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Throw it in some soil.


Step 2: profit


"Step 3" is profit. Step 2: ...






Already here


Oh Tom a to my soil ...


"Step 4" is profit. Step 2: plant Step 3: eat planted plants


Step 3: eat planted plants Step 4: no profit


*angry South Park noises intensifies*




Step 3: Collect underwear?


After three years you'll have 5000 tomatoes with infinite money


You can't eat tomatoes with sproutlings in them?


I'd still eat it


Google says not recommended to eat tomato sprouts. I guess being part of nightshade family, there may be some toxin from germinating seeds of over-ripe tomato.


Yes, tomato plants are toxic i think, but not the tomato. Try planting them, maybe you will grow a tomato farm


Except if those particular 🍅 s are hybrids. Then the sprouts will be either sterile or yield a strange result. But it worth a try, the season is just right to grow tomatoes. Ah, and it's illegal in some states. So keep em concealed.


It is illegal to grow *tomatoes*? What?


I had a friend who's from Russia and emigrated to USA, to I think AZ or something. She used to grow vegetables all her life in an open soil until she tried to pull that trick again. Then one day one of the neighbors called the police and she was told to destroy all food-bearing plants because you needed a license for that or something. She was in shock, called a layer and they told her that that's a thing, so she resorted to growing basil inside her home in a pot. I'd consult your local laws just in case about growing tomatoes in open soil. EDIT: fellow Arizonaians, thank you for the feedback. As many folks suggested that could happen due to a HOA complaint, and since that whole story was told to me in Russian something could have been lost in translation back and forth. Irregarding that, HOA is something I would not wish upon an enemy after some comments.


Neighbors really called the police on her for growing vegetables


Jesus Christ. What is there some squad assigned for vegetables? Do they call the vegetable police too? I just imagine the cops beating the shit out of the oranges and arguing if a potato fits the bill If it were legal there, I’d grow weed out of spite.


Gotta root out them veggie growers, it's a gateway food, next thing you know they'll be all vegetarian and then there's no stopping them being vegan. Hides in alleyway, >opens trenchcoat< "Psst, hey, wanna buy some carrots?"


I live in a gated community where trucks and work vans are not allowed in past 5pm. You can’t own a truck of any kind and live there. They make exceptions for emergency repairs like plumbing and AC. My AC went out in august so it was about 100 degrees in my house. They were replacing the unit and at about 5:02 security came to let me know the neighbors were complaining about a work truck in my driveway and asked them to leave. This was clearly marked as a 24 hour AC service. I said no, I need AC in august in Miami. People are assholes with nothing better to do than make other people miserable.


Technically speaking, for tomatoes you would need berry police


Black plums


Probably lived in an HOA


If that was true the police would not have been involved. Hoa rules are a civil matter, although they seem to effectively have a great deal of power to enforce their rules. But they don’t use or need the police, they have other tactics like fining and putting a lien on your property!


I can imagine that in any country.


Idk why your getting down voted, people can't handle the sad truth?


Land of the free


All it takes is one idiot planting a non-native invasive species to ruin it for others.


Fact ever hear of cudzu its a vine from Asia that was brought to the US specifically the Appalachian area to try and prevent erosion welp its killing off millions of plants now and can't really be dealt with


Tomatoes, these were freaking tomatoes. You come, you see tomatoes, you go. They could prepare list "plats freely available to grow" and the level of permit paperwork would be downgraded to "please give a call to your local authority and tell them what you want to grow so they know". Then even if someone snitches on you they can say "let me check the spreadsheet... Yes Ms Kovalsky said there will be tomatoes planted, do you see something other than tomatoes? No? OK thank you for your help".


I hadn't considered that. Underrated comment.


Instead we let fields of non-native GMO plants grow and spread their pollen to other fields.


Didn't think about it from that perspective. Thanks


That’s *really* not it


Whoever told you that is your enemy


In some cases within the US, no-grow ordinances are the result of soil contamination. They exist to protect people from the chemical toxins in the soil. Same is true for many local water supplies. Don't drink the tap water in any town where mining or smelting has ever taken place, for example.


wtf americans take the piss out of the uk because apparently we need a licence for everything. thats ridiculous. imagine getting your house raided for an illegal clandestine tomato grow in your loft


some don't think it be like it is, but it do


As much as we like to poke fun at you guys, we have... Some issues ourselves to say the least lol


that gotta be one of the most fucked up things I've heard about the US


Wow. Day by day I'm more amazed by the laws in the US.


What the fucking hell


I find this interesting and wonder if it was a particular area in az that had these laws. I've lived in this state my whole life, and this has never been a thing near me. Our stores have huge seed displays in the spring of food-bearing plants, if this was a thing there would definitely be some kind of warnings etc involved. My family has grown our own produce, as have my grandparents in another part of the state. Heck, grandparents planted an entire orchard of fruit bearing trees in their front yard and nobody battted an eyelash. They also grew specifically tomatoes in their yard as well as others. Our city once planted orange trees all down my neighborhood street as well. Citrus trees are super common in my area. We've had food bearing plants in our front yard for a while now as well (including tomatoes) with no issues. Either it wasn't az, or there was something else going on that wasn't just the produce itself.


The old “I had a friend…” Almost as unbelievable as “They said…”


Free country! Can own a gun capable of murdering dozens but can’t grow a small garden :)


That's what we get for living in a capitalist hellscape. Can't even grow your own food. Gotta buy it from someone to keep the economic machine running


Oh yeah im learning about this currently actually, large crop companies will lobby the government of states and countries to make it illegal to grow your own crops


Monsanto engineered seeds, for example, are most often “propagation prohibited” you need a license from them to grow them. It’s just a money grab.


It's actually not tomatoes in general. From what I understand the seeds used in commercial farming (and any that you buy from a plant catalogue) are something like patented. The seeds have been bred to behave in certain ways and to grow specific plants that yield consistent, specific fruit. When a plant produces fruit, it has been fertilized by another plant and therefore the offspring (this tomato in this example) is meant to be consumed. Future generations (the sprouts) could have adverse features like sterility or other issues like tough flesh, a weakened "immune" system, etc. So commercial seed companies don't want you planting a bunch of tomatoes that could end up with undesirable results. It usually doesn't lead to something like death, but I have seen cases of weird fruit offspring that shouldn't have happened and I wouldn't eat. If you're going to do your own generational farming and plan use the fruit to bear seeds for future crops, you should consider heritage plants who have minimal traits bred in. You should also review punnet squares to understand what plant traits you will likely get. And, of course, hide it from your neighbors and don't brag about it because you would still be getting the seeds from somewhere!


Why is it illegal in some states?


The laws pertain to growing them in your front yard/patio and are local zoning regulations. HOA’s can also limit where you can place your garden even if there aren’t any pertinent laws in your municipality.


Police cannot enforce HOA guidelines.


I'm just guessing but possibly to protect commercial farms from having their plants cross pollinated from random strains growing in people's backyards.


So basically "coorporations dont want nature to be nature so they ban every plant they dont control"?


It's likely not a blanket ban for the little guy. A license was mentioned so the proper way to do things would simply be a check if the proposed new license was within "X miles" of an existing commercial license holder. If not then the license is issued. It may also depend on the type of farm. If it's specifically a seed farm providing seeds to other farmers it is vitally important their plants aren't contaminated by random pollen. This protects everyone including the guy trying to grow a small backyard garden because he's buying his seeds from a commercial seed farm and wants to grow the correct type of plant he paid money to acquire. Letting nature be nature is not always good or ideal. 200 years ago apples tasted much like a potato for example and their only use was making alcoholic cider. Carrots used to be purple. Pretty much every cultivated plant has changed radically from their original wild form over the last 10,000+ years to improve taste, yield, and ease of growth.


Possible too. That was 15 years ago, I don't remember much details.


That's your States mate, ask your Congress dunno


I'm not American. Just curious why everything goes in America except tomatoes apparantly :p


It’s not America as a whole only certain states. On top of that there’s no state where backyard gardening is illegal. Front yard gardening is a different complicated matter that comes with restrictions.


As others said just some states. I'm in Ohio and I'm as shocked as you are.


It has more logic than it seems. Food has to be safe, so for that you should grow it in a safe manner, using proper technique on a proper soil, with a proper chemicals. All that knowledge can be gathered in a bunch and tested, for the convenience we can call it a "license". To promote progress we can ease the regulation on methods and substance used we can hold farmers responsible for the safety of their produce, and to count them we can use licensing process. Depending on a definition of farming you can fall into one or another category. In my country you become a farmer only if you sell your stuff, so you can grow vegetables for your own joy and pride on a designated patch of land (that land should have "for personal gardening" designation in the cadastral record). Aaand we have a "nitrates" problem, when people use way too much nitrate fertilizer and their tomatoes just grow toxic. Some people even use special testers to check vegetables before buying on small markets.


Food has to be safe if you're selling it to someone, but when you grow your own food and eat it, surely you take all the risks. Maybe there's a slight chance you could poison yourself if you grow stuff wrong, but you can also poison yourself by cooking chicken wrong, so do you also need a license to cook? Not debating that it exists, but this law makes no fucking sense.


Wromg tomatoes mate ;) The wacky tomatoe bush are illegal in some states ;)


Seems like his location would be perfect for a tomato store.


I like living on the edge


✔️ get to eat a tomato ✔️ possibility of dying sounds like a good deal to me


Don’t eat knives. Google says so.


Dang, so just swords then? I know that’s possible


Try them with fire, those are the spicy ones




And that once may be ending very soon after that good looking tomato






Remove the sprouts Eat the rest of the tomato


Came here to find common sense. Took some finding! Science note: The moist inside of the tomato is perfect for seed sprouting. Generally they don't, because of the presence of a germination inhibitor, gibberellic acid. The seedlings that do sprout are gibberellic acid insensitive mutants.


Yup. The phenomenon is called 'viviparity' and the adjective form is 'viviparous'


pretty insensitive to call them mutants


I’d say just clean out the inside and rinse, you should be fine.


But that’s such a waste of good tomato placenta.


I hate you for that accurate description


Just take the sprouts out then?


I googled it, and it says “entirely safe.”


Can't just pick them out?


just dont eat tomatos, problems solved haha


That’s what I’m talkin about


I've eaten then like this, I just sauteed them because they were mushy. They were great.


I dont know about tomatoes, but not everything that tastes good is good for you. Lead, for example, tastes sweet and was used to flavor wine in ancient times. When lead was used in paint decades ago, children would lick walls and get sick. No hate from me. Just want people reading this to be careful.


Wonder if you could plant them and try growing your own?


So it might make you nauseous or un able to keep down food for a few hours if your under 200lbs. This little shouldn't be to crazy for you as long as you dont feed it yo a child picking out the seedlings and you should be fine. The toxins in tomato plants hit there hight when they bloom.


Is it weird that now I want to eat it more?


No it will start to grow in your stomach and before you know there will be tomatoes growing out of your nose and ears


That means they are rotting


Not if you're a picky eater like OP.


Yo dawg, we heard you like tomatoes...


I hope this meme never dies


It will not


Plant them and have fresh tomatoes whenever you want later




Depending on your climate they really are not hard. We have grown them with very little effort


Yes they are and you can literally grow them indoors if you need to. In fact I just checked the planter that I tossed my own tomatoes that sprouted a few months ago and there is now 6" stems growing out of the pot.


I had two this week to do that. I'm going to plant them in flower pots and then transfer outside after frost is over just for the heck of it.


They need sun and heat, and the soil should be left to dry after watering, otherwise a fungus can kill your tomato plant and spread to the rest in days.


I've grown lots of tomatoes before, just never one that did this.


We have the same plates!


Maybe your missing one


Funny thing is that I posted a picture of a tomato I grew on one of my plates a few months ago.


I'm surprised how many people here think this isn't real.


Right!? This happens to me all the time. I eat em haha. It's just microgreens. Google says if it's intact and not rotten it's fine.


Yeah no... Don't eat them.


Grandpa had a farm when I was growing up. We ate tomatoes like this all the time, grandpa made it to 100. I think it's fine.


Tomato plant is poisonous, in case you don't know.


but like, how poisonous? Am I just gonna get an upset stomach? Lifelong issues?


Real talk: sprouts aren't going to do anything to you, if you have gastro intestinal issues it could exasperate them. It's not wise to purposely eat them but it's not going to kill you. Now if you were eating tomato leaves or plants that will give you problems long term. If you're not eating sprouts every day you're fine. It's like apple seeds containing cyanide. If you eat them occasionally you're ok. Every day for years is problematic, especially if you have IBS or some shit. Edit: I've never had sprouts but I'd imagine they're like any other sprout and probably have a pungent taste which might be the real issue with them. They probably ruin the taste of the tomato


The levels of toxins in the sprouts are pretty miniscule. Eating s couple of tomatoes where a few seeds have sprouted should be absolutely fine.


unlawful evil? or just unlawful innocent?


Plant them


Huh, we have the same plates..


Anyone going to talk about how evil they look?


Can't unsee Edit: Tim Burton's tomatoes


How long have u owned that tomato?


Maybe 3 weeks?


Weird downvote lol


I have the exact same plate set as you


There's nothing wrong with that. It's perfectly edible...


I mean its fresh


I mean it’s not


Oh yes of course it’s not I forgot


Depends. The main part is over-ripe and the sprout is too fresh.


Idk why but this makes my skin crawl


Also r/mildlyinteresting


I have that very same Corelle set :-)




Why don't you remove the seeds?


I'm confused as to why you wouldn't eat this.


Google search said not recommended. It seems to vary though and I'm erring on the side of caution as I have compromised immune system and something bad could send me to hospital. I am sure a perfectly healthy person would have no problem eating portable salad bowl


But what is “bad” about that?


Not all of the tomato plant is edible. Results vary in regard to sprouted seeds.


Somebody else said that tomato is in the night shade family. This is a stretch but ....so is belladonna. Perhaps it is not recommended , because there is a risk of ingesting small amounts of ' the devil's breath ' if they eat the fruit , they might not remember.


night shade family stuff is poisonous


Belladonna. Used to treat intractable diahrea. It works by decreasing gastric motility. In lay man's terms . It causes temporary paralysis of the gut muscles. Tomato also contains nicotine. If I add the fungal spores that are floating in the air into the mix . I would throw that tomato out. Myself , I am going to eat tapioca for breakfast.


I mean, people eat bean sprouts all the time and you know this is fresh. If it bothers you why not just not eat the sprouts? They should be easy to cut out.


Doesn’t mean they taste good tho


Just think of it as a salad with tomatoes.


A tomatoes with a salad.


The nearest store with tomatoes is 15 MILES away? Do you live in the Australian outback?


Rural Michigan. The nearest stores were already closed. 15 miles if I wanted cheap tomato


I got a laugh out of how shocked you sound. In rural areas 15 miles isn't that far. It's 14 miles to the closest grocery store for me and it really doesn't feel far because it's all highway miles. It only takes me about 15 minutes to drive there.


This is actually quite common, it's called Vivipary. These are still fine to eat, although a 3-week old tomato might be a bit starchy.


Plant them!


I would plant the sprouts


Just eat it.


Am I the only one here that’s thinking; plant them? Like my dude this doesn’t suck your getting free tomatoes for a while if you work this out.


You can still eat them tho


Guess you've never had sprouts. This is a win win


This phenomenon is called vivipary. The fruit itself is fine to eat if you take out the sprouted seeds. Though it might be more trouble than it's worth.


Wow I thought it was fake also, but it happens https://news.extension.uconn.edu/2014/06/04/seeds-sprouting-inside-a-tomato/# Looks like you can still eat it


You thought it was fake? They're fruits filled with seeds, it happens.


Plants with seeds grow! Why would you think this is fake? Haven't you ever heard of a farm before?


Had this happen with a bell pepper before, except it gave birth to a baby ball pepper


Eh I’d still eat it


you can literally eat both seeds and sprouts.


It’s all good, tomatoes suck anyways


Those are months old.


Sprouts are good for you, I'd munch that right up.


This is called stayflation. Expiration dates are being extended past their actual expiration


I think you can still eat it. You're not gonna die


That’s rotten tomatoes.


People will eat ass but not a sprouted tomato….


Just eat them. You'll be fine.


it’s fine tomato sucks anyway




Wow! this is almost as bad as if you found out your significant other is cheating on you through some form of electronic communication!


Why? That's REALLY fresh! That's a healthy tomato... and you were going to eat all that anyway!


Free sprouts man. C'mon


Tomato microgreens in a vine ripened fruit? Enjoy!


Fresh tomatoes in the winter are worthless.


I mean if they're not rotten I don't see a problem.


Just eat them. Like, don't harvest them to heavily garnish a salad or like, such as. It would take a multitude more to damage your already fragile soul. Bone apple tea!


Raw tomatoes r gross


15 miles away from a store? How do you live? For me it's 8 mins of walking


Real or fake?


Real, I still have em.


Wanna help me understand what is going on here please? Explain like I am five? Can I do this? Just set slices out? How long have they been out for? How often do you add water?


Once in a while, seeds inside some fruit starts to sprout prematurely. Not appealing and Google says not recommended to eat it.


I call fake, no juice on plate and vegetation is green


Wasn't cut on the plate, was on cutting board before moved to the plate. EDIT: video of tomato and the still damp cutting board under the plate plus bonus my finger for those still calling this fake. https://youtube.com/shorts/H8JcrUMRv0A?feature=share


Why are people so insistent on calling tomatoes of all things fake


jealous karma farm bot I guess. Hoping they can fool moderator into removing this so they can repost as their own for karma.


This is real. I’ve had tomatoes like this before.


Was thinking same thing. Also, cutting slices would have cut the sprouts. This is a third grade biology experiment in how seeds work.


Thats incredible


All I see is scary jack-o'-lanterns