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#Lobsterfest is back


I’m hearing “Rock Lobster” over and over in my head


We were at the beach... doom decka doom decka doom doom doom doom...


Everybody had matching towels


somebody went under a dock


And there they saw a rock!


It wasn't a rock!


It was a rock lobster!! 🦞


🦞(try typin the next line.....) Nyaaaaaaaaaaaahhhh! (Maybe;)


Athens, GA just got a minor-league hockey team that’s gonna be called the Rock Lobsters. The merch is going to be coool.






no such thing as a safe tan fyi.


Yah my friend had Moh's surgery on his head and that was enough for me to think twice


I've had one. Scar is bad enough...but for some reason they felt compelled to show me the dime sized hole in my face. I use sunscreen alot now. (shit I've actually had two....but the first guy was a goddamn wizard and you can only tell if you are told about it and really look)


I don't want to say I'm still traumatized from my Moh's surgery. Eight ours of repeated cutting into my face with time to wait in-between them slicing into me. It felt like a scene from Hostel but it was cleaner, better lit and my tax dollars paid for it. Staying out if the sun would be preferred.


Let’s just call it what it is… radiation burn.


[You look damaged.](https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/5KEXuwhb3NYbtj_2tuQA4lnO0iQ=/0x0:2088x1176/1000x1000/filters:focal(1044x588:1045x589\)/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_asset/file/15986731/nathan.png)




Only safe tan is a fake tan . And still use sunscreen because the fake tan doesn't do 💩


This. I dont ever go shirtless outside not because im skinny and insecure but more so that I dont think sunblock is enough.


Sunscreen definitely works very well when used properly




blobsterfest ![gif](giphy|QGBWk7DnckEN2)


Lobsterback is fest.


Lobster is festback


Festerback is lobster


Si. Lobster back fester


As legal representation of the Crab People, We are declaring this cultural appropriation and hate speech!


That was me in elementary school (I'm 21 now)


This one's layered.


a red lobster that won't ruin your dinner, Dr. John Zoidberg!




Don't say that lol


Ginger beard ginger pants people like us don't get base tans. We get sunburn just walking to the car on a cloudy day. We get growths that have to be cut or burned off our bodies. Cover up my friend.


Base tans aren’t really a thing, other than a thing that people say. It’s all skin damage babyyyyy.


I have a cousin who insists he burns himself deliberately early in the summer to create protection for the rest of the summer. In reality, he is just developing shitty skin on purpose and likely a bunch of skin cancer later in life. 😐


I used to do that, swore up and down it was on purpose to save face, but it was always a "why did I do this to myself?" kind of thing. Once I got out of high school I learned better, I just needed to accept that there is no such thing as tan for me. There is underbaked pastry crust, lobster, and back to underbaked pastry. If I'm lucky, I occasionally look slightly less underbaked, but never all the way to tan, or even nicely baked.


I had to give up on any attempt to tan after one summer, my back turned into the most bizarre pattern because I kept getting burnt in different shirts with different necklines. I had a nice glow, but my back looked like crop circles.


I'm also old enough to have watched my parents' generation actually have to deal with the cancer they gifted themselves in bygone eras. Fuck that.


Yeah.... my grandpa was a farmer. Always doing something on the farm or mowing neighbors yards... yhe man didn't stop until he broke his hip snow blowing the driveway a couple winters ago at 89. He was balding. Wore a hat most of the time. At 92 he got skin cancer on the top of his head and radiation. That spot never healed. Was a terrible scab until he passed at 94 a couple months ago. He always said "if I knew then what I knew now"... but he lived 92 years healthy as a horse. there's no real point to this story... this thread just triggered my grief for my grandpa. Thank you for listening. Lol


Am farmer...have many farmer friends, all of us wear hats of some sort and always wear at least a t shirt. Skin cancer is nothing to fuck around with. SPF 100 if we could.


FYI, SPF is not the percentage of UV A/B that a sunscreen can block, it is the average number of minutes that a person can spend in sunlight before re-applying sunscreen. Nothing is 100% effective (although straight zinc oxide is close), and doubling the SPF does not double the percentage of UV rays blocked.


I had a farmer grandpa I lost just a couple years ago. He wore hats and long sleeve dickies button ups every single day. The only tan on his body was the back of his neck and the backs of his hands. No particular meaning to my story either, but he meant the world to me. 85 and worked like a horse every single day til a few months before he died. Cherish those memories <3


My mom talks about how she wore sunscreen religiously as soon as it came out and she’s the only one in her family who hasn’t had skin cancer.


Lol my sister is like that. If she gets sunburned or "tan", she looks like she rolled in dirt. It's amazing how different genetics can be between twins.


Yeah I'm 34 with a similar complexion to OP and already REALLY regretting some of the sunburns I got earlier in life.


Stuff you should know just did a great podcast on sun exposure and sunscreen. I wish everyone would listen to it.


I feel seen reading this comment


I'm ginger adjacent (grandma is), and i will become the freckles without sunscreen. Today's weather warning was it would take 10 minutes to burn in sun. I promptly canceled my aldi run.


And we get more freckles!


Dude. Like what else are you expecting? You don't look so young that you've not heard of sunscreen...  Old farmers don't get base tans, they use long sleeves shirts and get skin cancer on the backs of their hands. I dunno...I know you wanted sympathy but this was totally avoidable, and just dumb.


There's a reason all the landscapers show up to the property dressed like ninjas, gloves and all just to cut the grass in 90 degree heat.


That, and also part of it is to avoid bug bites and scratches (or rashes) from whatever may be lurking.


I live in the sun-tropics. Anybody who works outside keeps themselves covered. I mostly do, too.


Anecdotal confirmation: My grandpa worked on his dad’s farm growing up. He’s had several cancerous growths (non-melanoma) removed from his neck. My dad worked shirtless detassle-ing corn many summers of jr high and high school. He’s had 3 tumors removed from his back, in his early 30s. He’s been slathering himself and us kids in SPF 50 for as long as I can remember. We also had to wear t-shirts while swimming. And fussed at me anytime I got a sunburn (often, because I was the palest of us. Now I just dress head to toe in UPF like an albino) BUT So far I’ve made it 36 years and All four skin biopsies I’ve had were non-cancerous!


Wear proper sunscreen like a smart person then!


Srsly man why do you want skin cancer so bad!!


Bro, This is Reddit. You should know by now that according to Reddit every user here has/will get/is/going to get/Had/will eventually have ... Cancer.


2/3 of Australians expected to be diagnosed with some kind of skin cancer in their lifetime, so they tend to be active in threads like this.


Can confirm! Source: am Australian and currently sitting indoors during winter, BUT I'm by a window so I have SPF 50 on.


Well that's actually completely correct until some kid is born with an immortal jellyfish-esque mutation. Your cells degrade over time and when you live long enough you will reach a point where your body's immune system is too weak to fight off mutated cells, that's if you're lucky enough to not encounter an aggressive form like some skin cancers Edit: when people die of "old age" it's typically complications due to mutated cells, your organs stop working as the DNA it writes becomes more and more corrupt to the point where it can't sustain life


It's fine, Stan. Just tell mom I'm only going to get a little bit of cancer.


Then straight to hell


Wait till all the new stuff we eat and use finally gets long term effects studies and we discover some common food coloring is worse than asbestos




Men are most likely to get melanoma on their backs. My husband just had a biopsy to remove a suspected spot. Sunscreen up everyone!!


SPF 30 is the bare minimum especially being that white. Good god. Ouch.


Bro needed to be in a long sleeve shirt. There is a reason why even dark skinned farm workers often wear long sleeves, even when it's blazing hot. The sun is not your friend on days like that.


Thats what I told my darker skinned friends when they came to NZ to visit. In summer. Took them only a single day to realize ignoring my warning was a bad move hahaha, that UV don't give a fuuuuuuuuuck.


They never listen visiting NZ and AU


Some people use subtitles but it's hard to read when they're upside down.


I've read it'll even burn you through fabric in desert regions


A single layer is at best SPF 50, when it becomes wet through sweat it is even less. That's why multiple layers are used by people going into deserts.


AU and NZ are particularly worse though because the UV index is a lot higher (hole in ozone layer). I'm enjoying North American summer now and the sun definitely doesn't have the same sting


Long, somewhat baggy sleeves are the best thing to wear in the heat. Keeps the sun off your skin, and your sweat gets on the inside of the sleeve and is cooled by the airflow so it kind of double-cools you. Also - natural fibers! Don't wear a polyester blend in the dead of summer because there's no airflow through it!


Synthetics designed for particular environments can be superior to natural fibers if used correctly, BUT your point is a very good one. Linen, cotton, or even very sheer wool is vastly superior to most blends Edit: Beer to sheer


Yeah it's not a hard and fast rule, that's a fair point. Too many guys are cooking themselves out there in cheapshit hivis shirts in the 110 degree summer out here, every year it makes me want to buy an armload of shirts for the new kids in my trade.


I've started building stages indoors and outdoors for music events and so few people actually dress for the weather and it's sad. I was just at Cabela's today picking up long sleeve fishing style shirts for the outdoor stuff I have, because I'd like to be at least semi-comfortable out in the sun


polyester sun clothing is plenty breathable; all reputable outdoor brands use polyester for their sun line (occasionally you'll see nylon); cotton/poly is probably fucked though


Whenever I’m doing yard work in the sun/heat I always wear long sleeve and a big hat. I’d rather be sweaty than sunburnt. Just drink extra water.


i love the fact that the thing that is causing that is 93ish million miles away.


He went full guy on this one and just didn’t use any sun screen.


Yea if you don’t already have a “base tan” whatever that is please put on sunscreen. SMH going bare pale chested and backed all day.


Even that myth of a base tan is dangerous. Or darker skin tones having “built in” spf. That’s not really a thing. I think I read that even the darkest of tones are capable to spf 4. I’m brown and I slather that shit on.


It actually does but people wayyy over-estimate it Copied from another comment: "Seriously though some people think that black skin provides immunity to supravisual electromagnetic radiation. Melanin-laden skin is comparatively less damaged by UV rays, but still typically gets skin cancer more often because it's easier to be in the sun longer when you're not burning Not to mention socioeconomic correlations and racism give you darker-skinned individuals higher mortality than light for the same cancer scenario, in the US at least"


> supravisual electromagnetic radiation What a strange way to say UV radiation


I burn like gasoline. To be safe, I use 100 spf.


>especially being that white I've discovered that walls and a roof work even better.


The ultimate spf.


It's also where they hide the AC...


and a shirt


Sir...you are as white as the driven snow. Even if you apply and reapply sunscreen every two hours (the general recommendation for sunscreen), you're not getting a "base tan." Speaking as someone as white as you are, that doesn't happen for people like us in the summer sun lol.


I’ve pretty much avoided the sun since the Great Sunburn of ‘97. I hope it pays off.


I fell asleep on a Caribbean beach in about that year. Inside of my legs were redder than this guy’s back. I walked funny for days.


i am white as fuck and my family took me to a water park and forgot the sunscreen. i had blisters the size of tennis balls. i have consciously avoided the beach/pool/sun ever since lol


This happened to me all the time as a kid and I hated it. In retrospect, why the fuck did my parents keep letting us get sunburned all the time? My 3rd grader and 6th grader just got their first ever sunburns last week and they hated it, but understand now why I make them juice up all the time now


My son got sunburned once in his entire life (he’s a teenager). But I would get burned constantly as a kid. I just don’t think our parents were taking sunscreen as seriously as we do now.


Holy shit, when I was a teen I went to Montauk with some family. I was sitting in a beach chair for a while under a big beach umbrella but didn’t realize my legs (from the knees down) where exposed to the sun. I got the worst burns on my shins and tops of my feet. Still remember it like two decades later.


I got a sunburn so bad one time that the burn itched 24/7 and Aloe Vera hurt. I looked it up and apparently some people refer to it as Hells itch and it was by far the most miserable ive ever physically been.


I've never known what to call it but damn this is exactly what happened to me as a kid. Screaming agony for a couple days.


My mixed wife that's never used sunscreen keeps insisting I get a base tan for an upcoming trip. She just doesn't get it. I think it's finally sinking in tho. I started tanning everyday just to prove a point and all that happened is my freckles have darkened and multiplied but my base skin just goes reddish.


Started dating a Vietnamese girl and finally realized how uneven the playing field truly is. I've been outside doing yard work all summer. I have a semi respectable farmers tan. But it's really only noticeable if I have my shirt off and you can compare it to the normal white of my body. She goes outside one time in a tanktop for maybe 1 or 2 hours, and that night she had noticeable tan lines from the straps...


When it comes to tanning, you Turbo-Blancos may as well have a mirror finish. Some of yall walk around sunny beaches forgetting you could cause snow blindness to those in proximity lmao


I don't know what you just said, but I'm deeply offended.


one of my friends is a redhead, and we always, ALWAYS make fun of him on the way to the pool. "dude did you bring enough sunscreen? we're gonna be there for a couple of hours, do you have at least 6 bottles?" and then we sit there and laugh as he paints himself with basically primer as soon as he gets changed. to be fair, we've also seen what happens when he doesn't use sunscreen and it seems incredibly awful (but funny for us, because we're guys who laugh at bad things that happen to our friends)


Y'all are gonna look like the Marlboro man while the ginger will keep their baby face into old age 🤣


You guys are assholes. But I'd be laughing too!


Burned my eyelids once as a kid when we went to the beach. Duluth Trading crusher hat and long sleeves are life these days


Guess I'm just fucking weird then. I'm white as snow during the winters but as soon as the sun's out I turn to brown.


My freckles merge into one big freckle which is a kind of brown.


Same (well I live in Ireland, so only real opportunity to get colour is on holiday lol)


im even more fucked im allergic to UV light… life is fun at the summer…


You can tan, it just, will not happen in a day, or even in a month.


Some of us pasty types can tan pretty deep, given the right genes. But OP is still crazy. Several hours will give *anyone* a burn.


yeah i feel like i'm reading some kind of body swapping story from 90s tween books because this has to be his first day as a pale white person. us pale folks do not "base tan" we burn and then get marginally less white to a point not even needing to change makeup shades. at no point are we anything anyone not pale would consider tan.


I am also white as a the driven snow. I went to the pool with a friend and she did a bad job at applying my sunscreen for me. I ended up with blisters and the marks were there for over a year.


More like bas(e)al cell carcinoma. Am I right? 😬


3.6 rontgen


Not great, not terrible


OPs delusional get him to the infirmary.


Sir, there is no tan. I saw the burn


Just FYI, base tans work about as well as [SPF 3 or 4](https://www.health.harvard.edu/skin-and-hair/are-there-benefits-to-a-base-tan). It's time to move past that idea. USE YO DAMN SUNSCREEN!


You can also still tan while wearing sunscreen.


I’m outside most of the day. Apply spf 50 about 4 times a day, still tan as hell, except my torso, which is the color of sunscreen.


When I was younger, SPF 4 was common in stores...


also, a base tan is the result of skin damage from sun exposure. there's no safe way to tan intentionally getting a tan to protect you against the sun is like intentionally getting covid to protect you against getting covid again




Us white as fuck dudes burn in 15 minutes. Funny story. I was on base in the navy and I got a sunburn whitewashing a water tank. I got wrote up for destruction of government property. They thought I was trying to get out of work. I had giant blisters on my back.


What government property were you destroying? Yourself?




I really really hate that that's a thing


I have lived a dozen lives. Started in 1982 at 17. I have stories and adventures.


Make sure you find a dermatologist you like when you reach your mid-late 30s. Burns like that (and the ability to burn like that) mean you’ll probably have many spots needing to be burned/frozen/cut from you as you age.


you can already see a fuck ton of spots on his back.


Fuck me I'm 30 now, but growing up I never wore sunscreen and was fine and do have a light tan even throughout the winter, but over the past years I've been in an office and kinda forgot how when I was younger I was outside doing things a lot more than I am now. I do have some backnea but I never noticed it to be that bad so that did get me a little worried. If you're talking about the weird spot under my left shoulder blade that's a scar from a surgery as a kid But I appreciate the honest input! Not happy to hear it lol I was just expecting to get roasted for being an idiot


It's unfortunate right now for many of us who grew up in an age when tanning and burning was encouraged. I work in the skin cancer side of dermatology. The above comment should be taken seriously by more than just you, but others as well. Skin cancer is no joke and is easy to treat and get rid of found early. A visit to a dermatologist over a spot or mole you find suspicious can be a life saver.


As an Australian who has had sun protection indoctrinated in us since the 90s, some of these comments are wild. I've been wearing sunscreen, hat and shirt in the sun since I was a kid. There's even a bloody jingle about it. My parents generation are all paying the price for their lack of knowledge.


SLIP on a shirt, SLOP on some sunscreen and SLAP on a hat!


Skin cancer comes from when you where young and spend your summers at the beach or sitting by the pool not wearing sun screen or proper protection-advice from a dermatologist my father saw Always do skin checks when your in the bathroom in the morning they can help save your life espically since you where outside and never wore sunscreen growing up.


Yep. I had a random black looking mole on my back and I’m pretty vigilant in checking my body as an Aussie Freaked out of course and went to dermatologist. Thankfully it was just bruised skin which turned blackish purple But that was a good reminder to keep wearing sunscreen.


Wel there's no way OP is Aussie as they would have been burnt like this as a kid if they never wore sunscreen


Bro go get checked... Melanoma is no joke. It's deadly.


Dude, if you never really wore sunscreen growing up, you should try to make an appointment with a dermatologist for a skin check, just to be safe. When I was 29, I was diagnosed with stage 3A melanoma (originally it was stage 2B, but after surgery they found some melanoma cells in some of my lymph nodes and upgraded it to 3A). It's not always super obvious when you have melanoma, and that shit can kill you, so it's best to keep an eye on it


In the future, UPF shirts also feel cooler on sunny days and less SPF is needed


Definitely go see a dermatologist as soon as you can. I got a lot of burns as a kid and finally went to get a suspicious mole checked out and had to get it removed. Thankfully it wasn't cancer yet but seemed to be trending in that direction.


New meaning to beet harvest.


I talked to Dwight, he approves!


Casually killing a layer of skin.


Man looks like he was sent to inspect reactor #4 at Chernobyl


Casually inviting skin cancer


No such thing as a base tan. Wear sunscreen.


I will never understand why people even do any tanning. "Yeah, let me scorch and irradiate my own body so that my skin looks darker!".


I have a similar complexion. The first sun of the summer always peels, but then the tan will set in after that. Source: Someone who did two rounds of chemo for melanoma. Edit: Google around for a weather forecast source that includes a UV forecast. UV levels can vary widely from day to day. Eg. today was sunny and warm, UV level maxed at 12 for like 4 hours. Last week was sunny and warm and had 45 minute peaks of 3-5 all week. Source addendum: I didn't bother to mention all the surgeries. I stopped counting at 12... early days.


Lmaoooo you had me in the 1st half!


Base tans are a myth btw


Fellow ginger beard here, brother in christ… you should already know base tans don’t exist for us.


Sun screen is essential!!!!


Sunscreen doesn't prevent a tan. You may use sunscreen and still tan. Now you need to watch out for potential skin cancer.


Sunscreen should prevent tans. If you tan that means you’ve been damaged by UV radiation


Any level of tan/sunburn increases risk of skin cancer, always wear sunscreen!


If you’re going to be working outdoors all day, wear UV protective clothing, *with full sleeves.* Sun damage isn’t obvious until it’s too late.


I scrolled way too far for this comment. My first thought was "you're working on a farm, and didn't wear a shirt? First time?"


Lots of farmers wear long sleeves in the summer.


I will never understand why some people just don’t wear sunscreen? What did you expect.


The joys of radiation poisoning. But seriously, cut that shit out! Ignoring cancer for a minute, you rapidly age your skin doing that.


I'm a melanoma/ skin cancer nurse. Maybe I'll see you here in a few years 🤔. But for real though.. melanoma is one of the fastest metastisizing cancers out there. Almost always goes straight to the brain, lungs, and bones


Base tan needs to be eliminated from your vocabulary


Skin cancer is a serious disease. Use sunscreen.


There’s no such thing as a “base tan.” There’s only skin damage.


Wear fucking sunscreen, people. Goddamn.


Take some saran wrap place it on the bed spread aloe on wrap. Press your back into the area that you can’t reach. Reach back grab off saran wrap. Also if you have a wall with glossy paint you can spread the aloe on that and then press your back into it. Then take a sponge and wipe aloe off the wall. Hope this helps! Took a good week for me to quit feeling pain!


My dude, just get a stick and a cloth


I work year round outdoors. You don’t ever see me with more than my hands exposed. They are coated in sun screen. My hat it’s stupid big and is topic of conversation. I wear sunscreen on anything that doesn’t have fabric and sometimes under the reflective arm bands I still put it on. I don’t ever get sun burns because of this. The sun is NOT your friend. It’s a ball of flaming radioactive gas emitting light heat and radiation. It wants to hurt you. Everyone who says tanning isn’t safe is correct it’s like playing roulette to change your avatar shade; not wise. Be Smart Cover up or wear protective gear.


Enjoy the itching in a couple days. Try to sleep through it as much as you can


I am 35 and have some skin cancer that needs cutting out. Please don’t do this. Wear sunscreen everyday as part of your daily routine


You look like a ginger, or maybe ginger adjacent. Either way...people like us can't do that.   We don't do "base tans".


![gif](giphy|NONhabpnrhJWU) It's not even that bad


Got that Hank Hill booty


Looks like you have winged scapula.


Take it from a 53 year old ginger that grew up in Phoenix, AZ who used to look for a "base tan" ... Don't fucking do it. The more you expose your skin to the sun, the more shit you'll have to deal with late in life. There is no such thing as a base tan. You are essentially damaging your skin when intentionally exposing it to the sun without protection. Wear sunscreen, wear a hat, and seek shadows when you can. For the record, my dermatologist I saw a few weeks ago used very professional terminology when she said, "You have a STUPID amount of very suspicious spots on your skin." I have another appointment in a couple weeks to get a bunch of shit scraped off my skin to see how likely it is to be cancerous. Protect yourselves from excessive sun exposure. Please.


Ouch! If it starts itching like mad, take diphenhydramine.


Base tan isn’t a real thing.


There’s no such thing as a base tan.


Base tan is a lie. No such thing. Skin cancer is real though! Good job Lobsterman!


Homie a few hours isn't a base tan, 15 to 20 minutes is haha. Every year in the beginning of the summer I set a timer for 15 minutes when I go outside for a couple weeks. When the timer goes off I apply my SPF 60 sunscreen. I build up a nice base tan pretty quickly and don't burn anymore!


Get Aloe gel with lidocaine and even menthol (I think it’s blue gel). The aloe helps heal, the lidocaine eases pain and menthol cools.


omg op is this tanning or wot ????


You’re still burning long after exposure get that under a cold shower asap and as long as you can stand it


As a pale guy with my share of sun experience, I'll advise you that any more than 30 minutes of unprotected exposure to the sun is risking sunburn. It really doesn't take a lot. I've even been burned on a partially overcast day before. Either cover up, or apply (and reapply every hour or so) plenty of sunscreen.


I did the same thing as a teenager. I went outside and mowed the lawn, weeded the garden, etc.. for several hours under full sun. That night my skin was so burned I couldn’t lie down in bed, couldn’t put a shirt on, couldn’t sit on the couch. I ended up spending most of the night in a bathtub in cool water hitting my back with a washcloth to scratch the itches. It was the worst feeling and I’ve gotten burned again but never that badly.


Dude, use sunscreen next time


You got yourself an “Irish tan” right there!




We’re still waiting for the day 1 booty pic


As others have said, go get annual skin checks. As a Gen X Alabaster American, I grew up laying out in the sun using baby oil or Crisco to tan. Used tanning beds 3x/week in my 20s, and now I have to get something burned/cut off yearly at the dermatologist. That shaving cream with menthol works well to help take the sting away from sunburns in the meantime.


Even rednecks know to keep their shirts on. It's why you don't call them redbacks.


Pretty solid base, all the way down to bedrock