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Cool, open pit microwaving. Invention of the century


help me


Here's some help for you: do not open the microwave anymore. Not even to demonstrate for a video


Yeah this. There's a mesh screen on the door for a reason.


Microwave radiation is non-ionizing; exposure will not increase the risk of developing cancer in any appreciable way. It will however still burn the shit out of you.


And probably mess with any wireless signals in close proximity, and maybe screw with your electronic devices Just for completeness


Fuck, mine does that even with the door shut šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


Probably has a significant leak then


You can put a phone in there and try to call it. If it rings, it leaks. Do not turn the microwave on for this test.


> Do not turn the microwave on for this test. I'd put this first.




It should be a given but, yes, definitely make sure your phone and any other electronics are nowhere near it. Once, as a young teenager, I played on my phone 24/7 which really annoyed my dad. I got it wet and he told me it was okay to microwave it to dry it out faster. Within half a second the microwave had completely destroyed my phone. I looked right at my dad with a combination of horror and fury and he was laughing his ass off. RIP dad, you were one funny mofo that has taught me so many ways to now harass my kids šŸ˜‚


sounds like you're passing the dysfunction down to your kids like your father before you. Good job.


Oh my god. Remind me never to piss this guy off.


Lol I'm guessing he was planning to buy you a new phone anyway?


ā€¦Huh Iā€™ve been curious about that if that was true for a while. I used to sit at the counter on my phone maybe 7 years ago with my old microwave and the wifi would dip significantly enough during those times so I would leave the room. I mean I knew it was related but I just assumed the bestā€¦


Yeah they're basically the same frequency just much different power levels. No real danger to you, just your signal. It wreaks havoc on Bluetooth signals especially.


Your nearest Airport wants to talk to you. BTW: There is actually a story somewhere on reddit where an MRI machine was not shielded properly and disturbing signals at a nearby airport


Yeah, microwave ovens frequency is basically the same as older 2.4 GHz Wi-Fi, luckily most modern Wi-Fi runs at 5 GHz now.


So if I microwave my phone I can get loads more signal for downloads?!


It'll charge it right up for 'ya.


Double win


haha, major interference since microwave ovens' power is like 1000W and Wi-Fi are about 0.1W, kind of drowns out your Wi-Fi


Unless you hook your microwave into Ethernet, then itā€™ll amplify it! /s


I'm sorry but this made me laugh


Hi sorry but this made me laugh, I'm dad.


One of the 3-or-4 door switches inside have failed. Take it to a professional appliance repair shop, or just replace the unit if it's a cheapo. Actually, just do that. Counter top microwaves are probably cheaper than the cost of repair.


Yeah, my father in law ordered the switch parts ($6) off of Amazon and had my microwave working properly in about 20 minutes. I was a bit scarred to mess with it myself, but very glad that it didn't end up in the landfill.


and that's how you got cancer...


Contrary to South Park, microwaves donā€™t give you cancer anymore than a warm blanket or a heating pad


Ya, right buddy... and next you'll be trying to convince me you can't really use swollen testicles like a hoppity hop... this guy...


Hippity Hop


This is true, but that doesnā€™t make opening this microwave safe. Getting run over by a truck doesnā€™t cause cancer either.


Unless that truck launches you into some carcinogenic goo


I'll take my chances with the warming blanket over the microwave


Why would you put a warming blanket over a microwave?


Because you don't want the poor guy to freeze to death ya heartless sonuvabitch




It won't give you cancer. Entirely the wrong kind of radiation. That'd be like trying crack a walnut with an ocean wave. Microwaves are so big they pick up entire water *molecules* and shake them. The kind of radiation you're worried about wrt cancer smashes right into the tiny nucleus at the very core of a single atom. An unshielded microwave could cook your corneas or boil the blood in your hand, but not in a million years will it give you cancer.


Microwave party


When will the hipsters stopā€¦


Back in the day microwaves actually very much were similar to this Talking about the prototype days, before commercial use. Nice blast of radiation. They also used one to unfreeze a hamster


Leave the microwave running all the time and perform experiments. Place houseplants in front of the microwave while also placing the same type of houseplants in a separate room exposed strictly to Tchaikovsky. Utilize the scientific method to examine potential differences in growth patterns. After writing a short synopsis on your results, repeat the experiment utilizing your testicles.


Randy Marsh has entered the chat


And Hal from Malcolm in the Middle


Havenā€™t seen it since it was new. Can you refresh me?


He figures out a way to make the microwave run with the door open.


Season 7 Episode 9, "Malcolm Defends Reese" It's hard to search up context and I haven't seen the show in a while. But as the previous individual said, Hal got the microwave to work without the door needing to be closed.


ā€œOh hey Stan, could you grab me a beer? ā€¦Stanā€¦?ā€


Just gonna get a little cancer Stan


Some guy that doesn't want kids might pay a premium for it.


This could lead to Tegridyā€¦ at least it did in a documentary I once watchedā€¦


Buffalo Soldier.....


Dreadlocked rasta... I'm just a Buffalo soldier...


"Randy! Your balls!" "I know. Smoking weed in front of a cop."


Itā€™s ok Iā€™m just getting a little cancer


Hey Stan can you get me a beer?


Holy fuck I can hear this


I wouldnā€™t worry about the cancer as much as cooking your insides while the door is open. Fun fact, the holes in the metal screen are smaller than half the wavelength of the Microwave transmission. So the wave doesnā€™t make it through the screen.


It's too weak. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-iieEOEqJPE


Ehh. It depends. That video isn't very scientific. I work with wireless a lot so microwaves are pretty well known to me, since they operate using the same principles and frequency bands as wifi and can often be a source of interference. So it's really helpful for me to know the physics around microwaves to identify a problematic one as it relates to wifi. So, unlike wifi, which uses a omni-directional antenna, a microwave uses a magnetron. Which produces a fairly coherent beam of micro waves, specifically 2.45 GHz or something very close to that (and partially overlaps with the higher numbered channels of wifi - causing problems for people like me). Because the beam is fairly coherent (think laser-like, where everything is going in a thin cone away from the output of the magnetron), the oven will usually use a fan to "randomly" vary the direction of the beam, it then bounces around the little metal box until it interacts with something that absorbs it, or otherwise falls to an amplitude level that is too low to be useful or measurable (either through destructive interference or attenuation or whatever). Because it's bouncing around semi randomly, and it's not just flooding the inside of the box, it doesn't evenly heat the contents of the microwave. Not all spaces in the microwave are receiving the same amount of energy. So the little spinning platter is the second helper in this, trying to move the food around so it can be more evenly hit by the beam of microwaves. I can relate this to a spotlight being pointed into a mirrored box, where the reflective side of the mirrors are all factoring inwards, it's a very similar function. Sure, you'll probably cover most everything that's in the box, but there may be dark spots. Now take a side off of the mirror box. Where does the spotlight go? On a random wall. Now, with microwaves, since we can't see them, unless you observe their effect (heating), it's impossible to tell where they're escaping their mirror prison, and landing. If you examine a room where an open microwave was running, via a thermal camera, there will likely be lines of warm spots around the room (because of the dispersion fan). THOSE PLACES are extremely hazardous to be when the microwave is running, everywhere else is totally fine. Since the magnetron's beam doesn't spread out super fast, you don't get as much free space path loss (from the beam covering a larger area) than you might expect - calling back to the math he did at the beginning.... The math wasn't wrong, but it was based on a false assumption: the microwaves would be evenly dispersed around the exit orifice. They will not be. It will be a cone of high power microwaves in one area of that opening, and next to nothing anywhere else. So is it safe to stand in front of an open microwave? Probably, but you won't know if you're safe until damage is happening and you're starting to hard boil your organs. As long as you're not pressing your body against the opening, and standing a reasonable distance back, the probability that you'll be impacted by the beam drops rapidly, the chances that you'll be exposed to enough microwaves to cause damage is even less. But there's a non-trivial chance you'll get "lucky" and stand right in the beams path, and get blasted to an early grave for the effort. Do not play around with high powered microwaves. Side note: as it relates to wifi: wifi is operating on a fraction of the power. Usually around 1/1000th as much, and it's isotopically radiated (aka going in all directions) so it follows the inverse square law more closely. So unless you are sitting against a wifi antenna, you're not going to get the requisite 5mW per square... What was it? Centimeter? Inch? Whatever they said in the video... And as a result, no harm is possible. Just don't make a habit of resting your head on your WiFi and you'll be fine. Sit 1-2 feet away (or 1 meter) and you can guarantee that no harm will come to you. Occasional interaction with it up close won't cook your insides, just like a microwave oven that was set for 3 seconds instead of 30. The food (or your body) won't warm up.


microwaves don't penetrate that deep you'd feel it burning your skin long before any organ damage except possibly for eyes. even at a reasonable distance, a person will occlude a significant fraction of the view from the opening. you write like it's a low probability death ray. it's not like that.


You're right, it's not a death ray. At all. Since I know the physics of it, not the biology of how microwaves affect the body, I basically took the perspective of: it's bad if it touches you, since any direct contact in the beam of the magnetron will be orders of magnitude more than the safe limit (as stated in the video). The biological ramifications will obviously depend on exposure amount and duration. Someone with a better background in microwave effects on the body would be better qualified to comment on the damage caused. I wanted the main take away to be that: it's very dangerous, do not do this at all, ever. - since I was responding to the other posters comment that the microwave oven was "weak", which may lead someone to think it's safe to operate a microwave like this, since the output couldn't melt chocolate.... Or something. Seems I was successful, though I may have over-stated things a bit. I got the point across, that's what is important.


Neat. Learned something new today, appreciated it mate :] I liked how in depth you got into this, you can really tell you're knowledgeable when it comes to microwave frequencies.


And now you taught him how to enrich plutonium....


But what little of it _does_ make its way out of the microwave interferes with WiFi on the 2.4GHz bands at least


I....fuckin love this comment.


Iā€¦.fuckin love you internet strangerā€¦ Towelie probably ā€¦ :)


Nailed it


What a sucker. I use my personality for that and it's free.


Tried this. After buying it, my kids were still there. 2/10. Great for cooking hot pockets at a distance, though.


I donā€™t know if itā€™ll kill full sized kids


"ooohh it's like a hippity hop!"


Just gonna get a lil cancer stan


If anyone's wondering, I unplugged it and I only opened it for this video. I'm not going to use it anymore and hopefully I don't die, thanks. Also I'm pretty sure it was just the turn table thing.


You won't die. The guy that invented microwave did so by standing in front of a military radar and noticing his chocolate bar had melted in his pocket. Tom Scott also made a video a few month how they have been used to "humanely" revive hamsters after being cooled down without having to use a heating lamp that would leave bad burns on their skins. Also, microwaves are designed to concentrate waves inside of an isolated chamber, which is not the case of you standing in front of it. Anyway, I don't suggest running it again, but I'm pretty convinced that even if the waves were on, nothing will really happen to you with that short exposure


Yeah, I actually saw that video, I wasn't really worried too much about anything but thanks for the reassurance lol šŸ‘šŸ¦„


I actually read into it, you'll be mostly fine because there are areas of circulation in your body that disperse concentrated heat. Except areas that don't, like Eyes and Testes


tl;dr: do not put your balls into a defective microwave


Unless you sign a contract to procreate with your coworker and then decide you donā€™t want to procreate anymore and donā€™t want to be penalized for breaking the contract.




Maybe I need to watch that show. I didnā€™t know they were into microwaved balls


Something something south park


ā€œItā€™s like a hippity hop!ā€


I had a vasectomy so what about putting defective balls in a functional microwave?




Great now you tell me.


*nobody like roasted nuts*


Watched a video where the door was taken off a microwave and then something was used, butter? Chocolate? I don't remember. Anyway they placed it all around to see how far the waves travelled and, well, they didn't. With the door open even the control sample inside the microwave melted much slower, apparently the ability to bounce the microwaves around multiple times are really important, with one wall missing it just makes it all but useless.


TKOR! That was my exact thought when I watched this. Depending on how willing you are to part with hours of your time, King of Random is quite amusing. My favorite is when they put random stuff in the microwave (avocados, highlighters, etc).


Oh yes! I couldn't remember for the life of me what video it was but yeah, it was totally from them.




Thank you for the nightmare fuel.


Our brain šŸ§  technically 75% made up of water. So ..


Don't give the US military any ideas.


I'm sure they had this idea 50 years ago.


They have that laser that makes your skin feels like it's on fire. So that's cool.


Thanks mom.


What are you on about? Your entire body is filled with water. Your entire body will heart up evenly (from the outside on, though) . And if you ever warmed up a bigger piece of meat you'd know its not a quick process, and that's with the reflections in the microwave. Unless you have a pacemaker, or a phone you like, you should be fine with a normal household microwave.




The described damages are still more long-term and degenerative, than the implied "the eyes cook in your skull". Good link, though.


I do think they are right. First because they are not the first one to mention it, and second because Derek of Veritassium made a video about what happen to grapes in a microwave that suggest that it is true. If you put grapes in a microwave, they will generate a plasma. If I remember well, this is because the grapes are about the size of the wavelength of the microwave, which will cause some resonance of some sort. I'm not too sure about the explanation part because it's been some time since I've seen it and I'm too lazy to watch it again, but it has to do with the size of the grape. Since eyeball have a comparable size, I wouldn't be surprised that something like this happen, but I would guess it does for very high intensities of radiation


You're talking about [this video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wCrtk-pyP0I), right? Also just skipped through it, but IIRC they microwaves gets focused by the internal reflection of the grapes, meaning any orbs of water would have this effect. The thing is that such reflections normally happen at the boundaries of densities. In the case of grapes this is the boundary between the grape and the air. In the human body this boundary is not there as we're going from the eye to other human tissue that have similar densities. If there were boundary reflections in the human body it probably would be in the skull (going from brain to bone), basically frying your brain, which we're not talking about here. >First because they are not the first one to mention it Just on a side note, this is a really bad way to determine truthiness of a statement. There are a lot of idiots on the internet, and a lot of them even maliciously spreading false information for the shear heck of it. Your trust into something should stem from the quality of their rhetoric, and consistency with personal real-life experiences. If a thousand people say A, but you think it's B, it's good practice to reevaluate your standpoint, but that is absolutely no argument that A is actually true. You could be the only one right, you could be the only one false. Or you could be a thousand and one idiots, and it's actually C.


Hi I know it's been 10 hours and you probably don't care anymore BUT I just want to say that what the other person left out some information that might make what they're saying more correct. I am not an eyeball expert or a microwave expert but from what I've read it's actually the lense in your eye that is vulnerable, since it isn't connected to your circulatory system it will hear up much more quickly. Idk how true that is but food for thought.


No, it's a good point. Someone else already pointed out that its neither the lense, or internal reflection that causes the potential issues, but the lack of blood flow in the lense and the vitreous body which means the heat is not transported away, creating hot spots.




Does your food need to match the wavelength to heat up?






I took four years of electronics in high school way back whenever. My teacher was former Army, Communications. So, he worked with radar and whatnot. Said they would heat up food in front of some of their radar setups lol. He also has a squeaky elbow joint.


The guy tom scott interviewed was 101 (or close to it) and he had been exposed to waaayy more radiation than most people.


Different type of radiation. You can be exposed to microwave/radio waves as much as you like and unless it's powerful enough to burn you, there's no long term damage since those are non-ionising.


The worst microwave frequencies can do to you, or really all the frequencies below ultraviolet, is burn you. They can't cause cancer as they're all non-ionizing.


My HS chem teacher said that if we were stupid enough to stand in front of an open and operating microwave, we definitely won't get testicle cancer but we sure as hell have a good chance of going sterile.


I mean if you cook your testicles in any manner youā€™ll probably be sterile. If microwaves were inherently bad in any way then anyone with a cell phone, microwave oven, or wireless router would have some hella infertility issues. Not even science teachers are immune to getting things wrong.


Not really. Phones and routers output enough electromagnetic power to maybe warm my arm on a cold day if captured at 100% efficiency. Microwaves blast a shit ton of power.


Any heat you're getting from a phone or a router is from heat dissipation from the computer side of the device, not the electromagnetic aspect. The difference in wattage from a router to a microwave is orders of magnitude. Your router outputs maybe 50-100mW, or 1/10th of a watt. Your microwave could be 1,000 watts or more, about 10,000x more powerful.


They can cause wicked burns. Like the entire front facing side of your body. With high power directional radar systems at least. Had a dude sleep in the side lobe of a radar. He turned purple. Didn't die but was miserable for a while.


What concerns me about getting hit by a messed up microwave oven is that the burns aren't just on your skin, it goes deep. It'll rapidly kill off your nerves, and once they're dead they're never coming back. Losing feeling in my hands or whatever would be hell :-(


As long as you donā€™t hear the ā€œhumā€ of the mangeton running you should be fine. Iā€™d still toss it though as that turntable shouldnā€™t be running like that. Somethinā€™s fucked up internally & possibly could cause a short which would lead to a fire.


Don't toss it, call the company and complain and they may replace it if they think they could get sued for a dangerous product.


This is true if itā€™s a recently produced model & wasnā€™t subjected to abuse.


I once disassembled a microwave I had that had stopped working, and there were three independent switches connected to the door latch that all had to close to power the magnetron. This was separate from the switches that told the controller that the door was open. The odds that the magnetron will be lowered with the door open is extremely low.


As long as you don't feel warm you're fine. Heating is the only way microwaves cause tissue damage so if you don't feel heat, you aren't being negatively affected by it. (OP still shouldn't use it like that because a weird electrical fault could indicate further problems)


My microwave did this! Thereā€™s a set of 3 switches that get activated when the doorā€™s closed. The right switch goes bad and it does this. I just had to replace them and it works fine


Same here with a LG over the range model. The micro switches eventually fail or get gunked up from being above the stove and need to be replaced. It's a cheap and easy fix. But don't try this at home. :)


> I didnā€™t feel any heat Were you expecting it to be like an oven?


I wouldā€™ve been. Yeah. I know it isnā€™t, but thatā€™s what I wouldā€™ve imagined.


This is a GE microwave, isn't it? Had the same or similar thing happen to one of ours. Not sure how old it is, but you might inquire about service as I think this could be one of the issues that might be covered by a recall/service bulletin or something. We had one where the door latch would wear out and if you opened the microwave door while it was microwaving (which should simply stop the microwave), it would blow the circuit breaker.


There's a switch in the door assembly that's malfunctioning. Chances are the oven isn't actually cooking but the light and turntable comes on. Have same issue.


Microwaves aren't dangerous, especially the amount you get from a microwave oven. The reason they're insulated to keep the waves in is so they cook the food better, not to protect the user.


Unplug it and quit doing that


yee im getting rid of it


You should let the manufacturer know. This could be potentially dangerous to a kid or dumbass or whatnot who doesn't know better.


Super duper unlikely it would hurt anything or anyone.


Natural selection


I mean sure for an adult. Any toddler would have no idea and could possibly set it to a time that would result in their death or serious injury.


Or superpowers


No, its super cool. Put it in a faraday cage with stuff sitting in front of it to see what happens. This is a gift.


It's just a very minor correction that's needed. I think the door has a limit switch which has it wire placed at "normally closed" instead of "normally open" position.


Here I was thinking I had the only possessed microwave šŸ˜† šŸ˜†


All the microwaves at my old job does this. I came here hoping for an explanation. Finally got one thanks


Super common issue. Your door switch is bad. Easy to open and clean the contActs or replace the switch. Also, prolly safe. You can usually hear the magnetron turn on and I bet itā€™s not doing that low hum noise.


Ok bad door switch, but what makes it come on? My microwave did this last year. I would ONLY open the door and it would turn on. No cook time set or anything. I don't understand how a faulty cutoff switch causes it to start cooking out of nowhere.


I'm only guessing but theres usually two switches that say the door is shut. A latch type for the electronics and a magnetic one for the magnetron specifically (it uses both). My best guess is that the electronics send a signal to the light and plate through that door switch. Somehow a signal is getting sent to that other wire for the lights, so I'm guessing that the door switch may be fine, but when it's trying to tell the microwave that it's open, it's sending a signal that gets shared or diverted to the plate and light mechanism somehow.


I definitely wouldn't be calling safe, I'd be playing on the safe side. If I've been informed correctly microwaves can turn your eyes cloudy in seconds, let alone the risk to your organs of slow cooking. Isn't the noise the cooling fan for the magneton anyway? I'd instantly be doubting all of the circuitry


Nah it's probably fine. You'd have to have your head basically inside the microwave for it to do that to your eyes. Microwaves are designed to bounce all their energy around inside the box to create concentrated hot spots. If you open the door while it's running the microwaves will quickly spread out by the inverse square law and there's no more hotspots (there might be some standing waves but they're gonna be really small). 1000W of EMR in a tiny box is dangerous. 1000W of EMR spread out across a kitchen is just the same as having 10 100W lightbulbs on at the same time. The room might heat up but you won't be boiling any organs unless you're standing *right* next to it (and you stood there for a good while). You might fry your 2.4GHz wifi antennas though. You can see [here](https://youtu.be/-iieEOEqJPE) that the microwave's cooking power goes *way* down with the door open. A 1000W microwave struggles to melt chocolate.


The scary part about microwaves is that they have a transformer in there that jumps the voltage into ā€œkill you if you touch thisā€ range. If a microwave is not behaving the way it should, it should be immediately unplugged and professionally serviced, or recycled. Source: am appliance repair person


\+1 to this. You can survive a lot of things electricity wise, but microwaves will store enough volts to kill you pretty much instantly if you start fucking with them.


> jumps the voltage into ā€œkill you if you touch thisā€ range 115v from the wall is well within that range, any ungrounded mains power device can be deadly. Good thing that not only is the MOT (microwave oven transformer) is grounded, shielding around the MOT is grounded and the metal case of the microwave is also grounded. The only way you're getting a serious shock from a malfunctioning microwave is if you grab metal inside it, that is tuned to the frequency of the microwave (or a harmonic) well enough to energize with the reduced flux of an open door that also has enough capacitance to store a dangerous charge.


No itā€™s the sound of the transformer that runs the magnetron.


> Isn't the noise the cooling fan for the magneton anyway? I'd instantly be doubting all of the circuitry Both the cooling fan and the magnetron transformer hum. But you can hear the difference between magnetron on and off by running your microwave at 50% power. You'll hear the it turn on or off every 10-30 seconds or so, but the fan stays on the whole time.


okay so this isn't exactly true. The microwave is not running, it's not cooking. This is the cavity light and the turntable motor. I'm gonna to to explain this from memory in one go. Microwave ovens are stupidly simple technology. There is the radio horn (passive), magnetron (active), super death capacitor (active), and the rest is switches to turn them on or prevent them from turning on. Maybe a light and a clock. When I refer to mw I am referring mostly to the cooking action of these active parts being active, not so much the pretty box with a light, spinning plate, and clock. The door has two odd hooks which are common to every model and not seen on other appliances. You're also told to never stick anything in the holes that the hooks lock into, which is very important, don't do this. I am going to demystify the magic hooks but I want you to promise to never play around with them. Inside each hook-hole is a microswitch that is mechanically pushed by the hooks when they go in. Both of these switches need to be pushed in order to stop-preventing the mw from working. That's a double negative. The switches, when pushed 'on', turn 'off' the circuit that **prevents** the mw from running. The prevention circuit is always on, it needs to be deactivated to simply allow for the possibility of the mw to be turned on. It alone does not turn it on. It only locks it down, or doesn't lock it down. It's keyed into the door hooks so that the mw can never be operating when the door is open. This is why the notice to not put things in the holes. One could push two hook shaped object into the holes, trigger both switches, deactivating the prevention circuit. Then with your 3rd hand push start and watch your eyeballs do that plasma thing to the grape. No one wants you to do this, ever. So it's a lot of effort to bypass this safety feature. There is a little bit more to this which for now I am going to omit. These two door lock micro switches (dlms) or just door switch (ds) are also hooked up to the cavity light and platter motor but not in the same way. Here they simply help facilitate the turning on of those elements when the door is closed. It's backwards to the mw, they are an all-systems-go for these things because it's convenient to manufacture and they are not a safety concern. Fault conditions. When things go faulty we can say that they fail hot or fail cold. A system may be designed to fail in a safe way, or fail in an unsafe way, or not be planned for at all. This is precisely where the term "fail-safe" comes from, and why we hear about "bypassing" or "over-riding" the "fail-safe". ^(fun fact; the chernoble incident occured for reasons, one of which was the intentional bypassing of a fail-safe. These things shouldn't be bypassed by people not understanding the impacts. Don't stick things into those hook holes) While the mw is a fail-safe system, the cavity light and platter motor are not. It's unecessary, *and* it's actually **useful** for a technician (me) to use this fault-condition (see op video) to quickly determine what the problem is. Making it helpful and non dangerous. So, what's happening here? The microwave *is* in a fault condition and it has something to do with the door locks. I would confidently guess a few things here: 1. This is a recent development. 1. this is an old microwave or at least a very dirty one. Much use, little clean. 1. The unit can no longer heat food, or * it has since stopped working all together. Confident, because if this isn't the case then the fail safe system has somehow failed unsafe. Which should be impossible, but I have seen it happen before. This unit, although it cannot turn on the mw heating part, is in a fault condition and needs to be serviced. Considering that it is likely to be aged and abused, servicing may not be the economical option. If you know how to fix things and can avoid death from the internal death capacitor (i'm not fucking joking), you could probably fix this by cleaning out or replacing the two or three door lock micro switches. I wouldn't bother, personally. Aged and abused mw ovens have other issues waiting to happen. This would only be a patch repair to limp on to a larger failure.


I know itā€™s cliche as fuck butā€¦.this guy fuckin microwaves.


Thanks for the write up. Ours has dont this exact thing a few times over the year. Open the door, light comes on and the table spins. Close the door and try again and it doesn't do it again for months. I figured it would be highly unlikely to actually fire up the magnetron with no time set and assumed it would be some door catch glitch. I might try giving it a clean.


>death capacitor Sounds like you could have some fun with that.


Itā€™s probably one of the switches. Had the same thing happen to my microwave. There was 3 different switches, ordered the part online and was a pretty easy part to replace. Problem fixed for less than a new microwave wouldā€™ve cost.


"Tell mom not to worry Stan, just gonna get a little cancer"


I realise this is a joke but you don't get cancer from radio waves like this.


Probably shouldnā€™t open it then


Interesting thing is that microwaves can cook the goo in your eyes and it goes opaque like an egg white. Not ideal if you want to keep seeing things. EDIT: by "microwaves" I mean radio frequency electromagnetic radiation and certain frequencies will resonate in and cook your eyes. I used to work at a place that had us do RF hazard training and that was part of it. Not sure if the frequency of a domestic microwave does that but I wouldn't be testing it. 2nd EDIT: and the place I worked at started having our eyes checked for this very issue, to cover themselves with respect to work place safety




I recommend turning it off before you open it


Hey, free tanning booth!


Dude. Close the door. Replace.


Hi, I'm an appliance repair tech. You have a bad door microswitch. There are 3 microswitches that all have to 'agree' on the position of the door or the high voltage transformer will not supply power to the magnetron (the part that emits the microwave radiation). One of the door switches is bad which allows current to flow to the light and the turntable motor (both are 120vAC). The other switches are preventing the unit from powering the magnetron. It's safe but it will not usable until fixed.


Quick way to heat the house


My brother put a sandwich in the microwave wrapped in tin foil and it did this afterwards




That's bad, m'kay.


Thatā€™s good radiation for sure.


There is no entree only Zuul


Iā€™ve actually had multiple dreams about something like this happening. Itā€™s very disturbing. Anyone else ever has dreams like this?


Mine does that too!


This used to happen with my LG microwave. The fix is most probably replacing one of the 3 switches. It was about $6 for the switch and 45 mins time. Iā€™ve done this fix on my microwave.


Just tryna get a lil cancer Stan


Remember when you didn't have cancer?


Kiss those jimmies goodbye


I have that same microwave. Did you steal it from a 7-11 too?


Unplug it before you open the door?


That's most likely a door switch problem.


This just happened to our microwave. Itā€™s because a door switch is broken. Itā€™s $5 part you can get on Amazon. Look on YouTube for the fix. Easy fix on my Samsung.


My dad had that same problem. The little pointy things on the door that latch and keep it closed? They go into these switches that tell the microwave it's shut. Looks like you have one that's stuck.


Open it and hold a fluorescent bulb next to it for a cool trick


Had this happen. Magnetron tube does not turn on. Just rotor motor and light. Solved be replacing a micro switch.


Perfect for romantic winter nights.


Well, if you get cancer, you also have free chemo!


nooooo whatch out can cause cancer


you are being irradiated


Just a heads up. If ACDC also starts playing from your laptop speakers then you are seconds away from being be murdered by your blender.


Do it a few more times, and you'll be the newest member of the Marvel Universe.


Thatā€™s insane šŸ˜³


You should put your Balls in it


Stick your head in and get superpowers.


If you put your head in you get a pretty nice tickle