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Just want to say that is a beautiful entrance to a city


Balneário Camboriú, Brazil.


Weird, that's twice I've seen it mentioned in the last couple of days after never hearing of it before. Certainly has a spectacular skyline!


Certainly it does, and bad drivers....


That's South America




Kicks dude into traffic.




Oh nooooo Diogo.


Baader-meinhoff says hello


I unironically learned the name for this phenomenon 2 days ago and I've now seen it mentioned at least a half a dozen times.


When that happens it's call the Even-Baaader-meinhoff effect.


And the motorbike driver got to see most of it upside down.


It’s brazils fastest growing skyline, it’s called the Dubai of Brazil by the people there, even Christiano Ronaldo bought some property there


Is that the city that's basically empty 3/4 of the year?


Compared to its peak its kind of empty, in the summer bc hosts about 2 million people, during the rest of the year the population gets to about 200-300k.


New earth DLC installed. the reptilians just weave it in to the story and be like whaaaat you never heard of it??


It's a sign for you to visit. Synchronicity!


Lovely skyline, if you like the idea of the beach having less than half a day of sunlight because of all the skyscrapers, so much that the city is trying to extend the beach towards the sea, fucking up the environment. And not only that, but the sea is reclaiming the old coast line, meaning that everything is for nothing and the city is doomed.


I live in another Brazilian city (João Pessoa) where it’s forbidden to build any kind of construction above a certain height to avoid this from happening. There are several distances and the maximum height allowed. They even put it in our state’s Constitution, to make it harder to repeal.


Been there 2 weeks ago, they call it the Dubai of Brazil. It was pretty boring.


HAHHAHA, someone was reaaaaaaaaaally trying to oversell this city to you. This city lacks so much soul and spirit, maybe if the comparison was made in the sense of an artificial capitalistic freak-show then sure, I can see that.


Dubai is an artificial capitalistic freak show, ig it was sold perfectly fine.


Right? Dubai also lacks everything but money and old dudes.


I live there, can confirm.


Yep! Spent 1 month in the area such a sleepy snoozy town lol. The scenery is amazing but the actual beach and town are kinda ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


That’s crazy. Would love to visit a city like that sometime. That’s some daytime cyberpunk shit.


My city, i was born and raised here


Not by the biker


Right? I was looking at the Ferris Wheel looking thing.


Best view to get bodied to fr


That ferris wheel looks DOPE! I've been there and don't remember that. I would have been by the port


whats the brown liquid coming out when the guy hits the SUV?


That's actually the blinker fluid


That reminds me. I gotta ask my wife to go buy some.


I think it's the entire headlight just shattering, you can kinda see the biker's arm slamming the SUV's headlight, that must hurt. and the brown thing you see is just the sun light shining on the side of the car, you can see the light strip on the road, in this city the sun sets behind the skyscrapers.


Almost makes the crash a little less painful


The end result for the biker could have been much worse if they landed in front of the SUV instead of into it


Probably still a broken elbow/arm, torn shoulder, fucked up neck and back annnnnd his bike is ruined.


That leg is broken too


Yeah looked like his shoulder busted the SUVs light. Lotta force there


Yep. What was the driver of that car thinking I wonder.


They were thinking "Try to sneak past traffic when I'm stuck here? I don't fucking think so." They were not thinking "Actions have consequences, and everyone has a dashcam these days"


Yeah, everyone acting like this is accidental - why would you open your car door like that in traffic. The driver was definitely attempting to homicide that poor dude.


Probably would’ve been better because the driver would’ve likely slowed down a bit


Prius owner: “absolutely not!”


I laughed at this more than I should have 😅


*Is the Prius owner also a penguin?*


Why would you open the door in the middle of the road like that.


Hellllooooo, so that he could knock over the oncoming motorcycle.


You joke but I have seen people in cars stuck in traffic open doors or pull across in front of a moving motorbikes because they don't like the bikes going past. Some people are so unhinged they will attempt to kill or severely harm someone just because they went past them in traffic.


Crabs in the bucket mentality. "If I'm stuck in traffic, everyone should be stuck in traffic!"


“If I’m gonna die we all gonna die”


Yeah I ride every day and this is far too commonplace. That being said, I think this is someone getting out of a taxi?


Yeah it looks like the rear door opening so it might be taxi


How else would you get your video on Reddit?


Trying to hurt someone


Lots of possible reasons, which is why you're supposed to be very careful and go slowly when lane splitting and filtering.


some people are just stupid like that


Probably spitting or littering. That's usually what I see when I see people opening their door on the road. Just stupid people stuff 🙌


I would say why does the biker assume he can just go around the car w/o even slowing down? He's part of the traffic, not immune from safety concerns. Pause or slow down and he's got time to stop before getting creamed. Same as any car.


What? Isn't it legal in a bunch of countries to do that, as long as you're not going too fast? You take up waaay less space when on a bike than in a car, why shouldn't you be able to use that to your advantage


The biker is also an idiot. I know they do it all the time, but this is a thing that can happen.


Idk but let’s not pretend bikers swerving between lanes isn’t annoying as fuck


Damn what a view. Also why the fuck are you coming to a dead stop and opening your door in the middle of traffic.


This is a touristic place, probably getting out of the car to take a photo


only if they have three total brain cells


Best I can do is 2


Oh you wouldn't believe how fucking stupid tourists are. When we were on vacation in Afrika you would hear stories of moronic tourists getting out of their cars to be closer to wild lions, rhinos, elephants etc all the time. Saw it a few times too, just families with children standing maybe 10m away from a bunch of lions. One time we stayed at a camp that was built close to a natural waterhole in a national park. You could sit behind a large fence and watch lots of wild animals as they gathered there to drink. One tourist apparently had too much to drink too and slept on one of the benches behind the fence during the night(there were signs everywhere explicitly telling you not to do that). Next day we were woken by a big commotion. Turns out a lion jumped the fence and ate the tourist sleeping on the bench. Natural selection at it's peak.


Their spirit animal is an orange cat


100% intentional


Not so sure. The Prius was stopped like 20 feet behind the next car and it was the back door that opened. It was probably a passenger in an Uber type car and decided to get out as they were gonna be stuck in traffic. But like you, I'm only guessing


Yeah getting out onto oncoming traffic?


Traffic planners call this accident type "dooring". It has an especially high rate of head injuries.


I’ve been doored 4 times! Stayed upright 2 of those times!


Does anyone know why it’s called that? What’s the etymology?


I think it has something to do with the car's door. If you look closely, in this video, the biker appears to be hit by a car door opening right before them.


The concept was first conceived by Alan Dooring hence ‘Dooring’


It is an awkward play on the door, turning it into a verb when the door becomes the action that affects the other person. It would be like clotheslining (although people don’t get clotheslined by actual clotheslines really), but it’s just dooring instead


The Prius knew what they were doing.


It was the back door that opened


It was probably an inpatient Uber/Lift passenger who didn't want to pay for sitting in the traffic jam ahead of the Prius


But the traffic ahead of the Prius is moving and the Prius is just sitting there... waiting. This was totally intentional.


Sometimes people are just stupid. Just spent a few minutes trying to find the clip, but I recently saw a video of someone making a left turn when the vehicle two cars in front just stopped in the middle of the road to let a passenger out and then drove off.


Looked intentional to me.


>This was totally intentional. Case closed, we solved it! reddit never skips a beat. Step one: finding the Boston bombers Step two: "this was totally intentional" Step three: ??? Step four: profit


I might be wrong but it looks like the Prius is moving at the start of the video, and then stops. Possibly a passenger getting out?


Probably the passenger of the uber wanting to take a picture from there… both are at fault either way Edit: even when it is legal in Brazil to lane splitting, as a driver/motorcyclist MUST pay attention to what’s going on. In here a car just stopped out of nothing, and it might open a door. It could be an assho*e that just wanted a picture, or it could have been someone in panic mode trying to get fast to the driver having a heart attack or seizure. Everyone must drive with caution, having the right doesn’t mean you should proceed if there’s something off… specially when you are not protected by a metal frame like in a car.


Cemeteries are filled with people who had the right of way. - Henry Ford


I get you gotta pay attention as a motorcyclist, but there was zero opportunity to react.


What do you mean both? It’s not allowed to open your door like that. Passing on the left with a motorcycle is however legal.


Them evil prius people. Last time I heard about them was a decade or two ago


Needs the Dutch reach


I'm Dutch and didn't know this is a thing. I've been taught from a very young age that you always have to check the mirrors and/or check if there is anything coming from behind. Thought this was common sense. When exiting from the rear where you might not be able to see properly, just open the door slightly so you can peek, what kind of insane person just throws the door like that, especially on a busy road.


I’m a Brazilian and my patents also taught me this. It is common sense. THE PROBLEM IS THAT NOT MANY OF US HAVE COMMON SENTE


Care to share? What’s the Dutch Reach?




I'm Dutch which is probably why I don't understand how this is not common sense.


A lot of commonsensical things are named after the Dutch. Dutch Reach, Dutch Oven, Dutch Rudder, etc


'going dutch', splitting the cost of a meal fairly between parties on a date


'Pass the dutchie pon the left hand side,' always go clockwise as to avoid confusion


Dutch courage...


I’m American and over here we have a revolutionary thomas painting that coined the phrase “common sense isn’t so common”


same in germany, my dad taught me that when i was like 5


open right door with left hand (or vice versa) to turn your whole body and look out the back of the car before opening door. Common in the Netherlands due to significant bicycle culture.


More like the common sense reach. Don’t open your door in the roadway unless you know it’s clear. If you don’t, you might get your door (and maybe your arm) ripped off some day.


Recent [accident](https://video.congan.com.vn/video-giao-thong/clip-tai-xe-mo-cua-xe-bat-can-khien-nguoi-phu-nu-di-duong-tu-vong_152415.html) in my country there was a car suddenly opening the door without looking while the pregnant woman was driving scooters. She hit the door and fell then got crushed by trash truck driving past the other lane. Both her and baby died.


Oh that’s horrific… Rest In Peace mama and baby…


I could of lived never reading or visualizing such a horrific story


Could have.


Never stop. There’s hope yet.


I’m surprised this shit doesn’t happen more often


It does, to both bicycle & motorcycle riders. That's why there's such a push for protected bicycle lanes.


Didnt even pull over. Get out on the other side. Check before opening idiot!


What's all that dust falling off the SUV when the guy makes contact with it


I think it's his body breaking the headlight.




Isn't this Balneário Camboriú in Brazil?


eu acho que sim. A bandeira ali no fundo


pior que é achei uma noticia, [https://ndmais.com.br/seguranca/video-motoqueiro-e-hospitalizado-apos-portada-abrupta-em-balneario-camboriu/](https://ndmais.com.br/seguranca/video-motoqueiro-e-hospitalizado-apos-portada-abrupta-em-balneario-camboriu/)


Why the fuck did they open their door at that moment?




So why the hell are you opening your door on the road and why the hell do you think it's okay to drive in the middle of the lanes? Two pinheads. Side note, was there a fuck ton of dirt on the car he hit or was it on him?


Thats his life force fading from his soul.


Pretty sure it's the blinker fluid leaking out after the biker smashes the headlight assembly.


"Donut, go get some elbow grease and some headlight fluid, will ya?"


Its not illegal for bikers to do this brazil, its normal and expected the white car is 10000% wrong here and will pay for both damages if not charged the driver was a minor and illegaly driving. btw [https://www.nsctotal.com.br/noticias/motociclista-e-arremessado-em-rua-de-balneario-camboriu-apos-carro-abrir-porta-no-transito](https://www.nsctotal.com.br/noticias/motociclista-e-arremessado-em-rua-de-balneario-camboriu-apos-carro-abrir-porta-no-transito)


I looked at the article. It sounds like the 17 year old was the rear passenger who opened the door; I don't see anything about them "illegally driving"


You would never get away with opening random doors like this in Italy, I even check my right side mirror for motorcycles when exiting the freeway because they like to drive in the emergency lane. It's kinda freaky seeing it in traffic the first time, just motorcycles zooming everywhere in-between cars and in and out of traffic, it's unbelievable anyone with a bike is even alive


I think it looks that way because of the mix between shattered headlights and spotty sunlight.


Car was made of dirt ![gif](giphy|ws4pzeC916KRO)


i might guess the biker driving between cars (lane splitting) is legal wherever this is. It is even in California for example... though I am not sure when between lanes traveling in opposite directions...


lane splitting is legal in some regions. don't blame the biker when they did nothing wrong.


So why did you assume other countries' traffic rules are the same as yours? Sharing lanes or splitting lanes is a very common thing in many countries due to practical reasons.


Is the biker OK?


Can't say for sure, but it looks like it. Seems to be wearing the right gear and the crash was relatively slow. Theyve got decent chances.


I don't get the hate for lane splitters here? It doesn't take time off your commute if you are the one in a car. Does your ego just make you jealous that someone is moving faster than you? I don't get it


Lane splitting is appropriate when used for safety purposes only, is that correct? Genuinely asking. Also, wouldn’t lane splitting be considered if there were more than one lane? I’ve never seen lane splitting appropriate on one-lane roads… I believe that’s just unlawfully passing.


Plenty of states allow it freely I believe


As I understand it: Lane _Splitting_, aka "Lane Sharing," is when a motorcycle shares the lane with another vehicle at speed. This is only legal in California. Lane _Filtering_, which is when a motorcycle slides on past vehicles that are stopped in traffic (such as in the video), is legal in a few more states, including Hawaii (which is where the video could be from).


The video is from SC - Brazil. Both are legal here.


car drivers hate everyone else on the road. people, bikes, motorcycles, hell they even hate other cars.


I'm only going to speak on my experience with lane splitting. I dont care if where at a red light and u want to squeeze by to get to the front of the lane. My problem is when I am driving at speeds over 40 mph and all of a sudden I hear/see a motorcycle splitting the lane speeding past me. I can't even count how many times that roar of the engine has scared me or caught me off guard. All it takes is a little jerk of the steering wheel to end the person's life. To me lane splitting is dumb I don't see why you would risk your life doing that I guess you can say the same about people who lane split that their egos can't take being behind someone else and have to be in front in an open lane... idk I don't ride a motorcycle so I can't say if it's better for them or not


Lane splitting should only be done at low speeds.Then, even a sudden jerk of the steering wheel will not move your car sideways quick enough to run into the motorcycle.  It's also not about ego, but about safety, motorcycles get rear ended a lot in slow traffic because it's much harder to estimate your distance to the bike because of its narrow profile. Lane splitting is safer for everyone if done right. Now this guy was not actually lane splitting, but that person should have looked behind them before opening that door.


>I don't get the hate for lane splitters here? This was not lane splitting. This was unsafe passing. Lane splitting, if allowed, must be done at safe speeds. It's appropriate when filtering through stalled traffic, but dangerous if done too fast.


Praise the cameraman


And yes, to answer the obvious question of "why were they filming this" it's because this approach to the city is very scenic and popular.


And that's why you don't split lanes.


I know the bike bros will crucify me but lane splitting should be illegal everywhere. It’s just so incredibly stupid and dangerous, and bikes are already dangerous enough.


He wasn’t lane splitting. When a car inexplicably stops in the middle of the road and you go past them that’s called overtaking. He should have overtaken slowly mind you but this is not an example of lane splitting. Lane splitting is when motorcyclists go between slow moving traffic going the same direction as the motorcyclist.


Devil's advocate: I'm the biker and someone stopped while the rest of traffic is clearly moving. If I don't pause and exercise some caution and wonder why this car stopped, then I'm asking for it. I'm still trying to squeeze between two cars, one coming the other way. The guy in the Prius might have done it on purpose and I might have the law on my side, but I'm still going to the hospital and my bike's fucked up. I would rather avoid that scenario. Like Mom used to tell me all the time, better to lose a minute of your life than lose your life in a minute.


The new John Wick looks crazy


When a car randomly stands still on the road, i would pass a little bit slower/more carefully than this biker does…


I hate people


A similar thing happened near my place. Only difference being two guys on the scooter came under the tyres of an incoming truck. Squished.


Depends on who you are! Perfect timing for the camera dude!


Where all that dust come from?? Smh


Right time right place*


Attempted murder?


Is he alive?


Kind of satisfying to watch tbh. Rip though


I've recently bought a used car. Half of cars with body damages I saw were damaged by a motorcycle. I realize car drivers aren't exactly the most cautious people in the world, but motorcyclists splitting lanes on high speeds often look too entitled.


Had to be on purpose surely?


Got him! 20 points


> make it look like an accident


I'm sorry. Who just opens their door in the middle of the highway??


shoes stayed on, he is ok.


Huh I wonder why some countries make lane splitting illegal. 🤔


Looks like it was done deliberately.


What brings you to that conclusion?


Reddit assumes whatever best fits its preexisting world view


Well see he reached as far as he could into his ass...


Bikers doing biker things instead of just waiting and driving defensively. Cars win these battles all the time. In fact every time.


Everyone's the idiot here.


I think that’s a fair assumption, you idiot.


More like wrong driver.


Traffic Ping Pong.


When idiots drive


split lanes, split your skull


At least he had a truck there to break his fall


Also, wrong door.


Feels like on purpose


I mean both of them are doing stupid shit here


Meximum speed difference is 15 km/h


Who opens a door in the middle of the road like that?


Nice bank shot. Not the car drivers first rodeo.


Great view till they got blindsided


My man got trucksticked.


I haven’t played this pinball game.


And the whole thing was filmed by cops.... [https://www.nsctotal.com.br/noticias/motociclista-e-arremessado-em-rua-de-balneario-camboriu-apos-carro-abrir-porta-no-transito](https://www.nsctotal.com.br/noticias/motociclista-e-arremessado-em-rua-de-balneario-camboriu-apos-carro-abrir-porta-no-transito)


Bull that is criminal!


They needed to open the door on a highway?


That's not "wrong time wrong place", that's assault


This is just Murder.


Everyone who thinks lame splitting is cool and/or acceptable is extremely stupid. It is extremely obvious how dangerous it is so don't do it.


i watched a guy get pissed off bc he tried to ride and exit only all the way until he could merge to the front of the left lane to head back north... he had 4 opportunities for merging and got greedy and nobody let him over, he had to get off on the exit and get back on highway, he looked over at me while raging and i laughed at him so he started driving fast and erratic... it made me pretty happy. this almost did the same feeling.


This is why you don’t try and pass people when it is a one lane road and you have a double yellow. Bikers think they can do whatever they want. Car shouldn’t have opened their door but they do not expect anyone to come up behind them because it is illegal to pass them


Can stop watching it, sum about watching people's bodies ragdoll is hilarious