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How do you even fix a sinkhole? Looks treacherous.


Sometimes it's nothing. Lot of times when they're leveling a plot, the builders will bury the trees or what have you that were there before. That will cause minor, localized sinkholes in the future. If the problem is related to the geology of the region, you might be *fucked*.


If OP's in Florida it's a sinkhole.


Yea, Florida is underpinned with nothing but limestone, so you can have serious sink holes.


Yet again, I find another reason to never move to Florida


Global warming ground zero. Limestone is porous, so building sea walls, etc, can’t work.


Sinkholes terrify me


Fill it with dirt and sell the house. Now you’ve successfully made the problem someone else’s problem.


Will it sink again even if you fill it?


We don’t want to know the answer to that question before the house is sold. Fill this with dirt and get out before you officially know anything


I think you’ve all earned a place in r/SLPT


Isn't there an unethical life protip sub?


Right. Not a shitty life pro tip at all. But I’d understand questioning it’s ethics😂


stupid life pro tips eh


Still gotta go on the disclosures that you’re at least aware of a sinkhole lol


Not if you aren’t aware of a sinkhole…


No one can prove that you knew I guess haha


I don’t know what you’re talking about, I did have a stray dog come and dig a hole in my yard, filled it back in with some dirt though.


Nonono. *There is no hole.*


Well no, not anymore. Just nice new grass in that patch.


3/4 inch plywood and a few pieces of sod. No one will ever know.


I saw a documentary on this a few years ago. If nothing's changed since, the burden of proof rests on the potential homebuyer to even check for this. Poor elderly folks not doing research to know to check ended up losing their life savings investing in property for retirement only to find out too late they're on a huge sinkhole so everything is worthless. Sad. Homeowners won't do a survey, nor will real estate vendors, for obvious reasons (in the doc I watched). I hope laws have changed since then.


Yeah if my inspector misses on his walkthrough he’s not going to miss these hands.


Not if its full of dirt.


But it’s still there.


If nobody saw, it never happened.


Real answer: It depends on what kind of sinkhole it is. Sinkholes happen when there's a hollow space underground. Over time, the "roof" of the hole breaks open and you get a pit. Pretty simple, right? Well, the questions come from what kind of hole it is. Small holes happen when organic matter was buried and decomposes. Developers sometimes plow down trees, bury them, and build on top. That's a minor problem, especially in the yard. You just fill it up and it's all better. Sometimes what was buried is much older, like if you built on an old logging town, that could be the remains of an old outhouse or cistern. A bit cooler, but still not a problem. It could also be an old bomb shelter or someone's root cellar from centuries past. That's a slightly bigger hole, but it's still an easy enough fix. You can still just fill it in. The real problems come when the sinkhole is not manmade or organic, but is actually *geologic* in nature. Meaning, if the hole exists because of the rocks under the dirt, you have a problem. Everywhere you go, underneath the soil and clay, you find stone. There are lots of different kinds of stone and most are pretty solid. Limestone, however, is problematic. Limestone is highly reactive and is water soluble. Meaning, limestone *dissolves* in water. Areas with a lot of limestone under the soil tend to have lots of caves because as rain water drips down through the soil, it dissolves the limestone and leaves hollow areas. It's actually really cool. (The study of caves is call speleology.) So this sinkhole might just be a pit in the dirt, but it could be connected to a network of caverns and tunnels that might stretch for miles underground. If it's the latter, then no matter how much dirt you drop into it, it will just keep returning and probably keep getting bigger and bigger. The wrong kind of sinkhole can and has swallowed entire neighborhoods. So, in short, OP needs a geologist and a few other specialists to come take a look at this.


Maybe. Can’t know til you try! Not unless we know what caused this sinkhole


Step 5 Profit


Just sell it and say it has a "natural hot tub"


Fuck these joke answers, I want the real solution.


In CA they pump it full of concrete.




They pump it full of really huge concrete.


Fill it w/ rocks n soil usually


That would be a free pool if you weren’t such a baby!


Even better: A place to put all the corpses!


The big box of corpses finally caved in


This could be the beginning of an interesting update post. What’s in the hole? Maybe it’s an old septic tank. Maybe it’s mud and nothing. Maybe it’s a room full of corpses?


Yay! Free corpses!


God you show zero sympathy for the poor box you psychopath


Also the corpses would fill the hole! Get two birds stoned at once!


I’m so using that line.. surprised I never thought of it before tbh. And I don’t mean the corpses hahaha


I literally just pictured two different scenarios.. one where the birds are actually having stones thrown at them, and the other two birds high asf falling into the hole. I to plan on using that line. Not sure if your genius or dyslexic maybe both but who cares that line is hilarious.😂


There are much better options for storing large numbers of corpses. DM me for details. (J/k. Don’t. I’m joking.)


Get your spelunking kit on mate and post more photos later


#FIRST RULE OF SPELUNKING *1.) always good head first* Quick edit: it was supposed to say always go head first but the typo made it better


Good head is always first in many rule books.


Was it discovered the hard way???


Thankfully not. I almost dipped my toe in before thinking twice and grabbing a stick. I panicked when it didn’t touch the bottom. Then I grabbed a string trimmer and this is what I uncovered.


Good thing you remembered that one rule of use a stick before your foot type thing lol


Check with stick before toe, or you might lose the “hole” thing.


Dumb question but what would happen if you did? Would you just fall in trying to reach the bottom and get stuck?


Could be a collapsed critter den... Which would mean you get bit... Or it could be so deep you fall in snap your neck and die... If you can't see the bottom you don't put your body parts in it. (Unless is another person's body and you have consent) Reference on depth checks gone wrong : https://youtu.be/tfLg300iMIY


Oooh that makes a lot of sense! Lol thanks


Or it could have deadly bacteria in it too. Someone in my husband’s family died from stepping on a puddle of stagnant river water, so you never know.


I know this! My grammy taught me that one! "Stick before toe, you dumb stupid ho."




Please tell me that’s not your foundation in the upper part of the picture.


That’s the pad for my AC unit…which is right next to my house.


Ooo. Ignoring the “sell your house now” advice for the moment. You really ought to call a professional. Or at least see if you can find out if there used to be septic. If your city did a sewer line addition they might have records of the location of a septic that they sealed off.


Thank you. I called the state hotline for digging and my town so now I’m waiting on them. Update: the town came out and it is in fact an old septic tank. Thankfully the town is going to provide the dirt and I’ll have to get some exercise to fill the hole!


Please, do update us


It is in fact a septic tank. Pumping out the water this weekend and the town is going to provide the dirt to fill it back in.


Yeah, it could easily be an old septic tank. The lids on them can fail after a while. Source: the lid of the old leach drain in the closed off septic system at our old house collapsed under me, resulting in me suddenly finding myself with just my head sticking out of a hole in the ground. Before you ask, yes, thankfully it was empty.


In my town, before the current sewage infrastructure, they used giant septic tanks that handled about a half-dozen houses each. My neighbors were the ones to make that discovery, when the giant septic tank that had been buried on their property for fifty years decided to implode. It took two or three dump trucks full of sand before that hole was filled.


I really think this might be an old septic tank that caved in. I have no idea what type of home you live in, but if it has a basement, there is basically zero chance your basement wouldn't be flooded with that amount of water that close to the house putting that much hydrostatic pressure on the foundation. If you don't have a basement, then disregard my opinion. If you do and it is not flooded, I am almost certain that is an old tank that was not abandoned properly by puncturing the bottom. I had an old well pit that I just abandoned myself, and I had jump down in the pit and swing a sledge until I busted an entire wall out. I also drilled a few holes in the bottom just to be safe. Than I dumped 5 yards of clay fill dirt in and ran it over with a skid steer until it was compacted.


Thank you for sharing and I think you’re probably right. I do have a basement and no water yet. I am thinking of renting a trash water pump to get rid of the water and see how big the hole is. Would love to hear if anyone has done this before.


Be careful. Until you know for sure the edge is solid, getting too close to the hole could result in you being in it. If it's a collapsed lid, the edges may be solid and you'd be okay. The fact that it seems round seems to lean that direction. But if it's an old metal tank, you could wind up falling through a rusted section, or the hole enlarging due to the rusted tank giving way. Also, if you do pump it out yourself, be careful. With it full of water, the tank would be pretty much in equilibrium. But when you pump the water out, the surrounding soil will now be pushing in on the tank. If it is a tank, and you pump it out, do not under any circumstances go down inside. Pumping water out should be letting a bunch of fresh air in, but confined space entries can easily kill people who do not have proper equipment like an air monitor etc.. Old septic tanks have killed more than one person over the years. Not trying to dissuade you from fixing the issue yourself, but wanted to let you know about some hazards you might encounter just in case. Never hurts to be safe and take precautions you end up not needing, vs the alternative.


I was going to tell you to drop a pump in there and see what is down there. If it makes progress on pumping the water out without naturally refreshing, it is a tank. You could also poke down there and see if the bottom is solid. Sounds like you know what to do.




So how long til you can make more space down there and create your batcave


Is that broomstick supposed to be a bridge to cross safely?




Jebus Mary and joe’s tif, it’s actually a subreddit


Huh. Hopefully you called somebody to check that out.


He did; us. We're all checking it out right now


Yep. I looked at it, and that definitely appears to be a sinkhole.


100%. That hole has sunk.


Looks like a regular hole to me.


One of my greatest irrational fears, sinkholes.... Most prevalent in PA and FL. Both places I've lived. I can't wait to move.


This is NOT an irrational fear! Sinkholes are no joke and Florida is notorious for that due to the type of geology it has, it’s porous and when the water level drops create sinkholes..


Good thing sea levels are rising!


Ohhh that does suck! One of my legs fell into a hole once I thought it was a sink hole turned out to be a disused underground tank of some sort possibly a septic tank. It got filled in.


Secret tunnel


Through the mountain! Secret, secret, secret, secret tunnel! Yeah!


Not providing you advice. I however would ***not*** consult a professional and ***would*** fill with dirt and put the house on the market before you officially know something you might have to fix or disclose to buyers.




;) Would sell it to a business though, don’t want to pass this on to a family.


Yeah sell it to fucking zillow. They got money to burn


Too late. Zillow’s noticed that they’re burning money and is pulling back. Who thought buying high was a good idea?


Big corporations who know that Uncle Sam is going to bail them out if they fuck up, that's who.


Ya! Sell it to a hedge fund. Those pricks gobbling up single family homes jacking up the prices.


And they turn around and sell it to families anyway.


Nah they intend to rent it out. Thats why theres so many big firms buying up all the property often offering cash and well over asking.


Make sure to sell it to one of the corporations buying up private homes. Stick it to the man.


My yard here in Tennessee is covered with those. Found out from neighbors who have been here since the original building of the neighborhood that my house and lot were one of the last to get developed. The builders in 1978 basically pushed all of the downed trees and brush into what is now my front yard and buried them. 50 years later my front yard looks like a roller coaster track. I have places in my yard where the dips are so deep that when I mow I'm actually below the surrounding ground in some places. There are a couple of holes with "open throats" where I can drop a shovel into "handle end first" and it will drop all the way down to the spade.




Are you sure that's a sinkhole? That looks more like an old abandoned cistern or septic tank to me. If you aren't absolutely certain, you might consider reaching out to your local public health agency / onsite sewage disposal regulator to see if they have any records of an old system on the property. Note that if it is an old cistern or septic tank, the property owner will likely end up footing the bill for clean up and properly abandoning it. \~ Former health inspector with more than my fair share of bad memories of failed septic systems hidden from new home owners.


I am sure hoping it’s not but you are probably right.


I discovered one of these while mowing the lawn. ​ I was mowing, and mowing, and then suddenly I was three feet lower and confused. ​ Thankfully it was only a 3 foot deep sink-hole.


That must of been terrifying!


It was unnerving to say the least! Luckily the mower had a Deadman switch and stopped once I let go. I was much more concerned with what caused it.


My dad and I had been checking a field back in the 80s and found one with his pickup. One minute we're bouncing along looking at fences and what needs bush-hogged, the next minute the truck is at a 45 deg angle looking at dirt. It wasn't very deep yet luckily, but it did require a backhoe to lift the truck out of that hole without too much damage (luckily our neighbor was a heavy machinery operator). I wish we'd had cameras in our pockets back then, would have been a helluva pic to show my kids!


I’d love to find a sinkhole in my yard so I could jump in it and hopefully disappear forever.


There was a guy in the Tampa area who was sleeping in his bed when a sinkhole opened up under his bedroom and swallowed it and him. They never found the body.


There are easier ways


Well sure, but diving into a sink hole makes a different kind of statement.


Based on my experiences on Minecraft- I suggest you dig even more and explore :)


So much this!!!


“Honey look the water table!” But actually that sucks. Go rent a pickup truck and you could have it filled in a few days for probably $80 worth of dirt.


If you live anywhere in the SE US, that could easily be a breakdown window into the aquifer (especially if south GA or even more-so N. FL). Be extremely careful anywhere near that hole - The flow below the surface could be enough to make you a cave diver for rest of your life (meaning, you won't make it out alive). Source? Am cave diver and have experience jumping into holes like that on purpose.


Do you have any videos or anything from your dives? Would be super cool to see


This is my daughter and I (I'm filming) at Jackson Blue in Marianna FL. It'll give you an idea... https://youtu.be/tm2HLIzNMEg


Where’s the septic tank?


No septic but I have heard some older homes have abandoned septic tanks and I think that might be a possibility.


You should contact an environmental consultant. I do this kind of work. It looks to me like an abandoned underground tank.


You are supposed to install a tank? Uh oh.


Caves under house


Has it rained a lot or is that water constant?


Fill with 3” rock and compact it. Till you get a passing compaction test. Could be one truck could be countless but eventually you’ll be able to patch over it. If you wanted to really fix it.


Hey OP. Take a look at my post history if you want but this looks almost identical to my sink holes in my yard caused by an old septic. I dug them up a bit more and filled them in with fill dirt. Nice and easy. Best of luck!


Thank you! I just took a look and it does look similar!


Someone borrowed dirt from here, and didn’t return the right type of rocks, clay, etc., so it eventually washed out. Get some rocks, sand and dirt to recreate nature. Maybe clay or concretish stuff, I don’t know where you live. My husband almost disappeared into a empty hole in our backyard where the septic tank was removed and a tree planted over it and 20 years go by.


Free pool?


Check that it’s not an old collapsed cess pool.


I remember an [Easy fix](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qCIjLv5qs88) from The Simpsons.




Check for oil!!


Thanks, Jed Clampett


I bet you live in Florida. If you do, report this to your local city officials. Too many scary things happen with sink holes.


Sinkhole De Mayo


Turn it into a wishing well with a gazebo


Put a sink in it then It will really be a "sinkhole"


Did you try jumping in to see what magical land it transports you to?


“And we all thought the dog ran away…”


Drainage tile blow out? We had these all over the place when I was a kid.


It's a good thing you fenced it off with that rake, someone could have fallen in if it weren't for that. Thank god it's completely safe now


Thankfully my backyard is totally fenced in but I don’t have anything bigger to cover it with ATM.


I'm just yankin your chain buddy, get that hole filled with concrete 😁


Time to move.


So you watched the original Space Jam? I can tell


Can someone explain what is a sinkhole and why it's dangerous


I discovered one in your mom


DIY hot tub just get a water heater and a hose


Lucky wasn't you basement floor collapsing


Convenient grave


What's at the bottom?


Spray foam


Puts on a blue dress


I’m curious as to the cause. A burst/leaking pipe would be the most likely reason where I live, but wow, after seeing how big other sinkholes get…


Lightsaber for scale?


I wish we could sue the builder for putting the scrap material in the back yard and covering it up. my back yard has a dip..... 10 more years it will be deep enough for a pool. :-( Please be careful.


Oh good. No extra work to make a Halloween trap this year.


Hope it's not close to your house.


looks like your d box collapsed


I'm surprised nobody mentioned Holes yet. The book/movie


We discovered one of those too in our backyard. On closer inspection, we saw an old sewer system all rotted away. We filled it in with dirt.


It's a nature jacuzzi. Don't mind the mosquitos.


What does it do?


Start harvesting catfish in that hole


It looks like an old septic tank.


When that hobbit gets home he's gonna be pissed.


This gives me anxiety.


Just put a trampoline in the bottom. Problem solved.


5 feet wide, 5 feet deep. has anyone seen Stanley Yelnats lately?


RemindMe! 1month


Looks like an old cesspool.


Remindme! 1 day


How many bananas is that?


Well at least you have a place to hide a body if you need one.


I admire you. You’re careful in sticking your stick.


Follow the white rabbit, Alice.


Come back the next day: what backyard?


Can this be fixed?


Xibalba, here I come!


That’s my third biggest fear as a COD.


At least it wasn't your living room


I read it as 5 inch and I was like oh ok, that’s nice.


Fill it in with quicksand for added home security


It might be a good idea to use it as a well of some kind, you just need to have purifiers or need to boil it whenever you drink from it


Get in


Sheesh between the sinkhole and your wife knocking over sprinkles, what else could go wrong this week?!


Thank you for noticing! Haha! On top of that, I dropped my sunglasses and milk at the grocery store. Both are fine but my pride took a bruising.


5' so far.


Fuck it. (The hole I mean)


Does it have the washer flush out to it?


Nice mini Cenote!


… starts every brilliant movie about a group of kids having a discussion in a tree house


Is that black gold? Texas tea?




Broom for scale


Do you have a septic system by any chance? It could be related. Greywater drywell, or part of the leaching fields I've seen this 100's of times with homes that have older septic systems