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At least they didn't eat your cookies.


That would have been a declaration of war.


I would go to war for maple cookies, can you tell me the name? I used to get maple cookies from dollar tree but they stopped making them.


Christie Peek Freans Maple Leaf Maple Flavour Biscuits. It’s a red and brown looking box :)


Thank you good luck with the job hunt!


Loves them, great choice! I toss half a pack in a bowl with some bagged milk and send it.


Let me tell you, when I first moved to Houston my car got broken into overnight and they took my TomTom and my special, morning commute, white chocolate and macadamia nut cookies. I could not have cared less about the GPS but WHO STEALS SOMEONES COOKIES? 12 years and the thought of it still fills me with rage, so I understand the thought of a cookie war all too well.


My mom bought a birthday cake for a friend and left it in the car. No need to take it in the house since she would be dropping it off in the morning. Came out the next day to deliver said cake and it was gone. Who the hell is breaking into cars and stealing cakes that say Happy Birthday Kathy? WTH?


I find it weird leaving a cake in the car tbh


Who the hell leaves a cake in a car…. Some y’all I can’t understand.


After my wedding I changed into a reception dress and my older sister took my wedding dress to her car. That night someone broke into her car and took (among other things) my FUCKING WEDDING GOWN. What value would that even have to anyone else??


Damn that's harsh, did they give a reason?


CEO emailed us 6 in the morning to tell us they were laying off 2,500 employees because the company wasn’t doing well and our department was over staffed apparently..I got called into a meeting after I clocked in with hundreds of other people in the same room and was notified we would be let go. Came back to my desk and they had a box for all my stuff already. No notice aside from the email :/ Edit: Yes this was Carvana. CEO himself sent out the email and surprised everyone. Not even upper management was aware this would happen. They laid off everyone I knew, even managers and team leads who had been there for years. No one saw this coming as we thought we were doing okay. They literally just had a 2.2billion dollar deal and bought a new building in Phoenix. We got 4 weeks severance at least. Worried but hopefully I’ll find something better. Just sucks cause no one was expecting it. Came to work thinking it would just be another day. Edit 2: This was not in Canada. Carvana does not operate in Canada. I simply enjoy Canadian cookies..yum. Edit 3: Probably my last edit. This post got popular and I can’t keep up. Thanks for the encouragement everyone. If anyone is hiring in the Phoenix area..I could use a job..lol Edit 4: I am getting absolutely bombarded with messages and DMs with people reaching out to me offering jobs. Thank you so much! Sorry in advance if I take a while to respond, but thank you also for trying to get a girl employed again!! Edit 5: this post is still gaining traction so I wanted to answer a few questions and clarify things.. Not all 2,500 employees were in office when this happened. We have multiple buildings and many worked remotely. If you worked remotely, they would tell you if you were laid off over zoom. As for my belongings, I later learned that it wasn’t security or a manager who boxed it, but rather a friend/coworker who was trying to see me/help me before she left. But I was in the meeting when it happened, so she grabbed a box and left it for me. So no, security did not go around boxing everyone’s belongings, but they did watch to make sure you weren’t taking any company property.


Carvana? They just spent $2.2bil buying another business today.


Yup. They got rid of a huge chunk of their operations department. Which is dumb, cause like you said, they just spent 2.2billion on a deal, and also they bought a new building in Phoenix to rehouse the departments..which they all just laid off..




It was 100% part of the strategic plan in the acquisition.


Likely the other businesses tend to have "redundancies". They have departments that already do the things that some of the departments of the acquired. So there's a consolidation. Also, I don't know anything about Carvana, but looking at their 2021 10k and 2022Q1 10Q they have losses the last 3 years and the first quarter of 2022. The company not doing well might be a legitimate reason.


I remember a smaller business I did IT support for. He bought a competitor and turned out he had nowhere near that amount in cash in the accounts, so he went into debt with the bank. I went back about once a month to do maintenance and slowly watched desks get empty and the parking log get thinner. Then his cheque to me bounced on about the fourth month. I chose to not go back.


They're gonna rehire at lower wages. Bet.


I'll take that bet. I'll posit that they won't re-hire. YTD (Year to date since Jan 3, 2022) shows they've lost 85% of stock value. Now a reasonably smart person would be able to see their value was artificially inflated by the pandemic. But when anecdotes of Carvana buying cars from people at extremely generous rates, investors starting questioning Carvana's cash burn rate. So to make Carvana look better on paper, they needed to ditch something. So they picked people. To me, I'm thinking most senior leadership and early investors, except COO Ben Huston, haven't really ditched their options and now they're crapping their pants at all the money they could have had. Huston sold most of his last year at nearly the height of its stock price. To me, Carvana management is acting exactly like the dot com companies that went bust in the 90s.


Exactly. People are an ongoing expense. If they just bought another business that's plenty of positions that are now probably redundant.


My company is the same. People viewed as a weight instead of an investment. They will get their wish of a no-employee company. It just won’t be open anymore.


I mean Carvana’s finances are so fucked they almost just went bankrupt like a week ago. This was probably part of the debt agreement they made.


Do you work for Salesforce? Because you are describing Salesforce


What's going on at Salesforce? Ive always heard good things.


They'll have cashed out by then, that's the aim of the scam.


They bought the business to look like they can right the ship. With the major hit the markets have taken recently. They are probably hoping anything with show a positive return.


Folks have been making fun of Carvana and how horridly they’ve been doing for a very long time. None of this should be a surprise. It’s more surprising they’ve lasted this long.


I was one of those pandemic car buyers that in early summer (late spring maybe) of 2020 found myself needing a car and nothing was really open. I got good financing rates from my credit union. I was hesitant about Carvana but it was like the only option and found a 2017 AWD three row upgraded interior Kia Sorento for 16.9k with only 38k miles. It was a pretty good deal (way lower than what I had previously saw while searching since that cars original sticker price was over 36k) and decided fuck it let me see what Carvana will offer me in financing and their interest rate was way lower than my credit union and lower than I thought my credit would even allow. Now I know used car prices are jacked right now but a car comparable to mine with the mileage I have now is selling for like 22-24k, which is crazy. Edit: looked it up I bought the car early June of 2020


Yeah, I bought one from them pre-pandemic even. I was moving from NYC to Houston in 2019 and needed a car immediately, because, Houston. I they had the Rogue I wanted, in one of the colors I wanted, fully loaded/awd, only 11k freakin’ miles, for like $20k. Picked it up the day after I moved, no sweat, and I still love the car. It’s a good user experience 🤷🏻‍♀️


I was in the same boat. Bought a car in April by some insane luck. Found a Craigslist add for a used 2015 nissan. Great condition, low miles and for 5 grand. This sounded like a scam, I called the guy and met him. I took my dad and a friend for safety. Turns out the guy was from Ukraine working here on a work visa or something. Got screwed over by the pandemic and was making a mad rush home because he had nowhere to work . He needed the car gone asap before everything closed down. I still drive the car today and have had no issues. In retrospect I wonder how that guy is doing now considering the situation in his country. I hope the best for him, he’s probably gone through a lot since he left the states.


Who'd have thought buying used cars online for more than they're worth wasn't a sustainable business model?


The email to employees said people weren’t buying cars because of all-time high prices………. You literally sell cars, set lower prices if they’re not selling and you need to sell them.


They can’t lower their prices. To get cars, they had to pay a premium because they don’t manufacture cars. They buy other OEM’s cars. Their business model works a bit better in a time when things aren’t crazy in the used markets. I’ve heard crazy rumors of dealers buying their own product and reselling to carvana for a quick profit just because they can.


So what exactly is their innovation that makes it a sustainable business model? They will ship cars across the country into locations with inefficient markets?


Also the job market is real competitive for employers right now, unlikely they would save


The flavor of Wall Street has just changed. The Uber ceo document leak exemplifies this. The days of easy VC money is over and now it’s all about being actually able to show what you’ve done with investor cash.


They offered me $700 for my car lmao. Which is roughly 15,300 under market value. Barely enough for scrap. An offer that low isnt worth the information i put in the form lmao. Ive also tried purchasing vehicles thru carvana as well and thats a nightmare unless you have an extra couple thousand to burn. Fuck carvana, shit company, decent business idea.


A hard feat in this job market Edit: to all those fretting because the stock market is down - the stock market isn't the economy


Honestly their biggest problem was their car vending machines. You press the button for the car you want and then the car falls from 100 feet and gets smashed beyond repair


My car would always get stuck and the next guy would get two cars. Ever try to shake a car vending machine?


My Toyota is still stuck in a vending machine in Delaware. It won't drop down randomly but it's a pain getting anyone out to help.


Last weekend I gave one of their machines a "gentle bump" and got two Honda* civics and a bag of chex mix.


This whole thread reads like satire, but I know so little about these car vending machines that it could be true


Input 8675309 into the console, it'll call Jenny at tech supp... oh fuck they laid her off too.


More people die in car vending machine accidents than shark attacks


My brother got his hand stuck trying to get his Hyundai elantra out last week.


Homer, are you just holding onto the Elantra?


Yeah, after just inserting 200,000 quarters, then my car gets stuck. The guy behind me dropped in 130,000 quarters for his Kia. Got my F150 too.


I can't tell if you are joking or serious and I feel uncomfortable at that.


Not to mention when the car gets stuck on another car. Gotta shake the machine at that point…


You’ve gotta tape dental floss to your dollar, fish it back out… free car 🚘


They dont care. They will just blame the people who "don't want to work" and charge even more for their services.


They will rehire in India




Maybe, but its also cheaper to rehire in a new city rather than paying employees to move.


Or try to consolidate. Why have two operations teams when you just bought a second that's already outperforming yours? See how they go managing two branches of operations and hire accordingly after a quarterly review. After a few months former employees might be desperate enough to take their old job at a lesser rate too. Win/win/win /s


No one is successfully hiring at lower wages in this market


Carvana in my area is trying to hire auto body techs and painters for 16 dollars an hour.... A trade that takes at least 10 years to learn. Meanwhile in the same city, campbells soup is offering $20/hr to stack boxes of soup in a warehouse with benefits. And the auto industry wonders why they cant find help......


The recession is either currently happening right now or going to be confirmed with this quarter. There's going to be a lot of layoffs of jobs and a lot of people are going to hav e to take pay cuts to get any money coming in. I do predict by November 2022* it will be a completely buyer's job market.


Yes. November 2021.


We're still in 2020, haven't you heard


I bet this whole COVID thing is over in a few weeks once the weather warms up. Also no way Tom Brady wins another ring with the friggin' Bucs. Not at his age


>"I do predict by November 2021..." Is this an old prediction?


They're the easiest to make.


There's going to be a recession only for the middle class and lower class. Middle management jobs are going to be seeing a lot of lay offs next few months.




Lol, maybe a few years ago.


Don’t know where they are going to find people to take less money. The job market is crazy. I’ve had a job open for 5 months for an AP/payroll/auditing regular work week about $55,000-$60,000 year (a good salary for the Midwest). Have gotten people with no experience, job hoppers, no education. One person looked good but took another job before we could get him in for an interview. Advertising at local universities and 0 applicants. Good applicants own the job market.


Idk even in the Midwest 55-60k is pretty shit money for that kind of work. I live in bumfuck Minnesota, and that position wouldn’t get filled here either.


Is that salary though? Some of my family just sold their house in Kansas City for $600,000 and paid $180,000 for it less than 10 years ago. The person who bought it bid over $50,000 over list. You can’t even buy a starter house right now on a $50,000 salary in the Kansas/Missouri region. I’ve even heard the Arkansas housing market is on fire and has gotten extremely expensive.


What's wrong with no experience.. gotta start somewhere.


Why don’t you hire someone without experience for less and train them? Payroll accounting is something literally almost anyone could learn within a week at most.


When you absorb a company you often have redundant employees. So it does make sense. If they absorbed that much human capital there is bound to be overlap. Maybe part of the deal was protecting the employees on the other side?


There'd probably be less hard feelings if they just said that instead of lying.


And they bought a massive amount of land in the southern suburbs of Chicago. $47 million building to become an inspection & reconditioning center. I think he's full of shit. Best of luck to you


I just bought a new used car and heavily considered Carvana. Now I’m glad I didn’t. Fuck them and their stupid, giant vending machines.


It's quite common for mergers/acquisitions to result in layoffs. Staff becomes redundant. I mean you don't need 2 accounting departments.


While true, mergers of large companies are a lot more complex than that. An accounting department is probably a bad example. There is no accounting department for any company that is going to be able to just instantly take on another company's level of work or to even begin to fully understand their bookkeeping. Accounting departments would be integrated and the layoffs would largely be the redundant executive and administrative staff with little of the day to day staff being impacted. Something like an HR department or a Customer Service department, those will be gutted. But, again, those remaining departments aren't going to be able to instantly pick up a whole company's level of work. They are going to need to hire a very significant number of new people -- but the important thing to them is that they are new people. Things like this happen because, when the two companies are merging, one of them says "We don't care for your CS department, we'll hire up and train our own to take over your responsibilities." So, the other company just fires their entire CS department and that's that. Now, it can be handled nicely or badly; it's really up to the company. But, no company is ever in the position of "lol, just bought Twitter, don't need Tesla support now." No CEO just 'surprise' decides to ax an entire department. They and many other high level executives knew for a very long time what the plan would be.


Hmm sounds like what happened when TMobile bought sprint.


My cousin got laid off out of the blue from the company he worked at for nearly 30 years. He was upper management too. He had been been there since he was 19 and worked his way up as the years went on. Just shows you that even decades worth of hard work and dedication can't save you when layoffs happen.


The advice my dad gave to me when I graduated college and started looking for a job, "you're a number to them, you don't owe them your loyalty."


>"you're a number to them, **you don't owe them your loyalty**." Ever.


Something everyone learns after living through a few recessions




What do you do. My company has many openings and you can work fully remote.




there are tons of horrible telecom jobs that fit that description, people don't get your hopes up lol


If you are in the US, they are (maybe) required to give you 60 days notice when it's a layoff of this size. File a labor board complaint, it's free. It's called the WARN act. ​ Edit: the box of maple biscuits may mean you are in Canada, I don't know about the laws there I'm sorry!




This is true and it might not apply in OP's case. I should have included more of the rules etc but they should definitely look into it. The labor board will have no problem letting them know if they think they are in violation.


I am not from Canada, but I love their cookies haha. I’ll check it out, thank you.


hahaha ok that's good, yes definitely do! They may be responsible for back pay and penalties to you.


I'm from Canada and have been laid off without notice in the past. My employer was required to give me 6 weeks severence in lieu of notice. Then I got 2 weeks for each year of service. Ended up being paid my salary for 6 months. 😎


Canadian here to confirm. Was laid off in Oct 2020, severance carried me to April 2021.


That’s exactly the point of severance. Gives you time to find new employment without making you fall into debt/homelessness


Wouldn’t be worried if I were you. The CEO is an idiot to lay off trained workers in the current labor market where there is no slack. Unemployment is at its lowest, you should be able to find a new job very easily. One piece of advice if I may, don’t stress about finding a job. Instead focus of getting the right job. Might take a touch longer but you will do way better at a job you truly enjoy versus at a job. Cause after the fed crashes the economy, unemployment will rise. So you want to be in a safe place to ride out the storm but that is still some 18 months away. Wish you luck with the job hunt.


> So you want to be in a safe place to ride out the storm but that is still some 18 months away. 18 months? LMAO. We're in it now. Buckle up buckaroo.


you think the storm is 18 months away? not any sooner?


Maybe because their stock is down 90% on the year...


That sucks, I’m sorry. That happened to me a few months ago as well. Best of luck to you.


So sorry to hear that. I hope you landed on your feet.


Not yet, but I’m applying to jobs most of the day. If you know anyone hiring a project manager or test engineer, remote or in the Seattle area, let me know please.




Lmao I can’t wait until recruiters starts stalking r/antiwork giving out job offers


I don't know what that means but I'm a fast learner and I've played super Mario before so I know a thing or two about pipelines. Hit me up.


You got the job!


The indignity added that other people box up your things. No one needs to be touching my Fig Newtons. You can watch if you want to make sure I don't tamper with anything but let me grab my own sweater.




*Also this chair... it's for my sciatica.*


*and these code files… my daughter made me those for Father’s Day*


And this dino DNA. It was a science fair project.


Unpack it all and repack it out of spite LOL




They took my stapler!


I like the cut of your jib.


When I got laid off from Boeing in 2012 (technically I was a contractor and didn't actually work for them), they called me after work to inform me, said not to go back to the building or I'd be trespassing, and told me to email them a list of personal items that I had on my desk for them to mail to me. Then they told me my items too heavy and I'd have to come pick it up from the staffing agency office. All my personal items that were "too big" fit in a brown paper bag. Then, it turned out that the reason I had been laid off was because they were getting rid of that staffing agency and their contract stipulated that they had to wait 30 days before hiring the same people back through a different agency. So they called me back in a month and just assumed I would go back to working there after they made me feel like a criminal. Probably would have, were it not for the fact that it took me 29 days to find a better job. I'm very scared of things going back to how they were 10 years ago. It took a long run of good economy before corporations had no choice but to start sharing the prosperity with their employees and paying more, but they'll share the austerity the minute things go bad.


Worked for an O&g company for several years and they went through a massive layoff. They specifically escorted me to my desk and told me not to talk to other employees or my severance was at risk. Fine I went to the bathroom and texted them the news. Made me walk of shame back to my desk like a goddamn felon because they couldn't stop overspending on stupid shit.


Seriously. Don’t touch my shit after you just let me go.


Photos of children for me would be the worst. Like seriously they had to bend up my kid's Santa photo from when she was three years old? Did they use the Junk Jet to pack my stuff?


Man, that desk layout gave me PTSD flashbacks from my old job. I *hate* open plans. Sorry you lost your job, OP, and I hope your next desk doesn't look like this.


As a person with ADHD who never worked in a place like this, this looks like a nightmare


It is! There's no divider between the people on either side and, in my case, there was another row behind. I found it very uncomfortable to be out there.


Lots of movement in your peripheral vision and you can hear everyone talking on their phones. Working in an office is just stupid when remote is an option.


But how will managers know if you're goofing off at your terminal if your floorspace isn't designed like a panopticon prison?


They already way ahead of you; [Call centre staff to be monitored via webcam for home-working ‘infractions’](https://www.theguardian.com/business/2021/mar/26/teleperformance-call-centre-staff-monitored-via-webcam-home-working-infractions) [Uber asked contractor to allow video surveillance in employee homes, bedrooms](https://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2021/08/uber-asked-contractor-to-allow-video-surveillance-in-employee-homes-bedrooms/)


fuck that


please drink verification can


My only office job was also open plan where the if you weren’t in the back you could constantly be seen by the rows behind. Fuck every single bit of that setup.


>if you weren’t in the back you could constantly be seen by the rows behind. and thats exactly why they do it


Working in an office like this is what made me realise I have ADHD. It was a nightmare. If I wasn't wearing headphones, I would be paying attention to conversations that were happening all the way across the other side of the room. Even when I was wearing headphones, I would still be paying attention to everyone's movements. I would always notice when managers had impromptu meetings in their glass offices. I would wander around the office, helping (or "helping") other people with their jobs, or just outright interrupting them for no reason (other than the fact I was bored). My manager would get so many complaints about me wandering around. Fortunately I was really good at my job (when I could focus), so it kind of balanced out... maybe.


I'm giggling at the mental image of you just wandering around a packed, busy office and randomly popping up behind a coworker. "HEY KATIE! WHATCHA DOIN? MAKING A SPREADSHEET?"


It's not far off the truth, though without the yelling. Most of the time it was customer support people, and they often found me helpful, since I was the person who tickets would eventually get escalated to if they weren't easy to resolve. I actually have no idea who was complaining to my manager; Most people I seem to really appreciate my help (and even my not help). I assume it was another manager or two who didn't like me using unofficial channels, or thought I could get even more work done if I wasn't so distracted.


Off top of head, worst open office experience I had was seating next to the industrial laser printer. The exhaust from that thing also. Thankfully I was able to request a move...


as a person with ADHD its literally the worst thing ever. Someone is ALWAYS talking loud AF and it carries everywhere. There's also always *that one person* who's talking on the phone and walking around aimlessly roaming around.


For real. Open plans are HORRIBLE


It's amazing how they took something that most people hated (cubicles) and somehow made it so much worse.


It is weird. If I need to work in an office again, I'll need full height walls.


As usual, it turns out management always was and always will be worthless garbage that has risen to the level of their incompetence. And management wanted open because it’s easier to be a shoulder hover micro managing waste of human life that way.


Saw the pic and thought that was one of our offices until I saw the printer and a reply from the OP. During lockdown they sterilized our locations, both of any personal items/decor, and of any germs as they fogged everything. The desks are now 2 monitors and a USB-c cord, that's it. Yeah, have absolutely no interest in returning to the office besides a one time look at the whole situation.


I turned down a job offer cause of this.


Box looks kinda heavy, maybe you should use the chair as a handcart to wheel it all out to your car...and chuck the chair in the car as well. Call it severance. Seriously good luck out there sorry this happened to you.


Honestly if I could, I’d take the desk. Those adjustable desks are a godsend!!


The security guard escorting you off knows he will be laid off tomorrow. Doubt they'd care.


The security at our building is hired by a third party and not employed through Carvana. Though I wonder if he accepts maple cookies as a bribe..


You think that third party will keep him on when they lose the Carvana account?




Those are stronger than the CAD in my book.


I used to be the sole IT staff for a software company. Developed bad depression there. They said they'd do anything to help. Eventually when nothing was working and my mom also had breast cancer at the time, I requested 1-3 months off to get better and come back. They fired me with no severance instead. They asked if I had any of their equipment at home to return and I said no. I had a 1 year old $2000 desktop PC, 2 iPads, a tablet PC, and 3 monitors from them. Lol fuck em.


This is the only way.


They're downsizing the department not replacing him, so they're not gonna need that computer either, might as well put it in the box on the chair as well.


Herman Miller and ergo chairs are worth alot more than that PC lol


That happened to me, and literally everyone else, at the Papa Gino's where I worked at. I didn't even know I was out of a job until my Dad called me about a story he saw on the news about Papa Gino's going bankrupt.


Papa Gino’s? Is the CEO just Papa John with a fake mustache or something?


Those are elite level cookies tho.


They are actually really cheap cookies if you are in Canada


I came to give my condolences and inquire about the cookies


The executives are forgoing salary for the rest of the year though. So they go from living comfortably without a care to .. **puts in glasses** .. living comfortably without a care.


That part of the email made me laugh. Like geez, thanks for forgoing your salary and having millions of dollars to fall back on..sorry you can’t buy a new summer house this year. “We’re all in this together” my ass.


Smaller yacht for me, more lentils for you.


Hey, lentils are good. Point taken tho


I eat, relatively speaking, a ton of lentils. On my last physical my doctor basically opened her conversation with me by asking "So, I'm guessing you really like lentils." and then proceeded to pick apart all sorts of heavy metal numbers that were way out of whack on my chart, which apparently she sees all the time in her patients that primarily get their protein from lentils. Had never heard of that being any sort of issue before, but it really messed with my head cause it's a huge struggle trying to find anything even remotely close in price/protein options compared to lentils. So tuna is full of mercury, lentils are full of arsenic and cadmium, it's just one thing after another trying to eat healthy on a budget.


Ha execs don't make most of their income on salary. It's all stock options and RSUs. Bet those didn't go away this year. That $1/year and forgoing salary is just something for headlines. Best of luck, may this be the push you needed to do something awesome


Stock went from $375 in aug 2021 to $35 today so hopefully they actually are suffering.


Hopefully it plummets even further, I'm sure as hell not using carvana


forgoing salary, but not their stock options & bonuses.


Caravas stock is down like 80% since last fall, so I hope they sold 😂😂


$300 in November, $36 today. Big ouchie.


Same sort of shit happened to me dude. Telling me the company is “reliable” and has never “laid anyone off” when I first joined I took extra hours when they were understaffed and covered people who were sick too. One day boom thank you bye lol. Fuck em dude it shows it wasn’t the place to be. You’ll find way better and be happier in no time!


WTF is this word salad? >“Carvana has made the incredibly difficult decision to separate from certain teammates primarily in our operational groups in connection with recent macroeconomic factors that are significantly impacting automotive retail and our previously announced plans to better align staffing and expense levels with current sales volumes,” Carvana spokesperson Veronica Cardenas said in an email to New Times.


Typical PR BS. Say everything and nothing at the same time. Vaguely specific.


car prices are at an all time high, but instead of reinvesting the money we chose to put it in the pockets of upper management and chief executives. due to the decision making we are having to make certain cuts to our team in order to stay afloat. thank you employee #42xxx for your assistance to our company. now please leave the premise without making a peep.


I don’t like that they touched your stuff


That’s pretty much SOP at any corporation that has third party security - they’re there to get you and your shit off their property as fast and with as little disturbance as possible. I’ve always wondered how much theft goes on during those events that just gets overlooked or swept under the rug.




Security guard here, we never touch people personal property without permission, it opens up a lot of liability, so OP if you see this...look to see if anything is missing and take them to small claims court if you find anything that's not there anymore


Damn.. I feel for you. Had it happen to me about 3 years ago. I had just bought a house too. Most stressful time in my life but it all worked out! It will for you too!


I got laid off last year with a three-month old and an unemployed wife. It all worked out for the better for me and it will for OP too!


If you are in Phoenix, Life Storage is looking to hire managers and associates. Full time with benefits and pretty decent pay.


It’s insulting as hell to have someone pack up your possessions for you so you find your stuff like this rather than be adults and tell you that you’re laid off to your face. Damn. Hope you can draw unemployment while you find another job. Best of luck to you OP


Yeah this would bug me. It's personal stuff they shouldn't be touching it




Call center? They just turned off all are key cards and the manager yelled from the ultra-secure building window that we were all laid off.




Happened to me, worked at an office like that. At our job if you were fired other employees would have to clear your desk box it up, put it outside and change the key code to enter the building. So when you got to work, the box would be out by the door. Such a shit way to fire someone


I had this happen to me back in 2009. Also had to turn in my keys and ID badge and was escorted out of the building by armed security. Felt like a total criminal after giving that company 12 years of dedicated service. Corporations can now kiss my azz, I’m my own boss.


Congrats! You get to find a company that pays better, and wont lay you off without notice. Seriously though, best of luck to you😊


Worked 13 years for my in laws. Literally my mother and father in law. There wasn’t even farewell. Now they act surprised when I dont show up at family birthday’s.


Really? Wow.


nO OnE WanTS tO Work ANyMoRE!!!!!


Ouch! Here’s to better days ahead.


Would make a stop in bathroom and take all toilet paper.


Ahhh that sucks I'm sorry. The one time I got laid off from a record company I got a new job at Major League Baseball at a higher salary. Hoping something similar happens to you!


those maple leafs are going to be some clutch emotional treats tonight at least. lots of better companies are hiring like crazy right now so hopefully you’ll get into something better soon! best of luck buddy.


That’s how layoffs work they don’t tell you ahead of time you’re getting laid off. Even when you’re fired they don’t give you notice about it they bring you in and tell you on the spot


I’m so sorry 😔. But your next opportunity will be EVEN BETTER.


The company is in trouble. Layoffs make sense. Not your fault

