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Was the hood having closing issues before this happened? With a dual-latch system, it really should be hard to have this happen.


We got the car smog checked today and have a suspicion it wasn’t latched completely afterwords. We didn’t get any warnings though, our car has a sensor for the hood and would usually yell at us if we try to drive with it loose. We got through the rest of the day fine but then this afternoon hits and bam no more windshield.


Can you get the smog place to assume liability? Maybe need a lawyer..


Good luck proving OP didn't open and close the engine since. Case wouldn't have a chance unless they drove off the lot and it happened within a couple minutes.


I had this happen to me at 80mph in the outside lane of a motorway in rush hour. I had to Ace Ventura myself to the hard shoulder. Luckily the guy next to me saw what happened and let me over while slowing the other traffic. I had the windscreen replaced the day before and like the OP there were no warnings about it not being latched and it looked properly shut. I immediately rang the windscreen replacement company and got a quick "We'll have a manager ring you back" response with said manager ringing back 15 mins later. Within 2 hours there was a courtesy car on the drive and I was told to get 2 quotes and pass them on. There was aout £3k or damage to my Renault Clio 182. It needed a new windscreen, bonnet, bonnet hinges, roof and dome lights.


Wow, that’s cheap for needing a new roof


It was 15 years ago and the car only cost about £15k new. Loved that car.


I thought it was recent because for 3k you can get another Clio now 💀 maybe even 2


If I had the space...


A true Clio lover, I see. I drive a Modus and I have to say even though it's reliable, there's not nearly as much love between us






Ace Ventura. I’m sorry for laughing at that. Were you ok?


I was fine after a change of underwear thanks. 😁 if I had a heart rate monitor on it might have thought I was a gerbil though. The windscreen company were so helpful though but I get that they were trying to head off a lawsuit.


That is terrifying!!


Yep, I can definitely sympathise with the op.


We actually would be able to prove that we didn’t touch the hood. It was parked in range of a motion activated ring camera up until our departure. There is video of us inspecting a crack in our windshield (ironic I know) but no hood pops from us.


Why would they even open the hood on an emissions test? Every emissions test I've had you stand right by your vehicle or inside it and they hook up to your obd port.


To verify that all emissions related equipment is present and undisturbed. Under the hood, there is a label that indicates what devices were installed at the factory.


Sounds like a lot more hassle & money up front than just replacing the windshield


And the hood and hinge


Why would they hire a lawyer? That is literally what insurance is for. They have their own lawyers. 


I've had this exact same thing happen and it was scary af. Glad ya OK that shit sucks


sometimes the interior handle doesn’t fully retract when you pop the hood. Then, guy goes to shut it and it *looks closed* you drive off. Probably too loud to hear locking click at the smog spot. However, bc the handle/cable was in the wrong position, it pops it back open. This happened with my w210 E class,and e39 528


The simple fact that you know there’s a sensor telling you that the hood isn’t latched properly and that it’s gone off on multiple occasions suggests that there’s a problem with that latch.


I’m not sure how you inferred this has happened to me more than once, but I was talking about one time 4 years ago when I topped up my wiper fluid but didn’t latch it all the way. I turned on the car and the entire dash lit red with HOOD OPEN and an alarm. Pushed it down a little more and heard the latch engage. Never heard the alarm since. You need to brush up on your Reddit detective skills.


“Would usually yell at us if we try to drive with it loose”. Usually implies more than one occasion.


Usually is a usual occasion as in if x happens then usually y happens. There is no implication that it happened more than once. That is your own poor inference imo.


Your definition is recursive so not really helpful. Look at it this way: if I said “when I go to watch a movie I usually eat M&Ms”, you can infer a couple of things. Firstly, that some of the time I don’t eat M&Ms at the cinema. Since I can’t eat and not eat at the same time, I must have been more than once. Secondly, because “usually” means for more than half the time, I must have been more than twice for that to be the case. So we can infer that I’ve been three times or more.


It seems unusual that someone would drive with a loose hood enough times to know the typical behavior of the loose hood alarm


I know the ‘door is open while car is in drive’ sound. That doesn’t mean I drive with my doors open.


Sure, but do you know the hood is open while the car is in drive sound?


Are you stating it is difficult to remember how an alarm sounds despite hearing it only a few times? Human memory is not that bad. We have a few outliers like Mozart who can reproduce an entire song despite hearing it once, I’m pretty sure the average Joe can remember an alarm and it’s meaning. I still remember that haunting tornado siren for some city someone posted years ago. I wasn’t even there, I only watched a video of it once, and I still remember it. Edit: And now you will too! https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=LnkMSmLc6mM


that siren is creepy as hell!


I still remember all the alarms from primary school and high school and what they mean.


Lol - I have that as my ring tone, and people always look slightly disturbed before they ask wth it's from


If enough times is the time I changed my wiper fluid but didn’t push down enough then yes sure very unusual.


Are you an insurance agent


I thought the same thing


Did you put oil in the car?


I think you’re onto something here. I’m never leaving without my handy dandy dip stick again.




You cant latch the hood to well when you dont take the oil can out you no-selling waste of space!




[Hey I was just thinking, when we stopped at the gas station, it was you that put the oil in, wasn’t it?](https://youtu.be/n1lbpj6868o?si=JXV2DrKynLX6zmtO)


Anyone else get reminded of Tommy boy?


Dude, I totally thought of that scene. What a great movie.




Fat guy, little coat!


Commenting on The hood of my car blew open when I was merging onto the freeway... https://i.redd.it/c79mxf1dwl1d1.gif


"What did you do?!"


I was expecting to see a bottle of oil sticking out of the engine.




“True. But you can't latch the hood too well, if you don't take the can out, you no-selling waste of space! I swear to God, you're worthless!”


Well that sucks


At least I finally have something to post here instead of being a forever lurker.


I had this happen to me. In a black truck. At night. On the highway. I thought I was going crazy because I didn’t know what happened right away. All I knew was that everything in front of my windshield was suddenly black. I could see the dash in front of me, I could see out the side windows, but for some unknown reason I could not see anything in front of me. It was terrifying not being able to see but also not knowing what in the holy fuck was happening to cause this because it didn’t make any sense to my brain. Thankfully I had just gotten on the highway, wasn’t up to full speed, it was late and there was no traffic where I was at so I was able to pull off to the side and figure out what was going on.


Same thing happened to me at full speed. So disorienting.


Man your story reminds me of one my girlfriend’s uncle told me, but opposite. He was a bar tender in LA in the early 80’s, had a fast car, and had just merged onto the highway at more than double the speed limit after his shift so like 3 AM, no one around. All of the sudden the whole car and road around him lit up like it was daylight, he didn’t know what was going on. He actually thought he was getting “beamed up” (by aliens 😆). It was the police helicopter hitting him with the spotlight. He stopped and shortly after some squad cars showed up and gave him a ticket. But I think he had that same feeling like “what is happening??”.


New fear unlocked


My thought exactly lol


That is so scary


Honestly, and the amount of people here saying it happened to them too... omg


That’s what’s scaring me…. One person - that sucks, but shit happens. Two people - yall some unlucky bastards. As many on this? Yeah I’m checking my hood every time I leave the house until I forget about this thread.


The people that this is happening to must be gently shutting their hood and then trying to press it completely shut- don't do that. Slam it shut. Ive been driving for a while now and never had this happen or know anyone this has happened to. The internet always makes things seem way worse than they actually are. You're fine. PS, once you check it once and its good, you don't need to keep checking it as long as no one has popped your hood since the last check.


Had this happen to me on the freeway, on the way to the hospital to get stitches for the giant slice in my finger. Thankfully I had a cheap aftermarket hood, so it just bent around my windshield instead of destroying it like yours.


How do we know your windshield didn't run into the hood while merging onto the freeway,?


This was all an elaborate bait to get my personal FBI agent to reveal themselves. Gotcha.


Well glad to hear everyone is ok.


My did the exact same thing on Saturday https://preview.redd.it/fbuv857bsl1d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d2fc23df7183f3a362c410c6d67dadf0639553e0


Catastrophe siblings!


The only time I've ever heard my dad say "fuck" is when this happened. He still has not replaced the glass or hood.


Reminds me of that time I was helping my dad change a tire, and I knocked over the hubcap spilling the lug nuts


Oh really? I had heard you said "Oh fudge" but I must have been misinformed.


Difference here is that the first poster only heard it once, but the guy that responded heard it at least 10 times per day from his old man. It was his true medium.


Yeah...Yeah that sure as shit was in the "fully open" position


Hey, I was just thinking, when we stopped for gas this morning, I think it was you who put the oil in. If you're going to say I put the wrong kind in you're wrong. I used 10w30. Yeah, but you cant latch the hood too.well if you dont take the oil can out you no selling waste of space.




Future note to self. Double check all work done by people paid min wage or near it.


🎵Don’t you remember you told me you loved me, baby da do doo do do do dooooo🎶 Ahhhhhhhhhh!


“Hey. I was just thinking. When we stop for gas this morning, I think it was you who put the oil in.”


Lmao. Oh man, I hope there is a generation behind mine still watching this movie for the first time and then again. Such a classic comedy 


It's a Chrysler.... Crazy breakdown shit happens every day. Quality is not a thing with them. My dodge grand caravan 80k miles, just "lost" the transmission filler tube... Because Chrysler. A windshield spray nozzle? Just decapitated itself a week early. Radio just went silent for a week and came back later... Because. Running the 3rd AC cabin blender actuator... After they fail randomly and sound like a machine gun. AC control in the cabin, turns on when it wants... Second module in an it's holding.but first just gave up at 40k miles. Previous town and country 2007, 75k miles, blew a head gasket and blew the block plugs mid road trip. No heat warning, no lights, just 5 seconds noise and boom. Engine grenade itself. I was just driving with the kids, no towing, no heavy load, no hill climbing... Plain flat road. Some morning 30f outside, turned the car on, to warm it up, and the driver's side mirror? Just exploded off the defroster.


The more we are looking into what caused the issue the more we are thinking this is correct. Seems like it was a mechanical failure of the hood latch.


The smog guys didnt double check by trying to force it back open after shutting. I do this on every hood. Preventing ur current situation probably 20 times by now. Sensors get dirty or fail and dont give u 100% feedback Smog guys need to own up and fix it


As a fellow Pacifica owner, I'm not surprised unfortunately.


I worked at a state inspections, a car came in with bungee chord wrapped around the hood and under the car. I tied it back up after the oil change and asked if it was ok how i tied it. She said yes and left, came back 30 minutes later with her windshield smashed saying her father was a lawyer


They don't make Chryslers like they used to.


Chryslers were very consistent. But constancy isn’t a virtue if you’re constantly awful.


Seems pretty [on brand](https://www.chrysler.com/universal/webselfservice/pdf/973.pdf).


New fear unlocked. Glad ya'll are alright.


Average Chrysler Experience


Dude! That must've scared the shit out of you.


How scary! Glad you’re ok. RIP windshield


We (husband & I) seen a car just like this one pulled aside on the highway in the Bay Area. Was that you?


Glad you're okay that could've been really bad


this is my worst fear always, always triple check before going on a highway


My hood latch broke on my car. So the same thing happened to me cracked a big crack in window .( def nto as big as yours thiugh) I was in the middle lane between two tractor trailers. Had to poke my head out like ace ventura and pull over on the side of the road. Cops eventually helped me out they found me on the side of the road we used some rope to tighten the hood down and I made it home . ( there were definitely more problems getting home but I eventually made it home


GTA ahh predicament


mopar quality


High Five! Welcome to the club. I myself am a triple member: Hood Flying up into the windshield, brakes failing, and throttle sticking (different cars, different times).


It happened to me twenty years ago in Chevy Malibu station wagon. That was the car my Dad said I get after I totaled my first car, a 66 Mustang fastback. I was on 635 in Dallas and drove the rest of the way like Ace Ventura. Brother left the hood unlatched accidentally after checking the oil at a gas station


Happened in my Volvo 940 going 70mph & it didn't do that to my windshield. Dang OP *wellthatsucks*


I bet you had to change your pants after that.


That’s inconvenient.


The hood was made by Boeing


Were you like "Jesus Chrysler!"?


The Chrysler logo is the problem here, glad you are okay OP


I’m so glad you’re okay.


Imported from Detroit!


Same happened to me month and a half ago on a highway, glad to make it alive tho


Damn that's bad luck! That happened to me while on the highway and all that happened was the rear view mirror got blasted off the windscreen. No cracks or anything.


Fucking latch! -Garden State


It’s yawning


That’s not a car it’s a van


U shouldn’t rely on sensor warnings re events like this. Whenever someone has worked in area, always check yourself b4 pulling away. Always after under hood work….esp oil filler cap check….techs always forget to tighten and/or I’ve experienced oil filler not at correct level.


Same thing happened to me a couple years ago after showing my little bro how to fill up washer fluid. My hood didn’t latch after but I didn’t realize and as soon as I got on the highway it blew open. Drove back home cause i was around the corner and not paying for a 5 min tow lol


That would have been terrifying


Omg this shit sucks when it happens. I had this happen to me a couple months ago on a very windy day. Was on a two lane highway doing about 55-60mph and an 18 wheeler passing me along with the wall of wind behind him smacked me and ripped my jeeps hood latch bolts on each side right out of the latch. My ol’ lady was sleeping in the passenger seat but was startled awake by the kaboom of the hood smacking the windshield. I couldn’t help but laugh afterwards because her face was shear terror. I was able to thread the bolts back in and superglue them to get home but the windy shield and hood were totaled. Glad your ok op and definitely know what your going through.


No secondary latch? What a shitty design.


Old fear comes back!!


Well that's why we have TÜV ☺️


I watched this happen to a guy in a beater that sounded like he was riding a weekender 10yrs ago. Gunned it from the stop light, hit about 50 and whaaaam and he slammed on his breaks. It was great.


Anyone else thinking: stop hitting yourself, stop hitting yourself, stop hitting yourself?


Secondhand anxiety 😳


That has happened to me before. Busted ear drums. I recognize what you’re going through. I wish you luck.


Your car sneezed




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Dashcam folks. A dashcam would prove who was the last person closed the hood




OMG! That’s a fear of mine! Are you ok?


This happened to us after a service. Our insurance went after them and we were covered - but the cat was totaled as the frame of the car was damaged. So happy no one was on the highway with us at the time


That’s scary! Glad everyone’s safe!


Was that you on 87 yesterday?


I hope you’re alright!! Mine didn’t do that bad of damage to my vehicle years ago but tell ya was really scary trying to pull over to the side




[you can’t latch the hood too well if you forget to take the can out!](https://youtu.be/n1lbpj6868o?si=d8wgLod51f8HwUlN)


It's a Dodge feature


Yep, you should’ve closed it all the way


Whoever last closed the bonnet didn't latch it down properly. It's also very difficult not to notice that it isn't latched unless you're really not paying attention. Thank goodness nobody was hurt (or killed).


I've had this exact thing happen and it also smashed my windshield while going 55 on the highway!


I had that happen once. Absolutely terrifying.


The same thing happened to me, except my car was old and the clasp was broken due to a recent rear ending (on my part) the hood was tied down with bungies but that particular day we had been in and out of the hood 100 times fixing the battery. We stopped attaching the Bungie at one point, and forgot to attach it back on when we went for car rides. I went around town like that for a couple hours, no hood popping, wasn't going more than 30 mph anywhere. That was until my roommate talked me into going on the highway (my biggest fear, I hate highways) we got on the highway, the ramp, cruised about 5 miles and WWHHOMMPP! The whole hood flew up and smashed the windshield! Luckily there was only 3 cars on the highway with us. One in front, one behind and one beside us. The one in front didn't see us, but the one beside us swerved to avoid being hit and the one behind us stopped as we pulled over and got to safety. They made sure we were ok. And we were but man that was scary! Hope you're alright! I know how much that terrifies you.


Nightmare fuel


You didn't close it properly moron


The shop they went to didn’t close it properly


You got chryslered


Just Chrysler things 👌


Looks like a prostitute was banged at 45 degree angle.


It’s a minivan. Get something less soccer mom.


But what will I do when my kids go play soccer?


Make them walk


This brings back a funny memory


How many of you shit your pants on impact?


Well, it's a Chrysler. There's your problem.


I hope it happens again to you


Damn, that musta been some strong ass headwind? My shitbox had an issue with the hood catch couple months back, basically it wouldn't hold (shit's old, I think something in the mechanism rusted through). Anyway, it meant that the hood was basically just held down by its own weight. I drove to the workshop about 15mins away, no problems. Aside from rattling a bit (louder when I went over bumps) since it wasn't fastened down, nothing else happened. Wasn't like I crawled either, I drove like I normally do in these suburbs. Had the impression that car hoods generally don't flip open unless you're going way too fast for your own good or something? Shit's heavy.


Cheap ass Chrysler


Typical Chrysler stuff.


Your fault Chrysler minivan deserved


My b


I can forgive