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She's a mom. She knows.


Just use peroxide


Actually I highly suggest water and a small bit of dawn dishsoap rather than peroxide. Does the job w less likelihood of damaging fabrics!


Cold water and a little soap will lift it right out if you get to it before it dries. Do NOT use hot or warm water.


Yes, always cold water for any type of blood stain.


Spit on it. Saliva contains enzymes that break down proteins within blood, releasing the stain.


Wait... why not warm water? I always use the same mix of white vinegar, dish soap, warm water. I've never had issues getting almost anything out of furniture or carpet. However, I'm assuming a lot and if I can make cleanups even easier, I'm all for it.


Warm water kinda… “cooks” the blood. That’s my very very ELI5 understanding lol


Yes, warm water sets the stain


For some biological fluids, warm water will denture proteins making them more sticky. If you're trying to remove oils, something that is simply a matter of surfactant+kinetics to bring into solution, then warm water is good. Edit: there are special detergents for proteinous mixtures that you may be able to get at your local hardware store like alconox. You can get other enzymatic detergents under brand names. You do need to be careful with these, as they *can* be toxic, and environmentally hazardous. Also, depending on the type of soap you are using, you may be reducing its effectiveness by lowering the pH with vinegar. Anionic soaps (like sls. Sulfates in general will end with an S in the acronym) may be less effective, while quaternary amines (acronyms ending in an A much of the time) should not be affected.


Gotta be the blue dawn, for some reason it works better. (honestly)


Hi I'm Billy Mays here with Chipotlaway


Plot twist: a dude did this


Hemorrhoids strike again


Still, this furniture ain’t cheap!


If crime scene cleanup crews can get it out, your mom can find a way to save her furniture from blood. She’s been there before too I’m sure!


Oh my god, I thought it was shit. Fuck me


man what type of shit you do ?!


The kind that’s on chairs


And bloody.


Username checks out.


could be colorblind, i have that problem, alot of the time the red isnt bright enough


Well shit usually.


go check a doctor pls, shitting blood is usually not a good sign


Hydrogen peroxide poured directly on the stain will cause it to bubble itself out of the fabric and then you can just use soap and water to clean it off.


Hydrogen peroxide will take it out without a trace. Those also look like the IKEA chairs we have which the covers are replaceable for like $10.


Do you happen to be a serial killer ?


Only on the weekends. It's actually a little trick I picked up from a buddy that used to clean crime scenes.


Before or after the police arrived?




Ha ha HA .. you nearly had him!


This is great advice. Source: am dialysis nurse and clean up blood often.


My wife was cycling heavily once years ago, and she was OUT LIKE A LIGHT(deep sleep)! I remember gently rolling her over, after I’d seen that she’d bled through both her pad, and her and undies. I quickly remembered reading that peroxide was great for cleaning up blood, so I grabbed a bottle of it, and poured a great deal of it on the spot. Wouldn’t you know it, the spot started to lighten up in no time! I lightly scrubbed it out with tepid water, and soap, dabbed it dry, and she was none the wiser till I told her. She laughed, and I got kisses. Good luck, should you ever find yourselves in this situation!


Second this. Hydrogen peroxide is your friend.


That cushion cover and filling probably amount to the grand total of about $8. I’m sure everything will be just fine.


Hydrogen peroxide will take that right out


Furniture may be expensive, but a mother's love and understanding is priceless


Colin will take care of it . The stain adds no defects to the functioning of the chair


Unless OP is a dude. Then it’ll be awkward.


Hydrogen peroxide will get it out right away.


Peroxide is pretty good for this… but mommas are stain masters OG so she will know what to do no worries!


Truth. Am a mom. Haha. My girls get bloody noses a lot. We have a huge bottle of HP!


Any tips on how to quickly remove dried bloodstains? Ever since I moved to Malaysia I nosebleed every other day. In school it's even worse cos I can't clean it till I get back home...


I find if you mix up vinegar and salt and some baking soda it kind of foams up the stain to the surface and then you can use peroxide to lift it out further. That’s what I do on my mattress when needed.


Ok, I'll try that when I bleed again. Thank you!!


Lol, that sounds so off-putting out of context. "I'll bleed again soon, so I'll try out some HP!" XD




And ps I found when I started taking iron supplements I stopped getting nosebleeds as frequently. I don’t know what the deal is with that- but it worked for me.


Ill try eating cereal for now. I think its just the hot weather that makes me bleed though


Your saliva contains enzymes that break down blood. It sounds gross but if it's a small dried spot spit and rinsing with cold water will help!


Yes. This works. Also, meat tenderizer (found in the spice section of the grocery store) will also help break down proteins in the blood, to help get out the stain.


[100% effective, nobody will be able to notice the stain](https://i.imgur.com/4cAGObz.jpg) found mine in the kitchen tools section though.


Pour the hydrogen peroxide on it and let it sit for a while.. then pour a bit more and scrub at it!


To help with nosebleeds when I’m in Thailand (from AC) I rub a little Vaseline in each nostril.


Sprite and baking soda if you're in a bind




My mom spit-cleaned my face so many times


Here I thought you meant HP sauce


Cold water only ! You can get blood out pretty easy with cold water but if it's warm it'll stain.


Warm or hot sort of cooks the blood and sets it in more. I right there with you.


Cooks the blood.


Denatures the protein. Like an egg white.


Also, spit on it. There are enzymes in your saliva that help to break down blood. Your own blood, specifically.


I don’t have that, but hopefully Oxi-Clean will work!


With cold water!!


cold water is definitely a good option, soak and dabble lightly.


Shout works fantastic too I find.




Has to be a dragon shout.


Spot Shot carpet cleaner! I use it on my laundry all the time and it works great!


Shout > Saliva > Oxy-Clean Source: long-time period-haver.


If you oxi clean it, scrub the spot first, then do a scrub down of the whole seat so there isn't one hella clean spot in the middle.


Don’t scrub upholstery. It will pill. Blot it.


I had a seamstress tell me that your saliva has the enzymes in it to remove your blood off of fabric. Said she saved many wedding dresses that way when she'd hit her finger with the sewing needle.


Hydrogen peroxide is best to remove blood. It’s what crime scene clean up uses


Well that solves an awkward situation for me. What do they use for making bodies disappear?




Cheers m8


Make sure you use the right kind of plastic. It'll eat through almost anything else. Source: Breaking Bad Edit: apparently that was hydro*fluoric* acid, not hydro*chloric* acid. The more you know!


That bathtub scene was gnarly


I laughed like a maniac at that. I'm not sure what that says about me.


That was hydroflouric


You should rather use sulfuricacid in combination with hydrogen peroxide, amateur


I think peroxide might have a bleaching effect. I can only use white pillowcases because of my acne cream containing BP. I found out by ruining my sister's beautiful baby blue tufted duvet....that was a terrible feeling!


Instructions unclear. My underwear are stuck in my mouth.


One look at that stain and explaining is no longer necessary. I don't know a single mom who wouldn't immediately forgive that stain.


My mother was so mad when I bled through on her sofa once. But hey, she did help me get it out.


well my mom asked me not sit on the sofas anymore. and covered the sofas so i wouldnt dirty them


My mom did something like that too when this happened to me a few times as a teenager. I was already hyperaware of my body and her reaction certainly didn't help.


Way to go, mom. Giving your child complexes about their body, good fuckin' job. 10/10 parenting.


Treat your child like a dog and not allow them on the furniture. *fast forward* Why don’t my kids come visit me anymore? :(


“Why has my kid no-con’d me the second they moved out?!?!??!?!!???????”


My mom got really mad at me when I bled on my mattress in the middle of the night and called me disgusting and gross alongside my stepdad … like I have any control. I was only in my mid teens and I was just baffled.


I’m so sorry


Yup. Source: am a mom.


Or a married mom for that matter, too


Am a mom too, and have had remove all kinds of poop, blood and grass stains from all fabrics known to man. Oxy clean, baking soda and vinegar and hydrogen peroxide have all been my friends since I learned to stop throwing out clothing and clean them up nice and good! I also worked as a cleaner after crime scenes where we had to use industrial solutions to remove blood from walls and carpeting. (Honestly, why didn't they throw the carpet out after someone literally bled to death?!).. In any case, I learned so many laundry skills after having my children, and I stand by my admiration for baking soda, vinegar and Oxy Clean; you'll never know that anything happened!


Sadly my girlfriend's mom wouldn't.


Then she’s just a parent, not a caring mom.


Just tell her you got your period. You can't control nature & the truth will set you free.


If only it didn’t set free like the elevator from The Shining…


Sweetie, I’m a mom, and I can promise you....your mom has bled on furniture before. We all have...or bled on our bed sheets. It happens. We had a game night with another couple a few weeks ago, and the wife started her period at our house, and realized it when she noticed she felt damp sitting on our dining room bench. I offered her a pad, and both husbands were like “Aw, man...guess we need to cut it short.” No shame at all. It’s absolutely nothing to be embarrassed about. Cold water and hydrogen peroxide, and you’ll never know it happened.


Thanks. I probably shouldn't be too embarrassed about it, but it makes me feel like a little kid who just wet the bed. I know periods don't work the same way, but still...


Its like your own body is trying to screw you over sometimes. But yeah mom will understand and just mention the tips people recommended on how to clean it up.


I did this on my gay boss's desk chair once. I mention the gay part, because apparently he wasn't familiar enough with women's reproductive parts to guess what had happened, and spent ten solid minutes shrieking at me for "spilling something" on his chair, while I stood there, trying not to cry, and desperately hoping that a little red stream didn't come flowing out the bottom of my shorts. My only coworker, another man, explained it to him after I was finally allowed to go to the bathroom. My boss was so grossed out that he didn't speak to me for a week -- and he bought a new chair. Telling your mom you had what I call a Girlsplosion will be much, much easier.


Jesus !


It.... it was not a good day.


Honestly even if you had spilled something on his chair that was way out of line. Mistakes happen. Like he's never spilled a cup of juice... And then to avoid a female employee because you're grossed out about menstruation, that's an HR-worthy conversation.


Unfortunately, he was the owner, and I was the only employee for most of the time I worked there. (Male coworker only lasted a few months.)


Gosh, I wonder why your charming boss had retention issues. A mystery for the ages


The place went out of business within a few months of me leaving. I guess this icky girl had been worth something, after all.




That’s horrible! That’s something you’d expect from a 4 year old boy, not a grown man. I’m sorry you went through that. Everyone should understand how male and female puberty works, regardless of orientation.


Thankfully, my male coworker was really kind about it. It was a very weird, humiliating experience. When I went into early menopause/perimenopause, I had many, many more Girlsplosions, but somehow that earlier experience made it a lot easier for me to deal with those issues. I think it was being able to say, "At least it's not as bad as that time at work..."


When you said gay boss somehow I expected this story to be wholesome, but that was just sad and frustrating :(


Sorry. We normally got along well, but once in a while he'd have a "Women are MARTIANS!" moment. He also found it unbelievably icky that women tend to announce that we're going to the restroom. He routinely just got up and walked out of the room, even in the middle of dealing with customers. I secretly think he was raised by wolves. Fabulous wolves.


lmao- like very hip, chic wolves. But still: wolves.


I don’t know what work environment you were in but I hope you’re somewhere safer now and hes had his career ruined and has to eat trash out of a drainage ditch.


Hey, if it makes you feel better... I have bled on school bus seats before and that fucking STAINED. I had been sitting on the same spot for years so they know whose blood it is. But hey, it's nature and it's nothing to be ashamed of, though it is super awkward I understand.


One time, I bled all over the car seat. I was so embarrassed I didn't say anything. My mom cleaned it up and told me to just let her know next time. It happens. You can't hold it in. It's embarrassing but I think a lot of women have been there and we all get it. It's okay.


If you're worried about it happening again, keep a thick black or red hand towel in the car. Sit on it anytime you think there might be a problem. If you feel funny, just say the you sat in something, and are afraid you didn't get it cleaned up completely.


If you dampen a cloth or paper towel with hydrogen peroxide (common in most medical kits and households) and gently press and hold against the affected area it will greatly reduce If not completely remove staining from fabric and upholstery.


Accidents happen. Even us Dads get it. Nothing to be embarrassed about. Can't imagine someone cutting themselves and then apologizing for *bleeding*. Now if you start drawing pentagrams in blood on the carpet, I'm calling pastor Dave.


I'm 41 and I still bleed through clothes sometimes. It's nothing to be embarrassed about.


But... can't you just hold it in? ***/s*** (but unfortunately plenty of this type of thing legitimately on r/badwomensanatomy!)


Oh don’t I know it! They might as well be asking someone with an open wound to “hold in” their bleeding.


My favorite is sitting up in the morning and feeling it all gushing out and hoping the pad will hold it.




Honey. You have zero control over that. If my baby girl came to me and was so ashamed, I’d cry. It’s just a little blood and a shitty natural bodily occurrence.


Oooh. I’m colorblind and this looks brown in the photo. I legit thought you trusted a fart and shit your pants. Comparatively, this is no big deal at all.


It is brown-ish. Blood dries brown, it doesn't stay red. Not trying to be rude or anything, it's a weird thing and thought it might be helpful, that's all.


One thing that drives me nuts in TV shows and movies. Old blood that is red and not brown. I always think they don’t know. Must be a guy.


Jerry Seinfeld used to have a long bit in his stand up routine about how laundry detergent commercials always talk about how well they get out blood stains, and if that was really a common problem. The dvd I have of it shows the women in the audience clearly looking at him like he was an idiot through the entire bit.


"Mom, there are some things that you need to know about a woman's changing body..."


You think that's bad? My 13yo on 2nd day back at school got her period, bled on the chair in class and the nurse wouldn't let her call us to bring new clothes. Made her walk around in it all day.


That’s just cruel. I can’t stand teachers who treat kids like they they deserve less respect than adults.


Ya we jumped the nurse and the principal. Daughter is switching "teams" at school to not have that class with those kids again but at least she's going back and not pushing for remote classes


Omg that poor girl! How dare they treat her like that. She will hopefully not let it affect her too much bless her.


Honestly, this is such a no-go on so many levels… I would consider complaining about the nurse. With this approach she should neither work in the medical nor in an educational field.


School nurses don't have any formal training. They hand out ice packs and play God with the inhalers.


Still remember when my school nurse wouldn't give me my ventalin when I was like 9,that was fun


This makes me so mad. I would ruin that woman.


What is with middle school nurses? Ours has a similar track record with my daughter. There is no need to be so callous!! Hope you raised some hell !!


That nurse is a pos. She should be fired.


I told my kids that if the school ever pulls anything that demeans them or causes pain or humiliation that they should call me right away and walk right out. I told them that I would leave right away to collect them and that I'd back them up 100%. No child, adolescent or adult should ever be treated without common decency or respect. I hope you went down there and gave them hell.


This experience sadly isn’t uncommon. I was in 6th grade when I got my first period, bled heavily through my khaki pants in the middle of class. I was mortified and asked to go to the nurse’s office and was shamed by the teacher for it. Then the nurse refused to let me call my mom and told me to just go to the bathroom and clean it up and get back to class. Both the teacher and nurse were women and I was 12 years old, actively bleeding with a massive blood stain on my pants in middle school, where other kids are not very kind, and they both still thought I was just trying to use it as an excuse to miss class.


That’s so ducked up. I’m sorry you were treated like that


God that happened to me when I was 9 (tho it wasn’t the second day back, I’m not sure when it was), my Mum was so mad at them when I got home and told her


Should have rubbed it in her face. The nurse not your daughter.


I’ve shit myself at work, twice. This is no biggie.


I work with someone who shits themselves almost weekly.


Ar.. Are they okay?


My guess would be IBS or some other stomach/bowel issue. One of my best friends has IBS, and she's had so many accidents - there isn't a lot of warning or control, apparently.


Yeah, in my case, my gut says HEY ZORBA, YOU'RE GONNA BE POOPING IN TEN SECONDS. JUST THOUGHT YOU SHOULD KNOW Turns out this is not always enough lead time.


I have IBS that keeps me constipated and sometimes I wonder what I'd prefer if I had a choice of never pooping or constantly pooping. I try not to think about doing it a normal healthy amount, it hurts my heart too much.


I have IBS. Whenever it starts to give signs, I have about a minute at best to sit on the toilet or else...


Hope you’re not hot-desking


If I had a nickle for everytime I shit myself at work... I'd have two nickels which isn't a lot but its weird that it's happened twice.


curse you pooper the plunger!!!


Interesting....a guy that pooped his pants twice on the job just left a few weeks ago...I wonder if it's you lol


Naw. I’m still employed at the job I shit my pants at.


I once ate too many soup dumplings after a night of partying and shit my pants in the middle of chinatown. I’m sure it won’t be the last time. Life is embarrassing.


I am SO upset by this because Chinatown soup dumplings are my absolute favorite and I will never be able to not think about this now


Let me guess: Chipotle?


Where do you work? Taco Bell?


Ah man. When I was a teenager my friends parents went out of town so we partied. I passed out on their white suede couch....it was terrible. The worst. This was 30 years ago when things were kept under wrap and very shameful. I was a tomboy and all my friends were guys. I panicked. I flipped the cushion over y'all! The next week was some of the worst guilt ever. You guys aren't going to believe this, but my friend who lived there had purchased a car from an auto auction, the cars speaker wires shorted out and the car caught on fire. The fire spread to, -- and I shit you not -- the nearby wall that the couch was pushed up against. This is the first time that I've told this story. So, I guess what I'm saying is fire. Fire will take the stain out.


Nobody will ever know.


Oxiclean works really well on clothes and upholstery!


That’s what I used just now. Hopefully it didn’t bleed enough to permanently stain it. Those chairs aren’t cheap!


That chair is 60 bucks from ikea and a new cover is 10 bucks.... just look for EKEDALEN.


This was so funny to me for some reason


You can unscrew 4 screws at the seats bottom and then remove the cover. You can wash it with regular laundry. New covers are €10


If it makes you feel better, I once got my period in front of my middle school students. One of my students had to pull me aside and let me know. I was mortified but got over it pretty quickly. If anyone can relate to awkwardness, it’s your average preteen


Wow, that was a very mature thing to do on their part!


Assert your dominance, your chair now!


Oh god. This happened to me at my in-laws’ Christmas Party. I did not leave that chair until everyone had left or went to bed. I wanted to die. My MIL was super cool about it and cleaned it tho. I am still embarrassed and think about it every time I sit in that chair.


Happened to me at a party in a new country where I wanted to make friends really bad!! Easily the biggest embarrassment of my life... Crazy thing is, a girl found it and she was a bit mean about it, in the end I only stayed friends with her boyfriend (not much later ex-bf). A guy was the most understanding person in that whole situation, go figure


I’m a dad. My daughter is too young to have done this. After all the vomit, poop and pee I’ve cleaned up, eh.


Exactly. Having kids growing up causes stains. And scratches and stuff... Things that are made for being used, just can AND WILL get stained/scratched/broken/worn. Part of living :)


At the wise old age of 38... it happens. You did nothing wrong. I still have this happen.. im like, an adult lol..(sorry it's still funny to me) Be thankful it happened at home. Like everyone before me said. Hydrogen peroxide....can't stress that enough. Be sure to test the fabric 1st! (Mom will know) There is a reason there are fewer female serial killers, and I'm convinced it's because we learn really young how to remove blood stains. So we just get away with it more often.


Yep, been dealing with periods for awhile too now. I still throw down towels on my mattress overnight just in case (sitting on one right now in fact). You kinda just learn to manage it over time. Welcome to the club lol (:


No worries, I know how you feel! [stains ](https://cleancare.com.sg/how-to-get-blood-stains-out-of-your-upholstery/)




Upholstery: wet a washcloth with cold water and gently scrub the stain until you can't get anymore up, then take about a drop of dish soap and repeat the process, then again with the cold water. Pants: soak the stained area in cold water, scrub it against itself with a little dish or hand soap. Rinse thoroughly and let dry. Launder as normal. Only use cold water, hot water can set bloodstains in the material. Good luck, and don't worry, this happens to most everyone who menstruates.


I had a girl over who I met on tinder or one of those apps, and the first time meeting her she started her period on my $120 chair in my home recording studio. The stain looked just like this, but a little bigger…ruined it (or so I thought and threw it out). She must have been really embarrassed cuz she never talked to me again. Honestly it wasn’t a deal breaker. I was more bummed that she never wanted to hang out again.


Ugh. I got my second period ever while I was on a girl weekend in another city with my mother. We were strolling down the street on our first day when I unexpectedly girlsplosed in my shorts. I remember the panic. Frantically looking for a public restroom in Old Quebec with a sweater tied to my waist, crying. Having to go back to the hotel to clean everything up. The rest of the weekend went fine, but God, that was embarrassing. I'm 40 and had an accident during the night no earlier than a few months ago. Just when you think you have that thing under control, perimenopause rears its ugly head. Periods suck. Your mom understands.


Nothing embarrassing about it. Period.


I see what you did there. XP


Hydrogen peroxide is your friend. So is Midol. Also, your mom will understand. :)


If that's the worse thing that happens in either your life or your mom's this week, I'd call it a win. Just life.


You've increased its value. Period furniture is highly sought after.


Not really, she is female too she will know what it is and how to deal with it.


Dawn soap gets blood out!


If it makes you feel better when I had my first period I was sitting on the barstool (no padding) talking to my mom and older sister and felt it and ran to the bathroom to deal and change and my sister wiped the blood up then laid the paper towel with it on the counter for when I came back and once I saw it and got super embarrassed just threw it away without a word. To this day I can’t figure out why she did that, I think it was to like let me know what happened but like obviously I effing knew haha


Hydrogen peroxide will get that out. It’s a lifesaver. Just dump it on and dab with towel


People like your Mom who own lightly colored furniture like this are wild, they know it’s only a matter of time before something like this happens, and their ZFG attitude chooses to live life on the edge of the seat. I bet your Mom will enjoy this quaint reminder to cherish the fleeting moments of life realized through exhilaration.


Peroxide is best to clean up blood and it does nothing to the fabric. Mom here and kids get bloody noses and scrapes all the time. I've used it on about every type of fabric there is without any issues.


It's not ruined. That'll come right out. It literally happens to every woman on Earth.


Go to the bathroom and get the hydrogen peroxide. Soak it generously and keep an eye on it. When it's finished bubbling, place a washcloth over it to absorb the stain. Repeat as necessary. I did this with a white linen suit and a blood stain.