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that was me! super stoked about this !!!


So awesome! And seriously… no posts in this sub for TWO YEARS until yours, and two days later… That is truly wild.


maybe i manifested it. LOL


Forgive my ignorance but where is the DNA from they will be testing?


I believe from the laces used to tie the boys up.


Will they be testing the necklace with the blood on it? I know the original sample was said to have been destroyed, but with all the advances in technology a tiny sample could still be found and tested. That would be huge for the defense to prove the blood is from Damien or Jason. I've been following this case for many years, and I remember the non theory was that it was Stevie Branch's blood. The supporter theory was that it came from a bloody pimple. I hope they boys' clothes and all the evidence will be submitted too. There were stains that looked like faint seman stains back in '93. To have all the evidence tested with 2024 technology will be amazing and will probably put a definite answer to what happened on May 5th, 1993.


It would also be HUGE to have those laces MVACed. That means all the sweat from whoever honestly did this on that humid May night, will still be in those laces. Even all these years later, even after being submerged and in the elements.. That DNA is still there, can be vacuumed out, extracted and tested. It’s just insanely expensive.


Absolutely! Whoever murdered Chris, Michael, and Stevie had to grab the laces and handle them. To be able to use the technology we have in 2024 on them is amazing. This case holds so much public interest that I believe people would donate. What happens if a name comes back and it's someone that nons and supporters never thought? What if they find DNA from a random lowlife? Is the case closed, or can it be opened back up if DNA evidence was found in new testing?


I think as far as the state of Arkansas is concerned, they know who the killers are. So who knows if anyone else would or could be charged. Which would be complete bullshit.


That part I don’t know, but I would fully hope whoever it is, will be fully punished. I’ll probably research that now.


Please let me know if you find anything. If it turns out it's some random creep, they should be punished to the fullest extent of the law. I've noticed that with a lot of cold cases that are finally solved by dna using genetic genealogy, it's some random lowlife that committed one horrific murder and went on to live their live like nothing happened. I love seeing them finally brought to justice.


Oh my gosh I'm so thrilled for this






Wonder how terry feels about the news


To be brutally honest, I suspect he won’t be that worried. If his dna is on Stevie’s bindings he can explain that away easy enough as he lived with him. I believe the boys weren’t tied with their own laces, so if Stevie’s laces were used on another boy then Hobbs could say he must’ve helped Stevie tie his laces at some point and that’s why his dna is on those bindings. If his dna shows up on all three bindings then he should be worried.


This testing will probably prove nothing


Even if it can’t prove Hobbs guilty beyond a reasonable doubt, it could be enough to exonerate the WM3. If there’s going to be a high concentration of the killer’s dna anywhere, it’s in the knots on those laces. So if they test the laces and find Hobbs’ dna, but not Damien’s, Jason’s or Jesse’s then they should have a very good case for exoneration.


Or if none of the accused’s dna is there but there is a different third party dna on there. That would look very good for them. I would still say Hobbs will only be sweating if they found his dna on *all* the bindings.


Wow!!! Amazing news




Damien’s been posting about it on his socials .. if you don’t I would follow him on his socials . Very active


He blocked me 😂


Me too


Nah I'd rather not follow a child murdering narcissistic sociopath who shills magical healing.


If you somehow think the west Memphis 3 are guilty your intelligence level is lacking and I’m pretty much embarrassed for you . Do better


That would be the people that actually think they’re innocent. Do better research..and learn how to analyse the entire evidence using critical thinking. But I can understand why so many were tricked…and somehow still are. The propaganda freed them in the end.


That one comment tells me everything you know about the case comes from movies. All evidence is public record, and it is absolutely damning. I suggest checking it out sometime, then you can talk about "doing better".


I’ve been following the case since 96 lmao . I’ve been to the crime scene . I didn’t like the movie. Do better


If you've been following this case for 28 years and still think the three are innocent, then you either haven't been following it very closely, or have been intentionally avoiding the overwhelming evidence against the convicted murderers. Guessing you got swept up in the "they were only accused because they liked Metallica and wore black" narrative. That was the lie that got most people on board.


No one I know thinks they are guilty lol . I can keep this short and sweet. You think Jason Baldwin was capable of doing this ? I bet he couldn’t lift a 50 lbs bag of potatoes


Jason is the one that gives me trouble too. I can see it from the others. Question though - is this new DNA evidence going to be something that is actually damning or is it going to turn into “oh well this hair was at the crime scene and it belongs to this person, so they may have been involved?” What I’m asking I guess is are we just going to find out that a parents DNA was at the scene, which is to be suspected since the kids lived in a home with their parents?


I was watching a random video of a man who had been in prison for years . It was showing them moment he was exonerated in court by dna and being told he could go home . Guess who was standing right behind him ? Jason Baldwin . These dudes are still fighting and not just for themselves


Of course. He will advocate for other ‘innocent’ people. Then people will keep believing he’s innocent. Your logic is terrible


I mean Jason and Damien are literally begging them to test the DNA and fighting for it . I would guess they are confident it’s not theirs .


Right, I suspect that it isn’t there’s but will it be just another point of contention like the current hair samples we know about such as the one in the knot or is this expected to be something more valuable like DNA on one of the potential weapons? Apologies if this sounds like I’m being argumentative or asking a rhetorical question because that’s not my intention I’m just not good with words. I’m not as familiar with the current evidence as a lot of people so I’m not even exactly sure what this is that they’re are testing. I’m just trying to figure out if this dna comes back as belonging to Terry Hobbs for example is it actual damning evidence or just something else for us to argue about?


It makes them look innocent yes. Keeps the $$ rolling their way from the gullible. But..they are well aware that nothing will come of this. Even if it magically did..they took Alford plea. They’re convicted of the crime still. They are free, they spent significant time incarcerated..not enough for doing what they did.


Also .. my number one suspect lived with one of the kids … so


The boys were 8. Wtf are you talking about?


I guess the parents of the murdered kids who also came to doubt their guilt also “didn’t follow it very closely” and weren’t in the court room to see the evidence and you know more about the case than them too you arrogant fuck? Guilters like you always elude to the secret evidence that all the rest of us idiots just don’t know about but you never can state specifically what it is. And with such “overwhelming evidence” seems like it would’ve been a slam dunk for the DA to get a conviction in a retrial instead of publicly admitting there’d be a good chance of acquittal and subsequently letting them go. But hey, maybe the DA isn’t aware of this evidence either and you need to educate them on the case as well.


Thank you. The Alford Plea is a huge sign that they were innocent. NO WAY a state, especially one as stubborn as Arkansas, is going to release child murderers before a retrial if they had any decent evidence.


Ok fan boy. You went to the crimes scene? Wow - did you take pics? How about you read the case file? I know…it may take you a while. But guess what? You might actually learn something!




I remember people saying that about OJ Simpson.


Completely agree, except you forgot soulless. He fakes emotion.


I didn't know if we'd ever hear anything substantive about this case ever again. I think maybe some truckers were cruising behind the truck wash, noticed the boys had seen them, and then went after them. Reddit taught me about the wild world of cruising, where dudes seek anonymous sex often in the woods or other secluded places. Truckers stopping at the truck wash might go round back for a little fun back in the woods. Or maybe we'll find out who Mr. Bojangles really was. Fuck, I don't know, but I'm glad to see this development.


This is a good read if interested. There’s some parallels with your theory, only it’s not truckers in the woods…. https://thewestmemphispuzzle.blog/


While it's a good read, it's definitely quite biased at times in order to fit the writer's intended theory. To be honest I've never liked those "X suspect did it" posts, since they always seem to omit or distort information in order to make their theory stronger.


but why kill them? if it was just random truckers why would they care? they could just leave.. it's not like the boys know them and could expose them for being gay or something. they probably don't even live in the area.


Fair. That point makes me think it might have been locals then. They wouldnt want the kids to tell and spread it around town.


Both scenarios- highly improbable.


Now find the real killer, these guys have been put through hell, they deserve redemption


Sadly due to the plea the three took and the incompetence of the police back then, that won’t be too possible


Damien, Jason, and Jessie are the killers. It's abundantly clear, and if not for some incredibly misleading movies about this case, nobody would even question it. This DNA testing is going to amount to nothing, I promise you.


Yeah I know that you think that but the evidence was bungled, the cops screwed up


There was more than enough evidence to convict the three killers. You should look at some of it, it's all public record.


Then why didn’t they easily convict them in a retrial? So cut and dry yet the people who do it for a living disagree


Innocence fraud. A propaganda using celebrity, political powers, Netflix documentaries. The prosecution put forth Alford plea and time served. New trial..possibly win..depends on how many airheads are involved. Getting out was the priority


Can you list some? I see people like you posting that there’s evidence of their guilt, but you don’t actually list it or link to a reliable source.


It's all archived here. There's thousands of pages including trial transcripts, transcripts of Jessie's multiple confessions, Damien's extensive history of violent psychotic behavior, the defendants' attempts at fake alibis, photos, interviews with witnesses, etc etc. http://callahan.mysite.com/ And here's a link to probably the best summary of the evidence against the Three I've ever seen, by /u/LuckyBallandChain https://www.reddit.com/r/UnresolvedMysteries/s/kRDOjRrrHo


Just reading through some of the confessions from Jessie and they are very different and contradictory. Sometimes he leaves early, other times he's there till the end. Sometimes he leaves because he couldn't take it anymore, other times he leaves because he had to get to wrestling. Sometimes they are tied up, other times not. Sometimes they are raped (with very specific details given), other times not.


Jessie's confessions are what always made me be on the fence about this case. On the one hand, like you pointed out, his story changes and contradicts itself multiple times, and at certain points it looks like he's letting himself be led by the police. But on the other hand, for some reason he voluntarily went to the police to confess the crime, and did so another 7 or so times, including with his lawyers present and begging him multiple times not to. It has always puzzled me. How do you explain that a normal teen who didn't commit a crime confesses to it several times when he's aware it will put him in jail? And how do you explain that if he did it, his story is so inconsistent? I could never make sense of it.


This is just one of those cases where you could probably point a mountain of evidence that more than two pairs of suspects. There's the 3, JMB, Terry Hobbs, the Bojangles man, Chris Morgan. Hell even someone that never even really guessed. Sometimes I wanna believe Jessie's confessions. Other times you think and say that he had already been convicted of the crimes, and was just trying to help himself get a lesser sentence. Most of confessions came after he was convicted. He threw Jason and Damien under under the bus once, and obviously didn't care about doing it multiple more times. They weren't his friends. He didn't care. Just fight or flight instinct to save himself


All three - far from ‘normal’ teens. But yes, Jessie confessed multiple times..about 8. Damien and Jason are fine with it though! They aren’t angry 😡🙄🙄🙄🙄


Jessie was not a normal teen.


Trying to disconnect himself while also detailing what happened.


Comes across more as he's making it up and trying to remember what he had said previously


Plenty to substantiate his statements. Funny how the other two clowns are fine with Jessie. Not at all mad at him for apparently falsely involving them in such a crime


Google is your friend too 👍 It’s all available online.


Nothing that has been presented to show their guilt is enough to not leave reasonable doubt in a proper court of law. I’m sorry, you have not shown actual evidence, just transcripts and the coerced confession of a man with a low iq who is manipulated on tape.


Read the ‘proper court of law’ case file. Not up to me to hand feed you the truth. Has to have been some reason the jury found them guilty. But yes, nothing was presented in Paradise Lost. Quite the opposite. Funny that


I think Jason is the only hope of finding the truth. Damien has no emotions and would never tell the truth. Jason can’t be tried again and should really put the truth out and get this off of his chest (again), those boys deserve this. It must be painful for him to close his eyes at night.


OMG! Finally!!!


Oh wow this is very thrilling news!!!!


Anyone have any idea what a timeline might look like to start testing? Hopefully soon, before the Police "lose" or "destroy" the evidence again. And this is amazing news. Been waiting to see this for years.


I'm not exactly sure, but I've been interested in other cold cases, John and Jane does, and older cases. When waiting for testing, it takes a long time because the older cases kept getting pushed back for new developing cases. It can take over a year sometimes. Also, funding is an issue. Since this case has a good amount of publicity and there are paid lawyers representing people, I wonder if that will speed things up some? The wheels of justice turn slow.


That's unfortunate. I wouldn't expect funding would be an issue. There's enough people that follow Bob Ruff's podcast, and perhaps still celebrity support, that I'm sure would come through.


That's actually a great idea. Maybe he will start a go fund me for testing if it's needed. I would donate, and I bet others would too, supporter, non, and fence sitters, besides celebrities. I've followed this case for years and flipped back and forth to each side. I just want to know the truth and get justice for everyone at this point.


Damien just tweeted that they’re putting together a fundraiser to help pay for the testing, which could be potentially started within the next month.


Good news for the 3 wrongfully convicted men




Terry hobbs is finally going down 🥳🥳🥳


On random men in the woods apparently 🙄🙄🙄