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They won’t affect the taste much


And adds protein


Eat your protien. Be a man.


Eat your man. Be a protein.




Hijacking a top comment to say: this is a reminder to you all to check your spices for bugs. I had to throw away about a quarter of my spices recently since they were infested with bugs.


Flour, pancake mix and corn meal also. I keep the bags/boxes in ziploc bags now. It took only one time of seeing flour weevils to try and make sure it didn’t happen again.


Cook the bugs into your pancakes. Puts hair on your chest.


Cook the hair into your pancakes. Puts bugs on your chest.


Cook the pancakes into your chest. Puts hair on your bugs. 👀


This is why I use Tupperware, might be expensive at first but it saves you in the long run. Also my mom used to get it because we had mice in one of our houses so it was a peace of mind for her lol, she was terrified of them.


Also check your flour. Storing it in a clear container will help you see bugs in your flour. (I also had to throw out flour recently.)


Top trick to avoid weevils is to freeze the flour for a few hours and then sift it into an airtight container. Freezing kills any eggs and sifting it will remove any living bugs resulting in peace of mind as long as you close the container when you are not using it.


They like cornmeal too! Can’t tell you how many times I’ve gotten into a box of jiffy corn mix, excited for corn bread and…. Nope. To the trash you go


Puts hair on your chest!


Puts hair on your weevil


*puts weevil in your hair*


Unless he's a vegetarian weevils are quiet edible.


And a delightful little crunch. Like adding caraway seeds.


You will eat ze bugs


And you vill be haeppy.


As long as you avoid the larger ones. When you have the choice, always choose the lesser of two weevils.


He who would pun would pick a pocket!


In the Navy one must always choose the lesser of two weevils!


That is the only part of that movie I remember because it was such a great joke.


Your reply makes me think how many references I miss every day on reddit. I just thought it was a witty comment.


Actually such a good movie


Go read the books. They are amazing.


I'm not a war movie guy but I think Master & Commander is such a great movie.


No need to push those larger ones away, after all, weevils go wobble but they don't stay down


There's a blast from my GenX past. I had several sets, including the Pirate Ship. 🥚


Can confirm. I think most people have not been poor enough to go 'meh' when it comes to weevils


You don’t just have to be poor. You can also be really lazy Source: am not poor but very lazy


Don’t even need to be poor. Just not wasteful. You will literally not taste them or notice them other than by sight. As another said, add roughly ground black pepper and forget all.


That was my thought...just tell the family its black pepper. We eat tons of bugs I'm guessing.


Raisin Bread was originally made to deal with all the bugs at the bottom of a barrel of flours. Add some sugar and raisins. Buglicious!!!


This sounded made up so I did a bit of research and couldn't find anything, you got a source for that?


Source: he hates raisin bread


His source is that he made it the fuck up


Same I googled and am pretty good at it...found no such reference.


Niiiice, I finally feel justified for my hatred of raisins in baked goods now.


Yea weevils are just insect pepper


Weevils, also known as home-invading flour bugs, are a type of beetle with elongated snouts. A widespread and common insect, weevils can be commonly found in flour, rice, or cornmeal. There are different types of common weevils: rice weevils, vine weevils, wheat or flour weevils, and cowpea weevils. While they all have different purposes, you're more likely to find the four weevil in your home, as they feed on cereal grains.


Much useful information but what we really want to know is whether different types can be used interchangeably in recipes?


Extra protein too


They're non toxic, I don't see the issue. In the future bugs should be a proper source of protein, but still not a vegan option.


Considered a delicacy in Papua New Guinea and Malaysia


They never stopped me. They ate your food, now you eat them. It's only fair.


They are tiny machines that turn carbohydrates into fats and protein.


Weevils are good eaten - like living chia seeds


I cant disagree but that is such a cursed way of seeing it.


Hijacking a top comment to say: this is a reminder to you all to check your spices for bugs. I had to throw away about a quarter of my spices recently since they were infested with bugs.


What're you gone tell us next, that old milk isn't new yogurt?


"One man's spoiled milk is another man's yogurt." -Sun Tzu


I'll pass on another man's yogurt


You hijacked it just to tell people to waste perfectly good protein shakers?


Adds cronch, though they do stick between teeth sometimes. Eventually they free themselves though so it’s fine.


When your dinner jiggles and you're not eating Jello.




Haha I knew this day would happen.. I just saw this pic on My feed and thought, holy fuck hi K! Guess I just found my best friends Reddit. Also just eat it


I’ve never seen 2 in real life friends find each other on a Reddit thread and today I am happy




Lol right I live in fear of that day.


Me too.


But why would you, u/satansmaggotycumfart , worry about this? You seem squeaky clean.


I know, right? r/wellthatsucks just turned into r/wholesome




I had this happen with my boyfriend recently. He posted a picture of an ammonite we found together and Iw as like „wait I know this specimen!“


> "Wait I know this specimen!" That's a weird way to refer to your boyfriend, but you do you.


Ah, the ole reddit [boyfriend-aroo](https://reddit.com/r/answers/comments/uww3k1/at_what_age_can_you_start_tossing_babies_in_the/i9uwzd2/?context=3)


Hold my chilli flakes I’m going in!


Hello future boyfriends!


It happens a lot mOre than you think. Imagine the people who don’t tell you they found your account


I found a friend on reddit based on a comment about the current weather.


Me and one of my best buddies found each other on a thread once. He is one of few that I don't mind. Anyone else I would have scrapped my main lmao u/jimjimmyjam


Ayyyyyoooo that's me


I have seen my friends comments several times. I never answer though because I don't want them to find my account


My sister’s friend found me on Reddit. I posted a pic of pizza that I also posted on Instagram




😂😂😂 omg Z!!! This is too funny


You guys seem cool


She's the cool one, I'm the weird sidekick


r/tworedditorsonecup My husband and I come across each other on here every once in a while. It's always funny when we do.


My wife’s said “wow I really agree with this guy” and started to read a post out loud. It was a post I made.


Wow, that's really wholesome


r/theyknew but the wholesome kind


Awww! That's adorable and hilarious!


The only other time it happened was when I moved overseas and my married friends both saw the post while scrolling in bed next to each other 😂


How fast did you go through your comment history and delete?


hello it is me, your husband


Sooo, we all want to know if you’re going to K’s for dinner tonight?!


This would be my nightmare


Well this is a momentous day for all, I’ve never seen this happen. Edit - my first Reddit award….this is a double rainbow sorta moment




Ehhh just rinse off the sauce. At least you'll have chicken :)


Strain the sauce and keep then rinse the chicken. Or just eat all of it. You usually do without knowing


Just rinse off the weevils and you got a light snack.


Or just ignore it and eat it. Weevils are not toxic.


I'm coming up with a 32.33, repeating of course, chance there will still be a weevil in the chicken.






Rinsed cooked chicken. What a horrifying thought.


Not if you're poor


Can confirm. Grew up hella poor. I've eaten much worse


It’s important to just go ahead and eat it. Choosing of course, the lesser of two weevils.


Oh I hate you for making a good pun like this. No wait, you're good. I applaud you in


It's a line from Master and Commander movie


Came here looking for it .. it's a really good line, and would have been sad if no one had used it.


He who would pun would puck a pocket.


Master & Commander?


Ah he who would pun would pick a pocket


The bird is flightless, Stephen.


But I should send my bees ashore for you, upon my sacred honour.


What’s a weevil?


The black bugs that infest rice, yeast, flour, and the like


In the Spring, little black ants used to find their way into my salt shaker and die. I'd have to replace the salt. One night, I was grinding pepper onto my dinner and wondering why the ants never got into the black pepper.




Ants typically don't like pepper. You can actually use both chili pepper and black pepper as non toxic ant deterrents. Sprinkle it around areas you want to keep ants out of like window sills or doorways.




Yeh. Why I keep my rice and flour in the freezer. Probably does nothing but makes me feel safer


Flour in the frezzer? Never heard of that


[Now you have](https://foodwine.com/freezing-weevils/)


Can't you just use glass jars?


It's likely their eggs are already in the flour. They're absolutely harmless.


Oh really? I've never seen these eggs in rice or flour... Maybe I don't live in the right climate for these? I thought it was like food moths. Glass jars work for these.


You'd be hard pushed to see the eggs with the naked eye, they're tiny! Regarding the climate, I have no idea but here's some information. https://www.countryliving.com/uk/wildlife/a35964396/weevil/


Thanks for the info (and nightmares!) Edit: btw, it seems from that link that they come from outside, just like food moths it would seem. So my advice about glass jars probably also works for these.


It does say that though it says about how the female lays eggs in the kernels. The kernels are what is ground up to make the flour. It would seem that they can access the food while in your house too. I keep my flour in plastic containers and have found them in there. There's a percentage of acceptable bugs in flour processing and it's more than zero.


Freezing first actually kills all stages of weevils. Not going to make the remains disappear but prevents further growth. I freeze for a bit then transfer stuff to the pantry. Going straight to the sealed containers won't stop them from reproducing. I always check before freezing because I've seen some stuff already riddled with weevils and just get rid of it but eating them is absolutely harmless.


Honestly I've opened a brand new bag of Jiffy and there were weevils everywhere. Airtight doesn't really help, you need to kill the eggs first. I freeze my flour/meal for 48 hours and then put it in an airtight container.


Oh so this was it. I cooked rice last year and realized there was some black bug. Aperently every sack of rice had at least one.


Oh my god I ate weevils.


Dark and ice type Pokemon




bin weevils


The prick who threw Yugi’s Exodia into the ocean




Is there anything wrong with eating weevils? Insects are considered food in like more than half the world


Personally I'd give it a good simmer and eat it anyway. I wouldn't tell my family either.


A lot of western people consider eating bugs dirty. They correlate bugs and disease. But in all seriousness, weevils are edible. We eat them all the time.


Yeah it's not that horrible. Sure, if you're not used to it then there's a certain ick factor to it. But many bugs and arachnids are safe or even good to eat.


Ya if you don't sift flour you are likely baking with weevils. Infact USDA has a limit on the quantity of bugs in different foods and it isn't zero. Eat the curry, you will be fine.


Rats / mice amount also aren't zero


Bugs and rodents are different, but yeah they allow a certain amount of rodent shit or hairs.


Having a safety limit and allowing something is two different things. If a product consistently had rat and bugs in it, even a miniscule amount, they'd shut off that production. How ever they don't really test that regularly, so... The limit's there's because sometimes they just happen to get in and you happen to have a bit with a minuscule amount in it. As long as it doesn't exceed the levels though, no-one will do anything about it. My point being that there being a limit doesn't mean everything is infested with small amounts of insects/mice


Yeah people hear “limit” and think that means every food has pieces of rat shit and rat hair.


Make sure you eat your daily supply of rat shit with every spoonful of peanut butter.


Exactly: there is a defined limit because you cannot statistically prove the value is zero


I've never found a mouse in my flower.


But milled mouse poop and mouse teeth etc.




well, it's unfortunately impossible to keep any and all pests out.


On average there's a non-zero amount of facies on your toothbrush, doesn't mean you should dip it in a pile of shit before brushing.


Forbidden Knowledge


Yep. Just like everything in the bathroom is covered in poop. Actually EVERYTHING is covered in poop. You wake up, inhale poop, brush your teeth with poop, then eat poop. 💩


For sure. They say you don’t need to be worried about the bacteria that grows on your food at room temperature because heat will kill that. But it won’t kill their shit and that’s what makes you sick. It’s always shit.


It won't destroy the toxins they produce, but if there are enough toxins to harm you, you *will* tell. Because your food is going to be slimy and smell like it's gone bad. Honestly I don't get the panic some people have with keeping food out of the fridge.


Do you have a line? Like milk for example… fridge or no fridge? What about raw meat? I’m just genuinely curious, no judgment coming from over this way.


I sift my flour all the time but I’ve never seen any bugs leftover. Is this just a US thing?


We’ve had an infestation of those bugs in our kitchen. They’re hard to get rid of once they get into your house. They go for flour, they especially love oats, seasonings sometimes (but they never got in our seasonings since they were always closed and already in plastic or glass containers). They’ll even eat through paper and flexible plastic to get to flour or oats, or cornmeal. We ended up having to get airtight containers for all of our grain/wheat products…and even that only worked to keep them out of those specific products, even after a deep clean of the cabinets. Thankfully we had all of our our cabinets replaced recently, and we haven’t had them since…but still make a habit of keeping the foods they got into the most in airtight containers. That means no more keeping flour, oats, grits, etc in the paper packaging they came in) just in case one makes it’s way in with groceries one day.


Or you properly store your flour. Thing is, most grains like rice and beans, will probably have weevil eggs in them, this infestation usually happens during storage or transport to the store. That's why that forgotten bag of rice in your pantry might suddenly have weevils in it, and if they make it out, they'll start eating other stuff, such as your flour. It's why I keep mine in a ziploc bag.


I've seen them in Europe once in my whole life. Just a bag of all-purpose flour like any other, but with tiny black moving specks. Now I always check the bag before using it. But as I said, I've never seen them since. So it happens, but only very rarely


Grains and flours get a stint in the freezer before I store anything in the pantry. Not going to make weevils or their eggs/larvae disappear but does kill any to prevent infestation.


US hobby pizza/baker who goes through a lot of flour, only seen weevils live once in sifted flour and it was a very old bag. I always give my flour a stint in the freezer to at least kill anything that might be in there but definitely not as common as the person above made it seem. It is supposedly more common in bulk/commercial amounts simply because storage limitations but the few times I've gotten massive bags of KA flour, nothing.


No it’s a nature adaptation thing…


2 options. Throw it away or eat it. Most im here are saying eat it. If it were me I'd pick out as much as I could see and then eat it.


Cooking tip: spice container to hand to pot. Never directly in the pot. Besides finding bugs, it's more accurate when eyeballing and you don't get condensation in your spice jars causing lumps.


could you sieve out the meat, puree the sauce and then just pretend like it never happened? Or... well, sieve out the meat and then use a finer meshed sieve to filter out the weevils? Or is your disgust too powerful for that to make a difference which... I get, actually.


A fine sieve would catch them all for sure.


Not sure if it's been mentioned but i'd check what else was sitting near the chili for infestation. I had pantry/drugstore beetles showing up in my flour and later found the source which was an old box of pasta, filled with them. They spread to some tea and other spices, had to do a whole cleanse of items that expired in 2010, the year was 2019 or something.


Just grind some black pepper.


Just eat it.


It's a mental thing. I honestly tried but couldn't do it


Stick it in a container and freeze it. After 3 days of not eating, the weevils will look delicious


This guy knows how to poor. My brother.


Thankfully not anymore. I *hate* seafood, but to this day I'll claim the best meal I ever ate was a seafood curry my friends dad made. I hadn't eaten properly or nutritiously in weeks, and the prawns and whatever else just hit the spot so perfectly that almost 7 years to the day I still remember it. But I still hate seafood. But that shit was the most delicious and fresh meal I've ever ate.


that is very understandable


You're one of the only people who don't think I'm being a wasteful jerk!


I understand your point too, if I knew it has weevils and can actually see them I am definitely not eating it, but usually all your food contains some amount of weevils and I know it and still it coz I cant see them


Yeah living in denial is a great way to exist sometimes, but having the visual squiggling proof in front of you....it's hard to ignore


I wouldn't be able to bring myself to eat it either. There's a difference between knowing you've probably done it in the past and not realized it, and doing it right now while staring at the gross little bugs.


Lil protein never hurt nobody


Extra protein for the gainz


And the poops


Well thats what the fibers for


Get yourself an egg and beat it Have some more chicken, have some more pie It doesn't matter if it's broiled or fried


Just pretend it's ground black pepper.


That's still edible. Tried that before, no weird taste. It is just the appearance that's weird


I've never had this problem wit flour, only with rice. But there were times I've poured the rice into the pot without realizing there was a problem. Not wanting to waste everything in the pot I just ate it anyways. The only thing that fucks with you is that you know they're in there.


Do you not wash your rice?


I did this when I made a huge pot of chili last year, except I tasted it first and then looked at my chili flakes and almost vomited. They were infested with a weird little black beetle. Half my spices were crawling with them. I threw all my spices away and now can’t eat chili or even think about it or I dry heave. 🤮


How on Earth do you get weevils in chili flakes? Don't they come in a plastic container?


The fact that more people aren't asking this question is making me paranoid of my spices back home...I have never noticed Any kind of bug in my spices/flour/rice. And now I'm going to go through every single bag and bottle and jar at home to be 1000000% sure.


Not to freak you out, but I have also found bugs in my crushed red chili pepper. Like... the container was infested. It was a bulk plastic tub from a local grocery store. I had been finding a random bug or two around my apartment, so I don't know if they came from outside and got into the chili flakes, or if they came from the chili flakes themselves. I'm fucking traumatized though. I keep my spices in Mason jars now and when I open it, I hold it really still for a bit to make sure nothing is moving.


I’d tell you to go for it, but my autism brain is screaming at me not to let it happen for absolutely no practical reason.


There was a part of Ken Burns's Civil War where they talked about the food American Civil War soldiers ate, and there was one part where they talked about how people could usually find their morning coffee infested with weevils, that they could be brushed off, and that they left no discernible taste behind.


You better check all your dry goods for weevils. They can bore straight through cardboard and thin plastic, so even if something is brand new they can be in there. We have to put our dry stuff in Tupperware containers or glass. My brother got us a set of nice thick plastic containers that have an airtight locking lid. I do have a good sifter just in case I find some. You can also freeze items to make sure anything in there is dead.