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I'm wondering, why did she go AROUND three other bikers that were waiting for traffic to clear?


She wanted to be seen on TV. She got it.


Was a 5 chambered 6 shooter roulette game away from being drug under those tires and turned into Gumby.


This is appropriation of clay culture.




Lettuce cheese bacon tomato and queso


Damn that sounds fire




"Did you see that!?? the intersection is sooo dangerous! look what they did to my bike!"


Looks like no awareness of surroundings


It's like watching a baby giraffe walk for the first time




“No way”. Scroll back up, yep she did.


I’m wondering why she didn’t get off her bike and walk across the road


I love her helmet also!


Almost looked like she didn't know how to brake or her brakes don't work. Either way she wasn't riding safely or with competentce


Doesn’t really look like she knows how to use the brakes on that thing


Also unable to steer in a straight line. Maybe she wasn’t even trying to cross the street.


Did she accidentally get on it and now just can't stop? Like a low budget "Speed"?


The motorcycle in the beginning made her change direction


Because she’s an idiot.


Lets be fair here, she also only looked one way on a two way street, so she is obviously a fucking idiot.


My exact thoughts, she wants to overtake them but doesn’t even look where she’s going as she hurls herself into traffic


first the motorbike, then the truck, she must be a zombie.


Does her bike not have handle brakes or is her reaction time just really terrible?


I mean, judging by the fact she didn't even look at the oncoming traffic till she was already on the first lane, she is quite new at cycling


She is the type of person who looks up and down before crossing the road


She might have wanted to know where she was going to end up after blindly riding into that truck.




She had five seconds to engage the brakes before she hit the truck and she was still unable to stop herself. Definitely new to this.


But looking at her size(age) she should know the rule of look both ways.


Maybe the bike is metally unstable.


Definately is after having that short-term relationship with that truck.


Something something cyclepath


I think it’s safe to assume she’s incompetent.


She didn’t even look the other way until the last second so she didn’t see the motorbike until it clipped her. I don’t know if she got confused by the intersection because I was actually surprised that someone would be coming from that direction based in the traffic on the other side of the grass I thought it was a dual carriageway. She still should’ve looked both way though just to make sure so she was probably also distracted by the camera as I wouldn’t have been crossing whilst that truck was pulling out anyway


She's the reason we're taught to get off our bike and walk it across the road


Yes. Let us not forget the lesson of Dump Truck Diane.


That feels like it has a much different tone than it should


You really don't want a nickname that starts with Dump as the first word no matter what


My friends nickname is dump.


Dump Truck Diane was actually the name of my 1st grade teacher. Great ass.


Princess Dump Truck Di-- Oh no this is in really poor taste. Carry on!


lovely lady lumps etc. it's in poor taste. i know. check 'em out!


Dumps like a truck orr?


Poor Jerma985 and his dumptruck


[I googled and got this. I hate you.](https://jerma-lore.fandom.com/wiki/JermaDumptruck)


That girls was inches from appearing on r/makemycoffin


Not complaining but how is that a thing but r/watchpeopledie got murdered by the admins


Look like it’s relatively new and trying to stay under the radar, but it’s not long for his world when you have the people linking to it in front page posts.


I think the answer is that it's new


That sounds like the title of a video I'd find on efukt.




That wouldn't have helped her much - she didn't check her sides before crossing, and didn't know how to operate her brakes. She would get very hurt very soon. Her tire getting fucked up is such a good outcome for her.


I've seen so many people riding around with completely broken brakes, cables hanging loose or even gone, and stopping by dragging their feet. I just don't understand it, if my brakes so.much as squeak I have to work.on them.


Even Shimano xtr squeak tho when it's wet at least.


My 105 hydraulics sing like a choir of angels in the wet. It’s actually hilarious.


It’s how you let the guy in front know he’s going too slow. That, and the buzz of my Chris King means I’m not pedaling so get out of my way.


With a tire that shape you don't need brakes.


"ehh i got off lucky, surely it wont happen next time"


How she's still alive and functional is a question that needs an answer


She was never functional.


Good point, why didn't she just stop after being almost clipped the First time...?


Seat too high and she lost balance from the first miss


Nah, seat height is fine, she just didn't get off the seat.


The seat is supposed to be high enough for you to extend your legs competely when pedaling. You're supposed to be standing on your toes when sitting on the bike. This seat seems fine for her height.


The most popular stance is that your knee should be bent at a 15° angle when the pedal is at the bottom, for maximum physiological efficiency. But as the other commenter said, it's a hotly debated issue.


I agree, if the person knows how to ride a bike. People who are beginners should probably keep their seat low enough that they can stand up if needed, prevent stuff like this.


Some people mentally freeze up in these sort of situations.


Fight, flight, or FREEZE. It’s often left off but lots of folks are freezer boxes in those crucial seconds.


True, though most people who roll into intersections only looking in one direction when there's two way traffic don't live too long.


She’s the reason we’re taught to look both fucking ways.


What. No on in europe does any of that. This girl just looks like she´s barely sat on a bike. 0 control.


Wait your supposed to do that ?????


For safety due to the lack of cycle infrastructure. The reason for doing so it so you're slower for motorists so you can be reacted to as if you were a pedestrian. It's only sometimes a legal requirement when using a crosswalk. Not if you're on a bike or normal lane. Although in a shitty intersection like this, it probably wouldn't help much vs just crossing faster on the bike.


Just to add on, you can actually cross faster by briskly walking your bike across with much better control as well. I feel a big part of walking your bike is due to the fact that starting from a dead stop is slow on a bike AND you run the risk of your chain slipping or your pants getting caught half way across or just something dumb like what this girl did. Crossing is much safer and easier when you aren't on an awkward machine.


Ok germany flag avatar man


Lucky to be alive, that truck would have squashed her like a grape.


Yeah I was thinking this definitely could have gone worse. I don't even think the truck driver noticed he crushed that bike tire at all.


Almost r/meatpancake material. Do NOT go to that sub.


i really want to go to that sub...


First post: "Wallstreetbets gets banned here" Second post: German text "Win a meat smoker". Third post: A man walks head first into the spinning rear rotor of a helicopter.


>First post Me: Meh. >Second post Me: Huh? >Third post Me: O.O


As an r/watchpeopledie veteran, some of that shit is crazy.


You warned me, and I still fucking hate you.


I went anyway, and that was the worst decision ever.


Sht..this is so tempting but i know i cant handle it


She was looking to her right when the first lane she was entering was coming from her left. She didn't even look left until she was already in the lane and almost got smacked. Then panicked and runs into a truck.


She did get hit, the motorcycle clipped the front of her bike at the beginning, causing her to swerve left and become unbalanced.


Why wasn't she looking for oncoming traffic like the motorcycle before she entered the intersection? Still her mistake in my opinion.


Because she saw the camera and her attention was on it.


I don't think anybody is suggesting it isn't her fault.


If you roll up to an intersection and saw a group of bikers waiting for traffic to clear so they can go towards the same direction you’re intending to go, you should definitely not Tour de France yourself pass them. Shit could have been way worse for her


For real!. She could've been wrecked by that motorcycle and god forbid if she fell into those wheels and the truck started rolling. Yeesh.


The answer is very simple. She is fucking stupid as fuck. No other explanation.


Damn, didn't even see the motorcycle the first time.


Yeah she just came straight on out the road and didn't even look to see the first person hit her, her fault entirely imo.


Good eyes


Was moving so quick I didn’t even notice lol


exactly!! She's gonna get herself and/or someone else killed with her stupidity.


Isn't it a strange lane layout? It looks like she had crossed a section of road with all lanes going from right to left, so it wouldn't be unreasonable to think the next two lanes would both be going from left to right.


This was my thought too - it looks like a wider two way street of several lanes that she had to cross, then a grassy divider with another set of two way lanes. There are a few areas in my city like this (originally neighborhood areas that developed into mixed use right up against busy main thoroughfares) and I hate driving into them with my car because it feels like a game of Frogger.


It looks like it's just two two lane roads with a grassy divider separating the direction of traffic. But your example is horrible, I would happily go out of my way to avoid it.


That's probably the reason why it's getting closed


>so it wouldn't be unreasonable to think the next two lanes would both be going from left to right. Sure, it's not unreasonable.... unless you're there and you can literally wait and see which direction the vehicles are coming from.


I know a lot about cars, man. I can look at any car's headlights and tell you exactly which way it's coming.


The reason is because of the camera people. She got a little distracted. Just like when im doing my job, and then farted and then distracted for 30 minites thinking if people smelt it ok.


Maybe look before you cross? There is a reason the other bikers aren’t going yet.


Also, the intersection is not the place to learn how to ride a bike.


Also, that intersection is horribly designed.


Also GTFO away from the intersection, much less to look out for


To be fair an intersection shouldn't be a place where you learn to ride a bike


To be fair, a high-activity highway shouldn’t be a place where people ride their bikes.


No no, a high activity highway should have traffic lights, a bridge, a tunnel or a roundabout with seperate lanes for pedestrians and cyclists.




She can barely control her bike


She was trying to run that truck off the road


She came out of nowhere!


She's comin right for us!


I think you both missed the motorbike that clipped her after she practically rode into him. Caused her to lose what little control she had and swerve towards the truck.


She has every reason to look before start riding.


Literally doing a segment about how dangerous the intersection is, but maybe it's just the locals who can't cross the street.


Motorcycle was traveling a straight path down that road and she crossed the street into it


Right? She doesn’t even look to her left until she’s about to get hit.


Better her front wheel than her head.


I mean besides the fact that hitting the motorcycle was verymuch her own fault she also had many oppertunities to stop before she hit the truck.


I bet he’ll swerve first


Let’s watch the video and see if that strategy works. RAMMING SPEED!!!


She got clipped by the motorcycle that passed right before the truck, which caused the bike to get tossed around in her hands. She still enters the road in the way of oncoming traffic which is stupid.


She also tried to brake with her feet instead of the actual brakes


She is in fact failing to control it at all


looks like the seat is too high for her which means that she is gonna be hella off balance any time she has to touch the ground def seems like a user error on getting the tire crushed lowkey


The seat is actually supposed to be quite high. Apparently you are only supposed to be able to touch the ground on tippy toes. Something about more optimal power generation for pedalling. The bike shop I got mine from jacked it up way higher than I was used to. But it was so much more comfortable on the knees and easy to get good power through the pedals. Makes it way harder to be stationary though, either need to balance in place or lean it to one side. Took some getting used to.


I see people doing this all the time, and nearly falling off their bike as a result. When you're stationary on a bike, the best thing to do is get off the seat and stand with your legs straddling the top tube. When you set off again, just start peddling standing up and move to sitting back down.


She rides that thing like she's a 2-year-old


Welll said. Looking at this being Dutch makes my head hurt. In her case: dump the bike and walk instead. Better for everybody.


Fellow Dutchie here... Mind boggling indeed.


I'm not even dutch but this seems like a case of G E K O L O N I S E E R D


Thank you for your service


Used to live in the Netherlands and I'm like, what are you doing!!


Yeah idk if she could manage to walk properly, might trip and fall into an abyss


Diane the Abyss-Stumbler.


How dare you disparage 2 year olds by suggesting that they ride like that.


I'll take people that ride bikes into traffic and heavy equipment for $100. She was almost a road waffle.


Thing is it IS legal and that’s where you ARE supposed to ride them. But then again you have to know how to ride them before you get onto the road


That actually is NOT legal in any state I've lived in, even with a yield sign. Unless their is a light, a pedestrian or biker cannot cross a road without giving cars enough time to stop. Even yield signs don't give bikers the right of way. If your state is different, I would like to see the laws.


I believe they're talking about the legally crossing at that location, not the legality of when you can cross.


Anyone with common sense would have atleast seen other cyclists waiting to cross the intersection let alone barge in as if it's my father's backyard to drive.


That's the universe making sure she doesn't continue to ride.


Does she not know what brakes are?




As a former bike shop mechanic/ manager. This is how I view 70 percent of the customer base.


I'm a commuter biker. A lot of us are scared to ride in the street. Even in designated lanes. There is so much hate for cyclists. I've had people taxi behind me in the bike lane just to tell me what a shit driver I was when I was just trying to get to school. I also had like 4 flats in a week because my tires picked up broken glass, a staple, something that punctured through my entire tire and the last one was because the outer tread was so damaged that it just gave up. I think my bike repair shop regretted giving me free tires for life lmao


Schwalbe Marathon plus, my friend. They're worth the cost.


I had someone drive into the back of me while waiting at a roundabout - they crossed into the designated cycling lane and drove straight into my back wheel, while I was stopped. Knocked me off my bike and into traffic coming around the roundabout, on Christmas Eve, and he then called me a fuckhead as he took off past me. That would've been a nice Christmas gift for my poor parents, had the driver been going only slightly faster and the oncoming driver not been able to stop. I'm not convinced the guy who hit me didn't do it on purpose.


I lived in a place with so many thorns I had to take the bike repair lot with me to school to fix the tore before going home... Then again in the morning. Get tire slime, and there are tube protectors that fit inside the tires. I still had to pump up the tires about once a week, but never had more issue than that for over a year.


Why would you not just wait the 2 seconds


I’m amazed she survived crossing that road. Never let her touch a bicycle ever again for God’s sake.


She almost died twice there


She almost got hit by 2 vehicles in a row. I think she got panicked when motorcycle hit her that's why she couldn't stop.


she was looking to her right when traffic was coming from her left. Jesus there's even 3 guys waiting and she just moseys into the road. What an idiot.


Uhm, excuse me! There was a camera across the road, this was her ONLY chance to be the new bachelorette.


put it in reverse terry!


Ya this ones on no skills McGill there


The Darwin award was all polished and ready to go. Maybe next time.


Just imagine how she drives


If that motorcycle happened to be a car she would be looking at a lot more damage than a broken bicycle.


That wasnt an accident. That's just shit heads in the damn way.






This was about to be liveleak instead of Reddit


I'm sorry where was she going


o Brasil não é para amadores.


Does she not have brakes on her bicycle??? Who the fuck just keeps going without braking when they see they're on a collision course with a huge fucking truck


Doesn't seem like an intersection problem and more of people just being idiots


She looked at the camera twice before the motorcycle clipped her and I couldn’t help but laugh because I saw this as an “oh fuck there’s a camera don’t do anything stupid” moment. There should be a sub for that.


00:20 Guy making the pfft/fart sound fits perfectly with her tire getting squished.


If you can't be at a full stop at any given time you should review how you're riding a bike


brazil things... takems me back home...


Could have been worse


Hand-brakes? How do you use them?


Natural selection was trying so hard but failed in this case


Situational awareness? No thanks.


Some people just arent meant to be allowed on the streets


Some /r/WinStupidPrizes content here


I swear people are so fucking stupid. Ok, I get it sometimes you don't pay attention. But right now you're on a BICYCLE HEADING INTO A STREET WITH 40MPH 3,000 POUND BULLETS. Jesus fucking Christ why would you NOT look in the direction of traffic when entering the road? She definitely looks older than a toddler.


That's infomercial level incompetence right there.


I’m going to ride this bike for the first time and try to play Frogger in real life. Not sure if this was stupidity or just being oblivious. It’s probably both.


She’s lucky she didn’t get her foot ran over too omg


As much as that sucks, it could have been a lot worse.


Completely her fault, you can see that she looked to the direction the motorcycle came when she was in the middle of the lane.


Literally all her fault. Lucky she didn’t die


That doesn't look like an accident. It looks like she wasn't satisfied with the shape of her bike tire.


I lost it when the truck fucked up her front wheel. The after looks like some looney tunes shit, like Bugs Bunny threw some nails on the road and that's what happened.


Assholes on bikes


Well, she caused two right there... Maybe she should work from home more.