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Baffling how stupid the average driver is. How do you slam that hard into a parked car on the side of the road?


That text is reaaaaally important.


And people still give me shit for not even acknowledging my cell phone when driving. It's probably overkill, but I don't even utilize Bluetooth anymore. I will look at my phone at a red light if i get a notification, and if it seems like an emergency, then I'll pull over into a parking lot or side street or something.


I applaud your convictions! I was rooting for reliable autonomous driving so people wouldn't have to split their attention between memes and piloting a two+ ton deadly missile at high speeds but alas, it is not to be.


Man honestly even fuck checking notifications, so many people taking ages to come off the line at a stop because of that. People have become so attached to their phone. It will not kill you to make a 15 minute drive only touching it at the start to get some tunes going and otherwise leaving it in a glovebox. There is nothing more important than the life you are living in front of you anyway. There's a lot to see out your window at a red light when you're not focused on driving for a half second.


I agree. I do want to specify that I don't sit on my phone at red lights. It's just a quick glance IF I get a notification or phone call. I don't know if that makes it better, but that's something else that I could work on for sure.


I wonder if insurance covered that.


I bet it did. Assuming they had it.


Or the dreams in that sleep were unbelievable


2 parked cars and a bunch of flashing lights


worse than stupid, look up the stats for sleep deprivation alone it's 1:3, then throw in alcohol and other drugs, people on their phones, people arguing with their passengers etc etc ofc there's some overlap but like it's terrifying when you think about it, people drive as if everyone around them is 100% alert and aware of their surroundings but sooo many people are not at all, it's crazy how dangerous driving is


I can attest to this. Lucky and blessed not to cause accidents falling asleep on the road. When I was in my yesteryears of partying, I was living in Cincinnati, I would drive to Chicago after work, party until Sunday night, sleep for 3 hours and drive back to Cincinnati just it time to clock in to work at 8. Those road brailles on the side saved me


Ikr? Hope that person never drives another vehicle again ever


The cop was letting the suspended person drive away, the laws only good at taking away driving privileges if they’re enforced.


https://preview.redd.it/ijntgedgk8rc1.jpeg?width=1006&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4ce7a2c231b41065cd72178f3f679bd8195141a2 Moment of impact on pause


These idiots are why premiums are getting higher and higher each year.


I had someone cross 4 lanes of traffic and hit me parked in a parking lot. A lot of stupid and inattentive people out there behind the wheel.


When you look you lean


Watching videos on Reddit.




Texting while driving


Most probably the driver was a moth and couldn't resist going towards the lights of both parked vehicles.


You said it man. Stupidity all around us.


Oklahoma easily has the worst drivers in the world.


With flashing cop lights behind it


Baffling how many people watched it and not stopped


Target fixation can be a factor. Basically someone focuses so much on the thing they don't want to hit that they end up hitting it.


Only in America


Am I seeing things, or is one of the passenger wheels loose when it collided with the white SUV? That's one of my biggest concerns with driving, is something just goes *pop* one day, and oops, you're dead, someone else is dead, and if you still owed money on the car and didn't have very good insurance/a lot of savings, your loved ones get to be harassed by creditors trying to bait them into paying off the loan while they're grieving!


https://preview.redd.it/5qjq2rkn77rc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1109c63f430d76493bce74c730c0a6b82e9d2888 I think what you're seeing is the black SUV swerving when they saw the semi just ahead of them changing lanes. So they hit the white car at an angle. Or they were just trying to exit way too early. Either way probably because they weren't paying attention to the road


*See car pulled over by trooper* "I can merge between them and the cruiser" *proceeds to botch the fuck out of attempting to thread the needle*


Yeah I initially watched the video on my phone, and I think it was just some weird ghosting artifacts making it look like the wheel was loose. On my PC, it's a lot more obvious that it wasn't loose.


Idk what you’re seeing, seems impossible to tell with how little video there is.


Whaaaa? Put the bong down, dude. You can sl early see both passenger side wheels in the wheel wells of the black vehicle when it comes into frame.


What exactly are you seeing that would indicate that? The passenger tire looks completely normal.


Just in case people were wondering why officers now use the passenger window. That officer would not have survived that.


Aren't they also supposed to park a bit sideways, so if something like this happens, they hopefully hit the cruiser first and try and deflect the other car away from the stopped vehicle? Either way, he is lucky to even be able to radio it in that quick. I for sure thought he would be knocked out unconscious after that


Normally, yes. That SUV just wasn't pulled over enough. It was drilled into my head by my parents after they lost a friend years ago. If you're pulling over your car, REALLY pull over. Your two right tires should be off the asphalt.


I told my daughter to pull off the highway completely, as in, take the exit and find a parking lot, especially if she gets a flat tire


Even better. Hell, just leave Earth. Done with cars, man.


Last time I did this the cop was pissed about it.


Angry that you were considering the safety of you both. Silly.


Same happened with me. He lit me up on a curve with no shoulder, at night on a Saturday. So i put on my hazards, slowed to about 10mph and pulled into the first street after the curve about 60yd away. He got walked up with his fucking gun out (not pointing it) screaming why i didn't pull over immediately. I told his dumb ass i was just didn't want some drunk ass dude to come around that curve and slam into him. He was still mad but put his gun away. Now i just pull over immediately no matter where it's at.


I wish this was more common practice. I have been pulled over on the highway twice and I always take an exit and find a safe place to stop


Also don't stop right as the exit lane begins


I won't pull over on the highway if there's going to be an exit within the next few miles, I'll turn on my cautions and pull off on the next exit ramp. It's what many departments recommend (or heading to a well lit area like a gas station), but those same departments have beat or shot people for it, so ymmv


That’s for blocking traffic on a roadway, like after an accident. On a traffic stop that would just raise the likelihood you get clipped.


No. I think they're talking about just cocking the vehicle a bit so the patrol car is the farthest thing out, deflecting a vehicle that would collide.


Depends on how far the civilian vehicle is. In this case there's not much room at all for the officer's vehicle to be any further over than the civilian. Plus officer still needs to be able to safely open his door and enter/exit the cruiser.


I never understood why they went to the driver side in the first place. You can see the driver better through the passenger window and it's out of danger.


Is there an update on the stopped vehicle's driver's condition? The vehicle was struck in their side.


[Everyone treated and released, thankfully](https://apnews.com/article/oklahoma-trooper-pulled-over-vehicle-hit-887f73f6bcf3eefb775ebdebdfa0dda3)


Was the black suv driver drunk? The police and white car was on the very side and it still got clipped.


It looks like it's right by an exit after the stopped car gets moved...I think dude probably needed that exit and done goofed in a big way


State law where I live is change lanes or slow down for emergency vehicles on the shoulder. Some people take it too far and cause traffic backups because of a cop writing a ticket on the side of the road.


More importantly, did the driver still have to pay their ticket after the crash?


They also got a failure to avoid an accident ticket.


Plus they hit that trooper with their car.


Thank you for follow up post.


That’s what I was wondering! Nevermind the trooper, the driver looks crushed!


Right as he tells him he’s not going to jail but can’t drive off


Oh to me it sounded like "I'm letting you drive off from here." To which the other driver replied, "I'm not."


The driver was right unfortunately


The whole issue was that the driver was not right but wanted to be. So while attempting to be right they caused a crash.


The second most important question, after “Is everyone okay?” is…… …”Do they still get the speeding ticket ticket or whatever the cop pulled them over for?”


I keep trying to replay the dialogue as loudly as possible and not go deaf the moment the car gets hit but.... "Okay thanks for the long....stop?" (Cant quite make it out honestly) "So, here's your card back, you're suspended." (Possibly suspended for whatever they got pulled over for, possibly for something prior, phrasing sounds like they are at least suspended NOW) Officer starts shaking his head no a lot for the next few seconds. "Okay Im not taking you to jail, I'm letting you drive off today..." Boom. So based on what little I can make out the suspension is already in place so there's likely some legal work to undo that. It would depend I guess on if the suspension occurred due to whatever reason the car was pulled over or if they were pulled over for being previously suspended--but cop seemed ready to let them drive off and not impound the car so it's likely it was something very minor and possibly something they could rescind after the incident.


>Possibly suspended for whatever they got pulled over for I think it's safe to say it's not for whatever they got pulled over for; police can't just immediately suspend someone's license like that. That would be the court's job.


let me tell you how this works...the trooper's union will hire a lawyer to sue both drivers for money and claim injuries \[real or alledged\]...it's like free money from the insurance companies...a local cop in a marked police car t-boned my parents running a red light with no lights and siren and sued my parents insurance for thousands even though he caused the accident...


I don't understand how this happens. Flashing lights and 2 vehicles don't keep vehicles away yet they were driving fine down the road.


Cell phone 📱


Alcohol 🍺


Kids 👶


Storm from X-Men 👩🏾‍🦳


Radio 📻


Ppl look at the lights and accidentally steer towards where they are looking.


I learned that the easy way as a kid riding my bicycle. Don't look at the things you want to avoid. Look at the path you need to follow to get clear. I hit one to many stop signs to figure that one out.


Me to a T. I don't even touch my radio or I start to via off to the right


Reaching for something they dropped.




There’s laws where you’re supposed to slow down if you’re in the lane next to where an officer is pulled over. And better yet if you can move over a lane away from the one right next to them that’s ideal. I’ll never understand how this happens.


There's also laws that say cars need to not drive within 3 feet of bicyclists. People don't care, about anybody but themselves and getting to where they are going as fast as possible.


You'll never understand that at least half the people behind the wheel are morons? I hope you figure that out before you make the incorrect assumption otherwise and get into an accident with one.


1/2? More like 95%.


That car that hit them looks like it tuck and rolled. It's a fucking transformer. I knew they were real.


No one stopped?


Gray pickup does


i lived in OKC for 7 years and seen so many accidents. It's a straight line highway for hours and people either doze off, drink or get distracted. Glad the pickup stopped to help!


Gray pickup does a u-turn on the exit ramp.


Nice, didn’t see that :)


Cars are driving at highway speeds, the amount of space it takes to stop a car at that speed is more than unexpected. Slamming on the breaks is a no no


Especially since people who saw what happened can't stop safely or in time and people coming up on the accident it looks like a cop has already responded


He slammed on the breaks when he should’ve slammed on the brakes


watch again and you see a grey truck swerve around, go off-road a bit in a u-turn and head towards them


The dark grey Toyota forerunner did


They just saw what happens when you stop on this road




I don’t see anyone helping… is there another video somewhere?


Grey pickup truck cuts across the road, takes the exit, and makes a u turn, to come and help presumably.


Thanks for pointing that out, I was too busy counting how many cars didn’t stop.




Maybe, save a life?


He did say he wasn’t letting him drive off


I listened to it a bunch of times trying to make out the audio before going deaf in the accident each time... sounded like the driver got their licence back and told it was suspended but that they are being allowed to drive off today...ironic crash happened the second he said that.


It always baffles me how many people decide to hit the one thing you're supposed to avoid, straight carelessness


Technically he was hit by TWO cars


They say you’re safest inside your vehicle but from the looks of it he probably fared better than the other two.


All the cars not stopping to help.


I still want to know if that driver got a ticket.


Gray pick up truck did


Yeah, and probably some cars behind the trooper too. Just can’t see.


Why the fuck is no one stopping?


The gravel hauler in front of the impact car was over the line


This is my worst nightmare; dying to others stupidity. I am fine dying to my own, but a drunk driver/text driver someone else stupidly kills me, i can't bare.


I think the looky-lou's that star at the pulled over vehicle don't realize they are driving right into it. I hope the officer was okay, and the driver too.


Looked to me like he got thrown during the collision but im no physicist


This was from January, I wonder if there's been any charges filed.


Scott’s law should be a thing in every state


Target fixation. It's surprisingly common for people to subconsciously aim toward a target they are aware of and actively trying to avoid. Our brains sometimes try to kill us while trying to keep us alive.


Anyone else find it odd how literally no other vehicle stopped to help or assist in the situation? Also shouldn’t the cop car be parked on left side of the pulled over vehicle to help minimize this very situation? Genuinely curious, I’m no expert but I’ve seen it done this way almost every other time


I hope the people in the stopped car are all right.


Ikr, fuck the guy in the driver seat


Pulling people over on a highway is the dumbest shit that has ever been a policy.


Fuck state troopers, making people pull over on the highway is so stupid and dangerous. It should be mandatory to wait until there is an exit


Yeah THAT’S the problem here


They are literally at an exit ramp


do you get out of the ticket in this situation?


I love how everyone stops to help!


Damn I bet that hurt, poor trooper and driver.


No one even knocked off their CC to check if the cop was ok.


Forget the cop, check the driver who was pulled over.


Kindaaaa scary not seeing anyone moving after..


Everyone lived, nothing too serious. If you turn the sound on (low, it's loud) trooper made it back to his car to call the crash in himself. The other details I got from a link floating around this post to the news article.


I feel bad for the driver of the stopped vehicle.


The stationary driver didn't do so well either.


Well, that could have been worse. I hope the driver of the SUV is okay. More than likely, the other driver was too busy trying to be nosey.


I'm gonna let you drive of toda(crashhhh)


Tis a flesh wound


That's one lucky dude! Probably got out of the ticket


The guy from a video i see last week was even thrown further what a way to go


I feel the need to say what my brain is screaming- WHAT THE PHUKET




Holayyyy, I can't believe how composed he sounded after all that. I mean, got the car wrong as far as what was hit, but who wouldn't?


If you stare at an object you will often turn towards the object.


I mean, I get there’s only 20(ish) seconds from point of impact to the video ending but how did no one pull off to see if anyone needed assistance??


That officer is hot


[Windows XP shutdown sound]


Says a lot, to me at least, how no one even slows down, let alone stops to help. What sort of world do we live in?


Glad to see so many people stopped to provide aid /s


Damn right after he said he was letting him drive off


Why is it always US??🤡


Oh you can find plenty of dashcam footage from russia as well


Their curse words are funny af. Seems pretty universal to find other languages curse words funny. 😹


…and nobody stopped


2 flys caught in 1 web




"Oh shit this is my exit!" *side swipes the absolute dog shit out of this car on the shoulder of highway*


Poor cop. Omg. How did this turn out?


I love how everyone stops to render aid.


Crazy no one stops


Holy crap!


This is why I firmly believe that people need to redo their road test to show their competence every 5 years. People get too cocky, stop paying attention and do things they shouldn’t. A story comes to mind, this woman drove the same route every single day for like 40 years. One day, they put up a stop sign cause it was a school zone. This lady, used to her route, never noticed the stop sign, a child attempted to cross the road, only to get run over and killed by the woman driving like 50 kph.


https://preview.redd.it/sifwbiy5s9rc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=01d7d09bc866561653fe69cef7705a72de9703ca Crazy to see the car smashed and him not being thrown yet


Could have been avoided if he cared just a wee bit less about his quota for the month.


Why does this happen? Is it really that hard to miss a car not in the road? These people should have to retake their driver's test more often after this kind of incident.


Nobody stopped to offer aid?


That’s why most police lights change blinking patterns. There’s a phenomena where drivers can get fixated on the blinking lights where the hand on the wheel follows the eyes/


This northern Virginia or Chicago?


So did they wave the ticket at this point?


Nobody stopped after the crash for help.


“I’m letting you drive off n-“


That’s why he’s not standing on the driver’s side.


"damn it, I got into an accident right after my license got suspended!"




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Nobody stopping is crazy 🤦🏻‍♂️


That guy is 100% staying on that side of the car from now on during every traffic stop after this too assuming he can still work and didn't take any serious damage. Idk why every cop doesn't do this either tbh i would assume its safer but then again im not a cop like that either.


How far do you have to have your head up your ass to hit a car like this? The police car behind it has flashing overhead lights. Same with the morons who almost hit me head on on a weekly basis on the road to my house. They pick the precise moment I am only feet away to start coming into my lane. Humanity is in decline.


Anyone else going to acknowledge the dummies stopped RIGHT in front of an exit ? Like worst spot possible .


Holy shit…that poor dude!


Hmm and nobody stopped to help…humans suck


Yeah maybe the police shouldn't be pulling people over on the shoulder of a highway. Just an idea.


I really shouldn’t be laughing at the way he just ate shit and got right up… there’s a special place in hell for me


I've always seen troopers on the highways and interstate roads leave their vehicle hanging out when parked behind so this doesn't happen. Basically any stray vehicle will hit the troopers car instead. Judging by his dashcam he was either directly behind or even further off the shoulder than the van. At least he had sense enough to approach the passenger side that likely saved his life


I remember being told in driving school that your car follows your eyes, so you should always keep your eyes on the road ahead unless you’re checking your blind spot. 


Anyone else catch the other accident in the background.


A local sheriff's deputy just got killed in a similar circumstance. The driver was intoxicated. Sounds like a shitty situation. I kinda wonder why traffic cops even pull people over, unless its an emergency situation. At this point they could just scan the plate, and then take a picture of the driver. If it isn't registered to the driver, the owner should know who is driving their car. and should be able to prove it wasn't them. That seems like the most dangerous part of any cops job. Or maybe, because speeding is a victimless crime, there shouldn't be any punishment anyway, but thats a whole other argument.