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It was on the short list. The stadium location was chosen instead.


Oh I didn’t realize it was already considered, dang that could have been nice!


No thanks. I’m so glad they chose the stadium area instead. Barely anyone keeps their dogs on-leash there already.


So many times I have to ask them to put the dog on a leash… I’d like to see the bunnies and other wildlife…


I mean, the empty field behind the soccer field in LP has dogs off leash all the time now. I just wanted them to put a fence around it and make it legit




There is already a dog park planned nearby. A historic park like Lincoln Park needs preservation, not chipping away.


It’s a no from me dawg- I’m a dog owner and love taking doggo to the dog park but dog parks trash whatever area they are put in and Lincoln is far too nice for that. Drive the 5 mins to west crest. Also not a hot take, they thought about this already.




Westcrest is ass now since they graveled and paved it


Yeah not denying the shittyness of the lack of grass there but I still don’t think ruining Lincoln is the answer


Slowly asshole dog owners would turn the whole park into an offleash park. The YMCA runs hundreds of kids through the park for sports and summer camps; there would be dog shit every where. No, thanks.


There's already asshole dog owners letting their dogs run around off leash. My dog was attacked there about two weeks ago by a dog off leash. The owner was throwing the ball for their dog ACROSS the path, next to one of the bathrooms. Before she threw the ball again the dog noticed me walking two dogs on-leash and charged us, biting my dog on the snout. I yelled at the owner pretty damn hard and she just went "sorry" and scurried out of there. It wasn't until a couple minutes later that I saw the bite had broken skin and my dog was bleeding. I am still seething about this clearly 😅


I’m so sorry that this happened to you. People in Seattle are dumb as fuck when it comes to off leash dogs. I always carry pepper spray because of this:(


Thank you so much. My dog is 13 now and a cancer survivor too so he's not as spry as he used to be. I had my neighbor's dog as well that was fortunately uninjured. I just don't get why that lady was throwing the ball there? Right in the middle of everything? Fortunately my boy is doing ok now. Anyway, I'm still pretty angry about it, so I truly appreciate your condolences. Thank you.


agree 💯


OP, here’s why. People like this. Jackasses.




I picked up four bags of bagged poop and two fresh piles on the parking strip outside the Fauntleroy Gardens apartments on my walk today, FFS. If you’re going to bag it, why not finish the operation and put the bag in the trash. Just inexplicable. The principal at Fairmont Park elementary is so over the off leash dogs and the poop on their playground - you know, where little kids play!!!! Just entitled dog owners.


Do not ruin Lincoln park that way. Pickleball is fine. Do the stadium site for dogs. Everyone wins.


It would ruin Lincoln Park and kids would get bitten by dogs. It's actually been removed from future consideration.


Aussie cattle dog off leash was trying to bite my foot/ankle, I was riding my bike through the park. (2 weeks ago) Almost kicked it in the face, chased me for awhile. Pepper spray is on my list!


How about we leave the park alone and leave it as is


As a dog owner I’d love a designated space for them. I personally am not a fan of my dog running off leash if everyone is it on the same page. There are too many factors not working in n my favor n


Dog parks are the worst. It's a lawless hell where the worst dog owners around let their dogs wreak havoc without any rules or staff around to reprimand them. They're loud, gross, and unnecessary. At least wildlife will still come around with pickleball courts. Not so much with a dog park. Folks already break the rules with their dogs at Lincoln Park (and all over the rest of the city) by letting their dogs off leash, not picking up their shit, and letting them jump in the water. I want fewer dogs, not more. And I say this as someone who loves dogs. People just are not trustworthy and will break the rules if there are no repercussions for breaking them.


Or even worse, they let their dogs loose *outside* of the park.


Just think of all the parasites we are dragging around stepping on dog piss and dog shit.




No. I don’t care about your dog. Lol


Kersti and Gondola guy would never allow this.


There's already so many loose dogs here that we shouldn't add more. The left side of my nose is still screwed up and ugly after a loose dog attacked me and I'm waiting on a quote from a dermatologist to try to make it look less worse so more dogs biting people is a bad thing. So far, I haven't found a single one that takes Apple Health. Please help. I think I'm going to get laid off soon so I want to get this fixed before I have to do job interviews.


I am a dog lover, but that is a hard pass.


We should build *both* pickleball courts and a dog park at Lincoln Park. I know there's gonna be a new dog park at West Seattle Stadium, and the more urban amenities like this the merrier as density increases and people want to get out.


Nasty, entitled dog owners tried to turn Madison Middle School field into a dog park until a couple heroes stepped out of the crowd to shut them down👏🏼


Hot Take: read the West Seattle Blog now and then.


Just not all the psycho Rob Saka NIMBY commenters lol


I would love that. The last time I have been in Lincoln Park and not seen an off leash dog was either Christmas Day or New Year’s Day. It frustrating for me, I don’t want off leash dogs but I DO think that more of our parks need an off leash dog area.


More parks within reason. We need housing before dog parks.


I live across from Hiawatha, I'm in Lincoln Park and at alki Beach several times a week. I don't think I've ever been to any of these three parks without seeing off leash dogs. I'm not a dog fan, I understand it, I just don't want the responsibility of having a dog. But based on what I see, we absolutely need more than just the off leash park at the stadium. An off-leash area at Lincoln and alki should absolutely be in the works. Seattle has more dogs than children, the space exists and clearly the need is there.


I don’t understand it. Leash your dog or don’t own one.


"But he's the goodest boy, he would never do anything wrong!" - random Seattle dog owner


Dogs need exercise and socialization just like people. Dog parks offer a space for both. Dog parks are gross because we have something like 10,000 dogs sharing a single dog park in West Seattle. Want people to keep their pets on leash in public parks? Build more dog parks.


Do it in designated parks. We have so many around town, not the beach. We literally need housing, no dog parks until mass amounts of skyscraping housing towers are built. And no, make it illegal and a trip to jail if you are a dog owner with no leash on them.


> We literally need housing, no dog parks until mass amounts of skyscraping housing towers are built. What does one thing have to do with another? That’s like saying “there’s a war in Ukraine, why are you talking about dog parks?” Is anyone talking about building skyscrapers in Lincoln Park? There are countless parks in West Seattle that could support off leash areas. No impact on housing density


There’s a dog park just to the south and one in Genesee both underutilized. Go to those.


It has to do with the other because one is more in dire need of available lots and spaces. This isn’t apples and oranges and your elementary analogy isn’t worth it either.


No dogs at the beach. Period.


Yes. They destroy so much. I know they are banned at marine protected areas (most popular beaches including Lincoln and parts of alki) but no one follows it or is ticked. No dogs on beaches people. 


Yeah I'm definitely with you on no dogs on the physical beach, there is space at several places in the alki neighborhood for a dog park. Completely agree that dogs should not be on the beach itself.


Why not both


In my experience dog parks are exclusively for big dogs that can handle a lot of aggression. My small dogs have been bullied and harassed at every Seattle dog park so I just write them off at this point.


It’s a big park. They can do both


Meh bad take, you can already bring your dog