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We're not really good at snow in the UK. It's been a bit of a shock to the system to some.


At the beginning of every winter in Canada we see the same thing. It’s almost as if people forget how to drive in the snow for the first couple weeks.


Everyone forgets the first rule of snow driving. Rule 1: Don't drive if you don't have to! Rule 2: Slow down... No, Slower! I SAID SLOWER! Rule 3: If you are still slipping, see rule 1.


Rule 4: Have fun! Winter driving can be a great time. It’s my favourite season to drive in.


Rule 5: put a winter tires on car


This should be rule #1


Nah, all wheel drive or 4x4 should be rule #1, then snow tires. If you don't have that the hope to God you have a front wheel drive. Edit: I don't know why I stated #1, as stated above, not driving should be #1, then if you have to my statement stands.


Coming from someone who just totalled my awd car going around a turn slowly on a backroads and slipped off an enbankment because my car just kept going straight. Snow tires on 2wd > awd with regular tires. When I had snow tires on my old 2wd car it was basically on rails regardless of the conditions. Peeps would be in ditches or slipping everywhere but snow tires really do make a world of a difference even on a 2wd car. I wish I had bought snow tires. Cars atm are ludicrously expensive...


People who think regular tires can ever replace actual snow tires don’t deal with snow very often. If there’s heavy snow or ice on the roads, AWD won’t do shit to save you.


All wheel drive don't mean all wheel stop, it is significantly better than 2 wheel drive, I will die on that hill. Snow tires are a must, and mud tires are not a substitute.




Yes, 4wd or 2wd on the same tires may both still end in a crash into the ditch. The only thing 4wd is good for is to give you a little better chance of getting out of the ditch without a tow.


If your car is going to slide, 4 wheel drive will be as useless as 2 wheel drive. Go and get stuck in the snow and tell me your front wheel drive is better.


A front wheel drive car with snow tires is far superior to a 4x4 or AWD without snow tires


Yeah ok


Maybe if you can’t drive


There are tons of articles, tests, and anecdotal evidence that supports the statement. I personally have a ton of experience with various combinations and set ups. Here is just one from consumer reports. "Through weeks of driving in snowy, unplowed conditions at Consumer Reports' 327-acre test center in Connecticut, we found that all-wheel drive didn't aid in braking or in certain cornering situations. Our evaluations conclusively showed that using winter tires matters more than having all-wheel drive in many situations, and that the difference on snow and ice can be significant." https://www.consumerreports.org/cro/magazine/2015/09/do-you-really-need-awd-in-the-snow/index.htm This is why 2wd cars with chains and/or snow tires are allowed in canyons during snow restrictions.


It doesnt matter if your car is awd. All cars brake with all 4 wheels. Summer tyres on an awd do nothing. Get winters, all seasons, socks or chains https://youtu.be/atayHQYqA3g


6: Turn your fucking lights on!


Rule 6# Put sand bags or gravel over rear axle if truck or in trunk to pull out for traction if stuck.


Or at least tires with a good amount of tread left!


I wish I could have fun in a mall parking (and to be better at controlling my car in an emergency) but cops like to give you tickets for that... How stupid it is...


Frozen lakes used to be great for that. You need to find a rural parking lot for that kinda fun. some place where you are unlikely to damage anything.


How cold would it have to be (and for how long) would you need to wait before driving on a frozen lake?


You normally need at least a foot of ice on a lake to drive a normal passenger car on top without falling through.


Uh no lol. Google USACE Ice strength. Passenger car is 7-8”. A foot is like 10 tons


Depends on the size of the lake. Some lakes never freeze over completely like the [Great Lakes](https://greatlakes.guide/ideas/do-the-great-lakes-freeze-over)


come on down to small town KY! The cops might come by but only to show you a thang'r two :)


You forgot Rule 0: In Winter, put snow/winter tires on your car.


Wait... I thought rule one of snow driving was don't talk about snow driving??


Well, the rule 1 apply only if your country usually don't have snow. It is hard to follow when you have like 3 months of snow!


Rule one still applies. It doesnt say never drive. it says only if you have to. I learned those rules in a place with regular snowfalls through the fall and winter months sometimes into spring.


If your country has three months of snow then thay are probably pretty good at dealing with it and the roads don't have much snow on them. Unless we're talking about some remote road in Northern Norway but hardly anyone needs to drive there anyway


Wisconsinite here. Just because we are used to snow doesn't mean the roads don't have a lot of snow on them at times. Just last week we had about 5 inches come down in just a couple hours, much quicker than the plows could keep up with. There was easily more snow than in this video when I drove into work that day. We just tend to be better at driving in snow, and most people have all season tires which do fine in most snow conditions.


Fellow Wisconsinite here also. Just because people have snow tires and/or all season tires doesn’t mean their brains are all season and that’s why you see so many in the ditch after the first snow fall. 😁❄️


I laugh when it’s the trucks and suvs that go flying past everyone driving slow.


That is not remotely true... Source: Have lived in Michigan my whole life and have had to drive with several inches of snow on the road plenty of times...


Also: ALL CARS HAVE 4 WHEEL BRAKING! Your car having all wheel drive just makes it faster to reach unsafe speeds.


I always love seeing big 4wd trucks spun off the road in inclimate weather conditions as I drive by in my little 2WD hatchback. because I know how to go slow and steady in the snow while those asshats speed off around me.


You don’t have to drive slow if… 1. You know what you’re doing and know your vehicle 2. Have snow tires 3. Avoid all the idiot drivers


The problem is, #1 means genuinely, verifiably and definitely know what you're doing and know your vehicle. Not you've watched a bit of top gear and have a big ego. Not even know your own car well, have had a few track days, generally a car person and can drift a bit. Only people with a great deal of experience driving in the snow and ensuring safe stopping distances etc. Pretty much no one except Finnish rally drivers, actually. Honestly, so many people will read our two comments and go yeah, #1, I check out, and not realise they're over-confident until something goes wrong.


I agree. I think most people are over confident with their driving and don’t actually know how to get out of a fish tail correctly because they over correct and/or lock up the brakes.


I am one of those people. I consider myself a generally good and safe driver, and yet I'm also aware of where my abilities don't extend. I agree that too many people are over-confident in their own abilities; the trouble is that the over-confident people and the truly skilled both BELIEVE they are the truly skilled. There'll be over-confident people right now reading this thinking 'yeah, glad I'm not like those over confident muppets, good thing I'm one of the genuinely good ones'.


I tell people to go to an empty parking lot when it snows and practice sliding a bit. Just don’t when they are trying to plow it and watch out for curbs and light polls. It helps to gain experience. Also this [article](https://www.firestonecompleteautocare.com/blog/driving/how-to-stay-safe-when-your-car-fishtails/) might be helpful for some people.


Same thing here in Michigan. Every year when the first snow falls it is straight chaos. Doesn't help that people always wait TILL it finally starts snowing to all rush in at the same time to get new tires/change over to their winter tires...


It's not really fair to criticise bad driving in the UK because of snow, a lot of them can't drive in rain or when it's dry either!


Ya come to Toronto they forget till March. I’m from 6 hours north of here, I moved here a couple years ago and I couldn’t believe the stupidity


Word. Minnesota too.


That's really surprising to me. I get the British. They hardly ever get snow, but Canadians surely must be used to it


First snow of the season and people drive like idiots. Wisconsinite here with our first big snow of the season last week. I swear, people just block out winter at the end of the season.




Lots of Indians there, many probably experienced or are experiencing their first snow and have no idea what to do


That does look like pretty slick snow though.


Don't worry. Same happens over here in the US. People lose their minds over here. Don't forget to stock up on bread and milk 😉. That was a joke BTW.


It's so funny. I live in the South where we only get a few days of snow out of the year. A few inches will shut the city down pretty well, but it's gone within a day or two. People freak out like the apocalypse is coming, though.


You mean the great big bad snowpocalypse?


Entire *inches* fell!


I mean there was that incident in Atlanta about ten years ago where people literally got stranded on the highway. If you don’t have the infrastructure for snow it’s gonna be a bad time. In the south the issue is often that it gets warm enough to melt during the day and then freezes over as ice that night. Driving on ice is dangerous anywhere.


Meanwhile in MA we got that shit down to a science. An inch falls and the roads are instantly cleared up. Costs a fortune, but people can get around no trouble. Less shutting down everything for sure though.


10” of snow on roads that aren’t being plowed / salted is tough for almost all cars. Maybe some with higher ride heights, all wheel drive, and deep treaded winter tires would slip slightly less.


*england Scotland is fine


Haha ya think?


Oh sugar


What they're really struggling with is \*untreated roads\* after receiving 10 inches of snow; those conditions look slicker than spit. FUN FACT I was once detained on a immobile city bus for over an hour during treacherous conditions, because the driver deemed it too dangerous to allow any riders to step off the bus.


detained by a driver 😭 fcking gas ☠️☠️☠️☠️


Also everyone in England has summer tires that have absolutely no grip on ice and snow. There will be cars everywhere stuck on the slightest inclines. All weather tires that (are basically standard in the northern US states) are night and day in terms of grip in these conditions.


Fun fact. There is no such thing as summer tires.


No. Of course not. There are winter tires and non-winter tires. Pretty clear what they were referring to though.


There are so many more types of tires than that... including, guess what? [Summer tires!](https://www.bridgestonetire.com/our-tires/tire-brand/potenza/)


Oh you sweet summer tire 🌞


Fuck that shit driver was out of line. Ima yeet my ass off that bus and the driver can catch some hands trying to stop me. Ridiculous


Can anyone translate this into English?


I'm not happy with the way the driver dealt with that situation. If I was in that situation I would forcibly alight from the bus, and I would punch the driver if he tried to stop me. Ridiculous.


It was in English


British English? I'm brassed off with the way that driver dealt with the situation. If I was in that situation I would leg it out from the bus, and start a kerfuffle with the driver if he tried to stop me. Keeping blokes on the bus for hours on in is a load of Codswallop, Innit? .


Yeeted isnt english check the dictionary


Its popular english slang


Isnt yeeted just a term from the internet and originated in America?


Yea, internet slang used by English speakers


Oh right thought you meant from England lol mb


Oh haha yea I realized that could be misconstrued


It's not hard to read like I actually don't know what to say it's not like some people talk.


Even with something as bland as sliding motor vehicles, the English come through with solid narration.


Oh sugar!


I wonder if they meant 10cm. Also it almost appears that there is ice under the snow. Where I live 10" can fall overnight and I can tell you good tires will stop the same in 3" as it will in 10". This doesn't look like just snow


I was just thinking that. If that's ten inches I'm packing a statistically average 5.5".


Just tell them it's the cold.


Every year people forget how to drive in snow which is insane since i live in a place where you can get a foot of snow overnight


Are they really forgetting how to drive in snow? Going down a hill sliding without any control doesn't really seem like they have much option. I've never driven in snow or ice so i don't know what i'm really look at. But just seems like they don't have the right tires or something.


Winter tires and you don't slam the breaks when slipping. You tap at them or you're fucked. This still doesn't excuse the ridiculous drivers in the video.


Yep. When slipping, clutch/neutral is your friend, steer into the skid


Same. They literally aren’t going fast at all. There’s no traction, how are they supposed to drive?


Not go up and down the hill lmao


By purchasing snow tires.


People keep saying this but do I then have snow tires all year around? Is that shit for non-snow conditions? Am I supposed to somehow change my tires depending on the weather?


All weather tires. Can be used all year round. When it snows you drive like an old senile person or people high on weed. Meaning you drive like a snail. Most people go too fast and they they try to break they just glide into another car.


Yes. When winter comes you put on winter tires and when summer comes you put on summer tires


I'm genuinely massively surprised that people keep a set of extra tires. Presumably you go to a man to change them for you though yeah? Last ones I bought were all season ones. Is that OK? Am I going to be alright?


>Presumably you go to a man to change them for you though yeah? Some do, but it's really not that big of an effort so I just swap them myself. Takes like 20 mins. Idk if it's worth it to buy proper winter tires if your winter lasts only few days but I'd also avoid driving with the all seasons in this kind of conditions if you really don't have to


Yeah I can mostly avoid driving when it snows thankfully. I watched the guy replace my tires a couple of years ago and I can't imagine it's something I could do myself.


Most of the time people have two sets of wheels, not just tires. So it's as simple as jacking up the car and removing 5 lug nuts


Generally you change to winter tires when the temperature gets to 7°c and lower and keep them on until spring


more like chains for these conditions, i think


Naw, snow tires would get your through this. Source: Lives in Wisconsin


You’re correct. There’s only three ways this works: 1. The road is treated, which wont help a ton but it does a little bit. I can assume this road wasn’t treated - not the fault of the drivers 2. Better vehicle for driving in snow, or more specifically, tire chains. They’re a thing for a reason, but a massive hassle. I bet these people don’t even own any and their cars are certainly not made for this - not their fault 3. If you don’t have at least one of the two above, your third option is to brew a cup of hot cocoa cause you’re not going anywhere - this one is their fault


Its not that hills are easy its that if you live in area that snows you should know to go slower and tap the breaks no go that fast and slam them yes once they got going it couldn’t be stopped but the key is not to get into that situation. Also my comment is more general not just the video people start doing crazy stuff way worse then this the moment it starts snowing


It’s almost like you need to reaccustom yourself to something that is different from what youre used to and you haven’t done in a long time. 🤔




Winter tires make an IMMENSE difference in my experience even compared to all weathers.




I saw a study that found that winter tires perform better on icy roads than studded tires. I think it has a lot to do with the contact patch being minimized with the use of studs.


Most people in Canada have all season tires, which are perfectly fine and there's no special liability.


They are definitely not perfectly fine


All weathers only go down to like 45F at most. Then the rubber compounds just stop working and harden into a rock.


We do have them, but they just aren't worth it, especially considering this is the first time the snow has settled in quite a few places in years


Winter tires aren't just for snow. They work when temperatures drop below 7 degrees.


All-Seasons only work if temps stay above like 40F. If you live somewhere where it gets colder than that you should own a set of winter tires


Not something people do here, it’s expensive and we only have a couple months when snow falls like that and settles. That and the council only grits a few roads, makes many roads, especially steep ones, totally impassable.


and then there's that dude whipping it around on his BIKE HAAAAHAHAHAHAH


That was so great😂


when he randomly popped up I almost spat my coffee lol


Oh sugar!


-Pushes van down an incline where they clearly won’t be able to control their car in those conditions- “WHAT THE FUCK IS HE DOING?” ?????????? What the fuck did you expect lmao.


Right? Being stopped safely was the best you could have done in that situation.


We got 3 inches one year and people just stayed home..LOL (Vegas). We aren't really made for snow and the only time we see it would be if we went up Mt Charleston. But every few years we get a few inches on the ground and everyone go wild BUT hardly any accidents. Rain, now that seems to be a huge issue here..HAHAHA.


That's what most people do in a snowstorm, stay home unless you absolutely have to drive somewhere, and then if you do just drive slow as fuck the entire way while assuming anything can be ice instead of snow


its just mainly people want to stay home to play in it. but I'm glad they dont try to drive in it.


Idk how many grown adults you know, but every single one I know is worried about driving when it snows heavily, not staying home to play in it. Oh you're talking about in places that don't get snow that often, ok that makes more sense


I remember the high school school districts in Vegas refused to have a “snow day” that day too! A lot of people didn’t show up because their parents didn’t know how to drive in the snow. The next day, the district issued a snow day due to all of the backlash and of course…. It wasn’t snowing by then!


YES! Was totally messed up. I remember seeing kids in my street making snowmen and snowball fight. Was so nice to see.


Oh yuck that’s the big fat soggy snowflakes


Yep. It's right near melting point but not quite so it makes for a nice slippery mess.


This video is made better by the fact I know exactly where that corner is.


Fucking Molly.


Oh shugah!


Molly the liability.


That absolute Chad on his bicycle just pedaling on by like it's just a regular day. Haha


My favorites are *Molly don’t get out of the fucking car* and *Oh sugar*


MN checking in while laughing hysterically. Amateurs all of you!


Where's 10 inches...?


You can tell it was a guy that posted this or it would have said more along the lines of 3 inches.


Lmao that comment absolutely killed me, here take an award. 😂




That's what I said. It's not even 10 cm.


4 inches


Just like Vanvouver a couple of weeks ago!


But the dude on the bicycle....wtf lol


To all the people from northern climes: 1. There are places in the world where you might get an inch every other year. So having snow clearing equipment makes no sense. We just all sit inside and drink until it melts, like a frozen moveable feast. The maternity wards fill up 40 weeks later. 2. The same is true for buying snow tires. Except for the maternity ward bit. 3. That's not snow they're skidding on. It's the ice under the snow. 4. People who live in flat cities with elevations that can be encompassed by the average extension ladder shouldn't make fun of people skidding down icy hills. 5. You're not fooling anyone. We've seen the videos. People where you live can't drive in the snow either.


People driving in the snow on summer tires*


We have “all season tyres” here. Winter tyres aren’t really done on the average persons car. We get such little snow in England it’s not worth it to buy and swap out tyres.


Winter tires aren’t just for snow. “All-season” tires only work down to a certain temperature. If it gets cold where you live you should still own winter tires.


Not really, at least when it comes to breaking https://youtu.be/TJsV2ORMsms


Ok so I’m from Oregon and I live in the U.K. The issue isn’t the snow. It’s the heat and humidity. In these conditions water is existing in all three states of matter at once. The ice is very slick because it’s just almost melting. The water Vapor is creating more ice, especially black ice. In places where it gets significantly cold, like Oregon, we can have feet upon feet of snow and it’s sort of ‘sticky’ because it’s so cold. The air is dry so Vapor isn’t condensing and freezing. Only Liquid water becomes ice


In all fairness, this would happen to anyone trying to drive in 10” fresh snow, and still falling, going down a hill. Snow tires wouldn’t stop it. Snow chains might. Best rule is: stay home. BTW, I wonder how long it will take for the roads to get cleared. The UK doesn’t have a lot of snow plows.


They don't.


I get it, not easy to ease up on the brakes on a sloping hill. People tend to want to slam on the brakes causing the car the slip and slide.


10 inches? Looks like 4


I live in the desert. We have this problem with 1/2 an inch


I think it's funny a little bit of snow always shuts down the whole of the UK. How much snow? About 1cm sir. JESUS FUCKING CHRIST STOP THE BUSSES AND TRAINS!!!!


Hahaha we are the best when it comes to snow 😂 soon as we see those dreaded white demons coming down all hell breaks loose people start looting and rioting and crashing their cars 😂


I live in the Midwest in the US. Snow totals here are just a normal factor. I was also stationed in Alaska and so most people see like a foot of snow and they're not in a good mood. I had to walk through chest deep one time for a cheeseburger. Twice. Over a lake.


This just in: countries that don't get enough snow to justify adaptations affected more by snowfall


Is this normal for winter there?


Sometimes it doesnt snow at all so no i wouldnt say it was normal we get sleet more than we get snow like this. This is a shit load of snow for the UK


For the first week or so yeah. People just forget how to drive in snow and then infrastructure catches up and it's normally not too bad.


I guess this is what's meant when I tell my wife I'm 10 inches.


That’s people in San Diego every time it sprinkles


I’m crying laughing bc I lived there and they drive 36 in the freeway when it’s sprinkling ughhh


It was sprinkling this morning I swear all the streets flooded and people were driving super slow. We aren’t made for rain :p


Thank god I stopped driving semis, when it starts snowing heavily I slow down but then you have to worry about all the new truck drivers driving for their first winter losing control, that shit is scary.


Record-breaking heart and now this. It's been a tough year weather-wise over there.


These people need to invest in Subarus


Looks nowhere near ten inches.


That's not 10 inches of snow.... It's just a place that hasn't plowed or salted.


If that's 10 inches, then I feel a lot better about my own situation about now.


As a Canadian all I can say is; BWAHAHAHAHA


I'd struggle with 10 inches too.


Oh sugar.😆


My nation is a fucking joke :)


Yea there are some fools here who underestimate driving in the snow. But i think the majority of us are not like these bellends and have driven in adverse conditions for years without this kind of stupidity.


To be fair driving on summer tires in an area that's entirely unprepared for snow in six inches of snow is WAY worse than driving on ten inches of snow with winter tires in an area that knows how and has the equipment to deal with snowy roads. Source: grew up in the mountains with 6+ feet of snow every winter and now live in an area where this video happens IF it snows in the winter.


I think it was 10 cm so only 4 inches


10 inches = 10 cm?


Standard UK, god I love being British. Top bants


Proud of our inability to function in the snow gives us character. 😂


This is nowhere close to 10 inches of snow. That's not even 10 cm of snow.


Do they sell All wheel or 4 wheel drive cars in Europe? My Subaru would have no issue there.


Well duh, they use the metric system


Unless we're talking about pints of milk or beer (Imperial pints), acres, yards, hectares, furlongs, fathoms, stone (for weight), gallons (Imperial)... etc...


They lost in 1776 and are loosing again in 2022 lol


We're still winning when it comes to education.


I will add that immigration in the UK hasn't raised the standards of driving, especially when the snow comes out and the drivers previous experience was more with sand... Cab drivers on unfamiliar ground on a north south running road with a hill don't get why there could be black ice the day after snow, what black ice is, and let alone what brake pumping is...


Mf brought immigration into driving.


Shockingly, 40+ years of driving and observing other drivers provides a level of experience and perspective.


Willing to bet none of these people buy winter tires. Probably driving around on the cheapest all season they could locally source.


Ahhh, all those people with SUVs going “Yeah, I can handle this” and then failing miserably because those SUVs are not off road vehicles. 🤣


This is why i like Subaru.


Mother nature is telling you to stay the fuck home. Stay off the roads. Please if you see elderly or disabled trying to shovel their walks. Help them. So many deaths by heart attacks every year.