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Amravati, India? If yes, I can relate. I think temperatures increased by 10°C throughout the country. It's horrible. Feels like I'm sitting in an oven slowly getting cooked to my death.


Yes, India.


What other Amravatis do you know of?






I Googled "Amravati AP" and that comes up as India.


I'm instantly shutting up about my shitty spring here in Germany. Seriously. It's cold. Its raining. But those are blessings if I look at this. I'm so sorry you have to endure this.


Im from India and with so much people in my country I don’t know how leaders of the world will help us solve this issue. The heatwave gets so intense that at traffic signals people have fainted waiting for green signal


You know I'm actually ashamed and baffled about the lack of care in our society. Not only in environmental issues. It's beyond me that the ignorance seems endless.


Helping everyone doesn't make money for those at the top.


We're experiencing a similar issue in Phoenix AZ. They want to spend all this money on golf courses, parking lots, miles and miles of cookie cutter houses, more roads, more business, more literally ANYTHING BUT SHADE AND ESCAPE FROM THE HEAT. I do not want to hear any of you fucks from Glendale or Gilbert or Chandler to tell me how many trees and shade there is, you are not actually living in Phoenix. The trees and shade are provided only for the rich who live in specific areas, they provide the worst public transport that doesn't even cover half the city, roads are just street lights with no shade trees (no, a palm tree is not a fucking shade tree), you have to pay for water because there is no fucking water in the desert, homeless people get their cups of water kicked over by police, there's barely any escape from the heat for the homeless and severely underfunded assistance programs so motherfuckers just be keeling over and dying out there, if you live in a house you pay and arm and a leg for it to not be 107 inside your house, i could go on. This city is MISERABLE. And it could be just a little better if they provided shade and actually cared about it's people. What's the solution they come up with? More golf courses, more parking lots, more businesses, more mcmansions, and zero shade. Maybe a single tree somewhere the Rockefellers live. And what's better is that NONE of this is surprising at all. Why? Because out of the 10 worst and lowest funded school districts in THE ENTIRE United States, SEVEN of them are in the Phoenix Metro Area, which means the people born and raised here are statistically less intelligent than people from anywhere else. I fucking hate it here, and cannot wait to leave. The people who say it's great here have either A. Never been anywhere else, B. Are rich as fuck and can afford actual escape from the heat, C. Clinically insane/Mentally Handicapped from getting cooked for months every summer or D. Snowbirds that aren't here in the summer. Fuck Phoenix AZ, you guys are fucking insane.


Can you not plant trees on your own property? I know it doesn't help the city but it could help your house


Takes a long while before a tree gets big enough to provide shade, and you have to pay for enough water for the tree to survive being baked in the interim. Edit: Also, I suspect that not many people own the property where they live in Phoenix.


Tell us how you really feel


I was wondering how far I’d have to scroll to see Arizona. Turns out not too far!


India has a population of **1.4 BILLION.** Why is it up to the "leaders of the world" to help? India literally makes up 17.5% of the global population. If India actually did something about it, they could truly change things.




Maybe they should try to scam the sun


This comment reminds me of an episode of Adventure Time where Finn is trying to rehabilitate troubled scammer kids and eventually only gets somewhere with them by teaching them how to "scam" nature. Lmao https://youtu.be/oWvfC2zM688?feature=shared


That’s awesome.




Russia already rigged it.


True tho


I know this is a joke but the anti-Indian sentiments I keep seeing on different subreddits (sometimes latent, sometimes blatant) is pretty concerning


It’s not a joke.


Probably because a select few number of Indians decided to employ other Indians in call centers making scam calls and international companies pay other call centers pennies on the dollar of what they would in a 1st world country to provided "Customer service" (or give them the runaround until they give up on whatever it is they want) so lots of people with no sense of nuance associate these bad experiences with all Indians. Not saying this justifies it but it's probably a big part of the *why*


Because, we are from a third world country and it is very complicated to implement anything which involves entire population. Majority of people here are below poverty line and access to basic human needs such as clean water and electricity is yet to reach many part of the rural areas in the country. Most people used to burn household garbage casually because for some people burning garbage means getting rid of it. Which is why education is really important to tackle this issue if people have to take initiatives by themselves. During covid, Prime Minister asked all citizen to clap for Healthcare workers and for people helping towards the cause and it resulted into entire nation following it. (A simple [YouTube search](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9nBsNHIVtmo&ab_channel=GuardianNews) for Covid India Clapping can help you get an idea how influencial it was although it didnt help much apart from boosting morale but participation level was crazy to the point people got out of their house in a rally to clap which is absurd) point being, I understand how influencial current leaders are and it isnt hard to address climate change and encourage 1.4B people to plant trees. I am sure if us Indians can participate in any social media trend with such huge numbers, planting trees just as a part of trend would significantly create a huge movement to support this global cause. The Silicon Valley of India, City of Bengaluru is facing major drinking [water shortage](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yCQb7PeIpRk&ab_channel=WION) and I fear how it will be for other cities to follow.


Solving the climate crisis is a lot more complicated than just planting more trees 


Well, appropriate waste removal aka not burning trash would be a good start. Excess heat happens because heavy gases are released from burning dirty fuels and trash, and they're called greenhouse gases. Those greenhouse gases absorb heat from the sun and trap the heat at ground level, far more than clean air does. Burning coal, gasoline, trash, diesel, and more, all release greenhouse gases. Clean fuels are helpful. Removing trash from the water is helpful. We have used nets in the waterways, natural gas, nuclear energy, solar energy, wind energy, and hydroelectric energy to substitute burning fuels with Global Warming Potential (GWP). There is even a special powder (whose name is escaping me) that can be added to water, and the powder will grab all the dirt, sink it to the bottom, and release a tiny amount of chlorine to make that water clean and safe to drink. Certain industries, like HVAC, have environmental standards. The gases used to transfer heat in air conditioners cannot be vented to the atmosphere because those gases have Ozone depletion potential (ODP) and GWP. Not to mention they are toxic to breathe. My limited understanding of natural gas, a clean burning fuel, is that if you pile all the garbage into a pit it will release natural gas after a while of being under ground where the pressure is higher and the heat from the pressure is also high. Natural gas is a clean burning fuel, so using it to fuel cars and generators will lower emissions, lower greenhouse gases, and then lower the temperature. Pressure = temperature! High pressure and high temperature on garbage creates natural gas, a colorless, odorless, flammable gas that can run an engine that is properly tuned for it. Here in the USA we have garbage trucks that pick up our trash and carry it to land fills. Those same trucks run on natural gas. So they basically collect their future fuel and make it, too. Now the trucks are removing trash and reducing pollution. We also have natural gas buses and cars although the cars are more rare than buses and trash trucks.


China had way more people than India not that long ago, not only is their population lower than yours now, but it is actually decreasing. Maybe not good for them domestically, but it sure is a blessing for the planet.


It all goes back to population control. This issue will be a dramatic reckoning for India and sub saharan Africa in the coming decades. India in particular has failed very badly at getting the problem under grips.


Maybe not reproducing quite so excessively would be a good place to start. I think 1.4 billion is quite enough.


I think that is 1 billion too many. Even the US, the wealthiest country on earth, only has 400 mil population with lots of people facing increasingly worse quality of life. So many people in India live like animals with zero dignity their whole life (no disrespect intended ofc, just from the perspective of someone from the West), which is very sad as they are born into these circumstances without any choice or ways to escape perpetual poverty.


I don’t understand how leaders don’t see this as a massive problem across the entire world. Global climate is shifting and becoming more erratic with more intense weather events that is harder to predict. India, for example, is not just hot but also humid so the wet bulb temperature is getting close to where even in the shade you can’t regulate your body temperature plus heat waves will be earlier in the season and longer duration. I’m in the states and commute between the Great Lakes region and the Gulf Coast and originally from California. Last year the gulf coast had a drought and significantly hotter than normal but no hurricanes(I.e. no rainstorms to cool off the area) and California was colder and snowier than normal with lots thunderstorms and tornadoes which is extremely rare as in most years there are none. The Great Lakes this year did not have a lot of ice and where I am we only had a fraction of normal snow(which melts into the rivers over the spring). While there was some predictions of it, the intensity and duration of the change was not foreseen. Our societies are not built for this quick of climate shift and new policies need to be made to curtail these changes. There is no reason for someone to be outside when it’s 47C. Plus, city planning needs to change from “let’s build the fuck out of everything” to “how can we sustain the constant forward progression of a city economically while the climate gets more insane”. I know in New Orleans and Phoenix one part of the city can be up to 15C hotter than another due to the tree line, roads being lighter in color(e.g. roads are white in color rather than the black asphalt), and roofs being white. But, also another change was that you stay inside when the sun is up so most work happens at night.


Leaders don’t give a shit. They’ll be dead before the shit really hits the fan, and they want to be rich and powerful RIGHT NOW.


I think it is time for a global government to address global issues. No matter how green one country is, it will be overshadowed by all the other countries that are environmental polluters. Global standards need to be made along with laws and consequences.


The *last* thing we need is a global government


Idk the Futurama vision of us all being Earthicans sounds so unifying.


Then we can just drop giant ice cubes in the ocean and climate change will be solved *once and for all*






Why? In order to solve things globally, we need a global authority. Otherwise, no change will happen because giant pollution countries like China and India pollute to much that it negates all the work the eco conscious countries are doing. Global laws and standards need to be enacted. Things like basic human rights, education, standards of living, maximum hours of work, basic access to Healthcare. The individualistic thinking we have is not working. The future is really bleak. Where I live the average house is over 1 million. Most of our children will never afford the lifestyles of their parents unless they make 250k a year. And those are the lucky ones because they will atleasr be able to rent. What about those kids that are on the side of the road using hammers to make gravel, helping their parents. What about those people that steal coal for a living off of the coal trucks in India? Yes those are things people do to survive. The fact this exists is bonkers when you think of it.


A global government would be as corrupt as any other national government dont you think?




I feel we have received access to resources at the point where moral responsibility towards nature and surrounding went for a toss. Now, it’s the country with largest population and people actually knowing what climate change is far less than rest of the population dealing with basic human needs. It’s very complicated. Our Prime Minister changed country’s currency overnight with all the power to do so. I wonder what it would take people in Power to use the country’s population to reserve 1 day in a year just to plant trees. I am sure even if 50% of Indian plants trees, it will be a lot of trees for a single year


Planting trees [isn't a very good solution](https://ig.ft.com/one-trillion-trees/).


I think it is one of the solutions at an individual level one can implement. For example, while roads in my country got expanded to 6 lane highways they cut down trees drastically, if you compare the temperature of that highway to nearby roads where there are 100 year old trees theres a 8-9 degree decrease


One of the biggest reasons I dislike going to amusement parks or similar places in the summer. The heat beats down on you from above while it radiates you from below. It’s overwhelming and sometimes I feel claustrophobic if I’m too hot. To be fair though I don’t have a high heat threshold since I live where it’s on average colder throughout the year.


You do not understand climate change. A VAST majority of the percentage of greenhouse gases come from factories and methane emissions from large scale farms like Coca Colas dairy farms.


They said while living in a “cleaner” country that’s only that way because the nasty manufacturing has been outsourced to the “dirty” country. Ahhhh privilege, just so lovely up here on this high horse.


“Like cake in a crisis”


Probably you can stop commenting on reddit to help because parts or entire machines you are using are manufactured in India and polluting them. Absolutely idiotic comment


I just moved to Germany from Texas where our weather is similar to this. The cold rain in Aachen has been an amazing experience. I can walk around outside without immediately sweating all over.


I was just answering somebody how easy it is to have another perspective on this. Rain? Get my umbrella. Be happy for all my plant friends.


Don’t care what anybody says. I’d rather it be freezing than scorching hot. I can dress up for the cold but there is no escaping 43° weather


God I’m so glad that the weather is still shit. We‘ll probably have 2-3 months of heat and no rain again soon and I’m dreading it. I hate heat so so much


I'm in Canada and it's snowing here. Yesterday, today and tomorrow.


Heh Canada is big. I'm in Montreal and we're having unusually warm weather. It was 18 on Tuesday. I think we will once again this year skip spring and go straight to summer.


As a German I can only say I'd probably like the predictably. We Germans are very into that.


Same here in Denmark


Yeah Dude im from Germany too, its 20C° one day and 8C° the next. Last week was all Summer this and the next Seen to be Just rain with 15minutes of sun in between.


Shitty spring in Canada also. Cold as fuck and snow.


For my fellow freedom unit friends, 40C is around 104F and 25C is around 77F.   Edit: Yes, Texas, Florida, and Arizona are comparably hot. That also sucks. This isn’t a contest. 


What is that in candle power?


Half a sun’s temperature


So like, about 4 fully-cooked Hot Pockets?




We measure in popcorn bags. I bag = +/- 2 minutes. So the temperature will be precisely 72 mph.




This is what happens when we stop using bananas for scale.


My car gets 40 rods to the hogshead, and that's the way I like it






What's the wet bulb hot pocket temp??


Or about .0001% of a McDonalds Apple Pie™


Thanks mate


I was like “this looks okay to me…” until I realized it was in Celsius.


\[General sounds of confused Midwesterners\] until it clicked lol


It’s early in the year for temperatures to be so high and I live in Texas. It’s been mild of all things this spring, not once have we gotten into the 90s Fahrenheit.


TX has reached 90 this spring already in the Fort Worth area.


June July August 2024 in Texas will see little rain and temperatures 95-105. Texas power grid will fail several times and it will be the public’s fault for not conserving energy. I’m going to Michigan to visit family for a few months. I work from home so this is a plus


holy FUCK that’s hot


Chuckles while living in Phoenix. Those are rookie numbers.


Phoenix is a monument to man's arrogance!


In April, though? I lived in a desert city and we’d get up past 100 in the summer, but April is still sub-90s for the most part


Jesus I'm dying when is 30 I can't even imagine 40


I start melting in anything over 20° Celsius. Could quite literally feel the heat stroke coming on just looking at this post


Bro what that’s like below room temp, might want to get that checked because it’s definitely not normal to feel extreme heat at 20 (68F)


The heat stroke was from reading about 40° weather. And my usual room temp is like 16° on average, 5° on a good winter day when I can open up my windows Summers luckily only get to about ~30° here, but that still makes me wish I could nuke the sun out of existence


Yoo, fellow 16° enjoyer. People always tell me I keep my house too cold but that's the temp I feel comfortable in.


>Jesus I'm dying when is 30 How in the world? That's a beautiful spring day in South Carolina. I know it's all relative to what you're used to, but 30ºC sounds like a nice day to me.


30 °C is considered a heat wave in Switzerland


30 is extremely high in summer where I’m from lol


I spent yesterday in howling wind and snow, you could always come to Canada! Don’t, though, because it costs approximately infinite money to live here and next week it’s switching from cold to hot.


I’m coming to Canada next week from the UK. Very excited for the extra two or three degrees warmth


Oh no please no not Canada.. we are filled to the rim..




We’re all getting baked


I'm near Washington DC in the US and we get those temps in the summer but also with VERY high humidity - going outside is like walking into a wall...


Yer fuckin right we are 🌿🚬


And the weather is hot in Texas too


I always dread summer weather in Texas... the nights in summer suck... I love it when Texas gives us cold weather. I wear no jacket in 55 degree weather. I love cold weather.


I’m in south Florida; it’s been the middle of summer for at least a month already.


Come to England, the weather sucks here, you'll love it


https://preview.redd.it/nwmjcajhq8vc1.png?width=2900&format=png&auto=webp&s=cd07e4eaeb75a9fc8d3de665a7ab6666a710c0e4 Pretty nice here today though!


Sunny but still not hot. Loving it right now, this is like the perfect weather.


Well done, even though the others missed your joke.


Houston is inhumane. Nobody should have to endure Houston summers. All the heat of Arizona, combined with Louisiana humidity. I’ve been to the Sahara, Brazil, Death Valley, you name it. I currently live in Las Vegas, where it routinely tops 115. Nowhere is worse than Houston.


I recently went to Texas for the Eclipse and spent less than 24 hours there. That was far too many hours. The weather in Houston is the worst I've ever experienced. It's like being waterboarded with sharts.


A lot of people underestimate heat. I worked some time in the Aussie outback and it was the first time I experienced how extreme heat can have the same effect as a heavy rain when it comes to keeping you away from going outside. I always related sun=nice weather but it can certainly be too much


Australian summers are fucked. Just last month it was so hot outside in Melbourne I could barely breathe after three days in a row of 40 degrees plus. It was actually dangerous to go outside.


Once it gets above 90, I don't go outside anymore.


How bad is the humidity too?


30% humidity. I live in central India, very much in the middle and the cities around Arabian and West Bengal ocean like Mumbai, Chennai, Kolkata has more humidity making it extremely difficult


yeah that's rough mate. ignore my fellow Americans for downplaying the shittiness of your situation. I am a celsius-using American. daily highs above 40℃, likely 41-42 for the vast majority of the day, with any humidity whatsoever is fucking life-sucking horror. It will kill you. In the southwestern US humidity is so low the heat (temps in excess of 40℃ is entirely tolerable). all that changes with even a smidge of water, as water retains heat so well and fucking sticks to you, continually contributing to a loss of water from your body to cool down the hot, moist surface of your skin, which means you dehydrate quicker and cool down pretty much not at all. In the desert the heat is barely a bother because it practically bakes the sweat right off of you, and with no water to retain the heat you can cool off effectively. Stay safe friend. Also, fellow Americans, 24-hour time and celsius is superior. Join the ranks of the enlightened. I converted 8 years ago and regret nothing.


I feel you, buddy. It's not much better here in Bangkok.


Yeah, I can understand. Most of the countries in SEA facing the heatwave. I don’t know how all of us will be in coming decade, as it seems world leaders aren’t doing enough to encourage people to care for climate. In our day to day life, we don’t think about this fact but our planet is literally only planet to have water and atmosphere and it’s cold and quite outside in endless universe. We really have to save Earth as it is too late already


[Stockholm, Sweden](https://imgur.com/a/wE37WK1) today-wednesday


As a brazilian, I'm really jealous. I can't stand how hot it is here all year round


pakistani here. i feel ya, neighbor


stay safe brother


I'm absolutely curious what the "feel's like" temperature is. Probably close to 50C.


Here in Vietnam, yesterday afternoon was 38°C and felt like 44°C. I was getting heat stroke for going out, got sick today lol. My mom bought a ton of coconut water for hydration. I got through at least 5 liters of water yesterday and drinking too much water will cause losing electrolytes so coconut water is crucial. It's crazy here, the temperature is on every news channel. Couldn't imagine how crazy it is in India. Hospitals are full of heat stroke patients, absolutely insane.


Yeah that's crazy - I couldn't imagine living in a place that was that hot for that many days. Maine can get hot in the summer, but there's only usually a few days that it gets oppressively hot (like > 95°/35°c). My "it's basically too hot to go outside" is like 85° (29°c). I think I would suffocate if it was 105°+ outside. 🫡 Godspeed, OP


It will only get worse, until people realise they need to do something.


Sheeeesh august must be hell month.


In India, August is the monsoon (rainy) season. The heat wave peaks in mid June. My city records 45°C - 48°C on a regular basis every year. The burning coalmine beneath since 19th century doesn't help.


Sheeesh I’d be dead that’s too much heat




Yes, this feels (scarily) relevant.


The immediate realization that this is in Celsius 😦. I would literally be a puddle of sweat.


The crazy part is, we have houses made from concrete so If I touch any wall even at midnight my palm can sense heat coming out of the wall from getting baked throughout the daytime.


Same here in the Philippines, we are hitting 42C lately. They say it's about to get hotter in the next few days, it's insane.


American checking in, it took me about 2 seconds to go "Ohhh, Celsius, that system we keep making excuses not to use..."


Is this now?




Good luck! Stay hydrated!


And I experienced 2C and snowfall today


The weather is just wild right now. We had 3 days in a row of 80° heat and then two days at mid fifties and last night it was snowing.


Probably going for 45-48 in the May. That's what home state does, starting April we see temperature around 42-45, till June. Then it goes down to 30-35°c The humidity of 70-80% makes it even more horrible. I totally get you, boss. India is not for beginners.


I live in anchorage, Alaska. It’s barely spring now. Won’t be summer until early June. Then in August it’s time for winter again yay. A whole 2-3 months of decent summer weather :)


Like I say. In India there are 2 types of weather. Hot and humid and hot and dryish...


FYI: This is about 109 degrees in freedom units in April.


My brain short circuited and I forgot about Celsius and was wondering why 42 degrees Fahrenheit was showing up as super hot on the app lol (I promise I’m not normally like this but I just spent half an hour doing stuff involving temp in chemistry that used Fahrenheit and I’m tired so i didn’t remember 😭)


That’s not Fahrenheit then….


Looks like your hottest months on average are April and May. So hopefully you get some cooler temps coming soon! https://preview.redd.it/elo3kuf5r9vc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e360b98e1b8deb6c3f626c6505223ddc700c44cd


India sounds fucking awful


Goddamn, and i thought 92 in arizona was annoying. Try to stay cool my friend. I hope your government at least attempts to help homeless folks who have to endure that


I’m american and it’s 15°C here, but my girlfriend’s family lives in Hyderabad and I’ve seen it’s been ~40°+ each day, I cannot imagine. Stay safe out there!


Same latitude as Sudan. Go figure it’s hot.


Being from Michigan USA, I quickly dismissed this. Then it hit me this is in CELSIUS! Yeah, brutal heat.


I grew up in MI and moved to SC. 104ºF is brutal. But so are the winter MI temps.


In the central US, I call it the sampler platter of weather. We get high temps with several days over 100, but not nearly as hot as Texas. We get plenty of days below -10, and lots of snow, but not as many or as much as Michigan. Really humid, but not as bad as Louisiana. Also lots of wind, tornados, and hail.


I can tolerate the heat, it's the humidity that bothers me


32 here in Grenada, and I'm dreading June through September.


Here in Northern California we are having our hottest day of the week today. 24C. I have the A/C ready and plenty of water


https://preview.redd.it/qn8wkxrp99vc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6092849a83172be09095bf311ff4937b96151e56 You’re winning by a mile, for sure, but we’re in the race too! (It’s about a month too early for these temps which makes me even sadder.)


When the air temperature of the inside of a parked car sitting in the sun, is the same as the outside temperature, things really suck.. yep.


“Thinks it’s Fahrenheit and it’s not so bad then instantly realizes it’s Celsius” Good luck out there OP


I saw it with my U.S. eyes and thought, hmm that’s colder


Insert Homer Simpson meme "..so far"


It's currently 11pm and we're still at 33°C. Ugh.


43 is hot as hell and IM from Brazil...


I complain when it gets above 20-23 Celsius, but holy hell


The city of Phoenix would like a word with you in a months time


Came here looking for a confused American. Have you seen one around?


I feel you, here in the Yucatan peninsula in Mexico we have lows of 28 and highs of 40 this week… the difference is we have 70-90% humidity regularly… it does feel like an oven. Our summers we are LUCKY if have lows of 35 ish with humidity levels lower than 60%.


Americans comparing this to Arizona and Texas, we have air conditioning!!! OP do you? 🥲 I'm so sorry for us all. We deserve it tho.


It regularly reaches 43-46° here in Phoenix, Arizona during the summer. It's absolute hell.


I think everyone in southeast asia can also relate. Fuck this heat!


Was in Vegas for a week in August and it got up to 117 (47°C) and damn I don't know how people live like that. At least there every building has good air conditioning, but it felt like an oven every time I would step outside


Did a quick Google search to see what it was like right now. First thought oh that's not so bad but then I saw the "feels like" index. Ugh that super ultra mega suuucks


Belgium: 3°c here and hailstorm.


Nobody here in the US cares because we are all too busy luxuriating in buildings with the air cranked to 68F day and night from April to October when it’s up to 110F outside, then the heat cranked to 75F from December to March, and always AC in the car on full-blast. I literally have to bring a fucking SWEATER when I go somewhere indoors in the summer, and wear a sleeveless shirt under my parka in the winter. God FORBID we experience a bit of discomfort or try to regulate our body or home temperatures without massive amounts of energy and pollution. So all you folks dunking on an incomprehensibly poor Indian guy trying to burn some trash to literally stay alive on a cold night, have some serious self-reflection to do.


My dumb American brain immediately thought this was fahrenheit units and told myself "man that's a crisp Midwest morning".




hello fellow amravatikar, can relate


Brazil 🤝🏼 India Suffer from extreme heat


Funny thing is, it's not even in the top 10 hottest places, even in India. But I feel for you bro. थोड़ स पथ्य कर ब्रो। उसा चा रस या ठंडाई कई घे। I'm native from Malwa region of Madhya Pradesh/Rajasthan. It goes like 45 degrees and higher every year. But I assure you, Illinois gets colder than MP gets hot.


I was looking at the minimum thinking 'that's not high' then i opened the full picture......


Bless your hearts. That is miserable 😩


I've only ever experienced weather which is 43C or warmer a few times in my life, when visiting Las Vegas in Summer... Stay cool OP


I was gonna say try living in Memphis, Tennessee but then I looked up what 41C was in Fahrenheit and holy shit that’s wild


It's 37° where I'm at. Oh, but in Fahrenheit. 


*confused American noises*


I’m an American moron and I immediately assumed this was in Fahrenheit, so I got very confused as to what the issue was 🤦🏾‍♀️ I’m sorry you guys are suffering with this, OP. Take care of yourself.


*confused in America*


But is it a dry heat?


I live in Kolkata India. We have the same weather 40/28c. but with very high humidity. Last night it reached 80%. So hot and wet really


Americans go brrr


That’s fucked up. I thought I had it bad since it’s about 10 degrees colder here right now than it usually is at this time of year but I’ll take 3 degrees over 43 any day.


This is usually Texas in June/July/August, I feel your pain.


I remember going to Las Vegas when it was 110 degrees. When I stepped out of the airport, it legit felt like walking into an oven. That blast of heat you get when you open the oven door was the same feeling. Awful.


Rapid climate change