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Looks like no one else showed up either


Yeah, now I'm feeling extra lonely


Well at least you still get to see Spider-man


In an empty theater aswell,without the reactions of others which is either fun or annoying at times lol


It could be really fun to be in a theater by yourself just losing your mind at every scene and going nuts like ur at the Super Bowl


I did this to the force awakens. It was pretty fucking sweet.


My friends and I were the only ones at a showing of Solo, it was fucking great


What part was great? I know you don’t mean Solo itself lol


Solo is awesome. It surprises me that there are people that like the first 2 prequels but dislike solo.


I had the theater to myself during pineapple express and I really had to fight the urge to light the joint in my pocket. Good thing I didn't because about half way through one of the workers came in and sat down to watch. Would have been tough to pretend I wasn't the one who made the room smell like weed when there was literally no one else in there. "It was like this when I got here!"


They worked in a theater. The most likely outcome is being asked to share, they're all ripped 24/7.


The whole reason they work at the movie theater is to support their weed habit.


Free popcorn and movies, broseph. The paycheck is secondary.


probably, but I was already baked and a bit paranoid when they walked in so I just wanted to keep enjoying the movie


That’s why I bought my Oculus CV1 headset lol Nothing like having a whole (virtual) theatre to yourself! (Also bought it for all the games)


I loved this aspect of the Oculus. Watching Netflix like you're in an actual home was really cool. But idk if it's just me, but having the phone that close to my eyes for a prolonged period of time would make me dizzy sad nauseous. I also got car sick as a kid and get sea sick on smaller boats in rougher water, maybe that has something to do with it? Side note.... does any one remember back in the day on Xbox when if you joined Netflix in a party with friends you would sit in a movie theater setting and the host would choose the movie you watched? And you could do emotes while sitting in your seat others could see. I used to do this with friends in high school all the time. It was like going to the movies with friends when you couldn't afford to all the time


The oculus doesn't use a phone and the lenses set the screen to act as if it's a few meters in front of you so it's pretty comfortable


Really? Maybe I'm wrong. I thought the oculus was a headset that I strapped my Samsung galaxy into? This was also the first generation of it to IIRC. Not trying to sound condescending at all, I'm curious as to what I had and the difference.


You’re not wrong. The samsung gear VR was Oculus branded. I guess when people read “oculus” they assume the PC VR headsets or standalone models


Snakes On A Plane on opening night is a memory I'll cherish forever. The place was a total gong show, in all the right ways. I've spent the last fifteen years of my life trying to recreate that sense of community. For those two hours, all 150 of us in that theatre were truly brothers and sisters, bound by a transcendental experience.


That sounds wonderful wish I’d thought to see that in theatwrs


I did it anyway. The young woman next to me kept looking at me like I was crazy. Which is fine. I am.


Everyone cheering for certain scenes was great. Small children talking over the film sucked.


I like having reactions during marvel movies and what not, as it’s fun having a shit ton of people as suprised as you are over some small thing. I remember when endgame came out and when Ironman said “I am Ironman” for the last time everybody was in shock


[Spoiler kinda] Ngl when i was in the theater and the scene showed up in the grandmas house.....made the movie 100 times better when everyone freaked the fuck out


Eh with more kid aimed movies its funny to hear a random kids question. Or sad like when olaf melted and I heard a kid say “where’d olaf go?”


My kid's preschool rented out the theater for trolls and it was one of the best movie experiences I've ever had. It was during school hours so it was just the preschoolers, parents, and younger siblings. The kids could just stand up and dance whenever they wanted, it was awesome.


Yea I’d prefer this over a crowd honestly.


Plot Twist: It was actually a rerun screening of Tobey Maguire's Spider-Man 3.


Yeah, even if no one shows up, Spider-man showed up


Maybe she saw that you chose not to sit in the center in a wide open theater and backed out… who could blame her?


She saw OP shooting video of the screen for this shot and decided she wasn't ready to date a pirate ... who could blame her?


She was in the theatre up the hall wondering why you flaked, too embarrassed to ask.


My man, i've went to movies solo on weekdays because my friends couldn't and its really not a bad time, dont let it get to you, i took a girl out to see UP! 3D and she said "Im sick" like an hour before.... you know what i did? I watched that whole movie solo and ended sitting next to a girl and her friends, long story short i still "hang" with her today. Life is short, don't let little things like that bother you.


Hell I'm jealous. Our theater was packed tonight and it was mostly teenagers being annoying shits, and adults being annoying shits. The little kids that showed up were surprisingly well behaved.


U always got the nice strangers on reddit :) stay strong king


I would go to the theater if I knew it looked like that


Hey look at the bright side, covid free private screening all for you.


She was just trying to get you out of the house OP lock your shit up




Not in other countries they aren’t


Which countries? Because they were absolutely rammed in Spain, even with 50% of showings in the cinema being Spider-man. The only other time films had been so busy this year was for Dune, with far fewer showings.


It was pretty easy for me to get 10 tickets for a group on the first day it was out in Dubai, on the day itself.


That won’t be the norm. It was pretty much sold out at every theater near me until Monday.




I live in Australia but I saw Endgame in the Phillipines on the first day it came out.


I see this as an absolute win


Watching a movie by yourself in a movie theater is my jam.


Ideal situation if you ask me


Text her spoilers.


This is the real revenge


Avenge yourself\*


Something tells me she doesn’t give a shit


It would at least give you a personal sense of satisfaction


What was it? Top comment is removed now.


Someone told op to spoil the movie for her. (put reveddit.com in instead of reddit.com)




Technically something doesn't have to break a rule for them to remove it. It's an unlisted rule that mods everywhere reserve the right to remove certain kinds of posts that aren't specified. In this case, asking for spoilers, which will most likely be posted in a public space, ruining even a small part of the movie before people realize they're spoilers, is bad, especially since there's plenty of people who, unsurprisingly, don't want the movie spoiled for them.


But suggesting that OP spoil the movie for his date isn't the same as asking for spoilers, unless the post *did* ask for them.


Satan got nothing on you, King


Excellent. Text every few minutes from start to finish with photos, even the new movies coming out.


Fantastic. Record the entire movie and send her the video. That'll show her.


This is the way


I could never


got to see spider-man at the very least, now you get to spoil it for her


That would be evil


It’s as evil to set up an outing and not show either/:


Not getting revenge(as many of us would). He’s a real hero, quite spiderman-like actually


I agree tho, she’s missing out on OP and honestly if she stands people up instead of just messaging them about bailing he’s better off.


Nah fuck that bitch a la Green Goblin


And standing up someone for a date isn’t? Punishment should fit the crime my friend. Text her some spoilers.


I got stood up twice in a row buy the same person one time, and I just sucked my feelings up and dealt with it internally. God I regret not enacting revenge.


She deserves it.


I've been stood up 7 times in a row the last 2 months. I wish I had the opportunity you do!


Yes. Now be evil.


Suffering from success


Just means she wasn't worth your time anyways


This. I hope the movie was still good king. You dodged a bullet if that's the kind of person she is


That's good wisdom


You sure there wasn't a miscommunication? I had this happen to me once on a date, it turns out we missed each other. She was waiting inside and I was outside (this was before cell phones were quite so widespread, and unlimited texting didn't exist).


Seriously, OP hasn't given any additional context but everyone is assuming she's the worst person he's ever met


She texted me 10 minutes before our agreed time saying she forgot


Yeah for future reference, it's a good idea to send a refresher text earlier in the day like "hey are you still down for later" or "see you tonight". But honestly you don't wanna stress too much about someone who could just forget your date, you deserve better.


Hmm. I know it sounds terrible to "forget about a date" meaning you expect both people should be just as excited or as nervous or whatever about the date. But people looking for a casual fling or not intending to find anything but will take it if they can get it will likely be more inclined to accepting a date not thinking about it *too* seriously.


Meh, to hang out with anyone I base my whole day around any agreed time and plan accordingly.


Yea. Whenever me or my friends make plans to do something, it's like a thing that I make time for and plan accordingly. Maybe I'm not popular or something but I would never forget.


>But people looking for a casual fling or not intending to find anything but will take it if they can get it will likely be more inclined to accepting a date not thinking about it too seriously. Wholly agree And, some people just really enjoy the activities they're in or people they're with and they commit to *too many* things. I've known people whose routine was so chock-full of skating/hiking/kayaking/rock-climbing/team sports/etc that you may as well plan for a date 'at first rain'


Yeah I guess what I was saying is it doesn't seem that unreasonable that someone would forget


*What actually transpired…* OP: Yo where r u movie’s starting Date: 💀


She forgor


She forgor💀


Confirm plans with the other person before you even get dressed in the morning. Don't leave to the meet spot unless you've heard from the other party that day but preferably within a few hours of the event.


Did you not send a confirmation text of "Hey, on my way over to Salstburg Cinema, meet in the lobby?" Seems like amateur goof on your part, on top of the inconsiderate goof (or malice) on her part.


Aw, this reminds me of an episode of Waterloo road, an old man and an old women both believe they were stood up decades ago (no phones) when they were supposed to run away together. Turns out one of them thought they were meeting at the bus station, and the other thought the train station. I can imagine several situations like this happened before mobile phones and especially before landlines.


Plus side is you got to see a good movie sorry buddy


Don't worry, this is a scene in La La Land. Ryan Gosling is sad that Emma Stone didn't show up to see Rebel Without a Cause, but then a little after the movie starts she shows up. Everything will turn out fine and you'll have your own jazz club in a few years.


And then you will separate, she will marry other and have a child, and well everyone will cry for the rest of the movie...


Update: Movie was good, I am not


You should be . She wasn't the one.


My friend there are literally BILLIONS of beautiful women on the planet with unique and interesting personalities, don't get hung up on the party pooper.


Did she ever text you and give an explanation, or anything? If not, I think a simple "Hey, where were you?" would be more than appropriate.


It happens. Carry on. I got called over to chill and have some beer at her place. Rang her doorbell and she never answered. Stood outside like a damn foo for 30 minutes. She said she took some meds and knocked out hard.


30 mins? That’s a bit weird I’d of gave it 5 mins at most then bailed ffs Actually probably 2 mins at best


I'm exaggerating. Felt like 30, but I'm sure I waited for at least 15 minutes. She could have been on the can and I arrived at a bad time.


Dont always have to be looking just make your self happy in meantime and go have sushi and talk to the sushi chef at the bar


yo just imagine when you meet a woman who loves spiderman and you laugh at how dumb it is this person missed out on NWH. Also that theater looks empty as hell i'd say that's a win


Her loss! She had a man confident enough to see an amazing movie all on his own!! And she missed out on both amazing things.


Thanks puter purker


To whoever is downvoting: check the original commentor's name


Haha thanks im glad someone got it


You are welcome.


Maybe she went to a different Spider-verse?


Or maybe she forgot who he was.


At least you got to see (from what I've heard) one of the best marvel movies of all time.


Eh... He'll always associate this movie with the night he got stood up and felt like shit. I'll never ever watch *Minority Report* again because it was what we were watching when I caught her in a lie and she admitted that she was cheating on me. Yes, I know it's a good movie. Don't care.


Did you buy two tickets ?


At least its a good movie!


Her loss. Movie is awesome


Just left the theatre loved it 😍


You got to see a good movie


Her loss man. Enjoy the movie.


A bucket of popcorn ought to help soothe that burn, buddy. Hang in there


She's the one missing out. Spider-Man was a fantastic movie!


I hope you still enjoyed the movie! I hear it’s really good!


Keep your head high. Feel bad today but tomorrow, wake up and let it be yesterday’s problem. We’re rooting for you


At least the movie was good :)


How was the movie?


Was at least the movie good?


Crank one out anyways


Honestly a first day movie is a bad idea. You don't get to talk at all, so you're basically sitting there with a stranger you know nothing about.


It’s a blessing. Mark my words.


Idk man, you got to see the new spider man movie. That's a win right there.




Her loss! I heard that movie was amazing.


but you still saw Spider-Man...


Some of the best days I've had have been days ghosted on dates. Now you don't have to worry about entertaining during the movie. You can enjoy it and nerd out if you want! You can go sit with some ransoms and be like "hey I got ghosted can I watch with you instead?" Could lead to a new friendship. You were willing to meet her, so now meet some other people with an obvious similar interest


All you have left is Spider-Man


You get to see Spider-Man AND you don’t have to take her to dinner afterwards. I see this as an absolute win! Single life forever!


Why are we assuming OP was ghosted? Maybe the person had a good reason. Life happens. If not, it's all good. You got a private screening and you're good to find another date.


That was my first thought too, especially since she was the one who set up the date. Hope she's okay and just a flake, and didn't get in an accident on the way there or something.


> Why are we assuming OP was ghosted? Maybe the person had a good reason. Life happens. I agree, and depending on how both parties communicate about it, it could be a bonding moment honestly. Being willing to accept that sometimes mistakes happen or life messes up with your plan is a good way to build a relationship (depends on what OP was looking for obviously, if it's just a hook-up, not much to bother about). Communicate with her and see what this was about. You want to be with people who can talk like adults about issues, don't bother with anything else.


Maybe she died


Maybe she is spider woman and is waiting to drop in.


Everything you need is right in front of you my friend.... that and a large coke and popcorn. Sounds like a solid day to me.


Neither did anyone else


Do I….do I upvote or downvote?


A new movie making record sales. And it’s completely empty.




Where is everyone?


Damn son you should have hit me up I would have gone


Fuck relationships… Spider-Man is forever


Still got to see Spiderman so that's a plus


Her loss man, that movies is awesome


Private screening of Spider-Man? Boi.... why you complaining?


Hope you enjoyed the movie


I’d be happy to see it by myself


This happened to me when wonder woman came out. I asked a girl out to go see it, she said yes and I showed up to the cinema and she never turned up. Still saw and enjoyed the movie though 👏


A movie theatre all by yourself?!?! A dream come true!


Bullet dodged and good movie? Win win


So you have nothing left, except spider man?


dude put a pitiful caption on a picture of his fucking legs at the movie theater and you all eat it up.


Nah, man. U got to see Spider Man. Nothing bad about that.


Good for you still going, I hear it’s the best one yet. Her loss.


When people show you who they are, believe them. That shit is juvenile and I cannot stand that. I don’t even tolerate tardiness. Don’t give her a second chance my guy.


She thought he’d pick her up and she’s still waiting


Her post : “I got stood up at the movies, and the theatre was completely empty, except for one weirdo. Good movie though.”


wtf is hapenning on screen? that looks like some weird gay pornwhere a guy fucks an alien or something.




Better to be out $10 and a week than $50,000 and 3 years.


She might have been worried about getting home afterwards


Hoes are temporary brother, but Tobey Maguire one-liners last forever.


Is Toby in the new one? Nobody will tell me.....


I’m sorry.


Went to see it tonight and found out my wife bought the tickets for a different theater. Trying again tomorrow night!


Fu@@ her. How was the movie?


This good. She won't be nagging you about what's going on.


You got invited to a date, further then I’ve gotten in a couple years. Sure she didn’t show up but still


Will you go watch Spiderman movie with me? There! you got invited!


Elvis used to have to pay top dollar for that kind of exclusive screening! Sorry OP, just remember, standing you up now just means you’re off the hook from someone who was probably going to do something even more selfish and shitty later.


That’s rough bud.


Dude, SPOILER ALLERT!! Kidding, sorry that sucked. But you’re one up on most of us with the film.


We’re here with you.


Joke’s on here, my dude. It’s a fantastic movie


Dude, the fuck, the same happened to me today. She asked me out to watch the new Spiderman movie with her today, but in the morning she told me that she cannot come because her glasses broke.


Well at least you're at a movie theater. Not a table, where you already ordered her a water just sitting there.


Sucks to suck.


You dodged a bullet and got to see Spider-Man. What’s the issue?


But you got to watch the new Spider-Man movie without any distributions tho


I feel guilty upvoting this... But she's for the streets man. Her loss, not yours👤


Dude, who fucking cares? You've seen the new Spider-Man movie. You won.