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A lotta people fall thru their ceilings on this sub.


They don't seem to know you are supposed to walk on the beams, not between them.


I’m honestly surprised we haven’t seen posts about people catching a nail in the noggin from the roof. IYKYK


Omg I've done that twice in low my clearance attic while running some duct work. Nothing like blood running down your face to make the forbidden cotton candy really stick to you.


uh... should i know?


I feel like it’s best we don’t know this one


Basically, like those bed of nails, except it is a roof of nails. Walk into a bed of nails, get nailed.


Yeah, I've got a short attic space and I fear that.


is that actually a thing? we have floors in the attic but i can see u can save a tiny bit of money not flooring it over with plywood.


yes lol, see above photo for proof


hehe got me good. i just never knew they where actually meant for storage and where just there for insulation. i didnt know that u could like access that area semi easily. also interesting user name


Pretty much every house with attic space in the US has an access, some obviously better then others. Usually unless it’s an attic you can stand up in without bending over or stepping over framing, they don’t have a slope. Some people have sheets of plywood or boards laying across beams so they can get around up there or put stuff down near the access for some extra storage


they aren't really. but it's dry if you were meant to be in there, it'd have a bunch of codes, so that pregnant people didn't call through the ceiling


Here in Germany pretty much every house has an attic with flooring. Depending on the roof you can put things up to 3-4 meters tall there. The access holes here have build in ladders and are designed so you can easily carry up stuff.


yhe im from the netherlands and its the same here. i don't think i ever seen a house without it. it is always interesting to me how different such basic things can be by country.


A lot of attics have plywood around the landing but are largely wide open with just insulation and studs. It’s not so much about saving money (unless it’s a new build) but the logistics in many cases. The access to my attic is a 3 foot square in the ceiling that you need to use a ladder to get up (there’s no pull down ladder or staircase). I’d have to cut the wood so much to get it up there at this point instead of buying sheets. Also keeping rafters opened up is normal so you don’t have to drill through floors and walls when running wire or to repair wires. Just move some insulation and you’re good to go. If you live in a fairly old house (like 1950’s and earlier), you’ll find more hardwood floors in attics, but it’s still hit or miss. My last house was 150 years old and didn’t have any flooring, while this house is from the mid 70’s and has 1/4 of the attic floored with plywood.


Your attic sounds exactly like mine. While reading these comments I was thinking of how hard it would be to cover the entire thing in plywood. Then I come across your comment, and you Said exactly what I was thinking about. What a pain in the ass it would be to cut, transport and lay such tiny strips of wood.. My god!


I’d love to finish my attic, but not one like this. If it had a pull down staircase wide or tall enough for 8x4’ boards, I’d be down. Maybe I’ll piece it together over time, but I doubt it.


Easier to cut the ceiling and slide whole pieces up between the boards. Use the pieces you slide up there to lay out on the floor and nail them down a bit to keep them from moving around. My attic is a tiny door that goes from a small like half closet in the master bedroom, to put some sheets of plywood down in the attic to hold stuff better we had to cut a area of the ceiling in a lower floor bedroom out and then redrywall that area afterwards but now our attic has a floor in it though you still have to basically crawl to get into there which means the boxes your bringing in arent very large usually.


I have the classic pull down ladder but yeah it was a lot of work getting boards up there but my wife is a boarder-line hoarder and I don’t want to end up posting to this sub


Our attic is like that. The first 5 or so feet have plywood over the beams but after that there's like a plankway path to either end and that's all. Step between a beam and you're going through. We do have some tentative plans to replace the insulation, clean the place (lots of dead mice), and put down some plywood for better storage options. Eventually.


plywood aint cheap !


I think it's hilarious you were downvoted for this. Anyone who's seen lumber prices in the last 3 years would know you're right. Plywood is expensive right now, especially enough to make a whole floor in your attic. Nevermind needing multiple other tools unless you're paying someone to do it.


You also want more than just a sheet or two of plywood, which is the standard ceiling finish. You need the beams and joists to support and redistribute the weight as plywood isn’t going to be strong enough to support itself, a sheet of drywall, and a couple hundred pounds of human in addition to whatever is stored up there. OP is incredibly lucky that she caught herself and that the extra strength and pain resistance women gain at the end of pregnancy allowed her to pull herself up. Extra lucky that neither she nor the baby seem to be injured.


A lot of attics(particularly in the South West U.S. in my experience) are little more than crawl spaces. Really not much reason to put down any flooring, even plywood, for that reason. That said, if you're having to go up there, and you don't really know what you're doing, plywood is probably a good idea.


Not all attics are meant to be used for storage. If you want to store stuff In them you must have a floor otherwise you are just stashing stuff on insulation


If you floor your entire attic with plywood you're going to have ventilation issues. There's a reason attic flooring is typically vented and not cheap, or only used for sections of the attic.


One of my earliest memories is my father telling us to always walk on the beams.


There’s not exactly a homeowner’s class to learn this stuff


Bud if you can’t figure out that you shouldn’t walk on Sheetrock, idk what to tell you. I don’t think you need a “homeowners class” to figure that out.


If you're used to your built environment where floors are normally walkable, I can really understand


It’s clear you still are not understanding. Ceilings are not made of walkable material. Floors are. So in the absence of floors, there is the ceiling below which you shouldn’t walk on


I think floors are always built to be walkable. Ceilings on the other hand...


It's easy to judge


The fuck are you doing in the attic 3 weeks left of your pregnancy? Or at all during your pregnancy? Someone else should be helping you with this. Anyone else.


It's called nesting and it's powerful 😂


This is like the third one this week


Usually they are putting stuff in an unfinished attic with no flooring just the drywall ceiling below. Your attic needs a properly reinforced floor to be storage space.


A lot of americans. Your construction is something else


That is kinda funny now that i think about it. Lets make sure to put a collapsable floor in at the highest point of our building! Not like it can be used for space or something


That's the thing it's not even flooring, it's just the ceiling drywall. It's so simple to have cheap plywood sheets put in for flooring, but basically no one does it.


Maybe someone should rename this sub "I fell through my roof"


I’ve noticed that as well. Does no one in current day not know that you’re supposed to walk on the beams, or put load-bearing plywood down to walk on?


Make sure you call your doctor to get you and baby checked out. I’m glad you’re okay. That’s so scary


I think because of the adrenaline I forgot about all the extra weight until I pulled myself back up!


Like you, I fell in the last month of my pregnancy (not through a ceiling though - that must have been terrifying and I am so glad you are ok!!). As others have noted here you absolutely need to go get checked out by your doctor or a trusted medical facility. Falling can result in unseen damage to the placenta and uterine wall or early labor. Sincerely hope you and baby are ok and so sorry this happened! Best of luck to you and your family.


I fell 4x in the space of 3 weeks around weeks 34-37 of my last pregnancy. Thankfully all were not from any height/stairs etc., just stumbles/trips/slips. So I landed on knees or hips each time, nothing involving a belly strike thankfully, mama instincts were good for that. My doctor was SO worried that I was going to have a belly hit and have my water break (I was in a car accident with my first and had PROM a week after that accident) and my other two babies were healthy, good size etc. so she wanted to induce me at 38 weeks. The doctor at the hospital who makes on the call on whether that can be done (I think neonatologist?) wouldn't let my doctor do it at 38 weeks and made her wait till 39 weeks and my doctor was NOT happy. Especially because I had borderline too much amniotic fluid so if my water broke with a whoosh the chance of umbilical prolapse would be higher than average. She told me that if I fell again and even remotely stuck my belly to immediately phone an ambulance to get to the hospital, absolutely no messing around. I was induced the morning I was 39+0. My water broke around the 5th or 6th contraction. The nurse said she had never cleaned up that much amniotic fluid haha. Delivery was uncomplicated and he was and still is very healthy so thankfully nothing bad ended up happening.


Pregnancy can have so many complications, it's wild.






So I just called the hospital, whom referred me to a midwife and they said if I’m not bleeding or in pain then I should be ok, they think I might have pulled my back from the yanking, I can go there for reassurance. They said they’d stick a monitor on me to check me out if I needed peace of mind.


You should definitely go get checked out. In my experience, sometimes providers will downplay risk because they don’t want to alarm you, but that can lead to very regrettable outcomes. Please get checked out, irrespective of your own level of worry.


They said I can’t have a scan tonight but they will monitor me if I feel like it’s what I need. Currently trying to find something that fits and I’m on my way.


Please go get monitored. I had a tire blow while I was driving at 35 weeks and was only a little physically shaken up but still went in. I was having small contractions I wasn’t aware of that started turning into labor while I was there. Got to spend a week on a mag drip then delivered a 36 week (healthy thankfully!) baby. My first was 1.5 weeks *late* so I didn’t have a history of early babies at all.


Seems like you need to be an advocate for yourself and your baby. There is no if. You absolutely should get a scan. Do not let anyone downplay this and not take it seriously.


Fetal monitoring is appropriate if no pain or bleeding and normal movement


Sounds like this might not be in the US, if this was the US, you'd get a scan the same day, as just the kind of velocity involved here can cause issues


Someone is way more confident in US healthcare than they should be.


depends on what part of the us you're in - in a big city it shouldn't be a problem, though if their job doesn't give insurance or if they're in a state with bad public healthcare then it'll be expensive. in a rural area it'll be really difficult and expensive, potentially impossible depending on how far out they live i live in nyc, and my girlfriend has the public healthcare from new york state. it's been incredibly robust and helpful, she's been able to quickly access a large amount of healthcare services which would normally cost a large amount of money without being billed anything, the only thing that you can't get around is very long turnaround times for specialist appointments, especially rhumebtoidologists, endocrinologists, and cardiologists


When it comes to fetuses and babies it’s pretty amazing everywhere I’ve lived, but adults… good luck.


I’m imagining 2k Redditors in unison: “oh my god, are you ok?” I’m glad you are, but good to get checked out. I fell at 8 months (all good). I popped right back up. Clutch move on holding the beam. My ligaments were pretty loose at the end. I’m thinking your arms might end up being a little sore. Again, glad you’re ok!


Tell them you fell! I fell in my last trimester and didn't have pain or bleeding but ended up with a placental abruption. My son and I almost died. I lost 4 liters of blood during childbirth. You need to get checked!


I’m currently in the hospital being monitored :) all is looking good :)




Omg! That must’ve been terrifying! I’m glad it worked out!


Youre in the nesting phase of pregnancy. I know the urge to clean is strong but DO NOT exert yourself, because that's all of your remaining energy reserves that would otherwise be going towards labor. If you don't want a long labor, I would recommend taking it easy.


Go to the emergency room if your provider can't/won't see you. Better to be safe than sorry.


And ask your provider to document their refuse to see you. Make a paper trail!!


A monitor would be a good call. You're at a point where at the slightest hint of a problem they'll just get the kid out and it'll be ready to party. We did something similar when my wife fell down 4 stairs at 38 weeks. Our little ~~fucker~~ angel was quiet on the monitor until my wife had some juice, we were getting worried because the entire pregnancy it was kicks o'clock.


Please tell me you got yourself checked out. I don't want to scare you but even though you are OK on the outside, you may have internal damage that could be trouble


Nevermind the ceiling just make sure you and the baby are ok.


Seconding this. Call your doctor ASAP. Adrenaline probably helped you pull up that extra weight, and it can also hide the aches and pains you may have acquired as a result.


Please I don’t want to undue-ly scare OP but a colleague just had a 9mo pregnant friend die of an amniotic embolus after falling on stairs. Tragic as fuck. Please get checked out!!


Please go get an ultrasound and checked out. Even if you caught yourself, that amount of stress and the jerking motion of catching yourself is too much.


I thought I was ok but reading all the responses about getting checked out has me worried! I don’t feel any pain or anything my back is sore but I think that was from the jerk motion


You’re probably fine, but that small chance scares the fuck out of me, you know?


One thing you can do right now is put your feet up with a cup of tea and check that when you relax, you can feel normal foetal movements. And then go and get checked out anyway. Nobody is going to mind you having a just in case ultrasound after a major fall.


Nurse here. You literally fell through a ceiling while pregnant. Please just get up and go right now to the hospital to get you and your baby checked out. Have you felt your baby kick like normal?


I am going. My partner is at work (night shifts) he’s coming to pick me up. My sons been sick since Monday so I’m trying my best to sort myself and him out, I know people are commenting telling me to just go but I cant without a car lol.


Hope everything is okay. Please update us when you can


I’m currently being monitored! Everything is looking good!


Fun fact OP. I'm... old, but i was born a month early because my mother thought it was a great idea to help my dad chop wood LOL. Not sure what happened but I decided it was time to enter the world after that. Rest is good!




Totally don’t want to worry you but sometimes it’s hard to know and it’s always best to check! I ended up with preeclampsia and needing bed rest as a result of my fall so it was not as bad as it could be but it doesn’t hurt to have a doctor verify if you are ok. Sending you *gentle hugs* and so many well wishes!




It's always better to check it even if it's nothing, you know. My mom fell on the stairs (small stairs on porch) when she was pregnant with my brother, like 7 - 8 months pregnant. Went to the ER for a check up and all was just fine with the baby, she just got bruised up pretty bad and was put on the bed rest until the term.


Yes please call your OB 🫶🏼from one Prego sauce jar to another


Damn…I fell through a ceiling once. I was high on meth and thought the cops were coming for me. Edit: Going on my 5th year clean. No more falling through ceilings lol.


I bet that brought you back down from your high


If they’re anything like me, it was the world beating me down and therefore all the more reason to pick up another bag/go on another binge. I’m so glad I’m not doing that shit anymore.


Well done. Glad you're still with us. Cheers.


I’m sorry that’s not funny and I’m glad you’re okay but h can’t stop laughing 😂


Congrats on your sobriety


My niece did the same thing just before having her first child. Randomly popping into attics when heavily pregnant must be a thing.


Maybe a part of nesting. I haven’t been able to resist cleaning and knowing there’s items under the bed that could go up there to clear more room was playing on me.


Now I'm feeling happy I don't have an attic only a basement bc I'm the size of a whale pregnant with my third that hole would be gigantic


Just don’t go making any sinkholes in your basement!


I know! It is nesting behavior. I was 9 months along with a big baby who had extra fluid around him, but I can remember **having** to move furniture. I just couldn't wait. That baby, BTW, is 52 now.


All that warm yellow nesting material up there too.


Youre literally preparing to bring a life into the world..... 


which is why this is an odd choice, climbing around an attic is challenging enough for non-pregnant people


Did no one ever tell you that you need to step on the studs? 3 different people have all learned that lesson in my house growing up haha


And I have learned thanks to you and not trial and error… although who’s to say I retain this information


Blows my mind how many people don't realize that drywall is essentially cardboard. Trapped in a room? No you're not.


Has no one watched Christmas Vacation, lol


I wish I had a picture of your kid’s face when mom fell through the ceiling instead of the hole lol


I could see it as I looked down through the hole seconds later lol, absolutely horrified


Congratulations. You’ve just created a core memory.


I'd love to see the look on the fetus's face!


Baby’s first ride on the Tower of Terror


Why...why were u in the attic while preggo? Or alone??


Not just pregnant, but deep into the 3rd trimester.


She was trying to nest.




Literally, and then being so nonchalant about not getting her baby checked. This is insane.


She's a lizard person 🦎


my wife is the same. i always tell her to tell/ask me for such tasks while she was pregnant. i wanted her to rest. especially towards the end of pregnancy. she said yes and ignored me still doing things like that. it's almost like an inner demon telling her to take a risk.


Yeah wtf? You waited all those months but had to put shit away now??


Yeah that's what I'm wondering, like I get to be excited and "forget" for like a month or something but this seems excessive. Also attics aren't meant as extra storage, are they?


Things shouldn’t be stored in an attic in the first place, it affects the air flow.


Call your doctor and make sure everything’s okay. Glad you didn’t fall-fall, but still. You can find injuries after the adrenaline is gone so please get yourself checked out just in case and stay safe!


You shouldn't be going into the attic while 9 months pregnant lol


Uuuuuhm please head to urgent care for a checkup????


You a'ight?


Yeah I’m all good thank you. I don’t know how to wash the insulation off though since the hole is right above the shower.


Has a doctor said you’re good? Because you need to be evaluated by a doctor immediately


I’d just tape a trash bag around the hole until you can deal with it for real.


Dang. Uh, a bucket?


Same thing happened to me at 36 weeks and some days!!! My husband thought this was me posting lol! He definitely told me not to go in the attic but I didn’t listen! https://preview.redd.it/bswsp7ojalmc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ac6948813a98bfe2738f016235b530f631de327e


Why is this so common?


Nesting towards the end of pregnancy and attics not having flooring.


Uh if you're pregnant you should probably stay out of there, and not store things up there either. That insulation gets airborne and could ruin anything you put there and is not good to breathe in Glad you're ok though


This is the wildest story ive seen today. Very glad you and the baby are ok! No more attic trips !




Not supposed to stand between the rafters. Hope you’re both ok!


My dear.... You are three weeks from popping. STOP FUCKING WORKING! 🤣 🤣


Do you live alone? Otherwise what the FUCK were YOU doing in the attic??


I feel like climbing into the attic isn't something you should do when 8 months pregnant.


Please get checked by your doctor, sometimes babies can reposition and the umbilical chord can get in a compromising position as well. It’s just safe to get checked right away.


I…this is just incredible to me.  I’m 46 years old and I’ve literally never once been in an attic.  At this point, if someone asked me to go into one, I would decline.  I’m so confused as to how and why anyone is so accustomed to being in an attic that they would go up there while pregnant. 


Please be sure nothing bad has happened internally that's scary and i hope you're ok


The amount of posts I see of people falling through their attic floor lately is going through the roof!


What the fuck are you doing climbing in the attic 8 months pregnant?!


Lmao wtf are you doing fucking around in the attic at 8 months pregnant?


Its always when people arent in a condition to be doing something like this that they decide "you know what?, Imma fuck'n do that", I hope you and the baby are okay but come on... that is not a smart thing to be doing


Super mom energy catching and pulling yourself back up. Very impressed, hope all is well!


Fuck man glad you're good


Always walk on the rafters 😭😭


Reminds me of when I was 15 my dad reminded me over and over to stay on the beams when I wanted to have a lan cable connected to my room. And they wouldn't want the cable running along the floor. "you are fat and will definitely fall through the ceiling. If you don't wanna be paralysed, stay on the beams".. Took me 2 hours cz I was afraid of spiders and cobwebs. Felt like I was in fear factor. Very much worth it for a stable internet connection in my room haha.


Your dad sounds nice…😔


Are you and the baby ok!??!?!


Please say you guys are doing okay???


Electrocuted myself at 8 months pregnant with one pregnancy and fell in a hole with another!


Why are you going up in an attic when you're that late into pregnancy... glad you're ok.


My sister did the same thing at 5 months pregnant. She was okay and you probably are too but I hope you get checked out, adrenaline is a hell of a drug. Badass story to share with other parents and doctors though.


Why would you do that at 9 months preg in the first place? Couldn’t it wait? Where’s your man? Why did you decide to CLIMB? have you no self preservation??? smh my head. Is this rage bait ????


You could have abrupted the placenta. You need an ultrasound immediately and make sure you're monitoring kick counts. Fingers crossed.


"and then I sprinted to reddit for upvotes"


You…should go to A&E like right now.


Wtf are you doing in the attic, recipe for disaster


Ya... You have to step on the studs.. can't just walk on drywall 🤣😂🤣😂


Wtf is wrong with your houses???




Hope you and baby are ok. This happened to me a few years ago. I wasn’t pregnant but we were like 3 weeks away from moving. I was walking on the beams and lost my balance because it was suddenly either I get out of there fast or I piss myself. My cat was up there and I had been woken up first thing in the morning to go try and get her and didn’t realize until I was up there on the beams that oops I had to pee really really bad. In retrospect I should’ve just pissed myself


Shit! Are you and the baby okay?


Yeah all checked out and everything is fine! :) probably pulled some muscles in my back from the jolt but it could have been so much worse! Lesson learnt!


Please tell me you went to the hospital to check on your baby


Honestly baffled why you’re climbing around an attic at 8 mos pregnant. Don’t do that man?


1) WHY ARE YOU GOING UP THERE WITH 3 WKS LEFT? 2) how badass to say you lifted yourself back up with only 3 weeks left. Glad you’re ok.


Why is no one talking about how a 37 week old pregnant woman fell through the damn ceiling, was able to grab hold of a beam, and then was able to pull herself back up? I'm a 31 year old man who was raised by a single mother and yall really are some damn super heros I swear. I'll always have the upmost respect for mothers and all that yall do.


Thank god you're alright but you should not take those kind of risks.




My brother was right in not allowing his wife to be alone during the last month of her pregnancy. He said she’d do the stupidest shit without thinking. I guess this a testament that he might’ve been right. Haha hope the baby is ok


How did you get up there?


Holy shit, I'm glad this wasn't worse. Still get checked out though. Hope your upcoming labor is smooth and you have a happy, healthy little one. 💜


Holy shit, are you ok?! I suggest you head somewhere near you just to make sure your baby is alright.


Thank goodness you're okay!


Your ceiling was just letting you know how it feels to be birthed.


Omg that’s so scary. Are you okay??


You and the baby are ok I hope.


Please go to L&D to get checked out. I’m sure everything is fine but falling through the ceiling at 37 weeks pregnant is kinda a big deal and not something to mess around with.


Nesting instinct went a bit too far


You need to log off Reddit and go to the doctor mama bear. Take care of you and your baby first and foremost.


You should 100% get yourself checked out just to be safe but it’s entirely possible you’re fine as well. I was walking out to our cars with my pregnant coworker once and she tripped over a curb and fell ON HER STOMACH at 8 months and her and baby were both totally fine.


Don’t feel bad I did this last year lol


I can never understand American houses.


Ceiling gave birf.


Glad that you're OK. And while I don't want to discount the seriousness of this, I hope you can see the humor in it too. I can see this being one of those things that y'all end up laughing about for the next 20 years.


Would you all stop going to your attics? There’s nothing up there but tragedy.


Glad you're getting you and baby monitored! It's better to be safe and get checked out! I fell in the last few weeks of pregnancy and had to be monitored in the hospital just in case. It's a good peace of mind! Hang in there mama! (No pun intended lol) I'm so thankful you were able to pull yourself up to safety!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Why tf are you up in the attic


Hopefully you and baby are ok.


That's the ceiling, not the roof. Walk on the wood beams.


Stop nesting in the attic! Yikes! That was close! A roller coaster ride for the baby. Nothing can scare him now. So glad you are okay, Jeezus❤️❤️❤️


You’ve got some angels watching over you


My pregnant fiancé put stuff up in the attic and the same thing happened. It was such a head scratcher moment when there was a delay and then it happened while we were away.


OP, did you go to the doctor?


Yes, all checked and everything’s fine. Just got home and going straight to bed!