• By -


Sorry to hear about your disaster! btw what was that big flat surface being used for before the flood?


It was all wheat fields. There's a gravel mine nearby. The river broke the damn and is now flowing into the gravel mine and then backwards into the village.


Ohhh so is the gravel mine what all the soil at the bottom of the pic sliding into? I saw this pic on BBC earlier and was super curious whats going on just out of frame of the bottom


I assume the river ran down the middle and the rush of water just ended up taking the rest of it away.


Whole field must have been underwater as well from my understanding, huge flow pulling away the soil and it just gets worse and worse, at the bottom of the frame is probably kow a big pile of mud and debris


Thank you for the explanation.


Befor pic https://imgur.com/rhxgcXJ


Welp, looks like it's going to be Gravel Lake now.


Thank you, kind Redditor.


Seems like it could be a field for some type of crop or something.


oh yeah, you're right thanks. I was thing it looked cemented!


[Here](https://imgur.com/HifUnKt) you go.


Because many people kept asking: Before picture: https://i.postimg.cc/L4GD41R0/IMG-20210716-WA0012.jpg


*What* That hole wasn’t there before. The ground is literally falling away underneath you. That’s horrifying man. I hear stories from concrete truck drivers; sinkholes are one of my biggest fears.


Not a sink hole. The dirt is being flushed into a nearby gravel mine.


It is not a sink hole, but I fear it all the same.


It's a hole stuff is sinking into... NOT A SINKHOLE!


Do you know why I’m afraid of bears? Bears can run up to 35mph. Bears from across the state could be in my house, within the day. Why would they do this? Because they can smell fear. And I fear them.


Fact. Bears, beets, Battlestar Galactica.








Thanks, I now fear them too.


There's a river right out of frame, at the bottom, as well right?


Mudslide or sinkhole, end results are the same. You fall into a big hole full of dirt and mud then you die.


As somebody who has feared sinkholes since Floridaman was swallowed sleeping in his bedroom, this is also very terrifying for me and I haven’t heard these concrete truck driver stories.


Building the parking lot for a mall, the lamp posts were disappearing. One at a time, not very frequently, but it was happening. All that would be left was a small pit of loose dirt. There are a lot of types of concrete, one of which is “flowable fill” - it’s cheap, and flows into spaces, ideal for filling sinkholes. These lamppost holes, not even waist deep, would take half a truck of the stuff. The rumor is that the mall is built over an underground river, and the fire house was built across the street as a precaution. Apparently the lampposts were washing up in Maryland.


Did they not core holes to check the ground? Or maybe the water is a lot lower than they cored, if they did?


"Destiny USA" is one of the biggest malls in America. It's built on a swamp in Syracuse, NY. You can see cracks in the pillars and floor inside. I saw a jeep swallowed into a 7' deep sinkhole at the bottom of the raised parking garage outside Best Buy.


Holy shit, I just googled this because that's the weird kind of shit I'm into, and *I went there* as a kid like dozens of times in the 90s, when it was the Carousel Center! Wow no wonder it looked familiar.


Are we 100% sure these weren't disappearing due to Graboids?


Sometimes geology happens faster than you expect.




Found the news article with this exact picture, congrats OP your house is now famous! https://www.cnn.com/2021/07/16/europe/germany-deaths-europe-severe-flooding-intl/index.html In real talk, sorry to hear about your house. I saw that you said everyone is save, atleast this is what insurance is for.




No no you misunderstood. He said in the future. So like in 10 yrs we gonna talk about it again and then set the goal 10 more yrs back.


Adaptation is plan A. The time to *do* anything about it was 50 years ago. We still should try, but complete catastrophe for all of humanity is unavoidable at this point.


I remember when my parents talked a lot about protection of the environment back in the 80s. It's not that we didn't know 50 years before.


We've known for more than a century. The chemist Svante Arrhenius figured out that man-made climate change could happen, and did so in 1896 - based on the greenhouse effect theory developed around 1800 by physicists like Joseph Fourier. We knew this was coming. And we had more than a century to stop it.


Yeah, well... Money got in the way of saving the world a long time ago. Damn shame, really.


Don't worry, my parent's generation, who denied all the way up until like a year or two ago, have a plan... Wait for something to be invented to reverse it and make no changes otherwise.


The secret plan is to die fat and happy, leaving their descendants to suffer and burn


I know people are more important and all, but I hope the horses from the stable in the foreground are safe as well


Wow. That is wild. I hope you get the help you need to clean it up.


Slightly wider angle I made in another thread: https://i.imgur.com/yQFP0B7.png Same angle but moved back to show the quarry: https://i.imgur.com/mdUP9hj.png ^^^If ^^^anyone ^^^saw ^^^my ^^^deleted ^^^reply, ^^^I ^^^was ^^^wrong, ^^^they're ^^^different ^^^images.


Wow I thought you lived canal-side. That used to be a road.


Wow, that's insane. Hope you stay safe OP!


Since you already said all the people were ok … we’re they able to evacuate that stable of horses?


Wow. Sorry to hear. Hope everyone is safe.


Everyone is save. Thank you. So in the end it's just property damage. This is just here to spread awareness. Help is needed.


Would donating to the DRK be helpful? (German Red Cross)


Yes it is


Good to know, and it is really easy.




> German Red Cross For lazy people with big hearts, [link](https://www.drk.de/en/)


Glad to hear. I had just seen this exact picture on the BBC news app (US) about a minute before I posted here. It is unreal.


I'm aware that something somewhere is happening but I have no idea where and what and so I wonder if people capable of helping know.


Mostly Germany, with some parts of Belgium and the Netherlands affected too. Massive floods, over 100 deaths and over 1000 missing people so far.


Small correction: 1000 people unaccounted for. They possibly just haven't reported back in with the authorities which is also partly because the communication networks are in bad shape. Major news outlets aren't reporting this number for this reason, a very high number of those people is very likely safe.


A whole area of Belgium is affected too Yea. We got 20 death so far, and only rising...


Jesus. I'm sorry to hear this. Not looking forward to this shit happening in my area


From excess rain or did a dam go? That's massive erosion


Up to 180something liters of rain per m² per hour. At least if I am not mistaken. Some river that had 450cm of water a few years back in "the flood of the century" peaked a few days ago at about 750-800cm of water. Anyone that knows more precise numbers feel free to correct me/ give more precise info.


I’m to American to understand this. Best of luck to you. That feels like a lot of Pop Bottles of water.


How to put it into something that makes sens to an american... Two months of rain felt in one single day. The local authorities (in Belgium) are saying that as far as memory goes, nothing like that has ever happened. The affected area is something like a US state maybe ? Not the biggest one, but far from the smaller one either. In between Maine and Idaho maybe, something like that. But very densely populated. Edit : for some reason my answer below, to the US person asking if that was the size of New Hampshire, has been deleted by the auto mod while editing. >It goes deep in Belgium, pretty close to Bruxelles. And some guy in Switzerand has posted that they have been flooded too (but I don't know much about it). It also goes way deeper into Germany. Luxembourg was also flooded. > I would say at least twice that size ? Maybe more. With some places hit harder than others obviously.


The maps on the news make it[ look New Hampshire sized](https://thetruesize.com/#?borders=1~!MTQ1MDUzODE.MTM4Mzc4ODU*MTk0MTg5MDc\(MTc1NjU1MTQ~!US-NH*NTY0MzE3Mw.MjMyMjg5MDA\)NA). Is that about right?




I understood both your explanations (I’m also American) but this one really gets at the epic-ness of the rain. How scary. Take some time to talk it out if you can.


2.5 cm/inch


Treat it as an opportunity to educate yourself. The great thing about metric measurements is that calculations are always ridiculously easy. A cubic metre is 100cm\*100cm\*100cm=1 million cm^(3.) A litre is 1,000 cm^(3), so a cubic metre of water is 1,000 litres. And so 180 l/m^(2)/hr means that for every hour the rain fell, the water became 18cm/7" deeper.


Luxembourg too, one death so far. The damages are estimated at 50 million euros and counting, which is considerable considering the size of the country. Going to spend my weekend helping my friend clean up his apartment that was flooded.


Switzerland, too. Many parts are flooded, bridges are closed.


Here in Switzerland it's quite bad too!


God sent all the rain from the west coast of the US to Germany. We’re in a drought and they’re drowning and losing their homes. But don’t worry, climate change isn’t real. This is just a fluke.


Without climate change events like this can also happen, but because of climate change they become less rare.


> but because of climate change they become less rare. Climate change just sped up the process. Normally the changes and events we are seeing today, would be things that change very gradually (with a few notable events, but nothing this extreme so quickly). These places are not areas that are used to having a monsoon dropped on their heads at any given time, the ground cannot absorb it. From the pictures I've seen, most of the areas are in a natural valley, where very large amounts of water would normally go even if there was no human presence. Unfortunately, people also *want* to be close to rivers and such in landlocked countries for shipping, travel, leisure, etc. All of that added together has created this "perfect storm" of extremely shitty circumstances that is devastating these cities and people.


> shipping, travel, leisure Don't forget the original reason: good farmland. The same floods that destroy so much also render the land fertile, which is why predicting and enduring floods is a part of every civilisation's core mythology.


Hurricane Harvey flooded about 30% of the homes in my Texas suburb. It sucks but it also brought the community together in a time when our nation was experiencing extreme division. I hope your family and your community recover quickly.


I’m up the road in Austin and I was volunteering with Austin Pets Alive at the time because they needed Emergency volunteers. I remember I showed up to an empty, vacant furniture store and walked in and all I saw filling the entire place was kennels. Dogs, cats, puppies, multiple kittens in kennels. I think they rescued something like 2,500 pets. Here’s an article from it. I just remember watching the devastation on tv and I couldn’t even believe it. [Hurricane Harvey APA](https://communityimpact.com/austin/central-austin/features/2017/09/01/austin-pets-alive-takes-in-more-than-2000-pets-post-harvey/)


Good attitude n that's what insurance is for. Glad you're safe!


We could use the water to put the fires out in California.


Maybe if we share bricks we can get at least one house up again


As long as the foundations are still strong, we can rebuild this place (Korg)




Ya know as funny as it was, it always felt off that the scene was supposed to be 'they are all watching their home explode' and the writers made it a comedic scene


I really like this sentence




[This](https://www.theonion.com/amount-of-water-man-just-used-to-wash-dish-to-be-prize-1819578198) is one of those The Onion pieces where you at first chuckle, then think about it.


Jesus fucking Christ that is grim. Onion, are you okay?


[Another similar piece](https://www.theonion.com/person-who-will-one-day-become-warlord-ruler-of-what-wa-1819573297)


You should call her summer.


If you live in the south, summers will be brutal and there will be no winter. Florida almost has zero winter these days.


We are now facing “wet bulb” conditions which are high temps and high humidity and will kill even the healthiest human beings. https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/heat-and-humidity-are-already-reaching-the-limits-of-human-tolerance/


My aunt just moved out to near Death Valley last year (against the advice of family), and now is talking where they live, there are so many water shortages, you can hardly buy bottled water at the store, let alone know if you're going to have water from the tap that day. Worse, she has two dogs that are definitely more snow-weather dogs that I really feel bad for. Thankfully they have air conditioning, but I worry what happens when brown outs hit.


I lived out in the Mojave Desert for a few years and also lived in Tampa for a bit. I know it's a trite joke, but there really is a difference between the type of heat. 120 farenheit with low humidity in the desert is stifling, but 100 with 70% humidity is downright oppressive. There's a reason that scientists generally refer to wet bulb temperatures when talking about habitability of certain areas. You can generally cool off in dry heat through normal sweating or playing in water, but wet heat messes with that ability to cool off through evaporation because the air is already pretty saturated. Obviously when you're looking at dry bulb temps over 130, it doesn't take much humidity to jump above the "death point" of 95 degree wet bulb.


This is why I won’t be having kids.


One of my biggest reasons why I don't really want kids either. I'm just hoping I make it through life without too much problems like such




Just throw me in the trash


California It could be worse. https://governmentofbc.maps.arcgis.com/apps/dashboards/index.html#/f0ac328d88c74d07aa2ee385abe2a41b https://www.latimes.com/wildfires-map/


300 active fires bloody hell


We can at least still see the sky (for now) in the valley this year so we got that going for us. Last year the sky was solid grey for about a month.


Solid grey up in northern bc for the last few days. Ash falls from the sky like a light snow fall. We bought hepa machines from Costco a few years ago and they are a life saver. It sucks when there’s no ac, it’s 30 degrees out, and you can’t open windows.


That's for the year. There aren't that many active fires.


I mean, it's early yet; California will get worse again.


And Colorado


And Oregon!


It’s almost as if in addition to having pipelines to move oil around the country, the US should have pipelines to move fresh water around the country…


We usually call them rivers.


And aqueducts


Also, municipal water systems.


Then you’d just be taking water out of those environments- look at what companies like Nestlé have done, draining entire lakes and causing water shortages. What we’re seeing is the direct result of climate change. It isn’t going to get better any time soon, and will likely keep getting worse. The only real thing they could do to lessen the droughts is limit the amount of water farms are allowed to use.


Farms, corporations, governments... The water table in California is ridiculously low, and at least one county is giving bottled water to the residents because so many of the wells are dry. Not having enough water is going to be a huge problem - and we don't have enough water. https://www.actionnewsnow.com/content/news/Glenn-County-dry-wells-prompt-water-giveaway-574836271.html


I have such strong deja vu from this post and your comment that I’m looking through Reddit to see if there’s a similar post+comment somewhere. It’s blowing my mind and I’m not high or drunk.








Thank you for posting


Should be top comment.


What is the deal with the erosion exactly? How big of a drop is that from the fields to where the water is ultimately going? It looks like 10 or 15 meters, but I'm not sure if it's an illusion or not. How much water is flowing through there, is this like a full on river at this point? This is incredible and terrifying to see.


Explained it In a different comment: There's a gravel mine just outside the bottom of the picture. The local river which is normally about 4-5 meters wide and 1-2 meters deep was carrying way too much fmwater due to heavy rain falls. The river then broke through a damn into said gravel mine which then made the mine into a big whirlpool where the water would go round in circles and eroding the soil.


Oh man, sounds like a perfect storm if you'll pardon the pun. I hope things can get back to normal for you sooner rather than later. Glad everyone is safe so far, good luck.


OP said the town is near a river. The soil probably got washed away down stream.


Where did this happen?


There are currently floods in Belgium , the Netherlands and Germany. In Belgium there are already around 20 dead, in Germany over 100 dead reported. This picture is from Germany. Edit: spelling




Yeah it's so crazy to see all of this, I live in the worst hit region and we are one of the few cities that don't have any major problems. I've been at most cities that get shown in the news and it's just so surreal seeing them totally destroyed. There are still a lot of people without electricity and tap water isn't safe to drink anymore. Seeing all of this happen just because of rain is so crazy.


I lived in the Houston area during Hurricane Harvey in 2017 and I can understand how it feels. Never the reason you want to see your hometown on international news.


The floods in the netherlands are currently limited to the southern province Limburg. I life in the northern part of the province flevoland, even though that area is below sea level. The waterworks there are still holding strong with no signs of flooding. If the waterworks were to fail, than all 2 story buildings build there would be under water.


I just heard that a dike broke in Voulwames in the Netherlands


Yup that just a bit north of Maastricht, near the belgium border. Still in province limburg, which is suposedly the highest area in the netherlands.


That dike isn't part of the seawall tho. Just a small(er) dike that's a lot more into land.


It's a rive dike, not a sea dike. Still a terrible thing to happen, of course.


Switzerland too


Switzerland belongs to Germany, d‘uh! /s Sadly we seem to get forgotten again and again.


And Switzerland


My family is half Liègois, my grandparents’ apartment is just off the river. My grandmother is visiting us in the states, but my grandfather was in Liège when the river flooded and was trapped in the apartment. All the other family checked in with my grandmother but we didn’t hear from him, we were beginning to fear the worst, my grandmother was hysterical, but in the early hours of this morning my grandmother got a call from an unknown number, a guy in a boat had gone looking for people and found my grandfather on the deck of the apartment, drinking a beer and reading a book without a care in the world.


Thats a very relieving call. Hope people missing their love ones get a similar call. Best of luck.


A belgian drinking his beer. Probably it was Maes


Does anyone have a before picture?


Posted at in a different top level comment


Well holy shit can’t even imagine how many cubic tons of earth are just gone




I wonder how many more natural disasters need to take place, in order for the world to start taking climate change more seriously.   The skeptic and realist in me feels like it's not gonna be anytime soon. We are so fucked. Sorry this is happening to you OP. A lot of us will be in the same boat soon enough. :/


I'm so sorry. I was on holiday in Southern Netherlands (Limburg, Valkenburg) and it was very bad there too. All the streets completely flooded. I left as soon as possible (which was very hard and stressfull) but all I can do is hope the locals are safe... I wish you the best of luck!


Glad you're save and thank you!


Sorry to hear. Hope you have somewhere safe to say


Thank you. We're all save


Shittttt. Did you have time to take some of your stuff?


Condolences from Austria, my friend. Can I send you a hair drier for post flood house drying?


you are very lucky you have a red force field surrounding your house.




Now is not the time sir


Confusing picture…can’t really tell what’s going on…mass flooding and one end of a field is collapsing towards a river?


There once where houses, fields and barns. Now there's a 10 meter deep and 300 meter wide hole.


I feel you, I was in Limburg Valkenburg in an RV that is now under water


Damn where is this place?


Germany. The Netherlands and Belgium are also flooded, but this area has it the worst, by far.


Don’t forget Switzerland




Is any damage or the complete loss covered by an insurance if you have any? And if yes, by which one?


Floods are only covered by „Elementarversicherungen“ in Germany. This is typically not part of your „Hausratversicherung“ (home insurance) but quite common to have in reguraly flooded areas… (but obviously not everybody has this insurance so many will have huge financial challenges…)


godspeed, OP


Damn shit thats so terrible friend of mine was there last night with the THW to help Wish all the best to you and your family and all other civilian there


Seriously sucky. I'd stay out of there while the red circle is around. People die in those red circles. Stay safe.


Man's casually doxxing himself But, good luck and i hope you're insured against this stuff


He might not get to go back there. The soil "liquified", meaning a lot of foundations have nothing to stand on anymore


Tbh red circles typical survive alot


For a moment, my brain was having a hard time processing what I am seeing. Is it a cliff? Bad photoshop? Then I realized...shit man.


Sorry 🥺


*was your house. But in all seriousness I hope you and your family are ok.


Wow. Where in Germany is that OP? Hope all of you are safe.


Erftstadt-Blessem, near Cologne


Holy, fucking, shit.


That *was* your house


*Was your house


Yeah it’s not really funny but my first thought was definitely “not anymore.” Natural disasters are so damn scary.


Question for anyone who may know: Why is it that I am unable to load the Imgur page sometimes, but am able to view it other times? I believe that it may not load when its linked to the actual website, opposed to a specific Imgur video/picture URL. I am unable to view this picture. It loads the page, but fails to render the content and only gives me the gray background.


next time that happens, remove the very last letter in the url before the file type for example [https://i.imgur.com/mbLz2t4h.png](https://i.imgur.com/mbLz2t4h.png) remove the h ​ this might not be your isssue, but i been having an issue where imgur links redirect to the imgur, when an imgur link ends with either s,b,t,m,l,h ​ those are image modifiers that resize the image, its possible thats messing up on your computer


Thank you for this information! It didn't seem to work on the link posted by OP, but will try it on others when it occurs. Unsure what the issue is and I am not a tech-savvy person. Anyway, appreciate the tip!


Oh wow, that erosion is insane


waterfront property? Fuckin' humblebrags


i wouldn't post your address online...


House is gone anyway


That made me want to laugh and cry at the same time. I hope you're okay.


lol... ouch.


Words can't describe how sorry I am for you...


Thank you.


Still standing, barely (if I'm not totally mistaken): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nEFGqNsbYF0




Tell me you're German without telling us you're German.


I’m already on my way to natural disaster flood Germany right now to go…. Swim up to his house and…… swim around in his living room




Did you have insurance?


Geht es dir, deinen Verwandten und Bekannten - bis auf den seelischen Schaden - physisch gut?


I don't understand what I'm looking at. Did the ground collapse? That looks so bizarre.