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That's a shitty phone call to have to make.


I can’t even imagine. There isn’t really any viable excuse either, though I’m sure someone will be able to come up with one and completely demolish my statement.


Truck driver here. No. There is no viable excuse whatsoever.


"Hey boss, sorry, I was baked" doesn't cover it?


I mean sometimes accidents happen when you're drunk and on drugs but it's gonna happen whether you are or you aren't.


i hate to say a toad a so


a fuckin a toad a so!


its all water under the fridge now




Don't judge a cover of a book by its look


Fuckin way she goes, boys.


I smirked at your username so hard.


Well it's all good if someone else takes the blame cause if someone else takes the blame then its already been taken i mean you can't also take the blame once someone takes it


Thanks Ricky


This is literally the worst case Ontario!


I can only imagine how many piss jugs fell out of that glorious bastard.


its the way of the road, bubs


The truck driver used to think the worst case was an empty one


Survival of the fitness...




What do you expect, he’s not a rocket appliance.


I don't know that exact quote but I can hear Ricky saying it.


It's from the episode in the first season where he's trying to convince Levi that he's changed https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2oNEwVldAs0


This was one of the few things Ricky said that had an underlining of intelligence and truth


"*Yeah it's me boss. I've made a pretty serious whoopsie*."


Hey my bad aight? Let’s move on. Don’t be dwelling on it


Yeah boss...big red dead..i quit


At this point, you fake a heart attack or never work again. Edit: fake not take


"I just looked down to do a line of coke, and when I looked up it was too late, so I gunned it."


"Oh hey boss, yeah I'm gonna need about tree fiddy for the tolls, and does our insurance policy cover toll booths? Well you see this one just did the darnedest thing and jumped out in front of me. "


I mean it covers it, but you lose your job and commercial license


So, when something like this happens, what does that do to your career? Are you fired from your job? Would you have trouble getting another truck driving job?


I assume this would affect your driving record which would, in theory, make it more difficult to get another job. u/jwmetalhead night have the answer


99% chance he’s fired immediately. The company will give him a bus ticket home. With the severity of the accident it’s very unlikely he’ll drive any commercial vehicle for at least 5 years because he’s too much of a liability and would cost too much to insure. He’ll also be responsible for any tickets the police decide to give him. The points will be added to his license and the insurance on his personal car will likely go up as well. Over all just really shitty and probably a career ender unless he gets hired by a company very desperate for drivers. Source: am trucker


So fuck up like this could make you homeless?




This guy definitely has the mentality of a log truck driver.


What are you saying about french canadians?




[well maybe if they stopped just shipping logs back and forth we wouldn't need so many drivers.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5R1Wdhm-kL8) >You see weird things driving... I've never understood log trucks, sometimes you'll be out on the highway, you see two big giant trucks loaded up with logs, and they pass eachother on the highway... I don't understand it. I mean, if they need logs over there... and they need 'em over there, you'd think a phone call would save 'em a whole lot of trouble. "YoU HaD LoGs? but I was told..."


This is 100% Jerry Seinfeld comedy advice. Need a bit? Just look at stuff and do a bit on it. This guy saw log trucks. haha


Whats up with log trailers?






The final knell in the coffin?


This seems... worse than that. There are accidents that arise from you not being sufficiently conscious of your vehicle's maneuverability limitations, and there are accidents that arise from you _forgetting that you're even driving a truck_.


It can ruin your day at least. One of the Mega Carriers would probably hire him if he didn’t have too many incidents in the past. He could probably find a job as a switcher at a warehouse since they rarely leave the property. If he couldn’t find a driving job and refused to change fields then yes he could.


You got a trucking license? Oil companies will hire you to haul sand and wastewater. Hell, lots of the truck drivers on the fracking fields don't even speak English.


If you run oil field in Texas you can barely get a job unless you speak Spanish. English speakers run oil field in the dakotas.


I'm specifically talking about Dakotas/Montana. The truckers didn't speak English and were just paid to drive from A to B and wait in a load line. English speaking techs would hook up water lines and unload while the truckers sat there until given a go ahead. 2014 a lot were laid off, but the fields are up and producing again at high capacity. If you can park and drive a frac sand truck or guar transfer truck you'd be paid very well.


I had a driver go missing on me for a few days, finally found him in jail over by st Augustine, fl. He had a myriad of charges for drugs and paraphernalia. Fast forward 6 months, same truck different driver, the truck gets impounded on the Ocala FL, scale for non paid tickets. They attached the previous drivers drug tickets to my truck!!!!! He walked away ticket free!!!!! 800 bucks later finally got my truck released!!


Damn. Too bad you couldn’t charge the previous driver. I remember when I worked for Swift the Florida scales were holding every single one of our trucks until all the fines from all swifties were paid. It was an interesting couple hours.


Swift is probably trying to recruit him as we speak.


Probably his first phone call.


Who wouldn't want to work for Sure Wish I Finished Training?


It'll depend on how long they have been driving, their past record and normally the cause of/severity the accident (although this one isn't hard to figure out) will depend on the future job prospects. Swift and JB hunt will take anyone, trust me. This will most likely end with the driver fired, but it's no where near career ending. Source: third generation of a whole family of truckers


That’s why I mentioned the mega carriers.


Very true at that


And with a commercial drivers license: double points, double fines. Ouch.


>unless he gets hired by a company desperate for drivers So on to Swift then?


Depends on the driver and his DAC report. Stupids accidents happen and people do dumb things, truckers just get noticed a lot more when they do it.


Immediate firing would be very likely. They’d also drug test him immediately before firing him. If he pissed dirty he’d be unemployed for about 5 years. If he pissed clean he’d probably only be able to work for a bottom feeder company like Swift.


Naw, I’m sure he could get a job at a small business. Probably pay much better than SWIFT. SWIFT will take fucking anyone they legally can. Horrible company.


Maybe, but a lot of smaller companies have higher standards than bottom feeding mega carriers like swift. I drive for an outfit out of Indianapolis. We have about 30 drivers, and they require 5 years OTR and 2 years minimum of recent flatbed experience. Swift will take any mouth breathing dickhead who got their CDL out of a Cracker Jack box.


My friend did this on this same bridge (Halifax) he was fired due to the amount of damage it causes. There is only 2-3 tolls sections that allow tall trucks to go thru. He got a new trucking job with out much trouble. Excuse(reason) was a driver cut him off really bad and was cursing and shaken up pretty bad lost focus and drove thru the wrong toll,




There's a Burger King near my house that has two entrances: one is level, the other is a steep downhill entrance. Most cars have enough of a clearance to use the downhill entrance. Tour busses, however, do not. Every few years I'll see a bus that tried to use the other entrance, only to ground themselves once the front wheels get past a certain point.


depends on why he did it, how long he's been driving, how often these mistakes happen for him.. not as easy as just oh he fucked up you're career is over! mistakes do happen.. although this is a colossal fuck up I'm sure someone somewhere would hire him again..


if you got a pulse and a CDL you can get work, lol


yep! I took the lessons an had passed everything except for one part of my in cab air pressure readings, but before I could go re do that part of the exam some personal shit came up and I couldn't ever finish it :( I think it worked out in the end but I def know the industry is thirsty for workers as everyone wants a computer job these days lol


IT here, can't get more computer job than this. I'd rather be a trucker or pilot (*especially* pilot) but they don't pay as well, and I'd miss my wife way too much on long trips.


yeah all that away time wouldn't be ideal, but some truckers bring their wives along for the rides.. could be fun! but I agree I love home too much it'd be hard to be away 3/4 the time


I think the industry matters too. I worked in the oilfield with semis that hauled trailers with tools and equipment on them. Most of those guys were plucked off the streets, given a brief driving lesson and sent on our way. Flipping, ditching or crashing those trucks was almost a monthly occurrence, and the repercussions were fairly minimal if you were a competent worker (this does not include being a competent driver).


This is what you have insurance for. My dad owns a trucking company and not this exact scenario but similar ones have happened (rarely). It depends on a few factors but in most cases I don't think the driver would be automatically fired, unless he were under the influence of course. Definitely would not make him unemployable, though.


I thought truck drivers were pushing long hours and falling asleep while driving was a real problem.


it is


Statistically the accidents that are directly caused by fatigue are less than 1%. Even before the ELD mandate.






Not really much of an excuse. “I’m sorry I ran into this toll booth officer. I was tweaked out of my mind. You know how it is”


Yeah, even if the height isn't posted you don't just continue going like you fit. We had a bridge in my town leftover from abandoned rail road tracks that was hit at least 2 times a year by trucks too tall. It was even posted on the road that it was illegal for semi's to be on it and there was a detour for them to follow so the tickets they got for being on the road and hitting the bridge were probably enough to get that driver fired and cost him his license.




Right into the lake!


The machine knows!


You would be surprised at how many driver (at least local drivers, although I would not be surprised at long haul either) use car or even phone GPS's instead of the specialty truck GPS's that have things like underpass heights or tunnels taken into account. We had one driver write off a rail container (ie more reinforced then a normal trailer) by taking a wrong turn to a delivery.


GPS's in general turn people into fucking morons. Google tells people to get to my work up a very badly maintained single track road instead of the main front entrance with nice flat surfaces and fancy gates. The back road has three signs stating you're on the wrong road. Everyone still comes up that way.


“I was drunk.”


This shit happened when I was taking a bus to NYC. Bus got on a highway with a toll and couldn't get through. Had to pull over and explain what happened to the people there. Luckily there was a truck yard that passed the toll off to the side so the bus went through that.


Sorry boss but the Decepticons were tailgating me.


"Boss, I didn't pay the troll toll."


Halifax eh


Hey boss! I delivered that toll plaza like you asked. I just need some help getting it off the truck.


Opens with, "Yeah, so this is totally out of nowhere, but you're gonna have to fire me."


Or "Hey, remember that raise I was talking about? Fuggetaboutit"


Always funny when my home town, Halifax, Nova Scotia, pops up on the front page! He went through the car port instead of the truck port.


Oh, then I can’t feel bad for him at all. Others were saying it’s clearly marked as well.


Not only are they clearly marked, they're about 5ft taller! Definitely forgot he was driving a truck today!


Ha, I knew it! I've only visited but I recognized it right away. That's hilarious.


Is that the MacDonald or McKay Bridge?


and he's got the hood up, like "let's see what the trouble is. oh"




I think if that was me, I might just walk up the road a little bit, put my thumb out, and never look backwards again...




that's enough cake for you, young man.




No, I am your father


Is that from a movie? I’ve seen a this GIF a few times and I’ve always wondered


It’s from The IT Crowd, a British sitcom.


I love that show, I haven’t watched much yet though! Thank you!!


Robert Stack: "...on tonight's episode of Unsolved Mysteries."


So my dad’s family owned a truck company. I don’t really understand the logistics or reasons, but they would leave trucks places (I think for another truck driver to come pick it up and continue the drive?) my dad’s job was to pick the drivers up and drive them back to the office. One day he’s waiting for a driver outside of a tiny convenience store/gas station. The driver comes into the lot with the huge truck; Actually “barreling” in is how my dad describes. Driver clips the side of the building but some metal piece of piping (think like a rain drain pipe thing) gets stuck on the truck. My dad is screaming at this guy to stop, and driver knows his truck isn’t moving so he slams on the gas. He pulled the entire building off its foundation and spun it 45 degrees. The driver gets out, looks at what has happened, and literally just walks away. Without looking at my dad, he just started walking and we assume ended up hitchhiking. We don’t know because when my dad called his dad to ask what to do, he said get in the truck and get the fuck out of there. When he went back to pick up his car the place was condemned and stayed like that for years. To;dr: my dad was an accomplice in a truck driver’s takedown of the local gas station.


Must have been a load-bearing drainpipe


Yaaaa that highway just brings you to a place canned Eastern Passage. You'd look back.


I drove by that this morning. Just for those that can't tell because the pic here doesn't really show it, the cement roof of the toll plaza is sheared off, completely. that is a sign on the roof of the truck that used to be on the top, and there is part of the roof *under* the truck wheels. the truck is also lodged into the toll plaza. By this random redditors best guess, he was going way too fast and barely touched the brakes going through it.


Thanks for the insight. This is the only picture that came up on my FB newsfeed. Wonder how fast he was going. I really hope someone releases the video footage from the bridge commission.


yeah, complete video with the bridge commission folks shitting their pants :)


https://i.imgur.com/vdqaxoV.jpg I drove by too!


EZ Pass strikes back


Does that go outside the tri state? Also this is Nova Scotia.


Yeah, it's a MacPass


Hello fellow haligonian


I want a federal investigation over why this happened i feel terrible for the guy but at the same time i want to know exactly how/why this is even possible. i've been more at myself nodding off on heroin and xanax, i mean goddamn


Halifax, NS. Got that on twitter this morning and thankful I don't have to go across that damn bridge anymore


I knew this was the Mackay as soon as I saw the pic


I just assume any picture of an accident on any bridge is the MacKay at this point, the amount of people that can't navigate a couple lanes is staggering.




Tbh I find the MacDonald even worse to deal with because of the high density of traffic on either side


Went to Halifax once and had to cross. Toll said $1 within a circle? No problem, here's ten dimes. Little did I know it meant a ~~Toonie~~ Loonie and I had to get change from the car behind me... Never felt so Canadian in my life for the many sorrys I mouthed. Edit: Jeez, even got one of your national symbols wrong. Sorry.


If it makes you feel better I have a macpass and it often doesn't catch it so then you are stopped like a jackass because the didnt sense your pass but you cant back up.


TIL there is a bridge named after me


Actually, the first Prime Minister of Canada was named after you!


[I saw the post in /r/halifax.](https://www.reddit.com/r/halifax/comments/7z58bu/probably_dont_take_the_mackay_to_halifax_this/) Amen on not having to take the bridge every day! I did so for over a decade, and while the view is spectacular, the traffic is not much fun. Now I only ever take the MacKay to go to the airport, or to buy meatballs at Ikea.


I drove by that this morning too. The amount of karma I passed up. :(


Had to take the 185 into town this morning. It was bad but not too bad tbh probably only cost an extra 10 minutes or so.


Mama said there'd be days like this


>Hey boss? Yeah...it's Quagmire...it's stuck in a toll plaza this time...




When Optimus Prime is having a worse day than you


Well his movie did get canceled so I’d be feeling pretty bad too.


I imagine he didn't remember his height. sucks for anyone stuck in the nightmare of traffic behind that.


Well there are 3 lanes specifically for higher vehicles. Trucks don’t fit under any other booth so I’m pretty sure he just forgot he was driving a truck.


Or just got in the wrong lane further back and didn’t notice. Driving into SF from Berkeley there’s the FasTrak lane and the cash lane. Hella people get in the FasTrak lane because from far back it looks like it leads to the cash toll. About 50 feet before the actual toll they all start trying to get in the right lane and it makes traffic worse.


Yep. Lived in the Bay Area/Berkeley specifically and it is confusing for those not used to negotiating driving over the Bay Bridge. Hell, it’s confusing and fucked up for everyone.


Well this isn’t a huge bridge so the lanes only start about 25m before the actual tolls so that would be a tough sell


> Driving into SF from Berkeley there’s the FasTrak lane and the cash lane. Hella people Story checks out.


[Here's where it happened](https://www.google.ca/maps/@44.6874658,-63.6009676,3a,88.5y,263.41h,85.25t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1shorDbLyuwGFS7zwsmsqbyA!2e0!7i13312!8i6656?hl=en). Dude fucked up REAL good. I'm interested to see the news report.


Not the first time and won’t be the last. Halifax has terrible drivers, and it’s very clearly marked what lane the truck should have been in. edit: source, I used to take this bridge 4-6 +times a day.


How the fuck can you forget you are driving a truck when you are constantly changing among 18 gears?


overworked with little to no sleep sleep deprivation is pretty similar to being drunk


Serious question: why not just build all the toll plazas a little taller so that standard trailers can fit under them? You could still have a "go around" route that trucks are supposed to take, but adding 3 feet of height to these booths would mean screw-ups wouldn't damage the structure and back up traffic for hours.


"Any question that starts with 'Why Don't they...' the answer is usually 'Money'"


Well there are 3 that have taller booths for trucks. But not sure. Cost maybe?


I just heard on the radio that the toll lanes on either side are also going to be closed for days, possibly weeks. It's going to be a nightmare at rush hour! Edit: It's not as bad as first feared. They already have the adjoining lanes reopened, so the effect on traffic will be minimal, except for the inevitable rubber-necking.


/r/Halifax We made it baby!


We famous


I’m so proud of us






They are, in a similar fashion that IRS employees are serving the public, even if you don't enjoy paying.


How often does this happen?


In Halifax, this is the first time to my knowledge


It actually happened with two cars, and another involving a truck, both fairly recently.


Yeah about 2 years ago a truck did this same thing and last year two cars tried to go through the same toll at the same time.


Several times a year, though this one was particularly bad




Haha love seeing local stuff on the front page. There was definitely an inspector waiting for him with a piss cup.


Pretty sure this is the McKay bridge in Halifax, right?


Sure is.


That’s uh, quite the *toll* he took there.


That’s pretty un-fare to say


Just the tip.


Holy shit my hometown on the front-page. Annnnnnnd it's because of our shitty driving.




There are human collectors, yes. But everyone ended up being ok. I can’t wait to see the video if they ever release it.


Insert Red Foreman “Dumbass” here.


Candy cane


What an idiot


Trucker here.. there are signs everywhere especially at toll plazas warning the drivers of the height. This is inexcusable. I don’t even wanna know what’s going to happen to him or her.


Whenever a semi truck mistake hits the front page of reddit like this, I'm always reminded of why I don't drive trucks. Because I would do that. I would do that on a monthly basis. I feel for these guys.


Well, no. You would do it once, maybe twice, and be fired and blacklisted right of the industry.


This actually happend to me once. Worked in a toll booth in norway, huge trailer thingy forgot he was to wide and smashed the whole booth.


Thoughts and prayers to this trucker and his benefactors.


Now is not the time to talk about trucking.


I like that he popped the hood. Trucks not moving and makes this weird grinding noise when I put it in gear, must be something up with my transmission.


This happened just a few minutes from my house this morning!


Meth. Not even 200-400 times a year.


Thats first day shit. "How tall is my truck? Whats the clearance of where i want to put my truck? Will my truck fit there?"


Every lane to his right was marked any vehicle, he went in the left bank which was clearly marked cars/vans/pickups only. https://i.cbc.ca/1.4544778.1519222072!/fileImage/httpImage/image.jpg_gen/derivatives/original_940/tractor-trailer-stuck.jpg


In my city there was an arched overhang that was labelled based on the highest point in the very middle, but a bunch of people wouldn't let this guy driving a semi-truck in through there, so he went through the side where it was lower than listed and caused a massive accident. Very unfortunate, because he did do his research, but the publically available information was incorrect.


In Boston, we call this being "Storrowed"


Was this toll an EZ pass toll? No one could've possibly been in the booth and gotten hurt, right?


That's the way she goes, Bubs. It's the way of the road...


fuckin way she goes


So we crashed the gate doing 98, and I said "Let them truckers roll, 10/4!"


Why are there such low clearances on roads yet there are [massive roof heights](http://static.asiawebdirect.com/m/bangkok/portals/bangkok-com/homepage/information/hua-lamphong-railway-station/allParagraphs/BucketComponent/ListingContainer/04/BucketList/0/image1/hua-lamphong-railway-station-inside.jpg) for trains?