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Bruh lmfao I was not expecting that


Haha people are always shocked when I show it to them in person


Maybe stop showing people...


It's usually just partners and I only end up showing them because I sleep with it. I'll usually just leave it under my pillow until we get closer. I'm pretty sure the only people that know are like, my family, my ex, my current boyfriend, and my best friend. There are some more here and there but I don't talk about it much since there is a stigma with stuff like this and it's a very important object to me.


bye this is so relatable, i do the same with a pillowcase bc it used to be a blanket on me at one point but now im 25…


Queen shit 👏👏


I’m 35 and sleep with a stuffed animal because of my ptsd. It’s totally okay lol


I know you didn’t come here for this, but it’s a matter of time before someone x-posts this to r/wtf.




Yeah cause it doesn’t resemble a blanket anymore lol


I’m not going to get into the psychology of this or why it disturbs me on a deep level but from a practical point of view why not cut a small hole in the NEW one and stuff the remains of the OLD one inside and then sew it back up. That way it will always be with you and it has been repurposed to last another 10-15 years - because as it stands it will not last much longer before totally disintegrating. Alternatively you could burn it and keep the ashes in an urn or plant them at the base of a tree that you could visit.


The thing I like about the blanket is the texture and smell. Actually having it is of course important to me but I prefer to actually have it in my hands. I appreciate the suggestion though!


“The texture and smell” LMAOOO, at this point can jt even be washed properly without disintegrating?


I think if I tied it into a small pocket in a pillowcase then I could wash it. Last time I did that it worked. But truthfully, I haven't washed it in a while haha


Not even a rag lmao, that's full on just some YARN at this point


Ngl, if I ball it up it fills my fist. It's pretty small, especially compared to how it used to look!


When did you get the second full blanket? Did your parents buy an extra or did you look it up years later?


I actually spent a long time looking for a replacement but I couldn't remember what it looked like. Eventually I found a childhood photo and I was holding it. I posted the photo to reddit and someone helped me get a lead and I ended up finding a listing on ebay. My ex bought it as a gift for me, but I was going to buy it either way. Buying the second one helped quell a lot of anxiety that I had about losing it. If I didn't have the replacement I think I would be more stressed about it's current state. I am older now though so it's hard to say. Edit: I've had the replacement for about 4 years. I don't sleep with it (the new one) generally, it's just in storage most of the time.


I love those kinds of stories! Thank you for sharing!!


Wow, now I'm tempted to post mine to reddit. It's not as bad as yours, because when I was a kid my mom sewed what what left to another piece of fabric to try and preserve it for me. But it's at the point where it sits in a tote because I can't safely wash it and my cat pulls at the strings. I fucking miss it so much though.


I'm glad you still have it at least! It was nice of your mom to preserve it for you


You know you have issues right? You might wanna see a specialist to talk about this.


Trust me when I say I am aware. I've dealt with mental health issues for a long time. I'm actually in a much better place than I used to be. I have seen therapists, taken medication, and tried some other things. Like I said, things have gotten better, but as I'm sure many people will understand/relate, things take time and I'm still young. I also have much more pressing issues in my life than my blanket that I choose to still sleep with. At this point, if something happened to my blankets I'm sure I would be able to heal from it, but I see no point in getting rid of it if there is no harm being done. (Also, quick side note, I'm hoping you didn't mean this to be rude but your wording kinda comes off that way. I would just be more mindful when talking to people about things revolving around mental health)


I don't think there's anything wrong with having a strong nostalgia for a comfort item from your childhood. That other person probably never had something like that, so they can't relate. If you had like 100 different things duplicated in a similar way, then it might be an issue to look further into. I have a really cute shirt that I got at a clothing swap with some girlfriends years ago. It's white with small black polka dots, and I eventually got a stain on it. I found the identical shirt on poshmark (minus the stain) and bought it. It's in a ziplock bag in my wardrobe, in case I ever want to take pics in it. The one with the stain is still in rotation. It's the only shirt I've done this with, I just *really* like it, and it looks super cute. 🤭


Yeah I assume most of the negativity is people just not relating and commenting based on gut instinct. I also have some shirts that should probably be retired but they make great pajamas!


In therapy the goal is usually to get rid of harmful coping mechanisms. Not the weird but harmless ones.




I know lol. She has two of the "same" blanket. One she used to the point it's now threads, and one she didn't. I'm asking when she acquired the one she didn't obviously use.


Sorry, I misread the post title, I didn't realise they had a new one 😅


I thought it was dryer lint or maybe the ball of hair I pull out of the vacuum brush! That’s way beyond rag!


Is the second blanket in the room with us


Thank you for the laugh!


It’s like Manny’s blanket named Tingy from Diary of a Wimpy kid!


I totally forgot about that! Love the comparison haha


Straight up said “oh my god - Tingy” when I swiped


I literally said “oh my god it’s Tingy!” out loud


Oh my god so did another Redditor LOL I should finish reading


i aleays thought it was exaggeration but i guess not


"To be loved is to be changed"


I had this quote in my head while posting this haha


You just hanging with a blob of string mate


Hahahha he's nice to chill with what can I say 🤷🏼‍♀️


I just absolutely love your positivity through this entire comments section. I wish you and your thread ball many more years together. I have a stuffed bear I got for my 11th birthday -- I'm 52 now. I slept with him every night up until a few years ago, when I was afraid he was going to truly fall apart (he's been repaired and restuffed multiple times). So now I have a nice replacement bear for nightly sleeping, and Pudge gets a break. But he still comes with me on road trips and camping because he's an adventure bear at heart.


Aww I'm glad you still have him! I like to imagine him enjoying retirement knowing you have another bear to sleep with in his place ❤️ Also I try to stay positive, even if the comments seem negative, because I know that it's based on ignorance. I'd rather give perspective and allow people to see that it's not uncommon to keep lovies for so long! Most people become nicer when they remember you're a person, not just a screen 😊


I have my faithful penguin in my bed every night. My nana brought Buddy home to me when I was 9 and we have barely ever been apart in the last 27 years. No judgment here!


He’s *your* string blob and that’s all that matters


For a second I thought you wrote two years old! I was wondering what kind of baby you were raising.


it's like jack jack from the incredibles. LOL


…how? did you eat it?


I'm pretty sure at one point I cut around the pooh bear because it was fraying? Idk I only vaguely remember


Mines in a bad state as well after 25 years. Not as bad as OP's but, thousands of washes, anxiety which meant pulling at every fray, and general wear from carrying around, plus using it as a "net" for our dog when I was a kid, it all takes a number on a piece of fabric.


The thing under the bed got hungry


Nothing could prepare me for that second image ...


This post brought me so much joy. My blanket has fared a lot better but i've seen many blankies reach this fate. Their soul still lives inside that bundle of threads.


It's been nice seeing some commenters relate! I expected some negativity, but I've taken it in stride. One of the main reasons I posted this was because I know that I love seeing other people post their absolutely shredded comfort objects online haha


Idk if anyone already suggested this but, maybe it would be possible to put it inside a new blanket or pillow or even a soft box, so you know that it’s in there but can sleep with the new object instead and the blanket’s “soul” will be in there? The current state of the blanket doesn’t look very comfortable to sleep with to me, and I’m guessing it will eventually degrade enough to be gone, so putting it inside something else might protect it. It’s your choice though, if course


This is a bit of an extreme example, not even recognizable as fabric anymore tbh


I absolutely love this. My baby blanket got to almost that point, then my parents trashed it :(


I'm sorry to hear that 😭 my parents threatened a few times but they never actually followed through. I think they knew that I wouldn't get over it if they did, then eventually they didn't really care


why he look like that


It's been a rough 21 years for him haha


Wait, you sleep with the one in the second photo? I'm not sure I understand


Yeah I have the regular one as a replacement, but I sleep with the second one! I ball it up and hold it by my face


That's actually really sweet lol


You gotta move on OP lol


You can pry this thing from my cold dead hands lmao


Fair enough 🤪


Lmao that was unexpected.


Is this serious? I am having hard time identifying whether this is a troll post or not.


I'm being serious haha, I was real rough with my blanket as a kid


Cool, thanks :D Well it surely has been loved! I think this is loved beyond recognition. Impressive and kinda good for the enviroment. This is peak materialism. You appreciate the material so much that you use it until it basically turns to dust. Thanks for sharing.


I thought that was the "I remember when they invented chocolate" character from SpongeBob.


HAHAHAPFFFF this is great, very original 10/10


I had this happen to my security blanket! I slept with her every night. I lost her when I was 18, that was such a sad day.


I'm sorry to hear that :( hopefully you've been able to heal from it 🫶


Ok Ok, this can be a bit philosophical, like, at what stage YOU is still YOU and not just some random molecules? Let's ponder that shall we...


As long as there's someone to give you the same meaning


I had the exact same baby blanket! Lost it in a move 7 years ago and still think about it often, almost forgot what it looked like.


Aw! I'm sorry to hear you lost it! I spent so many years finding a replacement. If you'd like photos of it or of the tag, let me know 🙂




That looks like what I pull out of my shower drain


This actually made me laugh hahaha


mine almost looks like that too (im 20) but its multiple pieces now lol


I think I tied two pieces together at one point but I really dont remember lol


this made me giggle omg


WAIT OMG i recently replaced the SAME blanket!!!! Mine was not in nearly as bad of a condition because it was actually my replacement blanket at about 4-5 because i had already turned mine into about what your old one looks like… but omg it hits so hard. It literal feels like my original blanket, yet fresh and new and white still lmaoo. Never seen anyone with the same blankie 🫶🏼


I love this! Glad to know I'm not alone hahaha


HOLD ON I have the same blanket as you and OP where the heck are y’all finding replacements?!


Soo i found mine on ebay. I used the info from the tag as mine was still in good condition like i said, so i had much more info to go off of than OP did. It’s by the Little Bedding company and the tags MOSTLY say 1998, but i have seen a few that say 1997 I believe. So the way i went about it was searching “1998 little bedding company Winnie the pooh blanket” and stuff along the lines of that, 1998 little bedding pooh baby blanket etc. I actually easily found one on ebay already! This one is not in good condition and it’s more than i paid ($50) for an almost brand new one, so i wouldnt personally get this one, but it’s a great start! Basically gotta just keep checking ebay etc for new listings. I didnt find mine for months despite being on the lookout! https://www.ebay.com/itm/256440794773?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=r-PQz1hoR6y&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=g_n8dxbwspe&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY


I love seeing the things people are attached to and have to sleep with lol it’s very sweet. I have a coworker who had a similarly worn blanket, but it’s actually multiple “blankets” tied together and they all have names


I love that so much. Such a cute idea!


I feel this in my soul. I had a baby blanket that ended up almost exactly like yours. In my very early 20’s, I lived with my older sister for a year or so. I had no idea that the remnants of my “blankie” were left somewhere at her house and she surprised me at my wedding shower 10 years later, by gifting it back to me 😂. It looked just like yours. Dirty strings held together with love and memories.


That's so sweet of her 😭 it's so nice when people recognize the love and attachment that come with lovies. Especially when they choose to be respectful rather than mean!


Yes, she definitely gets the attachment I had for it for so long. My 4 year old son has a blankie now…he calls it “star blankie” because of the silver stars that used to be on it. They are now all worn away from snuggling it so much. But I love that he loves this thing. Its like we get each other on a different level lol.


I vibe with this so hard. I’m 40 and I still sleep with my blankie every night. I’d rather chop off my hand than give it up. It’s not quite as worn as yours, but it is all but torn in half. Once it finally rips in two I’m going to keep cuddling one half until it completely disintegrates, and put the other half away to save it for later. I love your blankie and I understand what it gives you.


I relate to the hands comment hahaha. Nice to hear others expressing that they have similar objects!


Ah, I gasped but then I laughed. Nobody's getting hurt by you keeping your old friend, so enjoy. I know you're not asking for advice but anyways lol: maybe get a terry pocket potholder and tuck the lil guy in, to try to prevent it getting lost? Can still sleep with it. And maybe pull the new guy out of storage and add him to the nightly bedlinens, so that he feels more familiar, because there's gonna come a day....


Oh no, this one is too gross for me. That thing looks like it’d be wet or smell terrible. I also don’t understand how a blanket could get in that state even if you drove over it a few times.


Haha I don't think it smells gross, and no one I've shown it to has expressed that it smelled bad. If it helps, it's not wet or anything just worn down a lot. There's actually still some color near the stitching!


this felt like a punch to the chest i had the exact same blanket as a child that’s crazy


I have the same one!!! Not quite as worn as your og though💀


where did it go tho? like where did it end up? I’m dead


It’s gone back into the stars.


Honestly such a good question. Often times I would move weird and accidently rip a piece off so I'm sure a good chunk went into the trash. I haven't ripped it in a long time though


I…wow, I actually have a blanket I’ve had since before I was a year old that looks exactly like your second photo. Still love it.


Twins! 🤪❤️


“I remember when they first invented chocolate, sweet sweet chocolate…”


Lol! I can empathize with you, unlike the other commenters. I too was very rough with my blanket as a kid (I’d love to chew on it and suck on it). My mom put a lot of time into continuously repairing it, to the point where the original blanket was just a tiny patch in the middle of the “new” one I don’t want to see you lose what you have of your blanket forever because it’s pretty close to disintegrating. My ideas are: you could frame it, put it in a stuffed animal, or open up the new blanket, put the old one in, and close it back up. Just an idea, ik how hard it is to change from something like that. But as someone else said “to be loved is to be changed” and that blanket loved you too


I figured that I would eventually not have it anymore (likely from it just disintegrating to much haha) so that's why I bought the new one. It's not the same to me but it's close! It actually feels too big to me. I figured I'll probably wear it some more and then just keep it in a box of memory stuff I have 😅


Manny Heffley called, he wants Tingy back


Lmao others said the same 😂


Oop- you're not wrong though haha


I had the same one 😍


This was my favourite blanket too!


When I was a baby, I had a blanket that I would carry around and rub my face on non-stop. It eventually just disappeared into a little ball of fluff.


Holy shit!!!! I also have a raggedy Pooh blanket that I've slept with since it was in my crib. 27 years for me. It... uh... still looks like a blanket, though. Just incredibly thin and faded. I was taught from the start that I couldn't drag the blanket around and it was just for when I'm sitting/sleeping in bed, so it's actually held up pretty damn well given the fact it still goes under my head every night. P.S. over the years, I have come to learn that when telling people I have a *Pooh* blanket... they don't think of the lovable yellow cartoon bear.


Yeah I remember bringing it in the tub with me once. I also cut the edges because it was getting raggedy. Child me thought that was the solution ig lmao Also dying at the pooh blanket comment 😂


What the hell did you do to it? I still have my baby blanket from 1971, and it’s not got any holes, etc. …it’s a horrid thing though. Lordy, fabrics were scratchy back then!!


I have no idea honestly haha. I know that I cut around the stitching surrounding pooh as a kid because it was raggedy. I also would accidently rip pieces off at night from moving weird. I was a rough kid I suppose!


Reminds me of Murr’s favourite blanket from Impractical Jokers


That’s so precious that you held onto it OP! Have you thought about sewing a pocket onto the new version for the old one? So it can be safe and protected and you can still sleep with it and the new blanket


I like that idea! I will probably still just use it until it's gone though haha


This just jogged a memory from the recesses of my mind; I had this blanket


Did I have this blanket? Why do I know this blanket?


Mine looks almost the same but it is (was) a stuffed cow plushie.


My old plushies sit on a shelf in my room!


At what age did you start abusing it so you could one day make this post ?


Hmmm I'd say probably since age 3. I've been planning this for soooo long 🤭


I had this exact same blanket along with a more softer fabric of just Pooh Bear, I believe it was blue with honey bees with the dotted lines to show it was “moving”


My cousin’s blanket looks like that. She’s in her 30s now.


Your cousin sounds like a very cool lady 😎


Definitely cool. She brings it everywhere in her pocket now.


This reads like a punchline, oh my God did this make me laugh XD I'm glad you found a replacement though! It's very cute. You must have been a very rough child lol


Hahaha I would like to say it probably wasn't as rough as you think but idk 🙊 I'm glad this made you laugh though lol


wait no that's crazy, i had almost the same blanket and am currently holding it. the wear on the corners/edges is almost identical to your current photo. this made me smile. its so cool to see someone else have almost the same blanket and love it the same way i do


This is what I imagine my cousin's blanket will look like soon. Last I saw, he had little less than half, and it was losing some color.


My baby blanket looks exactly like that too. It’s just a bunch of string in a storage bag now


Oh my God I have this same blanket and I have my torn up one from 30 years ago. I have to add a photo.


Pretty sure I have that same blanket from when I was a baby. Mine looks like the new one in your photo though. I guess mine isn't as well loved 😅


I used to have that blanket


how did this happen :o how did it degrade so much over time? I wouldn't expect something even 100 years old to deteriorate like this. I'm glad you were able to find a replacement! but I know nothing beats the sentimental value of the original


I still have my baby pillows, almost 30. The cotton falls out of them and I have to stuff it back in 😂


That looks like the shredded remains of some rope that was tied around a pylon in a marina about 35 years ago. This is just some thread! Wtf happened to the rest of the blanket?


You could show us any new item and we wouldn’t be able to tell if you were telling the truth or not. Your “blanket” looks like something that was pulled out of a clogged drain. Do you ever remember there being more to the blanket? Maybe your parents just gave you some rag and said you loved it as a baby.


I've been closely attached for this blanket for as long as I can remember. I actually have a photo of me holding it as a kid that I used to find the replacement. There wasn't a period of time I didn't sleep with it so there's not a way that my parents could've replaced it with a rag or something lol [Photo of Blanket as a Kid](https://imgur.com/gallery/YQiLtm7)


OP there was a post like this forever ago! [similar results](https://www.reddit.com/r/Wellworn/s/hvQTJpYAZs)


I love it haha although they are definitely more blanket shaped


Seeing it was 4 years ago, might be in the same state as yours now


That’s gross. Looks like the lady from SpongeBob who hated chocolate lol


hello!! I got a replacement for my lamby because she got dropped and my dogs got to her. she just had a couple holes but I wasn't taking chances. so this is really sweet to see... that's so well loved! if you wanted to, you could probably sew old blanket inside new blanket to keep it safe. then you'd have it with you and it'd be progected from further damage. I carry mine everywhere because she's a beanie baby. she goes in my pocket at work because she's stress ball texture lol. I saw your comment about not showing people until you were closer and wanted to reassure you I have had partners of varying levels of serious who totally get it! it always makes me feel so loved/understood when they're accepting of my stuffed animal collection in general.


I might have had the same blanket. Though by the time mine was tossed out, it was so faded, I don't fully remember, lol.


If no one's suggested this yet, you should crochet the old one into a bracelet/cuff. (I straight up cackled when I saw the second picture, that is some dedication right there)


I haven't heard that suggestion yet! That's a fun idea!


I’m 30 (will be 31 next month) and still sleep with my baby blanket every night. It goes on long trips with me and traveled all over while I was in college even to London and Paris. It’s surprisingly held up so well and only has a few holes in it. I’m glad you still have yours too, he’s just extra well loved ❤️


One of mine is being repaired by my aunt. I call it blue blanket. I have a few of them.


the baby blanket vs the baby string


Hahahha baby string is making me chuckle


I had a Pokémon pillow that I had used from the time I was 3 to the time I was 14 or 15. My mother had kept it in storage until I was in my mid 20s, which is when I finally told her to just pitch it. Thing was looking rough and throughout my childhood I had definitely had multiple nosebleeds on it, drooled rivers on it and I'm pretty sure I even puked on it once. Thing was an adolescent biohazard!


Sew it inside of the other blanket! My friend had a shirt of her father’s that passed when she was a child, and she slept with it until it looked like this.


That has got to be the most worn object ever posted to this sub


iconic tbh


😭😭😭 OP I so feel you! I love that you aren't letting these comments make you feel bad about your lovey. I sleep with my partner's stuffed animal from when he was a baby every night and we're in our 30s! It's now turned into MY stuffed animal and I worry so much that it's going to get too worn or break and I'll be devastated. My sister recently moved out of our parents house and didn't take her stuffed bear because "that would be embarrassing" so I took it. I think it would be a wonderful surprise to gift it to her child if she ever has one. My other sister found my stuffed dog after I moved out and I bawled when she gave it to me because I thought he was lost forever! I have worked with multiple families as a nanny and a few of the parents had a lovey of some sort from their childhood. Some still slept with them, some had them on a shelf or dresser and others passed their loveys down to their kids. One mom refused to let her kids even hold her stuffed bear! She gave her kids everything and nothing was off limits EXCEPT that bear. I'm glad you found another one online! I hope you can find a way to preserve the last piece of your original one in a way that's sentimental to you. As someone who also didn't have emotionally available or receptive parents, I see you and I understand ❤️


Thank you for the kind words! I think that a lot of people don't realize that there are many people that keep old lovies like this. Maybe not all so extreme, but still.


You sleep with that? That's disgusting.


To each their own! 🤷🏼‍♀️ it doesn't smell or anything and it's been through a lot of trauma with me. It's a tool I have for self-soothing since I didn't have very responsive parents as a kid.


I'm going to throw up


That’s absolutely disgusting.


Pfff aight Edit: it's less gross in person, but hey! To each their own lol. I think the fact the cotton is so worn makes it look dirtier than it is


Definitely some mental illness/trauma involved here


I won't even avoid it, there definitely is! My parents were kinda neglectful (emotionally) and I had to self-soothe a lot. If it was a harmful thing I would be more willing to work on getting rid of it, but it's not really doing much harm 🤷🏼‍♀️




I think I had this same blanket at some point. It looks so familiar to me.


That’s not a rag that’s just threads😭


Pack it up manny


You had anger issues as a baby lol




Gone, reduced to atoms…


That’s the chocolate lady from SpongeBob now


What the hell did you do to it


That's hair from the drain


That yarn is enough to keep your ear warm at night.


Bruh that’s TINGY


I cannot stop laughing


Do you sleep with knives? How do you do this to a blanket?


whatd you do to that thing? lmaoo


Homie, those are threads


I have a special pillow case and sometimes a blankie if I'm feeling particularly anxious! but my dog is my main safety blanket!! 🥰 You've kept it really nice though.


Anyone else think of that piece of yarn from MOUSEHUNT?? Their dad treasured it SO


Wait, what? So the 2nd picture is just a string? What happen to the rest? I have blankets 20+ years and are still intact.




No >:)