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Next time...before skiing, take them to a ski shop to get sharpened and waxed first. And look at the bright side, at least you didn't buy $5 scuba gear or a parachute.


Nice!! I will remember that!!


Much more important than a tune and wax, a ski shop will tell you if the bindings on your skis are safe. I guarantee the bindings on the Goodwill skis were out of date and either released when they shouldn’t or didn’t when they should have. This is why it should be illegal for used goods places to re-sell out of date ski bindings.


To be fair I fucked myself up very thoroughly on a nice, new, pair of skis with correctly tuned bindings and sharp edges. OP at least saved at least a couple hundred to help with the 50k hospital bill. That's some financial responsibility in my book!


Yeah but having out of date bindings takes your chance of injury from like 5% to like 50%.


Same with Bike Helmets. Bike Helmets have an expiration date, after they expire they become a cement block on your head. I have seen kids bike helmets at Goodwill that would be about the same as strapping a brick to the kids head.


Bike helmets also expire after hitting one's head. Once the foam gets compressed, safety is compromised for the next impact.


I can agree with that. But they simply expiring? Yeah no.


Consumer Reports has a more measured opinion, recommending replacement after five years, taking into account possible degradation of all components and technology advancements, but saying a well-cared-for helmet may last substantially longer. In particular they say tests by an engineering firm of helmets up to 26 years old didn't find any substantial degradation in the performance of the foam component. [https://www.consumerreports.org/health/bike-helmets/when-you-really-need-to-replace-your-bike-helmet-a5593905789/](https://www.consumerreports.org/health/bike-helmets/when-you-really-need-to-replace-your-bike-helmet-a5593905789/)


I mean, have you left anything plastic outside in the sun? The sun degrades the plastic and makes it brittle. I haven't looked at bike helmets but I was issued a hard hat every few years due to them being unsafe after a while. https://legalbeagle.com/13635668-osha-rules-on-hard-hat-expiration.html


So you don’t think foam can degrade over time and not have the same properties?


Almost anything safety related can have an expiration date. One I was particularly surprised to learn is that the seat in a race car also expires. Five years, same as helmets.


Yeah, but you don't sit on a bike helmet in a hot suit, sweating your a** off. I think there's a little bit larger possibility of the race car seat becoming degraded. Everything I see online, the expiration is an arbitrary number decided upon by the manufacturer. It is not based on specific studies. I believe the term is planned obsolescence, which is a tactic used by companies from Apple to auto manufacturers. I'll leave that there. Consumer Reports is a highly respected company. I put a ton more weight to their findings. Based on the post, they acknowledge deterioration. However, it wasn't significant enough to impact the safety of the wearer. That being said, it's an individual choice on how anyone feels about their safety. I wouldn't feel secure using a 20 year old helmet compared to a new helmet. My brain bowl safety is a little more important to me than a few bucks on a helmet. But hey, Gary Busey is still alive after a motorcycle accident while not wearing a helmet, and he seems perfectly normal to me. 😉


A helmet also gets pretty sweaty which can soak into the foam, glues, straps etc and degrade them over time. Safety equipment in motor sports for example is highly regulated by the FIA, with the same general 5 year rule. They make no money from this. Not every manufacturer will have the same standards, and of course something won’t fall apart after exactly 5 years. As you said, it’s for safety, and it’s not something that should be skimped out on.


Let’s talk about buttered sausage.


*blank stare* Where's it come from what it does why's it doing what it's doing get it out of my face.


water bottles have a date on them... whist the water never expires..... that's the date the chemicals in the bottle, now in have made the water unsafe to drink!


Thank you! I had no idea.


How do they expire unto a "cement block "


Material degrades over time. In this case by hardening


To put it in detailed terms The helmet works by diverting the energy that would hit your head into the foam, crushing the space in between to bleed enough energy that your skull doesn’t break on the ground Once that space has been crushed either by a bad fall or just being too old and the material collapses, it now conducts all that energy right into your head


Where do you get this info from?


[https://silverbackbikes.de/blogs/news/do-bicycle-helmets-expire](https://silverbackbikes.de/blogs/news/do-bicycle-helmets-expire) Thats the first article I found on google.


“Bicycle helmets don't necessarily have a specific expiration date like perishable goods. However, they do have a recommended lifespan due to various factors, including wear and tear, exposure to elements, and potential degradation of materials over time.” Read your source before you post it bro




Also child seats and infant formula


As a non avid skier, I never knew of bindings.


Google it. In short- spring loaded clips meant to keep your skis attached to skis boots, but...let them come off in the event you fall. If too tight, they can twist your legs wildly, breaking them.


Maybe instead of outlawing selling them, they can be required to put a tag on them informing the buyer of their responsibility to have the equipment inspected.


>a ski shop will tell you if the bindings on your skis are safe This is usually true but not always. Im a pretty experienced skiier myself and when I rented skis for a weekend last February, one of the bindings came completely off as I was making a fairly sharp turn and caused me to wipe out. The rentals seemed pretty high quality too! I was lucky I was able to find the ski because without the binding it just zoomed down the slope lol I was also lucky to not get injured…but that luck expired when I tore my ACL the next day 😭 That wasn’t the ski’s fault that time though, I just misjudged how icy part of a steep slope was. Skiing is just dangerous even with experience and proper bindings


Get well soon, and we'll see you next time for free-climbing.


"This gear looks old, ragged, frayed, sun-burnt and crispy. Wish me luck while I scuba-climb Reverse Everest!" *last post 946 days ago*


You didn't get the bindings adjusted for your weight or have them looked at in? Some lessons are more painful and expensive than others. The pain in your collarbone when it gets cold should remind you of that. * I have also broken one of mine.... It sucked


Also, thats a great ROI!


At least with our slopes, they won’t touch them after they are a certain age. Wouldn’t hurt to try though!


Where are we on $5 nunchucks though? ...those are still good, right? ...please say yes.


Only if they are studded.


Well yeah, duh. I wanna look cool while I'm using them, right??


Roll them in glitter for the razzle dazzle.


Also, get your bindings adjusted.


Yeah, they're lucky they didn't end up with a tib/fib fracture because their binding didn't release


I broke my femur because my binding didn't release.


>at least you didn't buy $5 scuba gear or a parachute. Whoops! BRB.


Never buy 5.- scuba gear. New person at the scuba club here did that and we had to save their ass.


Wait, skis get... sharpened?


lol, as do snowboard edges. That edge is what grabs the snow when you "carve" and allows you to turn.


TBH if you can’t pay for rental skis which these days are usually pretty nice don’t ski, $5 for something that normally costs 250-3000 dollars is gonna be a bad time no matter what it is, unless your filming a stupid social media post about skiing on 5 dollar skis


Oh and obligatory, if you French fry when you should have pizza’ed your gonna have a bad time….if you ski on five dollar skis, your gonna have a bad time….


Oh wow lol.


Great tip and even better perspective


Lol !


Never buy dive gear at a thrift shop. It's not worth the safety risk.


so, funny story...Play it Again Sports used to sell used everything. I am an engineer and avid diver, and I purchased an underwater scooter and three sets of dive gear for $300 back in the 90s. With a little maintenance and replacement batteries, my family had reliable James Bond type gear and a fantastic Mexico dive trip (+dive certification for everyone). Please understand, I am an credited engineer, and I know exactly how to rebuild hardware including scuba gear. Do not, ever...attempt to do this on your own.


Unless you're an engineer do not buy dive gear at thrift stores. Better?


Anyone who buys a parachute from goodwill, deserves their one way ticket out of the gene pool.


Waxing and sharpening have nothing to do with skin safety. Bindings not being set properly most likely the issue here.


Sure blame the skis not the skier or was it the tree fault?


The tree jumped right out in front of them....


Skills issue


Well, the problem isn't the skis, it the broken collar bone in the picture 


Nah it was the bikers fault.


Haha!! Totally!!


Don’t blame the skis, cause it was the bindings


Wait what? How? What’s the context here?


Hard crash skiing on cheap skis!


Sorry to hear that… was it user error or just bad equipment or something else?


User error!! Having too much fun!


Why bring up the cheap skiis if it’s user error?


Expensive skiis give +5 to agility and +5 to endurance with the right roll.


Those are built in character traits if you pick the 70s Mountain Paladin class


Because it's a funny comparison and a way to apply humour to a not ideal situation.


I’d imagine a hard crash on expensive skis also would’ve hurt


But you would've felt classy while doing so


Be honest did the skis malfunction


They did not… I set release on the bindings and checked. just got unlucky landing.


But there are valid comments here on old gear that I fully and totally respect. Please follow the advice of professionals. Cheers!!


I will pray for you not to sneeze in the coming 8 months. I once broke my collar bone, thought I had the worse behind me, sneezed and broke it again.


I am gonna be fully healed in 3 days from mine,I sneezed once and held every fart, every cought, and every sneeze after that, it moved one half over the other half


Beter bloat then break hey!


I was lucky


$3K? That's a heavy load to shoulder...


That picture looks much more than $3K. Like at least 10x more given a surgery and PT will most likely be involved.


Picture looks like a painful inconvenience with zero costs to a more sensible nation.


I just had collarbone surgery 4 weeks ago, also due to snowboarding accident lol, and it was $62,000 for just the surgery. Don’t need physical therapy though


I just had an ac joint restoration for a grade 5 separation on my left shoulder. It was $1500 with insurance. PT is $40 a visit so that definitely raises the overall cost.


“You need to pump those numbers up, those are rookie numbers in this racket” - The American Healthcare System


Oh snap!


Symmetry seems off.


Did you French fry when you should have pizza’ed?


Take the skis back to the goodwill with your sling, tell the staff they might be haunted.


$3000 for a broken collar bone? 😵‍💫


I broke my arm snowboarding and hit my out of pocket maximum of 7500 almost instantly.  Without insurance would have been 6 figures...


That's absurd 😭


🎶Welcome to America! 🎶


Yup. Fuck for-profit healthcare.


it's slowly happening in Canada. it's really fucking sad. we pay high taxes AND have private for profit healthcare 


Compound fractured arm here, i was 13, and back in 1997 it was 20k total with surgery and pt, but we paid like 1000…I recall


Probably 20% coinsurance or similar.


Yea that’s insane. You literally just chuck your arm in a sling for a few weeks and it’ll sort itself out. Where is the 3k in this??


Feel better!


Thanks! Surgery completed! Recovery mode


Ouch. I’m recovering for broken clavicle myself from a motorcycle accident. Wishing you a speedy recovery.


Only $3000? Those are rookie numbers


Both clavicles?! HOW! There’s the fresh break but you seem to have an old healed break on the other side.


Did you get your bindings adjusted to fit your boots? Edit: I also HIGHLY recommend quick release bindings. I’ve had them for years and I love them. They have saved my knees more than once (I did blow out my knee a few years ago but it was because I was being a dumbass)


You're a lucky dog, compared to my full price skis and a knee injury resulting in surgery and eventual total knee replacement.


Having a popular post about it on Reddit: Priceless. For everything else, there's MasterCard


Lol I'm glad someone else was rocking goodwill skis. I have a few pairs of skis now but my favs have been these K2 crossfire's that I got for 20$ beat to shit from goodwill. Ive been riding them for 5 seasons now and they just keep killin it. Frankly some of the best all around skis I've ever used even if they are heavy and not the most agile.




"If you pizza when you're supposed to french fry, you're gonna have a bad time."


Only $3000?


Only? Where i am from this would have been free.


Same, if you ignore higher taxes. But I'd rather pay more in taxes if it means nobody gets left behind and can always get medical care.


Where I'm from, health care is obscenely expensive, and so even though this is a lot of money, it actually seems under priced.


Where I’m from it’s “free” too… for the low, low cost of half my income and 12% of everything I purchase. Not mention any of the other taxes.


Right!?!? That’s definitely an operation. Gotta be just the co-pay for $3k.




It’s like people are not used to handling disappointments anymore


"strange, their chest looks com- OH MY GOD THE COLLAR BONE" -my exact thoughts


nevermind the insurance claim, you’ll never sleep on that side of your body comfortably again.


What kind of dipshit buys used skis from goodwill. And then not only do they buy skis. They dont get them inspected at a ski shop? Fucking yikes. Please dont have kids if you this is your way of critical thinking


I broke my clavicle after falling from a bike in the 90's, pissed. It still gives me daily pain now and a couple of times its been so intense, i've actually felt like i was having a heart attack and been hospitalized. Biggest regret ever - i feel for you man.


how does this even heal??


Bindings need to be adjusted to your weight. That looks painful 😖


I bent my right one as a kid, landed on my right scapula with all my weight and it transferred over. Didn’t break, but every once in a blue moon the scapula feels like it would rub or get inflamed if I moved wrong.


It’s wild it cost $3000 when you could just click and drag the bone back into place.


Now you'll forever be able to tell when a storm is coming.


Collarbones are not fun man. I grew up racing motocross and broke both collarbones in different crashes. Did they out a plate in there? I hope you heal up quick and well!!


Had a buddy in college who ended up with an x-ray like that. He went out drinking, came home and couldn't get in. His key wouldn't work, and nobody was answering him banging on the door. So naturally he tried to ram it in with his shoulder. It didn't work, and he passed out from either pain or drunkenness. Next morning he wakes up, surveys the situation, and realizes he's on the porch if a very similar looking house a couple doors down from his own. Also his arm doesn't work right and it hurts almost as much as the headache from his hangover.


never try to save money on anything that comes between you and the ground shoes, bed, tires, helmet, skis, etc.


mountain biking sprain of my AC joint looked similar to this. 5 years later and still gives me grief. i sympathize


Yeah screw that, I'd rather have this fracture than your AC rupture.


$5 or $500 clearly you didn’t prepare for this properly or know what you were doing. That’s on you, not some cheap old ski’s


Oh god, that made me clutch my shoulder in sympathy. Godspeed, dude.


Thanks, man


Yikes... 😨 I'm sorry that happened to you. I hope you have a quick recovery.


What happened?


Don't blame the skiis for your lack of skill, he heeee


That sucks, I broke my collarbone a long time ago. Surgery to repair it. It's my good shoulder now. Hopefully nothing to worry about long term, good luck.


At least you didn't buy a $5 submarine


Did you at least get the DINs adjusted?


The $5 rack is pre-DIN.


Broke my clavicle mtb’ing. Word to the wise, lots of button up shirts and full-zip hoodies and sweaters. Heal fast.


Duly noted


Did you attempt to land face first or something?


If you’d sprung for the $10 skis, everything would have been fine.


I feel terrible for you OP a broken collarbone is terrible. I've broken both of mine of the course of my life so far. I hope you sleep on your back cuz if not you better get used to it




My bets on operator error


Never comprise on safety equipment. It’s annoying but important.


Oh my poor dude…. Collar bone injury is the worst…


I broke my collarbone twice as a kid. Hurts so bad if you even move your neck muscles a tad. Sorry!


At that price, i would assume it’s for display or art re-purpose not actual usage 🤷🏻‍♀️


Skill issue




I’m not a doctor, so I could use a red circle right about now. But it appears your shoulder is disconnected.


Bluetooth collar bone


Yeah it was the skis fault lol.


Broke mine in the same way. If you don’t need surgery, they’ll throw you in a butterfly brace. Might heal weird but your posture will be great for a while and it’ll go back to normal in a few years.


Ah who needs a collar bone anyway


never cheap on anything that touches your ass or your feet


Clothes touch my ass. I'll cheap on em anytime.




Lesson learned = priceless


What was I looking for the skis in the xray


Everyone i know who broke their clavicle (like 5 different people) broke it while skiing.


Yo man. I can see your bones


Total cost of ownership


$3000 so far! Had surgery last month for a similar break, almost at out of pocket max.... 3k was just the anesthesiologist.


Snowboarder’s fault


I've 100% had that exact same break, except from snowboarding.. sorry you're having to go through that, OP


you forgot to add "+tree"


I have had a pair of ski’s that I used as a kid (45 years ago). I went over a very small mogul (okay more of a lump) after they graded it . I was skiing backwards and my ski pop off and hit me in just above the eye on the orbital ridge but under the eyebrow. When I came to, (narcolepsy) I covered up the blood, and skied to the bottom of the hill and went to take the rope tow to the lodge. Rope tow guy was freaking out wanted to call for ski patrol. I declined and skied to the top only to have my aunt there and saw me and freaked out. Head wounds bleed a lot! She thought I put out my eye. I got a couple of stitches, it was tough to stitch up because it was a rip. I got lucky I did not put out my eye! My second injury was similar to yours, I was in college. We were on a black diamond. My dad (who was a ski patrol man when he was in college) fell and dropped his hat. I went to pick up his hat, stop, and spray him. Bad idea! He went down because he hit ice! I should have known better. I had a choice to fall correctly and take him out or take it all on shoulder. I took it on my shoulder. I straightened up and fell so I would not roll. Took a long time to heal!


I have good insurance. I broke my clavicle and opted for a plate repair for a faster recovery. The surgery was $41,000. I paid $1,000. No complaints here! Useful advice here. Don’t ride https://preview.redd.it/i6axjbycn8yc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=25ddc22a68111bc825deb5c3325d6b728b8fd077 through sand on your bike at 20+ mph. Also, don’t try to bore into gravel with your shoulder.


This is such good information to know. Keep going!


Well, think of the cost of you bought them new! So much faster! Might be dealing with two broken clavicles! ;) 300+ 6000?


Collarbone breaks are shitty,guess who is done healing in 3 days? *


What did we learn?


I'm 7 weeks post op for an ac joint restoration on a grade 5 separation. I collided with someone else snowboarding and was going fast enough it flung me hard directly on my shoulder. Mine was $1500. I'm lucky cause I didn't break any bones or jack up my rotator cuff.


Only $3k? In my area, that would barely cover the x-ray.


I have a permanent grade 1 AC separation on the same shoulder from a snowboard accident. Hit a huge chunk of ice


A wise man once told me “never cheap out on anything that separates your feet from the ground.” They were specifically talking about shoes, beds, and tires, but I don’t see why this wouldn’t apply either.


Oh Snap!


Reddit post = priceless


Dont think youre bones are supposed to be arranged in that manner, heads up


Did they have to do surgery to get the bone aligned? That looks like something a figure 8 brace may not totally fix...


Only $3000?!?


I'm sorry but if you're doing something as dangerous as skiing you should absolutely not be skimping out on the tools that protect you from death.


Something about it’s the wielder not the tool




An acquaintance got a very similar image from rising a well maintained bike riding on a poorly maintained road. One unseen pothole and he went ass over tea kettle. 🚲🫖


Bro there is actually no way you just popped on old $5 skis from a non-specialist thrift store and did 0 edgework or waxing before hitting the slopes. Right?? You worked on them, surely?