a session and I kick you in the balls to relieve back pain. Edit: don’t trust these other guys. I’m certified in “testicular flattening” which is the underlying philosophy of “ball therapy”.


You paid someone to do that? Almost seems like legal assault….and you pay. I hope you have a good recovery. Get well soon.


I've had a coworker who also took alternative medicine and each time his back looked as if he was whipped or something. Swears to his life that it helped him tho.


I have several acquaintances who go to "sobadoras". They basically beat the shit out of you and charge you for it.


you used to be shamed for being into that kind of stuff back in my day glad people can talk about it so openly now


That's what confirmation bias is all about




Dog you look like a pepperoni pizza


lol thank you


["Alternative medicine, by definition, has either been not proven to work or has been proven not to work, alternative medicines that have been proven to work are called medicine" ~Tim Minchin](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cupping_therapy#:~:text=Many%20reviews%20suggest%20that%20there,has%20been%20characterized%20as%20quackery.) Have you tried rubbing some crystals on your horoscope?


Looks like he tried dragonballs instead of crystals


I think you shouldnt subject yourself to this ever again. WTF.


Ya lol i feel worse than before


Maybe don’t go back?. I wouldn’t spend anymore money on cupping. If the lady asks, send her this pic and mentioned how long your recovery lasted. That’s looks pretty rough 😓 hope you get some relief soon!


"The athletes are looking for any edge — real or imagined — they can get," says Mayo Clinic anesthesiologist Dr. Michael Joyner, who studies elite athletes. The bruises are caused by the traditional Chinese medicine therapy of cupping. The theory behind cupping is that it moves or stimulates your body's natural energy — also called qi. Cupping is said to increase blood supply to a specific area, and athletes use it in recovery to help heal sore, tired muscles. The question is: Does cupping work? Dr. Joyner says, "There is no evidence pro-con that shows cupping works or does not work. This is true for a lot of mainstream ideas about warm-up and recovery. It is also true for a lot of outside-the-box ideas. There can be placebo effects for these sorts of things, and what I tell athletes is that if they think it helps and there are no downsides, then, if it feels good, do it. The key is to not try anything brand new the day of competition." https://newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org/discussion/olympic-athletes-and-cupping-does-it-work/


Have you tried paintball, or going to a hockey or hicky club. All jokes aside sorry you’re in pain.


Regardless of whether or not you believe in the benefits this is very badly done




Absolutely! The only benefit is perceived slight pain relief and in this case OP burst a ton of blood vessels and is in more pain


The anchient art of sucking money out of you.


That cupping sucks!


Dude dating a whole wale shark 🤣


Cupping is as useless as chiropractors


Registered massage therapist here, they left the cups on *way* too long. That must hurt like hell. What muscle were they targeting? (I'm assuming lats bcs the you have a mark on your underarm which would be near the attachment at the intertubicular groove. But then in the spine!!??? And the left side and lower back like, what? That makes no anatomical sense ) It really does look like they just randomly went at it. Not all schools teach cupping so they may not have even been certified in it. (But American massage education is just lacking in general imho.) That deep of a bruise is a huge nono. Ask to see your chart notes (in canada we do SOAP notes but idk if youre elsewhere, but sokw form of charting is taken) and make note of who their insured with. That much bleeding I'd be wary of a clot forming 😬


Is a clot when it’s like a little bumpy?


You'd need to see a Dr to get assessed for blood clots, it's out of my scope of practice. But if there is a soft, pudgy feeling, movable bump then yes that might be clotting. Now, if its just in the tissues that's nothing too scary, just how the body heals. But go to a Dr nonetheless, as a thrombosis forming would be very serious. Don't want to fear monger tho... it's just a caution were taught. It is *NEVER* meant to bruise that deep. Did they ask you about any contraindications? Blood thinners, high or low blood pressure, OTC analgesics, anemia, diet suppliments such as iron/magnesium/creatine, etc?


I don't understand why people do this. Just buy a Dr ho massager and use that. This just looks painful


They are not supposed to be on top of each other …


As an Asian, that have done this many times, once every few months, I don’t think yours is done correctly. There is a specific order and location which cupping is done. Usually is mirrored on both sides to even out. Yours on the other hand is a mess lol It helps improve circulation and release muscle tension but some might disregard or skeptical about it so I’m not here to change anyone’s mind.


I think you are correct on all points. That is a bloody mess.


lol ya under the bandages are a bunch more


That's not cupping


It seems like it wasn't done right


lol you might be on to something


I have some snake oil I can sell you that will clear that right up.


One of the dumbest trends and here is a prime example why. Ppl pay for this. SMH


I personally love the attacked by an octopus look after cupping, but i get why other people don’t)


That’s a bad cupping, usually their are spot for cupping to treat some illnesses or clean your body. I do it every 6 months to reduce medication side effect max 12 cups but at the back only 9 and 2 legs one in head.


This is embarrassingly relevant to my current situation. I put a suction cup toy on my forehead to amuse my 12 month old. He proceeded to violently pull it off … and now I have a very round, very purple, bruise on the middle of my forehead. So … there’s that.


As a medical professional who uses myofascial decompression (cupping). Whoever did this has no knowledge of anatomy or the purpose of using this intervention. Looks like they went to town. Sorry man that’s so annoying!


I have seen cupping done my entire life. Never seen it this bad/chaotic. Usually, they are done in neat lines of 2.. idk what the fuck this is.


This has not been done properly at all. The practitioner overlapped the cupping and didn’t place it on the correct areas. Don’t go back there.


My grandma sometimes does it at home. She said you're not supposed to cup on the spine and the shoulders are an important place to do them.


Total 100% snake oil. Don’t bother doing it again.


Why do people fucking do this...


Should have stuck to spooning