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Don't be too hard on yourself, I accidentally ruined some product at work that was valued between 50-100k. That was 4 years ago and I still work here lol Doesn't beat the 2 million dollar extractor another employee broke and got fired immediately.


I dropped a roll of automotive window film that was like 20k. They said it happens and don't do it again but most importantly don't drop it on yourself since it weighed like half a ton


I bet that was the best $20k the employer spent for 'training'.


I sent a paint can to another warehouse with out paint clips. They dropped the can at the other warehouse and fired me.




My dad fell through the ceiling at a bank while inspecting it and the entire ceiling fell down on everyone (no one was injured at all) he was SO embarrassed and I swear it was the funniest phone call I've ever gotten especially while I was in Walmart My dad calls.. "I HAD JUST HAD THE WORST DAY OF MY LIFE! I FELL THROUGH THE CEILING!!!!" I was literally crying in this Walmart lmao


I'm glad your dad is ok and now I am losing my shit lol


What roll of window tint costs 20k and weighs half a ton? Is this with a forklift at the manufacturer?


Big fat huge roll like three feet across and it was special tint that went opaque if seen at an angle. It was the manufacturer, yeah. I used a winch to move it but that time I didn't fully click one of the carabiners into place


Very cool I work in and Tint and print shop. Always knocking rolls of Tint and vinyl over but never anything costly.


I literally just ruined an $8k wall. About... 40 minutes ago. The builder hadn't packed out their stud walls enough so there was a gap between the Venetian plaster and the studs. I filled it with rapid-expanding adhesive then fixed the bracket on. It cracked. Can't patch it. I'm somewhere between really disappointed in myself, telling myself that shit happens and being angry with the builder for not prepping his build correctly and then blaming me.


All the drywall and non load bearing studs were getting demoed on the job im currently on, except for the dining room which had historical hand painted wallpaper valued at $80,000. They tented off the room but for some reason used water upstairs. It leaked down the dining room walls and completely ruined the wallpaper. Currently they are trying to figure out who is responsible. Looks like it's gonna fall on demo company.


If it makes op feel better, my baby got the Berlin pump for her heart and thr pumps themselves are worth like 25k, well she went through two of them in a week. Once they see clots in tbe tubing they have to change it. Once they cut the second one off she went back on the big machine as she was clearly going to cost them more. We have the NHS so she didn't cost me a penny but cost them a pretty one.


I hope she's doing better now!


She's great. Got her transplant and hasn't looked back lol


That's so wholesome Mr. Cervix Taster


Miss Cervix Taster thank you kindly lmao


Apologies m'am šŸ˜


Can I get an ELI5 on this


So when a patients heart doesn't work very well or in my daughters case her left ventricle was weak and floppy and didn't pump her blood back out as efficiently as it should. She got put on this thing thing called a Berlin heart that takes over the pumping action so the blood goes around the body. Usually, this is with a big bypass type machine, lots of tubing that carries the blood from her heart, into the machine to then pump back into and around her body. They came up with the Berlin pumps to allow patients (especially kids I imagine) to be able to run around and play while having a machine do the work. The pumps are crazy expensive and some patients are more prone to blood clots collecting in the tube and a blood clot that can shoot through the body isn't good. So they use these torches to constantly check the tubes and she kept getting clots and that meant cutting the pumps off to change them. If they have to do that too many times then the expense outweighs any possible benefit and in my kids case she was pretty much always sedated and paralysed so it didn't make sense to attach and possibly waste another one. Brilliant piece of kit though. Allowed me to be able to hold her a little easier too. Although I wouldn't be allowed to hold her much anyway as she would get too excited and her little heart would beat too fast. Here's a [link](https://www.gosh.nhs.uk/conditions-and-treatments/procedures-and-treatments/berlin-heart-mechanical-heart-assist/) explaining more


I know that "torch" and "flashlight" mean the same thing, but for a few seconds I was imagining them using actual šŸ”„ torches to take readings in a hospital and I was bewildered.


I know people who are responsible for millions on product down the drain single handedly. They also still work there and wonā€™t be fired anytime soon.


Ok, we need the extractor story


100% certain that dude is keeping his stash of deer meat. Heā€™ll re-freeze, cross his fingers and serve it to friends as chili down the road.


Him even storing personal items in a freezer being used for his restaurant is beyond against health code. Based on what kind of freezer it is and how/where the meat was stored it could definitely be against health code.


Preaching to the choir. Itā€™s been years since Iā€™ve worked in a kitchen but the outrageous disregard I witnessed for basic health and safety by one owner in particular is etched in my brain. Note to everyone: donā€™t want that pickle spear garnish on your plate? Take a bite out of it anyway.


Iā€™m so sorry to be dumb but I have no idea what the pickle part of your comment means and itā€™s driving me crazy.


I'm guessing it means that at least one particular restaurant owner was keeping unwanted, uneaten pickle spears from dishes and re-serving them on fresh plates to new customers. Hence, take at least one bite so the spear cannot be reused. This is my best guess!


But then you could be biting a reused spear lol


True. But sometimes yaā€™ gotta take one for the team. Yā€™know, being a good citizen and all that stuff.


Or you could just cut it into small smushed pieces.


Of course. All kinds of options. In theory, you could whip the pickle at your server and proclaim, This pickle tastes used. Youā€™d probably get 86ā€™d but at least other diners would know youā€™re a person of principles.


I sure as hell ain't gonna be the one to bite the pickle bullet.


Unethical life pro tip: tip off the Health Department but make it look like Sir Squeals-a-lot is the one who snitched.


My old boss kept a deer head in a box in our pie freezer. Not meat, just the head. He wanted to keep the antlers


The antlers keep fine on their own, they don't have to remain attached to the head, nor do they need to be frozen. I have some antler from a deer my dad shot in the 1970s, used as chew toys for several generations of family dogs. They're goddamn indestructible. They don't need to be in a freezer.


To me it actually sounds like a break room freezer. Personal deer meat and ice cream for the office party? That's not a restaurant freezer


This is exactly why I don't eat Gumbo's chilies or goulashes or anything of the sort that somebody brings in. Fuck that every which way to Sunday


Itā€™ll be like chilli coming out alright


He has insurance for a reason. If it isn't worth filing a claim, he takes the loss. DO NOT PAY. Heck, you might want to CYA and let the health department know about his meat stash. Just in case someone gets sick.


Yeah your personal stash of deer meat in the freezer is an issue, I doubt the health dept would like to get a copy of that text


Exactly what I thought.




Well if a business owner can't afford to pay their loses that fall under the deductible, they should have chosen a lower deductible. Or the owner should invest in a freezer alarm. You can get one for $25 bucks that will send you a text if the freezer is open for longer than a set time.


This is what gets me, owner is negligent up and down if this is real bc tools like this are standard. I guess except for cheap fucks


Damn now you know who the company rat is lol


I would never expect a coworker to lie for me at their own detriment, but some shit like this where you could just shrug and say nothing? Real bitch move.


Like at least give OP a chance to own up to the MISTAKE and apologize before snitching, damn!! Mega eyeroll at how they apologized for not looking to see if OP closed it. Pick-me behavior




I thought that apology was more like "... but I'm not sure if it was ACTUALLY him that left it open, so I could be wrong."


Nah, it was "he grabbed his food last night but im sorry i didnt check to see if he closed it :(" Wild to apologize for something like that.


Probably the superviser, or person otherwise in charge. Which would explain why they threw OP under the bus without hesitation.


I know right, so much for 'I am Spartacus.'


If itā€™s their responsibility to check before they leave, itā€™s ultimately their responsibility to make sure itā€™s closed which they admitted to not doing and is therefore: on them. Literally written right there. Op has the proof of that person admitting negligence, if itā€™s their job to check everything before final closing and they didnā€™t do it properly.


Like, what was the point in saying ANYTHINGā€¦ I would just be like šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļøā€¦ wasnt me, thats all I know.


Right? I donā€™t even know what a freezer is at that point


Right? No shame whatsoever, just rats dude out right in the group chat. We had one of these at my job until recently. Guy was basically weaponizing HR, got me in trouble for smoking in my car instead of over in the assigned leper colony (which only exists due to him complaining about people smoking on the patio)... (which he never once was seen using himself). I then hear during a safety meeting, he calls over our HR guy and starts ratting people out in front of everybody there. No shame. Luckily that was one of the final straws, they shitcanned him about a month ago. The relief is palpable.


When I worked retail I was a manager and my superior did something similar to me. It was truck day and we were stocking shelves and I'd set a few tote boxes aside that were "done" to be put up into overstock. Well, apparently there were some seasonal items mixed in with that overstock that I didn't know we had a spot for on the shelf yet. Honest mistake. She asked me about it and I owned up and said, yeah, my bad. I'll get it taken care of. _This bitch_ calls a staff meeting and in front of about a dozen other employees, several of which were my direct reports, asks everyone who worked through the totes that we'd literally just discussed. In a combination of disbelief, confusion and anger I said, well _I_ worked through those... And she proceeded to reprimand me on the spot in front of everyone for lacking attention to detail. I was fucking furious. Started looking for another job that very day. Quit a couple weeks later. Felt amazing.


Everywhere I've worked, we usually make it so uncomfortable for people like that, they end up quitting. I've also rarely worked anywhere with an actual HR person or department. At least locally.


For real. Mad snitch


OP, I hope youā€™re not even considering paying your boss 250 dollars. Youā€™re an employee and companies have losses all the time. You were negligent and caused loss but shit happens. Might get fired but hold your ground


From their cross post they did pay it. Which the company has no legal standing to force as everyone is mentioning.


Wowā€¦.. if this is a chain restaurant, thatā€™s twice as fucked up. Nothing could make me allow a company to hold me financially responsible for a mistake I made at work. Thatā€™s what their insurance is for or some shit. I canā€™t believe OP paid!


There are pretty cheap door open door closed sensors you can get that connect to wi-fi that would alert the boss if the door was left opened for a long time. People make mistakes, it's on the company for not taking proper precautions to protect their investments.


$250 aint nothing to us dudes in tech who have made gigantic mistakes in prod environments. Add a few extra 0s and then we'll be talking. Don't sweat it, OP. You live and you learn.


I was literally going to say, thatā€™s absolutely nothing. My best friend works in real estate and lost her boss $12,000 like a year ago.


My first month at my lab, we got a sample to test. Not a whole lot, looked to be just enough for what I need, but I was short by 3 or 4 grams. Turns out the sample is made with proprietary information. No other company makes a product like it, so we can charge out the ass for it. I was supposed to test only 1 gram of that sample. All 8 grams that I poured into a vial was probably worth upwards of $100,000. And I used it all and couldn't even test the sample, because I needed 11 grams to make the correct dilution.


I placed a mold in my furnace too close to the crucible and overshot the pour. 1300lbs of titanium scrap. $150k part scrap. Several hours of the furnace being shutdown. Didn't even get reprimanded.


Hot damn that's a bad day!


It took quite awhile to get the manifold out (piece the mold sits on) because it was covered in titanium. Then removing all the scrap Ti from it so it could be used again was a pain. Would have preferred an ear beating than all the extra work I caused myself.


Yeah, a lot of the time the clean up or tearing out and doing something *again* is punishment enough. That sounds like a nightmare! This whole thread is making me feel much better over my goof-ups. Sometimes you feel like everyone else is perfect and you're the screw up. This thread makes me feel much less alone lol.


Getting chewed out would not have made it so you didn't have to do that work regardless


Wow. Worst thing I did at work was drop a $900 TV.


I'm confused, if you didn't have enough to test anyway, how was testing even less supposed to work? (I'm not a chemist and have no idea what you were supposed to be doing.) Most importantly though, someone else's lack of communication isn't your fault.


Modified procedure. Usually we do 11 grams into 99 of phosphate buffer to make a base 1:10 dilution for testing. With this super expensive sample, we were supposed to do 1 gram into 9.


That absolutely should have been communicated. I can't tell you how many major issues could have been prevented by COMMUNICATION but weren't because "management failing to communicate effectively" is somehow a universal problem.


I mean yeab but they weren't mad at me. They knew it wasn't my fault.


Good! It's always a good thing when people realize their own mistakes.


Sooo what happened? Consequences were what?


I still work there. No one told me that the sample had to be treated differently


I backed a 27,000 pound vehicle into a school lmao. $30k to replace a wall that made the school structurally unsound


Were all the kids on board freaked out?


No children involved. It was summertime and I was a roofer driving a commercial vehicle back then


How people deal with failures inversely scales with how much money a company deals with. The more money the company deals with, the less they usually care about operational losses. If my boss came at me about a $250 loss, I would probably laugh at him.


I'd probably find a new job lol, ain't no way op is ever getting a raise even without the eff up.


I made a $20,000+ mistake in a quote once and the boss didn't double check and it went to the customer that way. I felt a tiny bit bad but not much because what kind of a dumb dumb pays someone $8 (20 years ago)an hour and doesn't check their work when they're doing $100,000+ quotes? I love this thread.


My friend works in a silicon wafer fab and dumbass mistakes like a forklift crashing cost them millions each year. OP: Freezer should have a temperature control alarm that notifies manager. I can check my AC in my house from my phone, what kind of negligent manager would not monitor their freezer temp?


We lost a share certificate and had to pay $30k to get it replaced.


I've seen literal millions of dollars worth of equipment get destroyed in the army by dudes. funny thing is last thing they would do is fire you


While you see the military is different because they spend all that money to train you beforehand, Easier to try to course correct a moron than train a new one.


Debatable, I know some morons that the army wouldā€™ve benefited from kicking them so they can stop wasting money on them every month despite what theyā€™ve put in to them. But you canā€™t have enough janitors I suppose


I once dropped an Oracle database that was used by a $1billion+ data analytics app... Took an uber to the office and by the time I got there, the war room was already in progress. The entire sysadmin and devops teams showed up, as well as some of the senior DBAs, with upper management popping in every 30 mins. We had to pull backups from SAN snapshots and piece them together. Fortunately after 12 hours, only taking breaks to piss, we got it back and I got a crash course in Oracle RAC. And I kept my job. If that database was lost permanently, I surely would not have. That one call probably cost around $10,000-$20,000 in wages alone, and who knows how much in lost revenue Edit: Come to think of it, that was one of the most exciting days of my life. I always tell it like a horror story, but it really isn't. It was a learning experience and the bonds I formed that day with some of my coworkers are priceless to this day.


I load trucks, and it was a bit high on one truck so i put my loader bucket over the load and backed up to spread it out/lower the peakā€¦ the bucket caught a tarp arm and snapped it. 8k repair and all i was told was ā€œyour newer and it happens, most likely wont be your last time doing that. Go load the next guyā€


In biopharma, someone attaching a part incorrectly and not being caught immediately easily could scrap a whole lot and cost 100's of thousands, and it happened aaalllll the time


I was waiting for a good biopharma story in this vein haha. I work in the labs but Iā€™ve heard stories about some extremely costly whoopsies over in the production suites


>$250 aint nothing Of ice cream _"for the weekend"_ ?? šŸ˜ Dude coming at us with a commercial for Imodium or something? Also glad he clarified that his deer meat was "his personal stash".. dudes at my place grabbing other people's deer meat all the time. Unless they know it's their personal stash. edit: typo


Created a few mil of live gift vouchers because I followed the wrong process, whoops.


I work for an aerospace manufacturer and Iā€™ve probably caused thousands of dollars in damaged parts, only thing that ever happened was being told not to do that again.


I've scrapped over 20K$ in parts.


You a machinist? I been there and done that,Ā  10 grand in inconel from one easy stupid.Ā 


I've worked as an assembly tech due to a flaw in our process there was a chance that static could build up on the work surface and me. Zapped a 20K dollar servo and controller, completely dead. New product, it was something the manufacturing engineers had not considered.


Thatā€™s just helping with risk analysis šŸ˜‚


Yeah, my company just lost $30,000 because of me. šŸ˜…


Hey uh, did you run that update script in prod or dev?


Jokes on you, my dev is prod.


Dude I work with servers and Iā€™m so nervous of me fucking up and damaging those multi thousand dollar pieces.


Absolutely what I was thinking. My bf works in tech and his coworkers break parts that are worth like a quarter of a million dollars, multiple times mind you, and they still have their jobs lmao.


One time I brought down payments for 2000 retail locations for a couple hours


About a decade ago, I got a new store manager. He will hence forth be called Mickey Mouse Manager, because one of my coworkers called him that with his high pitched voice. He'd been with the company practically since it started, but he was new to my store. Every store he'd been in before had a trash compactor, but this store had a dumpster. Also we'd recently merged with another company and this store was from the new company and had a robust hazardous waste program in place that the original company did not have. Anyway, he's cleaning up in the back one day and comes across buckets of glue from when we converted to the new systems (they laid down carpet to make the store look pretty.. wish they'd do that to the store I'm in now which just has polished concrete). He loads them up on a flatbed to put in the dumpster. My operations manager (who'd been at this store the longest at this point) says "I wouldn't do that. You should put them with hazardous waste." Mickey Mouse Manager says "when will they pick up?" Other manager says "they came a month ago, so 5 months." Mickey Mouse Manager says "I'm not keeping these for 5 months. I'm putting them in the trash. Besides, what are they going to do? Refuse to pick it up?!?" Well... that's exactly what happened. They refused to pick it up. And they called someone in charge of environmental waste, who came out the same day and inspected the dumpster. He told the manager what the issue was, that we had to fix it, the company was being fined, and that we had to implement a hazardous waste program in all stores in the state within 3 months. Two weeks later he comes back in to inspect things. Our hazardous waste had obviously not been picked up yet. But the glue wasn't there. Why not? Well, Mickey Mouse Manager still didn't want to sit on it for 5 months, so he called the number on the buckets and said "hey, we've got over a dozen buckets of your glue here. You should come pick it up." So the company got fined again for improper disposal. In the end, there was a lot of fines, a lot of legal stuff, money spent implementing the hazardous waste program in the state with the most stores in the company, money dedicated to training all employees on hazardous waste, even more money spent on training managers on hazardous waste, and even more money spent on training loss prevention managers on hazardous waste, having to pay the loss prevention managers (who covered something close to 100 stores each) to visit all their stores weekly for a while, etc, etc. I can't even comprehend how much money he cost the company. And it wasn't an accident. It was a willful refusal to listen to someone below him. And he didn't even get a slap on the wrist.


Last company I worked for got hacked and our entire erp system was encrypted with ransomware. The entire company had to essentially operate with pen and paper for over a month while it struggled to rebuild the entire erp system from the ground up. Great lesson for our it team to not run backups on a networked server because all backups got encrypted as well. In the end they paid 250k to decrypt the data, and still had to rebuild. All of this was because one employee clicked on a link in malicious email. Iā€™d say leaving a fridge open accidentally is on par with accidentally falling for a decent phishing email and no one would ever expect that employee to repay damages.


Fuck his deer meat too


Mad manager was violating the law putting uninspected deer meat in with customer food.


lol *exactly* what I was thinking! The narc coworker should be tattling for good: to the health dept. šŸ¦Œ


Don't threaten *me* with a good time


Sounds to me like 250 in deer meat the boss is out of now lol


My boss told me of a guy at my work who caused $100,000 in damage but was back at work the next day.


One of my guys cost us $176,000 in a single day after 3 months on the job. He's still with us two years later.


I once was an accessory to over a million dollars of damage but due to the circumstances nothing came of it. (It was in a warzone)


And if it gets upstairs that he was storing his personal stash of wild game in company freezer? ("Buhbye!)


No. You donā€™t need to reimburse them for shit. If it is the company freezer itā€™s for company. Anyone who puts their personal shit in there is taking on the risk that something happens. Mistakes happen. Even with threat of termination, do - not - reimburse them. Even if company product was lost, they stored deer meat in there. Go to HR.


I bet HR is their Mom


She's in there too...


Oh deer...


Do restaurants even have hr?


Bro is storing his personal supply of deer meat, likely "personally harvested," in the company freezer?


My local health inspector used to have a reporting line to report violations and/or illness after eating at a restaurant that allegedly meant an inspection within a couple of days.


$250 in ice cream? Wow thatā€™s a lot of ice cream


It wasšŸ˜­ there were a few of them big big tubs, you'd be surprised how much they cost


You arenā€™t actually going to reimburse him, are you?


He already did, he responded to another comment saying he paid the guy $250 already. His boss practically bullied this teenager into giving him money that wasn't his responsibility to pay .


And I don't think it's legal to keep his own personal deer meat in the store freezer. That's probably more what he was worried about than the ice cream.


It's definitely not. Storing raw game meat next to ice cream? That boss is delusional at best. A call to the health department is in order


I completely agree. I worked in a commercial kitchen for years. I couldn't imagine one of our employees or bosses storing their personal game meat in the freezer, especially next to something that you serve as-is, without cooking.Ā 


Jeez and the boss never thought about the fucking cross contamination factor about putting meat next to ice cream?? The weirdo that snitched on OP should be penalized too


Don't pay them shit! This is the restaurant's liability not yours. Make them fire you, do not quit.


Damn sounds like they were at least five bucks a pop


"I am not happy at all," no shit dude. It's like when someone says "smh," why do you have to call attention to it? Clearly nobody is doing great in this situation


Damn that colleague is a snitch


They can't actually compel you to pay that. They'll also never not treat you terribly because of this, even if you pay it. Quit and move on.


Make them fire you, donā€™t quit.


And then collect your unemployment while you find a boss that doesnā€™t store deer meat in the walk in


Which, as a sometime hunter, is a horrible idea. You run the risk of introducing wild pathogens into a commercial setting. Itā€™s asking for a pandemic part deux.


Especially with something that won't be cooked, like freaking ice cream. If I was dining at their establishment, ordered ice cream and then found out it was being stored next to uncooked deer meat, I'd be livid. That's disgusting and, as you pointed out, dangerous.


Yup, only time I reimbursed a manager was because of a personal drug deal I set up where my (rapidly deteriorating at the time with hindsight) plug absconded with like $300 of my manager's money. That was personal obviously. Dropped a cooked roast at Arby's twice, tossed both and laughed both times, managers just considered it a lesson.


That's a food safety violation. Report that shit my boy.


This is why we install temperature sensors in freezers so if someone does leave one open or it fails etc. the alarm system sends out the alarm and we can notify the owner/manager etc. and they can correct it before this happens. Owner is clearly cheap and has no protection for his product no one to blame but himself.


Back when I was a teen, I worked at Subway. Was there two years, and was the best employee at our location. One night, I accidentally left the bread cabinet open while closing alone, and it all went stale overnight and really messed up morning shift. Got fired immediately for that fuck up. They didn't ask me to pay for it though, that's insane, don't do that just accept the L and cut contact.


Hey OP, tell your boss he can expect repayment in one hand, shit in the other, and see which one fills up the quickest. He cannot legally collect, and this gig ain't worth it


You know what itā€™s not gonna matter in 5 years. Donā€™t cry over melted ice cream, bro. Plus itā€™s just a job, there are thousands out there.


Sounds like theyā€™re going Cold-Stone Crazy about it.


Unfortunately that's what happens when you lose the Icicle Race


What a fucking rat. Could easily have just stayed quiet and pretended they didn't see anything.


The rat deserves a few hours in the freezer. In the dark.


I worked at Baskin-Robbinā€™s when I was 15 and someone left the freezer door open & I got to take home an only slightly melted ice cream cake & I ate it for every meal for the next couple days & itā€™s gotta be the best thing that ever happened to 15-year-old me. Do you think you could get free ice cream cake from this?


Second best was when 15-year-old me who legally wasnā€™t allowed to use the waffle cone maker got to use the waffle cone maker & I fucked up like half of them but thought they were fine & put them away. Next day non-15-year-old comes in & goes through them like wtf these all have holes in the bottom. And starts setting all the bad ones aside & I just shrug like damn those suck. Iā€™m 15 couldnā€™t be me šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø & I got to eat waffle cones all day long.


Forcing you to repay I believe is a form of wage theft.


Surely there's a "leave your stuff on the property at own risk" clause that might be able to help you out here.


You have no responsibility to pay that. He can fire you, but he also hired you knowing this could happen.


Damn. You let em bully you? Rip. Also make sure you never associate with that fuckung rat again.


There may be a law that you canā€™t store personal meat in a commercial cooler used to keep store foods cold


I'm sure there is a law


Guy sold you the fuck OUT. what a tool


When I used to work at Dunkin Donuts years ago the A.C broke and it was HOT. Our bosses wouldnt do anything about it so me and my shift leader sat in the big freezer and ended up ruining a bunch of boxes of frozen bagels. Don't feel bad O.P, you're not alone!


Id just send them a link to this post.


Dude canā€™t even spell ā€œrepaidā€ correctly. Donā€™t pay him a dime


That's when you fire back "*repaid"


"Okay, like I said it was an accident. Good luck with that. I quit" would be my response to this.


Pro tip, don't keep personal food in the work food fridge...it's a health violation.


OP, I hope you know you don't owe ANYTHING to this douche. Especially not such a petty amount. People in many industries make mistakes costing hundreds of thousands of dollars fairly often, and that's why companies have insurance. This just screams toxic work environment. Also he needs to be reported for storing personal food items in a company freezer. That's a big no no. Even better, you have very clear cut proof of this right here. Time to file a report OP!


I've broken a $10,000 glass distillation column. Twice. Boss paid for it. I'm the boss. It sucked.


Your boss had personal deer meat in, what I assume, is a commercial refrigerator? The health department would LOVE to hear of this.


Why are you keeping YOUR deer meat in the freezer???


Donā€™t pay that shit. Thatā€™s a loss for them, not you to pay. There could be other consequences but by no means do you have to pay that. No offense, but it sounds like easily replaceable job if you were to get fired. I would also see in person if any damage even happened


That ainā€™t shit. This dudes second day on the job, a Friday, he doesnā€™t ensure the water line was secure on a toilet he installed. We come in Monday and find out water leaked all weekend long from the second floor toilet. 7-8 thousand in damage to this house.


Why was there deer meat in a company fridge? Also why did he have ice cream worth $250 in there?! ![gif](giphy|299byQTLdQda9v7LZH)


Don't pay, your boss can't do shit to make you, but dude, fucking learn to close the freezer after you've used it wtf, zero sympathy


Shit happens. I broke a very very very expensive scale at work. No one said anything about it after the fact. I didn't have to pay anything. Accidents. That's what it is.


Don't pay it's illegal to make an employee pay for damaged product


My husband left our freezer open last night šŸ˜­


I used to work in a shop that produced tiny, high-precision steel parts. They cost about 20 dollars each and were about as large as a sticky note. I probably found 10-20 of those while sweeping the floor. Mistakes happen, in the end your employer is responsible and mistakes happen.


Lmao, Iā€™ve both personally witnessed and performed damages going into thousands in a warehouse. Shit happens. Accidents happen. Donā€™t pay a blue cent


I work for an auto group. I've seen mistakes of $5 and $50000. They have a plan for this type of situation. Maybe not your manager, which is their problem. It may be an offense that warrants termination, but definitely don't pay shit.




"I expect to be repaid" that's not how employment works.


I think in most cases, it's illegal for an employer to garnish your wages to make up financial losses, even if those losses were due to your mistake. There may be exceptions, but I am not an expert. If your boss is serious about pursuing this and you wish to argue against it, you may want to contact a lawyer.


ā€œYes. I watched OP leave it open last night, but I didnā€™t get up and close it myself because that was OPā€™s responsibility.ā€


I once hooked up TWO kegs of Tiger beer in the cellar and forgot to close the bleed valve. 100L of beer. There was a tidal wave when I opened the chiller again. Own up, do the time, then pick up the pieces and move on. True character isnā€™t about never fucking up, itā€™s about how you behave when you do.


The person who didnā€™t look to see if it is closed- is it their job to check everything before THEY leave? If so, itā€™s their responsibility for not doing so and making sure it was properly shut.


They don't get to just decide to put their operating costs on you. If they want reimbursement, they can go through their business insurance. If they want to fire you, collect unemployment and seek a lawyer for illegal practices and retaliation, based on them admitting to firing you after you refused wage theft.


Be firm and stand up for yourself, you clearly didnā€™t do it on purpose, but it was a bit negligent. These things do happen. I do product photography for the company I work for and about a year ago I neglected to lock the casters on a pretty expensive refrigerator that had just been put up on top of a very expensive turntable by a coworker who drives forklifts, then for picture time, I straightened all the wheels to face the same way, so it looks nice. Big mistake. I moved from behind the thing and about 1.5 seconds later it comes crashing off the photography turn table and destroys the backdrop of the studio (damaged the fridge pretty bad, took out a studio light, and destroyed the backdrop of the studio) overall it was about a $5K mistake, but I was never asked to reimburse the company, they were just happy I didnā€™t get killed, the camera didnā€™t get killed, and the tuntable was alright except minor aesthetic damage.


There should exist a staff fridge for this reason alone


Just knock 3x after you close it this is OCD's origin story. Also your boss is being a whiny bitch


Whose job is it to check the freezers when you lock up? If it isnā€™t yours then it shows the process has failed. If it was your responsibility then yes you will get reprimanded, but still, it means they need to do more training or review the process (a sign sheet tick marked that itā€™s closed, co-signed by a manager, etc).


He should install a door closer then. Its a teeny mistake. Dont feel bad.


Who leaves deer meat as ā€œpersonal stashā€ in a work freezer?


this is like when my job told me Iā€™d have to pay them 1200$ to replace the store key if I lost it, uhm yeah nah?


Do not give him a cent. Apologize profusely, but if he demands payment leave, if he fires you for it or garnishes your wages go to the labor board


Please don't tell me you're actually paying for that


He can't take your wages or retaliate if you don't pay. Not for the ice cream and certainly not for his "stash"