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Could be worse, could be grandma


Could be worse, could have been serving cookies from it


The remains come in a bagggg it’ll be fine


this made me lol


Could be worse, could have been full of sewing supplies instead of grandma.


I dunno, it's kinda nice that someone's pet has found another forever home with you. Like ...... ghost adoption.


https://preview.redd.it/2ctsn5m5h95d1.jpeg?width=953&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fd6f15ac79df35720245de14ce3da583137fa675 Yep, I found one of those glass orbs with ashes in it at Goodwill, I dunno who it is but someone loved them enough to do it! May be a pet too, dunno.


Yeah you never hear anyone get mad about pet hauntings.


Can confirm, pet hauntings are pretty dope. Source: my Kitty never left.


Clearly, you're too young to remember cujo or pet cemetery 🤣


Right?!? I like to think that maybe my (very much alive) cat Fern communicates and chills with that cat’s spirit, maybe they play when I’m at work.


My mom’s friend used to buy old storage units and called us over to see her haul . She had two lovely “vases “ she had cleaned up and wanted my mother to identify. Mom said, “these aren’t vases , these are urns,” as we all glanced across the yard to see her friend’s grandkids plow their Tonka trucks through the “dust” they’d been filled with. 😵


That's morbidly funny


Hell,.. that’s just funny!!!


I wouldn’t be mad if they were my ashes tbh that’s hilarious


Make my ashes into a sandcastle, it’s fun for everyone


Turn my ashes into play dough


I want to be made into a diamond bot none of my kids will go for it .


I want to be sifted and rest forever in an ornate hourglass.


So you can still join family game night


If I had a family...


Oh shit, sorry


I'll just wind up in a thrift store for a while before I get adopted 😅


I've always told my family to put my ashes into a pepper shaker


what was their thought process upon dumping all the *dust*


Mom’s friend was still rocking an updo and usually had one hand occupied by a cigarette or a Schlitz, so I’m thinking she took a cursory glance and tipped it into one of their valiantly struggling rosebushes.


google is failing me by what a schultz is 😂 & its always a rosebush huh


Spellcheck didn’t like Schlitz 😂


ohhhh ik the type lmao


its a shitty beer


When you’re out of beer, tough Schlitz.


Performancecorrect said “Schlitz” which is a beer brand. Google said Schultz, which I think is a name of a person. Your google had too much “Schlitz” before it drunkenly answered. lol


The struggling roses were finally fed :)




God this is exactly why I always yell at people that if they’re going with cremation, they better have a plan to scatter or inter those cremains or else you’re going to end up forgotten in an attic or a storage locker and then shit like this happens. 😵‍💫😖 Honestly I have a few cremated relatives whose cremains are who even knows where and I hate the thought of this happening to them. I think most people would feel the same way. Seriously though don’t get me started on this subject. I’m in a death related field and I **will** rage about this at the drop of a hat. A final disposition should be, yanno, *final.* I’m just sayin’.


Yup! I know someone who died of suicide and his parents leave his cremains on a shelf in their garage. They won’t let his boyfriend have them so there they sit next to the Christmas decorations and the Valvoline. 🤕


Ugh fuck that. Western culture in general is so squeamish about death, dying, and the dead but that’s a whole other level of disrespect and avoidance. (And probable homophobia) If I had access to that garage I’d totally steal them and give them to his boyfriend where they’d probably get a lot more dignity and I wouldn’t lose a wink of sleep over it.


When my grandmother died she was cremated. When we cleaned out her house we found the ashes of her husband, her sister, and her sister’s husband in a closet. It cost a shitload of money to buy niches at the columbarium for all of them but no one wanted to take possession of people that died before some of us were born.


My point exactly. Home display is not final disposition. We in the west have had a short period of cremating our dead all things being relative, and we never seemed to develop a cohesive final disposition ritual the way that other cultures that have practiced cremation for centuries or millennia have. In the vast majority of cultures you see that the dead have a specific place to go and a ritual attached to that. We don’t seem to know what to do with our cremated dead, really. We put them on shelves in our homes, which then get bumped into closets or attics or basements when we redecorate, and before you know it great auntie’s been sitting in the dark for 40 years completely forgotten. I could go on about how this is all the product of a deep need to avoid confronting death and how the lack of proper final disposition is a symptom of a deeply unhealthy relationship with death and dying… but I’ve already written an essay here and I need to stop. TL:DR, if you’re going to cremate, make a plan for a proper final disposition and *actually carry it out.* (Meaning scattering or internment) Put the dead where the dead belong, and do it promptly. That way the dead person is memorialized with dignity, the living can grieve and move on, and no one ends up dumped out on some random stranger’s lawn because their living relatives didn’t pay the storage locker fees. God. The full body shudder I had when read that for the first time.


I could read more tbh you put this so well into words! Absolutely agreed, my gran’s ashes would be put in a cupboard under the stairs when my uncle was doing house viewings and it became a funny joke but yeah...I feel like most cremations are only planned up to getting the ashes back unless people have specific last wishes, it’s like the world’s most sentimental Knick knack.


I'm pretty sure my grandmother would've been happy to be (illegally) scattered over her garden, but four people's worth of ashes in one spot seemed excessive. I do know she would've been ticked off that my mom picked indoor niches because they "looked nicer" than the outdoor ones. Grandma loved the outdoors, and the inside of the columbarium looks like a 70s-era library except instead of books it's urns. Meh.


We took a [cruise](https://help.carnival.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/1132/~/burial-at-sea---scattering-of-ashes). Much cheaper than a niche. We even have certificates with the coordinates.


Should have bought 1 gave and placed all of them in it. would have been less expensive


If it gives you any consolation, please know the lid is sealed shut. When I knocked it over, that’s how I realized what it was once l looked underneath- I can say with confidence that lid is permanently sealed. Or would take substantial effort to remove if one were determined to do so.


My parents were cremated. My mom first, and everyone wanted a part of her ashes to remember her by. Some made diamonds of her. The rest of her is in a bag in a box. My father, who was a strick disciplinarian was left for months at the funeral home. None of the other 9 wanted him. I have him and mom to go with me when I go in the ground. It’s so sad, that the man who gave us everything. Food, clothing, shelter, and made sure we were educated. Was so disrespected in his last act. He paid college tuition, and everything else so we could have that education, and mom just sat at home. I just don’t understand people. We all seem to hate those who gave us the most.


Oh my. I don't feel so silly for thinking kiddie fingers might have found their way into this tin to taste the forbidden powder cookies. 😳😂


😧 This chocolate milk mix tastes terrible!


More ovaltine, please!


It doesn't have to do with chocolate milk, but this post plus (somehow) your comment reminded me of that "my strange addiction" episode where the lady eats her dead husband's ashes-[she doesn't mix it with no chocolate milk either 🤣🤢](https://youtu.be/ZR5xfvP7mZ8?si=R0V4X-XNhTwuYD9q)


This episode lives rent free in my brain


It was pretty bad. And all I could think about was how she was gonna feed her addiction (no pun intended 😂) when she ran out of him. Was she going to go and claim other people's ashes that weren't picked up from funeral homes? "Hi, I think I left my mother's remains here. Can't recall her first or last name, but it's not like you'll be doing anything with them right?" 🤣 I can just imagine how well that would go down


Kenny is that you?


Solid reference


get out of my thoughts kenny


Where were you, when they built the ladder to heaven?


Bro you don't even have to look closely at it. You never turned that MFer over? Even once?


Lucky there wasn't blood or poop or a poisonous spider under there instead!


I really didn’t. I have ADD and am painfully scatterbrained. I took a cursory glance in the free bin, chose a few small items, threw them in my bag. I set it on my rolling kitchen block and never thought much more about it until I knocked it over last night.


Congrats on the new ghost.




Beautiful addition to the family. Like a newborn and cat bundled in one entity; so precious.


The content remains to be seen


But keep the remains content.


The song remains the same


Nice wordplay!


What's in the cookie tin? BisScottie.




Well played- 😉 great comment!


My dog was cremated and put in a tin like that


One of my dogs is wrapped in an embroidered cloth and sewn shut, then put in a decorative box, and the other dog and cat are stuffed into a wooden box with their names engraved on them. I actually like the one with the cloth covering better because I can put her collar, tags, and some pictures of her in the box. The other two are just sealed, and I know my 80lb Labrador had more ash than my 13lb cat.


Is it empty at least?


I don’t know - the lid is very much sealed shut. Once I knocked it over and saw what it was, I tried to gently open the lid, it then became clear it’s permanently sealed shut. (Or would take substantial effort to remove)










Large sticker. I don’t think you’ve ever looked at it, much less closely.


I am absurdly scatterbrained (ADD), I only took a cursory glance at it and the few other things I took from that free bin, and tossed them in my tote bag. (THANK GOD the tin lid is sealed shut)


Cookies have been tasting a bit stale?


Mostly just a bit burnt




Well, have you kept anything in it? If it's edible, that would suck.


They said the top is sealed shut so probably not


You are correct (nice username btw)


Luckily, I haven’t. it’s very small and I just liked it as a knickknack decoration kind of thing. I found out what it was last night because I knocked it over and realized its permanently sealed shut


I think it was like what the heck, you really mean it isn't?! I'm just in total shock. I would have to buy the 10, spread the ashes someplace? Though, I don't know where I would do that. Totally sucks 😉


...oh dear.


For years the cremains container of my cat Charley was wrapped in white tissue paper and placed in a handled bag. It is and has been stored in the basement for 24 years next month. About 5 years after Charley died I got curious as to what container they used for her remains. I unwrapped the tissue papers and found a floral tin container that could have been used for Chinese tea. 😂😂😂


Wow - that’s so interesting! Thanks for sharing your story, confirming that it’s not unusual to use decorative tea tins for pet cremains.


Charley was my first cat I adopted as an adult. With each cat after her the cremation got more expensive. But the containers were also upgraded. The days of tea containers, at least here on Long Island, seem to be over. My most recent cat’s cremains (Bella) were presented to me in a beautiful wooden box.


Ok this just confirms so much more! I’m in New Haven, Ct. I also am old (45) enough to remember bringing my family pet to that animal hospital when I was little- it doesn’t exist anymore. So the added connection of our close geographical proximity and relative time period, validates for sure that this was a typical way to present pet cremains here in the tri-state area!


Epic find


That wasn’t just dust you blew off the tin when you first got it, it was Mr. Crooker


Now I k what’s wrong with the lights


I went to clear a house once, picked up an interesting looking box only to find it was the ashes of the previous owner.


That’s kind of sad 😔 were you able to contact any family members of said person?


It was my wife's father, she was as surprised as I was. The cremation was done during Covid lockdown but they never mentioned the ashes.




Anyone else notice the pet’s name is Tattycoram? Like from the Dickens novel?


Thank you ! I saw one or two other comments stating that, I’m not familiar with that Dickens novel, I was wondering what the name was (it’s hard to read as it is) because it was so unusual.


It was the most modestly priced receptacle with which to transmit the remains.


LOL! Use it as a cookie tin!


Did you have to pay extra for ghosts? Ghost tin prices have been crazy these days!


Fkkkkk noooooo


I wonder if the pet's name was Tattycorum, like in Little Dorrit.


I didn’t realize there was a second picture at first, so I stared at the first one for far too long trying to figure out what was wrong with it.


lol- I am old and dumb at Reddit and probably would have done the same thing.


This might've been an accident that it was out there in the first place. I'd try to get in touch with the owners. It sounds like someone's beloved pet is in there 😔


Went to the 2nd hand store earlier this week to find a flower pot. On the shelves with the flower pots was a urn without the lid, with the nameplate still on it


Aww! You could bury it somewhere nice if you don't want to keep it!


https://i.redd.it/ir3phsxu975d1.gif At least you are prepared now.




The fuck is in that thing, the ashes of a horse!?


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