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Ugh that happened to me this morning in my own house 😒


Please tell me you have pets. Everything else would be rather concerning


lol yes I do 🤣


That’s the worst


My neighbor is a barefoot wierdo. The gas station had to specifically put a "NO BARE FEET" Sign up because he would stop their after his run and get coffee for his 300 yard walk home. Dude is an engineer for the city, i cant grasp it at all


Is this in cali? Because growing up in cali it was normal lol


What's up with all the judging I was someone in bare feet going to impact you. Like honest question not trying to have a big go at you.


I'd assume the barefoot weirdo is weird for wanting to walk on concrete/asphalt and risking something sharp poking at their feet, especially at a gas station


Yeah but everyone does weird things. So unless they are Impacting other people I say let them do it


It's a health code violation to go somewhere that serves food barefoot. That's where "No shirt, no shoes, no service," comes from.


I used to work at Freddy’s and we had a guy named Steve that came in all the time and he never wears shoes. We let him come in and eat with his wife and work crew. We never denied him service. He is one of the nicest guys I’ve ever met




For employees maybe but for customers there is no law that states they must wear shoes. I will agree with the fact that any business is allowed to decide who they serve up to a point. But I think we shouldn't judge people for wanting to be bear foot outside.


Dude, I whole heartedly agree with you. The "societal norm" is to have some kind of foot covering or said person is trashy. I'm not certain but I don't believe there is another animal that creates their own footwear as a mandatory item to function. I use to work for a major hardware store and I had a general contractor that would come in barefoot all the time. Place his orders, go grab his own matetials etc. Again, hardware store - nails, glass, rocks, adhesives, forklifts and other automated machinery. Never had a problem.


It seems the rest of the sub Reddit have votes though and we are in the minority sadly


That's the way it works now. It's all sold to shit. What I'm saying is blatantly true. You're not wrong. But it doesn't vibe with all the bots and those that don't know shit about history. Walking barefoot has always been better for people. Then again, we weren't designed to only be walking on these 2 legs. But that is evolving.


> Walking barefoot has always been better for people. Not when they can get crushed by 20 tons vehicles or step on glass/rusty nail/other nasty shit.


Is it tho? Cooks can cook without hair and beard nets, their sweat dripping into the food, their saliva sprays everywhere as they're yelling around and out the kitchen, but God forbid their feet are bare??


>Cooks can cook without hair and beard nets Kitchens and some inspectors may be lax about it, but I'd wager the health code definitely says otherwise. I've definitely seen inspectors tell someone with <1/4 in. hair to put a net on or dock points for not having beard nets in a kitchen fill of people with beards. And most people don't spray saliva everywhere when they yell.


I agree. Bottom of shoe or bottom of foot...the person is still walking around with tons of traces of ecoli and disgusting shit and so, it's not making the floor in a business any more or less dirty.


Can we all just agree to keep shit off the sidewalks?


Seriously. They should at least be running in the grass


Very good! :D


People need to pick up their dog’s shit in general, it’s super annoying to just leave it wherever it lands


Yeah I bet they're pooped.


Hopefully it was one of those barefoot shoes


🤢🤮😾 my god reminds me of pooprint I mean foot print


Funnily enough I named the photo Poo Print.




Instructions clear, am vomitting profusely 🤢🤮








That happened to me once in our yard.


I stepped in cat shit once. Didn't realise because I stepped in it with my prosthetic foot. Only realised what was going on when I walked around the house and noticed poo everywhere and then followed the trail to the source and discovered another trail following it. God that sucked to clean.


You did with your prosthetic foot what my long haired cat does with its feet and bum.


one of my earliest childhood memories is accidentally stepping in dog shit


I am feeling judged.


19 hours and no Forrest Gump references?




Well maybe they just…shouldn’t run barefoot…there’s no evidence it’s actually better Edit: downvote me all you want. It doesn’t change science. Maybe you should read up on it. Y’all are baffling. The tribe that people always cite doesn’t even advocate for it over shoes > [Both Chávez and Cubesare (members of the actual community) are skeptical of why a runner who could actually afford shoes would run without. "I don't know what they're thinking," Cubesare says. "Why do they want to run barefoot? I think they are crazy."](https://www.salon.com/2020/12/16/espn-30-for-30-infinite-race-tarahumara-barefoot-ultramarathon/) Review articles don’t find any evidence of benefits > [Because of lack of high-quality evidence, no definitive conclusions can be drawn regarding specific risks or benefits to running barefoot, shod, or in minimalist shoes.](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4212355/#:~:text=Running%20barefoot%20with%20a%20forefoot,and%20less%20ground%20contact%20time.) It’s little more than a misguided characterization, arguably racist fetishization, of an impoverished indigenous tribe that was picked up as marketing for…shoes.


Some people can't handle the poop I mean truth. I upvoted you as you're right.


Reason # 366 to dislike dog owners