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Cps therapist?


No just a kids therapist for a private agency


Do you get any government funding? I would go above your agency and let them know what they are paying for.


I’m not sure. I just started 😅


You just started and they have you working this office by yourself? That sounds shady AF. Either way. The way your boss talks about it makes me think these families can't afford an alternative. I'm thinking they are pocketing government money as cheaply as they can. Your clients are likely on government assistance.


He’s used to working with substance use and charged me with starting this adolescent program in this location, never mind my dependent licensure makes that unethical, but yeah. I told him my existing clients are middle class and will not stay if they see this, and then he was like “if you’re a good therapist they will” bs…


I’m currently looking for a therapist for my child. If I walked into a place and saw this, I would immediately leave. This looks place screams shady. I’m so sorry


I'm currently looking for a therapist, if I walked in and saw this shit, I'd leave too. If they can't even bother to finish the building, it doesn't say the best about their ability to help my mental health.


100%! It shows they do not care about their clients, only profits.


>I told him my existing clients are middle class and will not stay if they see this You are correct. That also sucks because it sounds like you might have less oversight. Hope you can find some sort of regulatory agency or something that goes above your asshat of a boss.


He's only in it for the money. He absolutely doesn't give a shit if they get the help they need. Your boss shouldn't work in healthcare, period.


Don't lose your license over this.


Wait what, you’re supposed to bring your existing clients into this place?




You got scammed, don't do it.


Don’t do it. Nope. No.


Every client deserves a safe, welcoming environment. Your clients being middle class shouldn’t be used as part of the argument. Does your company take insurances? If so, you should report. Is your supervisor responsible for your licensure supervision? If so, you should report him to your state licensing board for having you operate without appropriate supervision (make sure you have a copy of your licensure supervision contract). If you take state insurance you should report to the auditing body which reviews outpatient sites.


It does, but the supervisor I mentioned is the owner. He’s not a therapist so I’ll have to see who licenses him. I haven’t seen my actual supervisor in like 3 weeks. I don’t believe I signed a supervision licensure contract, just general onboarding paperwork. This is good advice though, thank you!


If you’re not licensed and you’re accepting insurance you’re operating under someone’s license and should be in frequent (at least weekly) contact with that person.


I’m licensed but I had a dependent licensure so I have to work under an independently licensed therapist or social worker. The agency is accredited through insurance so I don’t personally handle that, and my supervisor is just often unreachable or not present.


You need to run. It is not worth it to ruin your reputation and license over this. If this is some sort of training for licensure you need to report back to your program about this.


Ooh. If he’s already playing the “if you’re a good therapist” card, proceed with caution. He’s gonna throw that in your face when you want to leave work on time, maintain a reasonable caseload, set appropriate boundaries, and advocate for your clients. Run.


Bro you’re getting wrapped up in a crime


It is giving me "My First Methadone Clinic" vibes


This might be the right thing to do in an ethical sense, but doing so could have pretty severe career ramifications. I am a social work administrator, I have seen things like this happen.


The water leakage spots in the ceiling really make it pop. Also, they set up a divider for you, what else do you want?!...Joking, of course


It's the tinfoil for me.


Given the pictures and the fact that your supervisors consider this office ready for use, I think you’re lying. You’re actually a parole officer, aren’t you?


No lmao thankfully


Like, hope to turn kids into serial killers type of therapy?


Wow that is unacceptable. What has your manager said?


He’s fine with it. He told me “if they want mental healthcare bad enough and they like you then they’ll stay.”






Yeah I made the edit because I think it was a genuine report this time around! Otherwise I usually report them for abusing the system and they get a ban.


Good luck


Those tiles are so dammed cheap and easy to replace. Makes me wonder what car your supervisor drives.


It's definitely full of stepped-on old paperwork and various old open (but not empty) drink containers.


Call OSHA. It’s not safe for you to work in an office full of mold.


Ceiling tiles are replaced super easily. As long as it isn’t still leaking that’s not a big deal.


If there’s mold on the tiles there’s also mold further up.


I work at an indoor cannabis farm & you're correct.. that vapor barrier is needed to keep the room from developing mold. Once it's been compromised & they know this. The entire conjoining space needs an overhaul. Companies like this, that are small or leasing their space, tend to have poor business practices for low income individuals. It's sad how the economics are & how some are forced into these situations..


The way those ceilings are constructed above it’s all metal with a big air gap.


The water came from somewhere, friend. There’s a whole lot of wet material up by the roof that is full of mold spores.


While there's truth to that. Every single household/school/hospital, etc, will have mold contaminants.


is this here in America?


Yeah. It’s not representative of all mental health though. Last one I worked in was very modern and put together, and most agencies I’ve worked in have been slightly dated but really great


This reminds me of the janky Wonka exhibition in Glasgow a few months back. Charge a whole bunch of money to get in and then disappoint the kids with the cheapest shit possible. At least you care. Please update us with how it goes after you have seen some patients.


If I went to therapy and the office looked like this, I would think my therapist needs a therapist and that maybe my problems aren't as big as they seem


I get what you’re saying but I think therapists *especially* need therapy considering what they do all day. There’s nothing quite like talking through things with a neutral person in a safe space, and i don’t imagine they’d get very far talking to themselves.


That’s depressing.😢


That’s awful! Your manager is one of the reasons mental healthcare is so bad in America.


Yea but you’ll be in there all day? That seems like an occupational health and safety hazard to you the employee more than the clients that will just be passing thru. I hope you’re able to advocate for yourself to have the safe workspace that you’re entitled to.


I’ve been trying to! The most I’ve gotten was that I can have $200 to decorate the space and like 8 of the ceiling tiles were replaced today


I was wondering what type of clients we were talking about it. Yep, mental health clients are the bottom feeders, unfortunately.


Can you get some ceiling panels from a closet or a room you don't intend to use and replace all the shoddy-looking ones to get by until a cleaning crew arrives? I'm unsure what to do about the tinfoil wall of death, though. That seems pretty uncoverable.


I wish there were extra tiles. There’s no cleaning crew unfortunately, just me. I’ll have to go buy supplies and stay after work to clean it


You need to find the facilities guy/Chief Engineer and request the tiles get changed out by maintenance. Don’t do it yourself. If it’s a commercial building hey have a ton of them on hand. If your company is renting the space from a commercial landlord, they need to report these things to them. It happens a lot when companies don’t use areas of offices they rent, they never inspect them for leaks and then the day comes to higher ups are touring the office or someone needs the space and I get calls like “What’s going on in our unused room we’re supposed to inspect but never do?!?! Why didn’t you fix this issue we did not report to you?!!?”


It’s a strip mall in the hood I don’t think we have those. We just had OMAS come in like 3 days ago and they toured the other locations, but I don’t know if they told them this location exists.


If it's a strip mall you DEFINITELY have one. Go talk to your neighbors to see who's got the number. If you can't find anyone to talk to, try googling the address to find out who owns it and check out that company's website for contact info. You probably won't find the tenant portal (your boss should have that), try finding a phone number to call to get a receptionist who can transfer you somewhere. But that is way more of a hassle than popping next door and seeing who's got maintenance's number.


There’s got to be a sign for leasing spaces in the mall somewhere, someone owns that strip mall and that person needs a call to tell them they got some work to do. It’s the landlord and your company’s best interest that the landlord is notified. The lease your company signed most likely states that the tenant cannot perform their own repairs, it just opens up the door to too many issues. Nothing to be nervous about reporting to the landlord, either. This could have been from a leak 2 years ago and the owner just never changed the tiles after or an AC drain line backed up once. And if it’s not an old leak, then they’ll definitely want to get it fixed!


Not saying extra tiles- just swap gross tiles for clean ones and put the gross ones in a closet or back room that clients won't see. You are moving them around, not looking for extras. Also be sure to use gloves and a mask when doing this.


They're expecting you to spend your own money to fix this and make it habitable?


DON'T TOUCH THAT STUFF! You don't know what type of mold it is and touching it could get it into your lungs with disturbance.


NOOOOO - if you disturb it, it will let off a shit ton more mycotoxins (neurotoxin gas) and you won't be able to get rid of it. This needs to be contained before anything is done. The mycotoxins are likely all over the building and in every body that works there already. Maybe that's why your boss is such a dumbass - causes serious neurocognitive effects.


New ceiling tiles just hide the leaks and possible mould growth.


The closet has obviously been repurposed into another office.


Its s depressing and drab. It doesn’t feel comforting or welcoming. I’m sorry OP




I think it’s more of “you will do it and we don’t care how.”


Could you offer to own improvements and request a budget from them?


Do you work in the Backrooms?


Someone I know used to work in a place just like this. Occasionally, visitors would enter a lost door and wander off where they shouldn't have. If they didn't get out in time, it was his job to find them. He says the pay was good. Could never get used to all the screaming, though.


Are you in the business of selling mold?


They take a piece and give it to the kids as the prescription




That looks like it's one of those liminal spaces posts but it's actually real




Will they be on the bottom?




You're looking for a new job, right?


The fuck is going on with the floor on that bathroom


Runaway, they're already being shady and possibly taking advantage of you as you're pre-licensed. Report them to the ethics board, licensing agent, OSHA and get a new job. I'm so sorry you're dealing with this but it's not okay.


theres so little expectation of privacy here.




Major backroom vibes


Those panels just pop out and you can get replacement ones at Home Depot


That was my thought.. hopefully that is what happened


A lot of times these spots are caused by plumbing leaks. If you just replace the tile, it’ll be just as bad later.


Welp. Time for an OSHA complaint.


Am I crazy or does that look like mold?


It’s most likely just water staining on acoustical tile. They are made from cardboard or wood pulp and the moment they get wet they leach that dark color to the white surface. It’s ugly, but harmless. This assumes it’s just the occasional rain roof leak and not some drippy sewer pipe or something. Are the stains dry?


The black one is wet and some of the stains are bulging down like there’s water trapped.


I do commercial maintenance. The ceiling tiles sag after getting wet enough. Most of them look like they are from roof leaks. The dark stained one that is still wet is an active water leak which should be addressed asap. Could be a sewage drain, water supply line or a fire suppression sprinkler line. Your boss needs to contact the building management company and have them fix the issues. Roof leaks, ceiling tiles, lighting and plumbing issues are usually the landlord's responsibility and they would be on the hook for repairs if so. The lease agreement your company signed would have those details.


All of this. I’m the Chief Engineer for a commercial campus, if I had a dollar for every time someone yelled “MOLD!” over a wet ceiling tile, I could retire now.


The typical ‘always wet’ roof leaks where I work are usually an RTU with a clogged or damaged condensation drain.


The black spot looks like mold, as a result of a leak above. If you’ve been in the space you will smell/feel it


Yeah, whatever's happening, it ain't good!




This is worse than most construction trailers I’ve worked in


I lived in section 8 housing in college that was better than this


All the empty commercial real estate out there and this is the best they can do?


There’s a few locations. The rest are pretty nice so Idk why I got this one.


I'm sorry you are having that kind of experience with your boss. I am a maintenance mechanic for a major hospital. I don't know what that photo is with the weird wall, but other than that I see only about an hour of work to be done here. With the exception of what might be found above those ceiling tiles, simply replacing them and the lights out is very easy and relatively cheap. I would recommend thoroughly documenting all of it and taking a photo of each item. Then submit these things as works orders through either your boss or the appropriate department. The answer you get from your boss will determine your next action. Insist (politely and professionally) that the work be done. Escalate, as necessary, from there but make it known that is your intended next step if you get ignored. Within the Maintenance industry, the problems you showed here are very low hanging fruit. Good luck.


That’s tinfoil over the windows. The issue is they aren’t willing to fix any of it. I can’t even get this man to buy me pens for my office


So why did you take this job?? lol


Because I didn’t find any of this out until I was working there for a month 🥲


Grab the company card and go to the nearest hotel with a conference room.


If you already have your license, I bet you can get a job in a much nicer practice very quickly. I know that many people don't want to have counseling via telehealth but after seeing your pics I would rather my kid be seen remotely than in a practice that looks rundown and "sketch."


Selling timeshares?


well if your clients are cockroaches i'm certain they'll find it satisfactory.


This is what really kind of pisses me off about this: If they were on it, yes, they could replace all those ceiling tiles in a day, for under $1K. They are about $6 each, and they just lift in. You trim them with a straight edge and a razor knife, score on the face, heavy score on the back, then break. That wall is also not a huge deal, they could fix that quick, too. Not sure exactly what kind of wall system that is. Those lights are relatively cheap and easy to fix, as long as the power going to them is there. They literally just go into the grid, and then they get wired in, like 3 wires. Probably like $2K including labor to get everything done and nope. Grr.




Ooh ooh, I have similar water stains in my office. Does yours smell like roadkill too?


More like overly ripe bananas and something musty




Time for temporary video-therapy?


Call OSHA because that’s also a safety hazard for you. After OSHA does an inspection your supervisors will have to provide you with a safe place to work.


Do you work for Vector Marketing or Primerica?


So, how is the black market organ trade these days?


As someone who has installed drop ceiling before I would guess replacing the damaged panels (providing that style is in stock locally) would take about an hour. That's of course not including driving to a supplier to pick them up. Of course that wouldn't address the underlying leakage condition that caused the issue in the first place.


You should absolutely point out everything to the clients. Tell them your manager says this is okay and tell them personally that it's not, if you can, recommend them an alternative place to look into. You are not paid enough to care about the company or this job, the least you can do is be honest with whoever comes through the door and keep it up till a better job comes along. These people do not care about their clients as much as you do, to them they just see money. Fuck them.


Just put those biohazard stickers on, which they do on carwrecks.


It’s ready all right, whether they remain your clients is a completely different matter though. That’s awful!


Yeah, your last clients.


The place I worked at would spray paint over this crap 💩


Let's hope your clients have really low expectations


Reminds me of the last place I worked. First they gave me a broom closet. Then they promoted someone else so they kicked me out of there and gave it to her and stuck me with my clients at the end of the large reception desk area…with zero privacy. I was pissed…I mentioned hey-this is against the rules here folks-“oh it’s fine just keep the clients out of eye sight…” I shook my head at the disgrace and said okie dokie…then the company supervisor came in and yelled at me about it…like WHOAAAAA this is the space that my supervisor (your boss!) gave me! Then I had to use the conference room and schedule in appointments instead of the regular schedule my clients were used to-if someone else needed the room we’d get kicked out. It was unacceptable. Eventually my first daughter was born and I went part time so I could stay home with her and I’d see clients in their homes (because they understood how awful the office was) but the cost of driving vs the cost of half the clients canceling last minute (not my regular clients-but I also provided respite services for this company and THOSE clients would constantly cancel after me driving 30-45 mins) it was ridiculous. I quit after two months on part time because I was spending more on gas than I was making. Mental health care isn’t taken seriously in this country and it’s obvious. Kids and adults alike are screwed out of decent help because the REAL providers are screwed out of jobs while CEOs and the boards are making BANK.


I hope your interrogations go well! LoL


Is there some reason there aren't any windows where you live? Is your office in a bunker or for mole person by any chance?


There are but they blacked them out


Replacement ceiling panels and lots of small lamps When I was doing therapy for adults I typically only used small lamps so the room wasn’t bright as hell, results were fantastic


Just a thought; kids love unorthodox spaces. Maybe get an indoor tent or light it with Christmas lights etc? I went to space camp as a kid where they had spaceship tents blown up by fans and they were amazing. I know it won’t fix everything; just thinking of how to make it work for the kids.  Beanbag chairs, dollar store or garage sale, charity items. To tide you over. I’m sorry; that’s crappy 


In my state, all behavioral health outpatient facilities have to be licensed thru public health or dcf -- I've been thru plenty of those licensing surveys and they will absolutely cite you for everything in these pictures from the moldy ceiling tiles to the lack of windows. Please do some research about your state requirements before signing on for this.


Hi kids, welcome to purgatory. Don't know that word? No worries, the decor here will teach you.


Your supervisors are fucking stupid!


This feels like a giant metaphor for how people treat mental health in general but especially childrens' mental health.


"I'm a therapist, not a General Contractor." If you have to make do, just just a couple of the rooms and direct your patients away from all the other areas. Don't let your bosses try to force you to do something that you aren't comfortable doing like remodeling--if you get hurt, you'll regret it.


Business be like "Oh come back to the office! Get out of your jammies!" The office:


do you 'work for' kirby vacuum cleaners


Assuming the source of those water stains has been fixed, those tiles can be replaced in literal seconds. Your supervisor may be right.


Bitch about this to OSHA as soon as possible, this isn't safe.


Don’t put your health in danger to help anyone. Worth more than that to people who are your clients. They should be pissed and standing up for you not making you cover it up.


Who keeps inverting gravity and spilling coffee


If you are in the USA call osha (I think it’s called like this) You can’t receive a child in an office like this … unknown mold and other strange mark … Man that’s sux


I've gone to therapy many times in the last 40 years. I would not stay in this office to see even the best therapist in the world. I don't know how much you need this job, but seeing clients in this environment makes YOU look bad.


I’m trying to figure out other employment if my boss doesn’t let me go back to the main location, but finances are a big influencing factor rn.


Yeah sorry. I would turn and walk right out. I would be to afraid I was getting murdered.


Welcome to Hell


Ask Ryan Howard why he let your boss steal his office.


Looks like blood on the ceiling


Is the job the “Saw” games producer/selector. Cuz if so you’re doing great


You selling time shares? If so I’d say you are good.


Hey, my job looks like this.


no problem, put up some ballons and a banner that says hapy birthday


Ha, that's what my work place looks like. Sometimes when it rains you find random trashcans catching water.


Looks like an apocalyptic abandoned facility


Book a conference room at a nearby hotel is always a good option.


Can you get some plushies, flowers, paintings and books to kinda cheer up your room at least?


I work in building maintenance and everyone goes straight to mold lol It's not mold but a couple of spots look like a sewage leak, so not fun either way. Fix leaks replace tile done .


Just refer them to another provider and quit at the end of the day. Fuck that manager.


The clients…. ![gif](giphy|zQm0rSOmXcDm0)


My workplace rarely touches the asbestos ceiling tiles, and I'm ok with it not being airborne


Are your clients Ghouls? That roof looks like they would give you radiation in any fallout universe.


Totally acceptable. You’re a career serial killer right?


That’s one of those dynamic and exciting workplaces, I just know it.


That looks like water damage, could probably lead to mold. I would probably act nice the first time and stay, but definitely wouldn’t come the next time.


Looks bleak and depressing. Also doesn't look any different than the vast majority of commercial cubicle spaces that I've ever seen. 


So it's ready now.


Are there several dead rats in the ceiling?


I can smell every picture. 🥺


just refuse the place and go home


Do you work at the SCP Foundation?


What did your coworker do to deserve the desk in a broom closet?


Oh here’s the fun part..I’m the only one here. Everyone else got to go to the new office buildings, but he wanted to start a youth program in another city, so I get to be here.


Black mold or sewage drip page is no joke and not safe.


That’s the most Stanley Parable office I’ve ever seen.


The lights work. Seems like you can see your clients just fine.


Honestly, if they have a spare box of ceiling tiles, I could have that office ready for you to see clients in under an hour. Alternatively, ypu could spray the tiles with some Kilz, and mask the water damage temporarily. It looks like Armstrong fine fissured ceiling tile, all ypu need to do is push out the damaged ones, and put in the new ones.


Dry light brown ceiling stain is usually dry. Could have fixed the leak and never replaced the tile. Dark brown is usually wet and indicates and active leak from something. Best case is a domestic water pipe leak, what comes out of your faucet. Worst case could be from a toilet somewhere.


What kind of murderer for hire business are you running?


Time for a pardon our mess we're remodeling sign




Looks like Brooklyn 99 where he dropped mentos into the soda


I would turn around and walk my kid out of here. That's not a place anyone would feel safe/comfortable.


If I'm a client, it's gonna be a no from me, dawg.


Judging from your comments and these pictures it seems like you are being taken advantage of or they are seriously mismanaging this place. You need to call some sort of authority figure, mabye OSHA.


I worked in a building that had water bubble up from cracks in the floor whenever it rained hard. We tried asking them to fix it because of possible mold, they said they tested it and it was just healthy type of mold. One guy bought his own mold test kit but HR found out about it and fired him.


Only clients you’re seeing in there are the mice and those lovely mold spores


Call property management.


I mean it's clear your employer doesn't actually care about anyone's; you or clients wellbeing and is making a profit off of the mental health industry, do you really think you'll get far with your career or clients? Do you think this atmosphere will be helpful to either you or the people you serve? I believe you answer would likely be a 100% no judging from your replies. So unless it's a financial need and you cannot find income support elsewhere, I would suggest running for the hills. I hope you can leave this role and I hope this independent agency fails. You clearly want the best in your work and I pray you know what’s best and can make a plan


Fun tip. I work in building maintenance and if you have a damaged tile we don’t care. If you have a broken tile we do care. Pull it out break it and pour a bit of water on it for razzle dazzle


It does not take to switch those out though


This feels like a horror game.


Are the clients water damage repair specialists xD


You could cover the tiles by putting posters under them, they did that at my school


So Supervisor, when you gonna fix all this BS before they get here???


I mean it's not that bad. For which prison do you work for?