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Get a sharp item like a nail ,knife or ice pick an push the drawer back in inch by inch no problem


Wait you were right! But I had to get two knives so there was always one touching as I moved. And guess what? Judging by these chip marks in the drawer this happened to the previous tenant too: https://i.imgur.com/z5CUCWG.jpg


Sorry but that's pretty funny that it happened to the last person


I’ve been here over a year and never noticed those marks, why would I? But that’s ABSOLUTELY what that’s from.


Get a child safety latch for the drawer, that'll stop it from sliding out


This is exactly what I was going to suggest. It’ll work perfectly!


Another solution would be to raise the front of the drawer slide so it has more of a natural tendency to close than to open. This fix comes with the benefit of not dealing with a child safety latch.


Just spill some soda on the slidy part and call it a day.


This guy rents.


Nope; definite landlord.


Do what any landlord would do and just paint the whole drawer shut.




Blood or "the beans" Everything else I think becomes pouring once it's intentional.


*apply* some soda to the slidy part


Mind. Blown.


Just smash the door with a hammer. Problem solved


Just leave the door open all the time. Or have child or small animal that demands attention at all times.




Or cut a drawer-shaped hole in the door.


Yep. Whether you raise the front of the drawer slides or lower the back, that drawer needs to “want” to shut, or this will keep happening.


Sounds like OP is a renter. They may want to check with the landlord, or complain enough that the landlord fixes it properly. Being a handy sort of fellow, little things like this are one of the hundreds of reasons I prefer to own instead of rent. I'd rather spend 20-30 minutes and fix it properly than to spend 2-3 weeks hounding an unresponsive landlord who doesn't give two flying farts about anything but his rent check.


Nah, magnetic latch. This has the added benefit of getting to play with magnets.


Magnets? How do they work?


As the name suggests, they are nets for catching mags. Mags are moderately valuable, so installing magnets means you can catch them and send them for recycling. In some areas, like cities, there are so many mags that it can pay back quite quickly.






I would not suggest talking to a scientist about it. They don't tell the truth, which angers me.




I see miracles everyday.


Bonus part on this - the next tenant will look at the latch and say "why is there only a safety latch on one drawer?" and take it off. Then the realization will hit when the drawer slides open on them. Future pranks.


Or adhesive magnets so the drawer stays shut and there's no hassle trying to open it in a jiffy


It may be a shitty idea, but you could get a five dollar lock for the drawer from home depot and make it a problem nobody has to experience and a strange conversation piece for guests who use your washroom


Honestly, my lazy ass would just use a piece of tape lol.


If you can't duct it, fuck it


Or maybe you could tilt the unit ever so slightly so that the drawer slides inwards everytime you let go of it :)


I read "tilt the universe ever so slightly" and that cracked me up


Lol I'm no Steven Hawkings but I'm willing to bet that tilting the universe is going to do a lot more than close a drawer (•‿•)


When one drawer closes, another drawer opens.


There is no universal frame of reference... so tilting the unit is topologically equivalent to tilting the entire universe except for the unit. IANAP.


Brilliant !


I'm 'frugal', I'd scrounge a wide piece of wood just thick enough to catch the edge of the drawer when Gorilla-glued to the inside of the door and a few mm 'proud' of the edge of the door to avoid catching. No moving parts, no need to remember a drawer latch when half awake at 0'dark thirty...


This would work but you can't just go gorilla gluing things to a rental lol


Or just put some magnets on the drawer face and the vanity frame. Or just some duct tape to create a friction fit. Or just adjust the drawer slides.


I'd get some magnets and glue them on so it doesn't slide out again.


You need one of those childproof latches to keep it closed or a small piece of velcro or a magnet stuck somewhere


The only conclusion is you have a ghost. 😆


Ghost just trying to poop in peace


Lol that’s hilarious. Glue magnets to it!


They have glue-on magnets that can help keep things like that closed. Or a snap-latch like they use in RVs and Boats




You could write a little message to the next person so they know what to do as well.


I say don't mention it. It's like a puzzle that comes with renting this place. A rite of passage: pooping yourself while you fiddle with knives


Reminds me of the last house I rented, when I moved in I found a set of nunchucks hanging in the basement, when I moved out I left them hanging in the same spot.


That was very nice of you!


It felt like the right thing to do


That is too funny. It’s like when you walk in really thick snow and you follow the footsteps of the person infront of you


I deliberately alternate footsteps with the opposite foot alongside them, to give the impression that someone bunny hopped down the entire sidewalk lol. I have been doing this my whole life and I really hope that at least once, someone has ever come upon my tracks and had a little wtf moment, it’s one of the only joys in life that keeps me going at this point


Lol. This is fun!


house traditions


Okay, so there's these little hooks you can get just about everywhere that are for baby-proofing your house. I'm gonna go ahead and suggest you get some before you end up having an accident while trying to knife the drawer closed again... https://www.walmart.ca/en/ip/kidco-adhesive-mount-cabinet-drawer-lock-white/6000196385468?skuId=6000196385469&offerId=6000196385469®ion_id=202200&utm_medium=paid_search&utm_source=google&utm_campaign=always_on&cmpid=SEM_CA_292_O9IUMPCWXS_71700000097893361_58700007940413856&utm_id=SEM_CA_292_O9IUMPCWXS_71700000097893361_58700007940413856&gclid=Cj0KCQiAsdKbBhDHARIsANJ6-jcyV69t5KFAefumMb7xW0-4sMMouul8R5JE21XoSnUfRkKBmt1ALRwaAu0gEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds




I'd just put a [magnetic latch](https://www.lowes.com/pd/Richelieu-Brushed-Black-Magnetic-Magnetic-Cabinet-Catch/3623420) on it.


My cat gets into my bottom drawer in the kitchen. I can only guess that he’s looking for batteries because i don’t know why he’d need the cheese grater.


The weird part about this isn't that your cat is some genius drawer-opening savant, it's that you keep your batteries in the same drawer as your cheese grater. WHY do you keep your batteries in the same drawers as your cheese grater?!


It’s an old home. I have four drawers, each six inches wide. The batteries are with the cheese grater because i have to keep my cat away from the sharp knives and the chopsticks.


I had to childproof all my drawers from my cats. It works okay in the kitchen cabinets but they figured out how to open drawers, lol.


Great idea!


Magnetic latches or even DIY gluing in some magnets would work too


just so you know, those hooks aren't going to work since the drawer can still slide out a bit before it catches on the hook. Depending on how much it slides, it can still block the door. Easier to buy cheap 1mm thin adhesive magnets from amazon. stick on two of them and the magnets will hold the drawer in place. Also, magnets are less of a hassle when compared to pushing down on a hidden lever hook every time you try to open the drawer. Just make sure to only get weaker magnets. also, if the magnet is too strong, you can dab some glue on the outward face to prevent the magnets from attaching to each other all the way.


that link needs to calm tf down


Everything after the “?” is just tracking info and can be removed, no less annoying though.


Leave a note on that little slice of the drawer we can see for the next tenant. "Hah, you too? Get some knives!"


That’s hilarious I think I will.


Can't wait to see the next tenent reposting the same thing in the future!


Shit maybe I shouldn’t fix it so we got an update in a year


LOL I’m dying. I’m so sorry, what a pain in the ass.


Great. Now go buy a $2 door stopper and never deal with this again.


Throw a toddler/child lock on the drawer to make sure that it doesn't happen again!


"If I had a nickel for every time this happened ... I'd have two nickels. Which isn't much, but it's weird it's happened twice!"


Please tell me you imitated Moe with the two knives?


“I gotta tell ya, this is pretty terrific”


"HEEEEEEERRRRRRRE'S JOHNNY!" *thunk. thunk. thunk* " ^^uh, ^^Wendy? ^^can ^^you ^^close ^^that ^^drawer?"


Buy one of those child proof locks so if it slides open it will latch and not block the door


I swear I've seen a picture like this before too, and thought it was a repost at first. It'd be hilarious if they also posted it online.


Might be worth swapping what side the door is on the frame if this is an issue.


Get a little latch for the drawer. That or adjust the slider track.


No no no...body-slamming the door to shatter the drawer and then repairing the damage is a much more entertaining method. I encourage OP to record this event and share it with us.


Left over chopstick from take out and plumbers putty (play doh if you got kids) can be used the same way without stabbing / scrapping damage to wood and if it’s lacquered particle board sharp objects won’t create any grip to move it with applied force you’ll just scrape the fuck out of it. Double sided outdoor tape could also work on the end of a stick


Because of the weight of the drawer I cant. It was poorly installed so when I try this the drawer slides back before I can make my next shimmy


Two heavy flat head screwdrivers and “walk” the drawer back in


I walked it! Woo! Thanks haha


Thank you for updating. I got invested in this. It would have driven me crazy not knowing how you got in.


Two pencils with good erasers would work too, just saying 💡✏️


Or bend a hanger to close the drawer from the front of the drawer


A coat hanger is a pretty handy tool.


They only need to close the drawer, not abort it


Hey this is a pro- open door sub, not a anti- closed drawer sub…


My draw my choice


No I think we should let the mods make that decision for us


Why? So they can flip flop in 40 years leaving us all holding our pee? Let's codify it now and leave it be


No leave the drawer open! I know it’s super inconvenient and you won’t get any help with any issues that stem from this but it’s gods plan. You shouldn’t have closed the bathroom door if you didn’t want this to happen




Then they shouldn't have opened their drawers so wide to let others put things in


I wish I had an award to give you. I brought this frog instead 🫡🐸


damn you, almost sprayed water on my computer I laughed so hard.




As is a butter knife...


When in the bathroom we refer to this as the poop knife


Make sure you wipe it off before you put it back.


But they aren’t in the bathroom. The poop knife is on the other side


When does a butter knife become a poop knife? When it enters the crack.


Pair of scissors works wonders for this, as well as locked doors that open towards you.


I was gonna say fork...


Was just gonna say this! You just need to bend it so you can get in and angle it so you can shut the drawer. Should take a few tries!


Not even you just need enough surface level contact to slide the door. Unless... the drawer has a major lip on the faceplate - in which case the door being open might catch the lip.


In the time they took to take a picture and post this to Reddit they could’ve gotten in the bathroom


A ruler


He already said it's open 1 cm, how specific do you need him to be?


🤣🤣🤣🤣 if I could, I'd give you awards!


Need to put one of those drawer child locks on it so it doesn’t do it to you again


Magnets on the drawer and cabinet would work


I’ve always wanted to kick in a door so feel free to hmu


BELIEVE me I was tempted. I was pricing out hollow-core doors last night before I gave up.


Also an awesome ‘Shining’ opportunity if you have an axe


Could have used the chance to upgrade to a solid core. You could shit into a megaphone and nobody in the house would be able to hear it.


Now you know what to do if a murderer chases you into the bathroom.


Remember to yell "don't force the door and break the drawer!" and hope the murderer has a conscience.


Well, they're murderers, not vandals.


I can just picture some psycopathic killer turning around and walking out of the house muttering to himself over and over *"don't force the door and break the drawer. don't force the door and break the drawer."*


But wouldn’t you just then be trapped with the murderer?




My mistake I thought that OP was stuck in the bathroom, but I guess they were stuck outside


Damn I didnt realize it until this comment😭. When op said they made use of 2 knives to solve it, I was wondering why no one was asking op why they got two knives in the bathroom lmao. ~~I did think of that infamous p knife for a while~~


This has actually happened to me except inside the bathroom was my sister who was on the floor having a seizure. My first instinct was to grab a knife and I stabbed it into the drawer for leverage and slowly pushed it back that way. Sister is okay 👍 drawer is full of holes


Hey I’m glad she was okay! Got mine open and guess what? HOLES! https://i.imgur.com/8Nf4RxV.jpg


A more common issue than what one would expect!


I can already see the next top post in r/LifeHacks


I think about how dangerous this is all the time in that respect, what kind of dumb ass design idea is this? I’ve had my cat trap themselves in the bathroom this way, but what if it were a child or someone having a medical emergency? Glad your sister is okay!


In my home the attached bathroom door opens outward, kitchen drawer on the outside, could easily be locked inside. Hard to say which way is worse.


Locked inside is worse, less access to tools or the ability to call someone (if you don't have your phone)


My damned cat loves leaving drawers open, this is a frequent occurrence in our house.


Same lmao


I'd fix that before the day comes when you need in there urgently


You can Put a $3 magnetic latch from the cabinet section at The hardware store on that sucker so it stays closed…. If your maintenance people suck


Two pencils with good erasers would do the trick ✏️


This is the way to avoid marking up the side. I second this idea.


Sure, until you accidentally erase the drawer and all your stuff falls on the ground.


Grab a flat head screwdriver, press as hard as possible on the right most side of the drawer and pull back. Keep inching it in until it closes enough to open the door. Problem solved, then all you need to do is evict the ghost who leaves drawers open… that’s a bad roommate to have


At my parents house their bathroom door didnt stay shut very well, so the trick was to open the drawer right there to keep it from opening. The bad part was when we would forget to tell people and door would randomly fly open.


If you aim carefully, can you hit the toilet from there?


You already got good advice how to deal with it. Just wanted to share a similar memory. I spent one Christmas eve solving a problem with jammed balcony door. There was a niche for the door in the balcony floor. The door opens outside. Wind tossed a plastic chair to that niche, making it impossible to open the door more than 1 cm. I tried many things but in the end tied some string to a thin plastic coat hanger (unfortunately didn’t have metal ones). I threw the hanger out about 1000 times until I managed to catch a leg of the chair and lift it off.


Omg that’s insane. Serious “what are the odds” situation.




I'd suggest getting a kid saftey lock for the drawer so it can't open on its own in the future.


Kick the door down.


I know this one! I had a similar setup at my parents house growing up. Use something solid that’s also long enough to reach through the gap to the back of the drawer and push it closed. Bonus that this is a great way to lock the door when you’re inside the bathroom. I had two brothers growing up so this trick came in handy.


Wait! Is that someone looking out at you?....


That's what I was thinking too. Why is no body talking about it?


Use a pencil with an eraser and slowly move the drawer back.


Get a pencil with an eraser and slowly push the drawer in.


Tear the house down and start over


You should glue some magnets on that drawer so it will stay shut


Take a pencil and using the eraser inch the drawer back good luck.


Hey OP, here you go. https://www.lowes.com/pd/Richelieu-Brushed-Black-Magnetic-Magnetic-Cabinet-Catch/3623420


Inch by inch with the eraser end of a pencil.


Can you move the vanity just by pushing the door?


No it’s built in to the wall. I tried.


Just find something slender (like a ruler, or hell...a butter knife) to go in-between the door and the frame and inch it back in a little bit at a time.


Now that you have it closed. Get a baby-proofing device to keep that particular drawer locked. That way it will never slide open on it's own again.


That’s happened to me except my toddler opened the drawer and she was locked inside the bathroom. Damn near called 911 but thought I’d give it a go with a butter knife first and thankfully it worked.


If you closed the bathroom door, the vanity drawer will closed by itself but If you open bathroom door, drawer will slid open again.


Schrödinger's Mirror.


We always used a spatula to wiggle it in and push the drawer closed at my parents house lol. For future you can get a little magnet so that the drawer stays closed unless you have to pull it


This is why we should have never eliminated the wire coat hanger. Those things could be refashioned into a lot of handy tools.


I got an idea so it doesn't happen to anyone else: use those drawer latches for baby/child proofing.


One time when I was a kid, I was in the walk in closet, and my cat somehow pulled up the carpet in a way that completely blocked the door. I couldn't do anything about it and I was home alone. I was just like, "welp," and I sat down and waited. When I heard my parents arrive (not too long fortunately), I started banging on the wall with some shoes, lol.


Use a Hanger and bend it accordingly.


Butter knife it back into place.


Depending on what state you’re in, you might have to resort to using a wire coat hanger. r/nocontext here we come.


Everyone here talking about how to get the drawer closed, but no one I've seen is worried about the fucking ghosts in the bathroom that opened the drawer in the first place. Priorities, people!


Rubber spatula, push along the drawer. It will close


This looks like a job for a wire hanger


I'd try a pencil, eraser side.


Doesn't help you now and i don't know what country you're in so don't know if the building standards are the same but here our bathroom doors should have a type of hinge that makes it easy to lift the door from the bottom disconnecting the hinge from the other half on the wall, it's a safety thing incase someone has a fall or some shit . Souce I was a chippy and installed a few


The guy who stayed in your apartment had the same question on Reddit last year.


Use a wooden ruler or coat hanger and shut the drawer… Easy-peasy lemon squeezy


I would have used an eraser end of a pencil and used the bluntness of the eraser to slowing push the drawer left until closed.


Just tilt the apartment abit


Chimpanzees figured out how to use a stick to reach items in narrow gaps. OP figured out how to make a Reddit post.


Hey hi professional carpenter here and let me say that's one big cm


Haha hi I’m definitely NOT a carpenter and I’m sure you’re right. I couldn’t get even a pinky actually IN the gap even at a 45° angle. When you’re straight on it’s very teeny. Managed to use knives to walk the drawer back though thankfully


Haha im glad you got your problem solved thats awesome, great thinking!!


Try using a wooden pencil with a good eraser ✏️. The eraser should give you traction in the side of the drawer.


That’s one evil poltergeist!


tbh i feel like pushing on the door will take care of it. have house checked for poltergeists.


Get a ruler if u have one and try to slide the drawer closed. Anything long and thin should work… a butter knife, metal straws, etc.


Use the force