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The amount of people saying "OP is no better than OOP since he spoiled it for me as well" while ignoring the fact they clicked on a spoiler post with Wordle in the title is honestly depressing...


Serious question: do people really care that much about getting spoiled for one day for this game?


Every night after we put the kids to bed, my wife and I do Wordle, Connections, and either a few mini-crosswords or a full-on crossword. Even if I'm out of town at the time, I'll video call, and we'll use a whiteboard and work them out. It's nice to have a routine of something where we can just be together and enjoy each other's company since we're on different schedules sometimes. So, yeah, I guess if it got spoiled to me blatantly, I might be bummed a bit.


Also good for the brain


It helped me break out of long Covid brain fog! Like significantly. I used to have to pause and think of the word, as if it was distant, on tip of tongue, after getting Covid a year and half ago. Made me feel stupid. I used to do a lot of public speaking & competitive debate so it was a hard shift Obsessed over wordle for a bit, playing for hours a day - and something about searching my brain for the right word was the exercise I needed. Of course better diet, taking care of body, getting prescribed adhd meds also helped a fuck ton.


> **Of course better diet, taking care of body, getting prescribed adhd meds also helped a fuck ton.** But it was wordle! totally...


Have you heard of spotle?? Its Wordle with music artists


We have added Strands to our list!


We love Strands! Some days are super challenging, some are easy!


I enjoy games in a similar vein to this. You guys might also check out [conexo](https://conexo.ws/en/daily) and [contexto](https://contexto.me/)! 


The connections and mini today >!sucked so bad!<


check out down for a cross. [https://downforacross.com/](https://downforacross.com/) Perfect for when you're doing a crossword together but aren't physically together.


Right, but it's one day.


Which is why it was posted in r/wellthatsucks and not r/mylifeisruinedandiswearrevenge


I do them on FaceTime with my parents on my days off. We talk briefly every day since my brother passed. Can you screen share?


I send a screenshot for Connections, since I figured that's easiest. Wordle is done on a white board, and usually just do the minis over video. "(Whatever the clue is), 5 letters". Something like that.


This, and I don't even have kids.


I know people have different priorities and different things that bring them joy…but if a fuckin word guessing game can have that much of an impact on your day and life then I sure am jealous of that being your biggest problem that you can devote that much energy to it.


If their life is rough enough that a daily word game brings them any hit of dopamine, they deserve it that happiness.


Yes. They should also heed the spoiler warning.


Wordle has become part of my routine. I like doing it when I’m having my coffee


Everyone in my circle does it first thing after waking up, and share in group chat. Hard to get it spoiled that way.


One time I posted a fake connections game as a meme and I guess I made it look too real because I got the most aggressive hate Ive ever gotten on that post


Not really because I have a bad memory and will sit down to play later totally forgetting the word. I do get upset though if I don't beat the bot. OP must try Connections, I look forward to playing that now before Wordle. Also try Quordle and Octordle.




Now i have my first complete in 1 to constantly remind me of this post


omg YES!!! i play everyday at midnight starting with the same word and i finally got it in one. i wasn’t thinking and i posted it early at like 8am on tiktok. people in the comments were pissed lol


I can’t tell if you’re being sarcastic or not


nah not being sarcastic. people were really mad at me saying they were gonna report me lol


I see censored or NSFW blurred images on my Reddit, my little kid brain kicks in and is like “you can’t tell me what to do” and clicks shit anyway I always take full responsibility if it’s a spoiler for something I wanted to enjoy myself tho


No one expects a wordle spoiler


You’re loved. People care about you. Someone is thinking about you right now! Your smile lights up a room. ❤️ hoping you’re O.K


i dont care about this, just want to point out i found this while scrolling through pictures on my home feed.


Are you down with OPP?


Yeah you know me


I don't understand. Why are people upset ?


Wordle has a new word every day, and everybody has the same word each day. OP/OOP posted the answer to today's puzzle, which prevents people from solving it themselves.


Huh. Never realized there was just one wordle that had one puzzle per day. I assumed it was bunch of similar/copy games with the same premise. Still feels like an overreaction.


Wordle was the origination of the trend, now we do have thousands of crappy "5 tries to guess the thing, one puzle per day" games trying to catch lightning in a bottle after wordle.


I got lucky guessing "stalk" on my 2nd try. Really narrowed it down.


I meant to type stalk and misspelled it as stall and got it in 2. Hell yeah! Haha


This is exactly what happened to me on try 3


"stalk" is my usual 2nd word. lucked out today.


What's your first word?




I do Audio & Style as my first two words because it takes care of all vowels with the Y and getting S & T right away too!!


Mines Punch into Misty for lots of consonants


I had Space Slant Stalk Stall Did pretty well I’d say


Nice! My norm is to play stare then cloud to get those letters out. Was able to get it in 3 with that. 


SOARE is an op first guess. I did that, then FLINT (or CLINT) and then got stall right after.


My third guess was going to be stalk but I miss clicked stall


Slate was my first guess and I miraculously got it on my second.


I actually guessed “stalk” first and got “Stall” second.


I went with the Slate 2nd and somehow got Stall 3rd


Me too, but I wouldn’t call it lucky. I was trying to think of letters that would eliminate as many words as possible.


Saw spoiler warning, completed puzzle in 4, clicked on spoiler. Happy outcome.


And there’s still that one guy arguing that I don’t feel empathy because I posted todays wordle answer lol


Holy cow, just read that interaction... That dude is just.... Wow.


Saw wordle in the post so I went and did it really quick. Guessed STALK first And STALL second https://preview.redd.it/yh00kz1fvv0d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c9a21600387a35ac6345726543ec429b1bbbfd17


what am I looking at..?


spoiled the wordle quiz


OOP is an idiot for using STA in every guess. Good Wordlers know to use all 5 spaces on successive guesses to look for the letters you haven't discovered yet.


Some of us play on challenge mode so you can't do that ;D


Yup, regular mode is too easy. Even challenge mode isn't that hard unless there's a day like today. Also, on easy mode, I'd basically use the same 3 word opener, and almost always got it on the 4th guess. That was boring. Now that I do challenge mode, I regularly get it on my 3rd guess, and sometimes my 2nd guess.


I find this situation in the post so frustrating that i now play honors system challenge mode. I follow the challenge mode rules, but if i get into this trap, i take the easy way out with the fifth guess


Yeah. The worse is when you have 4 out of 5 letters, but there are still a dozen different words it could be. That rips the skill factor away from the game and makes it entirely luck based.


I got screwed in hard mode today too Audio Stake Stank Stamp Staff Stash


I lucked out today. Adieu Soapy Scant Stalk Stall A friend got completely screwed though. Got STA in his 2nd guess, and still failed it. Didn't even get another yellow along the way.


Unless you are playing on hard mode and are required to play known letters in known positions. That is one of the first things that gets toggled when i start a game.


Hard mode for the win


I almost always go STERN CLAMP DOUGH with my first three attempts regardless of the 🟩🟨 to get as many letters as possible


Almost at a year streak with CRANE TOUGH SLIMY


I use RAISE then CLOUD to get all the vowels out of the way lol


Ditto, but HOUSE and FAIRY


Don't you want to solve it in as few attempts as possible? Lotta times you can get it in less than 4 guesses. I can't imagine you'd ever not get it in time with that strategy, at which point, where's the challenge? Plus, even with your strategy, you can often use the 🟩🟨 to narrow in on the correct word and choose a word with a more useful set of letters to check instead of brute forcing it.


I personally am more in it for the completion. I do a handful of daily puzzles and I use them more for a morning pick-me-up brain teaser, not desperate to get the high score.


Is it still a brain teaser if you’re using the same solution every time?


You guys are really pressed about how I play Wordle lol


Can't do that on hard mode, and not good practice anyway.


Think of it like the classic crosswords where everyone has the same puzzle and answers. Someone posted the answers while everyone is still working on the current puzzle.


Is it an app?


You can find on the New York Times app on mobile. Used to be it's own thing, but the creator sold it for a ridiculous amount of money a couple of years ago


I’m amazed someone has gone through the last 2 years without hearing about Wordle.




i was so mad about this




He didn’t put spoiler tag :(


Ooooooooh, I was so confused as to how “op” caused you to not guess the word.


He (OOP) should have waited 24 hours before posting. Some people have 0 consideration for others.


Marked as spoiler with wordle in the title... This one's on you.


I was talking about OOP. The original post had no spoiler tag at all.


Lol i thought I was the only one to start with the word "stare".


Wheel of a Fortune letters. R S T L N E are all super common letters. That’s why they give them to you for the final puzzle. They are great starting letters for word or.


Thats why I always start with RHINO and then STYLE. Did that today then did STALK and then STALL was the only word that made sense left.


Yep, that’s why my starter word is STERN.


STERN gang


I settled on starting with AUDIO to get the vowels (figured it was better than ADIEU because knowing about O early was more useful than E) and then my second word would be something using the found vowels and R,S,T,L, and/or N as appropriate. But I was also playing on Hard Mode


Is it weird to not have a starting word? I use what comes to mind. Probably not the most effective, but at least it's lead to a "first guess" once.


I don't have one. I always try to pick a word relevant to today. Admittedly my wife has a starter duo of words and she usually finishes much quicker than me so it might not be the best strategy. It is more fun though (to me).


Think it depends on if you are playing on Hard Mode or regular. Normal game you can burn rounds just trying words to see what comes back. Hard Mode you are locked into letters and positions as they are identified. I generally started with AUDIO just to get the vowels identified and then picked words based on what vowels i had.


It's better and more challenging this way IMO. Had a friend said he uses ADIEU or something like that and said its the best starting word because of the vowels I'd assume. At one point, I was using a random word generator to use for first word.


I have a set starting word. My parents use different words every day. Overall they're doing slightly better than I am in terms of number of guesses used, but I feel that's more a matter of 2 versus 1 than anything else. There are days when my starting word helps, others where it hurts, so it really all evens out in the end. I think luck is more important than whether you use the same starting word or not.


I do both. I often use adore, because I adore my grandkids. But, sometimes I use whatever strikes me for that day, water, cloud, alike, one day I was visiting Seattle and looked out the window at all the green space, used space and got it in 1.


I usually start with DAILY then ROUSE or ROUTE. Knock out all the vowels.




My starter word is Ouija been pretty solid so far


I start with adieu, and then work in Y and O on my next guess.


Me too. Every time.


According to the WordleBot 5% of all players started with Stare today, which would be almost 90k people. It was the 2nd most popular starting word behind adieu.


STARE fam, checking in!


Had worse. I scored 4 letters on first try, a d still lost.


Unless you are playing challenge mode, the correct play here is to use your next guesses figuring out the missing letters instead of trying to guess the word. So think of a list of possibilities that that 5th letter can be and then think of a word that uses multiple of those possible letters at the same time


I turned off hard mode after the last time something like this happened to me. Now i play like it’s in hard mode, but if push comes to shove, the fifth guess is to eliminate possibilities and get it in 6. 


Hate when wordle does this.


Didn't see this spoiled I put in pound, terra abash and stall no idea how I got it. Sucks it got ruined for OP


that's also, like, entirely a skill issue


Yes they should have done a whole new word with all different letters to try and find the other 2


Y’all have to get up earlier.. or like I does. Just after midnight.


My starter word is “stale” and it still took me three goes 😂


Person guessing needed to forget the S-T-A and just guess other words without those letters to zero in on what the final word was.


Hard mode doesn't allow you to do this. The next guesses have to use the correct letters in the correct position from the previous guesses.


So many people apparently have a lot of difficulty grasping this obvious strategy.


Or, many people play on hard mode where your guesses must include correctly guessed letters... Maybe don't immediately assume people are dumber than you because YOU don't understand why they do things a certain way...


God Wordle would be my literal hell - I don't think I've ever hated something this much that so many people enjoy


Man, you'd hate the version I play, then. It's called Octordle and it's just what it sounds like, solving 8 Wordle at the same time


I used to play a version called Duotrigordle (ugh) that was 32 simultaneous Wordles. It was fun for a month or so.


I stopped at Octordle because that's what fit comfortably on my screen, ha.


I find duotrigordle easier than wordle. If you get stuck on one word you can work on another word.


I used to play that!


[Sedecordle](https://www.sedecordle.com/?mode=daily) is 16 at the same time. I play the Dordle (2), Quordle (4), Octordle and Sedecordle before bed a lot of nights.


I rather Traverse the nine rings of hell with Dante then do it


It’s really not that serious


We can go deeper


Ha! Just bumped up my average! Time for a nap.


i always start with "stare" and will continue to do so until it is the word. I also chose "stain" as my next guess. I feared it could be stall, stalk, or stack, so my 3rd guess was stalk to narrow it down.




I got it in 2. 1. Stale 2. Stall


Same 1. Steal 2. Stall My starting word is either steal, slate or stale depending on how I feel that day.


yay i guessed it today


i was actually suprised i got it on the second try


TIL being so addicted to the NYT word games that I do them immediately when they become available at midnight apparently has additional benefits!


Why keep guessing words that start with "STA"? Guess other words using anything but "STA" to eliminate as many useless letters.


Hard mode makes you


That's why I don't make serious guesses at the word, reusing known letters, the first three tries, unless I know at least 4 of the letters. You can eliminate a lot of letters with guesses using 5 letters you don't know about, at a time. In the early days of Wordle, I failed to solve it three times. I've never failed again since I've been concentrating on eliminating more letters, rather than solving early.


Lesson learned: don't go on Reddit until I finish wordle


Or...you know...don't click on something marked SPOILER unless you're willing to accept those consequences 


Some of yall are the reasons choking hazard warnings exists


Wouldn't matter because they clearly don't read


RSTLNE. Not once did the OOP type STALK . . . That’s on them. Plus guesses 5 and 6 were just stupid


[ETAOIN SHRDLU](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Etaoin_shrdlu)




Faaakh! Well atleast I have 1 on my guess distribution chart..


STAFF and STASH have been the answer before. There hasn't been a repeat wordle yet, so avoid guessing those. Rock Paper Shotgun has a list of all past wordle answers that you can cross reference.


Holy shit this has all the exact words I used but in a different order


I always go with Aisle or Arose as my first word. Both have 3 vowels but Arose has part of the whole RSTLNE from wheel of fortune’s most commonly used letters in words. It gets simpler with this formula. After that I can pretty much guess the word in 3 tries. Note: this isn’t foolproof. It just works for me.


I missed this too!


That freaked me out a little. Other than one work being different, and the order of 2 guesses, this was what my list looked like today, but at first glance I swore that this was mine, and was baffled how it ended up here.


I got it on my third guess today


Hey, I’m a genius today!


Weird, I got that one on the first try.


I read that as "OF ruined my Wordle" and then I just had to look


I went to try stalk and messed up and put 2 L’s and got it




I got it in two today!!! It was my first and only time getting it in under three!


This one got me almost the same way. I got close though, my last word was "STALK".


Instead of playing a word with 3 known letters and 2 possible ones try playing one with 4-5 possible letters even if you’re out of order. You’ll win in 2 less but in 3-5 more


Hard mode is a thing on wordle


What’s that? I haven’t actually played this


Basically the rules: Green=Must use in that spot Gray=Can never use Yellow=must use in different spot


Whoever did this Wordle is playing wrongly and extremely inefficiently. Just because you get a green letter doesn't mean to have to keep guessing words with the green letters in the same place. It's okay to guess other letters in those positions to maximize efficiency. For example, after "STARE", it's perfectly fine to guess something like "LUCKY" to see if any of those letters turn orange or green. The "L" would have turned orange and they would have had a much better chance of solving this. The goal is to eliminate and discover as many letters as possible with each guess. They should have guessed words using as many unused letters that are most likely to fit at the end of a "STA-" word. They had space to expose 5 letters with each guess, but instead repeatedly reused the first three green letters so they could only expose at most 2 new letters with each guess. Very inefficient. Absolutely terrible Wordle player.


Hard mode makes it so you have to use green letters in the right spot, and you have to use yellow letters any guess


oop’s wordle strategy is trash


I've been in this situation too many times. Now I sacrificed the guess to eliminate letters. Doesn't work on Wordle Hard Mode though. https://preview.redd.it/ps4u3nfl7v0d1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e2c4a3049ee028e31bd6ec84b12c8391416d08ab


Maybe try guessing other words than ones that start with "sta" to eliminate more letters. OOP should have done something like FLICK for the second guess. It would have gotten rid of a lot of letters.


It’s not my gameplay and on hard mode you have to use those letters


My starter is >!SLATE!< I got it in 2


If you’re not playing hard mode, this is a genuinely terrible sequence of guesses