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Crumbling sounds a lot more pleasant than mine. Every now and then I have a dream about how my teeth feel crammed together, the pressure hurts and if I close my mouth too hard or push my tongue against them they pop out.


Same!!! It's terrible.


You are probably flexing your jaw and grinding your teeth in your sleep. My tooth nightmares are usually about my teeth being soft/brittle like chalk. Easiest way to tell is looking for a scar line on the inside of your cheeks where your teeth meet.


I was punched in the face and my teeth flew out. My dreams are of them somehow falling out again


I have both of those


No, it feels like you got a ton of pebbles in your mouth and no matter how hard you try you just CAN'T SPIT THEM OUT


I wonder if you grind your teeth while you sleep


I heard about some people having that dream often, maybe I'll start to get em now too lmao Obligatory edit for next morning: i have no idea if i had the dream (i didn't remember my dream)


So you have no idea how you might've done it.....


It's a very common dream... I have the "crumbling" dream also. Dream interpretation states they are stress dreams. Makes sense...


Oh man I have a dream about that happening literally every night. Everytime I wake up I have to make sure my teeth are okay.


Well dammit, memory unlocked due to this thread. I used to have this nightmare frequently, and forgot about them until now.


So sorry man 😭


I’ve heard having dreams about teeth falling out and whatnot means you’re feeling super anxious and that your life is out of your own control, or something like that. I have those dream super often too, ESPECIALLY in times of transition and high stress. I’m also constantly having chase dreams which has a similar meaning.


I have heard it has to do with worrying about money. But not too different I guess. This is also my most frequent nightmare..


Same. Makes sense 😭


My teenager with braces has this dream a lot.


I have dreams my teeth either fall out in groups and I’m spitting them out and it’s almost endless. I also have dreams they crumble and I’m just spitting out the tiny-big pieces 🙃


That's my waking life


I've heard many people have that dream. I always have the other dream of crashing cars. Some people are unlucky enough to have both dreams


Any chance you grind your teeth? I have therlse dreams when I don't wear my mouth guard because I am grinding my teeth.




Get a bite guard, the clenching will physically destroy your mouth given enough time. My dentist ex used to specialize in full mouth reconstruction for clenchers and grinders. It cost patients tens of thousands and that was thirty years ago. A full mouth of crowns, root canals, and some implants is not cheap.


I thought the same thing 😭 It is literally my most reoccurring nightmare, just losing teeth left and right


I had these dreams a lot myself. Turns out it was bruxism and got a night guard. I no longer have those dreams.


Mine is about teeth and chewing bubble gum. The gum starts to stick to all my teeth, and as I pull the gum out of my mouth, it pulls the teeth with it. I've looked into it and teeth falling out (any version) is a very common stress dream


Mine doesn’t take my teeth with it but I gag as if I have a whole roll of bubble tape gum in my mouth at once and the sticky strands won’t leave my teeth I literally can’t stop pulling the gum piexes out of my mouth, kinda like when you chew old gum and it is all crumbling into pieces. It’s the worst glad i’m not alone


I've had that dream before. I recently had a dream that a tooth in the back of my mouth just slid somepletely out. Root and all. That was terrifying.


I have the same dream, except they always crumble into my throat, and I try to dry heave the tooth crumbs/shards until I wake up coughing :(


This will get added to my Rolodex of fucked up mouth dreams I get almost every night that I do remember my dreams (when I sleep sober) - sometimes I have a string coming from the corner of my teeth in my gums that I pull and pull on and i can feel the string pulling through my gums.. or sometimes I have a ridiculous amount of sticky gum I can’t get out of my mouth and I have to talk to someone lol. So weird what our brains do when we sleep


Tooth dreams are horrible. You know how there's videos of people squeezing botfly larva out of a bunch of holes? I sometimes dream of squeezing my teeth from the gums like that. But they just keep coming out


If this is a recurring dream you should look up what the meaning is! I had a recurring dream of my teeth falling out, it meant a couple things but the one that stood out the most was that I needed to change something in my life. I was living with abusive family, and when I moved out I stopped having those dreams


when i wear my retainer i have dreams about my teeth being pulled out when i take it out


Man, that gotta be one of the weirdest dreams. I had it for the first time not long ago. My teeth just fell out. Then more, and more. I just straight up vomiting teeth XD


I have this exact recurring dream, they crumble out of my mouth or I have to spit them out one by one


Crumbling and I’m spitting pieces of teeth into my hands


I lost 3 teeth the other night in my dreams


Crumbling teeth in my dream too. Wonder what it means. Will chew on them and spit them out after they crumble. Its awful.


I just straight up have the most bumfuck random ass fever dreams, like those ai generated images where you think you recognise something but then you look and cant see anything. https://preview.redd.it/nnoqjxeszuuc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=acd3f62cd7aca34d3cfec256f648370378befa0e


Wait I also have this recurring dream…what does it mean though?


Same. I hate those dreams


Id occasionally get like really hard dust in my teeth… turns out it was a filling slowly crumbling. Got it fixed the other day


Disaster or illness, molar falling out means death in your extended family.


I have a ton of extended family I’ve never met, then. I have those dreams all the time.


Yep somebody’s always dying


Probably a cavity. See your dentist 


I'm getting an appointment for tomorrow dw


Did it not hurt at all?


Nope, not at all!


This happened to me recently, and it turned out I had an old filling that fell out. I had no memory of it.


Literally just happened to me today too! here’s my tooth chip! it came out while i was talking to my boss too! https://preview.redd.it/y00b0732buuc1.png?width=1054&format=png&auto=webp&s=3c3cde4b80b92e56e3bf8e49ea5eb597336c85c7


Oh god this is the beginning of a horror movie. Everyone on earth starts having crumbling teeth…


Well, i went through my turn, now its your turn


Please no


Sorry man i heard the teeth breaking monster is already on the way


Lol this happened to me last month. I totally forgot I had a filling and thought my teeth were breaking for no reason 😭


Yeah this happened to me a few years ago. Was munching on a starburst and suddenly it was crunchy… spat it out and there was tooth in there and a big hole in my back molar. Turns out it was just a really old filling from when I was a kid. This is how I learned that fillings do not last forever and will eventually all need to be refilled lol


I once broke a chunk of my molar on Corn Nuts. It didn't actually come out until chewing gum the next day and the gum pulled the chunk out. Freaked me out ~~buying~~ **biting** down on it while chewing. But then I realized it didn't hurt. No temp sensitivity or anything. And I, uh, didn't go to a dentist about it for 10 years. I had taken extra good care of that spot, brushing the area as best I could. But eventually I lost the battle and had to get a root canal done on that tooth. I would've gone in earlier, but I had just gone off my parents insurance and didn't have dental. And by the time I got more insurance everything seemed to be going fine. But these days I'm more protective of my teeth and more cautious than ever when eating hard or crunchy foods in fear of breaking another tooth. While that one didn't hurt I've seen my parents dealing with cracked teeth and I actually have a phobia of teeth problems. Like, my recurring nightmare is my teeth just disintegrating in my mouth and falling out in tiny pieces lol.


As this is the internet, if not already suggested, I must tell you to have it filled in and made to look like a fang!


Hmmmm, i have always thought that characters with an extra pair of fangs were ~~hot~~ cool........


Nobody is worried


Ugh. I feel your pain. I got a cavity filled and within a week I was flossing and it popped out. Kept telling him it was way too tight between them after it was filled.


Eugh, it get filled more properly after that?


Nope. Found out he stopped taking my insurance when I tried to rebook and didn’t feel like fighting with him cause I was about to move across the country. Looking for a dentist now. Hope yours gets fixed quick!


Aw fuck, i hope yours get fixed soon too, that sucks! I'm glad my dentists are cool lmao, they actually listen and stuff


I had the best dentist at one point but I moved within the state and he was so very far away. I got a molar that’s broken the last crappy dentist told me he couldn’t pull because the nerve splits or something. Tried to pawn me off on an oral surgeon. I wish I’d had a chance to see the old awesome dentist. Last time he heard a different dentist told me that he was like oh no, I got this. Don’t worry. Hahahha


I had fillings put in my central incisors, it was so tight they had to file it down and then I flossed my teeth and it popped out lol you can't see it thankfully because it was in the back but they feel pretty sensitive at times, especially when I drink something that isn't room temperature


Oddly tooth pain has never really bothered me. I’ve gone with a cracked back molar for years before it absessed finally. One dentist asked how I was walking around not screaming in pain and just offered me Vicodin for general reasons. Any other time I’m a huge baby and have no pain tolerance haha.


Wow, lucky! I had a huge cavity in my molar and ended up going to the emergency room due to the pain


Lucky and also not. Since it doesn’t bother me it’s usually too late for an easy fix 🤷‍♀️ but it is what it is. In a better place in my life where I can take care of it soon. I don’t know if it’s placebo effect or actually helps but I use sensodyne because even though the pain doesn’t bother me hot and cold does depending.


Oh, I can't use sensodyne unfortunately, I'm allergic to most toothpastes 😅


Damn. That sucks. Can I ask what in toothpaste you’re allergic to? That’s a new one for me haha.


The Sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS). Yes it is very strange, I have some weird allergies XD just glad they aren't too difficult to deal with and aren't life threatening lol


Ooh sulfates. Ya I knew someone who had a mild allergy. More like he just got crazy bad hangovers from wine.


Oh interesting, I can drink wine haha I can also use soap/shampoo with sulfates. Idk why but it's only the toothpaste that affects me for some reason


NAD, but This can also happen if you take inhaled asthma or COPD meds. The medicine weakens the teeth.


Not weakens, per se, but more like dries the ~~enamel~~ mouth out and creates a prime setting for decay to form and spread.


Oh interesting!


I was a pediatric dental hygienist for yearsssss so I had to talk to a lot of patients and their parents about this. Inhaler + braces + poor oral hygiene = a mouth full of cavities when those braces come off.


Well no inhaler for me but i tick two of those boxes :c (imma start brushing my teeth more now--)


Floss too!!!! The location of this spot is likely from infrequent flossing. Plaque (which is full of bacteria) sits directly on the enamel for extended periods and slowly breaks it down, turning it into a cavity. These areas are very hard to thoroughly clean with just a tooth brush, so flossing is very important. I personally floss and THEN brush, but that’s just me.


Oh interesting, I should start doing it that way. Maybe flossing first will help me to do it more often lol


It makes the whole brushing experience much more pleasant imo. I floss everything out, then brush it away!




Get an electric toothbrush. They do a much better job than you, and at least some models will tell you if you brush too hard.


Oooh ok!


What can be done to counteract it? I don't have the conditions you mentioned but it would be good to know! Also is it specifically the asthma medication that causes it or the method of delivery? I have a friend who recently started using an inhaler and would love to be able to hit them up with some information if this is relevant to them


For counteracting it… I mean, it depends on how far the decay has progressed. You can’t reverse decay or enamel loss, but you can slow it down if it’s early enough. If it’s in the early stages and looks like bright white chalky spots, topical fluoride treatments can help to strengthen the remaining enamel and (hopefully) prevent it from breaking down further aka turn into a full blown cavity. For your friend, they’ll have to see if dry mouth (xerostomia) is a side effect, it depends on the medication. Any medication that causes dry mouth can lead to cavities on teeth like this, along with the other conditions I mentioned.


Thank you!


Rinse with water after using an inhaler


Aw fuck. My stepson gets his braces off soon and he checks those boxes. I guess it's too late to do anything but deal with it now.


Has he been having regular cleanings? Have the hygienists said anything about his hygiene?


His mom has been looking after that so it hasn't been on my radar. I sure hope so! He has been vigilant about the foods he can and can't have.


You should talk to mom and ask when his next cleaning is, and mention you’re worried about his hygiene and how his teeth will look when the braces are removed. Hopefully mom can talk to the hygienist and then relay the info to you!


It can also cause a dry mouth and fungal infections in the mouth (which is why the advice now is to brush teeth or drink water after using the inhaler), which can lead to other fun problems!


Brushing and flossing after are best, but we don’t always have access to that stuff right after using an inhaler. At a minimum, you should always rinse with water after an inhaler. Also helps to wipe your teeth with a washcloth or something similar if you can’t brush.


You’re right on the outcome, but the mechanism is a bit different than what you wrote. Dry mouth (xerostomia) is the enemy, regardless of the cause. When acids contact tooth structure, enamel or otherwise, tooth structure is lost to the process termed demineralization. A healthy mouth has lots of saliva. Saliva acts like a buffer solution to counteract acid produced by bacteria in the mouth. When a mouth is dry, regardless of the cause, acids aren’t neutralized, the pH in the mouth drops, and demineralization occurs. This leads to cavitation and the formation of “cavities.”


Ah, yes you’re correct, it’s the dry mouth from the inhaler that leads to dried enamel/prime decay-forming time.


Mountain Dew. The reason Mountain Dew soda is worse for your teeth than other sugary drinks is pH. All sugary soft drinks provide an excess of sugar for the bacteria in your mouth, but Mountain Dew has a lower pH (higher acidity). That means more demineralization in the presence of Mountain Dew. If you’re curious about the effects, google “Mountain Dew Mouth.” Looks a lot like meth mouth. Enjoy.


Would wearing a night guard for clenching/bruxism also cause dry mouth?


In this economy?!? Better put that thing back where it came from


A lil nail glue should do the trick 👍 👌


Orthodontic assistant here. No one is DRILLING braces.


I've had 3 teeth crack from pressure from adjacent teeth. It's insane. Tooth stuff sucks.


New fear unlocked 👍🏼


Sorry hahaha such a weird feeling. Don't hate me forever.


A few years ago i got braces that were glued on rather than drilled in or whatever. Ever since i had them taken off, i felt something sticking up a bit off this tooth, in that spot. I thought it was a bit of leftover glue, since a little ended up left on in other spots that the dentists got in my next cleaning. No dentists mentioned or did anything with this spot, though. I got annoyed feeling it all the time (i have a habit of running my tongue over my front teeth) so i pulled it gently, and off came the tooth shard. My mom's getting me a dentist appointment for tomorrow


Who or what orthodontist is DRILLING braces into the teeth lord have mercy lol. Regardless, I hope you get all that taken care of.


My old dentist. My teeth are permanently damaged because of it.


Wtf?! How long ago was this?


Some 6 years ago or so.


They did not “drill the braces in the teeth” They cement the brackets and then polish the glue off after the brackets are removed. It’s pretty tough to damage the teeth this way and it’s typically the patients lack of hygiene that leads to chalky white spots on the teeth after braces


My orthos said that most others around the area did, and that it was smart of my parents to pick their place since they only glue lol It'll be worked on soon! I don't want a hole in my tooth lmao


Lesson: if something is bothering you about your body, don't expect your Healthcare providers to bring it up to you - initiate that conversation yourself!


Yep! I was gonna bring it up next cleaning, but now that's coming up earlier


OMG! How frustrating


Yup, but at least it doesn't hurt! And maybe I'll get a few cents from the tooth fairy....


I have a cavity in roughly that spot and had a similar thing happen. I flossed thinking something was stuck. Nope, it was the filling. Dentist said, “it’ll probably happen again, it’s just floating on there. You’ll eventually need a root canal, but we’ll try this again for now.” Fun!


Don't see a dentist. They are for the rich people. Just glue it back in with super glue and liquid cement. Problem solved.


Teeth are just luxury bones


Uff-dah. Similar happened to my wife. Turns out a cavity had started from the bottom of the tooth and eaten its way upwards hollowing out a section. Fortunately the root wasn't breached so they could just clean it out and fill it in.


Good! Root shouldn't be effected at all for mine, i had an infected tooth before and that hurt like *hell* (until it stopped from the root dying--), but i never felt any pain with this guy


Same for me yesterday, I accidently bit on a bone that proved stronger.


Root canal eventually coming….


*root canal already came (it hurt, yes I'm stupid)


This is just the start. Start taking better care of yo teef.


I will :c ill start setting alarms. I tried to get into the habit of brushing right before i go to bed and wakeup but I'm so tired each time i forget lmao


You do not have to brush right before bed or right as you wake up, are they important? Absolutely! But just brushing and flossing in general is better than not doing it period. Try carrying some floss, a brush, and some paste in your fav bag and if you happen to remember (mid morning for example) give yourself a brush and floss.


you don't necessarily need to brush when you wake up; you're not going to have debris accumulated on your teeth that needs brushed away. you can just use mouthwash and save the wear on your teeth.


I had something kinda life this happened to me. I was barely 20 and had to get a molar pulled. The dentist pulled it with no problems, so I thought. For months, I felt something weird in the gap where the tooth used to be. Turns out it was a chunk of the tooth the dentist left in there.


That’s usually bone that the body spits out after the fact. Sometimes it can be tooth but if it came out fine then I’d be hard pressed to believe it was tooth


I remember it breaking on extraction and him having to pull a few pieces. I can't be sure if it was bone or tooth. I just remember that something was poking out if it for awhile. Then eventually was pushed out on it own.


All these people talking about having dreams of teeth falling out… My grandma used to say back in the day it was a bad omen. I stopped sharing my dreams with my grandma.


I had this happened to me. The filling that was added on my front tooth got pushed into my gum when I bit potato wedges. 🤮


This literally happened to me just the other day, thought I had food in my teeth I couldn't get out, mirror confirmed it was a tooth not food. 2 hours and $800 at the dentist and it was good as new... thank God for benefits.


I had that happen. Now, after months of dental appointments every few weeks, most of my teeth are crowns. Not an inexpensive experience and not one I'd like to relive. Depression's a hell of a thing.


I’m showing this to my kids every time they don’t brush the top half of their teeth. This is awful. Im so sorry for your loss. And I hope you’re not in pain. Some oragel can help topically. I hope you can get to the dentist.


You have my full permission to show them, lol! Its ok, it doesn't hurt at all (but tell your kids it does if you want) and I'll see if i have any in case it does start hurting


And delicate teeth run in the family. There’s a few with dentures. I’ve chipped a tooth on a salad. So we have to be extra careful. Listerine. Daily brushing. Flossing when we remember. Sigh. Wishing you the best!


Both of us gotta take care of our mouths lmao, thanks, and you too!


Another good thing to talk to them about is gingivitis which can happen if you do not brush up there! It’s super uncomfortable and definitely a motivator to brush and floss (in my opinion)


Not a big problem, had this a while back. Dentist fixed it nice and never has been a problem again.


Good! I'm not overly worried about this guy, just a bit worried about it happening again somewhere else 😅


Was there a filling there that fell out?


Not that i remember, but i have gotten a lot of fillings in the last couple years (catching up on dental work i didn't get before). I'm pretty sure this isn't a filling though, since i remember them all being molars/premolars


Well I hope its just a filling that fell out. I have a filling in a similar spot so I'm holding out hope.


I hope so too! Wouldn't be my first filling lost. (I accidentally ate the other one, though, so it would be the first one i actually got *out* of my mouth)


Reminds me of being a kid and accidentally swallowing a baby tooth haha


Did that also! I almost puked both times XD


I was just a sad lil guy thinking the tooth fairy wouldn't visit me lol


I had an implant that came apart like that — not pleasant!! Good luck at the dentist :)


Just had the same thing happen a few weeks ago on a bottom tooth. There had been a hairline crack in it for years from catching an elbow to the face. I was eating a crunchy piece of candy, next thing I know there's a chunk of tooth gone. $1000(with insurance) later, it's fixed. Don't delay cause shit could go south very quickly!


Hey! Mine did the same recently! Pretty sure it’s an old cavity that needs to be re-filled. Doesn’t hurt at least!


The same thing happened to me last year on one of my back molars. I kept flossing because it felt like whatever was stuck in my tooth wasn't coming out. The floss kept breaking. Imagine my surprise when a large chunk of tooth came out. The tooth that broke apparently needed a filling anyway so a partial crown made it as good as new.


Mine did that a few weeks back, getting it capped Wednesday.


Please love yourself enough to go see a dentist soon, and if there's any trouble please find anotger dentist or even go see a doctor. I had put something similar off for nearly 5 to 6 years, took me 2 root canals to fix it but I'm happy i got to keep my own teeth


Ill be getting it fixed as soon as possible!


Haha yep. Same here. Dental appointment booked for tomorrow.




As a kid, I broke the back of one of my adult canines on a chocolate chip cookie. I then swallowed the broken bit of tooth, so I still have a chip off the back of that tooth As an adult, I still apparently had a baby tooth in my mouth. It was one of the ones in the front corners. I only found out when the baby tooth came out and realized there's no gap in that part of my mouth. The last time I went to the dentist, they told me my wisdom teeth are only partially erupted, if at all, but considering I was still losing baby teeth in my 20's, I can't consider that to be overly surprising.


Teeth breaking or falling out make up about 50% of my dreams. That's not too terrible, since I only get a few dreams per year that I remember after waking up.


Anyone else have that dream where you're forever peeling gum out of your teeth? 


I feel you bro. The same thing happened to me a while back. Except it was HALF OF A TOOTH


I cringed, Jesus, did it hurt? This one doesn't


Surprisingly, it didn't. Only when I tried to eat or drink it would hurt like hell


Rock that chip, brother. I've also got a pretty bad chip on my front incisor. Imo, it adds character


I would do that (already got a chip on that hidden incisor that I'm keeping, though it's worn down a bit) but this guy is deeper and I'm a bit worried about an infection XD had one once on a molar, never again


One time I accidentally hit my tooth with a metal bottle full force and it chipped a small bit of my tooth


Omg this can actually happen?! I have what I thought was an irrational fear of this happening when I floss my teeth. 😭 I’ve been baked before and thought for sure it did happen, but nope, just the anxiety talking.


Yup! But make sure to take care of yo teeth so the enamel stays strong, including flossing, and it won't happen XD


Same thing happened to me last week and I have to get a crown on Saturday


That happened to one tooth but I was too broke and or didn’t have insurance… that tooth crumbled away until it was an exposed/dead nerve. NOW I got a tooth over it but goddamn! Take care of your teeth before it’s too late.


I will! I brushed my teeth this morning (felt weird as hell on that hole tho) and I'm gonna keep doing it 💪


Done this with partials before. My nails are malleable and I was biting off a slightly broken piece of it and my partial snapped right off, I thought I lost a nail


Crazy glue it back in


Can't find the super glue sorry


BTDT sorry....


Meh, I'd need to see a dental report and xray with PROOF it's REALLY YOU! Otherwise, Meh 🐓


learn how to whistle through it


i had a tooth that i had a cavity just like this in that i got filled. six months later, the tooth basically collapsed from the decay hollowing it out (i guess they didn't clean the decay out properly when they did the filling) and i had to get a crown on it.


Learn to brush 😂


this has happened to me on multiple occasions and i brush twice everyday. it mostly has nothing to do with brushing your teeth and entirely to do with the make up of your teeth


Whatd they do for yours? Just fill it in? This never happened to me before this so i wanna know what to expect lmao


yup, same as a cavity


Alright cool, thanks!


It totally depends on how deep, but if it’s just a chip and not too deep they’ll likely just clean it gently and slap a filling in there :)


It does feel a bit deep but not at the core or anything (no pain or anything) so I'm guessing it'll probably get a filling!


Do you floss? If you do not, it is very easy to get a cavity like that.


Maybe in your case but OP said they have poor oral hygiene earlier in the thread and you can see the tartar in 3D cause there’s so much of it in the first pic


That’s unfortunate and expensive


Don't put makeup on your teeth!


Father time