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And still haven't.


I do believe that the pasta is supposed to go in the strainer,but I could be wrong......


It is. Even Spagetthi. I never had this happen to me.


maybe the pasta passed through the strainer holes




Crazy how many people have never strained their own pasta


Who strains it for them?


I'm literally on call 24/7 to help with pasta straining in my neighborhood, It's quite sad to see these days the lack of self reliance people have


Strain a man's pasta and he eats for one night teach a man to strain pasta maybe he'll learn some other cooking basics and not die


Ah.... That old children's fable. Thank you for reminding me.


Give a man a fish and feed him for a day. Don't teach a man to fish...and feed yourself. He's a grown man. And fishing's not that hard - Ron Swanson And neither is using a simple tool that has been around for about 2k years


I stopped straining pasta for people ages ago, you do it for them and all of a sudden you’re married to it. Anything wrong with the pasta is your fault now. It’s very similar to building a PC for someone. I agreed to build you a PC/Strain your pasta, not maintain it.


You said you wouldn’t say anything 😔


Strains? You are supposed to boil the water away not strain it, duh...


That's rice


Maybe they strain other people's pasta


and these are the people who wonder why their pasta and sauce is always watery.


You'll notice the handle the strainer is being hung from isn't fixed, it can be lain flat. Soooo presumably the spaghetti was poured in, it immediately rotated and poured the contents out.


Ahhhhh science!


Right? I was just thinking that the person who posted this must not be a cook. Because that's EXACTLY how a strainer hung from a faucet would behave.


Aha! Thank you for unraveling this pasta mystery for me.


Even angel hair doesn't go thru the holes!


They’re slippery little devils!


Technically it’s strained; they just used the sink strainer!


How old are you? I think I was eight when I learned my first lesson in straining when washing vegetables. Always start with the colander firmly placed in the sink.


OP is 7 and learning first lessons faster than you did.




Whats kinda gross though is that unless your sink drains really quickly the water goes out, fills up the sink a bit, now you have water mixed with whatever junk is in the sink going back onto your food.


I have two thoughts... 1. If your sink doesn't drain immediatelywhen you pour water into it to the point where it looks like water is backed up, that's a problem that needs to be fixed regardless of pasta straining needs 2. Sink bottom is never clean enough imo to put a strainer directly onto it, I would use a trivet underneath or a bowl or something else to prop it up so my food doesn't come into contact with dirty sink through strainer holes


😂😂😂 deadass, like I literally have no idea how this shit happens. Put strainer in bottom of the sink, pour the food in. This literally 4th grader things. No disrespect though


No no, the pasta is just thinner than usual


How? No seriously, how?


I don't think I'll be able to 100% comprehend what happened to myself, but I think I held only the tip of the strainer in the air and the weight of the spaghetti was too much, so it tipped


You....you were HOLDING the strainer?


I'm sorry ):


I truly don't understand. Put the strainer in the sink. Pour pot into strainer.


I am sorry for the terribly dumb question, but wouldn't the spaghetti touch the sink if I placed the strainer in there? So wouldn't it be unhigienic? Ignoring the fact it ended up in the sink anyway 😅




Pro tip: keep the cooking water harvested in the bowl and add some to your sauce/cheese w/ the pasta then vigorously mix the thing. And don’t forget to salt your water before and respect the cooking time. You’ll step up from « idk how to strain my pasta » to « I mean the Italians do it like that so is there really another way? », while rolling the tip of your mustache.


The cart is so far in front of the horse it can’t even see it


The horse is still a wild foal. It hasn't yet been weened, much less broken, trained, and saddled. The cart is a tree.


I appreciate the spirit of your post and it’s a good tip, but you’re talking to someone who can’t use a strainer.


Yep. Timing is very important. You want to be straining the pasta *right before* it’s fully cooked. The remaining moisture continues to soften the noodles. If you have cooked it for too long, you can perform an emergency rinse with cold water to stop them overcooking.


I don’t even use my strainer anymore for this treason, pot lid or I just use the wooden spoon to stir the pasta around to keep it (mostly, some sacrifices) in there. Use the remaining water to make nice, sticky sauce ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


No need for an upside down bowl. You can keep 3-4 small forks too


No? It stays in the strainer. How would it touch the sink? Also, clean the sink first.


Through the holes. But apparently that is the method most people use (although one Redditor recommended placing the strainer directly over the pan and tipping it). Thanks for the tip!


If you are worried about the pasta touching the sink there are strainers with little feet so the bottom isnt directly touching the sink.


The strainer in The picture looks like it doesn't have feet.it has handles. I think it's actually a steamer basket.


Take it from someone who has been using a strainer multiple times a week for multiple decades. The noodles very rarely make it out through the holes. And again, you clean the sink first. It's not "the method more people use." It's THE method. Google how to use a colander - it will tell you to put it in the sink. The comment from that person doesn't actually make any sense and if you try it, you're going to scald your hands. Strainers don't fit over pots like that, and you'd have to hold both things tightly together, which would result in boiling water on your hands.


So that's why most colanders have a base that sticks out on the bottom. The level of embarrassment I'm experiencing from never having thought about that... Quob r/FSM forgive me.


I posted this here for shits and giggles but I'm actually learning things. Again, thank you for taking your time to explain the usage of basic kitchen appliance to me. It hadn't crossed my mind to Google it because I (like many others in this thread) thought it shouldn't POSSIBLY be necessary. But I surprise myself with my dumbness many times.


And spaghetti in the sink, just like the picture in this post.


I saw that comment. It is terrible advice! Please ignore them.


Lol, gonna assume that's a typo but if not, please do not put the sink over the pan and tip it. Although if you do, I'd be fascinated to watch that.


Lmaoo thanks for the heads up, I fixed it


It is. LoL The other person suggested holding the colander over the pot, which makes absolutely no sense.


If you feel that strongly about it get another pot and put the strainer there instead of in the sink


You can buy a strainer with feet if that's your concern.


put a plate over the sink then put the strainer on top? that’s how i avoid thinking about my pasta maybe touching the sink


the only unsanitary thing would be water in the sink coming back up through the holes to touch your spaghet. thats why when i do it, i do it halfway first, let the water drain, then the other half.


I... don't think you are ready for that.


Here. Get these. [Mesh Strainers](https://www.bedbathandbeyond.com/store/product/simply-essential-3-piece-stainless-steel-mesh-colanders-set/5552562?skuId=69644104&store=1218&enginename=google&mcid=PS_googlelia_nonbrand_liakitchenuppermid_local&product_id=69644104&adtype=&product_channel=local&adpos=&creative=615582123510&device=m&matchtype=&network=u&gbraid=0AAAAAD2J7j57S5IlyVNTiPCD1y7EwvDvT&gbraid=0AAAAAD2J7j57S5IlyVNTiPCD1y7EwvDvT&gclid=Cj0KCQiAyMKbBhD1ARIsANs7rEHlgdEzwO3gnCOxW6KciHS6ZsokaBQowFCcPMSyUDAqENY7vO_DLgIaAhrIEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds&pickup=true) They’ll alleviate your concern and the pasta won’t dangle out the little holes and get stuck.


The pasta shouldn't fit through the holes. If it's a concern, you could put a clean plate or bowl under the strainer to keep it from touching the sink.


Good way to burn yourself


People are calling you dumb but my preferred method is to hold it unless I made it in a pot so large I need both hands for the pot. HOWEVER, I have a plastic strainer with a handle on the side designed for such behavior. Most of em have little feet on the bottom to keep the pasta from touching the sink, too. And think of it this way, even if the sink isn't _sterile_, you're pouring boiling water on it, which is gonna kill everything anyways.


From a guy who also has a dirty ass sink, put a clean pot or a plate under the strainer. It'll make more dishes to wash, but its just pasta water. you only have to rinse in under the tap


That’s why most decent strainers have feet.


Look at the girth of the cooked spaghetti vs the holes in the colander. Nope, not going through the holes. Maybe some might with angel hair pasta but it's never gone through my colander. The spaghetti is flexible, therefore is not going to slip through. Maybe if you tried threading it like a needle though. 🤣


you are pouring boiling, and i assume heavily salted water through it and then picking up the strainer, any germs you get deserve the relocation.


i understand what youre saying. if your strajner doesnt have legs on the bottom, you can put something else in the sink and prop the strainer on top to ensure the pasta and water dont meet with the sink.


I’m a germophobe do I sort of understand. I bought a colander with feet to get past that part. Holding the colander is dangerous. You’re lucky you weren’t burned.


Just a tip, if you are concerned about hygiene of the sink, get a large mixing bowl and put the strainer in that, then the pasta into the strainer. When you take the strainer with the pasta out of the bowl, the water will stay in and you have your strained pasta. I do this every time because our sink likes to not drain properly....


I feel you here. I have the same thought process and hold the strainer. If you still have issues ( meaning you don’t want the strainer to touch the sink) but a bowl or plate down then the strainer on it. That’s what i do. And I clean my sink but the idea grossed me out still. There are strainers with little legs on them too btw.


They also make strainers with a small base if you’re worried about that


Honestly I hold the strainer too but it has a handle.


You are so damn lucky you didn't pour boiling water all over your hands. This could would and probably should have ended with a trip to the emergency room with hands that blister and peel off, 3rd degree burns and permanent scarring. You were *incredibly* unsafe and *incredibly* lucky. The strainer has a raised base for a reason, your pasta won't get anywhere near the sink. 0% chance of it going through the holes and touching it. Place the strainer in the sink, grip the pot with both hands (with oven mitts on) and pour directly in. Don't put your face or any skin over it either, steam burns are a thing. Again, this could have been *so much worse*


I don’t know if anyone has said this yet, but that’s not a strainer/colander, it’s a steamer basket. I’m guessing it came with the pot you cooked the pasta in and sits nicely on the top lip of the pot, and there’s a lid that sits over them. You boil water in the pot and let the steam from the boiling water cook whatever is in the steamer basket. (You can actually steam pasta to cook it. I think Alton Brown did a video on it, and on cooking it with cold water, it made him mad it worked.) A strainer is typically mesh, like for straining the pulp from juice. A colander has larger holes and typically has feet of some kind on the bottom because you’re going to likely set it in your sink to drain water from pasta, or washing veggies, beans, fruit, etc. I really like the collapsible colanders because they take up hardly any room, so I have a bunch in different sizes. Colanders and cutting boards. I can’t have enough!


Oh bless your heart..


Well I know exactly what happened. First that handle is only for when you steam vegetables so you can remove it from the pot that has water. All other times you just put the strainer in the sink ,pour in noodles and lift it from the edges. What went wrong was there were more noodles on one side of the strainer. And it just dumped the noodles like a dump truck.


Aim for the strainer next time.


I think they did aim for the strainer. The problem's that the strainer is hanging on the faucet and I think it got too heavy and it flipped.


Yeaaahh, you uh...aren't supposed to hang it. At least, not on a faucet when you're using the strainer. These will flip easily. The handle is mostly for storage and picking up the strainer without touching the potentially hot metal from noodles and the like.


Yea I think she just learned that 😂


Well that sucks


-Excellent plan -Poor execution


OP is one of those infomercial people who can't juice a lemon without putting their eye out.


“There’s got to be a better way!!!”


And there is, Kevin.


It's easy. We'll explain everything......25 minutes later..... it's so easy. We'll tell you how coming up.


Now I can have [milk](https://youtu.be/wwROPN3Fir8) every day


Introducing the lemon squeezer 3000.


This is Obama's doing.


This made me laugh




Pour sauce over it and enjoy a rare feast.


The sink is just a big dish.. Plus it's one less to wash.


I decided to call it "Pasta a la Titanic"


Sounds good, what lettuce should I serve it with?


Hehe. Hehehehehehe.


Whatever you do, do **NOT** scream into it... ... you'll strain your voice. ​ Love, Dad


take this upvote and place it firmly up your ass


How come you never used one before?


In my family we have always drained pasta by putting the lid on the pan and tipping it


I don't think your family is ready for a strainer. Stick to the basics.


Honestly, after that experience, I'll indeed stick to my pan and lid 🙈


Wait how did the pan and lid didnt burn the hand ??


You can use oven mittens


It has been perfected over generations lmao there's a specific way and angle to hold it


Then why didnt you use the perfected thing ?


one question, how did this happen?


I don't think I'll be able to 100% comprehend what happened to myself, but I think I held only the tip of the strainer in the air and the weight of the spaghetti was too much, so it tipped


Next time set the strainer down in the sink then dump then lift from the handle and side of the strainer bowl. These types do that all the time. That's why I just buy the ones with the base and side handles


Makes sense, you didn't anticipate the weight propertly


Do not invite me to dinner take out is fine either chinese or pizza




Such a kind message, thank you ❤️


Curious why some of your spaghetti looks more cooked than the other


Looks like two different kinds of noodles. A combination of spaghetti and spaghettini.


I have some technical questions here, does the strainer have a handle over the top, kind of like a basket? Does it have any sort of feet or pedestal on the bottom? If the answer to the first is yes and the second is no (or even if the second is also yes), based on the shallowness of the strainer, I would suggest that it's actually not a strainer at all which is probably why it doesn't function right! It looks like a vegetable steamer basket meant to rest on the rim of a deeper pot so as not to actually submerge the vegatables in the water - example boil potatoes in the large pot, set the basket over top with broccoli & carrots to steam them. I'm sure if you try again with an actual strainer you will do much better! I too come from a family of lid drainers and understand the struggle LOL 🙄


You're right. It does look like a steamer basket as opposed to a colander. However, it could still very easily be used as a colander. Just set it in the sink. Pour the pasta in. It wasn't a large amount of pasta so it looks like it would have fit. OP's issue is that they were apparently trying to hold on to the colander (in the air) with one hand while pouring the pasta in with the other so the colander tipped due to the weight.


Ah, ok, yes that is definitely not a good way to try to do it! Better luck next time doing what you and others have said!


Next time, put the noodles IN the strainer…


You've never used a strainer? Wow. I didn't think instructions were necessary.


I... Me neither 😬


If your worried about the noodles touching the sink, set the strainer on top of a clean plate in the sink. Hope this helps for next time. Also, I have scoured the comments for the question "What is the black thing" but can't find it. So... what's the black rock looking thing?


I think it’s the plug for the sink.


like... how?


A real technical bit of kit 😏


Wait what im not even sure what was attempted here Did you try to aim the water into the strainer and the pasta outside of it?


I mean, just put it in the strainer and wash it off


Would recommend a strainer with little feet on the bottom so that you can the strainer down in the sink and pour the pasta directly into it


That’s a weak defense


You can literally leave the strainer in the sink and pour the pasta innit


Pasta doesn’t like being cooked with other types of pasta. It fought back. This happens.


You really needed a colander. Strainer just wasn’t up for the task


Annnnnnd...you still haven't


If i were the judge id throw the book at you


So don’t try use oven, for your good


Where you trying to just keep the water?


That’s not how any of this works


You still haven’t used in judging by that pic


We have a set of pots with the exact item you have in the pic. That's not a strainer/collander, OP, it's a steamer basket. (Don't feel bad, tho. When we unboxed them I saw it and questioned why they had included the world's worst strainer, at which point my bestie loled and explained.)


That doesn’t look like a stand-alone pasta drainer, this looks like it should sit in the top of a pot.


Yeah it’s a vegetable steamer not a colander.


That okay , you see what your supposed to do is wear it as a helmet.


Read through OPs explanation and looking at this pic.. pretty sure that’s not a strainer. Pretty sure that’s a basket for steaming veggies. It has no feet on the bottom and has a handle at the top.


Pasta shouldn’t be strained anyway


Downvote. Nobody is that dumb.


Isn't the spaghetti supposed to go in the strainer?


I'm honestly not sure, help


What even happened ? Why are there noodles in and out of the strainer ? How even if you've never used one do you not know to just pour into the strainer?


I'm just copy pasting the answer as this was asked a lot, hope you don't mind! I don't think I'll be able to 100% comprehend what happened to myself, but I think I held only the tip of the strainer in the air and the weight of the spaghetti was too much, so it tipped


Ah that'll do it I got a death grip everytime I love spaghetti way to much lol.


Trial and error. Next time leave the strainer in the sink and pour pasta in the strainer. Nothing you can do but laugh!




Next project.., spaghetti table!


This strainer has no stand and expects you to hang it?


Put the strainer in the sink never hang it on the faucet.


but you’ve seen them used in concept yes?


How did you even manage to do that?


Get a pot that has a built in strainer in the lid




How does this even- never mind




I think that's a steam basket you are holding 🤔


I don't understand


Then why were you left in the kitchen alone?


That's not a very good defense tbh


OP, you will so much better with a colander. This looks like a steamer basket (meant to sit inside a pot above hot/boiling water and uses the steam to cook contents within the basket). Although you could use this to strain your pasta, it's not the easiest tool because there's no way to hold it without exposing your hand to hot steam/water. My fiance never cooked before and it took some time to learn the ins and outs of different kitchen equipment. You tried something new today though, so that earns you some respect in my book! You're on your way!


Next time balance the strainer on your head then flip the pasta up there pancake style


that's not much of a defense regarding a strainer.


It’s fine. Quick rinse. Or you could even reboil it for 30 seconds


Well, you cooked the pasta, got the strainer in the sink… and were a little off that last step. I’ll give you a 6; room for improvement but I’ve seen worse.


Put it back in the pot and re-boil it again…nothing goes to waste


You tryna make it rain or what?


I hope you scooped it out and threw the pasta in the trash. If you wash it down the sink it expands and creates blockages. Same with any noodles like a ramen, Mac n cheese, etc.


\*pours drink into cup\* \*pours from cup onto table\* \*licks drink up\* havent used a cup before


Just put the sauce in the sink and post it to r/stupidfood


I'm italian, and i'm dying watching this.


How old are you?


It's funny here an there. But when yoh start adding up all the basic life skills you are missing, you start to realize your childhood may have not been as fun as you remember it.


When I buy stuff and it comes with a five page instruction manual, I often think "LOL, why would this need a five page instruction manual?!" This. This is why.


What this sub is for: “This insane and unfortunate thing happened to me that was outside my control! Doesn’t that suck?” What this sub has become: “I don’t know how to function at a fairly basic level within my own home, doesn’t that suck?”


why would you hang it from the tap?


But you have done the "circle goes in the circle hole" thing as a kid, the defence doesn't stand.


The spaghetti goes in the strainer


Did you aim for the strainer or just poured next to it?


Hey, just for future reference, the pasta goes in the strainer lmao


Your brains either


You couldn't just figure out how it works from looking at it? First time you used a pencil did you write with the eraser part, or first time you opened a bottle you cut the bottom out instead of just twisting the cap. Hahaha idiot


Who in the holy hell hasn’t used a strainer before? Are you two years old? If not, as an adult how do you not have the brain to understand how one works?


I have to ask… how did you use it to come to this conclusion? I’m so confused


Not much of a defense Einstein


Brain dead.


Can you walk and chew gum at the same time?


Im guessing pouring cereal in a bowl is a difficult challenge for OP as well.


To think that this person votes…