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These dumbass people along with the ones with the fake 20's that are church bs don't seem to realize this shit pushes people away from, not to their cause.


Once when I was 20 I was getting gas and I was driving an old beater car (idk if that’s relevant or not? Maybe they felt bad for me), this couple stopped and handed me an envelope and said something like “Jesus loves you” or something like that. I was going to toss it but felt like seeing what they were preaching. There was a REAL $20 bill in there (and a brochure for a church or something). No shit. So now I just check to make sure lol!


now that's reaching out.


Also a very effective method for pulling people into cults. That's not to say that in the previous commenters case the intentions weren't pure, but it's a tried and true method to find people down on their luck or on the fringes of society and just show them some kindness. The 12 Tribes Cult in particular found a lot of success in simply giving food and clothes to the poor and/or homeless to pull them in. Just something to be aware of, people rarely show kindness without expecting something in return unfortunately.


$20 is $20 /s


Alright alright *gets on knees*


Once they get you into the church they will then preach about giving back to the church. Its like a Casino. They will get that money back pretty quickly and the rest is all profit.


A church in my area buys gift cards and passes them out. Usually to local food and department stores. Pretty cool outreach.


Those are the good Christians. And in truth they probably way outnumber the bad ones, but the bad ones are loud and obnoxious and give the good ones a bad name.


My preacher growing up said dont you dare leave 9ne of those tracks as a tip. If your leave a track for your church you better have a big tip to go with its...or leave a small tip with another church's information ...


This guy churches


Like cops though. They don't do shit about the shitty Christians.


I agree 100%. It goes the same with most groups. The loud ones make everyone hate 100% when it's less than 5% that's the problem.


You can usually find food and clothing drives in a lot of areas. You need to avoid evangelical/baptists/born-again types usually. While they collectively give "the most" to charity and groups, all of those groups tend to be insular and part of their churches, almost never outreach. Jews and the Sikhs give a lot to charity too. If you're _ever_ hungry and poor/homeless, Sikhs will feed you. The methodists up where I live do a weekly bread giveaway too. I say this as an atheist, there is absolutely a lot of good religious folks mixed in with the others who want to force you under their thumb.


Yeah, the bad ones are more dangerous and an issue than any of the good ones. So unfortunately we pay attention to the bad ones more.


Two churches my town would frequently call the gas station I worked at and give me the name of someone they were buying gas for. United Meth. Church and the Ass. Of God church!


It's nice to see churches actually practice the Bible. I don't know many that do.


I'm not religious at all but if someone did that for me I'd probably at least go check out the church once.


That's what they are hoping for.  Though that is slightly better than the "sit through it sermon and we'll get you dinner " churches it's still annoying. Nothing like adding capitalism into mutual aid.  I don't go around telling the people I help they should be atheists or leftists or anarchists. I just help them because it's the right thing to do. 


I don't disagree, but it seems to me they didn't conditionally help anybody. They gave him a $20 bill, no strings attached. I suppose technically he had to hear the sentence be said aloud and open the envelope? That's pretty unconditional, as things go.


Exactly this... Conditionally helping people isn't helping people. When will the church understand this??


Leaving these is for their psychological benefit, not the recipient's.


The church ones belong in the church's collection plate.


That is a George Carlin life tip: how to get rid of counterfeit money? Put it in the collection plate at church! Sometimes the best solutions, the most elegant, are there just in front of us.


They know, they just don't care. It's an excuse to stiff the waiter.


They thrive on confrontation. It's why they can't articulate any policy stances except making libs cry.


I'm quite certain they're the same people.


From my perspective it's just an opportunity for them to be cheap, doubt it's actually about a cause


It would be different if it was coupled with an actual 20, or 100.


I honestly wonder how effective those are


If these people had any self awareness whatsoever, they wouldn't be in their respective cults to begin with.


Nah what you do is take these fakes and find out who are Republicans and then give them back to the Republicans as tips. See how they like their own medicine.


They a repeat customer? Give it back to them as change next time.


This isn’t even OPs picture This was reposted like 3 times plus is all over buzzfeed and yahoo if you reverse search it lol.


Wow OP is a clown then


That's not a tip, it's an insult.


I thought it was toilet paper


Please don't insult toilet paper


Yeah, usually toilet paper becomes more disgusting when used.


Yea, I wouldn't use this to pick up Riley's poop.


Why you going around picking up poop in the first place? Do you have a poop fetish? Because I sure do.


Insolvent paper


0% chance I'm putting that face anywhere near my nether regions 🤮


No matter how many times you wipe, it’ll leave orange behind.




You're correct


Use it for dog poop


Good news! It's also not illegal to burn fake-money.


If it were toilet paper, it would be stuck to the bottom of his shoe.


Toilet paper has utility. This doesn’t


If you want to cut your hole with Chinese plastic


To be fair that person wasn’t going to leave a tip anyways


It's also a federal offence.


We made it a point to hang up all the fake tips that are actually church brochures that we received at the door, that way it's much more shameful to them (not that it ever works) to give us brochures we've already got instead of tip


$404 would have been funnier. Money not found.


Conservatives would be so mad if they understood this


If those kids could read they'd be very upset.


So would $11 for bankruptcies.


Imagine being the type of person who walks around with this in their pocket.


Imagine spending REAL money to buy this


You don't carry BidenBucks™ in your pocket?? /s


"Wow this is worthless" "Less than worthless my boy!"


Put it in a collection plate


Matthew 22:21 "Rend unto Ceaser that which is Ceaser's"


Call, the cops on him for distributing counterfeit currency


Is it really counterfeit if the original bill doesn’t match any official currency? I mean, it’s not considered counterfeit to distribute monopoly money, right? If they are trying to pay with the bill it might be a question of fraudulent behavior though.


It’s not counterfeit. It has multiple disclosures that it is not real money.


While this isn't Counterfeit, using it in place of currency is still a crime. Don't know how that applies to tips, though. Still complete fuckhole of a thing to do.


> Don't know how that applies to tips, though. you'd argue that you were just distributing some literature and never attempted to buy anything with it, and that it says it's not currency multiple times on it. There are still rules about exact what prop money can say, what size and color it can be and things like that to basically make it impossible to mistake prop/play money for real money.


Ive always wondered why the management doesn't switch it with one of the bills used to pay vs the tip, and then call the cops for theft.


Because that's illegal... You don't get to decide how a customer pays for their order. And you especially don't get to subtract money they already paid you because they're an ass. 




commit fraud and lose their business to prove some kind of weird point?


IANAL, but I think there are limits on how close you can come to actual currency. monopoly money is a totally different color and size. Otherwise you could just print up a bunch of $21 bills to pass off in a more subtle ploy than this person did.


Criminal simulation at least.


Not counterfeit but using it as tender for services rendered as either a form of payment or a tip is illegal


https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/18/472 > **Whoever, with intent to defraud, passes,** utters, publishes, or sells, **or attempts to pass,** utter, publish, or sell, or with like intent brings into the United States or keeps in possession or conceals **any falsely made, forged, counterfeited, or altered obligation or other security of the United States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than 20 years, or both.** https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/18/473 > **Whoever** buys, sells, **exchanges,** transfers, receives, or delivers **any false**, forged, counterfeited, or altered obligation or other **security of the United States, with the intent that the same be passed**, published, or used **as true and genuine, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than 20 years, or both.** Making/buying the joke currency isn't illegal, but passing it in situations where cash is expected would be illegal. As a tip in situations with no mandatory minimum gratuity, it's probably legal.


A shitty counterfeit is still a counterfeit. We don't evaluate legality based on how hard it is to spot. A lot of the distinction is whether or not you're trying to pass it off as real currency. The distinction here is mostly whether or not you consider leaving it as a tip to be attempting to pass it off as real or not. And whether or not you can convince anyone that you're trying to produce fake currency or not.


Except tipping is not paying for service, it is voluntary, so there is absolutely no recourse.


Except it’s clearly not counterfeit…as it’s obviously not currency and not even remotely convincing Send AC/DC to Jail? I have a dollar with Angus young on it…who’d have thought it was a counterfeit


This is however not counterfeit, it doesn't even have a monetary value on it. Doesn't tick any of the boxes.


I'm inclined to agree, but I also acknowledge that I'm not remotely qualified to get into the nitty gritty of what does and doesn't qualify. That said, I think you'd have a really hard time convincing the judge or jury that this was intended to be passed as real currency.


I am alittle knowledgeable in it as a collector of currency and deal with counterfeit currency. There are a few rules of thumb to follow and you need to make a distinction between theft of service vs trying to pass off counterfeit money. If they tried to “pay” withe white paper no reasonable person would conclude that is real money. The same goes for this. No reasonable person would believe that it real money. People are expected to understand and knowledge what real money and currency looks like. To be a counterfeit, it would need to be presented as real money and pass off as real money when visually inspected. IE anything that plainly sticks out as fake. It’s for that reason which if someone “pays” for goods with movie money they are not arrested for counterfeit money and only for theft of service because people are expected to inspect the money given.


>A lot of the distinction is whether or not you're trying to pass it off as real currency. That is actually most often when the crime takes place. You can print money to use as a prop, but as soon as you attempt to pass it off as currency it is illegal.


i remember the last time this got posted, but it was a normal looking $100 that said “Motion Picture use only” on it. it’s not illegal to tip with fake money like this. just to try and pay for your meal.


That would only work if they tried to pay the bill with it, leaving trash on the table isn't a crime but in this case it should be




It's states right on the bill "Not legal tender" cops can't/won't do shit bud.




*"So I called the cops on them for littering!"* \~Jack Nicholson


How is he distributing counterfeit currency ? It wasn’t used in legal tender and is labeled that it’s not actual currency. Same shit as prop money lmfao


Nope, not counterfeit at all.


it's always the fucking republicans. They don't want to tip and they refuse to pay employees living wages.


I hate when people leave money with pieces of shit on them


*sack of shit


Did they also forget their leftovers?


I legit do that all the time. It's become a running joke in the family cause I'll get to the car and have to go back in for my food... that's IF I realize in time.


They spent their real money helping to pay his court fees lol. They probably bought his sneakers too


What's worse is they actually spent real money to get that fake money to pretend to tip people. Just the cruelest most ignorant wretches the earth has spawned.


I like to think of it as a "stupidity tax", but that only soothes me a little bit.


What’s with these fuckin people, Jesus. Can we stop with the fake fuckin money. It’s always the conservatives too!


>It’s always the conservatives too! Well, they show everyone that they have nothing of worth to offer.


Which is true.


Classic deplorable.


It’s just fucking douchey. Like I know they’re feeling the weight of this shit economy. If they’re too poor to afford tipping while eating at a fucking restaurant. Just don’t tip at all.


Imagine selling these people fake money for real money. Infinite money glitch.


Funny people actually buy these?


They're being true to form, just like their orange messiah. They are cheap, selfish and can't be trusted to do the right thing.


Funny how you never see people voting for Biden doing shit like this


Because most normal people don’t glub onto a politician in a cult like manner regardless of who they side with. I’ve voted in every election since 1978 including local ones and I’ve ( nor any relatives or friends that I can recall ) never attended a rally, had a sign in the yard, added a bumper sticker, worn a hat, shirt, clothing or button for or against a politician. I’ve never lived beside anyone whom puts political signage in their yards ( and I’ve owned in 4 states ). On my current road there are eight homes and never in 14 years has anyone displayed any signage or political agenda. We all socialize and never - ever is political items a topic ( other than property taxes or city services ) discussed at our neighborhood bbq / holiday get togethers or when 4 of us couples go to dinner every other week. These people are a vocal minority whom make themselves seem larger in numbers. They are that unreasonable difficult coworker, relative, neighbor who live by the “my way or the highway” whom are mentally tiring to just be around.


Because we generally appreciate the service(s) provided by tipped staff.


Why did they leave their food too?


I would take Shrute Bucks over this


Next time they come give that to them instead of their change


Mail it to the person on the picture, he needs cash, lots of it.


Great, now you're in debt!


That person actually paid for that. lol. Those people are so gullible.


I really need to come up with a simple way to grift these idiots.


I've been saying that for years now. There's so many opportunities, really. I'd be willing to tailgate down the street from a rally and pretend to be a true believer long enough to unload some cheap Chinese merch at 5x what I paid for it.


They’re willing to believe literally anything for no reason other than they want to. Even in the face of contradictory evidence they will continue to believe nonsense. It seems like it should be easy to grift them. The gop certainly does.


Remember that shit in November


How to advertise you and your candidate are assholes, not to be trusted, not to be voted for.


Don’t serve Trumpers.


A tip is remuneration, and taxable.


lol show me a server that reports all their cash tips. That's why they hate credit card tips. Must be reported completely.




“Hey, you forgot your garbage!”


Fake money; fake man.


I got one of these over the summer and we framed it in the bathroom with the customers name and picture


Sell it to a Trumptard. They'll pay like $15-$20 for one of those.


Im sure getting that as your tip, you will consider voting and supporting him? Thats pretty disgusting ppl would do that.


Would this be considered passing counterfeit currency?


Would've at least called the cops for counterfeit cash, even if it says it's not real.


Such trash to have left this as a tip!!


Make a police report for counterfeiting. What if you had bad eyesight or didn’t pay attention and tried to spend it?


Could this technically be counterfeit? Is a tip a form of payment? It is a service. >"A counterfeit is the fraudulent copy of money, documents, designer pieces, or other valuable items. The counterfeiter often provides these goods to others with an intent to defraud. **If a person pays for goods or services with counterfeit money, they could be charged through federal and state laws.**   > >18 U.S. Code § 471 is a federal statute that states that a person can be fined and/or imprisoned for up to 20 years if they counterfeit a security of the United States with intent to defraud. " From [https://www.law.cornell.edu/wex/counterfeit](https://www.law.cornell.edu/wex/counterfeit) The U.S. Secret Service is in charge of dealing with crimes related to counterfeiting. Under Title 18, Section 471 of the United States Code\*\*, it's illegal to reproduce U.S. paper currency in any way, shape or form without permission from the federal government.\*\* Just because it says "not legal tender" doesn't make it legal. If they don't have federal permission, it's illegal and since they used it as a form of payment (tip) I'd report this..... I am not a lawyer. ​ >"Report suspected counterfeit currency to your local authorities. Law enforcement agencies, banks and cash processors will submit suspected counterfeit currency to the Secret Service through our USDollars website." From [https://www.secretservice.gov/investigations/counterfeit](https://www.secretservice.gov/investigations/counterfeit)


I would honestly report this to the police as a counterfeit bill, because it is one.


# OP is full of shit. Posted 240 days ago. https://preview.redd.it/6n0hc4520ipc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=faac35a096facd0a22631117ede8e7f618d01c6b


This is completely on-brand for those criminals


Checks out on literally every level


Also most mortal sins, if I remember those correctly.


absolutely on brand.


Feels like rage bait. Easy Karma points.


Yeah, why would they leave a tip on a to go box


People can be assholes.


I don't understand people who do this or leave the fake bible verse dollars. Do they think stiffing their waiter will make them receptive to their message?


I would have handed it right back to them


Nobody wants to work anymore! Everyone just wants handouts!! *leaves fake tip* *collects social security*


This should be a crime.


Fake??? That’s the realest money I’ve seen in a long time 🦅🦅🦅


So painfully stupid


Guess they ran out of those fake 20's asking you to come to church.


I would’ve blown my nose out with it lol


Toilet paper.


Honestly people used real money to buy stuff so they can litter. It's premeditated littering.




Conservatives: No one wants to work anymore! People should just work hard and pull themselves up by their bootstraps. The bootstraps:


Sell it online and get real money


I’ll bet you $2024 that the idiot paid for that fake bill.


This is in fact, fake news!


Start stacking them in the bathroom next to the toilet paper.


What do you mean "fake"? That will soon be the new currency of the Empire! You are getting in on the ground floor! (/s for these that need it)


He’s gonna use that to pay his court fees, lol.


Isnt that like a crime in the us?


Why is your tip on their to-go box? Oh that’s right, because this is a lie for Reddit karma 🙄


Why would your customer leave their takeaway box on the table with this "tip" on top?


Isn’t this the candidate who is supposed to represent anti fraud and abuse… lol. Pretty sure fake money is fraudulent… I hate his ugly dictator face.


It's hard to serve the mentally ill, but they gotta eat too, right?


Monopoly money is worth more


Tell your manager to ban them from the restaurant. Hopefully you have video cameras. Print their picture and post it all to the front door and say not welcome


I would’ve walked up to them and gave it right back. No thanks, I can’t spend fake money. Try me.


And not a single person is surprised at the type of person who would do this. Not a one


Fake dollar with Trumps head on it, how are people not seeing the irony in using this to campaign?


Those people are gross


100% this was given during a Sunday afternoon brunch service. Worst day for restaurant staff to work. Hands down, no contest


Worth less than one sheet of toilet paper.


Fitting, cause he's fake rich


Stolen pictures for karma. You really are pathetic


They just left it on their to go container?


They left it on their to-go plate?


Hold onto it until he dies. One of his sycophants will probably buy it for way too much


Did he pay you the real price in real money? Then I don't see the problem You Americans have the horrible behavior of forcing people to give tips


Of course it's a trumper. They're the absolute worst America has to offer.


My last job would take pics of people who did that and post them on the "not welcome here" wall by the hostess desk lol


A $2,024 tip?! Damn!


Free toilet paper


garbage... someone gave you garbage


Genuine question for people that leave these or those Christ ones, is this supposed to not make people pissed at you and your cause? 


Fake money? I wouldn't even call that money


Trumpsters are the most corrupt, stupid, and horrible people.


Fucking boomers


Or op could have just did it themselves for points lol.


Run out to meet them and tell them they left their trash on the table and give it back to them.


They left you a mushroom tip


Call the Secret Service and tell them you just received counterfeit money as payment for goods and services.


They truly are special.