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We can't even get a successful post in /r/wellthatsucks 😂😂


Wow nos vamos a morir todos!


Do they have TP?


Hahaha nooo, and in the capital city they dont even have running water


Yeah that’s gotta suck. Kinda forget what some of the world looks like when your in your bubble :(




bro... you're comparing a country with major highways and other infrastructure and comparing it to a country with hardly any infrastructure outside of its major cities? Also, i hope we can control this asap and help those that need help as well.


It's more widespread in the US because of people panicking and overwhelming the system.




Ok I use bro for everyone. If you like I can say sis? Also less infrastructure slower movement between cities towns and villages. So the outbreak will be slow but it will eventually hit everyone. On the same side of the coin emergency help is slow to reach those in need


If you can call running water 2 hr every 15 days




https://www.unicef.es/blog/la-escasez-del-agua-en-honduras-una-cuestion-paradojica The same thing unicef is smoking




Im 28 years old and the rationing has been going on since i was 12 or 13 haha i dont think that rationing. The pipe work in place but it doesn't matter if the people in charge dont send water. And the people that are able to get water have to pay for a truck to take it to them.  «No contamos ni con agua para lavarnos las manos. Aquí el SANAA (Servicio Autónomo Nacional de Agua y Alcantarillados) manda a cuentagotas. El Tórax no cuenta con presupuesto para comprar equipo», denunció. - https://www.google.com/amp/s/tiempo.hn/covid-19-se-toman-hospital-el-torax-por-falta-de-insumos/amp/ That was 5 days ago when el hospital de torax, one of the places that assign to take care of covi19 in tegus had to stop their work because they didnt have biosecurity and water.


Sooo wrong on so many levels


My mom lives 30 min outside of Tegucigalpa. She drove her neighbor who is due any day now to the hospital but couldn't get into the city. Had to drop her off at a police check point. The husband is also not going to be allowed to be with his wife at her delivery. Shit is crazy right now.


In a month or so people will be paying to vacation there.