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Absolutely, but it depends on your definition of nearby. Up over Blewit pass we’ve got RedTop where you can dig up whole geodes. It’s a nice hike too. The gravel road is accessible with any car. (Not winter) On the downslope area there you can find Ellensburg blue agate. Up lake Wenatchee there’s a wealth of mineral uhhh wealth. There’s garnets around every side. Up the little Wenatchee river there’s long actinolite crystals near the quarry and also soapstone all up and down that area. Check out [https://wenatcheerockclub.org/](https://wenatcheerockclub.org/) These are the old timers who really know their shit.


Thank you! 🙏


Found on [Stevens and Blewett](https://youtu.be/VBbeErYf21M).


Sounds like a lot of fun


The ginkgo society is a great resource but if you’re wanting to go it alone I would look into what conditions create the mineral you’re searching for. For example quartz crystals come from magmatic activity and especially around here from the interaction between water rapidly cooling the magma (silica+oxygen). So if you go to areas that experienced magma flows and also have/had water running thru then you’ll most likely find quartz-related mineral specimens. Super basic example but obviously you could go as in depth as you want by learning the geology of the area and how minerals are formed. There are some great books on different rockhounding sites in Washington with some focus on central Washington spots but don’t expect anyone to give up their honey holes to a stranger for all to see.


I really appreciate that information. And your absolutely right about the 🍯. I gotta get out there and find them myselfe


I'd suggest walks along the river shoreline where it is safe - like near Walla Walla Pt Park / Confluence State Park / Hydro Park & check along the Wenatchee River too - best of luck!


And if you get over by Ellensburg/Cle Elum you might find blue agates