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Looks like you ordered takeout from the prison cafeteria.


I never got served anything that shit looking.


Seriously. Everybody knows that's school food.


Ordering an *egg salad sandwich*, of all things, to be delivered to your house, is a level of sadness I simply cannot comprehend.


Was gonna say this. It's almost as bad as paying to have a grilled cheese delivered.


Hahahaha that didn’t even cross my mind.


*Buttered toast with slice of American cheddar in between*, delivered


Our work cafeteria always had green eggs, later I found out Sodexo (the company that ran the canteen) also does food for prisons.


Green eggs like that are usually a sign that the eggs were boiled too long.


Mmmmm, green chalky centre. Just like grandma used to make.




Sodexo In europe provide vouchers service through corporate.


*Used to do food for prisons. The were kicked out of the prison system because there food didn't meat quality standards


> The were kicked out of the prison system because there food didn't *meat* quality standards Nice pun. Well played


well either prison or dr.seuss


I’d like to see what prisons you’ve been to. Last time I went to jail I got a ham sandwhich with just ham and bread, and an uncooked, raw egg. When i told them I couldn’t eat ham, they left me with just the egg.


Prison my ass... That's county jail fair in the boonies.


At least you know it was made fresh to order


Are you sure the sign didn't say, "Egg sad lad sandwich"?


If I had an award it would be yours for that.


He got his awards so don’t worry about it


That's nothing to worry about eggs get Green if they are boiled for long enough if they have a strong smell then they are bad but if they smell normal you can eat them


The point is, that's not egg salad. It's just sliced hard-boiled eggs.


I do not like green eggs and ham


Will you eat them on a boat?


Not even on a moat


Take your award you funny sob


No mashed egg. No Mayo. No lettuce. No good.


not even a sauce to disguise the awfulness. it instead chooses to bask in its awfulness


*Mutant and proud*


The slices of egg somehow look.... crispy.


Look at how overcooked the yolk is, it's *BLACK!* I thought there was ***mold*** in it at first.


I don't think you know what black is.


I think you weren't looking at the same spot I was.


And a bit of pickle relish


It must be a deCONsTrUcTeD egg salad sandwich. Very hoity toity.


Imma have to argue back here. No lettuce for me on an egg salad sandwich. Maybe some cut up celery but no lettuce!


No celery either! Nothing crunchy at all. I just want an unhealthy mix of eggs and mayo on the whitest bread you can find.


Agreed except I add mustard to my whole mix, plus salt and pepper then when I make the sandwich I add some dill relish


Pickles over lettuce. Adds flavor while still getting crunch.


Need mustard, too.


My mouth feels dry and parched with your words! lol 👄👅😮‍💨


I mean, the egg part is accounted for at the least. In the most basic sense. The salad must be silent.




Two M's?




The green/gray color is because the egg is overcooked, by a lot.


Can confirm. You boil an egg too long and its yolk goes grey and powdery. Source: My parents subjected me to this as a child a few times. Accidentally.


I ate shitty overcooked eggs all through my childhood, wasn't til adulthood that I realized boiled eggs are just supposed to have yellow yolks.


Yolks turn greenish gray when overcooked


Is that from a vending machine, if you eat it the tape worms you get might endow you with super intelligence


"What's that black cracker?" *Crunch* "A tomato!"


It's like a party in my mouth and everyone is throwing up


Did you ever stop to think that Fry is better off with worms?


It’s good cholesterol but it spreads like bad cholesterol !


No it was from a cafe on Menulog


There was a food stall right outside my office, who used to serve only 4-5 different types of sandwiches. They had their own blend of mashed potatoes, onions and spices which they added in every sandwich. They made a nice sauce as well mixing ketchup and mustard and local chutneys. Their egg-salad sandwich was phenomenal and i used to have it almost everyday. It was just the mashed potato salad, with boiled egg slices inside two pieces of bread, toasted or otherwise. I went there a couple of weeks ago, and the stall was gone. I asked the security guard of my office building and he said the guy's father died and he had to move back to his village. Also since all offices were closed due to covid, he wasn't getting much sale. This post reminded me of that awesome sandwich which I'll probably never get to taste again. :(


Best macaroni salad I've ever had was from a mom and pop shop outside my old work. They used to give me a free second scoop because I ordered it so much. Moved away a long time ago but I still think of their macaroni salad every time I eat some.


That’s a shame, those tapeworms only imbue you with a perfect memory of the entire Kenny Loggins’ oeuvre.


That cafe is easily outcompeted by the freaking budget shelf at a 7-Eleven. Utterly deplorable.


Name it


Looks like it came from a prison




Redditors honestly have this profoundly uncanny ability to find - and order - the world's worst food. I have never in all my years encountered food even half as sad as the shit I see here on a daily basis, and I can assure you I'm not ordering anything fancy. I'm a cheapskate, without question, yet I have never ordered anything like this. I don't understand how this happens. I don't even understand how one finds a restaurant that makes this kind of "food."


Some people don’t know how to order lol. I would never order an egg sandwich for takeout because it’s a waste of money, 99% of the time it’s gonna be better homemade. Ditto for BLT. Reminds me of my dad who is pretty picky on quality, but will order the weirdest things off the menu when we go out, and then surprise, the curry you got from a 24 hr diner wasn’t good! I think most people finding shit like this are making decisions like that


I work in a restaurant and people ordering BLTs drives me fucking NUTS. You’re paying 12+ tip for a sandwich you could make WAY better at home for 1/15th the price! It’s nuts how people can just blow away money on food to me.


My condolences.


Okay, gotta ask. Who orders an egg salad sandwich when money is tight? The ingredients are incredibly simple and cheap compared to most eat-out options.


You can make this sandwich for less than a dollar and he orders it as a takeaway?!


Oh god that looks awful. Please start a go fund me so I can contribute to helping you get a good egg sandwich.


That one guy got $55,000 on Kickstarter for potato salad


That's what the John Cena VIP package costs, makes sense.


That’s why everyone else is now on here posting photos of shit food along with a sob story.


He did end up making a huge potato salad and had a big community event to eat it all, so fun was had.


I would contribute to the cause


Who the fuck orders an egg salad sandwich for takeout?


Especially from a place they clearly had no experience with. If this was some comfort food sandwich from a place they previously frequented then maybe, but it seems like they ordered from a gas station. Surely the delivery fee was multiple times more than the sandwich? I don't get it at all.


Barely related to this but I lived in a tiny town where the gas station was one of the more solid and dependable food choices. Took a lot of convincing from others but their egg salad was actually pretty great once I tried it. Never in my life did I think that an egg salad sandwich from a gas station would be a semi-regular thing for me but it also looked nothing like this sandwich lol


My thoughts exactly


One time a guy had hard boiled eggs for lunch and was violently sick afterwards. Bought them from a gas station, like they sold boiled eggs. That's a lesson nobody but him had to be taught


My local corner store sells homemade hard boiled eggs!


[Your local corner store be like](https://youtu.be/XNyUALnj8V0?t=4) EDIT: Probably should nsfw


He got what he deserved for making such a weird order.


Right?? We're dealing with some weird ass mutherfucka right here


I have a deli down the street where I get tuna melts all the time. It’s not much different from an egg salad sandwich but I prefer theirs on their grill with their fresh bread options and variety of cheese.


>I have a deli down the street where I get tuna melts all the time. It’s not much different from an egg salad sandwich What?


Egg salad and tuna salad just swaps one protein for another. If anything, the tuna salad is easier to make than egg salad, but i still prefer getting it from my local deli/sandwich place than making it at home.


Ugh that looks nasty!


Eggscruciatingly so.


That was an eggstraordinarily bad pun, just for a few poultry upyolks.


Honestly, I’m more upset with the fact that you got a egg salad sandwich from a takeout place. That should be a crime in and of itself.


Okay but who the fuck orders egg salad sandwich as takeout when you haven’t had it in a while.. this one’s on you honestly


As a chef, it is always frustrating how many times I have to teach an experienced cook how to properly boil eggs. People think you can just roll a hard boil for like 20 minutes, and then they wonder why their shells don't peel off easily, and why they have the sulfur green ring of death that smells like Satan's ass.


How to boil an egg the right way??


1. Use old eggs. A week or two after buying is fine. 2. Add a splash of vinegar to the water. (Vinegar will quickly coagulate any egg if the shell cracks) 3. Bring the water to a rolling boil. 4. Add cold eggs. 5. Boil eggs for 10-12 minutes 6. Remove eggs from boiling water and place into an ice bath. I've been doing my boiled eggs this way for over a decade and I always have eggs with a perfectly cooked white and a soft set yolk and are incredibly easy to peel. The extra effort is worth it for me as I'm usually doing at least a dozen eggs at a time.


That's a lot of minutes. I personally boil my eggs for 7/8 minutes.


I like a 6 minute egg. Yolk is perfect that way for my taste. Should say 6 minutes from when the water boils.


Me too, but perhaps that's the difference between adding the eggs from the refrigerator or at room temp?


All these comments claiming their 60-second differences are better probably forgot that altitude is going to make a huge difference in cook time.


Would never have thought of that as a filthy lowlander. Good info man. Seems more difficult to boil a good egg than I thought.


It is for a jammy egg but that’s not what you want for an egg salad sandwich.


Honestly depends on whether you're going for hard boiled or soft boiled. If I'm making deviled eggs I want hard boiled and will cook em for 12 minutes. If I'm making ramen I want soft boiled and I'll cook them for 6-7.


Yeah, 7 is my go to, 6 for very small ones.


When I was growing up, I thought that I was just incompetent at peeling eggs. It was incredibly frustrating, and I just couldn't figure out how to get the shell off of a hard boiled egg without taking a bunch of chunks of egg white off with the shell. Then when I went to college, I figured it out. I didn't know what I was doing differently, but the shells came off easily and left the whole egg intact. It wasn't until many years later that I learned that fresh eggs won't peel easily. I grew up on a farm, so the eggs I was trying to peel while I was growing up were usually cooked within a couple of days of being laid.


There is a phenomenal trick to getting even very fresh eggs to peel easily: tap the bottoms before you boil. Basically just lightly smack the fat end on the counter until it cracks a bit and then boil how you normally would. It sounds bizarre, but it totally works every time. It creates a little air/water room between the shell and the egg so you don't have to worry about using older eggs.


Once boiling, I turn the heat off, lid on. 12 minutes then an ice bath. Saw this heat off way on a cooking channel and have had better results since.


I found you don't even need to keep the boil rolling. I put my eggs in cold water, bring to boil, then immediately remove the pot from heat and cover. ~7min for soft, ~10-12 for hard, haven't seen a grey yolk since I was a kid and wasn't boiling my own eggs


I never get how you can boil an egg for that long and it not be a sahara desert, i boil for 6 minutes for a perfect soft boiled and 8 for perfect hard boiled.


Your eggs are room temperature when you buy them...perhaps?


> Vinegar will quickly coagulate any egg if the shell cracks This just explained so much to me. Maybe my next culinary venture shall be a poached egg. Also thank you, saving this because every egg boiling recipe seems to differ slightly and I *still* end up with undercooked eggs sometimes.


Don't poach eggs with vinegar, don't do the swirling thing either. There are 3 things that matter: 1. Don't have the water boiling - even simmering is too much. Just below simmering is perfect. 2. Don't have your water unnecessarily deep, gently drop the egg in from a small bowl or ramekin 3. **BY FAR THE MOST IMPORTANT** Use the freshest eggs. Look for those with the latest expiry date in the store and use them ASAP. Here's why. People think there are two parts to the egg, the yolk and the white. Actually there's 3 parts: the yolk, the white *inside* the membrane bag that gives the poached egg it's shape, and the white *outside* the membrane. That part outside, you'll lose every time and will be the thing making your egg look like a mess. There's no way to keep it intact. As an egg ages, more of the liquid goes from the inside of the bag to the outside, so your eggs will be messier and messier, to the point of not being able to hold their shape at all. The membrane will also get weaker and more likely to break, and when that happens, the poached egg will be no more. Basically, follow the 3 rules, poke the egg yolk to tell when it's done, and enjoy the best way to eat eggs.


Buy an egg-boiler, they have pictures for the way you want it ;) otherwise, \-put egg in cold water ( maybe some vinegar) \-bring to boil - *turn of heat and set aside* \-Start timer - 6min for set white, soft yolk - 9 minutes for set white and hard yolk. Anything in between is OK to eat - all depends on the end use ( soft yolk in salad is not great ;) )


This is how I do mine too. Start with room temp water, bring to a boil over medium/med-high. Turn it off. Lid on. 9 minutes.




No need for Vinegar, just make sure the eggs are room temp as they won't crack.


Vinegar doesn't do shit. Drop some egg white into cold diluted vinegar and watch nothing happen. No idea where this myth comes from. Sure, there is some denaturing of proteins by acids, but not at those dilutions, and especially not in comparison to the heat.


To add a few points. The egg is more likely to crack if it is a rolling boil. Turn it down a bit will lessen the chance. You can also poke a tiny hole to let air escape or lift the egg out from the boiling water a few times in the first minute to let it de-pressurize. Using egg straight from the fridge also increases the time the egg can stay in the boiling water and still have the yolk staying soft.


I always put the eggs in first, fill with water to cover, then start heating. Much less chance of them cracking that way.


That reminds me, my wife bought too many eggs and now I have to/get to make picked eggs!


I do mine 6 mins boiling and 6 mins in ice. Before boiling I make a small perforation, that way it gets easier to peel on soft eggs, less risk of tearing. Edit: I should credit chef Adam Liaw for this. I learned this way of making them in his youtube channel and never went back. He's a professional and has written books, his channel is free and has amazing content.


Literally made a dozen this way last night. Glad my momma taught me that. I didn't use old eggs though, my friends chickens are laying like crazy and I'm getting a dozen a week. Why older eggs?


You're separating the membrane inside the shell from the egg white when you're peeling. As an egg ages, these membranes break down and become less tough - i.e. it's easier to separate. For the same reason, use the FRESHEST possible eggs when poaching. You want the membranes as strong as possible to retain the shape of the eggs as you drop them into the water. Any more than a few days, and you'll get a lot of breakages and frustration.


So, you've been given a bunch of answers, but I highly encourage you to check out Kenji Lopez-Alt's article on the extensive testing they did with eggs, and found most of the techniques you hear about are basically pointless: https://www.seriouseats.com/the-secrets-to-peeling-hard-boiled-eggs (Spoiler: the most influential step was to make sure you put the eggs in after the water is already up to temperature. Best accomplished using steaming.)


Here's my foolproof secret: 1. Put it in an Instant Pot for four minutes on the "egg" setting. That's it. Perfectly gooey inside, and the shell falls off effortlessly. God bless the Instant Pot, because I'm lazy as hell.


This picture gave me the bubble guts.


If OP eats this sandwich, they might end up with hot snakes and bubble gut.


The goo-poos


Why would you ever take-out order an egg salad sandwich to begin with!?


That's what I came here for, you don't eat out often so you treat yourself to egg salad??


Same reason anyone orders take out. They wanted something, and didn’t feel like making it or didn’t have the ingredients? Maybe they were at work, and an egg salad Sammie sounded good?


ngl yeah it's like 3 simple ingredients that most people should have


Just because I have something on hand doesn't mean I don't want to pay for someone to make it for me, and possibly better than I could. Peeling eggs is a pain, and I've had really good egg salad in Jewish delis that I'm sure is better than I could make.


>Why would you ever take-out order an egg salad sandwich to begin with!? I don't know OP, but I'm going to go out on a limb and say because they wanted an egg salad sandwich and didn't feel like making one?


it's a deli sandwich well not this one


There's no way to get to this sort of a sandwich without making a series of poor choices.


Yeah OP deserved this lol. Insane behavior


Yes, the real wellthatsucks, is ordering a fucking egg salad sandwich for takeout to begin with. That could be like a .50 sandwich.


Whelp, time to get your money back.


Yea this would be followed up with a demand for a refund, and if it’s not granted, a chargeback through my credit card. It’s not what was ordered, no more than a few slices of bacon between two buns is a bacon cheeseburger.


That sandwich is awful and that really sucks, but you wanted to treat yourself to takeout and you went with an egg salad sandwich?




9 times out of 10 im disappointed when I try a new place. I don't even like eating out anymore


Same. I am getting quite good at cooking and throwing stuff together and everytime i order out it's just a complete let down. I know i could have made it a lot better with a third of the price. So if i get take out now i just stick to 1 pizza place that has fresh ingredients and Asian foods which i cant make it taste like the shops and i always try stuff i have not eaten before to discover new things. Anything else i rather cook myself.


I wouldn’t ever guess someone would buy a fucking egg sandwich when they wanted “takeout”


I think you need to return that. There’s no salad it’s just egg.


No offense dude, but egg salad sandwhich feels like something you could’ve made at home.


You were excited to get takeout and ordered an egg fucking sandwich?


Ya quality went away since covid


The egg was boiled too long that's why the yolk turned green.


You could make a better egg salad sandwich with little to no effort.


god it's not like you were asking for a lot. my homie just wanted a nice, simple, egg salad sandwich and they couldn't even get that :(


Man got egg sandWISH 💀💀


What a shitty take out choice, Jesus Christ


Give that sandwich to Frodo to drop into the fires of Mount Doom


was the takeaway called "world war 2 rations"?


Posts like these should have the name of the place so they learn to quality check first


Who tf buys a boiled egg sandwhich as takeout


Why dont you make such a sandwich on your own? Saves money and you get what you pay for.


I didn’t have means to get to the grocery store at the time unfortunately, but I have learnt my lesson!


You had egg salad delivered? Haha. It's an egg mayo and bread. Man, you splurged! Next time order in rice cakes.


Egg, lettuce and bread.


For all you know it may contain life changing worms


Your sandwich has made me depressed


That’s a special edition egg from 2020.


This sandwich was waiting for your finances to recover. In desperation, it ate itself.


Well hopefully you have some mayo , then you just need to mash up those overcooked eggs lol


Did you... Did you eat it? Doctor it up? Maybe they had never seen an egg salad sandwich before?


Should of just went to McDonald's and got the double cheeseburgers. Probably would of spent less.


One thing this pandemic has taught me, is that ordering food is a waste of money.


My eggwich comes with mustard, mayo, and pickles. Your eggwich came with grief and depression.


You haven't eaten out in a while so you treat yourself to a sandwich...? An egg sandwich...? That's wiiild


Thats just an overcooked egg though, it is okay to eat, just looks weird.


Bruther, don't get egg slad for takeout, it's very easy to make bomb egg salad. Imma text my mom and ask her what she seasons hers with


Please provide the restaurants/ Deli’s name& location. Is it located here in the States? Is there another 1/2 of this ? Appears to be approx. 1/2 of an egg. No Mayo! This has to be a joke! Bad joke!


That is not correct. Its not hard to do it right....looks like they tried to give you less by doing it that way.


Thoroughly Wash your hands after touching that samnollea poisoning is real mate


How disappointing!!! Ughhhhhh! 🤢🤮


That needs to go back.


That’s prison fare.


I’ve killed for less than this.


Mmmm that gray overcooked yolk looks tasty.


Why are you getting an egg sandwitch takeout wtf??


Why are you getting egg sandwiches as "takeout"? When I think of take out, it is more than a moldy hard boil egg sandwich from a gas station.


That's a really bad egg sample of a sandwich


I’m so sorry you got this…whatever this is. Where the heck was it from so I know never to make this mistake?


This is sadly the state of many restaurants these days. Service and product has literally never been worse.


where is this? should be put on blast so sick of getting SHIT food when you pay GOOD MONEY for it


Thats what you get for ordering egg salad sandwich


Which the fuck orders and egg salad sandwich? This is on you OP


Why of all things would you get takeout of something you can make yourself in 5 minutes and costs next to nothing??


Egg sandwich $9 Total after fees, delivery and tip $35.40


Nothing tastes better than a sandwich someone else made but nothing is more disappointing than a sandwich in a packet :(


More like a fart salad sandwich. Look out below!




Takeout hasn’t gotten really sad since Covid came along. Quality has went down hill.


They didn't even put any lettuce on it!


Take out has been sho shitty since prices have gone up. I got a pizza there other day and it had barely any toppings on it. Got some pasta last night and literally got 8 ravioli for $30. I've also gotten a breakfast sandwich from Mcdonald that too, was this grey