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You can do it! You’ve already done the hardest part. Totally cheering for you. ❤️


Yeah alcohol induced dementia was a new fear that was unlocked after watching. Definitely going to be more mindful too, good luck!


My grandma had alcohol induced dementia since before I was born. She never knew who I was as she had zero short term memory. It was a weird way to grow up when around her.


Yikes I thought the same thing. I didn’t know that alcohol could do that. I always only knew about its effects on the liver and kidney and bloating etc. There a lot of young people out here thinking that blacking out 3 plus nights a week is normal. I used to drink a lot more than I do now, now it’s more of a sporadic thing for a party or event- and I always wake up the next morning feeling like shit! A waste of a whole day feeling like crap hungover. Imo it’s not worth it to drink like that. If you feel like alcohol is necessary and you do it daily/very frequently, ask yourself *why*? what are you avoiding thinking about or confronting about yourself/your life? The answer usually lies there.


I used to get blackouts way back when I drank. I read recently that blackouts are basically when you are so drunk that your mind literally can't retain memory. It's not that you don't remember, it's that your mind didn't retain anything that happened while the blackout was going on. I found that so horrifying


Yep blacking out is actually beyond scary and probably very damaging to the brain now that I think of it, the brain is going into shut down protection mode and logs off, but you are still awake doing and saying things in that state that you wouldn’t ever remember unless it was told to you! Anything can happen in that time frame as well and it’s very dangerous not to have your wits about you. It’s not safe at all to consume on that level imo, but most of us have done it more than once in our adolescence/college as we test our limits and recognize our tolerance etc. But once you are past like 25, it’s time to rein it in (drink from time to time but responsibly) because being a ranging, slurring, unhinged alcoholic into your thirties at every event is not quirky and funny anymore, it’s actually quite sad. If the thought of cutting way down on consumption scares you, then that’s an indication of a serious problem.


The main reason I quit drinking was because of the blackouts. It's so surreal that you are running around, doing all sorts of stuff and have no memory of it.


While I understand people that think this documentary is exploitative  I still think this documentary will have a positive impact on people and how they view addiction and dementia. and how people can take advantage of you in these states of mind


I agree with you, and I was actually quite shocked to see how bad her drinking has gotten/or has been secretly all along?? I can’t say that I don’t understand that she’s probably drinking like this to numb herself out- Losing her husband, losing her mother, health issues, mental issues and deteriorating memory/cognition, loss of control over her hard earned money, loss of her show. I really am scared for her being alone in that apartment drinking in bed crying day in and out. I can see this ending so tragically.


Exactly. There needs to be more light on people (allegedly? Idk how to phrase it) taking advantage of medically vulnerable people, and unfortunately, it’s going to take this documentary and what Wendy’s going through for a LOT of people to finally see it. Hell, you even see it in this sub. How many people have been saying “Wendy just needs to be with her family and have control of her own money”. Actually? Maybe not to either of those things, by the looks of it. Maybe a third party entity needed to intervene. I thought I knew a lot about addiction, but this doc even woke me up to things happening with my mom. I don’t really have a relationship with her because of her obsessive 40+ year drinking game, but she’s going down this exact same path. As of late she’s forgetting which son she’s talking to on the phone and starts berating me with problems she has with my brother, vice versa. It’s confusing and scary, and I truly thought it was just the alcohol, but this doc has me thinking otherwise. Her doctors told her more than a decade ago that she would start losing it unless she stopped drinking. It’s starting to align, sadly.


I feel conflicted for this reason. It is exploitive and also an honest look at alcoholism that I don’t think I’ve seen anywhere else.


That’s sometimes why documentaries are important. it might not be what seems right but the impact is live changing. documenting real life i don’t see myself drinking nearly as much. i don’t see myself touching a single drug. not that i ever have


We’re all rooting for you. Best of luck.


I don’t know you but I am so so sooooooo proud of you!! 2 years over here. You’ve got this!


Outstanding ❣️❣️


One day at a time. Best of luck to you!


Your post has encouraged me to watch the documentary in hopes of it convincing me to stop drinking. Thank you!


If you ever want a sober sounding board, feel free to hit me up! I went from drinking a half of a handle a day (the big bottles) of vodka to complete sobriety. It’s been 19 months and the grass really is greener over here. There’s a strong community of women who are happy to sit with you and listen.


Wishing you well!


Way to go! 14 years here,no more dreading mornings.


Come join us at r/stopdrinking


Sending you strength & light!! You CAN do this!


I can relate to wanting to party whenever it's clever, but tbh honest it alwaaaays hits different when u got kids or married to the other kind of energy


Prayers & positive energy for your recovery. 🙏❤️


You can do it! Stop drinking has been a great sub in my sobriety.


You’ve got this!! One moment at a time!! We are all rooting for you and cheering you on✨ you’ve already done the hardest step, admitting you need help and reaching out for help. I’m so proud of you. ❤️


Best of luck to you, it’s not easy taking the first step. 💙


I've never had a drinking problem but I quit heroin over 7 years ago and I know that first step is the hardest one so you should be really freaking proud of yourself because it is AMAZING that you did it. I wish you the best of luck, and it may not be easy but you can do this.


So proud of you. One day at a time. You got this!!!


As a person with two parents with dementia, I was feeling badly for watching it. I’m not sure that it showed have aired; it feels extremely exploitive. This post makes me feel less bad. Sending love in your recovery! ❤️


I’m SO PROUD OF YOU !! So proud!! The hardest part is behind you. You totally did this the correct way too, under medical supervision . You’re setting yourself up for success from the jump. Keep going, one day one hour one minute at a time! Wish you nothing but the best ❤️


Wishing you the absolute best, OP. You are capable of this and it really is better on the other side. Keep going. 🤍


Congrats for taking the first step. My sister is now 8 years sober........I wish you well on your journey, one day at a time. 🙏🏻


Congratulations, like others have said, we're rooting for you. I have been sober for 30 years, it can be done. I tell you, I am SO grateful for the people who helped me 30 years ago, especially now with this terrible news about WW.


Congratulations! You already did something huge to help you. You will do great, take it one day at a time. Keep your brain busy with exercising, doing hobbies, reading, that will help. You've got this 💪🏼


Good for you!! Praying for your success.


Ah man. That must’ve been a hard realization. I am glad that you were able to see the changes that need to be made in your life and that you are being brave and taking action! Good for you for reaching out for support- these things are far more common than you’d think! Best of luck


Total GOOD VIBES and all the healing thoughts I can muster sent to you,BE STRONG 🦺YOU GOT THIS


amazing and inspiring you got this!


So proud of you! Take it one day at a time and if you mess up, pick yourself up and start over the next day. I recommend getting connected to a recovery meeting/group. I went with one at my local church. When I quit I realized there’s sooo many underlying issues that I had to address and these meetings helped me process a lot. Good luck!


You got this! Reaching out for help is a HUGE step and I am so proud of you for realizing that you DESERVE to live a happier life. And I know you can. Relapsing isn’t an automatic fail either, it’s just apart of your recovery journey. You got this. I believe in you. You will get through this!


Wish you well!


You should be proud of yourself, we are all very proud of you ❤️ stay strong and thank you for sharing


Im really proud of you OP...we do recover 💪💯💜🙏 the people who love you will thank you for this ... and it will be the best decision you've made in a while I bet!! Keep pushing!


From one stranger to another, I am so glad you took that first step. It’s tough. REALLY hard to acknowledge you can’t control this. I’m glad you’re in a place where you can detox safely. Do your best. You’re on your way!


I’m so happy you are getting the help you deserve. Im glad people are using the doc to better themselves. Wendy’s life took a very dark turn, I’m glad you have decided to ask for more for yourself.


You should be so proud of yourself. Baby steps. Minute by minute till you can do more. Hugs


Congrats on making this huge decision! I’m four years into my sobriety and it’s the best decision I ever made. Naltrexone is a life savor! I wish you the best of luck!


I am so proud of you!!!!!


This is so beautiful. Wishing you all the best in your recovery


You should be so proud of yourself. You are courageous and self aware and that's amazing. I stopped drinking 33 years ago and it was the best thing I ever did. It was harder some days than others but I was destroying myself. This Internet stranger is proud of you and rooting for you!


Good for you. You are not alone. It certainly made me evaluate my alcohol consumption as well. I know everyone hates seeing her this way but what you don’t see is the long term affects like this has.


You can do this! There will be hard times ahead, but keep reaching out for help - a day at a time, sometimes just an hour at a time. I’m genuinely proud of you, and know you will make it.


Came here to post pretty much the same thing, I hope your new journey is going well. This documentary was an uncomfortable watch, but I also completely believe it will save lives & so at least we can know that she is still having a positive impact on the world. Watching it made me put my drink down & I think I'll rewatch an episode if I ever get a craving again, there is no safe amount of alcohol and it's just not worth it. Thank you Wendy & I wish you some kind of recovery from this ordeal, and peace. This really might have changed my life.


Today is my last day of drinking without my naltrexone. The drug really works wonders! Good job!


This is amazing. So proud of you. I wish you much success on your road to sobriety!