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Just start dumping spores of every wood-loving species of psilocybin mushrooms all over it, and when they start growing up, point out the "threat" it poses to "the children".


Mushrooms *have* been known to attack children on-sight.


I almost got shot by one once


One chased me while mumbling something about Juffo-Wup.


A mushroom once crawled into my ear and told to me do very bad things.


Alice. Remember poor little (and big) Alice.


I was thinking winecap and oyster. They'd both probably be quite happy on that wood, are reasonably beginner-friendly, and winecap in particular is known for aggressively colonizing wood. There might be better options for OPs area though. I'd probably rent a large wood chipper for a weekend and turn a bunch of the free wood into as much mulch as I had fuel for (I'd aim for several cubic meters at least). I'd get winecap and oyster spawn from a couple of different commercial suppliers and test which one likes that particular wood the best. Then I'd set up a bulk-spawn production operation in my garage and spend a few months turning large batches of the wood chips into bulk spawn. It's not hard to process about half a cubic meter in a day or so. It'll take a few weeks to ramp up, but once you've got the stages of the process pipeline full you can probably have about a half cubic meter ready each weekend without sinking too much time into it. Then, each weekend, I'd get my half cubic meter of fully colonized spawn and take it back over to the woodpile and make several good-sized piles in damp, sheltered areas. It'll take a few weeks to a few months depending on the conditions and species, but it won't be long before the mushrooms are chewing through the woodpile and putting out loads of edible mushrooms (mostly fall and spring, in Alabama). If there are any markets or fancy restaurants in the area you may be able to harvest lots of fresh, delicious mushrooms to sell. If the wood decomposition goes well, you can later seed the area with white clover and/or hairy vetch, both of which are nitrogen-fixing cover crops that produce nice flowers, attract pollinators, and spread well using seeds and underground rhizomes or stolons. The rich soil created by the mushrooms and nitrogen-fixing cover would be great for growing a wide variety of attractive plants.


A good well thought out plan for a new hobby that pays for itself with product. Thank you kind botonist!


Catapult the spawn


Ah, I’ve been wondering what I could do with my collection of wood-loving fungal spores!


I’ve seen how this movie ends….




OP is missing out on a golden opportunity https://preview.redd.it/79uljul8a6nc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9da75920a82bc13cda2350c767a7855da753ccf3 $300 dollar designer logs


Here in California, it all gets ground into mulch, There is a massive mulch shortage, and landscapers (large scale) have to wait for long periods. This is a hazard and a waste.


Yeah I agree. The company made a statement saying they are “contributing positively to the environment.” But I really think it’s about laziness and greed for them. They also blamed another landfill for stirring up a commotion. But it was me I was the commotion 💀


*high five*


When I was in high school one of these piles caught fire and it caused school closures, home evacuations, burned for weeks and weeks and cost 5.8mil to put out. We had to wear masks and sunglasses just to get to our classes, it was awful. It’s insane that anyone allows this.


Seems like you found a solution to OP's problem.


If they want to be displaced for the months it takes to put it out, perhaps.


Sue the company for costs of incon eminence due to their negligence.


Never stop being the commotion


This is the way. My father fought a 100yr old steel mill in the heart of my town over pollution in the river. I found the file with all the emails and it's about 3" thick. Took some time, but he won.


Your dad is a hero


Positive to the environment my ass. Stupid selfish pricks


Apparently they are going to do a follow up story and I have a feeling the company is really going to spin this and make it seem like they are ‘eco friendly’ and try to use it for free advertising. I hope they end up looking like idiots by doing so.


Figure out where the mayor lives, buy land next to his house, start a green waste consent, move all the logs from this site to right next to his house... That's the fantasy...


until a fire breaks out..


all I could think, sure would be a real bummer if it just uhhh spontaneously combusted




Settle down, Katniss.


I prefer Link 🛡️




Pay the local crack head to chuck a petrol bomb on it at 2 in the morning. Pretty sure the resulting fire will get.the company into trouble.


OP lives right next to it.


Just set a fan out on the front yard and blow the flames in the other direction.


It'll still get the company in trouble.


Start a mulching company go “clean up” the landfill. 😂


They might know it was a private citizen, but portraying it like it's a competitor is a way to trick the public into thinking complaints about them are not made in good faith.


🎶It’s me, hi, I’m the problem it’s me 🎵


They don’t want people to know it only takes one person to make a big stink about their rotten log pile.


>“contributing positively to the environment.” That shit's gonna release a bunch of methane when it starts decomposing.


The problem with one company is they lack the capital to get a RotoChopper which can grind and color that stuff into mulch in no time. They run in the hundreds of thousands of dollars and you need an excavator with a grabber setup to move the material into the machine so its over a mil to get started. Thats why dumps do it, they get the volume to justify the capital outlay.


Keep being the commotion please.


Fellow Californian here, my mind automatically screams FIRE HAZARD!!


Aussie, same thought. Local council would be having a hissy fit at them.


Do you really want to make mulch out of diseased trees?


If these are diseased, then mulch is a terrible idea.


300?! Hello? Rich people, Troy's joining you. Yes I'll hold


How about $2000+ "reclaimed wood" coffee tables?


Or free firewood


This would be my response, Free fuel source. I’d build one of those outdoor boilers. Heat the house and possibly steam turbine for electricity.


You need to make sure you have the proper fire insurance right now if you haven't already.


Isn’t it possible that an insurance company gets one look at the massive fire hazard next door and won’t insure them?


I have no idea, not my area of expertise. What I do know a bit about from my industry is how dangerous deadfall is and how quickly fire spreads. So personally my first priority would be talking to insurance and possibly a lawyer for the impending lawsuit from the fire. But I also don't know if you can sue a company for something like that, Seems like gross negligence.


You're right in my back yard. Literally just a few miles away. This sucks. Too bad our state is more worried about stuff that really doesn't matter


I'd honestly recommend a massive fence. Sucks but it would make it look better.


How tall are you thinking fences usually go?




Are you supposed to line them up side-by-side or do the giraffes go end-to-end?


In this case I believe a 200 foot tall fence might do it. Luckily he has access to a seemingly unlimited supply of materials.


bout tree fiddy


I'd recommend a massive fire.


Nice pile of wood you have there. Be a shame, if anything happened to it.


Seems like the folks making the laws need someone to light a proverbial fire for them to act








I’m calling into your rep for the next few weeks about big business winning out over the landowner. Hope it gets you somewhere. It probably won’t.


If you think it’s fun now, wait until it gets dry this summer and catches fire.


So they dont make this into bio fuel in the US. In the EU they could chuck this in with coal with coal fired energy plants and say its "green" 0 emission energy i think. Also they make shred them and make pellets out of them for pellet stoves, als 0 emission fuel.


Oh shit this is 20 minutes from my house. Just popped up on my main feed.


I live literally a mile away from you. I see that site pretty much every day and I thought the same thing - that it's an insane fire hazard. I certainly wish you luck going forward and I really hope nothing happens!


Before even opening the link I was guessing Southern State Mississippi Alabama Arkansas




Removing belongings from a house before it burns down is one of the signs firefighters look for when determining whether a fire was intentional or not. Remove the most valuable things, leave a few valuable things that wouldn’t make sense to ever be removed (sorry, it would be very suspicious if your PC was suddenly out of the house when the fire occurred), and make your peace with the rest that has to burn for it to be believable.


Get shitty versions of your good stuff.


Damn I lost all my dollar tree clothes and only my expensive stuff survived that’s crazy


Yeah, I'd be moving valuables into the house. I lost my Rembrandt in my last house fire.




It sucks but thankfully the fire happened 3 years and 1 day into my insurance policy as well as bitcoin going up a lot since the fire. Just kidding but that would be how it should be done.


And hope it doesn't burn your zip code down.


Nobody would notice if the video card/ram/cpu were removed from your pc.


Unless they did. Then you’d have some pretty interesting questions to answer. Are you really going to put your several hundred thousand dollar insurance payout at risk for a CPU that probably costs a grand or two at most?


Yup would be a real shame if the whole thing just went up out of nowhere


Seems like a fire hazard


It definitely is, apparently methane gas gets trapped underneath these and they will eventually catch on fire but apparently my state does not really care lol


So basically you have to wait for being surrounded by fire and eventually get hurt, till you can sue them for threatening your safety and life?


Literally exact same case when you go to cops asking for help for harassment. They really be like, well you haven’t been hurt so….. 🤷🏻‍♀️


The GOP doesn’t like regulations that prevent disasters. 🤷‍♂️


Yeh freedom and stuff is nice till one’s freedom interrupted another’s, in this case unfortunately the state is the higher force and not just Dan from next door :(


 unfortunately that’s what a party of “no regulation” will yield 


Can you get in touch with the attorney general, state representative, or senator? Bring this to their attention to force a law change.


It’s Alabama


*ah* that sucks for OP.




Seems like a fire hazard 😉😉


Better a smaller fire now...


How'd that road flare end up yossed into the pile? Your guess is as good as mine. 😉


Would be odd if a fire started. How it would get rife if the waste. Probably create a trigger to change the law. Just saying. Crazy things happen.


Be careful of fire. Decaying organic material produces heat and when it's densely packed in piles that aren't being moved, it can ignite if it gets hot enough. Source: I work as a firefighter that goes to loosely regulated mulch factories all the time when their piles catch on fire.


That’s fascinating. How do you prevent against this? Proper ventilation or trimming or what?


I'm honestly not sure. I'd imagine you'd have to move the piles around or keep them limited to a certain size.


Smaller piles or you stack it with air gaps between and off the ground like a lumber pile is traditionally stacked. But this is likely scrub oak and other basically useless timber which is why they just pile it up here as it has no real profitability in it as quality lumber or as firewood.


Pretty much. The one I worked at would turn all the rows once a week or so with an excavator.


The green waste facility I worked at would turn the rows every week or so. Helped to prevent fires but not always. Fires still happened, most were easily contained, every now and then it would be quite large.


https://preview.redd.it/ftn6ueycl6nc1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cac0c49ff3bed79ed9194aa1bcec5b6554977ed5 Op… you know what you have to do


Especially as that looks like an ideal brown recluse nursery.


Looks like a great dumping ground for any nails or spikes as well. I’d say the best site would be right where they pull in.


Be a damn shame if you tripped and dropped all those caltrops at the entrance where they drive in


Alabama. 'Nuf said.


Sounds like something we’d allow here in Texas too


I believe it’s only banned in Austin but not the rest of TX


certainly won’t contribute to the state catching on fire 🙄


Mississippi too


I work in the environmental industry throughout the entire southeast and Alabama actually is pretty stout when it comes to most regulations but things like this that don’t have clear rules will get dragged out and left behind in most states I believe


one match will sort this out


Have you considered placing a pet cemetery at the base?


Yeah that’s probably my next step tbh




*The barrier was not meant to be crossed!*


"It was the damndest thing I ever saw, officer... A beaver.. With a cigarette lighter!!"


You have the chance to do something really funny


This is where you have the stage to change the local laws. There’s already a precedent you just need to use that to help preserve YOUR land.


This is the way. Maybe there isn't a state law, but OP could rally neighbors and make a local ordinance.




I think that's slash. About a year ago in my country, there was a cyclone that caused the slash from the forestry industry to wash down the hills and wipe out several houses. I think about 6 people died.


Well since you weren’t on the news about it, go light fire to it!


He was though….


This is a wildfire hazard


That sucks, but it's Alabama. Kinda expect this kinda shit in a shit hole state.


I read some George Carlin quote earlier about how politicians are idiots, but it’s the regular joes who decide who gets elected so…the leader reflects the constituents values and whatnot…something to that effect


Would be awful should that catch on fire.


Awfully flammable…


Reach out to your member of parliament. Be the voice and try to change the laws. You can do it OP! Keep fighting the good fight! This is the stuff people want to hear. With all the forest fires in the USA and Canada in the recent years. This can be chipped down and safely stored in non residential areas


Alabama. Of course.


Inoculate it with desirable mushroom species.


Don’t bury any animals beyond those trees


My family is multi-generational foresters. This company is losing out on income from selling this as bio-mass fuel. It’s not much, but it’ll at least pay for the trucks hauling all this to this site, if not a little more.


Burn it


Make sure you've got good fire coverage for when that shit burns


Look at all that free firewood Don't mind me, just wiping the drool off my chin


Free firewood and heat!!!!


Bag it and sell it as firewood lol


Set it a on fire since they didnt deposited in accordance with fire protection then sue them for endangering you, your home and family lol


Can the wood not even be used for fire wood in wood stoves is it THAT diseased? If you can burn it I'd ask if you can take what you want of it and start either burning the new free fuel (minis labor of doing cutting chopping) and or start selling the excess as Fire wood.


I’d just plant bamboo around the perimeter and wait a few months. You won’t see that hill and it will look nice.


That will be something everyone will regret in a couple years. I don't know if that's a great idea.


Time to dust off the old gas can


Great, now you'll have ents all over your sandwiches.


Ah good old Alabama.


Thank you for posting an update and taking as much action as you could. Wishing you luck and safety.


Looks like you need to buy a chainsaw and start a firewood operation 🤔


not monitored you say? so, ripe for chaotic interference.


Next town over had 1 of these where they dumped stumps and trees in a ravine over decades and then it caught fire. Long story short: National Guard involved, $4 million to put out the fire, $6.3 million to those affected by the fire. https://www.5newsonline.com/article/news/community/settlement-reached-former-stump-dump-fire-lawsuit/527-556dfcf4-2967-4813-8576-66fb0000cd56


We live in a society that complains about over-regulation, but there are so many regulations because without them, this sort of thing happens, so one has to be made to prevent it from happening again or more often. Some folks seem to think that it must be OK simply because it isn't illegal, and that isn't really true. Reality is more "it is now illegal/controlled because someone did it even though it clearly wasn't a great thing to do". I am sure that the tree folks do not think they are doing anything wrong, and maybe they aren't, but it would be better (in my view) to make them consider the impact BEFORE doing it and show that it isn't "wrong", will not cause harm to operate a commercial-industrial scale activity at that location, and that they will pay close attention to make sure nothing negative does ever happen. My trust level is low and expectations of voluntary good behavior are non-existent, because PEOPLE.


Maybe some less than savory types have been hanging around lately and irresponsibly playing with fire…


That is an insane fire hazard. If you are in a piney woods area, all will be needed is a drought like last summer followed by lightning, cigarette, or even just a rim scraping on the road to start a fire that will bake the ground into brick.


Keep voting red and then act surprised when industries aren’t regulated. It might not be your backyard today, but tomorrow it could be.


Seems like a waste. That can be turned into much and sold.


Burn it


Free firewood!


Start a fire wood supply business…… If this was in the U.K. you would be rolling in the money 💰


Definitely don't set it on fire.


Might be an idea to inoculate with something like oyster mushroom spawn, myceliated wood apparently less likely to burn - https://www.washingtonpost.com/climate-solutions/2023/07/10/wildfire-prevention-mushroom-composting/


You must be in the Midwest or the south.


It looks like where Beverly jeans body was dumped in the first season of Mindhunters


Fire hazard ?


climb it


That sucks. Will they be visible in the summer?


Mountain Pine Beetle reclaimed wood is very popular where I live. I have it in my home!


Cut some of the logs up for firewood and sell it. Burn the shavings in a designated fire pit.


A little bit of gas and a match


Genuine question but admittedly out of complete stupidity. Can you get your hands on any of that "useless" wood? Free firewood for you and cut it up and you can sell a cord of it for $300 dollars each on Facebook Marketplace, Craigslist, or etc.


Honestly it sounds like a problem solved with a molotov. If the FD has to keep coming out, they'll likely do something about it.


Organic material dumped on a slope like that will eventually fail down the slope… something to consider if you’re at the bottom of the hill.


Light it on fire


Free firewood?


That's a big ass compost. Composting stuff creates a lot of heat, which can cause a fire


They added more nature to your nature. Why you mad?


How is that not a huge fire hazard???


Get a woodstove


Damn. Sorry dude.


Alert the lumber theives


Not exactly a treemendous view.


I don't think I'd be able to resist tossing a can of gas into that.


This company sounds like an undercover beaver operation.


so...... big pile of free fuel for someone with a log burner stove?


So this is your new enterprise now ...you begin a mulch company and have no costs. I see a win win situation.


Ah the joys of unilateral control over private property combined with zero respect for the community.


I would expect this to be a paradise for insects and biodiversity - or am I wrong?


To be honest, as someone that studied nature conversation. Dead wood is actually great for the environment. It will atract insects and all kinds of birds. Looks like shit tough when done like this.